,3 r iV m gig Volume I. Toledo, Lincoln County, Oregon, Thursday, March 16, 1893. Number 2. err 1 Hi MliECTOUY. LINCOLN (OI NTV. Joint SenMnr '. B. (Tosno rmiittv Juilge " Klue clerk ' " K. Jones Sheriff lieoriw Urnlm Treasurer Henry 1'enlint'or Sch.Kil tarintemleiit i'hs. Hooth furvevor J'- (ii'leon Assessor . K. Parker Coroner Ja- Unwell . . .1.0. Stenrns Commissioners J L. Tmpp TOI.KHO rKKCINTT. Justice of the Constable 'eace J. A. Hull A. E. Altree CHURCHES AXDSOCIETIKS. 11IIIST HAPTIsTS. Meet every first Sunday in each month, a 1! b. m. ami also on the tsumninv rei-elliiMhe above Suiulnv, at . in., in the Toledo l'ublic Hall. L. M. llutler, Itesident i'astor. ST. JOHN'S t'liriM'H l'roteslent K)iseopal. . Pevine service the third Sunday of every month, at 11 a. in. All are invited to attend. Hev. ( has. Hooth. Missionary. Ke.sideni'e, 'Itei'tory," Newport, Or. Sabbath sehoul every Sunday at 10 a. m. I. i n F Toledo Lodste. So. Nis. Meet every Kridav evening ut their hall In this ru. J. U l.u'tz, S. li.; J. S. t.aitlier. See'y. tow If) (i. T. Meets every Thursday evening. 7 : o'clock. In firadv's hall, this town, I'. Jt. ( rosno, C. T. 0. Bethers, Secretary. H. LEWIS, DEALKK IX General Merchandise, FOR CASH YOUR PRICE. Toledo, Or. EDWARD SMITH, lMlOrlUETOK OF Toledo Meat Market, PEALS IN Fresh and Cured Meals ALL KINDS. ToVedo, ( - - Oregon. ,s ... . ... . . Steamer Benton, Vapt. j, 's. Itobertsoii, ,. ' On and after April ist, will make regular doiVv trips between Toledo nnd Ne' an way landings. Low -ats and Fares. See titt. n'ing on Bulletin at Copei . jrner. HOTCL LINCOLN TH-. Bufofd, Prop. EV'prytliirig First-class, Reasonable. Toiiuo, - OREGON. PETEIl TELLEFSON, DEALER IN- Flour and Feed, Staple try Goods, Clothing, Gents' , Caps, Rubber and Oil Clothinc. BOOTS AND SHOES, "- ; ' ' - CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Yaquina City, Oregon. FRUIT -:- J. F. STE WAltT, the Is Agent for ; A OODRIIRN JM JB. ' T7. - OF - J. II. SETTLEMIEIi & SOXj The Leading Nurserymen of JfWheii in Need Of Fruit, Shade Or Ornamental Trees Give US a Call nt rJr. EAST AND SOUTH -VIA.- Southcrn Pacific lioute. Shasta Line ise- Express Trains LssTe Portland Daily. sol'Tll 7:0(1 r. a W-.lii r. ll:l.)i. NOKTII Portland Albany San Fran. :: A.M. CIl a. M. i:ii v. x. Ar. ltOSElIl'UU MAIL DAILY. X: (IS a. M. 2: 4" P. M. :: :m r. . I.v. IK Portland Albany Kosetmri? Ar. I.v. Lv. 1J:: V. M. 7::l a.m. ALBANY LOCAL DAILY (Except Sunday.) : M r. : W) r. Lv. Ar. Portland Albany Ar. I.v. Hi::) a.m. li:: A. M. I.OCAI. l'ASSKSOERTK.UN IIAI1.Y (KXCB1T SUNDAY.) J: :ui v. m. 1 Lv. Albany Ar. I !i:2." i. m. :i: tfi r. m. Ar. Lebanon I.v: I N:40 f. M. 7:!l A. M. I Lv. Albunv Ar. 1 4:.v. PM. s:i! A. M. I Ar. Lebanon Lv. I P M- PULLMAN BUFFIT SLEEPERS Second-Class Sleeping (JAKS I'or the Accommodation of Passengers hoWintr Second-Class Tickets attached to Express Trains. WEST 81111! DIVISION BETWEEN P011T1.AND AND COHVAI.l.IS. Mail Train Daily (Except Sunday.) ::lil A. M. I I.v. 1:10 P .M- Ar. Portland Corvisllis Ar. I.v. r.::!P. M. V2:.V, P. M, At Albanv and Conallis connect with trains of Oregon Pacific Kailroad. Express Trains Dally (Except Stindnv.) 1:4(1 1' 7: 2 ' P M. Lv Portland M. Ar Me Mlnnvllle Ar LV S:lD P. M. . r,: A.M. THROUGH TICKETS To All Points East and . South For ticketsand information regarding rates, maps, etc., call on Company's nxent atrorvallis. R. KOEHI.EIt, Manager. Portland, E. P. RfifiKKS, Asst. (I. V. ii V. Act. OlIEUON. JOHN LEUENBERGER, MANUFACiTKKK OF BOOTS and SIIQES. Repairing Neatly Done. - Yaquina, - - Oregon. A. HALL, Justice of the Peace, Totrdo Omron, Deeilf. Mnrtyupres, wild all kimls if lejrul tjHsrn executed with correctiiesK. Hrcful MMiiion Kiven tonll bisiae.- emrm'eil Ui my rte. and Fancy Groceries, Furnishing Goods, Hats, TREES ! LEADEll OFFICE, the Celebrated UR SERIES, the Pacific Coast. N Current Comment. St. Paul bids $75, ooo for the Corbett-Mitchell fight. The new receiver of the O, P. road has called in all passes issued by T. E. Hogg, Eliminate selfishness from man, and I will answer for the sins of the world. Tacit Wormwood. Plato's lost continent, Atlantis, was the theme of a Theosophical lecturer in Portland last Sunday. Z. Job, J. O. Wilson, William Crees and P, Avery are the bonds men for the new receiver for the O. P. Company. -There, is a movement on foot to secure the location of the proposed soldiers' home somewhere in the vicinity of Roseburg. . Three hundred and thirty-seven prisoners in the Oregon State peni tentinrv i - o the shutting down of the stove foundry. Do not imagine that a flail a thrashing can compete with machine in either cost or quantity of work. This is a hint for you in regard to whatever you may under take, young man. Lincoln county ' includes 32a square miles of what was Tillamook county, which will give Lincoln over $300 more road money than she would get if she did not era brace that territorv. Hoffman's Catholic Director)' says: Oregon has 1 archbishop, 54 clergymen, 61 churches, 88 stations, 14 cluipels, 1 semitary, 2 colleges 10 academies, 30 parochial schools 2 orphan asylums, 115 orphans, 7 charitable institutions, 33,000 Cath olic population. We learu from a conversation with Judge Blue that the financial condition of Lincoln county is fine, notwithstanding some of the adverse reports that outside parties have made concerning it. Lincoln count)' gets her share of all clue and delinquent taxes of former assessments. This will be a snug sum for the new county. . James (Jantwell, tt prosperous farmer of Bell Haven, Del., or rath er, Mrs. Cantwell, who is also a staunch democrat,' although no vot er, diight td be made postmistress at that place. On March 4th at the very hour when the crowds at Wash uigton snouted loud acclaims in honor of the new president, Mrs. Cantwell in the sorest trial of her life gave birth to quadruplets, all boys. In honor of the new admin istration they have been named Grover, Walter, John and Daniel. The largest weighs five pounds nine ounces and the smallest four pounds. They are exceedingly bright, welb formed and in perfect healthi Ex. 'L.,Noi man who has the interest of country at heart should fail to subscribe for his home paper. In encouraging its publication he is assisting in building up about him enterprises, the success of which at the sarte time enhance the value of! his own surroundings. It jjives him mOre news of immediate con cern than the big city papers; it talks for him when Others belie him; It stands up most manfully for his rights; he always has a companion in his home paper, and those who stand up for another should be well : sustained. The interest of both, are kindred and dqual, and mu .tj rise and fall together. Therefore support the home paper, not grid;; - iingly, but in a liberal spirit, as a j pleasure, not as a disagreeable dut;', "ta4 an investment which w'll (mpiy repay U expenditure J. All who own property within the present limits of Lincoln county will pay all taxes due or delinquent to the collector of Lincoln county. Some, particularly non-residents, have formed the idea that taxes heretofore assessed would be pay able in Benton, but the conception is erroneous. The friends of Gov. McKinley, of Ohio, have such feeling for him that they have subscribed the sum of $95,000 to defray the liabilities inclin ed by him as surety for Walk er & Co., and that in the face of McKinley's frequently asserted ob jections. The contributions came 111 sums ranging from$i to $5,000. - The new state game and fish warden, M. D. McGuire, has caused the arrest of several fish dealers of Portland for selling salmon dur ing uie ciose season, nie dealers assert that "the fish were caught during the open season, and kept in cold storage, but the warden as serts that no difference is made by the law in the matter, the offering them for sale being the offense. A test case will be made. It is said a lobbyist went to the legislature from Union county with $3,500 to divide the county or change the county seat, and indig nantly refused to render a bill of disbursements to his constituents when he returned. . Life is too short to go into such a lot of figures and explanations. Pendleton Trib une. They do better over here; they don't spend nearly sc much money, bnt they do a whole lot more dividing. y. The latest railroad news obtain able is more encouraging to the Bay country than any for years. It is to the effect that $50,000 has been put up with Blair & Co, of New York to pay back wages of employes, which total now amounts to something over $100,000. The sale of the road has been continued for ninety days, during which time, the prospective bidders, presumably the lllair faction, will send experts to look the road over and inspect it thoroughly; also to make an inspec tion of the proposed route over the mountains and see the feasability of extending the line. The sale is now set for the 14th day of June, and there is but little doubt but that time will mark the end of the long, tedious and expensive litigation of the O. P. road, and also an era of construction to an eastern terminus. Those who know Judge Fullerton feel very certain that something very definite was shown him to in duce him to grant a further con tinuance of the sale. Under the new game laws grouse, quail, pheasant, China pheasant, silver, golden, copper, green or Ja panese, bob-white, jack-snipe or prairie chicken can only be killed from October 15th to November 15th, and it is against the law to transport them any other time. Trout can only be sold in Septem ber and October. It makes it a misdemeaner to hunt or kill deer between December ist and August ist of the year following, or on any day between one hour aftef sunset and one half hour before sunrise. The killing of a spotted fawn at any season is a misdemeanor. The law provides that every person who shall between the 15th day of No' vembcr and the first day of August f,f ltii f7i11rmino- vnnr f l:iV-l except for breeding purposes, or shall offer for sale any grouse, pheasant, Mongolian pheasant, j quail, or partridge shall be guilty : , the violation of this act is fixed at ! a fine not less than $50. nor more .than $300 or confinement in the coitnty jail for three months, or by ( both such fine and imprisonment. i.rh : r. ' - ( t i" " r"' . -,-1 . . .r.r::;".vTcr"X . -- r ' ) '-- k CHILD fl AS LOST. Editor Lkadkr: On Sunday March 12th, a new comer by the name of Mr. Slogan, residing near the head of Simpson Creek, started out in the morning, with Ins little girl, about twelve years of age, to hunt some cattle. Finding the cattle they started for home, (their way being through the brush,) which was some distance from the house. The little girl started ahead out of sight of her father, and by some mistake lost her way and was going in the opposite direction from her home. The girl wandered on until she came to a creek, known as Mill Creek. Seeing she was lost, she followed down the stream. Between the hours of four and five p. m, she came to a house on the Reservation, at the foot of Louie hill, being occupied by Billy Metcalf and family. After relating her story, she was taken in and well cared for, being nearly ex hausted with the cold and from tramping through the brush. Early next morning the Indian (Billy Metcalf) saddled two horses and making the girl as comfortable as possible, started for her home mound the road. It took them un- till noon to get there. Passing F. M. Stanton's ranch the little girl told her story, and Edwin Stanton sauuieu a uorse ana started across the hills, by Campbell's and Mc Dongall's, to tell the girl's parents of her ' Ahereabouts. The father and ! mother nearly prostrated with grief, were xsccfyingx the woods. They called ttpoA theiriieighbors for help to find th$ chld,' but could not ob tain any. -XAs'soon a they learned of their child's fcVfety xantl where abouts, they were ao overwhelmed with joy they cwtld. iuotiay or do enough to be thankful. TUey re turned home with, tnlighteued hearts, to find their child nnd he Indian awaiting their arrival ' NOIKK. The teachers of the new county of Lincoln, are informed that there will be no Institute held in this county until late in the year. This has been decided upon after con ferring with the Stale Superintend ent. The reason for this delay is, we have no fund that we .can com mand to meet the expenses. Super intendent Bryan had already prior to division arranged for a county Institute, which would include the teaching force of Benton, and the teachers of Lincoln are invited, though not obliged, to attend the one to be held in Corvallis the latter part of this month. The county Superintendent would urge the at tendance of all teachers when this Can possibly be done. CiiAS. Booth. Superintendent. AN EXPLANATION. Editor Lhadkk: Hon. S. W. Condon, district attorney, asked me to officially Investigate the re ported poisoning case of Mrs. M.lsonfield in Yaquina precinct; but, after conversing with County Judge D. P. Blue and others, I have Concluded that such exami nation Is not warranted by the cir cumstances that surrounded the death, I write this note to exoner ate Mr. Condon from any blame of carelessness that might be imputed to htm. Very truly, W. E. YATHS, Dep. Dist. Atty. ioietio presents an opening tor a good bank. The business ojf the cotinty will concentrate to a fjfcriain extent at Toledo, and we ifced a ,. . 6 .. ... , . ..! a medium through which such busiV ntfss could be transacted,. The Salvation Army in Tcicxlo noon. peeked it ex Additional Local, Dr. Carter, of Elk City, was down the first of the week. S. G. Irwin, a business man of Nye creek, was in the city Mon day. Miss Lulu Burt and Miss Etta Titman were pleasant callers Tues day. They do say, that, as a presiding parliamentary officer, J. Rader is par excellence. Dolph Taylor and wife went to the valley last Tuesday morning for a short visit. The matter of incorporating To ledo is given considerable attention by the people. Mrs. C. G. Copeland was the first person assessed by the assessor of Lincoln county. The first man to make a home stead filing at the county seat of Lincoln was James McDonald, of m , 1 VUIU UIIU. Work on the court house is pro gressing rapidly and it will soon be in good shape for occupancy by the court officers. Assessor T. E. Parker started on his assessing expedition last Mon day. His labor will continue for several months. Mr. Krogstead informs us that it is the present intention of their firm to start up the saw mill at this place about the first of April. The first papers in a law court of Lincoln county were fileil )wv day by AttomehjilXl!itio It is a civil atftion brought to recov er debt. V . jj. "" Children an'ft others are by this reminded that there is a Sabbath school meeting ' at the Episcopal church every Sunday moniug at 10 o'clock, sharp. Jack Frantz, a popular bachelor, has a patent churn that tuin out butter in balls about the size of 'marbles, but it takes many of them to make a pound. Mr. Dick, the elder one, had quite a trial in getting free from the tobacco habit, but he conquer ed, ami Is now enjoying excellent htalth, considering his declining yeaxs.v , Mr') Jvfc Donald, of Chit wood, was in this'eity lnt Monday. He is art enthusifistjc?NlrC.'tcr of full blood Angora goftWv" He also makes a specialty of rniechicki'ns. . J. II. Mays, olToledo.Cons the' honor of being the con- tribute funds to war" of the new county poll tax last Moi'T"" Parker, S, lany patrons of u. . trict desire to know w'i term will commence. c.f.ffi; the directors now have that matter under advisement, and truit they may find a way of providing for the greatest need of our youth good schools. Subpoenas have been issued out of Judge Deady's court at Portland, in the Walluski libel case for Capt, Blake, W. H.and W. E. Rich, Mrs, Blake, of this city, and S. E. Owens, of Independence, on the part 6f th libellenls, and Capt. Robertson, U, . V. Jones, Mrs. C. O. Copeland and C. B. Crosno, on the part of the de fense. The parties are to appear at Portland 011 Thursday of next week. Mesdames Arnold and Vincent made a pleasant visit at the new Urwie of Al. Waugh and wife, last Tuesday afternoon, and Ihey were quite delighted to find . AL and Daisy just as conlfortable X, boy with his first pair of pantaloons. Mr. Waugh is a great worker, nnd will noon have his farm on the picturesque Depot smiling at tli incompleteness of natur . a IT--" ?. i 1 1 ' h1 a: f A: 1 S i I 1 i .... -:. .