The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 18, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Another New York Shipment of
Ladies Suits
& Coats
All are Now Samples mill each
individual garment is thoroughly
Ilotli .Stilt ami Coat Stjlcs are In
advance of the present vogue.
Suits $12.5o to $25
Coats $8.50 to $15
He sura to see till new display.
I.'n cli garment is of very newest
design and each Is a wonderful
Hub Dry Goods Company
si. tvllv tkm.s or matiumo
xiaij extaxglkment
Does Xot Assume Any Hlanie llltnscir
Xor Does lie Maine First Wife
Was Misunderstanding
h. hooper, former, imuo
Father In New Zealand Died, Leaving
an Estate Hooper Left Hero
Last November
Through tho death of Ills rather
In Now Zealand nn estate of l 3r,000
Iiiih reverted to E. L. Hooper, former
Coos county Bnlosinnn for tho till
Lilly cotnpnny of San Francisco. Mr.
! tho matter. Ho says Hint ho married ' McCrodlo's Cohorts Exhibiting "Coniui Hooper left here In neooniher going
Slneo the publication of tho storv
regarding -Mrs. 1. M. Tully of thlfl
city bolng dcstltuto In Boston whoro PORTLAXD REAVERS TAKE SEC
her uncle refused her nld, P. M. OXR GAME IX SITCKSSIOX
Tully has made n stnteniont regarding
The Sun K
issed Wi... 7
L,o Bay
i tki tt., it.l , n.n.t n.. .......
iw......v ... v...,,.. V..-UIKO annul, of tne c ,
Coinpany'8 Iloat "Ualubow" ' Tr
(Copyright Anmicfl For)
"When yoir have wandered around n.
Till you're travel stained n,i . "10 WcrJ.
. . . . " m
Corner Ilrontlirny nnd Central Avcnuo.
IMiono sen.
Today's North Bend News
n j;
Two Are Arretted ami Fined
Trouble In I'Hd Hall Last
Threo ,of North Uend's citizens,
"Happy" Iliirgoss, Hennlo I'latt, and
Frank Mostellar (Were engaged In n
fracas In Pltney's pool hall last night.
It Is alleged that Mostellar was
talking at tho telephone when I'latt
struck him and that nurgoss then
nso entered Into tho fight to assist
Piatt. Iloth MoRtcllar and I'lutt wore
finite badly pounded and Mostollnr
found it necessary to visit n surgoon
to huve his woiiuds dressed.
llurgoss and I'latt wore arretted
nnd taken before City Recorder May
bco. llurgoss wan fined $15 nnd
I'latt $20.
llov. Father McDevItt was a vis
ltor from Miirshflold yesterday nf
ternoon. Geo. Hclgloy came In on yostor
dny'H train from A3torla, Oregon.
. Win. WooiIh wiih an arrival on
the afternoon train yeBtorday from
Orcvllle, Wanhlngtou.
Tho Str. Rronkwntor duo Sat
tirduy morning
for North Hend.
Attorney A. K. Pock, of Marsh
fleld, wna In town yesterday In tho
Interest of his campaign for thu
legislature. John ('. Kendall, IiIh
opponent wiih In town last evening.
u u
Mr. nnd Mrs. (leorgo Stephenson
left this morning on tho train for
William Wood of Orovlllc. Wash,
who tins been In North lloud on a
visit, left this morning for his homo.
Mrs. Archlo Phillip Is Buffering un hero.
ntnek of lumbago.
Molllo E. McCarthy nt Duluth, Minn.,
In 1S97, nnd thoy lived together for
n number of years but were unable
to agree and separated and lived npart
for several yenrs. Ho says ho sup
ported hl.'i wife nnd their daughter
during Hint tlmo nnd sent them to
Mexico City for the daughter's health
Thoy ramo back nnd located In Lns
Angeles In 1000 and the husband
was still contributing tho wholo sup
port. Mr. Tully says terms of settle
ment were made which provided for
tho daughter, Irene, who la now IS
to go lo a convent.
Divorce Artnngcd
Mr. Tully explained In detail how
n divorce was arranged and ho left
Los Angeles with tho understanding
It would bo put through court and go
by default. In another year Mr. Tully
learned that his flrBt wife was mar
ried again, this tlmo to Martin
Later Mr. Tully went to Los tm
geles nnd there mot the present Mrs.
Tully, who was AHco Wood, and
married her. Tho couplo came to C003
Hay but tho present Mrs. Tully .wad
not satisfied with tho place Ho ex
pected to go somewhere elso when ho
could dlspoRo of property Interests
Hark" Spirit Enough to Shame
.Jim .Jeffries
W. L. Pet.
Vernon 20 IS .r,91
San Francisco .20 IS .591
Los Angolas ...20 1.9 .51.1
Oakland 1 25 .432
Salt Lttko ... .15 20 ..129
Portland 14 19 .421
Miss Annlo Lelhy, of South Slough,
Is III of appendicitis.
Lcnm of Mlstnko
Tho second Mrs. Tully went to Los
Angeles to her mother's funeral nnd
thoro called upon tho first wlfo whom
nho had rormorly known. Mr. Tully
Btnted ho wns dumbfounded when
Inst February ho recolved n Icttor
from his first wifo. It related that
her husband had died and that sbo
j was seeking tho records for tho dl
j vorco to establish her right as heir
, to her second huBband. Investigation
Herbert Irrudloy, who suffered n!1""01 ,hnt tho flr8t Mrs. Tully had
stroke of paralysis, and who Is at! novor nnleared In court nnd tho dl-
Mni. J inn eg Allen loll today nn the
train for Portland.
Marry Hospital, was reported to bo
soinowhut Improved toil a v.
Ed McKoown, well known logger,
who has been away for several years.
Is hack from Cnnndii accompanied by
' " ' l.lo ...I.. .....1 ...III . I. !.!.. I ...
will bring freight!. ""V ' "'" '""""" ,u
iH'it! nun imiiwiko 111 togging again.
Two Ai'icsU for Diiinkeuue.sN
Slnco the FlrM
Chief of Pollco Anderson ro
pcrtj that only two arrests have
been mado since tho first of the.
year for drunkenness.
Mrs. E, Drews of Marsh fluid
wob operated on yesterday and is
doing flue,
Mrs. llohtiiBon of lllverton wiu
operated on yesterday morning.
She Is doing nicely.
The dredge Miehlo camo up to
the Porter Mill this afternoon to Ke
en 10 oil again.
At 1 1 this morning tho Tillamook
came In from Portland with a full
:t()0 tons of general merchandise for
tho bay. Shu leaves out again to
morrow. Tonight or tomorrow morning the
Patsy is duo from Poithiud, bring
ing machinery.
Tho Kllhurn l.i duo from Port
land and tho llreakwnter from San
Diego on Saturday.
Evan llodsou of tho North lloud
high school, now holds tho record
for tho 440 yard run in this county.
Ho boat tho former reran! by three
fifths of u second at tho last track
Tho piling was delivered today for
tho rebuilding of tho wharf at tho
old town mil! and the work of driv
ing tho piles will start tomorrow,
It Is said.
Export W. II. Wann has started in
auditing I tho city books of .North
Survivor of ltounok,. Says Dynamo
Hail I Icon Taken To Pieces
Thoro arlsos n new phase of tho
Roanoke dUaster, that the wireless
equipment was not In working or
der nt tho time tho .ihlp wont down.
This accounts then for tho fact tho
vessel sent out no S. O. S. call
though there was plenty of tlmo to
do so.
In an account of tho wreck, Qunr
termnster Erb Jtuted that at 10:10
a. in. of the fata! day tho dynamo
of tho wireless apparatus was tukon
npnrt. When tho ship wiu in dis
tress that sumo nftomoon shortly
after two o'clock tho wireless oper
ator called to tho captain tho In
strument could not ho used for the
S. O, s.
Do not blame me if
cannot see
BIRCH The Optician
Glasses $2.50 to $8.50
voice .wns not granted. Mr. Tully
stated that ho understood sho thought
her lawyer hnd attended to the mnt
ler and that sho need not take nny
further steps after having pnld 7ilm
n fee.
Makes Trip East
Tho present wlfo wanted to get
awny from Coos liny boforo tho slt
untlon beoamo generally known. Sho
asked for monoy to got to her undo,
William Wood. In hopes of securing
"in iiiiu surnciont funds to tldo'
them over until the Coos Hay proporty,
could ho sold, but Mr. Tully stutosl
mat ho told his wlfo they did not
want nny of Wood's money nnd ho
did not enrourngo her lo go. Finally
sho Btnted thntsho had borrowed suf
ficient funds to go to her undo nnd
was going whether her husband want
od hor to or not, and ho stated ho
had to let her go.
Was Turned Away
Mr. Tully said ho hnd recolved
fovernl letters from his wlfo but nono
oiling of tho prosont predlcnmonl.
Tho wife told of hor undo turning
hor awny from his home. Mr. Tully
understood ho wns displeased with
hor marrliigo nnd cut off the allow
ance ho hnd previously given hor.
Mr. Tully does not tnko any blnmo
miweir nor does ho blnmo his first
wife. Ho says thoy i.oth thought thoy
had been divorced. Ho admits the
predicament Is n hnd 0110 but that
slops will ho (akon ns soon ns nosslble
to rollevo himself nnd his first wlfo
of matrimonial bonds nnd straighten
tho matter out legally. Ho suggests
that tho presont .Mrs. Tully will prob
ably como to Los Angeles to reside
Ho stated that his first wlfo hnd not
made nny attempt to make matters
worse, and thnt his concorn now is
to straighten the matter out for his
prosont family.
Dr Auorlited Tint lo Com ny Timet,
SALT LAKE, May IS. Has Port
land taken a boost? It seems like
It. Tho Heavers won u gamo on
Tuesday and did It ugnln yesterday.
Tho scores of yesterday follow:
At Salt Lake It H E
Portland 12 18 3
Salt Lake. 10 10 4
Ilouck and Hlgginbotham nnd Fisher,
Wurhop, Chabek and Hannah,
At Vornon It 11 E
Oakland 7 S 1
Vornon 0 a 0
Prough and Rrlrflth; Arrollnncs,
Qulun nnd Wliullng, Spancor.
At San Francisco It II E
Los Angolcsi 5 S 3
Snu Francisco 0 13 0
Standrldgo, Hogg and Dossier, Steen,
Fanning and Sepulvedu.
tn? AuocUtM ft-ru lo ro TlT Ttmn.l
WASHINGTON, 1). C, Muy 18.
It was Washington's Day again yes
terday and thoy took tho second of
tho sorlcs from Detroit, 0 to I.
Tho scores of yestorday follow:
National League
At Chicago:
Brooklyn 2
Chicago 7
At St. Louis.
New York 9
St. Louis 3
At Cincinnati:
lloslon 7
Cincinnati l
At Pittsburg:
Phlladdphla-Plttsburg, cold
AMioricnu Lenguo
At Hoston:
Chlcago-.l)oston, rain.
At Philadelphia:
St. Louis
to Now Zealand with tho Intention
of going to the front with tho Now
Zealand troops.
D. I. McOeo has JiiRt received 11
letter from him stating ho Is still at
homo nnd getting along very nicely.
Ho makes no mention now of being n
It Is stated through friends hero
today that hnd he not roturnod there
for military duty his portion of tho
estate would have gono to-the crown.
Mr. Hooper wis formerly n resorve
nontenant In tho reservo troops at
his homo. It Is possible that ho has
been detained from going to tho
front, through tho sickness and sub
sequent dcuth of his father.
He wob very well known in this
territory, having at ono tlmo repre
sented his company through tho
northern part of Oregon ns well as
In this section.
J. Loo Drown, of tho Drown Drug
1 Cotnpnny, recolved a enrd from Hoop
And there Is nothing that just
'"'Its jo,,,
And with friends you aro a mri
Why wo Just Invito you down here
To the land of God's grunt store holme
And tho Buu-k!ssed water.? ,,r tl,u Co(M'
Como with us mid play on Coos liny
In a boat, with tho salt spume, '
Dashing, BWlrllng, playing pa.u'you,
Sllver'd tuning forlts of stawutoeil joy
Gulls Just resting, tldo Is full to tlouf'i,.
And you Just can't help deriding "
On tho Biin-ltlssed waters or thoYoos.
What's tho use of living dor mam,
When tho tldo nnd llnie aiosot.
Thoy Just nwalt your pleasure,
Always going out to bring you In.
It, don't take great wealth to live hero
Only Just four walls, a 10 of, a pniy,.r,
And the min-klsspd waters or thu C'009.
Well, wo'.vo Innded on tho quny there,
Llko God's own beauty that In Portland fircwj
Oh, wo'ro hungry, yes. nnd famished,
Hut there's a satisfying portion, l'reston,
At the Chandler and tho Dew Drop inn '
So I Just write to you. Edith. .,y8, joy m .
And the sun-klsseil waters of Hie Cooj.
Sincerely, as ever,
Mursliflehl, Orcgoa
1.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. -
or n row days ngo saying no was j """V V T
training uaiu uuu u.iiiecieu iw n"i'
nwny .with the troops within a very1
short tlmo.
Itosebiirg Hanker Hack From East
nnd Says Prosperity Is Coming
to The Const
HOSIOHUHG, Ore, May 17. Great
prosperity for the Pacific coast coun
try Is predicted by J. II. llooth tho
Itosebiirg banker who Is Just back
from tho enst. He snys:
"In Now York I found niislncss
conditions above the high water
mark," said Mr. Dooth, "whlld In
other Enstorn cities I discovered nn
nlr of optimism prevailing. Tho
working people of tho east und mid
dlo west aro busy, and high wages
are being pnld In all Hues of Indus
try. Tho munition factories cannot
Gil their ordois at the prosont tlmo,
and factories that have been Idle for
Eastsldn Social Club with
Mrs. J. Swnnson.
A. N. W. Club with Mrs.
Annlo Towor.
Dahlia Club with Mrs. C. O.
Gosnoy In Englouood.
North llend Eplucopul Guild
with Mrs. 1. II, Mai tie.
O Oenern Club with Mrs. llnn-
ry lloss.
Hulnbow Club meeting at
nt Club house on South Fork
of Coon Itlvnr.
North lloud Junior Club
with Inez KJclluiid.
U'n days fiom.tlie date o(3
oi sain Mil or bids.
Each hid or nronoul ie
to designate the denoralMtloi J
iionu or liontls ilcslreJ.
Hid or iroposaj recIrt4 for J
nmoiint or said bonds, iruatl&J
given preference of purch.
I'riltlinnla a I.I I. ...
. .(.... ui uiui nun tfv
ciiecHs to ho enclosed Id left ft
enveioppa .witji no dlitltfjw
T, murks or wrltlnB thtreoatw:
iWllttlll "tll.l fnr I... ..
.., ,,, ,u( iiiiiiniitoniK:
of tho City of MarsMleld, Ortp:
Dated this 17 day of Mir. IHl
Chairman of the FImmr
tnlltoeof theCoauaoJCtn
5 IS "0 " 7
Notice Is hei-oby glvon that sealed ' Dr. A. L. HOUSCWOrll),
proposals will bo recolved bv the lliylr!n Md Botpoi
Plliniirn Pxliimlltni. it Mm Pnnilniili OfflfCilnlnl IUott
Council of the Cltv of Marshflold. !",re ,inu" "to 12 mil
Puna r'nimlv nrunn ( llwi nffl. . ' ""'' 7 ,0 8 P' a
I unit illinium uiui. iiuiu iiuuii iuiu iur. w. -..., . - ( pi . nflr IJIJi Km I
j years aro now working tit full tlmo. ' tho City Uecorder of said City ofi""""1 umc "lM "" '
From conferences I had with oaBtern Mnrshfleld, In the City Hall of said1 . ,
bankers, I am satisfied that nioreiltJ' ""til eight o'clock p. 111. Monday. I "" ""
money Is now In circulation through
out tho enst than for sevornl years.
111.11...1 ..1..1. ,
1 i.i.uiifiilim , j Thw ruiiroml ynrds of Now York City
ai vwiBiiington: j liro (.0Kcat0, wm, forogn conslgn-
olrolt j nionts of Amorlciin mado goods,
iuiiKiuii r. wj,0 t,0 ollel. Kroat torin'nals of
At .New lork! , ii,n onRt slmiv Hlnillnp nrtlvltv llnl!
T V ........ ......w. ......
Clovoland-Now York, wot grounds.
road officials, bankers and men en-
I gaged In other Important lines of
Industry clnlm thoy never boforo ox
1 perlonced such good times as nt
I present.
"In tho mlddlo west I nlso found
.M.WIS1I FIELD THACK TIiM HAS, business conditions on n sound foot
tho 29th dny of May, 101G, for the
purohnso of street Improvement bonds
of the said Cl'ty or Marshflold, Coos
County, Oregon, to tho amount of
All of snld Improvement bonds to
bo in denominations not exceeding
$500.00 and bearing Interest nt tho
rate of bIx ier cont per annum from
tho dnto thereof, payable soml-nn-nunlly,
snld bonds to bo dated tho
day of Issuance and to mature In ten
Fbcii UN
Eitlmatei (urnlihed ca wm I
Or. H. M. Shaw
Kje, Ear nnd Throit ifttl
Phone 830-I. Room A!
Irrlng Wofk.
-ft. MATT1E a BIWW.
I'hyklcUp and Sari
Phone 83W.
Athletes of County to Moot In .Myrtle
Point Coach Nlles Not Very
Coach Itoynl Nlles of tho high
school truck team Is making no op. I
tlmlstlc. remnrks theso duys regarding
thO ni'08liect nf Ills tpnm 111 Mm nnim-l
ty meet to be hold In Mvrtln .,tn. ! ,los,,,'R Wool Huyers Are Holding
on Saturday.
Ho says that so fnr ho Is unable to
figure out how his mon will win tho
meet, hut adds, "they're going to glvo
the rest a good run for tholr monoy."
years thorenrter, with propaymontj w phinrllor
option thereon nt faco vnluo nnd uc-ivv' " ' ia. ,Il.7J,,,T:n
lug. From a enreful survoy of con- rrilca mtfrost to dato of tiny Boml-an- Room s01 tnd j01, &u l&
dltlons In the east and mlddlo west,!"""1 coupon period at or nftor one Msnhfleld. Oreios.
I 11111 conridont moro than evor that yenr r,0,n ,no "",0 of 8ud bonds upon j
tho Paciric coast Is soon to enjoy nn living "Mfco hy publicntlon In a
era or prospoilty unprecedented In nnwspnpor or genoral circulation
Its history." printed nnd pitbllHhod In Coos County,
Oregon, such notleo to bo published 1
not less thnn onco each week for;
throe successive wooks during the,
month preceding such Eonil-nnnunl
period nt which such iirepnyment
thereof will bo mado. Tho right Is
expressly reserved to reject any and
all bids and upon all or any of such
bids or proposals rejected, If thoro
should remain nny bonds unsold tho
Your Home
for Moro .Mm'y
In regard to tho wool market tho
Hosohurg Itovlow says:
Wool buyers In Roseburg ofrerod
30 conts u pound. Owing to tho cou-
Oll tllO team fnr Dm vnrlnim n....ol tltllied tOlldoilCV Of tllO DrlCO to cllllll)
J will be Morchant. Kramer. McDonald """over, tho sellers aro apparently '"" ""U8 mRy " "'eronnor so.u
Ilonebrake, Dolt. Franz. Seaman audi,lollU" t,,olp 8tlM;l tor lntor rlaos.'u "rlval Bft, BaM Common
Hack. Llttlo wool has been sold, nnd It js Counc11 of Rnltl c' of Marshflold,
Consldorable Interest Is being ovl- 1)0,,ovel tlmt mo8t f "o spring clip' 0,son' 1)Ut ,n no ovenl to ,l0 B0,a
donced among tho athletes of tho' wl" bo la1(1 wl,h t'10 hol of secur-1 Ilt ,es8 ,lm lmr nml "rcrnert lntorest.
county In this meet. Last year's nnd l,,K us "UIPh as 10 cona Pound. Sal(1 ,,01U,S nro ""thorlzed by tho
tho year beroro MnrshHold won easily, j Sll0,llil tllclr nP-'s bo realized, tho laws of tno s,ato of 'eBOn. a"'1
but 8lnpn iimi iinm h... in.t .,.. - wool men or Douchm cniint.. wni Ordinances of tho City of Marsh-
- liwu , PUI1IU Ui I t.- - w.,.
probably receive tho greatest returns, I,e,", ol'eKn.
Tho hearing of T. F. FloUburg,
nrrosted on a charge of dninkeness
by Chief Carter, hua boon postponed
until Saturday.
! The Times carrier boya aro I
I Instructed to put tho papers
I on the porch. If tho carrier does
I not do this, misses you, or no- I
I gleets getting tho paper to you I
I of time, kindly phone the clr-
I culntlon manager, as this Is tho
I only way we can determine
I whether or not the carriers are I
I following Instructions. Phone I
I 133. '
her most valuable point winners.
All to Tnko Piu-t
All tho high schools of tho county,
Mnrshfleld, North Hond, Dnndon,
Myrtle Point, Conullle and Coos HIv
or will bo represented.
Tho scheduled track events aro
50 yard dash; 100 yard dash: 220
yard yard hurdles; 220 yard run; 1 10
yard run; SS0 yard run; relay race
und 0110 mile run.
Field ovonts nre High Jump.
nroad Jump, pole vault. Javlln throw.
snot put, and discus throw.
All tho high schools or the county
have put forth a great efrort In order
to mnko tho meet a success.
Somo time ago the Cooulllo high
school defeated tho other valley towns
in u triangular meet. This leads
somo or tho athletes to bollevo that
tho rounty championship practically
llos between Coqullle, MarshtleJd or
North none!, j
Tho championship track meet la
In tholr oxporlenco.
Assessed valuation or said City ot
Tho buyers say that the shearing 1 Marshrield, Oregon, is $2,920,139.00
has not progressed ns trapld't' ns ' noded Indebtedness Is $54, 000,00.
usual this year on account or the! pP"hitlon estimated 4,500.
prlco and bulk or tho clip will doubt-' A cortlfled check or five por cent
less hold for development In tho tiet'of atnount ol bid or proposal must
week or two. Tho activities of tho' i,C,ompany each bid to be forfeited
huyers In tho cities nlong tho coast 1 ,0 8al(1 Clly of Marshflold, In enso
as well as In tho oast has led. to tho l,,tl ,s accepted and bidder falls to
fooling that tho prices will romnin' nt'cei)t aml nmke Payment for said
high. Some wool sold lu Rosoburgi ll0"d or bonds covered thereby within
Saturday for 35 conts. whllo 3C cents'
was the price ofrored today.
An eay hlr or
n,lUlllB dwlr . jjr
1. ... .1... .imeaWK""
llllini u " - a,
the niipi-wnw It
tho comroits of iw 1
1.. nn,llctulu)'e,
tunic " M""
our ttrgo line.
s,,g housccleasln! J J
furniture or nev I- W
. . mkfl tlieclu"1'"
Going& Harve
n. Pknnel?
I .1. l7-nf .11..
IN or in iiw r.
tho Inst event of note of tho school
year and It Is believed a largo crowd
from the various towns of Coos conn- j
ty will attend.
TOM JAMES, Agt., Ocean Dock
J?!!? Vulcanizing W
Tho Het Equipped Vulcanizing Woiks In Com "'fr nd
nv iiuiKe Jieiincis ami win can "
prices. oRl
NORTH HEX!) : :: ;: !!