The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 23, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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Will Rogue River go Dry?
. , 4
mum, junk tii, so i)i-:si-
Gov. Whhyeninbe Issues Proelniiin-
Hon Urging People To Unite,
in Celebration Then
(Special to The Times.
PORTLAND, May 2.1. (lovornor
Wltltycombo hns named Juno 9, tno
dnto for tlio closing of tlio Tenth
Annual Hose Fostlval ns "Oootl
Times Day" In tlio stato's inctropo
113 nnd urges Hint all who can 1IJ1
so to Join In the festivities.
In a proclamation the governor
'Whereas, the Hose Festival held
annually In Portland 1ms become an
ovonf of state wide Importance and
national Interest, and
"Whereas, It Is desirable for all
good Orcgonlans to leiid their as
Blstnnco towards iimklng thl.i year'
celebration even more notable than
thoso of the past, and
"WhercaB, the closing day, .luno
0, 1!)1C has been set aside for a
great pageant and parade, which
will bo participated in by federal
nnd state military organizations,
by civic nnd fraternal bodies, and
by an unprecedented representa
tion of citizens, and
"Whereas, I 'havo boon requested!
by the Uonrd of (lovemors to call
tlio apodal attention to loyal Ore
gonlaiis to this day,
"Now, therefore, I da hereby pro
claim Friday, Juno !)th, as "Good
Times' Day" and I earnestly suggest
that all Orogonlnns on that day ao
far us they are able, lay aside
worK-uiTuy cares and cooperate In
making this cloning event of tlio
1910 Hose Festival an event super
latively worthy of tlio Portland
Ko30 and the Oregon Spirit".
tiii: ituv. nnowxixci to sphxd
skvhuaij wfi:ks away
Chandler Hotel
Charles K. Mack, Eugene; II. J.
McDIlirmld, Dandon; J. It. Peters,
Ilandon: W( P. Sehloffole, North
Pond; Paul Soulo, Han Francisco;
lWtt."lVtton, Portlnnd; F. n.
Pratt,' Jtorthimlj: C.,Uj(!lbort, Port
land; V0. 13. Jlarlinnss, Portland;
II. 15. Loo Stdlnor, Salem; W. C.
ParkUU'rbrfpUfM.' NY L'uttis, Port-"
13. Wpfilljf nii'"'rFfJMc!lsi'or Mrs;
Ilnrrjfcj Sumner; .Mrs. Kgonhoff,
kff Kt. 'Tmrriiro Hotel
U.funhlrlijt, Kiiiittfoj: dt io. Olhbs,
Uosohhrg; A. It. Phillips, Portia 1;
VnlotJViCarl3on, Ilandon; Miss (Iru'ti
Fostiw Chicago; Mraj f, 13. Sloa
trooinjf North Lake; U. J. Uoborts,
Portland; James Slestreem, North
Lako; W. A. Heard, Pnrkorsb'irg,
It. I). Ileuhnm, McKluley; Karl
Router, Portland; Joo (luge, Port
lnnd. A. M. Crosby, Cravelford; Jack
Wnyno, Myrtlo Point; 13. W. (Dip-
11)1, Coon Itlver; Hurt Johnson,
Dolniur; Tony Kliin, Dolman Lo-
lnud Jackson, Dolmar; A. Pershbek-
er, prosper; II. Jnmlusoii, irlxus
Johnson, lluuser;
lrooklng.' Heorgo
A. PhUto. Coos Itlver: Itslph Dla'.e,
Cooskltlvor; .M. Hoot, Portland,
y l.lo)d Hole)
KuV13, Dyer. Daniels Cceo.k:
W. Wulkor, The Dalles; It. S. Ilohr.
Poweru; Mix. Loroutxun, Med'nd;
Mr nnd .Mrs, Johnson, Medlord;
J.unog Clubb, ICiigejie; MIjh 13. Lw
rlo, Urooklugs: Joseph l.owile,
DrookTngs; O. Hay, Norway; O. W.
Cnstnor, Portland.
Alleuds Meeting In Portland Tills
Week mill I. alee does To Wash
ington I). on Visit
Soveral weeks vacation has been
granted to tbo Itev. Robert 13.
Drowning, Ibis action .being taken
by tbo vestrymen at a special moot
ing calle yesterday morning. Mr.
Drowning lert at onre Tor the north.
Ho Intends going from Portland to
Washington. D. C. to visit, his wlfo
having pioceded him. Ho will vis
it at the stale Uiilvoivdty In Ktigeno
and then go to Portland to attend
the annual Dloceasau Convention,
willed convenes this week In tlio
Pro Cathedral of St. Stephon.
At the Oregon Hotel on Tuesday
evening a hymen's dinner In hon
or of the Hl.ihop and clergy of the
diocese will bo hold.
The ltev. Drowning will return
bore in time to meet the Itev.
Frederick Jennings, who Is to be
gin his work In this section shortly.
At the meeting of the Kplscopnl
vestry John Swautou waj appointed
to a vncancy on tlio board and was
aUo appointed senior warden for
tbo ensuing year.
Able Xoith Dead Student Coin
plcles Course ut University
Miss Freda Hazer, daughter of
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gcorgo Ilazer of North
Pond has returned from Dcrkeloy.
fllio was one of tbo 1080 students
to graduate from tlio California
University this yenr.
Miss Hazer graduated from tlio
North Dend High School In 1913
nnd litis the distinction of rccolvlng
tlio highest nvorngo In bcIiooI work
of any studjmt who ha3 yet attend
ed tlio High School at North Pond.
While a senior sho received a
scholarship to Pullman Collego In
Washington, nnd during dior first
yenr there won tlio highest honors
n frbilimah coilld win at thai col
Jiise. .laiuj.iMitoced.tho Unlvorslty of
CnlirornhV "Hi noxt yenr nnd tlila'
was her third year there
X IMPORTANT nnd absorbing' note the fluctuations. In tbo morn
question has "arisen down In lug the rlvor was low, nnd continued
Curry county and ndjolnlng so until near noon, wbon It began
counties. It Is no less than a serious
discussion of the possibly of the
Rogue Itlver going dry. The matter
is discussed as follows by the Grants
Pass Courier:
"Down at the mouth of tlio Regno
where tlio Btream pours Its flow In
to tlio briny iloep, the peoplo uro be-
to raise, and by night It was full
hIx Inches higher than in the morn
lug. As the worst riffles me In the J
upper reaches of the river, by the1
tlnio tho mnll carrier's boat reached
theln the water had raised sufficiently
to enable him to get over them, other
wlsw they would not have been nnvi-
mi i imp1 va "" u-aoiBBa
iy6rH wJWwsi
&M ma '
MaMHaanudnnaMHMMHbanMaHMwMuwuMuwMaMiHntaMMhaiMMMMMniiMMM ..
coming much perturbed for fear that gable. Indeed, on Bevoral orcaslous
tlio Itogiio Is going dry All of tbo I be was obliged to He up his bout sov-
The Junior class of tho North
Dend high school will give a recep
tion Wednesday ovonltig in th
gym fur tho nenlor class and tho
uiomhors of tho faculty,
Mrs. Avery of Gold Hill, Oregon,
hi visiting with Mrs. Woodbury for
a few (Jiys.
er, prosper; II.
RlvocCbarloH A. .1
G. WWMIttliVll, -Dr
All Knglos of .Marshfleld Aerlo
No, CS of the ICagluu are io(iuwtml
to meot at tho aorlo room Wednes
day afternoon at I p. in, for the
purpose of attemlfiig tho funeral
or Mark II. Clint.
J. D. SNHDDON, Secretary
Xorlli Mend Teacher Accept INvsl
Hon at ImII to be Xenr Family
Mrs. UI)'3hii Woodbury for five
yours teacher of tlio eighth grade
In tho North Dead grammar schools
and for two yearn Hngllsh teacher
In tho high school has been elected
h principal to one of the gram
mar sehnobi at Lodl, California.
Mrs. Woodbury Is leaving North
Dend In order to be with hor bus-
hand and sou who are ranching In
utile Micramento valley. Hlio ex
pects to leave for tho south In
two weeks.
Irrigation projects, dredging nnd
placer mining operations, and devel
opment along other Hues based upon
tho iiso of water from tho Iloguc,
Hint bnvo filled the peoplo or the up
per rlvor districts with Joy and hopo,
spoil another story for the rcnldonts
of Gold Deacb. Hero is ie way the
Gold Doach Reporter, undur the cap
tion 'Will tho Roguo Go Dry?' sums
up the situation:
" 'Old residents of this section will
remember the times In enrly dnys
when small trading schooners coinlni:
Into Roguo Rlvor could nnvlgnto to
Dagnell's iorry, four miles up Roguo
rlvor, with permanent channels and
good wnter in tbo lower river. Later
tlio lnrge nmount of plncer mining In
the Illinois rlvor nnd nlong uppo"
Rogue river plnced largo amounts or
gravel In tbo beds of llieco streams
which tho high wntor of each suc
ceeding winter kept working further
and further down tho stream until
when thio big flood of February, 1S90.
had subsided nothing of n portnnnont
channel was left In Rogue River from
tho Illinois down to tho mouth. Flats
and fnrms woro wnsbed cwny, the
rlvor, formerly confined In chnnnols.
spread from hillside to hillside, leav
ing bars of grnvol; oven Islands In
tbo lower rlvor woro washed nwny
lonvlng only fields of gravel, which
shifted more or less with changlnp
winter floods. All tho tailings of the
uppor mines camo down, and the
rlvor bed has boon filled, leaving only
gravel bars, small stretches of deep
wntor, nnd stoop riffles to confront
tbo navigators of today along tbo up
per river. This condition has been
especially apparent when tho low
wator or lato summor mado naviga
tion or tbo numerous riffles difficult.
Tlio houtmon of tho, .river havo art-
' Justed thomsolvcs to th'o clrcum-
stances iib well as possible, construct
ing boats especially suitable to ovor
co mo tho obstacles, and for years past
navigation by gnsollno boats ha?
boon stcndlly conducted for 40 miles
up, tbo mall to tho mouth of tho Illin
ois, 30 miles up, bolng regularly car
ried Hint way.
" 'Two Bummers ngo, bowovor, n
now difficulty confronted tho liontmen
In tbo Rumor time. Tito river sud
denly fell sovornl Inches, sometimes
nearly a foot, and would again swell,
only to no down again, keeping this
up each day. This was a puzzler for
a wlillo, but was soon traced to Its
Bourco irrigation system In the
Roguo Rlvor valley tnklng out the
wator. Last mmimer this condition
was especially notlceahlo, and the
mall Carrier had good occasions to
oral miles thin side of tho Illinois
and take tho mall through by other
" 'This summer the conditions
promlso to bo oven more severe on
tho boatmen, owing to the fact that
Irrigation systems of largo size are
contemplated that will take most ot
the water from the Roguo River.'
"And then the fears of tho lower
river peoplo aro fexl upon tho stories
of tho plans of Irrigation and for
dredging nB recounted previously hi
tho columns of tbo Courier, nnd the
Roporter nightmare closes with the
following paragraph:
" 'The facts auger 111 for naviga
tion facilities on lower Rogue rlvor.
And as though tho menace wns not
sufficient from this source large
dredging operations nro carried on
at various points along the rlvor, put
tug more tailings in the stream, to
bo brought down by each successive
wlntor flood. Ono such enterprise
about to bo Inaugurated wo mention
ed In Inst week's Reporter, wherein
ono tract of 2S0 acres Is to ho torn
looso and washed down. Tho time hns
conio when sonio steps should be
taken to protect tho Industries of the
lower Roguo river section and the
numerous Bottlers nlong tbo rlvor who
dopond upon navigation of the river
for securing their supplies nnd mar
kotlug their products.'
"ir our frlonds at Gold Roach
would consult men or sclonco they
would no doubt be Informed that
sonio day tho Roguo might go dry.
Out tho date would ho so far In ad
vanco that It need cause no appre
hension upon tho part of the pres
ent population of Gold Doach. Thoy
u'niitil lirivn nmtiln Hmn In nrnmirn
, "I " ,"" 11:17 a.m.
Tor tlin worst, t'linncea nro or course I . . .
. -...---...-.--.--. m.
constantly occurring in me ieu or
tbo Roguo, as In tho beds or 'ill
hi renins. rroHpociors aro sun mini. 315 n, m
Ing ror tho old bed or tho stream,, 3.3011. in.
and many a rich placer nilno Is bolne1 .
worked uwny up on tho sldo or n
mountain whoro tho rlvor at ono tlmoi
deposited its golden sands.
"Water takon to Irrlguto tho ncros
or tbo valloy Is only borrowed teni-l
porarlly from tho stream. It finds its
way back. Hut is thoro not n norlous
monncu In tho fact Hint the people of j
Mcdiord and of Gold Hill and or.
Roguo Itlver and Grants Pass must
boncororth use wnter from tho Roguo!
ror drinking purposes? Until Gold
neach helped to vote Oregon dry
many of tho residents of these locali
ties did not draw upon tho limpid
How with which to quenoli a burnliu
HPHE man who uses Fislr NL
I !,. U V-" iwrOKlds
- c ut, nnot buy greater tire
value, more mileage or an equally
well-organized service.
The Low Price
on these tires, when compared with thepU
tread casings of several standard mL
supplemented by FREE SERVIPP . '
1 00 Fisk Branches, makes this the beit bav
m the tire market.
fisk Tires For Sale By
Ihe Gunnery
Marshfield and Portland
(Now Effective)
Train No. 1.
1:30 a. m.
C:10n. m.
Trnln No. 2.
7:20 a.m. Lv
8:10 n. m.
10:00 n. m.
10.10 n. m.
1 : :io p. m.
2:lG p. m.
Ur. A. L. Houscworth,
IMijslclaii and Surgeon
Office: Irving Itlork.
Off lie. Iioui-m; 11 to 12 . m.t 2 U
Stations Arrives . ,,,, 7 , H ,,, lu
Portland 10: in p. in. phne: orflco MJJ-J; Ilea., MM
Ar. Kugono Lv. .
.r:2Ii p. m.
Kiigcno Ar.
5:15 p. m.
1:1.1 p.m.
2:.".!i p. in.
( Klor
2: 10 p.m.
1:28 p.m.
1:00 p. in.
11:20 a.m.
North Lako 10::tl n. 111.
North Demi 0: 10 a. 111.
Marshfield 0:20 a. m.
for I J yean the Mandatd rtmrdf faf il ikh
!lcnei. A liquid ukiI rilernillr. Iita3
rttlrf Ham Itch. fjo.Mcand Jlo. YeernoM
Not I .
iair.rii i:.piti:ss
leaves .Marhlifield ery day
H a. 111. Leaves bead of river
at :t::t() p. 111.
leaves head of rler Jaily at
7 a.m. Leaves Marchnelil at
- p.m. I'or charter apply on
J. M. Wright
Phone 188-V
Ratlmntei luriilslied on reqiicil
Or. H. M. Shaw
Kjc, Kar and Throat Special Ul
Phono a:i()-.l. Kooum UdO-'Ol
Irving lllock.
Physlclap nnd SunceoM
Phono n:to-j.
'A. G. Chandler
(loomi 301 and 302, Coko Duildlni
Mnrshflold, OrKon.
The Public Service Hotel
has Just been thoroughly reuovat
ed, nnd opened to the public March
Itl, 1 1)111. Homo of tho features
of ihl.s ohl hostelry aro. free cm-
T. .1. HCAIKI! f A. II. HODfilNH
Marchfiolr? f A,NT AND
k'sUuiaCeH Furulthed
Phoan 14-K. Marsliflld. Orneoa
Tho sleamer Yellowstono I3
from San Kranclsco today.
oiu.'amzk ii().micsti:ai
Dr. I). C. VaiiKhnn, Dentin, Itooin
VQ, Klrht National Dank litillillm:
M'riueliaha Homestead U. S70.
Order of the Homesteaders, was or
uunlxcd In the Owls Hall last Friday
by K. L. Snyder state Hold inanaKer.
Twenty woven uieiubors were
ed. A social jjood tlmo will be Klven
tho nieiubers and proupeets neat I'rl
day. May 2C. It will bo an Initiation.
Dr. Leslie. OMoopnth, Mnrhhfleld.
& News of Near-by Towns &
luick If the flril ImltlA flni ..1 hrf.T??:
tcllcf. AikoUonboutU. D. D.Sm
hi:d ltioss unua stobb
notici: of kali: f Dirnoix.
mi:xt IIO.VDS
Notlco Is hereby given that uM
proposals will bo received b; tie
Finance Conuultteo of tha Couso:
Council or tho City of ManWidl,
Coos County, Oregon, at the t'Jiu
or tbo City Itecorder of tald Clt; ol
Marsliflold, la tlio City Hall ot M
city until debt o'clock p. m. Mooflir,
tho 29th day or May, 1916, for tb
purohasn or street Improvement both
or tbo said City of MarshfltlJ, Com
County, Oregon, to the imoiuit of
All or said Improvement bonJi t
bo In denominations not eicedtor.
K00.00 and bearing Interest t tU
rate or six per cent per annum fa
tho dato thereof, payable semlia
niinlly, said bonds to be dated Ike
day of Issiianco ami to mature lo tea
yoars thereafter, with prepajrant
option thereon nt face value and
erucd intorost to dato of anyaeml"-
ploymeut Iiui-vaij. freo kowIiil' room,
lufoi'iiiatlon hiillotln nnd kind treat-, mini coupon period nt or after
mrnt. Tho pationnBe of the publle year from the dato of aald bondmpJ
In solicited.
227 "North I'ront street
Phono lll-b.
Marslifleld, Orecon
Makes Deal In
41 llniidoit
Theatres, ('. Pamt of Dandoii Amves to f.'lve
Hall Kilo
Tho Ilandon Western World snys:
A deal was completed today where
by O. J. Lemaiiskl, proprietor or tbo
Orpliouin purchased tho llrnnd Thea
ter from Maunder W. C. Sellmer. Mr.
Lemaiiskl will close down the Or
pheum. Ho will run tbo show on an
admission of 5 and 10c week nights;
& and 15 cents Saturday nud Sunday
A lot ror n oily hull has been 01
fered freo or elmrgo by n Dandon
man nccordlng to tbo following from
the Western World:
"I'll glvo the City or Dandon a
warranty deed to n lot, treo rrom all
encumbrances, ir tho city will build
ft city hall on It," said C. F. Pape
yesterday, when tho question or a
now city hall was being discussed.
Tho lot In question llos on Oregon
avonuo and Is said to be directly
opposlto tho Central sehool bouso.
It seems property ownors along
Tho fallowing aro now law suits Orogon nvenue nre beginning to rool
Assets $2,340,000.00
Pays 6 per cent on
Local Treasurer
City Limits North Demi, Ra
. TICKKTS, $2.(1(1 L
Marhhflcld-Nordi Dend
Auto Mao
Cnrs every ton minutes !rom
G a. 111., to 12 midnight; to
South Slough onco a day,
leaving at 11 a. in.; to Em
pire throe trips a day.
Tlio nbovo Smith Motor Wheel can he attached to your bicycle in loss
than rjvo mlnutos, and will take you ovor any roads, ovor 100 miles to
a uullon or gnsollne. For n trial ride particulars and literature address
V A. PHNDLiyrON', Vgcut Tor Coos County
CouulUo, Oregon
recently riled In tho circuit court:
It. 11. Itosa, trustee, vs. S. S,
Shields, Zorlllu Shlolds and W. W.
William Northrup. Hobort Hodokei
and Thos Sturdlvant vs. Kdgar Han-
lion, Frank J. Fisk and Scandinavian
lCrnest Peterson vs. Gus Petorson.
that street Is a coming business sec
tion or tho town and that It will be
well worth Investigating.
High C&lity Groceries
, Our own prompt and particular delivery service Ef
ficient clerks being out of tho high rent district and
keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi
ness makes
Conner & Hoagland
The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries
797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326
ulvlns notlco by publication la
uewspapor of general circulation
printed and published in CopsConstf,
Oregon, such notlco to be puMliW
not loss than onco each vta iw
I throo successive weeks durlnj tJ
! month precodlng such emla
, porlod nt which such prepay
Ithoreof will bo made. TherllMM
exprossly reserved to reject any
' all bids and upon all or any of
I bids or proposals rejected, If tw
Li.i.i vnnintn nnv bonds unsold I"
said bonds may be thereafter vi
nt prlvato sale by said CoajJ
Council or said City of Mm"
Orogon, but In no event to U W
nt less tbnn par and accrued latere
Said bonds nro niithorlred by v
laws of the State of Oregon, art
Ordinances of tbo City ot IirW
I Hold. Oregon. . - of
Assessed valuation o,
Marsbrield. Oregon. Is ..M.
Donded Indebtedness is S4.W.
Population estimated 4.5Q&
. .. i- nr iin ub -'
tlfletl cnecK ui
-1 frtMlt
nf nnmnni or bid or prop058' r.',
The tug Kllhyam left Dandon last
week for San Francisco whoro it
will bo put on dry dock and glvon
Its annual overhauling. Sho was
loaded down heavily with coal ror
fuel and besides Capt, John Johnson
and the regular crew, Capt. Daek-
maii accompanied her. Tho Kllhy-I mayor. Thoy nro Councllmen Dlnnle
am is expected back next woek. -I papo nnd Chutburn. Recorder Kntis
Western World. r.i Iinii ..,. Tn.ini.iP
Danhn Is to Select City Offieals in
lime '
DANDON. Ore., May 23. The,
regular city election hi Dand n will
bo held Juno 21.
Tho general and ward caucuses au
to be hold May 31.
Tho retiring otricora are two
eouncllineti In tho West Ward, one
In tho Hast Ward, city recorder and
Take nothing hut the best. If you cannot got them elsewhere,
jou certainly can here, ami It U Just as easy nnd convenient to
purchase heio anyway. You'll find our stoio convenient to you.
If not, 'phono. Tho hervlco Ij, Jut tho saino as though you
iMino join self.
Our ineath are the key to economy, which ovoryono ran use.
Filler into tho enjojiucnt or, tender meats. Let us sup
ply your table.
CIIICKFXS, And a Full Lino or Pen Meats
Palace Meat Market
A cer
or amount oi m ; (Mi
accompany each bid to be '
o said City of Marsniie
bl,l is accepted and bidder
accept ami ih ""; TI ,.br wthlB
,,,.,, M,o covcre thr
ten davs from the date of accep
of said bid or bids. (i
Each bid or propo sal
to designate the denomination oi
bond or bonds deslrec j.
Did or proposal recei"
nmniint of said Dona.
Phono 10(1-
Central Ave.
given p
fnronra of purchase.
"'"" ..u n
olds viw "
Proposals or
. ... called F
checks to bo enciosea .- - m
envelopes with no ' ' tM
marks or writing therendJ
words, -Did for "tW
or tho City of Marsb leW.
Chairman of the FlnA
5, IS, 20, 22, 27.