-'.'- H((WJU.ullV',-JUua- Ji,iiomns l.U I -"" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 17. 1916.-EVEN1NG EDITION BASE BALL SCORES CELEBRATE TODAY $ t NORTH BEND NEWS t STORE CLOSED VERNON TAKES SPECTACULAH II 1NNINOS BATTLE gained INDEPENDENCE YEARS AGO 102 MY GET A RATE Busy markini down erooas tor the big SATURDAY See tomorrow's Times for prices tb pQpnKfloc Co Oakland Commuter Lose 7 to (I Itnlii Comes Down Over Knt ho East Yesterday PERCENTAGES OF COAST LEAGUE W. L. Pet. Vernon .... 2(5 17 .GOC Snn Francisco 25 18 .581 Los Angelea 20 18 .520 Salt Lnko .. 15 1!) .-Ml Oakland ... 18 25 .11G Portland ... 13 10 .I0G Df Auocltlfi! I'rMi to Coot Dr TlmM.J I I Irtoi ronr I luf o I m lf .' JFI11 t 1C1 mwl VERNON. May 17. It took 14 ' r ' """ InnlncB yesterday for Vornon to fc ,.. nl.nml nf Itin O.lklnntl Commuters In the longest ganio of the season In the Coast League COAST LEAGUE At Salt Lako II. H. K. Portland 12 17 2 Suit Lake 0 10 2 Hlgglnbotlinni, Kolley and Roche; Flttory, lltighcs and Ilannali. At Vernon R. IL E. Oakland G 12 4 Vornon 7 17 3 (11 Innings). Ilcor, Boyd and E. Elliott; Griffith, Qulnn, K. JolniBon, G. Johiuon. Fronimo and Whaling. At San Francisco It. II. E. Los Angles 5 12 0 San Francisco 1 9 1 Kahlcr, Stnndrldgo and Holes; Brown and Sopulveda. IHG LEAGUES ItT AtioeUled rttn to tw Tlr Ttmn.1 IJOSTIN, Mny 17. Yesterday was one of rain through tho entlro cast with tho result that tlio series wore disrupted. What scores thoro woro yesterday follow. National League At Chicago II. Now York, Chicago, cold. At Cincinnati II. Philadelphia 4 lls Cincinnati 3 A I HI. I-OUIII 11. Brooklyn 1 St. Louis 5 Boston, Pittsburg, rain. after seven years of IiuhIiicsh In tho! lias been connected with tho War-, American Lcngtio Front Street location litis decldodinor Grocery Co. Is this week clo.i-i Chicago. Boston, wet Grounds. that s. Louis. Phlladelnhlu. rain. PPHmjyjpKTjfcfc--. 0 DNi H 0 E THE TWO HUH STORES HE COMBINED WILL Management Decides to Concentrate All Foives In Out nil Avenue i Locution Tho Hub Clothing and Shoo Co m ES J. HILLSTHOM RESIGNS AS SANI TAHY STOHE MAXAGKR Will Become Associated With Hi-other In tlio CoiitnuthiK Business Hits Kluo Iteeord Jako Illllstroin, who for two years Inir up his final duties .will concern having resigned ns manager of tho Sanitary Food Storo to bo como associated with his brother in ho contracting business. Whon the Sanitary Food Storo waa Inaugurated on Contrni Aventto to concentrate all their forces un der ono roof nud will consolidato the Clothing nnd Shoe Store In thn next room adjoining the Dry Goods Company on Central Avenue. This inovo has been made with a two fold objoct, that of having a cnmploto stock for man under ono roo u groat convenience to the trading public. Second: Tim now storo is 30 equipped that It tan haudlo to hot tor advantage than tho orlglnat store, which has grown so steadily that it has become unwieldy to liandlo all of Its trade In a proper manner. In tho now storo tho accommoda tions nud nrraugoments nro so much as well as the now life saving stn At Washington It. Detroit 3 Washington 15 Cleveland, New York, rain. , woman and child, all somo seven months ago Jako 1IIIW of, which In itself is strom was mado manager. Ho has built up a splendid business and by cIoho attention to details has mado It ono of tho loading stoics In its lino in tho city. Mr. Hlllstrom has resigned to be coma associated, with his brother J. W. Hlllstrom who la ono of tlio prominent contractors of tho city and who has to his credit tho new consolidated school on Coos River LABOR MEETING Old Countrymen On Coos liny Hold Flltiiu Exercises This Even ing In Moose Hull May 17 Is an anniversary as Im portant to tho people of Norway nud of the same significance tu the Fourth of July Is to Americans. It Is their day of Independence. To day marks the 1 02nd nnnlveisnry of their separation from Denmark nnd tho forming of a free nnd in dependent state". In many Norwegian homes on Coos Buy tho event is today being celebrated. In tho M0030 Hall at eight o'clock this evening will he a meeting of the Sons of Norway to hold forth in Jollification and to pay fitting tributo to tho heroes of tholr country. , On Mny 17, 1 SI f Norway drew nway fiom Donmnrk nnd drew up Its own constitution. Tho country united with Sweden, retaining, how ovor, Its own indepondonco. Sev eral j cars ago Norway withdrew to Itself, savoring all connections with Sweden. Tho program of this evening will start nt eight o'clock. L. Oxnc vntl will give tho ndtlrcas of wcl como nnd Evelyn Johnsen will sing. Roidnr IJuggo will talk, there will bo songs by tho "Scnndla Sangkor" nnd L. A. LIlJcqvlBt, in Englisn, will givo nn address on "Tlio Scan dinavians In tho United Stntcs." Also Mrs. Olga Hcndrlekacn Hug go will glvo sovornl readings, a pia no solo by .Mrs. Poderson, songs by tho quartet, this to bo followed by refreshments. MAXV AT FUNERAL SECHETAHV SMITH OF OF C. ItECEIVES ENCOt'KAGIXG XEWS J(lll win . i"'" -.... Toi'iiilnal Kate .liny lie unen on Oiituolnj; Freight Secretary Smith or the North Bond Chnmher of Commerce states that ho has information from rcllnblo ptlvnto sources to the effect that Coos Hay I unite likely to get terminal rntca on outgoing shipments. This matter was taken up norno ago by tho Chambers of Commerce of both cities nnd brought before tho Interstate commerce commission nnd tho Southern Pacific. TAKKS SIMPSON HOUSE Henry Huelinci- nnd Melvln llrlv Take Hosldonce Honry Hiichncr has rented the L. J. Simpson lesidcnco at Old Town and ho nnd Mclvln Hrlx, the manager of tho 111III. and their families will tcsldo In the house. Mr. Simpson some time ago moved to Sltorcacres to make his home. IGeorgo K Sailor of the Buohnor firm, hns purchased tho Hoy Wernich resldcuco in North Bend. MILL CLOSES TODAY Tho Biiehncr Lumbar Compnny mill nt Porter was closed today on niTomit of so much lumber being piled on the dock that thoro was not room for more. It will stnrt ngaln an (won as somo of tho lumber Is loaded on vessels. 11h csy ttt ;el 11 Myllsh nIioo (hat l.s coinfoi table. Conio to tho .stole t Hint knows how to fit feci and lias Queen' Quality Mines to fit tlu-iii. Our new Spring Shoes nud Pinups combine n!;It nud comrort. S( Oooir Wasii&w PSipl The Golden- Rul ft Mnny old friends nnd relatives of Cliurles II. Codding woro present nt his funeral this aftornoon from tho Wilson Undertaking parlors. Tho body arrived hero on Monday rrom California aboard tho Adeline Tho funeral services wcro In elinrgo of tho Hov. Itobort Browning. X.KKD MOHE .MCSIO Engineer .uchnry, of tho bridge builders on tho Umpqitti, came down last evening to attend tho meeting of the Masonic lodge In North Bond. This morning lio wont hack, taking with him a "talking machine" for tlio boys at the camp. STACJE STATION SOLD SAIL OX ADELIXE more practical thnt tho aorviro which tho Hug has always rendered will bo oven moro perfoct than heretofore. Tho new move is con coded by ovoryoim to bo a great advantage to both the Hub and Its patrons. THE LOGICAL. i ,1. T. 1IAHHK1AX TAXPAVEBS CANDIDATE Editor Coos Bay Times: Ah a property owner nnd tnxpny or I am Interested In tho careful nnd economical administration of county affairs. 1 have road tho charges pro and con of tho two republican candidates. After con sideration of tho matter It seems to mo thnt thoro can bo no two aides to tho question. Archlo Philip's name does not appear on tho tax rolls and tho lio.U thnt his friends can do Is to claim ho Is paying under other people's names. .1. T. Harrigan needs no such do fonso nnd no such apology. Ills naiuo appears 11.1 n tax payer. Ho Is n largo piopeity ownor. Ho Is n successful businees man. lie is interested In the economical man agement of county uffulra and in snvlng tho tuxpayeis money for by, no doing no will protect his own interests nud In protecting his In terests will protect tho Interests of every taxpayer In Cckh County. Tho duty or every repuhllian Is plain. Ho should go to th polls on Friday raid at his vote for J. T. Harrigan as the n'publ'cnu can didate for county iniiinilKslonor, ANOTHER TWPAYER Tlio Kdltor of the Cons ll.iv I Times Is nuthorled to rurnl.di my iimnn to any ono who desires It. tlon ut Charleston bench. During I1I.1 mnuagemont of tho Sanitary Food Storo Mr. Hlllstrom lius made many friends who will tegret his departure from tho head of that establishment but will bo glad to know that ho Is to remain a resident of Mnrshflcld. OUTSIDE VOTIXO PLACES AXDHEW LAXDLES CALLS OF "LA 1IOH UNION CONVENTION" Aboard tho Adcltuo when she sailed laBt evening wero: Erie Car los, James Mntos, J. C. Wilcox, V. C. Gorst, Lloyd Cornwall, Sam Pom polne, wlfo and Edmond Jomponln, J. White, A. LollnB, Peter Farlnl, Reed Patterson, Fred Bahno nnd Jt W. Godfrey. HAVE IHKTUH.VKD After visiting for n row weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Plntt, of North Bond, tho Hov. Davis nnd wife loft this morning to tholr homo In Oak this morning, returning to tholr homo In Onklnnd. HALL GAME SUNDAY Tho Knights or the Grip nnd the fraternity hoys .will play n guiiio of basobnll Sunday nftornoon nt 2:30 o'clock ut tho North Bond grounds. HELP WANTED Hoy 17 or 18 to work In bnkesltop. Marshfleld Bakery, Second Street. HOSEBURG, May 17.--The Olhiln stngo ntntlon, which was lor yearn a stopping place Mr stages opotatlngj botween Robbing and Mni'HlifloliP ! was sold today to C. N. Dudley, of Arlzonn. Tho ranch rormorly wnn owned by J. O. Nowland, or this city. It 'ontalnii 127 rotes adapted to general farming nnd stuck raising, PRUNE CHOP GOOD WAS A l'lO.M::!! EUGENE, Ore., May 17-Tk!,' Robert Campbell, ono of lb bni known onily pioneer farnuri ol Lm county died nt Ids liomo a ihortllv tanco northwest of Snrlngtleli Hi had lived for Gr years ononepUtt- tho farm upon which lie looted iba ho first cnino to Oregon la 1851, fo ncqulrcd the Innd from the cartn moiit, hiivhig tnhen It tipaitdou Hon land claim, Attoruoy W. W. Caldwell says thq prospects for 11 bumper crop of prunes wns nuver bettor than at the present time. Mr. Caldwell lu or the opinion Hint his orchard, loiatcd In Coles Valley, will have tho largest yield In Its history. Ho believes the prices will compare fnvornby with thopo or last season.--Roseburr? Re view. HccniiM of OjHiNltlon of Longshore men Who Claimed Move Wns Political One , Thero will bo no "Labor Union Convention" for tho endorsement of candidates, olthor in tho Longshore ninn'n hnll or any other ball this ovonlng. This nnnuncemont was madb by Andrew Lnndles, signing us chnlrmnn, S. P. Backmnn, car penter; Ben Piatt, musician; J. C. Chambers, plumber. In n signed stntemont tho men nnld that tho meeting Is called ofr owing to tho "internal dissension In tho la bor ranks nnd dissatisfaction among tho longshoremen." They make do- nlnl thero was nny movo to "railroad" through support of tho laboring moiii for cortnln candidates, Lnndles snld, "It wns to hnvo been only for the endorsing or a tlckot most nccoptnblo to tho laboring men."i llnil Itirfoi.tnt Iili.n Hut this was not nt all tho Idea of itusiiiKxt'i: is soi.n SKBKHKKKSBS m George A. Haines hat toll kit residence on South Filth stmt It A. L. Koliler, of tlio Hub Dry Coodi Flora, who exjicls cry thortly U (nice possession. Mr. Dalan ul fnmlly are ni'd (0 Intend lentil Maishrield, at Iciat for t tin. Mr. Balnea will probably fo to Port land. They do not yet knot lm thoy will locate. imnsmmmma. Tho following nro tho voting places In tho county for tho primaries Fri day In addition to tho Hat of those in the Immedlato Coos Bny district: No 33, CunnliiKliam Charles Col llorB' rosldonce. No. 31, Fnt Elk Coqulllo Mill or-flco. No. 3S, Dorn Marcy's rosidonco. ' tho Longshoremen for nt tholr meot- No 'ii! Missouri J D Bonnetl'sl ,n(? " Monday thoy had declared No. Jt., Missouri J. D. Honnctls ,fnltfooto(Uy. tlloIr ,, c01ll(1 ,)0 residence. goj for no such purposo nnd further- No. 37, Leo Bill Hnrmon's house.i moro thnt without tholr assistance So. 38, Coqulllo Northwest Burl:-1 H'oro could bo no 'Labor Union Con- holder's Gnnvgo. yentlon' Inasmuch ns thoy nro tho . .. ....... ... 1 buckbono of tho unions on tho bay. No 30, Coqulllo Northenst Acadc- What They Sny my building. 1 Said Ed Lund nnd "Scoity" McCnl- No. 40, Coqulllo Southwest Co-j lum, or the I.ongshoromnn's Union. qullle City hall. ' ,0(,y. "'f wo lntl 1,oon Blvo n ' , .. , ',,, i . , .1 chnnro to look up io:ords without, No. II, Coqulllo Southoast-tourt mvn(. Bpnm( 0 nt , ,a8( house. minute, wo might havo boon i llllng, No, 12, Itherton Kay's hull. to ondoiso certain candidates. Buti CC. 13, Prospor Prosper hnll. " now nothing nhout It until the. nuiuiiiiK iis uiivuriin(;ii, 11 v.a 1111 linvo boon so close to the election thoro would havo been no chance raa Note: I linve Minuu ninny grent screen prixhii lloiis dining my career ns nu exhibitor nnd I can Blvo my personal guaran tee that this Is tho great est of them all. It. MAHSDHX JR. .Manager N0I1I0 MMMMMMTM NOBLE THEATRE Monday & Tuesday May 22nd and 23rd THE HIGHEST RENT- AL EVER PAID FOR A PICTURE IN MARSHFIELD The Battle No. L. It. I Burpee's Thursday Specials For lommiiiw only wo will lime on niIi WnMo Paper ltiikels, some or our nne dollar tallies, DiM'iniiltMl Ten Pots, Emiji VlllllPH, Siindwldi llaskt'tM, excrp. (loiudly nod viiliirx, 1-Viilt Hiihkets, lioM quality. I All for 15c each Heihemlter tomoimw nt Hl'RPEH'S Ono Day Only Burpee's 540-J 5c Store Front Street Mnrvltfl ld 1 1, Baudon Southwest itfi.....i.... .i...... 1...M.H.... nt nnc r.At gnu avenue. No, 4.", Baudon Nortliwesl City hall. No. Hi, irandon Noithenst Fire men's hnll. U .11. I.A ..l.l....nA !.... ...lit ..U IU 1DM'J llll' Ulltlt'Illtl lllllllfllt 1111 I nun which tins ueen n long umo collecting." No. 17, llaiidon Southeast H. If, Du fort's Btoro room cor. 3rd aud Fll moio. '1witMl No. 18, Two Mile J. M. Adam's residence nt 13th and Oregon. No. -K, Purkersburg Sleen'a ctoio room adjoining postofflce. No. B0, Lampa Bean's ntoro. No. 51, Norway Arago school ! liotiho. No. S2, Four Mile New Lake sihool house. No. R3, CuU'hlug' Cioek School houso District 73, No. r.l, Myrtle Point Noith City hall, No. 55, Myitlo Point South--School house, Tfo. PC, Sugar Loaf Charles Mc Crncken's residence. No. R7. Enchanted Hill & Mur phy's store nt Bridge. No. 1S, Rowland Basomont In Poweis' School House. ( t WATERFRONT NEWS I Between seven nnd olght this morning tho Tramp enterod Sunsot Itnv tvlMi n uinu.' ln.'iil nf liimlini. frnm Con Ilnw I Tho Kllburn rrom the north nud the Breakwater from tho bouth wll both be in hero on Saturday. i At 1 . m. tho steam schooner Yel lowstone, loft do. n for Snn Frnnriwo from North Bend. i The Adeline sailed nt eight last evonlng for Oakland. Tomorrow the Tillamook Is duo InU bore from Portland with n good bled sliipmeut of freight. HOOD RIVER Senator Cummins The most spectacular and Sensational of all Photo Spectacles iltl.lKMI .SildieiH 17 Aeiopliiues mid Sen l'!ano HattleIilps A Tremendous Dramat ic Offering in NINE BIG REELS .Suliinai lues Dre.idnaiiKhts Mnclilue Guns Sec This Production, it Will Make a Better American Out of You Has Been Shown in All the Principal Cities of American at Grand Opera Prices Come Eariy and Avoid THE RUSH A Call to Arms Against War of Peace BHRKHHVBHHHKffiKlvlKwHHfl L '"Vfe iiffc I Bw MrnTmiBUnBiftTrnm iTBMBB8BHBfllrBwffilyil'Jrt -iu jTuyf 1''''''BB'''B'BBMM'aBMaial' fjyw Je l'w'B,'"gwfflWwsl?C(., tlsiKKisRpsi'i. ii" - ' !aft IS SERIOUSLY ILL Herbert Bradley's condition today Is no better. He is nt Mercy hospital ( where he was taken nfter suffering a stroko of paralysis, totally paralyzed. Ho Is ftlmost HEAVERTON Tho rural mail carriers of Clackamas, Multnomah! nml Vn all I m Inn iiniinlloa maf niid made nn address to a lnrge audlenceLi..-..i w oi.i. o,...i : mnni'ii . r niiiuii tu wrt'mui iiy Prices: Adults 25 cts; Children 10 cts. Anyone being dissatisfied after seeing this wonderful production; trie management will gladly refund their money at the box othce Follow the Crowds--It s a Noble Show or Hood River people. JnB president,