THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHRELtf, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 19, 1916. EV ENING EDITION 11 itljti'iSSB The Central Avenue Booster Oh J- CENTRAL AVKNUK, No. 87. . ...... iitiru ill mm.' I I " ..Vfil rtltkM.'UVt.'lt 1 I V.Ti;ii l'H.i w..... i (,'0(1(1 HlHHlS ,.i.rit l'owors cays ho's iu;ln i nod io:i''s. been we've got 'bout s.i coon n' " - ' J .i.. inv lit most ov th' counties I" vulern Oregon. Charlie a no idoubt sliiccro in ins views, uiu wnuu lt comes to Improviii' u Htrcet In 6 . i, nvnntinn (IV 111' tllotl- trty owners, ho kin sco th' advan tage oV g0 raa,IB ' Kehct. ,, , I Jim Montgomery says mm goon L,j would open up a flno lot ov Lcencry fer tourists to look at. Th' (most rniHlU scenery in in worm i. tim's eyes 13 a long, oven lino ov I telephone poles, on lino an' grade. S Sam 1 1111 says tney inn t pornups L .inzcn ncoplo In th' country Hint knows how to build real good roads, It.iii I know bettor. Tlioy'B dozens 'or 'cm right hero In .Marsh field Iknowj nil about lt, for rvo heera cm mluilt It, fnlr un' ciiunro. Th' great problcniB ov th coun- try gits solved ono by ono. For jears Us been tho matter ov git jtln'a railroad, an' now that wo'vo got tli' road to rldo on th' ques Ulon tlinls belli' soled at th polls in.inv Is wliethor th' walkln out ov I Coos Uay'a goln' to ho good. Tho Primaries Tomorrcr all th' dofealod cun- I Mates 'II complain bectiz u ropro- tentatlvo voto wuzn't got out. Accordln" to Jack Kendall th' fito ov Oregon Is hanglii' In th' fUlanco today, nn' toniorror'B sun may rlso on an' emancipated State, or ono with fish wheels strung along nil tli' naturally beautiful Srlicr Lanka. Lawrenro Llljcqvlst BnyH that at- ter ho published th' list ov his successful prosecutions th' thought eomo to him that folk.? might have got th' Idea that all th' meanness In Coos County wuz cleaned up, nn' wishes ub to announce that ho knows whero there's a lot ov It still seioamln' for attention. .lack HnrrlKan Bnya If he's select ed ho'll see that th' people git a dollar's valuo for ov'ry dollar ex pended. That ain't runnln' th' af fairs ov th' County llko a man would run his own bushies1?. In business a mnn3 supposed to git a dollar an' a quarter fer ov'ry dollar spent. Ain't ho, Jack. Lots ov pcoplo who wuz too busy to vote at tli primaries today'll find time to stand round till mid night to sco who wuz elected. Tbo'. Democrats an' Republicans have got their ballot3 all covered with th' mimes ov candidates; but tho Progressives are leavln' th selection ov officials entirely to th discretion ov th voters this year. John Hutlcr saya Ita th' easiest thing In th' world to git elcctod to office, an' ho can't boo what makes bo many ov th' candidates look so worried. SMlLH-A-WlltLlJ TI1K OKXTRAIj AVEXUK BOOSTER Published Kvcrjr Friday III the Inter ests of Coos Ilnj In General iind Central Avenuo lu particular. Entered at the I'ostofflco as strictly First-Class matter; there Is nothing Second-ClnsB about Central Avenuo. Subscription Price. Your good will, and membership In tbo Booster Club CKXTRAL AVS. SAYIXtJS At Im1. Cloorgo Anlcker has solved the problem of cheap living. Ho has printed tho following direc tions on his menu cards: "Tako homo a brick for Sunday dinner." smilk-a-wiiili: thus More Needed. Ike Chandler MUSIC AND DAXCIXO NOT LOOKIXd i;p "I Kortu feel llko Dr. Toyo looks," remarked .Mm Kellond tho other day. "Mow'h that?" asked Frcn McCloes. "Down lu tho mouth," aii3vercd Jim. -vSMII.KjA.WIIII.I'- T1IIC sporting editor who Is not supposed to hold to the high brow ethics of the editor has been somewhat interested In tho remarks of the Waterfront Philos opher nnent dnnclug.muslc, and llriuo Kvans. Along this line I recently happened on tho following lu an eastern paper: Oswald took mo to a dancing party last evening, and when ho was doing the strong arm In tho second fox trot, ho said, "Felicia, you remind mo of a. weather re pot I.' I said, "Why, Oswald, how do you mean?" And ho Biild, "Fair and warmer." Ry the way tho modern dance undoubtedly penults situations that would not bo tolerated anywliorc clso In tho world, except on the floor with music. Tho physical part of dancing Is a natural result of good music, hut It Is difficult to reconcile tho positions assumed with good ethics. Music plays a wonderful part in tho lives of people, appealing to tin harmonious, speaking for concord, tho enemy of dlsco'rd. HMILK-A-WHILtt CF.XTRALAVKXl'I'SAVIXtiS Kvon Frank I). Cohnn would rather bo right Hum vlco president. When you were a boy you often heard tho song that started, "I went to the river and 1 couldn't get across." Well, Wilson Kaufman is tho flrot man who sang that song on Coo Day. H. Handel has gono and put ills' overcoat In soak, but not to make a' contribution to tho road bonds fund. ()() TIIIXOK MICA It HKPKATIXt.' Thore aro letters of assent A ifd letters of tono Hut tho best of all letters Is to let her alono. Fltl'l) KKLLKY c,, REHFELD'S .Stationery Minis For the Best Vb!tnrvH Paper " ,,,,,, KODAK FINISHING "sl c""ls l'liliirglng -""-" Mjrllo Wood Copjlng Itilnj; lu your films today and lorolvo rinlNlii'il print at .1 p. in. Novelties Funning ttiniiiiiow. t!l Hour Service proclaims that ho has added a live stock Insurance company to his line. If lko can only got hold of a company that will lnsuro prosperity, his list will bo complete SM I LIC-A-'.VH I I.K A Mean Advantage. 1100 bottles of beer catno In on tho Kllburn. Considering that both the grand Jury and tho trial court arc lu session, nnd that the primaries aro at hand, somebody is taking u mean ndvantngo of the prosecuting attorney. i smim:-a-wiii i,k Away From Temptation. Itnynl Nllcs landed a six pound trout up! elected president of tho United States Coos River last Sunday. As soon ad Henry IltiRglna heard of lt, ho Im mediately Jumped nn onto for tho County Seat, being unwilling to trust himself another minute within the luro of tho river. SMILK-A-WHILH bo hung Just above tholr mouths. While soino peoplo may think they nic useful, Wnltor llutlor never could understand why appendixes wore In vented. John Sullivan thinks that box hav ing stripes that run around aro much more healthful than thoso with the stripes running up and down. Dorsoy Krcltzer Bays ho has never been mistaken for John D. Rockefel ler. Dr. Dlx tells his young men friends not to put too much faith In tho ndago "Thero Is as good fish In the sea that havo nqver heon cnught.'VIIe advises tho young chap to catch hor whon ho can got her. ' Florist Kdwlu Scott declares that If you do not boll your coffeo too long you can plant tho grounds unrt havo a nlco grovo of coffeo trees In tho back yard. George Anlckor wants to Hvo long otiongh to bco a man named Smith' ItceoiiiliiK Popular. Tho races last Sunday took bo well with the drivers that they havo been pulling off a number of llttlo racing events, against time, on Ccntrnl Avenuo this week, lack Carter's now cap Is very ornn- I John Ferguson Is sufferlnir from a badly bruised trigger finger caused! by dropping a $20 gold pieco on it tho other aay. Frank Harlocker, well known lu fi nancial circles rofusoB to belle vo that a cat has iiluo lives. Hut ho docs maintain that cat Is not tho only nnlninl that likes llttlo chickens. Dr. Welty says ho has novcr been Candy of Quality Candy of Purity Candy of Excellence We do not think any candy could bo better than tho famous brands no carry. Our unique select Ion Is easily stamped the do luo of candy. We .soli u full lino of caudles In all size Iiocs. ANICKER'S Formerly Stafford's Central Avenue Tomorrow's Boat JUL? & fill brincj us a bin shipment of everything that is good in Fres Vegetables anything and everything that grows in California and Oretjon gardens may be Tound at this store tomorrow. We also have a nice new line of Heinz Pickles and Chow-Chow that will please you. Wc also have just received a fresh shipment of True Blue Mixed Cookies 1 The best that are made, 25 and 30 cents per pound. We can save you money on your groceries. Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST (Formerly Xusburg's Croccry.) t'HOXIJ iM't SKCOXD AND CKXTHAL t AT THE HOTELS 1 Chandler Hotel Airs. W. (1. Klllolt,' South Coos Klv er: A. M. Oakcs, Portland; I. W. Lucas, Portland; 1 K. Thatcher Portland; O A. Slak'ko, Portland; II. h. Conner, San Kranclneo; H. J. SlfDIarmld, llandon; O. Taylor Jones, Portland; E. Schrocder, San Krnn cIbco; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. It. Chamber lain, Oakland; Mr. nnd Mrs. W. E Creel, Piedmont; Mlas Creel, Tied mont; E. J. Hlnchoy, Portland; W'. (5 Egleaton, Oakland; S. h, WllllnmB, Myrtle Point; h. h. Kosa, Myrtle Point. St. Uinrpiiru Hotel .T. M. Kondnll, Portland; A. Arm strong1, Hosoburg; Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Emerson, Lincoln, Nob,; E. J. Hob ertB, Portland; Robert Uowron, Hon n'vlllo; Itobort Harris, Wondllng; J C. Hnrloy, llandon; John Anderson South Inlet; Ceorgo Stultz, Smith Inlot; C. C. Ynrbrough, Heaver Hill: C. It. Smith, Hock Crook. UImiico Hotel M. W. Eddy. North Ilond; C. Mil ler, Itvnvor Hill; .1. n. Small, Ilnndon; Hon Mnrseo, IUuo Illdgo; V. D. Hum ett, IUuo Itldgo; Edwls Elllngor, Co (ulllo; Ed Ernzlor, Powers; j. A. Porroso, Myrtlo Point; W. Wnrnor. Mllwnukno; Dallas Androws, Isthmus Inlot; S. Andorson, l'owors; P. G. Olson, North Inlot. I.lnjil Hotel I). Harry, Wurokn; W. Craves, Eu reka; .1. n. Stonorson, Wallace; A. T Thompson, Portland; MIbb I.llloy Hob crts. Portland; C. O. Ilostron, San EranclBco; .Inmoa Collier, North Henil; M. Dervln, San Erancisco; C W. Carston, Portland. Oreons Greatest Fishing Resort Ten Mile Lake VOU can find all the modern conven- iences and comforts at the TEN MILE HOTEL && SMITH Mgr. Lakeside, Oregon Books . Wo have Just completed iHTaugetiientN iith tlm MllllisflCI'N to whip us till tho latest and lct hooks nt Mton ns they aro pub- llxlllMl. Xot tho lai-gext hut tho host stock of books on Coos Hay. MARSHFIELD NEWS CO. C8 CENTRAL AVE. (Formerly Frleen'h) Wo deliver any iinixuxliio or pethxlical on date of IsSIIO .. ss ss ss r ! ) l)It. W. A. TOYE, i DENTIST 1 Hours 9 to 12; 1 to 6. j Room 201, Irvliij? Hldg. , Central Avenua. Slnrsliflelil montnl but wo can't notice thnt the called on io put a filling lu a hen's pcod laws are being enforced any tooth. better. J r-SMILI.-WIIILK i Some men nro working themselves Welcome to Central Avenue. liar- to death hut Havo Stafford b.ivb ho ry Towor, tho Jowcler, has decided Is glad that ho does not belong to 'hat Central Avenuo Is tho location, that class. Wo could havo told him long ngo. Harry says after ho gets moved ho wants all thoso who bbw tho towor of Jewels nt tho fair to tako a slant it tho Jowcls of Towor on Central Avonuc. nnd thoy'll ho surprised. SMI LK- A-Wll I M J Remington Typewriters and Supplies Kervlco that hutlsflc. Aliviiyt on tho Job to ninko good nnd Jobs that make good and iiiachlues that more than make good 'I hat'.s ilaiohs and .laculi.s that's me. Ix.t mo show you. L. W. JACOBS ' 7il Central Aeiiuo. lliouo 1S.1U.J. Hoiitliiiestein Oregon ItcpicNcntatlvo for Tho DlcWiphono Will Ho CJood Xoiv. fleorgo Ayro says It was a good thing that Am baflsatlor von Homstorff lias conveyed tho Kaiser's Instruction to Germans roBldliiff In Amcilra to obey Amort--an laws. Wo couldn't do anything with thoso citizens before, but now ill wo hnvo to do Is to- say "If you ion't bo good, 111 toll your fnihor on you." S.MILE-A-WIIII.i: Good Precept Applied. Arthur Pock and John Kendall In tholr do bato Saturday night, showed a firm belief In tho principle that If you havo any flowqrfl to glvo pooplo you should not wait until thoy nro dead, but offer your trlbuto whllo thoy Mvo. If thoro wcro to bo any mora of these dobates, howover, wo would nug. 30Bt Hint thoro's no uso being a blar ney. S.M I LI :-.. WI 1 1 LE A groat Idea camo Into tho hend of Dr. Toyo tho other day. Ho thought that If a person Buffering with tho tooth ncho was soated on tho deck of a Bteamor when tho craft was blown up by a torpedo, tho sufferor would quickly forgot nil about having a tooth ache. Not thnt ho cures n great deal, but Fred Smith, of tho Hub. linn heon wondering which Is tho mora dnngor ous to swallow n pin or n needto. Oono Crostliwnlt declares that tho older a mnn gets tho mora lovoly ho becomes. 'Oeno ought to know. That promising young nnglor, Jay Towor, nnnonnces thnt you can kill a trout with klndnoss quicker than any other way. Frank Lalso Is still nn old hatch. (loorgo Ooodrum, who ought to know, says that from tho way somo ; pcoplo talk a "Freo Air" sign should RANCHERS ATTENTION LISK'S SANITAItV DAIRY PAIUS Soldrtwl Inxldo and out hide. Chin un nnd Separators -everything yuu need fnmi n tin cup to a pitch fork. And eierylblng at rcasouablo prices and n guarantee goes with everything; a sell. Marshtield Hardware Co. Hroadway mid Central Avenue. Phono 81 DEW DROP INN at Sarter's AXI THY A IlLACK KVIJI) Hl'SAX SPECIAL 1'OH ICE CREAM OF QUALITY ALL THE TIME TRY H.YRTEHrt SARTER'S DEW DROP INN Central Avenue Don't Forget' the Light Lunches COM IXO 9 TO ARAOt) Cheer Up! ARAOO, Oro., May 10. Mrs. J. R. Scott, wlfo or Professor Scott, Is ox ported to arrive In a fow dayj from Now York whore alio Iihh been do- Though tilings illi talned conducting chorus work. She, will assist tho professor in his work, ou ii Aingo. inn people or tlio locality .Today my sou do not iL-fcuru wmi muy aro loriiinnio in Focurlng tholr services among thorn and hopo mora will nvall thomsolvoji of this raro opjiortunlty to Improvo tholr voices. You Want Good Insurance Prompt adjustments of Thfat's tho kind I write, all losses. Fire, Life, Accident and Casualty. I Into Jiixt added to my lino one of tho leading livo-stock Hiirauro companies In tho. United Htntes, Ih. E. I; Chandler Coko llulldlng Mnrsltfleld not go right ultli i BUI ESS IS l''lgiues Show Amount of Lumber sent lo Han I'liuiclsco Ituy - for Hair of .'Month For tho laBt half month tho liim Dor shlpmonts from Coos Hay to San Francisco Hay havo beon far greater than from any othor port on tho Pacific 'coast. Tbo flguros for tho hair month aro as follows. l-'h- and Hpruco Aboideeu 1,200,000 Astoria 2,UG0,000 llandon .'Ill, 000 Coos Hay , 1 0(1,000 Kvorett fi 1 0,000 Oraya Harbor 2,200,000 Port Angeles 7A0.000 Port Oamblo 87,000 Port Ludlow DfiO.OOO Siuslaw 160,000 Tacoma l.DfiO.OOO Union Lauding 2C0.000 WHIapa l,07ri,000 Redwood Eureka 1,125,000 Albion 1,399,000 Caspar 2l.00 Fort Hragg 1.C5C.000 fireenwood 429,000 Mendocino 412,000 Crescent City .'100,000 Total d,5tr.,000 feel Iiluo. Cheer up, and uheii you hit tho hay Tonight, Just hiuilo and Miy "Toiuoriow In auothor day," Ami I can get an I'l Roltaii to light my nay." THE REST CIOAHH THE REST RILLIARDS THE IlKST IIAKIMIALL nt ... 1 1!!!.... Smokehouse "That'h tho Place" FRECKLES Xowl Ih tho Tlmo to (Jet Rid of These Ugly Spots Tliera's no longer tho slightest need of fooling ashamed of your freckles, as tho prescription othlno doublo strength Is guaranteed to remove thesa homely spotB. Simply get an ounco of othlne double strength rrom any drug gist and apply a llttlo or It night and morning and you should Boon bco that even tho worst freckles havo ba gun to dlsappoar, whllo tho lighter ones are vanished entirely. It Is sel dom thnt more than an ouuro Is need od to completely clear tht kln and gain a beautirul clear romploxlon. Ho sure to ask lor tho doublo utrength othlno as this Is sold under fiiiarantoo or moiu'y hnck K It full li remnvo frockle. Teach Your Children to Save Money It's the First Step in the f art of getting ahead. See that they have a Savings account IN THIS BANK First National Bank i; HOME OF THE SAVER Marshficld, Oregori BIC PRi;PARi:i to hhmv PROHPHIUTV A JOVOU8 RKCKITIOX and COXTIXI'Ol'H WIJI.CO.MH. You can't entertain uroiper. Uy, anybody, or enjoy life properly yourself unless you havo musio In tho homo. SEE US AT"0NCE. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wiley II. Allen and V. R. Haines Music Stocks Oil Ceil trnl Avenuo. PLAN TO TAKE Suneday Dinner AT THE Chaedler Hotel The Hub of a noon mkw Central Avmue Vr