i VM tint, non Gl'K Pet til I m 111 TM Tl Ulib 'MAt Meet THjjSjljXgjSE MEN ALWAYS MAKE IN THE SAME OLD WAY PAPEH THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES Vel. No. XXXIX. ED CFF coos m ! Helpless Craft Sighted Short ly Alter iioon i ociay rrom Sacchi's Beach IUFE SAVERS 0UT of Craft Not Estab lished by Parties Along Shore Tins Afternoon FEW PARTICULARS GIVEN Toon liny Const Guard Clout In Power Lite llo.il Hushes (o -Heller of Utile CrnfV Drifting Helpless , To Sen Drifting npsldo down ofC Sac-chl'i I bench n small liont wns sighted sliort- Ijr after noon todny. Antono Sacclil ' Immediately gnvo tho nlnrin, 'phoning word to tho Coast Clmml station at Charleston Day. dipt. Ilrltt and his crew of eight men launched tlio Mb i power liont nnd put out across the liar about 1.10 p. in. No word has lieen 'received from thoni nlneo. That tho boat was the fishing boat Dig Chief, of Coos Hay, wob thought it first. This story was rather doubl ed at 3 p. in. wlien u 'phono call from Sacc-hl's ranch ntntod that far out 1 8C:) possibly two nillps, could bo Ken a fishing bont. About 2:30 Herman Hansen, known ns "Steanibcor," ranio Into Sunset iluy In his fishing boat, he had been off shoro with tho IJIg Chief, owned by .Mrs. .Ins Wnsson of this city. He said tho boat was in rigid wucn nc ion. Aiioaru unn ero Mans Hanson nnd Charles Jen len. Thero woro no othor bonis In tho vicinity at Hint tlmo ho said. The life boat wbh then well on Its way outside. Tho bar wns vory roiiKli. making ' hard for the Const Guard crow to ge;j to tea. It Is so cold nnd choppy off shore that It is not bolloved that anyone on the luckless crnft could have long tun trod tlio disaster. Tho Coast Guard crow had not returned at four o'clock. Lator word from tlio Capo Arngo Lighthouse was to tho effect that tho tout was passing out to sou mid heading toward Sacchi's bench, south of Sunset Hay. From tlioro nothing could be eeen of tho distressed craft. Drifting to Son At Ilia tlmo of ills nailing. Mr. Sacclil was unublo to toll tho name of the gasoline bout or tho numbor of its occupants. Ho snld it wns n small boat and off shoro drifting rapidly nil helplessly further out to sea. Great fear wa3 felt that tho coa.it suard crew woud bo unabo to get there In tlmo to savo any poisons ho might bo on board. Sacchi's bfacli Is many miles south of Cuos Bay and it wns somo tlmo before ord wns gotten to thorn. GETS LIFE I W'. W. SMITH, AHHKSTF.D V.KS- TKiiii.w, si:nti:nci:d todav ''leaded G,,ty to Doing Habitual Mmliuil When Accustsl of Tho Assaults on AVomeii Bf AuwIikj PrfM to Coot Diy Tlmrt.l ot'UKANR, May 23. William Smith, n formor convict, who V a arrested yesterday on two elllrge8 of assaulting women, was ntenced to life imprisonment by "e uperlor court today after he Pleaded guilty to holng n habitual trunlnal. The courtroom was "owded and eight policemen guard Ihe prisoner agalnbt rumored wiilng, TO DF.DICAT-i: UOAD fORTL NDrjiu723. Tha Coluni- River Highway, will recolvo its Clonal dedlcaton the afternoon of UDe ". opening day of tho Tenth lanal Rose Fcstval. Tbe president of tho United f-tatos. s fablnet. representitlves of foreign BOAT I he d XentS at WashlnKton. crowned expec ads of Europo. governors of all iout t tates and senators and congressmen Kstnbllshctl 187H As Tin. Toast Mull ATTACK IN AUTO ami:kicax wiiklm thoops ovi-:ur villa fohcu.s Mnlsp Surprise A.snnlt n Cms Dun ning Sixty Miles Per Hour Kill Severn! tllf AHocUte.1 rrrts to Coot Dt Tlmra.j FIKLD illOAUQIJAIiTKIiS, May 23. (Motor to Columbus) Autos woro put to new iibo in tlio Vllln ampnlgn .May 1 I when the bandit lor. Colonel Cardenas and two of bl.i lieutenants were killed. 'Ilireo touring ears from Pershing's ramp were driven to rancho San .Miguel Do lluulo whore bandits hud their rendezvous, they came in sight or tlio ranch hair a mile nway from tho top or n bill. Running nearly Co miles an hour, they worn within less than 200 yards of (be buildings boforo their presence was discovered, lleforo the bandits could mount thoir horses and dash away, they were surrounded. Car- donas and Lieut. Patten engaged in ,n pistol duel, In which a shot riom Pattern weapon broke the bandits arm and drove him Into tho tnnrh bouse, later to bu klPe-d by the Americans when he trle.l to escape. .MAUSIII'II.LD AND N'O.ltTII ItlON'l) corxeii-s to (ji:t TO(ji:rin:it Aro To Talk Over Purchase or Wat er System In Special .Meeting Little Interest Kvidoncisl At a Joint session or the Marah- Held and tlio North. Item! city coun cils, to he hold In North llend within tlio next Tew days, will I dUcussed Cm matter or purclun. Ing tlio Coos Day Wator company. This decision was reached nt a meet ing lint ulg-lit or the city fathera. Not milch Interest was evidenced In the project. 1). L. Hood ex-' pressed tha situation In this wlse.j "I can't see how wo nro going to icduco tho water rates if wo take It over. And for that reason 1 can't sen why It Isn t just ns won to lot Flanagan and Dennett keep on with tho system". "And tho picsent supply Ijn't ndoiiunte: either", put In George K. Cook, "to supply a larger city that we expect to have here ono or these days". Questions Figures "I inn wondorlng too, whether or not In tlio figures that woro sub mitted to us," sa4d Mayor Copplo, "If n proper reduction was made for depreciation". J Hut inasmuch as North Itond bad evldonred enough Intorost to write a letter reiiuestlng to moot with tho . Marshflehl council it was decided to see the matter through, and to meet In their city, for sovornl tlnns tho city futliors from down tho hay have come to Ma rail field. This nctlon was taken nfter ses'- oral had auggosted that the matter' bo Indefinitely postponed and bo al lowod to "die n natural death" ITEIOffi North Dro.idwny Paving I "an Kaciiern, nn oxporlenced log- Agitation of lato bus boon for the'gor formerly on tho Columbia river, ininrovliiK nnd hard surfacing of ! North Droadivny through to whoio ' It Joins Front Stroot. City Attorney I James T. Drnnd oxplulned. Tho present projoct. for which tho plans and spoeiricatlons aio being made, call3 only for the Improving iuc far ns Hlrch nvoniie. Tho claim A'as mado Hint thoio ought to bo con elderablo trnfflc ovor tlio street with tho paving going all tho way through. Mayor Copplo said Hint difficulty had boen exporloncod in getting pay for tho last iniprovonionts 'along the northorn section of tho Jtroet and that tho city now holds somo $2,000 worth of proporty, ha.i-ig securod It for nonpayment of sir assessments. No action was tak In the matter, have been Invited to bo present. Tho evout take place ut .Muiinoman Falls. Slueo thero will bo hu nil rods . of automobiles on tho highway Juiif 7, nrrangements have been mado to havo the Oregon National Guard po-, lico tho load way. The highway as well as other bcohIc attractions of tho Northwest ' have been widely exploited this yonrjv by the festival association and rail- roads and thousands of tourists are ted festival week, and through-! tho summer ns a result or mo.- ndvertlslng campaign of 191C. ' (Eons MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1916. EVENING EDITION LOIS OREGON LUIFR BATES Interstate Commerce Commis sion Orders Reduction to Three Central States F ELDS Will Enable Oregon Mills to Compete for Business In Large Northern District EFFECTIVE JNJEPTEMBER Oregon-Washington Railroad ,,nil Navigation Coinpnuy's Charges Held to lie riivcnsonnhlo Will DL Dig Itenellt Mir Ar.orUlaJ rmn to Coot 1m, Tlmi J WASHINGTON, I). C., .May 23. ' Combination r.itos on lumber Trout' Knstorn Oregon points on tho Oregon-' WnhliiKton Itnllroad and Navigation coiniiany to Montana, South Dakota. North Dakota, Minnesota nnd Ne braska woro found today by tho In terstate Commence CommlHilon .'to ! It tinrensotiiihlo. The railroad was , given until September I to lower rates. I Oregon lumber inanufnctiirerH claim tho reduced rales will enable them to compete for tlio business or tho lnrgo district specified nnd will, Immensely Increaso their business. I The niuount of thelediicllon wns not! specified. ras m m START L 0 ' lll'KII.VKIt COMPANV (JIITTINf. Kgni'Ain.vr iu:.dv on lakic i:x',wt to K"lly Hotm-on nnd 7.-. Men In Cnuih Concern to Handle Pmctlrttlly All Own Logging Logging equipment of the Diiohnor Lumber company Is now being assem bled ut North Lake for the starting titers- within tho noar future, or n logging camp employing possibly be tween GO and 7T inon. Logs arc tc bo brought to tho mill In North Horn! via tho Wlilanietto 1'nelflq. Aboard tho outward bound train yostorday morning wont two ex treiuoly lnrgo tlmbors, occupying two fhitenrs, to bo used as skids for tho big donkey engine plnrod on another flat ear. Those woro unlondod at i I Lakeside, "I. Georgn it. Sailor, or the Uuehiier company, said this morning tho camp will not he plnced right In Lakosldo Ho did not yet know Its exact lo cation. ! in the purchase from tho Simpson, company the concern secured sovoral; thousands of acres around Ten Mllo nn( ,orth Luke and rlso along North Inlet. These aio the trnets that aro now to bo tapped, is foreman out at Ton Mllo nt tho prosent tlmo and It Is probable that he will he rotalued after the on nip has started Into operation. Under good conditions about 100,000 feot a day can bo turned out. Ton days ago Tho Times told of tho lliiohner company taking over u i;ood sham of tlio McDonald mnl Vaughn logging ocpilpmo.it nt l)un.(tompted to escape from Toxas rangers lols Crook, this to bo effective about Juno 20. Also tlicy now own .f. ,.. ,,.., ti.a J liuil unn Hi logging apparatus ut Sumner. Mr. Sailor said Jfio company is not cor taln at this tlmo ns-to what changis are toy bo made on Coos Itlver, hut It Is yxpected Hint tho operations will bo continued though tlio Daniels eok ramp may be moved into othor Imber on Coos It Ivor, KAXSVS STltOXtJ i-oii hoosi:vi:lt V nr AIoilt4 I'roM to Coal nif Tlmft.) i lui-nivA, ixns... -u-j .o. 'Ono clear note out of this niAiiMi 4 t .. no the most chaotic condition In tho history of American poll- tics, Is tho demand for Theodore Hoosovelt," declar- od Henry J Mien, temporary chairman. In opening tlio pro- presslve convention here to- day . UUUT Oitjltfli :M2iJw MKMDF.lt OF TI1K ASSOCIATE) i ill UOTE CANCKI.S MFFHAGi: PORTO IHCO 1111,1. Island l.ndlo.s Deprived of lllgnr 1,1 Cnvt Their Itallol by it Vote ol 80 to r.l Todny tllr AMOtlttr.1 Tith to Coot tiij Tlmn J WASHINGTON. I). C, May 23. Tho House atriielc from tho Porto -r:::z; vz - llnmlj. The bill then nnsso.1 with. men dim today by a vote or so innu.3. The bill then nnRsed with out roll mil, virtually as Intro-' dured. I Xot I'nrty Vote The voto on tho aniendiuent showed a complete disregard of nartv lines.' It watt Inserted In tho bill by Minor-! Ity leador Mnnn. The bill glvos the! rorto mean government all or Its Internal revenues, legardless of J wliether tho goods on which It Is paid I aro used In Porlo lllco or In this! country. Property nnd educational I lualiricntions nro provided for op-' pllcnnts for cltlzoiiBhip. j HOOSIOVKI.T IS WITVKSSTODAV (II; AnarlXr.) litu lo rot rif Tlmft.) WASHINGTON. D. C, May 23 Former Presldonl llooso- volt nppearcd ns a witness todny in the purjury trial or three officers of tho Ulggs National bank. He testified ns n character witness for President Glover of the bank, saying his standing wns m' tho highest. iVOTE COUNT SLOW WILL TAKi: AXOTIIF.H DAV TO FINISH OFFICIAL CANVASS .Mc lonely unit inero will lie Any Change In List, of Victors Somo Very ('lose (Buorlnl to The Times) COQUILLH, Ore, Mny 23. Cou.n- ty Clork Watson announced nt noon that they were only hair through witli tlio officio! cnnvnsj or tho pri mary election returns. It may take! all day tomorrow to finish It. Many names written In on tho printed ballot forms make It more difficult. According to tho unofficial count from till hut a fow of tho precincts, Philip will leud Harrlgnn for (ho republican nomination for commis sioner by botweou fifty and eeven-ty-flvo votes. It Is not believed Hint there will bo any nuuerlal change ,ln tlio others. ll SHOT DEAD LIIADNHS OF MKXICAN FPIHSING SLAIN HV TK.YANS Hungers Kill Men Accused of .Making; Trouble When They Attempt 'to I FKutlng continued with oxtrenie Ivsciiikj vlolenco on both bunk of tho Mouse inr tnfi nr t. r. nt, ti.i i during tlio night. Two Germi'ii coun- IHtOWNSVILLU. Toxas. May 8S. ' l"r aUiuliH nn ,ini 30' ru"0'1 coin' Colonel Louis Morln, charged xvltl.j P'tely. Paris stated. In attacking Planning the Mexican uprising m1 the French positions west of tho Hill, Toxas, nnd Vlctorlnno Ponce, charged "Hi-mann attacked after Intenso nr wlth participating In tlio wrecking tlllory prepumtlon but woro driven nf ii I tii In nn r linrii In at Ditnliot l)UCK, I woro shot to douth wlion they at-j Inst nght, according """ " oraniB io a report re-, cuiveu hero today. Shot Ncmi' Drouiihvlllo The shooting took rdnea 7.1 111II03 north of llrownsville while rangers i taking tho Moxirus Inland with a vlow to further Identification In eoiineetlon with the charges ugulnst them. HAIL WOltIC Ill'SIIKD (V. G. IllndinP(rsh, engUieor In charge of the railroad work north or Coos Hay, was In Msrshflold today ' on business. They are getting aloim nu,1(,y iWjll (1e wo,.k !..,. ,i.i.. ,i..i The brldgo by Knslnoer , ,, U, i )- UO,IIK I UBIIUll riroughton and the first span and tlio swinging draw nro rapidly Hear ing completion. JtltlXGS OUT HAIvr Tho steamer Alert wont up to Al legany this morning to bring out a inrgo raft of logs from tlio Curoj logging camp In . logo to Allegany, - rrw- J&& L PItKSS - FRENCH REGAIN FT. I Recapture Greater Portion of One of Defenses of Verdun Fortifications AFTER 3 MONTHS M11 ' L ' ' U iVIUINIMU General Nivellc Takes Advan tage of German Concen tration Elsewhere AnTn i rDV Wh ' ILLLHY CLEARED WAY Purls iCIatcd Oxer I'lrsi Marked OT- feiislvo Victory I'rencli I'oices lime Scoii'il Agnlns) (erininiN III AMOHfl Cf lo mrf jtty Timft.l I PAHIS May 23. The nows o'f the recapture by the I-'rouch nflor three j months or the greater part or i'ort Doiiaumont was received with groat elation here, especially on nccount of the efrect on noiitrnl opinion. General Nlvelle took advantagn ot the fact that the Germans had le- cently been coiicentrntlug all their DOUHON nttentlon on Headman's Hill and as- Iterranenu Saturday by a submarine, sombled a largo umoiint of artlllorylTbo captain wns taken prisoner on lor (lie attack on the Douuumnnt' sector. Sunday General Nlvell,, be gan n heavy artillery uttnek. Yes terday afternoon tho Fieneh lufnnlry began to ndvance, singing Hid "Mnr- selllnlse." I German resistance at somo points was stubborn and the French had to rorce them back Inch by Inch nt the i pout or the bayonet. I Tlio loading Froueh contingent reatuou inrt uoiiauuionL iiuir an hour nflor tho uttnek started. They killed the Germans who restated nnd : took a largo number of prisoners. Tho Germans launched a number or florca counter attacks but all failed. West of tlio Mouse. Hill 20H, tlio western summit or Headman's Hill tins hecomo No Man's laud. Once before t1( French nbandoned It teni- porarlly to avoid useless losses, FICHTHBlS FIERCE FltHNCII AMI (JHItMAXS ll'XUI MAXV VIGOHOIS ATTACKS llerliu nnd Purls Confllci us to la tent or Fienih Gains nt l-'oit Doiinumont (11 AnorlilM Vtnt lo Coot m 7 Ttnitt.) LONDON, May 23. French troops' have recaptured the greater part of Foil Douuiimont In tho Verdun sector, Purls unuoiincod today, after sangui nary fighting, Tho French official statement says tho Germans now hold only u smnlr angle on tho northeastern corner of tho fort. ,5"t ()f tlio Mouse, betweon Thlay meut nnd Dousumnnt, the- Gorniuns reoccupled a trench thoy had lost. The German official statomeiit to day admits tho Froueh took soma first lino (positions hut that Fort Doiiaumont romalns firmly In Gor man hands. IRE WAR FUNDS Plti:.lli:it ASQUITII ASKS DILLIOX AND HALF (TtKDIT xinl.es Total or About Twelic. Ililllon Dollar That Conflict Has Cost Kiigluud to Date IDr Amo"III ITMt in Coot Iltf Tlni. LONDON, May 23. In moving for a voto or credit tor 300.000.000 pounds sterling In tho hquso of com mons todav, Premier Asuulth com I meuted that this was tho eleventh voto since the beginning of tho war.. making a grand total of 2 382 000 900 pounds, AND YOU PROBABLY "t rt .m injj - Consolidation of Times, Const Mnl) nnd Coos UuyA'tlvcrtlscr. TO I'll US. WILSON SKXDS ADOPT MAILS 'HOTKST Discusses Communication With Cab inet Vigorous I Vol os I Against Interference. tllr.Aiiscltt rrctt lo cm vir tIum.) WASHINGTON. I). C. Mny 23. President Wllran sent lo tho Rtnte Department today the completed draft ot tho now note to Great Hrltaln protesting ngniiiat Inlorfer enco with American malls. It was laid beroro tho cabinet but Its general terms: woro explained. The nolo will be cnbled London Immediately and It Is understood that a duplicate will n to Krance. KKKNCII, (IIIKKIC, ITALIAN AND KNdl.lSII VI"SSi:iS Sl'NIC ('eriiian and Austrian Submarines Send Cmft to llotlom SeuL-al Lives Iteported Ihisi tllf Atiorlttr.1 Prrtt lo root lit, Tlmrt.) MAILSUILLKS, Mny 23. Inform J- Hon was received here today concern ing the loss or tho French ntenmer nnguedoe, 1012 tons gross, which shows that sho was sunk In the Med tho siibmnrluo on the ground that he attempted to dorend tho ship, The Lnugucdoo wns sunk by shell flro from the submarine, which killed ono ot tlio crow and wounded twelve oth ers. TllltKi: OTIIKItS Sl'NIC Greece nnd Allies 1,oso Several Ves sels tllf AitMltlo.) rmi to Coot lr Tlmi-a.) LONDON, Mny 23. The- Greek steamer Adnmauttos Korals, 2IU7 tons gross, wns sunk by tho Austrlnns In tho Mediterranean. Tho crow was saved. Tho Italian sailing vessel Fnhhrl-cottl-F was sunk In tho Mediterra nean. The Ilrltlsli steamer Itlieuass, 2ST. tons gross wns sunk by a mine. Seven of tho crew woro killed. Norwegian Ship osi Paris, May 23, Tho Norwegian stenmnr TJoino wns sunk In the Mediterranean by an Austrian nub marine. The crow won saved. ITALIANS LOSING AUSTIHANS ItKPOHT MOItH VIC TOItllCS t)X SOl'TIIIIUX l-'HOXT Claim lllg Advances on Doth Sides Of Siigmm Vulley, Driving Ital ians Hcfoiv Theiu (11 AttotUttd l'CM lo Ton Iltf TlmM. J LONDON, May 23. Tho AiikH trlaiu tire successfully continuing their offensive ugulnst tlio Italians In Southern Tyrol, Vienna announc ed today. They have advanced on both sides of tha Siiguua valley, driving tho Italians before tmuii. ItFPOItT HV AUSTIHA Vienna Claims Tea ted at Italians lliwlly Several Place De (Or Aitotlitfcl I'rru lo rout Ut; Innrt.) IIUHLIN, May 23. Tho Aus trian orrichil icport says: "Our troops udvoucod on both sides of tho Suganu valley, Tho Jtulluiu fled from llorgo. QiiuuHtJes of booty worn euiturod. Tlio Grnz corps crosjod tho border and hur ried the defeated army. The Ital ian fortifications of Monte Vetnn ure already In our hands. In tho brand viilloy uu uttnek iijtulust the enomy's position near Chlesa 13 in progress. Tho number of cannon cuptuicd slueo May 0 was Increased to IKK." HUSSIAN CHOP IS SAID TO HU LOST (Of Autw-lttwl I'rrtt lo Cm. ti.j Tlnot, HHULIN. May 23. AVtro loss to Snyvlllo) A crop dls aster In llussta was roportod In ndvkes received from Stockholm It ts said that all winter crops of tbe Northern ami Middle Russia wero de stroyed bi frost KICK ENGLAND MJINY SHIPS SUNK KNOW WHAT IT IS OITF EDJTIOK 'CLGK .- No. 253 SIBLEY FORCE American Troopers Return from 186 Mile Ride Into Mexico Without Loss T Carranza Government Prepar ing New Note at Mexico City for United States TEXAS GUARDMEN REVOLT lodge Aihocnte OKleo to DottViiilne Whether 11(1 Avo Subjivt lo Coiirlniaiilnl for Mutinous Act COL SIHLF.V XKAIt IIOMIJKAIILVTODAV tnr Atttf MIM prftt u Ctot fttr TtnM.i , (.MARATHON, May 23. Colonel Sibley and MnJ. Lang honie broke camp at daylight near Decmers Ford, and with their commands began tho ride to the- north, which idiouhl bring them to tho rail road within three days. They will take trains to Fort Dllsa and Fort Clark. (11 AMof I.IJ I'n-M lo Coot lit TlmM.) WASIIINGON, D. C, May 23. Tho outstanding features In tho Mexican situation todny wero these: Colonel Sibley's four cavalry troops which entered Mexico nesr ly tv,i weeks ngo In search of the Glenn Springs Imudlt rahicra wero back at tho border without casual ties, having penetrated ISC miles Into nn unknown torrid country ov er bad rends. They rescued tho two Americans held prisoners by the bandits and brought buck flvo Mexican prisoners. Consul Letchor was duo lo nrrlvo In Wellington today from Chilian him with a full leport on tlio econ omic conditions In northern Mexico. At Mexico City, the Carranza government was proparlng another note to tho United States, Officers of tho judge advocate general's office aie seeking to de termine wliether the 11G members of tho Texa.i National Guard aro .mbject to coiirtiuurtlal for refus ing to take tho mustering oath to enter fedorul servlco. TO CAUHAXZA OHDKItS ilO,(MK MOItK THOOPS XOItTIIWAItl) Mexican Government IjiiiiicIim .Move lo Oust llaudlt.s fisiiu Xeac United Sttw t;ir A.KlictJ ri'H lo Cnot lur TlmM, WASHINGTON, 1). C, May 23 The Carrau.u government lias or dered 30.000 troops Into tho region south of the border to exterminate tho bandits, according to Informa tion received today ut the State Depaitinent. The now troop move ments ure nlrondy In progreas through Chihiiuhuu. u MKXICAN MAVOlt lMtOTKSTS AIIOL'T ACTION S.iy.s They Are Throwing Up 1-tt-trenchiiientH and KnttVlng Towns Despite Agreement (llf AtMUIM I'rru to Coot nr T1mt. KL PASO, May 23. Complaint against tlio American troops ut As coiislou In the Cusaa Grandes ills Diet wii. reiftved by Gouernl Cav Ira In Juarez, today In a telegram fiom tho mayor of the town. Ho charged that Americans aro com mitting doprodatlous, theao coa clstlng of throwing u pfortlflcatioHs. He nlbo charged that Americans aro coming Into tho town In viola tion of the agreement botween the American and Carranxa govern ments. Hi- doclarod that tho attitude of tho foreigners was distinctly hos 1 1 to the Curraiwlstas, Inasmuch ro U la unnecessary, In view of , Mexican cooperation, lie satu, lor . the Americans to fortify themselves. IS REPDR CDilTID Tii PS BORDER S TROOPS BOTHER