THE COOS BAY YINIES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1916. EV ENIiMG EDITION FIVE Mio buy today from Pot Hand was n new donkey engine consigned to 13. (5. Porlium. This Is to bo used In tho road woik south of tlio city. Church of England Service. The Rev. Robert 13. Drowning, rector of the Mnrshfleld Episcopal chinch, will I PERSONAL MENTION X ?$ DEN MARSICE came In last evening fiom the Ditto Ridge camp. conduct u service according to tho'UOUKUT "OWRON was hero today rites of tho Church or England In I " :l s,lort vlBlt f,om 1JC',nr North Inlet Chapel Sunday afternoon ! s '' WILLIAMS Is over again from at 3 o'clock, i My tie Point on tie business. Still More (irlcf. The Sons of Vet-!1" '" U0SA ls ,l"1011K t"o visitors erans and the Snanlsh American ffnr! llcrc l0,ln' from Myrtle Point. Stout Men! Tall Men! Slim Men! Short Stocky Men! You're not hard to fit nobody is, in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes IF you've thought differently, we're ready to change your mind on that point. Here are suits in the latest styles, in the newest fabrics and patterns, to fit every figure. Hart Schaffner & Marx have scientifically provid ed them. We're ready to prove it; fit and satisfaction guaranteed. $18 and up Woolen Mill Stores The Home of Hart Schaffner &'Marx Clothes MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND Suits purchased from us pressed Free of charge VetcrMs said today a committee would be appointed to meet with the members of the auto racing associa tion relatives to changing the date for tho next auto race from Decora tion day to some cither date, C. It. SMITH has arrived hero from Hock Creek on a business till). CAPT. CORNWALL, of Gnrdlncr, re turned homo on the morning train. CAPT. J. 11. PLOHEMl'S was up this morning from Empire on business. Empire Road Ready. The plank. M'DIARMID, well known Insur road from North Rend to Empire has been completed. (John llnrkniison anco man of Dandon, was a visitor here last evening. T r nl nwt . .1 i, had tho contract. It has n double" " -'". u unwii imiaj- mini isortii iniet looutng after Home roadway with tho planks laid end wise. This Is tho largest stretch of road built In this manner In tho county and la something of an experi ment. Off to Sand II UK. Tho members of tho Young People's Society of the Christian church are holding n leap year party this evening. The girls havo Invited tho boys nnd havo se cured tho Allco II. which will leave tho foot of Market street at 7:110 p. m. for tho Band hills. Tho boys nro to bring tho lunch. Water IMiw Hurst. Early this morning tho big main on Pino sticot, near the head of Market street stairs, burst, Bonding a flood of water Into Mnrkot street. It camo llko a water matters of business. J. C. Ilnrley camo over from llnndon last evening to look after somo 'nmtterB of business, MRS. N. M. YOUNC1 camo In on the train last evening from North Lake to do somo shopping. MISS RESSIE DOUGLAS, Is back from tho University of California for her summer vacation. MRS. JAMES I). RODERTS nnd son enmo down from Coos River nboard tho Mllllcoma this morning. MRS. DAN DENNETT wns down from her North Coos RIvor home this morning on a shopping trip. A. It. POWERS went back to the puny, big lumber shipping firm, accompanied by his wife, arrived bore yesterday nnd went back again this morning. W. 13. CREEL, or Piedmont, Califor nia, president of C. A. Hooper and company, a shipping firm, accom panied by Mrs. Creel, was a visitor hcie last evening and this morn ing, leaving on tho early train for the south ngnln. FRANK TERRACE, veteran good roads booster left on this morn ing's train for ills farm In Wash ington after conducting a very ef ficient campaign for the road bond Issue. 13. G. PERIIAM wont out to his road camp near D-avlR Rltiugh this morning. The rain baa been d laying (ho woik out thero lately ho said. MRS. J. O. LANGWORTIIY went up to Allegany yesterday to spond a fow dnyn with her daughter, Mrs. Herman Edwnrda, who camo down this morning on n short Bhopplngj trip. J. Il. FLANAGAN, Dr. E. 13. Straw.1 Claudo C. Thompson nnd Herbert Lockhait went out to Ten Mllo tills morning to spond soveral days They took somo equipment with them and snld thoy wore going to fish. a NOTICE AH RehekaliB nro requested to attend tho funeral of Sister Dowiih, Saturday nt 2 p. m. from tho Dap- camp at Powers this morning nftor j church. a shrrt visit here with his family. ' order of 11 .1..... I.--1. f !. l.lnn., -...I ....n ,. OflttTl n .. .1 unit, U I'j II 1 II II I Jl'j MyAII'L Dennott bank nnd Into tho street nnd, John, of Powers returned home! LADIES WAISTS & WASH SKIRTS, the latest in style, the latest in ma terial, $1.25 value, our price 98c White Wash Skirt at a sav ing from 50c to $1.00 on each skirt, our" price 98c, $1.25, $1.98 $2.25. Palm Beach in stripe $2.98 Ladies Corset Covers ,s 49c, 2!oc Envellop Suits $1.98,' $1.49 98c. SJ fntorflcratftf J FOR SALE Small much tiunl stock. Address "A" enro Tlmoj. the wide m m It was Boino tlmo boforo R. II. Coroy nnd his men could get It checked. Clmntfe of Hour. Those who wor ship nt tho Marsbfleld Episcopal church nro kindly .uked to noto a chnngo of tho hour for the service until further notlco from 11 a. in. to 10:30 n. in. on Sundnys. The Sundny school will convonc nt 9 Instead of 9:. 10 n. in. and tho ev ening scrvlco will remain tho same nt 7:30. (Jota Out Ship Knees. Jnko Mat this morning after visiting In here. WILLIS II. JENKINS, traveling pas Ecngor agent of Southern Pacific, returned to Portland this morning nftor a vIbR to this Bcctlon. S. TAYLOR .IONICS arrived laBt ev onlng from Portland to tako tho position hero of W. P. Miller wlio leaves Mondny for Portland. MRS. W. T. ELLIOTT, of Coos Riv er left on tho morning train to visit n couplo of weeks with rel atives nt Glendalo, Washington. I Noble Grand Jeiinlo Delimit. Sec. NOTICE All Roynl Neighbors are request ed to meet at hall, Saturday nt 1:30 p. in. to attend tho funeral of neighbors Downs. E.MELINE GOSNEY, Oracle. son has n contract for Uio getting, LESLIE AND CHESTER ISAACSON BICYCLE TIRES , Huj Them From Uh. Wo CIhu-ro Nothing to Put Them . on Your Whorl MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 1 school. At Eastsldo ho will speak SOCIAL CALENDAR nt tho closo of tho Sundny school Friday session. A group of singers will nc- Past Mntrona- society wim v company mm. Stopped tho .Singes. Tho rain HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phon 3171 Mrs. George March. THE WEATHER REPORT (1)1,1 .Mill's DISCOVERED AMERICA Hut he doesn't own It. We Did Not DNcovev it.iioxiiii. of hydro gen Hut Wo Sell It, uml for quality and price you uui't beat It. THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono i!DH We Deliver Immediately J OREGON Cloudy; warm- or wont Saturday, varlablo winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 21 hours ending nt 1:13 n. m., Day 19. by RonJ. Ostliml, spoclal government Motoorologlst: Maximum r'7 Minimum 3S At 4:13 n. m -0 Precipitation 0G Precipitation Blnco Sopt. 1, lain s-'-2S Precipitation snmo period Inst your 02.78 Wind: oNrthwost, cloudy. SUNRISE AND SUNSET Friday Mny 19, Sun rlss nt 1: 32 -nnd sots at 7:20. , Rev. Foskett Will SMuk. Rov. I II. D. Poskott wll spenk nt Englowood and nt Eastsldo next Sunday after noon. At Englowood tho senlro will occur nt 2:15, preceding the Sunday mndo tlio roads too muddy for tho unto BtugoH to run to Coqulllo yes torday. Hud Mist Ride. When .1. 1). Ma goo camo to Coos Day yesterday It was tho first tlmo ho had ridden over tho now railroad to this point. (iot. Vueut ions. Tho pupils of tho Diinkor Hill and Englowood sehoolu litid n vacation today as tho school hnusori wore being used ns voting placos. Story Hour Tomorrow ' Tlio story hour from 10 to 11 tomorrow morn ing will bo In chnrgo of Miss Gwcned- do Towor who will toll tho chlldron miscellaneous logonds. Have Tin Wedding. Mr. and MrH. W. A. Reld received n number of friends at their homo on tho occa sion of tholr tin wedding. Tho guests gnvo tho couplo n tin Bhowor. Will Enteitiiln Tho members of tho Mlllcoma Club will glvo a smoker this ovoulng whon roturns from the election will bo received nnd u danco will bo glvon next woek, probably on Friday night. (Jot- Now Donkey. Alionrd th gnsollno sihooner Patsy thnt wns In yrTrnwerririrnTr ' ' ""1, WBXSMPWWHSHPJ u WQBLE theated Thuo'h n Ri Mt Store III Murhlil lil noted for Us M-iviio uml ii( luiiicy. TONIGHT 'RM()l'NT PICTCUES REST ODTAINADLF. In an 'cat- Amerlcn's Leading Photoplay Star "DLANCII SWEET" ovtraonlinnry ioo of tlio opium traffic entitled "THE SECRET SIN" W'ltten i,v M,,,...,,.,,.,,. TihiiIhiD ami produced by lsk' 'e Play Coinpm.j. in flvo reols. .U(, TRIIHXE NEWS" Now f Interofet for oveijone. S'DKV seli SMlEKIiS ALL NEW TWO SHOWS Lmlv llom- 1.1c llnlcony UK- (Iilld.y.i .c ToIOItlU)W M(aiT-CROCKY A UlK I'""'' S,,, ,,,,,IU"US wwtly In rite reels Hotter tlian Cliapllii. SlAY MG,.TDg Rill In "A SOLDIERS OA'IH I.. U iveK. MCM)Y Tlio World's greatest Picture "Tin' ii i'iyi-i I- -i.v ! iir(i:" In Mw U'e', "" IIIIUH'i I HI "I ...-,-- You (.'an Depend I'pon TIIKOWI Frank I). Cohan, Prop Tho Central Avonuo Drug Store out of ships knooR for a California shipbuilding concern. Tho conlrac'l Is said to amount to about $4,0000 and ho, together with his son Chnilcs Matson, has boon working for somo time In Rotting out tho timbers over on Coal Dtink Inlet. Ono ship ment of kaces has already boon sent south. f Work All Finished. All tho work In connection with tho Jetty work nt Rnndon la completed, said Cnpt. Pol ihoiims yestordny. .1. D. Smiill, pow der man, camo ovor from Dandon Inst evening, loavlng tills morning for his homo nt Tho Dalles. Ho ls Bald to bo ono of tho best powdor inon ovor down In this section, llo had chnrgo of tho rock quarry, aiding In getting out somo 12,000 toitH of It for tho Jotty. Aro Working East. Guy Tumor, employed on tho Umpqiin bridge, went hack to Roedsport this morning after a short vlnll here. Ho said thnt tho steol worjc for tho middle span of tho big hrldgo Is iip nnd tho rlvltlng Is to bo dona vory shoitly. Ho Bald thnt practically all of tho I concrotliifr with tho oxcoptjon of fourj piers Is dono and all tho piling has been drlvon. It Is ostlinntod It will tnko about two months to finish tlio hrldgo completely. Docks Aro CroHded. A. P. Davis Is horo from the Mooro Mill on tho Coqulllo. RecaiiBQ of n cluttering on tho docks with lumber tho plant wasl forcod to Bhut down until boats ar-' rlvo nnd clear away. Davis camo bore , to visit and wns Immediately put to work measuring lumber nt tho Coon Day Milling company, on Islhmim Inlot, The mill Btarted again for a short tlmo yesterday and was ex pected to work through today. Was Very Well Liked. Practically all of Poindule turned out yestorday afternoon to nttend tho funeral of John D. Allen, aged 07 years, who died at the Mercy hospital on Mondny , evening. In the olght yenrs tho old gentlemnn baa lived In that commun ity ho hud mide a boat of friends he now mourn Ills going. The boi-e- wcro nt th Wilson Undertaking "'o's nnd In cliargo of tho Rov. Robert Drowning. It Still Ru"o The many friends 1 of C. I. Cantino. deputy state hlgh- wpv piiK'neor. a'-e watching tho pio- Kre o' I'1' ""'' to in'iln IiIh placo 'n tho commission. It seems th ho has plenty or friends who ni' -(king him and he may win out, or the ob.'eitlon of Chlof Lewis 'r Cnntlne was very well liked In oos rouiitv, spondlng soveral wook'i ero mnp'i'nK out permanent mart rnrten. Ho has been sent ovor to I Wboelor county now to look Into some road projects. havo arrived homo from Dorkoloy whole thoy havo been attending tho Unlvrslty of Cnllfornln to visit with tholr pnrcnts. PAUL RAURACJI, prominent farmer of Ton Mile, nccompnnlcd by Mrs. Rnubncli wont bnek to tholr homo Ithls morning nftor n visit with friends hero. PORT E.N'GLNEER DONALD CHAR- LESON wont ovor onto tho Coqulllo river this morning to continue with his Riirvoy of tho river hotweon Coqulllo nnd llnndon. HENRY HUGGINS, who Is nldlng in getting tho tnx roports out In tho sliorlff's office, is -hero today from Coqulllo for tho purpose of voting nnd mooting his old friends. W. R. CHAMRERLAIN, of Onkl.ind, prosUlont of tlio Dlxby-Clnrk cotn- NOTICE TO THE PURLIO Prom ami after this dato 1 wilt not bo responsible for any debts contracted by my wlfo, nnd dealers aro horeby given notlco not to glvo her credit on my account. PRANIC PUGSLEY. Mnrshflold, Oro., May 18, 1910 FOR SALE Complete set of fur nlturo In four loom houso. Soil cheaply If taken nt once. Phono 279. F. Pugsloy. . . - I'OR SALE liny nmre, 12 yrs. II WO , lbs. Sound, true. $126.00. This la u fluo animal. Trado for 900 or 1000 lb. horse. So or wrlto Cnpt. (lallowuy, Launch North Star. HOMESTEADS Colvlllo Indian Regorvntlon, Wnflh., open for set tlement, Drawing July 27th. About G00.000 ncrcs, Conlplbto Map nnd Description. Postpaid $1.00, Smith and McCrea No. 22 Englo llldg. Spoknno Wash. SCHOONER TILLAMOOK PORTLAND AND COOS RAY SAII.S FROM PORTLAND KYEHY TUESDAY FOR INFORMATION PHONIC 2711 TOM JAMES. Act.. Occnn Dock FOR RENT House on No. D'dwny. Near lllghlnnd. Apply 380 Sec ond atrcot North. FOR HALE Olio of A. J. C. cows duo to freshen In July. For tho price asked she 4 will moro than twlco pay for herself this year. Also somo 4 flno helfor calvos and year- llngH from register of morlt dnniB. Apply to, F. A. Sacrhl 1 mmmmmmmmmmmm Danco nt lakeside, Pierro'H liall, Saturday night. Piatt's Orchestra. Summer Waists and Dresses Our stock of Ladies' new waists and dresses gives you a wide choice of materials and at prices that save you money. Wide stripe sateen, plain white lawn and dimity waists 50 each Wide striped lawn and large checked dimity waists 98 each Wide stripe silk mull, white voilo, dimity organ die and lawn waists 1.25 each Figured net and cmhroidered voile waists, an extra value 2.00 each Embroidered voile, trimmed in colors, very new and attractive waists : 2.25 each Heavy Crepe de Chine Waists in white and stripes $2.75 to $3.50 1 Ladies black, white and navy silk taffeta waists $2.45 to $2.75 (Special) Ladies afternoon dresses of voile, silk mull and cotton tissue in stripes, checks and figures. These dresses are well made of good materials and are exceptional values $3.25 to $5.65 Let Us Show You These Dresses The Golden Rule FOR RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, closo In uml reasonable. 00G First nnd lllrch. : : FOR RENT Modem furnished opts. I rlvnto Imth, freo hent,wAtpr. $7 week, month. Myrtlo Arms. FOR RENT Modem flvo-room liun- gnlow on 12th and Commercial streets, $12. CO per month. Apply Qolng & llnrvoy. AIT. $1.00 week, $15.00 mo. II roadway Hotel. P. O. Dldg. FOR RENT. ROOMS, (too to $1.00 Ray, j $' lo $5 Week; llousekecp. j lug Apts., $H mo. up. Fro j tmtli. Lloyd Hotel Apis. j I'OR SALIC Automobile i-mmLoiit, $7rt, Good running order. Seo John Lapp, I'OR SALE OR HUNT Well fur ulslied tent house. Phono -U8-J. FOR SALIC At once, lCcouomy Unit Co. Placo full of work. Stay and teach thoroughly. Pino clitmco for man and wlfo. Rest reasons for soiling. R OYAL TONIGHT Margaret Gibson in , "THE SOULS CYCLE" " A talc of Ancient Greece and Modern New York. t Transmigration of the soul forms the basis of this re markable film drama. "CISSY'S INNOCENT WINK" The laughable escapades of a heart breaker with Cissy Fitzgerald. Admission Lower Floor 15c Balcony 10c TOMORROW NIGHT New Vaudeville. "The Money Master" in 5jicts. i MONDAY NIGHT "THE HEART OF A PAINTED W0M ! AN" with Madame Petrova. I Soon "RACE SUICIDE" xrwr-rr. 3K,ai: