1 - - Lincoln County Leader. J. F. STEWAKT, Publisher. TOLEDO. . OREGON Earl; Medical Education. In a certain country part of Russia tha art of medicine was not much advanced twen'T-nve vears ago. At that time the ,on of the local doctor, who hail spent a winter In St. Petersburg, asked his father for means to fro take a course of study at Paris. If tue truth must told' ue waa more anxious to see the charms of the gay city than to secure a physician's diploma. "Nonsense," said the old man sternly, "I never graduated, aud yet I do fairly well. Follow my practice and advice and let Paris go." ' The Ud sighed at this rude dispelling of his dreams. "All that is necessary," resumed the parent, "is to look thoughtful, and when jou are called iu to attend a case feel the patient's pulse with a grave air and mean while throw your eyes at the kitchen hearth. As a rule you will see there a lot of swept up turnip peel, end of encumber, cabbage stalk or something of that kind. Having noted this, tell the patient he has been guilty of eating such things. He'll wonder how you could know it. Prescribe some hot drink or other, tell him to be careful of his diet, collect your fee and de part. I've saved thousands by just such means. The student took the lesson to heart, and when his father died fell into the practice. For a long time the parental rule worked without fail, and on one occasion being iill1 to attend a fever case, ht was equal ly astonished and embarrassed at seeing the hearth swept quite clean. He must, however, find something on which to base his treatment. So noting an empty halter and set of harness lying by the grate generally used by iu only sort of steed the family possessed, and taking heart at hope he charged the patient ac cordingly. "The trouble with you is you've gone and eaten a donkey!" "What!" yelled the patient; "donkeyl Get out of this house instantly or I'll real ly make your word good by eating you." And jumping up he so belabored the un fortunate physician that the exercise broke the fever and wrought a quick and perfect cure. Philadelphia Times. Two A ffectlonute Friends. Colonel D. K. Tate, of Bellefonte, owns a cow, Daisy, and a little black dog, Beaver, between which there exists a remarkable degree of affection. No matter where the cow is seen or what the condition of the weather is, Beaver is the companion of her travels. From the time she leaves the sta ble in the morning until her return at night he is playing about her. If other cows come about while she is grazing he quickly clears the field, and Daisy has 'no, fear from the stones of the small boy, for they all respect the rights which her little protector demands for her. When fhe becomes drowsy Beaver lies down beside her, and there hu stays until he is ready to get up. Should she decide to stay away from home at night no bet ter guard could she have than the little black canine. In the stable, if it is cold, he sleeps huddled up between her fore legs, and when the weather is warm he makes his bed in some part of the stall with her. So strong is the attachment between these two creatures that if Beaver is accident ally locked out of the stable nt night he makes night so hideous with his mournful howls that some one is only too glad to get up and let him in. The only reason which Colonel Tate as signs for tjiis strange affection is the fact that when Beaver was a pup he was kept in the stable, and unfortunate in being born in the winter he fouud a warm nest Bear the cow. His gratitude to Daisy for the warmth which she provided him has prompted the devotion which he now daily exhibits. Centre Hill (Pa.) Reporter. The Other Man'i Hat. A very amusing incident occurred lm one of the local churches Sunday. Asa visitor entered the church he was shown to a seat by one of the sextons, aud after eating himself quietly and placing his hat beside him on the seat, he became an attentive listener to the proceedings. As time passed on, however, ho became nerv ous and uneasy, and reaching for his hat was about to leavo, when he was stopped by some person, who tapped him on bis . shoulder from behind. Thinking it was the sexton who wished him to remain till the close of the service he waited; but in few minutes he again reached for his hat, and was prevented in the same mauner s before. He now came to the conclusion that the service must be an important one, and that the sexton did not wish him to disturb the proceedings in any way, so he again seated himself. After waiting for some time longer he resolved to leave at all hazards. 'He made another grasp for his hat, and was again tapped on the shoulder; but he did not heed it and arose to leave, when a voice from behind him exclaimed, "I beg your pardon, but that is my hat you have." The visitor made a hastv anoloirv. Dicked up his own hat, which had fallen upon the noor, and left, while the observers tittered. Buffalo Express. Superstitions Great Men. Superstition has not only prevented man kind from attaining a superior eminence of happiness, but what is more deplorable, it has added in a great degree to an already extensive catalogue of earthly miseries. It is not by the ignorant alone that super stitious beliefs are entertained, but by many eminent men of the past and present. Dr. Samael Johnson was a firm believer in ghosts and second sight. Josephns, the great Jewish historian, relates that he saw the extraordinary sight of an evil spirit being induced to leave the body of an af flicted mortal upon the application of Solo mon's seal to the patient's nostriL James VI, who was noted for his intellectual at tainments and theological learning, was a firm believer in witchcraft So deeD a hold did this absurd notion have on bim that he published a work upholding this doctrine, and actually punished all who opposed the belief.-Hebrew Messenger. A Civil Hallway Porter. At one of the Leeds stations thorels a nan who has been a porter for many years; "tends to the booking lobby, and waits on Passengers arriving by cabs, etc He is n old favorite of consunt travelers, and Wmor says that he can retire any day on "Past earnings. His little fortune has Tf n,ade by civility; and there are prob tay msny more all over the country that I the same. It is certainly true that Porters who are advanced in life get the "on s share of public favor, but tbey were young once, and have served on apprentice 'P which has tauuut them something to men- dvanue.-Chambers" Journal ENGLISH FOLKSI AT THE SEASIDE. Visiting for Pleats e They TTosto No Time In Go! og to Bed. A man charged with begging once de clared tLat he hi id not been in bed for thirteen years; hfe took his rest in door ways and passa; es. This is not a bad record, but man) of the homeless class could probably b( at it. Certainly there are thousands nqt only in England, but all over the worldi to whom such a lux ury as a bed is unknown; unfortunates re obliged to lay their heads in the odd est places imaginable to prevent their being rudely awakened by the police. A sad ne'er-do-well told the writer hat this was h' j principal thought for more days than could count. Where t night? And he had ut for having this should he sleep i a theory that object constantly 1 view as he tramped is pavements of Lon- over the nionoton don be must ha lost his reason. He langhed himself, thought of somd dozing out. i after days when he is experiences at Even he, howev never slept in a stream, which wa what some thirty persons of both se did at Buda-Pesth a few years back The water, which was warm, flowed vagrants got into number of stones lows. lorn a mill, and the It and converted a Into temporary pil- ' Even people wiv homes could tell on this head. Of some strange stori course in some co' tries beds arenn- known. The Jap; ese, for example, sleep on the floor wadded coat and v for a pillow. But, uflled in a great li a block of wood oniining ourselves to England, just tal to the dwellers in the slums on this s to bed there during jeqt. Why, going e summer months fto iuo4ti,t, mt ft.sM, I bUftC. uuuy places swarm with Vltoin, and conse quently those who TfVi in them find it more comfortable to sleep anywhere rather than in the proper place even on the doorstep. The manager of the Isle of Man hotel remarked a few mouths ago that "vis itors" never went to bed. His servants are often asked to provide breakfasts at 8 or 4 a. m. Certainly the streets of Douglass are pretty lively any time dur ing the season. A gentleman is fond of relating that one night a select prty settled not far from his bedroom window and created the most discordant din imaginable. He bore it with exemplary patience for about five hours, and then, dressing him self, he went out and mildly expostu lated, saying he wanted some sleep. "Sleep!" roared one of the gang, blow ing a terrific blast! on a toy trumpet; "then what did you pome to the Isle of Man forr They say at Blackpool, too, that if you! arrive at any hour o the day or night Tvo' "T " point o, you are just iu tint, for something or ; tllan a voIumo of Buncroft or Mot". other. The story apes that early onel Few have reckoned the magnitude of the morning a dance wt in progress on one increase in the reports. The general pro of the piers, when a&hipwroc.ked Bailor, ' sumption Is that it comes from the In- Who had been driftitg about on a spar and had fortunatelr "landed" on the ! l v., L., j . . t girders below, crawled up the steps. TheM. C. came forird they are never surprised at H'ack-fool smiled, bowed and said:" i"o j-obT sirTTJuri I find you a partnl jvJassuU's Journal. An Iiujl It iteicne. Emperors and I Igs when at home are very much likthcr people, and it is doubtless in tlJ small amenities of life that their realt-.haracter shows it self most truly. Anincideut of the visit of the emperor of iussia to his father-in-law, the king of enniark, at the pal ace of Amalienborg is creditable to the czar, though it put him for a moment in a ridiculous light Early one moruinf, soon after the ar rival of the czar it Amalienborg, the sentinels who were giarding the garden of the palace were attonUied to see the emperor come rumiin; on; of the palace In slippers aud shirt Jeeves, gesticulat ing wildly and shouting lcudly. The soldiers knew not what to do. Ead the autocrat of oil the Russias lost his reason or been attacked by some mysterious enemy? I The czar soon aiswerec the question by rushing to a ccrner o'i the garden where a great barking andhowling was going on. From the wijdow of his sleeping room he had soen ne of his big dogs make an attack orilthe favorite black cat of King Chris tun of Den mark, and without waitinU to summon a servant or even to put In a coat he had rushed out to rescue jie cherished pussy. He saved the cat, md no doubt earned the lasting gratituifeof the king, his host. Youth's Compadon. The Cnklnde Cutsf All. "I understand your nev paper is not to come out againr said Kiss Cynicus. Young Eenfield bowed lis head in as sent. He had come to her br sympathy, and his grief was too d?p for words. When his paper suspends! the day be fore he felt that he hid bid the chance of his life and failed Oily an author filled with youthful aubition conld realize how he had bnrnedtlie midnight oil when at last the chincecame for him to make a strike for hones) fame. But it was of no avail, and after a few weeks his little sheet went tie way of many a better paper. After tl fint great pangs of his Borrow were ovr hi had come to her he loved the best it the world, feel ing sure that she could ease bis pain. "It isn't for myself alone I feel to bad," he went on. "Tie publisher was yery good to me. He lank a great deal of money in the venftre, and while 1 did my best I can't hip feeling that 1 was the cause of bis nrsfortnne. What J I lost in comparison wb nothing.' "Of course it wasn'ty she replied. "I understand just bow lit was yon lost nothing. You put in Ce brains. " Kew York Evening Sun. The Cleanlf Boaeh. Contrary to the ttual supposition, cockroaches are quit cleanly and do vote a great deal of tile to the toilet It is an interesting sigi to watch a cro ton bng carefully cleung first its an tenniB and then its leglby passing them I through iu multiple math parts. Pro- I f essor Riley. DEBATES IN CONGRESS. REPORTS OF THE HAVE GROWN BY PROCEEDING! VOLUMES. One Ri-ason tor tha Increase In tha Num ber or Printed Page Is That Man) Written Essays Are Set In Type Instead of Uelne; Delivered on the Floor. The reports of congressional proceedings are growing or have already grown so large as to be burdensome and in imminent dan ger of becoming useless. There are two soeciflc reasons for this increase, one is th printing of every trivial detail with sten ographic exactness, and the other is the permission in both branches of using writ ten essays instead of making actual speech es in debate. In the beginning of the government, and for many years thereafter, the habit ol speakiug from a manuscript In eithef branch of cougress was uuknown. Ob every important measure that came before congress, on the expediency of which mem bers differed in opinion, there was an act ual delxite, in which positions were affirm ed and contested with off hand speech. la every conflict of this kind the members ol congress were, as a rule, in their seats, many taking part and the mass so inter ested as to sit continuously through the debates. The habit of speech has greatly changed. At this time any one who will take hii seat in the gallery of the senate as the senators assemble will be interested dur ing the "morning hour," which is often marked by what may be called a sharp de bate; but wheu the "morning hour" ex pires and the "regular order" is an nounced the spectator will very probably see a gentleman rise and unfold a mass of manuscript and begin to read. He will next see out of the eighty-eight senators probably seventy-five and possl- Vi!- ri"-r - t 1 " ' i i-.j li.v.L, vub dturt.U tun, Muavui, themselves from their scats aud retire to the committee rooms to write letters and transact both public and private business nntil the pages shall Inform them that the reading of the manuscript, in progress wheu the senators left the chamber, is about to close. SATURDAY ESSAYS. In the house of representatives the spec tator, when be seats himself in the gallery, will probably see repeated, its nearly as the analogy of proceedings iu thetwo branches will allow, all that has been said of the senate, with the addition of a habit which is not extensively, if at all, practiced in the senate tiz., the permission to print speeches, not one word of which has been delivered, anil also the setting aside of odd afternoons, .merally Saturday, for debato only, which i.ieans that some one deputed by the speaker will preside, with the un derstanding that no business is to be done and that any member who chooses can come there and deliver a speech upon any subject he may select, whether it is pend ing before congress or not The essays which are thus read on a B!nB'8 <urJly wu'l often fill a large creased membership of both branches of congress. This' accounts for part of the itirM-PMW hut. it la tint, a ,,fYi.,At ., .. 1 tha .!,nU ' The sonnta is -larger than fifty years ago by. a. little more than one half fifty-two then, eighty-eight now. The house today is not one half larger in membership than it was fifty years ago. But the volume of the reports of either house today com pared with those of fifty years ago is pro digiously great. The reports of proceedings in the Twenty-sixth congress March 4, 1831), to March 4, 1841 take scarcely one-sixth of the space given to the reports of the Fiftieth con gress. But if we go back only half of fifty years a striking illustration will be found. Take both houses of cougress from Xl 'to 1865, embracing the Thirty-seventh and Thirty- eighth congresses, and covering the entire i period of the war. One would suppose that the proceedings in two congresses, with an extra session in one of them, dur ing such a period as 1801-05 would be ex traordinarily voluminous. Both houses were filled with remarkable debaters, and the subjects that were con tinually before each branch were so ab sorbing In interest that almost every sena tor and every representative desired to be heard. 8TH1KIN0 COMPARISONS. As the form in which the proceedings are reported has changed since that time the comparison of different periods can be made with approximate exactness by stat ing the proceedings in uniform pages of 1,000 words each. From March 4, 1801, to March 4, 1805, the number of pages filled by the proceedings was 25,400. Twen y-oix years afterward the fiftieth congress con vened. It lasted from March 4, 1887, to March 4, 18S!, and the report of proceed ings filled 88,1100 pages. 1 In an uneventful period, then, with noth ing especially to exercise or disturb the country, the number of pages filled by the proceedings of a single congress is greater than during the whole period of the war, with all its mighty issues at stake. Other comparisons of interest may be made readily. One of the most exciting congresses supposed to be one of the most important ever held In the ante-bellum period was the Thirty-first, beginning March 4, 184'J, and ending March 4, 1851. The compromise, measures of 1850, Involv ing all the phases of the slavery question as it then existed, called forth a debate which for thoroughness and ability has perhaps never been equaled, certainly never surpassed. In the history of the gov ernment. Men who naturally belonged to a former period Wehiter, Clay. Calhoun, Benton, Cass were there in full vigor, and tha younger men of prestige and ower Sew ard, Douglas, Chase, Jefferson Davis, Rusk, of Texas were also there in all the strength of mature mu'iliood. Tbe first Region of the Thirty-first lasted uutil Sept. SO. and that of the Thirty-third nntil Aug. T, and the proceedings of both congresses filled only 20,000 pages, leas by 1,400 psges than tbe record of the proceed- lugs of the first session of the Fifty-first congress. To make a comprehensive and moat sug gestive comparison, let It be stated that from the inauguration of Washington In 1789 to the close of the civil war In 1865 the report of the proceedings of congress for the entire seventy-six years employed 177,4110.000 words. From the close of the civil war in lbCj to the first day of October, 18U0, being twenty five years, tha number of words etntloyed .in reporting congress was 281,000,ai. Hence the congressional report for the last twenty-iWe years contained I03J500,OU wonls more than all the reports from 17bV to 1805. James U. Blaine in Youth's Cosa-twuion. A CHAPTER OF QUEER ACCIDENTS. Perplexities of Nearsighted Man Who Left Ills Glasses at Dome. A nearsighted bookkeeper carelessly left his eyeglasses at home the other morning, and had a half day's experience that he will not forget or care to repeat as long as he lives. He was in a great hurry to catch the car, and rushed out of the house shout ing farewell to his wife as he passed through the door. There was a large sized puddle in front of his residence, and the first step that he took off the curbstone was directly into it. That utterly ruined the polish on one shoe, aud imagining t hut he saw a firm place ahead of bim he made a leap for that and went into the mud with the other foot. He narrowly escajied being run over by a team hitched to a brewery wagon, aud al most missed the r;il of the car as it passed by him. As he scrambled to the platform he trod heavily upon the pet bunion of tout old gentleman, who uttered a howl of anguish, aud turning to apologize knocked a dinner basket out ot the hand of an office boy going to his work. When the conductor came to collect his fare he offered him a three cent piece and then a nickel penny. By this time those who were near looked pityingly upon him. Ho searched through his pockets for his glasses, and to his great annoyance discov ered that they were missing. There was no help for it, and he decided to keep on to the office and send a boy back for them. When the car arrived nt the corner of i ...nvw.ur, ui. Bank and Superior streets he hastened to alight and almost embraced a stern female, who gave him a look that would havo pet rified him could he havesecu It. He raised his iiat and begged her pardon for the col lision, and as he did so the conductor bent forward to assist the lady onto tho car nnd knocked the hat out of the nearsighted mans hand to the ground. The latter i.r,. imi.uiv lurwaru in me direction iu shells were lined with sheet of mica past which lie thought the hat might lie, but , ed on paper and filled with burned clay or could not discover it. The conductor miMiit. am) chnrt-ont nu.im T.,i.,...j Jumped off the car, and picking up the hat ' tho moisture successfully but was' so'uV restored it to its owner. .tractive to the thin iron shells that it. I he bookkeeper reached his office with-1 use was abandoned. Connor allowed his out any further accident. He sent the invention to lapse, nnd a man named Fits oflico boy to his residence for his glasses g,rnm in 184:1 obtained new letters patent and sat down at his desk to work as best on tho same kind of a safe, he could until the messenger returned. In somk ot n saffs five minutes he had written with red Ink William Murr, of London.' In S34. was upon the wrong lKiok, and as he reached tne flrst tt patent a method of construction for the eraser he knocked over another ink for 8ftfl.a. In lm cll,lr,e8 cbllul) of th rii .! tlie,c",,,c",f .V'0:?"?'1? 8,rtu; n.e city, used concentric linings of iron rated a pile of statements that he had spent plHtcs filled in between with wood ashes W?i ,rV:ril;'yitn,,,,':k'S0Ut;. Jrher conducting material, of a bile attempting to stop the flow of Ink nilUlr0 t0 the transmission of heat, he daubed it upon his coat and cuffs and , l843 ,eltl.re ,,atcnt, wero ,,, t finally sat down in the corner, lit a c sar. w t' .i n,iT! h 1 i1'! W"""""; the glasses came with the messenger. His hurry to catch the street enrcost him about twenty rve dollars, to say nothing of we-r and tear of nervous energy. Cleveland Leader. Worrying Ticket Sellers. "What nre you doinir that for?" oskpd the writer of a downtown elevator boy, who was industriously hacking the edges ot a nickel with a sharp knife. futtln' up a Job on one of dc 'L' rakes," he replied, as be started the elevator with a velocity that douNcd up the kiio-is M a puny looking man who wanted go to the top floor. Who are the 'L' rnkcsf I In loft tirii ir I r I a nn tin. uunnil Ann nn.1 - ' - i ''. Diew a chewed wad at a messenger boy on w..u vo.au, ,ucu unnuBnutu. De rakes are de fellows wat pull in de coin at de elevated station windows. Dey tink tier mighty slick in mnkiii' change, and de lazy way dey slide It out makes you tired. But we fellers are on to 'em. We whittles sharp edges on a coin like dis and flops it down hard on do wood. Do man paws it, but it don't rake. Ho tries it also fused or disintegrated alum, roleasli'g a...:.. I... ft l.lo ln..n -.ne t., a .... ... . . . again, but his fingers slip off. It's fun to see him get rattled when ders a big crowd waitin. Tree of de fellers had a man wild last night. We mixed up In a 7 o'clock crowd and each of us hud a cut coin. Do ticket man was slidin' change his purtie.it when a lad chucked down a nickel with whiskers on. He pulled at it six times and then had to pick it up. "After a few people had passed I struck him wld a sharpened dime. It took him a minute to rake It in and gimme change, and a Hollum train went up wid a big crowd pushin' to get through de gate. Den de money slipped all right for a minute, but another of de gang set down a fixed piece. It stuck fine, .iml de man was so mad de station trembled. It's de last joke out uint' floorl" New York World. A Oorgeous Curtain. The curtain nt the English Opera house Is one of its nights. As it hangs closed it looks- like a magnificent pair of golden gates. It was made bv Messrs. I tel bron ner. of Oxford street. It measures thirty-three, feet high and is forty-eight feet wide. A special wareroom had to be hired for it to be made in. The bane Is gold colored silk, on which has been worked an applique of a darker tone of the same color. The ap- plique a fiorated adaptation of fruit and foliago, pineapples and pomegranates, con- ventionally treated is of the Renaissance period, and is from a design by the arch I- tect, ingeniously carried ont by Messrs. ileioronner. Tbe npplique is outlined by a One cord of silk; a fringe with tassels decorates the foot of the curtain. Thesilk is about a yard wide and there aro between Ave and six hun- dred yards of it, and more than thirty eross of cord have been used in the curtain. Tha' tilk was made in Lyons and the eonl anil fringe in London. The lining is of yellow tatcen, and the substance of the curtain is obtained by layers of wadding. The valance is sIbo applique work in bright roils, blues, yellows and browns, and has been carried out by the same embroiderers. Pall Mall Gazette. Classified Blnuers. "Eight sinners came forwunl for n raters last night," said a gentleman conducting revival services In this city; "eight sinners, tome of tbem of the very highest social standing, and some of no standing at all." What would John Wesley have said to tucb a scech as that, or what bis inspired brother Charles? Social standing discussed at tbe altarl A story is related that when one day tbe Fi.. 1, r,l H'.. 1 1 i ... .... I. II... . I ASU9 Uft 1. KIIIII,UU U AIICt:ilIIJf Bfr WIO altar to partake of the communion a peaa- ant knelt by bis side for the same religious purpose. An officious erwn standing by whispered in words the Iron Duke couj'' not but overbear: "Come away from l. Don t you know you are kneeling tide of the Duke of Wellington bim remain," interrupted the du Is no rank at this altar." Times-Star. Contracted tha Habit a W uttut nitA Vnii'rA f.hnrm. glng. y I Beggar I wasn't bcggln', y P. Magistrate But you were f out jour hand. LVggnr-It'a this way, yer w bad to hold out my hand so mi , that now I can't break myself of. '-Ixiudon Tit Bits. i HOW SAFES AEE MADE FIREPROOF MATERIAL IS PLACED BE TWEEN IRON SHEETS. cfame Conner, a Tjpa Founder, Mad the First Iron One In 1839 Many Kinds of Mixtures Are Used for Filling Burg lar Proof Sales. The earliest style of safe known was made in heavy oak or other hardwood boxes or chests. They were bound on the corners and across the top and front with Iron bands studded with nails. Iron platea were eventually made to cover the outside f the chest and nailed to the wood. The foundation of the plan upon which fire proof safes .ire still constructed was laid by a Richard Scott in 1801. The Improve ment previous to 1SS was to make the chest of soft wood, In thicker body, soaked in brine. After thoroughly soaking both the inside and outside shells sheets of iron were fastened inside and outside with large -jails or spikes. The idea aud principle was that the moisture in the wood upon the application of heat would produce steam and prevent the interior and its contents reaching a temperut ure of 812 degs. Below that point paper of every description will be preserved from damage either to the fiber of the ma terial or to the writing which may be upon us Biiriitro. i uese principles oi lue steam. producing quality and the reliance upon this quality is the principal element in tho manufacture of all safes of the present day, though different materials may be used to produce tho same result. James Conner, a type founder of this Mtv nlwMit-. 1H'l'M Innuitl u Imn -ft........ ; box with a double shell, having as a filling plaster of Paris mixed with water. I jitcr the ad gypsum, previously heated and cooled, . ,.r ro. w .i,.. i ,u, ,-' as Milner had patented a plan to fill the jacket, formed by the double plates, with sawdust in which were packed a number of small tubes tilled with an alkaline scyTii tlon and hermetically sealed, or crystiJfs of alum or soda combining front 40ton per cent, water crystaltv.at ion. in case ot lire the saru heatiiifg tubes would burst or the crystals wiiij melt ana saturate with water the sawdust btenm thus produced by tho l(,.at would pass into ime inner sare and pH'.t t con tents, if inllaifcmable,- fr a loiv time. George Price, oP.VVOIvurlmmpton, ML.irlim.l In IKTlY trlwl t.hn nlan nf tvmtintr nn.n , m I ... . i. .. jttii i . i .. iituracAinmru i u iuo lining null atuinui..,.! tlon to prevent corrosion, and then iwi nnWIIPPPli lll ltTl mill KHWIItlUt. 1) n III ..- Previous to this, In 18111. dry plaster and common grade of alum or potash alum was found to lie of value as a non-conductor of neat. Plaster was used for its non-conductor quality and alum for tha large pro portion of wnter It contains in crystallisa tion. The same hent which produced ateum the moisture aud producing the requisite steam qualities. Tho principal argument that might be used against this combination would i that alum in fusing almost entirely disap pears. Thus a vacuum is left, to take the place of which there is nothing to support the outer frame of the safe. Tho outer frame must romain Intact in order to retr.in tbe steam. MODKHN 6AFK8. In another mixture of similar character at this tlmo was Included marble dust and the refuse of soda manufactories. When this material wus heated It was supposed to produce carbonic acid gas. The gas was to subdue nr extinguish fire or flames in the Immediate vicinity by reducing the temperature. Still another material used as a filler was pulverized hydraulic cement, which embraced the several qualities of the plaster and alum. This material Is a non-conductor of heat and contains water in large Quantities. Unlike the dry planter and 'alum It is a solid, having a crushing strength In itself ' several hundred pounds to the squnre 'Dcn- The extractlou of the moisture by any degree of' heat that can; poasi lily lm Ptnduced in an accidental flre Vtvea the I filling lid and intact. Tbe volume la neither increased nor decreased, so tlicTfe-U 1 00 strain on the frame which covert it j Mot of l,1B fireproof safes of the present , nay aro mono or wrought iron plates and angles on tbe outer and inner frames. The usual thickness of the walls Is from live and a half to six Inches. Combination locks are used almost universally: yet locks art the exception. The number of safes pro- L ' duced by the manufacturers has laruelr increased in lutcr years. Burglar proof safes are distinct froai fireproof safes' in material, construction: nl llle object for which they are bulltH The walls are composed of high and low, grades of steel, which, when tempered! w'" the most powerful drill. Buf Is an error to suppose that a safe widen provides security from the burglar's drill'-. mat reason sufficiently protectee from burglars who are properly fitted (if an attack upon a bank safe or vault. 1 lb-rent exneripnee liiuiilHmnii.iruiul tl other methods are more expeditious, I volving leas risk for the operators, and frequently more certain of success. Weif inserted across one edge of a door driven home by repeated blows of a -mcr retain on each wedge the con strength of each blow struck. Tl clined plane of the wedge, being tl dation principle of all nierhnu ' t,.. r.n.rul In m AHTW ' " ,'.'. IU IIUIM burglaries to ao- ft of sat'' - 5"" -.7 - - ' li CATFISH HAD ANOTHER EYE. BttllTing Hangers of the Fonds That Were the Scavengers of the Seas. "Professor Brown Goode compares the taste of catfish meat to pate de fole gras," Professer Bashford Dean, of the College of the City of New York, says in a paper In the fish commissioners' report. The ca'.j fish is a quarrelsome, hardy and mud lov ing fish. Fisb.culturista affect to despise It because it is ugly aud a fighter. It grows sometimes to three pounds in weight, but ortlinarily it ranges from half-a pound la a pound. Nearly all fish die when con fined a short time in muddy, stagnant Water, but when the vivifying oxygen is txhuusted from the water the cattish rises to the surface, thrusts iu snout out of tha . water and sucks air into its stomach. Through its porous skin also it takes in the oxygeu of the air. Like the frogs,' the catfish hibernates, refusing food after No vemlier, and burying itself in the ooze at the bottom of the pond in December. It reappears in February or March, or after a thunder storm, some naturalists aver. Then it is thiti and ravenous. Cattish were planted not long ago In Lake Itonkonkoma, nnd fishermen com plain that they are ogres as Thoreati wrote, "a bloodthirsty nnd bullying set ol rangers, ever with lance at rest." They pause in their roving, sink headforemost In the mud and wait for their prey, with their black muzzles just protruding front the ooze, while their little Ulack eyes glance restlessly iu every direj.ioiu The cattish will bolt anything tr' a bit of salt mackerel to a piece of titxV r,ci Its de struction nt the young of f,rer fish is enough to breed a fish lamina iu a lako or pond. Of t heir owu young, however, they are very careful. The adult fish alivnys bv litis with, the young fry wandering near, exactly as chickens accompany the mother lieu, and at the sign of danger the lit! le bullheads hustle to the mother fish anil get behind t...r . t... ..III. Ill ..!-ft -v., waves defiance with hor whiskers. When aroused catfish give hiddn and fearful battle with their barbs. They light most In the breeding season males battling with males. Of twelve oiatHsh observed by Professor Dean nine shfm-cd marks of ter rific strife. The soft putts of their fins nnd tails were torn to tailors and four eyes were destroyed, one olill male cattish being blind in both eyes, while, tho lon er third ot its tail and half of the Ifcft pectoral Uu were missing. Professor Dean find evldcnres that tho eatllsh has a ruillmeiitiiryeyeiu the middle of its forehead. There I is a median skull opening which appears wo connect tho sur face of the head with tlib brain. There aro evidences that a lens once cxTsTfjind it is DelinvOcl irom microscopic exit tho liraln that the opening anV fti It.. I. . .1... ft. I. sr Itiiin iil iihiii. ill iiir (VK aiioi. n i uni i -n- Tin Mr jp monster placodf Kii the wnUr. ot the cnT loitieal eiioch; that from V of the cattish in burying itsc with only Its noso sticking o It must have Iwon In Us original f riblo sclrtirger of tho sea, alilef fore, behind and above, while, f ready to dart on Its prey. New I r llruin Cutohes aV I An organ grinder wr lrouifh tho country K through tho country lountry iv h bo had a farmer'sy iM stoimed before ft...... I...nr tallt p'fternoon, aud after auiiiv llj ""rltJi his performances I lnlssion'Wa. slay all ni:4i, w-ft ill rij J li" g lug the night the fuTmll. a terrible noise in the U. wns screaming nnd slroikv help!" and apparently cugu.f gin for lifu. f The farmer hastened thy lowed .by the organ grind'! mates nf the house, and fi' tx ar with a man In his ey him tightly, while t gled frantically to estA,-. The bear was muxsled a& man no serious injury, thou from being comfortably examination it proved. 4,;'. butcher, who come to tll, v flue calf. In the darkness lit. )" over bruin, who li ml wIjuh! . r bim fast. v The organ grinder, learning, stood, called out, "Hug hlir the bear enjoying the sport squeeze bim unmercifully. n thought he had Im-''" when ho ''"T i spread iiUT t town to ff 5 , . . Jected h """ if nnJ el 7 i I S. t fi WtWil v i. ft