Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 30, 1893, Image 1

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    - j
Volume I.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, March 30, 1893.
Number 4.
Joint Senator..
C. R. Crnsno
'. I. P. Hlue
B. K. Jones
Geortre (.andis
.Henry lienliuifer
t'has. Hooth
Jos. Gideon
T. K. Parker
Jas. Russell
J. O. Steams
M. L. Trapp
oiinty Judjie
ii-b'Nl Snparliitotuleut
Commissioners i
Justice of ihe Peace
J. A. Hall
A. E. Altree
IHI1ST II U'TISTS. Meet every first Hundav
' in each month, a 11 a. ui. and also on the
fciturdav preceding the above Sunday, at 'J p.
Jn.. in the Toledo Public Hall. L. M. Mutter,
Resident Pastor.
VT loitss CHl'liCH 'Protestent Episcopal.
ft lievlne service the third Sunday of uvorv
month, at 11 a. m. All arc Invited to attend.
' Kev. ( has. Booth. .Missionary. Residence,
"Rectory," Newport, Dr.
n t v Toledo Lodge. No. 10S. Meet
cverv Kriilav evcuinir at their hall In this
wu. J. I.. I.u'tz, X. i;.; J. s. liaither, Sec'y.
O. ;. T. Meets every Thursday evening.
3t. t'rusno, 0.
t. tieiners, ;ecnjiur.
General Merchandise,
Toledo, Or.
Toledo Meat Market,
deals in
Fresh and Cured Meats
Toledo, - - Oregon.
Steamer Benton,
On and' April tst, will make
tegularj,.&N, , f ns between Toledo
and Newji'y w-y landings.
Low FreiehiX 2nd Fares, See
time for biiiving on Bulletin at
Copsland's corner.
T.J. Huford, Prop.
' First-class.
CIni frew -KeartOiiable.
L . ' .
Flour and Feed, Staple and Fancy Groceries,
i)f y Goods, Clothing, Gent' I'm? niahing Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothine.
Tboots and shoes,-
Yaquina City, Oregon.
1 STEAVAltT, this
Is Agent for
The Leading Nurserymen
'fes, Give us a Call.
Southern Pacilic
Shasta Haae
tar- Express Trains Leave rorilail Mt. -i
SO l Til I N l RTl 1
7:00 p. M. I I.v. Portland Ar. I P:M A. M.
10:i P. H. 1 Lv. Albany I.v. 1 4:3 A. M.
11:1') A. . I Ar. San i'ran. I.v. ITO P.M.
X: 0:1 a. Jt. I I.v-. Portland Art !'
2: 4-1 p. M, Lv. Albanv Lv. J: P. M.
A: : p. M. Ar. Uoseburit I.v. piOA.M.
ALBANY I.Ot'AL DAILY (Except Stday.)
5: :l p. M. Lv. Portland Ar. il::A.x.
fi: (X) p. M. 1 Ar. Albany Lv. I yl::M A. x,
"JTSi pTjT Lv! Albanv At. Ji i'i p. M.
:i: J-'i p. m. Ar. Lebanon Lv. f:40 p. 51.
7::K) A. M. Lv. Albanv Ar. trail' M.
:! A. M. I Ar. Lebanon Lv. J:40 I M-
T1TT T It t V rTT-lT'l CT TTT"tlO
X (..AiAil..1LA ULl'tll OLllLlif JjACO
Second-Class Sleeping
For the Accommodation o I'assenirers'ioldiiig
Second-llaat Tickets attached to txpiess
Mall Train Daily (Except Snnda5J
f::m A. M.
!:10 P .M-
.vi P. M.
U': P.
At Albany tnd Corvnllis connect with , ra us
o t)rcgoii I'acitic llailrond.
Exjiress Trains Daily (Except Bunda.)
4:10 P,
I Lv Portland
I Ar Me Minnville
H:'20P. M.
To All Points East and Soith
For Uckotsand inormation regardinu tcs,
maps, etc., call on Company's agent at CorvllH.
Asst. ti. F. iS P-hgt.
, - MANl'FACTl'ltKK OF ,
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
Justice of the Peace,
Toledo, Orrgon,
Weds. Mortgages, and all kinds of legal paper!
executed with correctness. ( hrf ul attention
given to all business entrusted to my care.
the Celebrated
Of -
the Pacilic Coast,
N r4 -f Cnfit h3r!. tar1 Ornamental
Notice to Taxpayers.
Whekevs. The new law passed at the Inst Ses
sion of the Legislature requires that ail taxes
lie paid at the county seat: und. Inasmuch as it
h:s Iweu customary for the Sherifrto visit each
precinct, and, takinsc into consideration the
fact that many iiersotis wili not lie aware of the
requirements of the neiv iaw: therefore. I have
decided to follow the old custom in eoliectinj?
the taxes for the vear lv.!: and
I Jli:i:rY .l'i: NOTICE, to all taxpayers in
Lincoln County, oreicon, that I w ill lie at the
usual voiintt places of their respective precincts
either in ierson or by iie;iiity, for the purpose
of collecting the state and County taxes of Lin
coln County, Oregon, for the yenr lN.t!, as iol
lows: Toledo Saturday. April S, lv.vl.
Newport Saturday, April V. ts:r.
Yaqniua Mondav. Airil 17. lsitl.
1ower Alsea. North nde Tuenlar, April IS,
lw!, from 1 o'clock to o'clm'k p. m.
Lower Alsea, Waidport Wednesday, April W,
Tidewater Thursday. April JO. from I o'clock
i. m. till 1J o'clock in.. l"Tilc.v, April 21.
i:ik city Tuesday. April IS. lsitl.
Little Llk Wednesday, April 111, lS!i:S.
Hist Klk Friday, April 10, isi.
Inasmuch as A'.sea. Turn Turn and Summit
precincts have been divided by the division of
the county and the usual votinir places are not
in Lincoln county, persons residing in those
precincts can pay at tiie places mentioned
which shall be most convenient to them.
All not paid at the time above-mentioned
must be paid at the county seat.
Taxes remaining unpaid alter Juno I, lHSH.
will become delinouent.
tilven under mv nand this :!0th dav of March,
IS'.t:!. liKO. A. I.AXlllH.
yhoritVln and for Lincoln Cuuniy, oreiiou
In the District 'nrt in and for the Comity of
. Ueorge linmford. l'lafntllT, ) Action
vs. for
Mnrv V. Btunford. Defendant.) Divorce.
THE STATE OK OHElloX to Mary V. Itnniford,
You are hereby notiiled that you have been
sued in the District Court of Lincoln Connly.
State of Oregon by (ieorire llainiord. the above
named plaintiff, and that his petition ilnow en
tile in the above-named court: and that the
prayer 01 said petition is that anld court grant
a do.crco of divorce to said iieorge Bnmford.
plniutifl'. from you Mary Y. llimiford, defond
ant. for desertion.
You are therefor required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 4th day of May. lsii:t. or
petition will be tal:cn as true and a'decreeof
divorce rendered thereon In accordance with
Ihc prayer of said petition.
l-SI-ilw Plnititiir.
Corvallis, Oregon
Agricultural College Notes.
All the classes are reviewing for
the examinations which occur the
latter part of this week.
!, lhe election of officers in the
literary society occured lust Mon
day. In the Websterlan society, B.
F. Burnett was elected president,
F. E. Edwards ist vice president,
A. T. Buxton and vice president,
Miss Lillian Hamilton secretary,
Lettie Wicks istassistailtsecretary,
Inez Gould and assistant secretary,
E. T. Watts treasurer, G. W. Den
man critic.
In the Ciceronian society Marvin
Chandler was elected president,
Lee Applewhite ist vice president,
G. W. Palmer and vice president,
Miss iMollie Voorbees secretary,
Lois Stewart ist assistant secretary,
Hattie Brownson and assistant sec
A meeting of the bOtird of regents
occur next Friday.
Most of the students have recov
ered from the cold S'J many had fot
a while.
O. A. C.
-- .
Some very funny things happeli
around newapapOrs. Last week
the Lhader stole a news item from
the editorial page of the Albany
Daily Democrat. When the Lead
er reached Albany the local man
of the Democrat let his eye fall on
the item mentioned and stole the
whole thing back, bot.- body and
breeches, and run It on the local
page. After this w will be care
ful to credit matter taken from the
Democrat and thus keep them from
stealing their own itfcms back.
County assessor Parker assessed
lhe telephone instruments on the
line here at fi,ocOi This is the
first time they have ever been assc-f s
ed. The operating parties pay a
rental of a ten per cent rate on
$1,400 and the assessor thinks th.:y
ought surely be worth $i,(xo.
They belong to a Portland firm.
Judge Strahan, Judge Bellinger
and Judge Mac-Arthur are the prom
inent candidates for tile office of U.
- uinerjuuge maae vacant -y ;
'the death of Jwli'i Deady. T.'ie I
ldiati'w i,( Ttt.l M.ncArtVir1
1 ems t4 bp rntW jibe best.
Jottings From Yjujuina.
ReeeiYer Iladley and Superin
tendent MnlcaliY, went thro ugh to
New port Monday and returned to
CorYallis Tuesday.
Several of the O. T. passenger
coaches are being repaired and
painted for the summer travel.
The steamer Willamette Valley
arrived Monday with a full cargo.
Station Agent Miller lias his
hands full, being opertor, ticket and
station agent. Also ticket and
freight agent for the ocean divis
ion. Mrs. II. K. Chipman took Wed
nesday's train for a short visit in
un rnuay evening a surprise
party was given Mrs. W. L. Wat
kins. Those present were Mr. ami
Mrs. W. L. Watkitis, Mr. and Mrs
j . C njj.i, .ii. una .uk-,. 11, os.
Uohauan, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Booth,
Mrs. K. J. Sheuelield, Mrs. A. S,
Casteel, Misses Del liohanau, lint-
tie Bums, Clara Dixon, Messrs II.
M. Brunk, K. J. and 11. J. Burrows,
Joe Alexander, II. M. McCulloch,
L. Ouignac and V. Tellefson.
From Vi oncer.
Perhaps you have never heard of
this place. It is not very huge,
like many other places along the
line of the O. P. died in growth
when the R. R. arrived.
We are on tide-water, and a nat
ural place for a townsite on the O.
and the county roads over which
all the travel with teams pass from
Corvallis to Newport.
Uncle Barney Morrison and wife
are the only old settlers remaining.
They . own a nice farm and are in
comfortable circumstances. Bnruy
upends his leisure hours in trapping
beaVer and other furs, at which he
is an expert.
Mr, Olson owns a fine farm that
is under the management of Messrs
Bhilock and Frer. The boys are
great workers and will soon have it
in a paying condition.
While we are not the largest town
m Lincoln county we do not expect
to be the Nature has
luced a mountain of what is now
tailed by experts to be the finest
ana uest rock 111 Uregon, at out
place, and within three or four huip
drecl yards of the railroad.'
Mr. John Howell, of Salem
bought forty acres of school land a
few years ago supposing it to be
good piece of land on the Yatpuina
Bay, but when lie came to view it
he was surprised to find a moun
tain of rock add worthless burnt
woods. Now it has proven to be
ol great value to lnm. 1 lie con
tractors are now on the ground ami
propose to open it at once as they
have contracts to fill within ,the
next thirty days; taking over thirty
car loads. Already we hear the
sulindfs of the blasts echoing through
the valley, telling us the men are
at work.
Barney says this means a boom
for Pioneer and we will soon hear
the sound of the saw and hammer.
Pioneer has lieen in a long site),
but we are awake now. The new
management of the O. P. seems to
put new life in everything along
the line.
E. W. Powers has come w'tb his
family from Oregon City and will
take an active part in tlje new town.
They will run a boarding house and
hotel for the accommodation of the
ttiarry men and traveling public.
Mr. Powers needs no recommenda
tion as landlord.
On mt.
C. I. Stuart, former travcj'ng
freight agent for the O. P. road has
Korthern on the Sound.
Eliot F. Sheppard, editor and
I proprietor of the5 New York
und Excess M last Fridty,
Curi'out ConuutMit.
E. E.Sharon, city assesor of Pen
dleton, wrote to George E. Cham
berlain, attorney general, for his
views concerning the Mauley -law
to see if Mr. Chamberlain supported
the opinion entertained here that
the assessment of the school district
and city must now be made under
that law.
The attorney general kindly re
plies at length to the letter, setting
forth many facts of interest in ex
planation of the new assessment
law. Mr. Chamberlain states that
he is clearly of the opinion that the
new law must now govern assess
ments, lie quotes Section 9 of the
act, which provides that "all laws
providing for assessors in or assess
ments of property by any school
district, incorporated town or city'
and all laws in conflict herewith be
be and the same are hereby repealed.
This repeals any other method of
procedure in direct terms.
The Mauley law, he says, was
filed February aist, 1893, in the
office 0! the secretary of the slate,
;ind while it was not approved by
the governor, on account of the em
ergency clause, it took effect, under
the decision of the supreme court
in the case of Brigs vs Mcliride, 17
Or., 460, from and after its passage.
Another paragraph in Mr. Cham
berlain's letter savs: "It is true
that' section 4 of the law requires
that each school district and incor
porate town and city shall notify
the county clerk of the rate per
cent of the levy made by it on or
before the first day of February,
Hid that it is impossible to comply
with said section because the time
had elapsed when the law took ef
fect. The provisions of section 4
are, it seems to me, directory, and
a failure to comply strictly there
with would not invaliilnte the as
sessment or the levy made thereon;
and the notice required to be given
under said section could be given
at any time before the meeting of
the county board of equalization."
So it appears that Pendleton's
assessment, and that of the school
district, must undoubtedly be made
by the assessor, and that the taxes
can not be collected until those by
the county are gathered by the
sheriff. Those do not become de
linquent until April of 1K94.
East Oregonlan.
The tax roll for iHya now in the
hands of County Clerk Jones foots
up in valuation to $''9,1,213.63'.
1 ne levy Deuig 22 mills makes a
total tax of fi 5,250.80, about $7,otx
of which will go to the funds for
county purposes. Mr. Jones in
forms us that considerable property
owned by parties at Corvallis, and
situated in Lincoln county has been
omitted from the roll, which would
add about $i,o(xmore to the amount
of tax. This will probably be cor
rected upotr the proper demands.
Mr. Jones while in Corvallis last
week, also examined the delinquent
rolls in which Lincoln county is
interested f.'nd states that he esti
mates that Lincoln's orlion of
those taxes, which run back to
1SS3, will amount to about $7,000
outside of the delinquent railroad
taxes. Of course a portion of these
taxes are uncollectable, but with
the effort that we are assured Sher
i(T Lamlis will make, much of them
will be saved to Lincoln county.
1 he collection of these two taxes
will place the county in a very fa v
orable financial attitude, and will
make a light levy of taxes possible
until such a time as the county scjs
fit to erect county buildings.
Th Oregonian Publishing Co.
has been sued for $im,ooo by (.V
S. Yerger, president of the Amcii
if'.. t r .
can Historical J'UOlislitng VJO., tor
libel Harvey S-'Ott criticised the
Cotnv''"?' history ff Oregon
Additional Local.
Dr. Rich had busines in Corvallis
last Monday.
A full line of Window Shades and
Curtain Poles at L. Welker & Co.,
The desks and tables for the
clerk's and sheriffs offices have ar
rived and their officials are now "at
J. L. McCulloch, the jeweler of
Yaquina City, has a full line of
jewelry. Repairing a specialty.
Send your work to him.
Mr. T. Jay Buford extends the
courtesy of a year's reading of the
LiC.vnER to his sister, Ivva M. An
derson, at Ashland, Oregon.
The first term of court in Lincoln
county promises to be quite inter
esting. Several attorneys from
abroad will be present, including
almost the entire Corvallis bar.
The old reliable hardware firm of
R. M. Wade & Co., of Corvallis,
invites the trade of Lincoln county
through the columns of the LE.vnKH
this week. Read their advertise
inent in another column.
The Leauku is already getting'
an able corps of local writers over
the county. We want, liowever, a
correspondent from every jxist-
office in the county. Don't bef
afraid to send in the news.
Mrs. G. II. Roscbrook gave this
office a short call yesterday. She
left last night for Palo Alto, Cali
fornia! for an extended stay, going:
by the way of Yaquina ami the O.
P. steamer. The Leader will keep
her posted concerning her Toledo
Dr. Wakefield', the genial, jolly,
big man from Little bilk, wasin the
county scat on business last Friday
and Saturday. The doctor was one
wht) was "fcrninst" county division
but says, and quite sensibly, too,
that now that the county is divided,
he will u'se his best efforts to furth'
er the progress of the new county.
County Clerk Jones went out to
Corvallis hist week and made a de
maud for the assessment roll from
Benton county and received the'
1802 roll. The delinquent rolls Bre
nt the blinds of the sheriff of Benton"
county. Just when they will b-
turned over to the sheriff of Lincoln
county seems to lie ratner nuicii
We are prepared to furnish the"
San Francisco Examiner or Citron
ical at club rates to subscribers of
the' Leader. We furnish th?
Leader and choice of either of the'
above for $2.65. The regular prici'
would be $3.00. We are also try
ing to make arrangements to duly
with thfj Farmers' Journnl, or Pott-'
Win. Stevens to C. Iw Gowell;
Wm. Stevens to Judith Vincent?
Henry H. Dcnlinger and wife to W.
J. Humphrey; Juo. A. Olsen toM;
L. Trapp; J. II. McNeil to M. h:
Trapp; Geo. A. Wagner to Ed. 1
Griffoz; M. M. Hiifford and W. St t
Hufford to C. B. Crosno? C. L;
Gowell and wife to Ruth E. Gaitlt
er; T. J. Ryan and wife to F.J.
The following homestead entries
have been made in Lincoln count7
during the past week:
C. M. Carlson, of Toledo; Jas. M;
Kindred, of Alsea,
Judge Mathew P. Deady, died ot
his home in Portland Inst Friday;
Judge Deady was one of the pion
eers of Oregon, coming to Ihtsstate .
in the fifties. He was an able law
yer and a distinguished jurist, and
by his death the Pacific bar has
lost one of its brightest lights.
Markley & Hays have won their
. . ,. 1. ...
lease against Aiuuuoinan count),
concerning a. present mvrwshiu
book .