LINCOLN COUNTY LEADER. i. V. HTKWABT, Ml tor mm4 Pnprietor. Ptilillahed every Thur!y t Toledo, Llneoln. County, Oregon. Mioscription nates: One year, -' - $1.50 Six months, .75 Three months, - - .50 Advertising rate! made known on implication BinlneM lo;alg will be Inwrted In tbeM cnl iirnna at live rent per line ier week, and will Ije run until onlored .llKrotitlnue.1. LOCAL, NOTKH. County Assessor T. H. Parker has moved to our burg. Judge I). P. Blue went to Benton county on Tuesday's train. Now that final proof can be made at Toledo, many settlers arc making applications. All trl.1 cqunty officers liave filed their boi'Ms and qualified for their respectini offices. J. Dunn is visiting his mother just above town. Jay is always wel comed by fain many old friends. lion, pj M. johnson.ofCorvallis, tame in on Tuesday to look after lifs real testate interests in this 1'1'iee. . 4 The first tylartiage license Issued in Lincoln county wns granted to A. C. Taylor and Tabitlm Burns, both of TpledA. - T ..lire Blue will advertise for ten days for bids for ' transcribing the records. Eight ',or ten different parties are now making estimates The public mchol. closed Inst Friday. AFtetf a short vacation it will ncain be dpened by Prof. Beth- m. whiiuu5ures a Kod school. 1 fX"iusno has broutrht Ins horses in from the . ready and willing to pc.nlie in teaming, ' . r , annual school meeting '.Wday K 1'. Collamore was ; director for tluee years and , yioker was elcrlud clerk for ; i both good selections, ""us. Williams, of New - ved onto his farm .les above Toledo. ' welcome Mr. Wil- . iw. ,ii of this vlc'initv. orte R(Kcl)rookr passed ') on oiihly's train, .".ml on her way tu a county. She will re ledo ill a week or ten steailier Benton makes i between Toledo and 'he jolly Cupt. Robert' v where til accom . uTnic. The Ciipti w 111 his family to Toledoi Alexander 1 who is . in the transcript of delin cs and iending suits in ' y and circuit Courts at ciiuiv over to attend tin1 11 and visit her parentsi books mid stationery Crtunty bus hy Murch R'iliK the V.incoln Mr. Fulton will go to California on the next steamer on a business trip. Not a vacant house in town. Who will build four or five cottages? There is money in it. Capt. Bob Campbell, of Newport was in thir.rcity Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Dr. F. (. Carter, of our sifter town, Klk City, has been in Toledo several days this week. Mrs. J. T. Vincent's dairy was increased by three new milch cows on Wednesday of this week. The weather jumped a cog on Thursday and gave us some of a kind not down 0:1 the wxjks. When the O. r R. R. Co. pays its delinquent taxes for 1892 the Toledo school district will be richer by about $240. We will give a years subscription to the parents of the first baby bom 11 Lincoln county. V ho will be the winner. Uncle Billy Stevens, the boss fisherman of Yaquina Bay, has been on several fishing excursions already this season. John Lucas, mayor of Granitville, who has been doing Toledo for sev eral days, returned to his Rock creek home on Monday. Mrs. C. G. Copeland, one of our live mprrhnnts, vvptit to Philomath the first of the week to visit her father who is very sick. The first warranty deed filed in the county of Lincoln was filed on Wednesday and was from W. G. Cressy and wife to H. G. Irwin. After you have read this paper show it to your neighbor and let him see it, or send his name and address to us for a sample copy. Marriage license have been issued to A. C.Taylor and Tabitha Hunts', both of Toledo, and Wm. M.IIow- Nell and Susan J. Hoover, both of 1 idewater. N. T. Peterson & Co. brought dowiV froin their ruine last Sunday the mnest specimen of coal ever ex hibited! in Toledo. The boys are in it, 110 nVstHkc' 'c Avant the people of Lincoln couny to Come in uiid see us and o-ft ciiuainlcd. Don't be afraid of 1 i- . . niirutmig; we win mane you cor- uilly welcome. A crew of Men are at work get" ting out shingle bolts for the Shingle Mill Companv, of this place, and soon the hum of the mill will be heard making shingles. Ah Watigh, of Happy valley,' has built a new residence on his farm and is busy ditching nnd im proving otherwise. He will sooil move from the I'ity to the farm. Workmen are busily engaged in remodeling, repairing aitd other wise improving the Blake House. When finished the appearance of the house will be greatly improved, Henry I Vise Is Installed hs head waiter at the Bluke House. Henry is the prince of dining roolu men, and his genial services will add much to the popularity of the hotel. Jonas Bushell, an !l. O. G. T. organler, lectured in this place on W eduesday and 1 hursuay nights of this week. It is his intention to organize a Good Templar's lodge here. Ah'ik We understand that tile R. R. tug, Resolute, has been put on the Yituuitia-Ncwiiort route and ' will t,st run to connect with the I). P. trriins. icn This will be hard on the business Hi of the Volanta. The regular nnblieatiori 1t.1v of the Lkahkr will be on Thursday Of each week. Communications Intended for publication should not arrive at this otlice later than Wednesday noon. We would uVge the people to ''l hand or send the news to tis. If jyou know any Hems of interest of iny kind let us know it. We de j sire almve all things to make the ;I.K.nttR a good news paper; We want a correspondent at very postolhee Iti Lincoln county. :iis is an invitation for ov to .... ... ...v .....- ...... ......... .lon't make aflv difference how write, or any thing of the kind. kthe news and we will Itx it County Matters. Daniel Gradv was out on Monday, f the first time since K'-::"c-vember. '- He still wears entires. t. - -.Qounty Judge t). P. U'e aricnow!edi?fc j. niece of th County -Brlfiincr rnVp sprvpd 2t the -,i'.nne' Stearsis and M. -.. Trapp qualified at the Tavlor-Burnes marriage on on the 3rd, and " :. F. Jones' qual:5 Thursday. Many thanks. Andrew Porter, of Nashville, has been surveying near town, and re turned in the front of the week. Come again, Andy. Mrs. S. S. .Pearse, of Portland, who owns property i.; Toledo and spends the summer months here, had the misfortune two weeks ago to fall and break her right arm just above the elbow. Senator'C. B. Crosno has prepar ed an exhibit of the coal taken from the Toledo mines to be for warded to C. B. Avers, Oregon mining commissioner of the World's fair, who will place it on exhibit ion at Chicago. The coal from this mine has been examined by an expert in San Francisco, who pro nounced it far superior in quality to any coal now mined on the coast and fully equal to the English coal which now sells in the San Fran cisco market for $15 per ton. There can be but little doubt that the mine will be a very valuable one when developed. The future prosperity of Toledo will depend to a great extent upon the liberality and public spiritetlness of her own citizens. The location of the county seat at Toledo has at tracted favorable attention to this point, id many people will come to seek 'homes or investments here. The people must continue their presentopen and hospi table manner to all new coiners. To those seek ing purchases property holders must not ask unreasonable prices. It is much better for a town to have a hundred men owning $500 worth of property each than fifty men owning a thousand dollars worth of property to every fine. Every man who becomes a property hold er in the town will become an advo cate for its advancement and devel opment. KKATHUl KKI'OKT KOII Ulllll AI1V ISICI. ng the month Mean temperajre 36. 'To iai. precipitation 9.31. Total snow ihll during th 1.5 inches. Greatest precipitation in 24 hours 2 inches. Clear days, 2. Partly clear, 7, Cloudy, 5. Rainy and misty, 14. Prevailing wind, south and light Dr. II. W. VixCknt, Observer. ss, in. ii ".we ovicdo Jl ltl 1. tar Kin: TOI.KIMl I'KM'IMT. Statu ok OaKciox,; Lincoln County, i This certifies that on this 6th day of Matelu. 1893, that we, J. A Hall, B. F. Jones and W. C. Cope- land have prepared the following jury list lor prcciuct No. 14, Lin coin county, Oregon: C. M. Carlson," George Bt'iick, L M. Harmon, J. G. Copeland, Jas. Plumllen, John McCloskev, J. W, Parish, A. Dunden, A. f . Peter son, R. F. Colliiniore, B. F. King, C. C. Kubler, A. D. Perkins, W . untie, a.j. Kader, 1 nomas Stakley, O. A Krogstead, H. I Buttleri Charles Tillofen, Beal Gaither, O. A. Hooker, R, Ded rick, H. Owen, Jacob Franz, C. H. Rhule, Lee Wadtf, Jacob Glore, W. H. Alexander, 1). Scott, C. B. Crosno, C. L. O'.well, H. W. Vim cent, Lester W.uigli. Dated this fctlt day of March 1893. W, C. CorUUxD." Ik F. Tosi-s, J. A. H.U.I., J. Pi MAUIilKD, the rest- TAY LOR- Hi: RXS. A t deuce of the bride's parents, In this town, on Tlutrsday'i Mar. t, 193, r.t 4:30 p, m.i' R. C. Taylor s:id Miss Bitha Burns, both of this city, Rev. L. M. Butler Officiating. The contracting eduple are well attd favorably known on the1 Bay, the bride being the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Henry Buriis, old and re spected residents of this community. The groiuu is an industrious and respectable young man. Among the guests present :tt the ceremony were .Mr. and Mrs Vincent, Mr. and Mrs. Conkling, Mr. and Mrs. Mosie'r, Mr. and Mrs. Gowell, Mesdames Butler, Henshaw and Tillotsou, Misses Burt and Tillot- itn ntiil r l'ntit. tis M.Hia TkU-y acted as bridesmaid and 'Vk Ti!lots"ti as best man. A fter Elue, and Comrr jssioners J.. O..; ned :- I' ed as county cle: : Soecificatious or supplies for the 1 new county, co sisting of record Ixxjki. blank for is and stationery verenbmitted t competing houses forbids. Ben I. Irving. .& .Co., and Glass & Pru ihomnie, of Port land, and J. R. 1 odgers, represent ing Meston & 1 'ygert, of Salem, were bidders. C Monday the bids were opened and the contract for books was awai led- to Meston & Dygert, of Salerr. , their bid being $1,250, or $250 lower than either of the other hou -js. Glass & Prud homme were awarded the contract for blanks and s:ationery. Bids for rental of building to be used as a court bouse were opened and Blake hall was selected, the county to pay a rental of $25 per : month. The building is 40x60. Two rooms 16x20 each, will be cut off the south end, one for clerk and the other for sheriff, leaving a court room 40x40. An addition is to be built on the north end which is to be arranged so as to make a grand and petit jury room. The building is to be ceiled and finished through Mi V H. McNEIL, DEALER IX Mm, Fainis ail CI Ik, Coiiiiiiinicated. Elk City, March 7, 1893. Editor Lkadur: Perhaps a line from this place would be of in terest to the readers of the new pa per. Elk City is quite an old town having been located here at the head of navigation as early as 1S66, soon after the Yaquina Bay was opened tip for settlement. At that time Elk City was the largest town on the bay, having special advant ages for a thriving village. The Big Elk and Yaquina river formed a junction here the military wagon road terminated nt this point and the stage line connected with the steam boat that conveyed passen gers' to Newport, the popular sea side resort of Oregon. These ad vantages made Elk City a flourish ing place for a n'tiniber of years. The town was then composed of two hotels, two dry goods stores, blacksmith shop one livery stable, one cabinet shop, one brick yard, post office and a good district school. But owing to a want of public spirit in building up the town at the proper time- it -went intft decline and other points along the4ay took the lead. Since the railroadAvas puilt the wagon road has greatly diminished, but Elk City has again taken an air of progress ahd pros perity and will at no distant day be one of the best towns on the bay. The town h now composed of one good hotel, one store, postoffice and a good public school. Of the old settlers only one remains and that is Mr. M. W. Simpson, who owns a nice firm and passes his leisure hours fishing for the beautiful trout which abound hete in great num bers 1 We are .surrounded with a rich agriculturni country capable of producing large crops of hay, vege tables and fine fruits of all kind, the soil being rich and productive from the bottom to the top of the highest hills. We need more pop'. illation of a thrifty nnd industrious! class, to develop thi' resources of th countrv. -A full Line of- BOOKS, STATIONERY and WALL PAPER. Our Stock is Complete, comprising many articles it is impossible to enumerate, and all sold at moderate prices. heie Mrdii-lHt'S Toledo, vavranteil yettuine and of best quality. Oregcn T. P. FISH, Toledo, Oregon, Healer In .DiyGdtJls, Groceries, Hardware, HATS, cJpS, BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS, Xieiily Made Clothing, Etc. Our Customer? i'l! find our stock complete in all lines and are sold at moderate prices. "A S For Bargains in Real Estate !! Farm Lands, Tide Lands, Coal Lands, Town Froperty in single Lots or Blocks, . IMPROVED OR UNIMPROVED, can on b. F. JONES &-CJD,,K5sft. Twenty-tw. yeas' residence on Yaquina Bay. C, G. COPELAHD, 'V: At the annual school meeting F. M. Carter, was elected director and E. M. Mays re-elected Clerk. , A ten mill tax was voted to pay 'Off the indebtedness of the district (which is small) and to improve the school house and grounds. It is purpose of the truMees to have a nine moltths term of school each year. In conclusion we wish the LKAn ur a loilg, prosperous and useful life in building up the new county. X, ) 1.KTTKK t.lNT. Lst of advertised letters left re maining lit the post office at Toledo, Oregon, on March t, 1893: Anderson, Charley Gagner, Matilda Tavlor, John Wilson, J. R. Wilson, James R. The following letter received by Postmaster Hurt explains itself: I desire officially to recognize the important service you have render ed as postmas'er under the admin istration of President Harrison. Whatever has leen accomplished in the advancen.ent of the service has GENEK; e tm UEALKll IS MERCHANDISE, s Complete and Prices are Low. jf3jrCountry Pixluctf taken in Exchange. j When in Toledo call and inspect our Goods. Toledo, "1 - Oregon. i i JOB PRINTING mony the assembled guests 1 only been possible through the lUedtoa sumptuous repast by the bride's partnts, ft'ney did nmple justice, ig people will go for a j to the valley 1 after which make this city their tuture romonv winch united Mr. Taylor In wedKvk was the rueo common v tvriormeU t V4'use issued bv the clerk i V'.N tidelitv ami ze.l of those associated with the postma.-er general. Iii making this ackuoledgmeNtof yoitr valuble assi stance 1 beg lhat in the futurei in or out of office, yol will continue your interest in the postal service and study to pro mote in even- possible way its ex trusion and Improvement. Your friend. Jvt, WanwAker. ro-tvr General. The LEADER Office has the only l MM&i M in LijIsC nil; , JIV hair lien fh-esM, '. r"w ami all the fittest tyle We are prepared to print Heeds, Mort SKes, Ilills of Kale, Notes, and till kinds of Lgal Blanks-. Special attention given to print 15 Letter Heads, Envelopes, Statements, &'rds. aiid all kind? of Coihmerclal work. GIVI US A'TWLAXa obder