Lincoln County leader. (Toledo, Lincoln County, Or.) 1893-1987, March 23, 1893, Image 1

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01 0 -:
Volume I.
Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, March 23, 1893.
Number 3.
Current Comment.
Joint Sena'or
rountv Jr.dife
tvhool Sii:riiiiomlent.
It. l'mno
li. !'. 'Hue
II. K. .lores
. . . ;eirtre ljindis
licnrv leiiliiiinr
(has. Il...ith
s. oideon
T. K. Parker
-!as. Ki-sselt
.1. o. ste-mis
M. I.. Trai.p
Southern Pacillc
A satisfaction of a mortgage giv
en by the Farmers Loan and Trust
.Homestead Exemption Law.
.Justice nt the lare
I 'unstable
J. A. 1111
A. K. Altrce
Slinstn Line.
C1IUKCHES AND SOCIETIES. -Eipnss Trams Lsave Pirtland Daily.
IHIIST R APTlsTS.-Meet ever.-
J in etch month, a n a.
first SlniHxv
in. um'1 also on the
hat'inia;' ore -edinr the above Sunday. ativ.
in., in the Toledo l'uldii- Hall. L. M. P.mlor,
Hesident Pastor.
KT. JOHN' S ( Ht'ltcH Protestent Kp-nnii!.
Devitio servire the third Sunday ni every
month, at 11 a. m. All are Invited to attend.
Kcv. (has. Ilooth, Missionary. ilcsidcire,
"i;e"trv," Newport, r.
l.evorv Krldav evening at their hall in this
town. J. I.. I.uti. X. it.: J. s. uaither, sce'y.
w O (1. T.-
A T:;! nVlock, in cimdv's hall, this town.
-Meets everv Thursday evening,
11. Crosno, ('. T. i. llethers. Secretary.
General Merchandise,
7:1X1 1'. Si.
1".1 t. M.
11:1. A. .
I l.v.
San Kran.
Ar. i ::: a.m.
l.v. I 4:31 a.m.
l.v. 1 l':U f. x.
Koslllini M.vll, DAILY.
K: (ft A. M. l.v.
J: 4". I'. M. l.v.
:u r. M. I Ar.
AlVny l.v
Kosp'turtr l.v
The early opening of the Siletz , Co. of New York, to the Oregon and I
(Indian reservation would open up California Railroad Co. on Tune ist. '
one oi the nnest bodies ot agricui-; 1SS1,
tural and timber land on the coast. Marion Co. recorder. The amount
In lUStlCf til flip rf.einli ulio nr : r,f rtmnnv- .1,. I ' ...I!.,..
velomiwr the m:)0-;nr ,,l.,ci,o,t.i ,... i:...:,..., 4 .he satisfaction of any judgement
between the- Pnnt nno-A tli.a -w nor miK o A t.v. t.l :
Pacific ocean this reservation should ; bonds with the principle redeemable j A,
be opened at an early date. i at 1 10 by an accumulative sinking : ,
tuna ol I PLr cent, npr rtmim nun-l .
mencing m iSi!5. 1 he document I o,. , s . ,..,...
. i.. ci.j :.. .i .... ..... ' o- uvan...,.oii Miian
reuuou gtven to ue iruit maustry - . ute v auey coun- m)l eswa fiftwn hu
outiiewest slope. Th,s is as .t . in yaw ,U)r exoetil oue unulml
SUOUkl he. With a r.Tmiihl ' w4
:i I'. M.
:l A.M.
A1.1IAXV l.Ol'Ai. DAILY (Esi-cpt Stimluy.)
.": : f. M.
!: ll l". M.
I l.v.
I Ar.
Ar. lil::m..M.
l.v. i a. X.
1: :i v. si. I l.v. A.lmv Ar. 1 ii:J" r. a.
:l: i"i f. m. Ar. l.eano'n l.v. m:i p. m.
7::SUA. M. l.v. Albanv Ar. 4:JilPM.
.S:i!A.M. Ar. I.elano'11 J-v. :l:4i)PM'
Toledo, Or.
fltOl'I'.IETOIt Of
Toledo Meat Market,
, Fresh and Cured 31 oats
Toledo, - ' - Oregon.
Steamer Benton,
On awLafter April ist, will make
re;if 'daily trips between Tolec'o!
and "jwport and way landings.
Lowyreights' and Fares. See
ti:nelor leaving on Bulletin at
Coin-land's corner.
' X
Second-Class Sleeping
For the Accommodation o Pasnf-'ers holdintr
Second-rlass Tli-Ue.. attarhed to Mxire::s
wkst sun; division
iif.7wk::n I'oi'!) as: coiivalmh.
Mail Treln Daily (Kxcept Sunday.)
There is being more and more at-
Skctiox i. The homestead of
was ft1t,'l 1-1 ill ifn.j of ill.. .".' " 1
jiuni.i.11 nuc mi uie sai'.;iaciiiiu 01
any liability hereafter contracted or
vr the satisfaction of any judgen
ereafter olUaiiie.l on such debt
2. 8uch homestead must
ictual abode of, and owned
or some member
amount of care, in
To residents of tiie 15av country
there is twice the money for a man s! who are co'"Pi:"Uig of dull times
we woultt say tliat not only aiei
times dull in the Hay country but i
labor there is in grain farming.
There is more money in the Oregon
red apple than there is in Oregon
red wheat, and the day is not far
distant when it will be generally
7-1' A. M.
V:tO P .M-
!:V. P.
At Allianv and ('orvallis connci't with trav.
o (treo?i Pai'itU' Kailroad. ;
Kxpress Trains Dully (Kxcepl !tindiiv.
P4I1 P. M. I l.v Portland Ar I kjii P. M.
7ii P. M. 1 Ar Me Mlnnvtllc l.v I ::1." A.M.
To All Points East and South
l't: tiffcctstiml inormutitm revrArdlnjt rotes,
maj, etc., cull Comimny'HHueiit ittCHrVnllls.
liuforcl, Prop.
es Henaonnble.
Asst. (i. r.ii P. Afrt.
1500TS and SHOES;
Repairing Neatly Done.
Yaquina, - - Oregon.
Justice of the Peace,
Tolrdo, Orr-ztin,
Dc'l. MttrtKnees, mu nil iiu n( le:ul pir
cf in:cl uith CDrnK'Hie;-. t itroul ttttcnllon
piven to all business omrv.Htetl to my cart).
Flonraiid Feed, Staple and Fancy (Jroeeries,
t)ry Goods, Clothing, Grants' Fnrnisliing; Goods, Hats,
Caps, Rubber and Oil Clotliinc.
Yaquina City, Oregon.-
By the text of the senate
which divvied Eciiton county, that
county was to make up and turn
o ver the delinquent tax rolls proper
ly belonging to Lincoln county
within thirty days from the time
the law went into effect. The
thirty days have come and gone
and' the delinquent tax rolls have
not yet been turned over lo Sheriff!
Landis, of Lincoln county. These
rolls should be in the hands of our
sheriff at once.
and sixty acres of land in extent if
not located in town or laid off into
blocks or hits; if located in any such
j town or city then it shall not exceed
j one block; but in no instance shall
j such homestead be reduced to less
j than twenty acres ncr one lot, rc-
gardless of value.
! Sro. 4. This act shall not apply
j to decrees for the foreclosure of any
' mortgage properly executed: bin if
the owner of such homestead be
married, then it shall lie executed
by husband and wife.
Si-o. 5. When any officer shall
levy upon such homestead the owner
thereof, wife, husband, n:-ent, or
attorney of such owner may notify
such officer that he claims such
Among the varied industries of i Premises as his homestead, describ-
Lincvln county, one that will take -"S the same to metes and bonds lot,
are equally so in the valley. Iu the
latter place a general depression has
taken place during the past year
and business is almost at a stand
still. The sawmill industry there
seems to be pretty well paralyzed,
1 and there seems to ho no impe (;f
! a relief for some time to come.
Wheat and potatoes are remarkably
low, while the price of hops, now
that they are all sold, is pretty well
up. Taken on the whole the resi
dent of the Bay country is as well or
better off than his Valley neighbor.
much prominence in the near future
is that of raising cranberries. Coun
ty Commissioner J. O. Steams has
or block, or legal subdivision of the
United States; whereupon such
ohicer shall notify the creditor of
those who think that the bill ; a half acre of cranberries on his S"CK claim, and if such homestead
siuiucxeeeu t!ie nuuimmu in this
not, and he deem it of greater valije
than fifteen hundred dollars then he
may direct the sheriff to select three
disinterested householders of the
county who shall examine and ap
praise such homestead under oath
commencing with the twenty acres
or lot upon which the dwelling is
located, appraising such lot or
divitHng the county ended all I place on the Alsea, and has demon
trouble and expense upon the pasy- strated beyond a doubt that the
age thereof must disabuse their j cranberries for the market is a suc
minds at once. There is an im- j cess and extremely profitable. -On
mense amount of hard and tedious bis half acre last year lie sold
work before the present county worth of cranberries. His were
officers, especially the county judge most choice and though sold at a
and county court, the clerk and ! much higher price than the eastern
sheriff. offices. ! berry they were readily sold befoic
as well as other countv offices, are , other berries on account of their j
in safe and consenaiive' hands, ' superior firmness and flavor, lie ! twenty acres separately, and if the
officers; who while careful and con-1 cultivates the Cherry and the Bngle
servative, will nevertheless be I Varieties, both of which arc fine
tenacious of the rights of Lincoln j berries. His groniid is a genuine
county. There are many rocks j peat bog, and is so situated that he
ahead in the channel of our pros- can flood it if necessary to do so
perity as a county, but we have j except in the winter time. Delias
fiith in our skilfull mariners to arranged a display of berries for the
avoid them. Oregon exhibit at the World's fair,
. audit is believed that they will
It would seem that the beginning j l111 fl:l' berr' which will be on
of thP end of the a V furM is now ! exhibit at that place. Two years
saniij shall exceed fifteen hundred
dollars the sheriff shall proceed to
sell all in excess of fifteen hundred
dollars by lot or smallest legal sub
divisions, offering them in the or
der directed by the judgement debt
or, if he chooses to direct otherwise
he shall sell the same as aforesaid
so as to leave the homestead as
complete as possible.
Sec, 6, In lieu of the proeedimrs
Receiver Hadley's ap-! aS. Mr. Stearns had an exhibit of aforesaid, the execution creditor
pointment has been confirmed by hemes In the car "Oregon on j " 'J . "' W execution
w, ...i,:t Wheels." which elicited much ! "ebtor the sum of fifteen hundred
continuance was Granted on the I favorable comment front many I la liweed to sell the home
cola clill if Pnt't rt v-vrt trt ryt leadine papers throughout the ! stcad as lie might heretofore have
a continuance. This will be dis- i c1-
tributed to the employes along the
line. The most hopeful sign how
ever, is the business-like manner
in which the new receiver has tak
en hold of the road. He intends
beyond a doubt to put it on a pay
ing basis if possible and to be on
done, a 'ding the said fifteen hun-
rdred dollars to his lien, but the mon-
' A county that can produce big e' aforesaid shall be exempt from
timber of a superior quality and in execution.
sufficient quailtity to keep a score Sec. 7. The homestead aforsaid
of sawmills running for twice as shall be exempt from sale on any ju
raany years; that can produce the (licial process after death of the per
best and largest apples in the Stale ; s" entitled thereto for the collection
amicable term with parties and i of Oregon;. that can produce the' any for which the same
towns along the line. If this same j ad S fisl the Pacific ; could not have been sold during his
spirit had been manifested for the j coasf,.that can furnish superior cys-1 bfcti me, but such homestead shall
past six years there would have ! f accessible beds; that has descend as ,f death did not exist.
been no necessity for the deplorable ; one of tlle ,)cst deeP v;nltr harbors :
statP of nfTnivs now oiktintr. ! on the Pacific coast; that can fur-!
.. , .
m.'.n Hundreds ol homes to nidus.
A Specimen of cheek comes from
. . , jr-a . . -mm i .v AT --. . . . . . . , -i , I
J. Jv. t&iri W AltT. THE LKAUtAi Vtr I UrK. the new county of Lincoln. In the
trious people; that lis such a cli
mate that good health is almost tin-
Is Agent for the Celebrated
u lonKii'A
Tile value which men place on
their lives and the relative worth
of an American over men of other
countries is well shown bv the
Of the $13,
surance writ
Additional Local.
We will take a dozen chickens
0:1 subscription.
Mrs. J. F. Stewart will take a
limited number of music scholars.
Terms: $12. per. 3 lessons.
If you have a watch or clock that
needs repairing send it to J. L. Mc
Culloch, at Yaquina City. All work
J. L. McCulloch, the jeweller of
Yaquina City, has a full line of Jew
elry. Repairing a specialty. Send
your work to him.
L. V. Kverhart, 11. W. Johnson
an 1 V. E. Waters, all Corvallisites
were iu the city this week compet
ing for the contract for transciibitig
the records,
Colonel Parker, of Walla Walla,
who owns a fine ranch near Klk
City, has been stopping at that
place since Monday. Col. Parker
is the heavy-weight editor of the
W.ill.i Yv'ulia SiaU'sinan.
Toledo is not dead by any means
as was evidenced by the prompt
manner in which the $5x to a-isist
in building a dep. t was guaranteed.
This prompt way iu taking advan
tage of any proposition to benefit
the town augurs well for the fu
ture. The Newport News winds up an
article on "Ulster Orangemen,"
with the following sentence; "l'nse
petit placidain sub libertae quiet
cm." We don't know what it
means but our office devil says that
it is Silet jargon and means "get
.there Eli, or down comes your
. m - -- . . -
41.1, Kill PI lil.K JHkllVl.
The Leading Nurservmen
. t . II And a spicbrtrtn of ignorarcc '.
il Ml PI ft r I iVlct ' imes from lbany iu the above. ,Sl
Ul till 1 clUlIL U)dbL.;jrellaftfe JmlKBofty
When in Need of Fruit, Shade, or Ornamental JD'c"a",cm
v ' uimocrat man 4i ,jt
es, Give us a Call, 'i hii lwU
circuit court Countv Judge Hufford , t,1(lt 1,as '"-'st j following statistics;
r.,.,1,. r.t,vr5oM tr W fi,r . coal ixscts on the Pacific c)ast; that ,xw,ovj,o,x. of life in
w .... , ..:,..,. r....:. ,.!...' ... ...
the payment of the O. P. taxes of . "", a ?u" B" -J"K leu in me world, ?5,5o,o ,0,000 is,
188990 out of the first funds paid ! 1,1 .gra111' gal JcU r fn,il ; placed in the United States. He-j
Into the hands of the receiver. ! su,table lo lhc dlraatc cn:l nmn twe.ii the years ix. and im,'
The court refused to issue the order ' and will produce m abtnvlance; a there was fa,,K,fKw new life
as petitioned for but gran ted instead C0U!lty t5,at Prt"hlces fat cattle, fine iusitrance written in this country
an order instructing the receiver to tocK and an lutell-geiit people; a and butvxo,r,,,oooiu the wlw.le
pav said taxes out of the f,r,t funs 0 nl' t,,at s "V for the I'ritish E inpire. i
available after the Il)lore h,d : O", the vmeyata the orchard, the ;
Ibeenpald. The employes shol ld apiary or the meadow is not to he One postmaster that is likely to
be paid first out of the en-ire ;l ; veered at, even if the p ,pulati.m . l,ax i Uoswcll Heardsley, xvho
j'ooo. That Is substantially wi:ati,losS " farm themselves jKM.r try- was appointed during John Uuin. y
tie money is for.-Albany Dcrro. i f wheat for a fifty or six-, Adams' administration (ijHj D
:L3ti I ty cent market that has been set by .t,e p..siofike at North Lansing, N.
a magnanimous millers coniMne. j.. and who has held it without in-
Such a county is found in thcouii- tcrruption ever since, a period i,f
t.r .r f itii-.t.i ...1 w ,...;..
county judge of 11 sixty-live years. jic got on-.
Lincoln countv s , l u"" ' 'l"";u'"" ?ij.M lor his fir-1 year, but he e;r.
Pluc. 'Ihe v"r11" " ""-":-- 'i- i ".in -.-,- j.,ys nil nurea-4: (,1 nearly p r
!) IT, Hi i.'rfii n,,l t,l-i.rt i( i,t lli ft-..'.l ... .... . ... .
"-, " 1 ii-iii mi iiri-cn;. ins mi arv no.v
B.-nto:i county.
Jttttr jaste U
rank., of de iirabl iouiUpjs.
nmdaau 10170 piraiiiimn,
A public meeting will be held
in ('.rally's hall, Toledo, uextTues
day evening, March 28th, at which
it js proposed to discuss "incorpo
ration of the low!'," yd apoiut a
citlens committee to litfcc tlie
necessary steps preparatory to be
coming an incorporation under the
general law passed by the last State
legislature. It is also promised to
change the name of the town.
by order of the Committee.
.lot I iii From Vittjuiiiu.
The O. P. lias stopjied work on
the fill iu front of the Yaquina Ho
tel but will commence again soon as
the weather settles.
The -ip rap work on the outside
of the cribbing, when done will be
a great protection. .
There is gnashing of teeth among
the free pass holders, the Superin
tendent's nx has dropiH-d several of
their heads in the waste basket.
The steamer Willamette Valley
sailed for 'Frisco Monday having
a large cargo and passenger list.
Joe bergiu has gone to J Frisco
to take a position with the O. P.
Con Howard, for several years
dock foreman, has resigned.
The (). P. has arranged to run
the steamer V'olauta, while, their
boat is being repaired.
Mrs. II. E. Chipmaii is visiting
iu Albany,
Mrs. J, II. Penn lias arrived
home from an extended with
friends in Portland.
The wife of one of our citlens
concluded it was lietter to lr two
than one, consequently dissolved
Monmouth has sprouted another
paper, the Monmouth Record. A
a uewspajicr graveyard Monmouth
is a glittering succc-..
Col. Jeff Myers vumts to le np
jxiinteil governor of Alaska, and
Col. Mob Miller wanti to Mini.u-r
to Tin key,
i We arc pictured to tlub with any
iu-wp: r, ci iudicid or in.iiinc
in the I lilted of niiy Unjr
vmr pf4 V s yr "
. .
V..1pJi .',I i- rw.
I '