... ! - - - t- ,. , .i j.. im.. . - .1 -"--,-r"iniiM .. r-iajMmt-lr-at---'. " -- - - 'It-.. " """" ' " " "" '- iiVfaM,,!,,-;. ,', - v ' . . . i Sj1 " .1 r r: : v ; -'... Volume I, INTRODUCTORY. Ve present to the people of Lin coln county this week the initial number of the Lincoln County Leader as a candidate for popular favor and patronage of all the people of Lincoln county. In entering upon the . work of publishing a weekly paper we' will make no promises of future great performances, assuring he people pnly that as long as we are engaged In the work we will do our utmost for the advancement of the best in terests of Lincoln county, and Tole do, asking in return' as liberal $ pat ronage as the . people feel that our efforts have entitled us to. It will be -our aim to make the Leader a newspaper in the fullest gense of the word, as far as the county field is concerned, and will prmr no pains in gathering the news and placing it before our read ers in 9 neat and attractive manner Lincoln County. Ronttl! UK of It Malory and Onraalsation, Lincohi was cut off from. Benton by the 1 -giMature of 1893, the bill rrming Ae new county becoming law 01: the 21st day of February, 1893 an ' as introduced by Senator Crosnc, :i d known as "Seriate Bill 119,' 71 f bill was one of a total of eleye -1 wise and senate bills in troduced during the session, which sought to create new counties in the state, Senator Crosuo's bill was the only one that became a law, and this a-as the result of Senator Crosno's indefatigable efforts, as sisted by many prominent men of what is iow Lincoln cbunty, and the manifest justice.. of the end sought fff iii the measure. The boindaries of Lincoln county .are as folows; the north by the sontl line of Tillamook and a small pat of Polk counties; on the t. C 1.1. f . cijai uy . ui uit; v-Ulsc It shall ever be our policy to Donno fii it- rpch treat with courteous respect the w. wi,e, the line makes a io f -' ---,-. opinions 01 an persons, relieving about ,. miies thence south to that an honest sentiment is worthy the nortl line of Lane county; on of the esteem of every upright man the soutl by the north line of Lane wnetner it aecorus witu our own views or not. ... w,,tyt urggop, Ihursday, March 9, ,893. EAST AND SOUTH Lincoln County L,iiincli.ftd. The coif, is indenfcd by four bays, viz: ATA . . , . f 1 . t t i1 . f . i m 'V " x rusting implicitly in xne mtura nearly 1 500 square mnes and a prosperity and advancement of populati-h of nearly 4,000. The Toledo and Lincoln county, and county i rolling Ta1vthilly, with hoping to contribute our help to many be utiful anil Uertile valleys tnat aesirea ena, iara, Very Respectfully, J.F.Stewart, The costs of transcribing the rec ords from Benton to Lincoln county will, it is estimated, reach close to $6,000, Comes high, but we mast have it. Investors have begun to get their eyes on Toledo and many strangers are looking the towu and' comitly Over these days. Additional Lotyil. Well, how do you like the first number of the Leader? We acknowledge a pleasant call from Mrs. C. L. Gowell and Miss Hattie Reeder this week. . Sheriff G. A. Lanrlis? came up from Newport today-r-Saturday. We acknowledge a short call. The wages of the section men along the line have been reduced from $1 .60 to $i .50 per day. Our thanks are due B. F. Jones, T. E. Parker, and many others; for material assistance rendered us in preparing this week's paper. The business firms of Toledo are mostly represented in the Leader, but we wish to have every firm in the city represented in its colnmus. Will the churches and societies .1.- : . r v u.c "s.sembie-aid we in a!l thdstatey caioT,5t if 1 j " "vi n. .Main im j 1 . - . . f- p of Toledo kindly hand iu notices of servate Wnds: ' When due taxes their regular meetings, for publica tion in our "society" directory. Receiver Hadley and Supt. Mul cahy passed over the road in a spe cial train last Tuessday inspecting fa ? ,u J the line to become more familiar- .1 t-1 ; . ized with the needs of the road. ed here, under the name Lodge. The officers are as fol lows: C. B. Crosno. C. T: Miss Sada Chambers, V. T,; Miss Belle Butler. Chap.: Geo. Bethers. Secv.: Iiss Jennie Alexander, Asst. Secy.; iss Etfie Crosno, Fin. Secy.; Mrs. M. E.. Alexander, Treas.; Jay Buford, Mar.; Miss Anna Q. Cham bers, Asst. Mar.; Miss Hattie Reeder, Guard; J. W. Parrish, L. D.; Mrs. M. E. Butler, S. J.T.; J. J. Tumidge, P. C. T.; Mrs. Mary Bethers, V. C. BIRTHS. BORN.-To the wile ol 1vM Derby Friday Mri'h . istv.-bhy. BiTttS.-Tx the wife ol Wm. Mueller, Msrch C ISO, a girl. PMple of lac Nfw Coanty KlUy (Vlrbritte MsOrvdlMllou. Last Friday was a gaja day for the peaple of Lincoln county, that being the day set apart for the rati .fication of the formation of the new county, at Toledo, under the aus pices of the ladies of Lincoln county. The weather clerk, for the people a beautiful day, from dawn until dusk the sky being clear, People bean to assemble at" an early hour, and by a o'clock the streets of our little city present ed a decided holiday At 10:30 the good steamer Volanta, under Capt. Davis, arrived from Newport and Yaquina with her cabins aiid decks crowded with .Lincoln county people on pleasure bent, while the jaunty little steam er Benton, with the popular ; Cant. Robertson in command, added her quota of passengers to the thrmio- 1 At 12 o'clock, sharp, the doors of me banquet hall at the Blake House! were thrown open and the bled people were seated to a most Isuraptuous - ! r W Hit :ounty, m the west Pacific ocean, ladies of Lincoln county, and rteht .1.. ' o The cointy contains an area of Salmon of the p lumberi: A.. I, .... . . yyaiiy naa ttiey provided, too, Seat!' were prodded at the tabjes fJ about one hundred guests aj a time, but, thanks to rtft- ladies tkise vvho cato.tr last were as roj J., ly proviOtctl'with clam soup, baked cbms, salmon, chicken and haras, mu liumerous ouier aeiicacies is those.-wrlHwere first at the feast. Ay bout j-oo p. m. the crowd hay ing, been well feasted, were headpi "by he ToLeOo Brass Band discoursl OU1M7. a4 uresenti thp lnS some me music, and marched i-'f . f. ,U Tl..l'.. ' ....... ' I .... i-oredcVliiiej" Han.- Xninn5 at tnej A:,"-- VaquSia,- Siitz and ; I . .. . . . p'he prinbipal ' industries 'e are farming, fishing, and stoc-raising-. . .towns " v 4 're no . laWe tolns in T T 1 unaer tlie vigorous policy of Jidge Fullerton the matters of tfie 0. P. road are beginning to assume a more favorable aspect. He has removed T. E, Hogg, as receiver of the road and appointed E, W. wacuey, t Corvallis, in his place. The sale of the road was posponed till next Tuesday, when it will again be ofiered, Receiver Hadlev has removed W, M, Hoog, with a salary of $5,000 per year. Wallis Nash, with a 3,ooq salary attach, merit, hp also had to go. Receiver Ifdley is now in San Francisco,"where he is thorouehlv reorganizing the company's affairs, and will probably reduce the ex penses at thatpoint materially. He asserts that hi will soon be able to pay four or five months' watres. and hopes that-beore long he will be able to pay all wags to date. It is to be sincerely honprl rW tl, railroad matter will be soon straight ened up and work yii the road again started, A ' . ' -VIA.- SQulIierii Pacific Boute, Sliasta j Line. fw Eiprea Ifains Leave Poniam Daily, tiQlTH f 7:(ll p. k 10:2! V. 31. 11:15 a. M. l.v. I.V. Ar. Portland Albanv na Iran." Ar. I.T. I.v. 2: )- r. h. S p. u. ROSBUKG MAIL DAILY. I XORTH I :: a. u. I -1:23 A. M. M P.M. I.v. Lv. Ar. lVtrtlaml All.Ht.ir Rugebnrg Ar. I.v Lv. 4:J P. M. 1-'::W p. m. 30 a.m. ALBANY LOCAL DAILY (Kxnept Sunday.) ft: M P. M. : 00 p. 11. . Lv. Ar. Portland Albany Ar. Lv. 10:30 A.M. 0:30 A. M. lOCAL PAKHKNCBB TRAIN DAILY (BXCKPT Sl'XDAV.) ': p. u :2.-. p. m. 7::A. M. 8:iiA.M. I Lv. Ar. I.v. Ar. IjjbKlHIIl Albany Ibano'n Ar. Lv. Ar. Lv. :i'. p. m. 8:40 p. m. 4:3iPM. S:40P.M- Thert Lincoln princiv temCiy eouWifcif seat,..' Elk idty, YaaTaNeTapft and Cald- poiTji le Cia twot u several lacesl 1 with "li-l W J trie '2- !V nost- ,alcorjiitry ' y. NTY Cf7-i fonniit of the fatt P-esid'ant of day. Jlon. R. A. Be .-. V. . . "oaictj &natdr Q . Cr0sn( amnged "'lVMimroffics or &k plat- f(,rm w,leri th'wefvie'! V Some time ago . Mr. Tohn nirh. ardson, of Newport, too his cow to the south side; this seemed to be allright to her bovineship until last Sunday, when she., beino- r.fo . . . ' 0 " nome-ioving disposition, took it in to ner Head to cross back to the Newport side. This she undertook to do by swimming ...the bay. At 2-y p. m, .she started across the bay, but as there was a strong ebb tide she was carrieK"c.nt orfS3h, bar into the ocean in f,i 1 ' l ail her efforts to prevent it. She was tossed by the waves for an hn V , -r- U U more and finally land n i, Ich safe aiid sound nr. ,;iJ Soiitn oj the bar. Times. PULLMAN BUFFIT SLEEPERS N dimmer DIJtpCTOItY, UK(t)L3( CuniTT, Joint Senator rj n rmmo coumy judge. . ..: : ,. . .;::::::::::v.c:db PCrsq T5rr::::::::::::::::::::::::-Wis HcMil superintendent....... Cba. B.wth ":::::::::::::.::tii Comniinslonerj j J. 0. Stearn . - 1 . T....U. u. irapp TOLEDO PREC1.NCT. Juitice of thp Constable 'eace J. A. Hall A. E. Altrea- CHURCHES AND SOCIETIES. FIRST BAPTISTS. Meet every first Sundavin each month, a 11 a. ro. aud also p'n the. Sat-, urday proceeding the above Suaida p. m., In the Toleiio Public Hall. 1. U. BudeJw Resident Pastor. 7 J . O. O. F., Toledo Lodge. No.oi, meets every Fridav VAnln. ut thaj. h.l i. .kj. . ? - - n ' -. ' ...y . .H ..... MJWU Second-Class Sleeping , CARS For the lccommodation of Passenw lir.ifli oeconu-iiass Tfekata ti..hH . E "."J! nApress WEST SIDE DIVISION BIlTWllEU PORTLAND AND COKVALLU. Mall Train Dally (Except Sunday.) 7: A. M. U':10 P .M- "TvT Ar. Portland Cnrrallia Ar. Lv. f:30 P: M l'-,:".' P. M At Alhnnv ntiA r.. OfUreg,, PaJ Hp Rat "r U"neCl !. Exprc 1PM II. 1 P- M". Ar Mc 'Jsr i-tSnnday.) A- rille j,v i:0 P.M. 8 A.M. 'oledo Vill experience nn h nil! Iran t . 1 ... p.-va., uu(.. .sne wm do some ffiignty good growing. A correspondent of a' 1nwL ssfs: "The nnl - '"v.u are meiU oJmint emplpyas," ftl's -iQS, o This he ointments: Sherii Newport; Clerk, t LyT-,. "Vi-Uieti introduced w (f Tte tht : 1 c. "t'.cl chjnade a shortfm apeccih-'lill-rs were Wffl O. ; P lue,:onquini! or. juTgt' i.mvAjupcfiuienaent. c has iTrfi, c;ners. of Ne.ort; Coipner, J. Russein ourvr, .jas. Gideon,, of Alsea; Comqsione,,, m, ; L4 Trapp, of. Wildp-B. Tlis; officers! are about -r""f"-Rt'j",' ":.anon iM-riTiprtate jtmrteen sets at iue topf aiKt; political ?j'of AledOi Treasurer, Uiade by Senator Crosru.1!0"' ,f Ol loiet n. Assure:- .tt-JleilsilJln!i ... 1W Hi Wi , Parker, of! 'yianina?!. F. M. Carter, CBC. frf.hl qniiia:'.antxJas- Brasfield, Mr. ifaiu U v, At7 6'cjock the popiegam - w jau 1UVCIS 01 the TerplicliQrean art vvre soon gai ly danciaf'lo the strains nf .....t ' , " ) - - ."1 f V'. anrr officerej are about mitsiT: Tbe hall waaarranged to formation of Lincoln rnnh, 1 do much to ad,, j I - uu uro- Itethe l.terests Sf fi,.v. i!. any homkteadersVvin ) . , , . v uuiv ue vaU, iu:jiie proohvhn li. fqreave been deterreVy the enor mou exnense nprpsA.. . . t. ... ana niorfiTiti7vt rterelopet To All Points fM n. South 1 V - s For tickt. and ifnm.J" "gard.n - mP. etc., call on Con,pnvaf!nt atr''lU. """i.r.n, k it t. a V A P I. .Manager, FoitTLANS, atea, OkkoonN J. A. HALL, V ., Justice of the Peaae. - Ti.!d ArTB.eu wuacorrw.liie i Vwfnmtteniion . .. 1 - bteamer B enton, Cffj Robertson, k . t On and after VAnrii regular (Jaily itnps'. between Toledq uu B"t way landings. Low Freie-hts time for leaving copelaud s coner aiid Fares. See on auueton at -UK CASIK L f ' FROPRIEUV TrwT,wllJ If I. it resh a J V . .. .. M THE! J. .A. One of the mr, i tingB A'ftcHiio pabji office must Q resertf for somiLfutund time, cwJ'thft capacity of floor manager is i iatx 9iata at present. T inn .V."..., t., 1 . "vuimuhij surts out With good psits and in safe and cou time, and the' dance vvas admirably presjaed over by H. T. Vincent in are ritifill hart ample funds in iicurj lo meet an its obliga tions al .stme to spare. Theiture 6f the county seems Dngatd hopeful.. . Log uve Lin- A Good Templars Lodge of 42" ' charter members has been organiz- cation 5unty under auspices f of Toledo oftbep tavM "T1:1 !held- ver did ladies wot) At midnight supper was served at the otoke House and was eninvwi h aDout5oo people. At 3 o'clock the Volairta's shrill whistle warned the pleasure seekers from down the Bay that they must hasten hnmo and a tired but-jollv'c' of twic were soon wending their way homeward. 1' ' ' 1 S Hi. .' -,'UAM.:.jaL-.. lne ratification wa vto,i vi. 1.11 to have been a success in every re spect, and too much praise cannot ne given the good ladies of Lin m coniiection will"" FVlt 4t? of affairs of tl&'n a TOafs the failure or refiisnt f to interchano-P imc;,', . . The, " a "nent a wnter made a , consigith. J press from Wni!, J p-. road, to Tolwlr. tr VJf ' - -x.v.. AACl'llllI rj -"c ncigut, ior tiie re-,, that the . frrio-'nf J burn knew nothing, anrl : ''! v ,.11C iaes or distanc Oregon Pacific road. press arrived.at Albai road would not recJ height wafe prepaid uu ti,e rtsiijt of tK was mat the shf Albany until $ adjusted Lepe-Mi A.- A A of the P. taxes of ,SSl U, . Q.V ever dld ladies ofthetf.,,ia.M;...-, ... loara'tomake a success, and r ... 1 l"c uanQS efforts were amply reward than a thousand sumptuous served during the day and of the iiver. The court refused to. issue order as petitioned for, but g-J instead an orcer in structthe receiver to pay said aenng taxes out of the first funds ilable after the laborers had boaid. Times. and all was entirely free to f . . 1 muicu guests, The Toledo Band deserves esrwini mi also. j The celebration wasundmifl Ore everereptw will the erandest affair ever r,M i aciomtely lawn in Xvack. Jf. bay. and was most thoroup-h L'i . Xl thither re Pack- ;joyed bv aI1 wu were" so fort of Ve3 T i 85 to P"nt of Veand anil J fir and v01nu. v..i i. Ihey addressed to E. M. C. Randofihe experts recently enffaf examining the O. P. R- Hd were procured and shipphim by express. The Hall-Fitzsimmons figh ea lour rounds, orix, minutes, and $ two for the tnons was V i