THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1916. EVENING EDITION FIVE ifei . Fine Ribbed Hosiery Wears like "60" hooka like "JO" Costs but "25" The moit rtmurknbU hoilery value In Amerlcn FOR THANSFKU AND BTOICAtli: OP IIOUSKIIOLI) (JOOItJ, IKKK1I1T AND nAfltAflK Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono lO.'l Rciddcnro I'liono Ift-J Ihtrket Avo. niul Wntorfront D11 AND A QUAUTKK a week mi.b I'.w for a nkw ho.mki iiucll located district Lots lev eled and cleared. X0 IXTF.HKST - NO TANKS! -Why not make a beginning; now? !l Potato will never bo choniier lou run now secure tho most doslr- it locations for the Samo I 'rice as mi latfr vll pay for tlio less aU hctlvc. ACT NOW! ".si:i: It 1:1 1 AROUT IT," l."0 Front St. ii ou auto CALL F00TE He Iirs a fine now Win ton Six. Will go day or night nnywhero. NoiY ffcone number tl-L. Ulanco Hotel. Good service. Ronnonnhln rnlnn RWdcnco I'liono, 2S-J mtOADWAY HOTHI, liiw modern moms for " :i or It hMlicliiiY, at wry low into, tilth I'ooUiir pihllfKu lr desired. P. O. Bnlldlnc. R OYAL TONIGHT CUYTON and his famm.s company introducing refinca Mmic vaudeville and CLAYTOM IJIRicci r ., gng The Simla Seance of HC Will nilSUOI nil enolnrl Wions. Fmiriii iiui-.. ... "HEN A WOMAN LIVES" "wro feature in 5 parts, ClSSV Flt7nnpolrl ! I,,- t..- ,sl oomcdy.sce it tonight. & "QUAU" SU?CIDE"G "SN "RACE DRY WOOD Campbell's Xnrth Fi at S Woodvard rout Stroot KiP ma?rmm'mmmm: REVITIE5 XII 15 WKATIIKH RKPORT OH15GON - Showera .ma thunder Htninis, not so wiirm west; westerly winds. LOCAL TKMPKRATUHB KKCOHD For tho 24 hours ending nt I: III a. in., May 1(1. hy lu-nj. Ostllnd, special govornmont Motoornloglst: Maximum fjs Minimum At 1 : -13 n, m 4:1 Precipitation op Precipitation ulnco Sopt. 1, llf. 81:95 Precipitation Bnnio porlod lust yenr 01,70 Wind: North west partly clou fly. SUNRLSI5 AND SUNSI5T Tuesday May 10. Sun rises at I: an and sots at 7:17. To Tako Cattle South L. P. Hran- Htotter will leavo on tho noxt trip or tho steamer F. A. Kllburn with a flhlpmont of cattlo iwhlch ho will tako to Humboldt county California. He owns n Inrgo herd of cattle. Takes .Mora Roves This morning Deputy Sheriff W. C. l.alrd went ovor to Cooston, Kontuck nnd Wlllnnch Inlets, taking moro ballot boxes for tho primary elections or Friday. Ho wont up to Allegnny last evening, nt tended tho (lood Itonds mooting and also loft a ballot box there. (Jets .'ihhI Mace. .The many friends here of Miss Kll.aboth Top ping, formerly llbrnrlan of tho Marsh- riold public library, will bo pleased to learn that alio has secured tho posi tion of librarian nt Kvorott. Wash. Tho placo is 0110 which pnyB her a higher salary than alio rccolvcd hero nnd Is it deslrnblo position. Venn Is Too Rosy. Now comes n telegram from John H. Yeon, mllllon nlro rondmnstor or .Multnomah coun ty, Hinting that It will bo Imposslhlo for him to ho hero to aid In tho flood itonds campaign. Ho snyH that ho has so much business on hand thnt ho absolutely could not got away. Ho was to havo arrived bore last evening, Meeting Is Tomorrow. The regu lar monthly meeting of tho North llend Chanibor of Commorco Is to bo You can got the inost ben efit If you havo your doctor's prescriptions filled with Sijulbb's Chemicals. I I i There Is a Squlhh Store ill Marshricld. tiik owl Frank D. Cohan, Prop. Tho Central Avenue Drug Store l 1 ISJOBLE THEATED TO-NIGHT "ALWAYS TIIK HKST AND PLINTY OF IT" , Tonight e will show tho most beautiful picture ever iiiadu in America "TIIK HKLOVKD VAfJAHOND" I'lodiiccd in Pathe Ctdors feutiitliiK I'dward Ardeu, one of the Kteatest actors In the business. Slv reels from the novel of Win. J. Ixcke. This feature his Ik.iI loronl breaking runs In all the luigest cities In the tto II 'Iho STIIAND theat.-e of New Yolk "America's finest picture hc atie" sliouetl It for two uecks to record hieaklng huslni'ss. CO.MK KAHLV FOR HOOD SKATS TWO SHOWS, 7 and P. M. Lower Floor Me Uu Irony 10c ( liildren ."e TOMORROW Nlf.'HT "TIIK ( IIOIUS iai)Y" a gieat play v, Pi an all star cast of Uisuy pm r-. "Till: HVITLK R OF PI-VCK" roi. ug. held tomorrow oveslng at 7:30 In tho'alro philanthropist and very pronil Club rooms. There arc sovernl !m-ncnt in that city, lie leaves a wife portant matters up for consideration and a son. 15 very year tho concern and an effort Is being made to havo used to tako Its 200 employes Into ns many members its possible to at- the mduiitnlns via special train on a lcm1- three days picnic with all oxpcmws .paid. Ho started in btislnes with Just I "" inn-miK 'irip Charles Ua- I Ker, a Coos liny flulicrnian had a thrilling voyage. While deep pen' iiKiung 111s engine broke down and his May Stipulate Native Woods in Httlo boat, at tho mercy of tho Ben,1 all probability tho new plans mid ynB carried thirty miles south of specifications for tho government in Coos liny, it was then that ho got dlo stntlon will stipulate native woods the engliio working and camo back Instead of tho Callfornn redwood. The safely and went In at Sunset liny. I new plans should bo back hero June 1 15 so that tho local contractors may Many on Picnic. Yesterday tho agan send their bids to Washington, members of tho Progress Club and In- Fred (lettlns has received a letter Mien guests held tholr annual picnic from (leorgo Ilnnncoiu. radio oxpeti at Cooston. Thero was closo to nn vlio was here Inst year, stating that who boarded tho gasollno launch ho has recommended to the. govorn Koos for across tho Hay. They ro-' mont officials that tho change bo turned yesterday afternoon and ro- iniulo In tho woods. Tho Chamber of ported a very good time. There will' Commcrco nsd also Mr. Oettlns took lie no moro meetings of tho club tho matter up- weeks ago, stating until next fall. that hero on Coos Hay arc Just os 1 good woods os tho redwood and to To lluiid HonK L. o. Call, well bo had much chcapor than tho latter, known rancher 011 Ton Mllo lake, is! expecting to build a iwholo fleet of, little row boats this summer. Ho Is now constructing a good sized bont ! MO,so on tho border of tho Summer-: homo site. In which he Is Interested, tho high road to recovery. Tho ty and already has tho excavation dug.! phold fovor broko for the hotter nftor Ho has seen thero Is a call for boats, n long nnd anxious wait, lie had nnd Intends to meet it. ! started east to visit his old homo J when suddenly stricken down In Dispute Is Settled. .1. W. Motley, Portland with tho nttack that has got into n dispute ns to whethor, tho lumber mills or tho coal mining nppenrod first on Cooa liny. O. A.1 Honnctt went back Into tho files of tho Coos Hay Nows and brought out tho Information Hint coal mlnoB .wcro first opened hero In ISGri and first, mined In ISfiG nt Newport and I5nst- port. It was two years later that a' mill went In nt North Ilcnd, tho first on Coos Ilay. ' Nephew Is Dead. Mrs. A. It. O'Hrlen has received word that hor nephew, llnrold Horbiirgor, aged IB yenrs, died at Pralrlo City, Clrant county following nn oporntlon for up- pondlcltls. Ho wits tho son or ono or tho big cattlo men of tho John, Day country nnd had n flno future nhend or him. Tho young man, when tnkon sick v rnr from medical aid but una tnl. to Pralrlo City' nnd tho best physlclani nnd nursos, ooiaiueii 0111 ins mo could not ho saved. Declared Insane Forost Slronc a farmor living near Prospor, has boon! declared Insane. Ho was missing for' a week nnd rolntlvos havo boon searching for him nnd feared ho had! drowned In the Corpilllo rlvor. Ho was found In tho streets of Coqullloi Into nt night. He was lu n domontcd' (condition nnd hnd ovldontly boon wandering nbout slnco ho lort his homo. Tho iinfortiinnto man could not tell his nnmo but was Identified nrtor being taken In chnrgo hy nn or ricor. Is fjiillo a Nul.sjince. Now comes forward nnnthor nnnoylng phaso of . tho prohibition Inw, Persons In nnd ( mound North l.nko and such point's. , whero thoro Is not n rnllroad agont find that It Is imposslhlo for tho liquor shipments to bo Bhlppod to' them. Olin limn rninn In voutn-ilnv - " j i mm .-mii in i.nKo, aitor waning n long tlmo, nnd received his shipment oni tho dock. Ho took out tho bottles' from tho case, ono by ono, nnd ditched them nwuy In a capricious! suit caso. Ho declared It was nn' nwful bother. Hears I'nclo Is Dead. Fred Smith,! of this city, has Just received word of the death or his undo, Orvlllo L. Smith, or Denver. Tho deceased (was a founder of the firm of Smith. Hrooks Printing compnny, one of tho largest printing establishments of I tho west, Tiielr building covered n block siiin-o and wns six stories in hclt'hth, Mr. Smith was a million- Is a corker of a feature n small plant and gradually worked Into tho present concern, Is .Much Hotter flood word has been received from Portland stating Hint .1. 15. Ford, of tbn Union M..nt Market. Is miioh' bettor and Is now on kopt 'him In tho hospital since that llmo, pcRQnMAi MCMTinM 1 PERSONAL MENTION J II. M. KI5NNI5DY was down yesterday from Coos River, shopping. MRS. II. O. THORP15 loft today for Portland for two weeks. 15UC.15NI5 I.ONO was n Cooa Rive: visitor In tho city last evening. FRANK CATT15RLIN called 011 tho trade In tho Coiiullle Valley today. MRS. FRANK GRANT Is horo from hor homo nt Powers on it abort visit. , a. C. VJ5STAL called 011 the Union oil trade In tho Coiiulllo Valley to day. J. II. HOWRON camo In 011 tho last evening train from North l.nko on a visit. TOM DASIINI5Y wob down from tho camp nt Powers last ovonlug on a Bhort visit. N. A. NI5I.SON went back to llniiser 011 tho morning train nrtor a brief stay In tho city. MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM (IRI.MKS nrrivod homo Inst evening from Alhnmbru, California. FRI5D POWI5R8 returned to tho camp at Powora this morning utter a short visit nt his homo. L. WILLIAMS Is hero from Myitlo Point, looking nfter tlo business tor tho I5stabrook company. Dnm.'liT iii i inn .. ..wwn.v inni4tiii vttia u iannuiiKur on tho enrly morning train to tho points In tho Coiiulllo Vnlloy. WALTI5R SMITH of North Hond wont to tho Coqulllo Vnlloy this morning whoro ho Is today calling on tho trade. FLOYD CORNWALL was a passongor an tho morning train lioun dfor Horkeloy whoro ho will visit for u timo. 15. LINVILLI5 nnd R. 15. Knowles, of tho North Kami (Jrocory, aro ex pectliiK Hhortly to leave for Cali fornia. OICOItaK A. M'CIJLLOCII was down from Toinploton yesterday and to day attending to somo business i matters. , COFNTY Sl'RVIOYOR C. S, M'CI'L- PRESCRIPTIONS wmn'FV nv voc it no roit Aro intended for the specific pm pose of curing an i ilmrnt If they tire not put up right ilicy tton't a t light. There fuVe, t.iki them to a drug g st of ii-pulatliiii. Hi l:r; them lo the Husy Corner, ttheie t'uy tlll bo filial right, delivered piomptly aml af a reasonable price. THE BUSY CORNER 0RUG STORE Phone HUH Wo Deliver Immediately LOCH returned to his homo In Co Uiillle after a visit for n few days In the city. 15. 15. SMIJ1I, manager of tho Ton Mllo Hotel, was a visitor hero last ovenlg, returning to North hake this morning. HAROLD HIlKias, son of Mr and .Mrs. o. W. Hrlggs. and who drives stage for Ivan l.alrd, Is hero from tho Coiiullle Valley. V. c. OOItST left this morning for Vnllejo whero he has 11 perfectly good Jltnoy In flno working order which he must look after. SC1'I5U1NTI5N1)15NT W. F. MILL15R Is in Portlnnd on Southern Pacif ic business, but Is expected homo on this afternoon's train. II. OSCAR OULOVSI5N' and wife re turned yesterday on tho Adeline rrom Oakland whore Mrs. Oulovson has been visiting for aevernl weeks. FOSTMASTI5R HIHHI M'LAIN went ovor to Myrtlo Point this morning to look Into tho sower work, tho contract for which is to bo lot next Monday evening. COUNTY SURVI5YOR C. S. M'CUL I.OCII and Dan Dlmmtck returned to Coiiullle this morning after at tending to some surveying matters In this section. , P. HRANST15TTI5H returned on tho morning boat f'om n trip tn KuiPka. Ho Is on his way to Co iillla whero ho has chargo of Dim large Ituss tract. WILLIAM KAISI5R went out near Myrtlo Point this morning looking Into the matter of securing grnvol for the concroio work on tho tun nel portals north of Coos Hay. CHARLI5S LYONS left this morning for l5ugciio and Inter for Washing ton whoro ho Intends to secure em ployment after which ho will send ror his wire who Is now in Kiigone. LI5VI DA10L15 loft ou the morn lug train for Minneapolis whero ho will Join his wlfo and family who tiro now thoro on a visit. They will return to Coos Hay Inter on. MISS KOFI 15 HAM.M15R, who has dollghted audiences In the county with her voire, loft tlil.t morning for Seattle where she has a stu dio, Many of her frlomlB wcro at the dopot to hid goodbye. JAMI5S COLLII5R, who ban boon en gaged In working on the Southern Pacific bridges, will leave this wook to tako chargo of tho work of building a bridge ror tho Cor valllB and Kastorn near Mill City. JUIHSI5 JA.MI5S WATSON camo from Coiiulllo lust evening, accompany ing Frank Terrace and J. 15. Mciitgomery who attended a good rot ds meeting at Hridgo In tho Jiiornlng. F. II. LAND15RS, formerly Hrenkwu tor agent hero nnd later agent nt Powers, went through this morn ing, returning to his old homo In Nebraska whoro ho Intends to lo cate. Mrs, Landers went there n short tliua ngo, . , , . , .i BULK COFFEE Wo mo offering the people of Coos Hay an especially attractive op-( port unity for iiiouey saving In our hulk coffees. It s pine, fiesh roasted and possesses strength and flavor. Wo have placed this coffee In many homes lu competition with i much higher pi lctsl coffee. The result has been atvay hejoud our expectation. It is a pleasing drink ing coffee. It represents all jou want In strength niul the combina tion of blends makes It a delicious bevel ago. Per pound -"c A lict let urade. noiiud . . Jl.le r it pounds for . .. $1.00 j Why pay 7 to 10c per pound for' tins lu vthhh other coffees come vthen jou can get this coffee at such a saving. I Bunker Hill Deptv Ct.- W, H. Dindinger , otore. & :o. Phone 32 si -mL - - SOCIAL CAI.I5NDAU Monday Progress Club Annual Plc- nlc at Cooston. Alpha Delphian Society with draco Johnson lu Hunker Hill. Tuesday Hplscopal Ladles' (lulld In tlulld Hall North llv... Atheno Dolphl- nn Club In the library bulld- lug UvriiiCMlny Sumner Social Club with Mrs. W. If. Farrln. North Hend 1). M. C. Club with Mis. Lester Raton. North Hend Catholic Ladles entertain Union Aid at Pres- bytorlan church. Alert Club all day session with Mrs. Jennie Howninn. Presbyterian Auxiliary with Alrn. C. R. Peck. Prlsclllas with Mrs. Fred C-rluolds In Hunker 1 till. Thursday 15astsldo Social Club with Mrs. J. Swanson. A. N. W. Club .with Mra. Annlo Tower. Dahlia Club with Mrs. O. O. Oosney lu Knglowood. North Hend Episcopal (lulld with Mrs. I. II. Hurtle. Oonern Club with .Mra. lleu- ry Ross. Itnlnbow Club mcptliig nt at Club house ou South Fork or Coos River. North Hend Junior Club with Inc7. KJollnnd. Friday Past Matrons' Society with Mrs, Oeorgo March. BUY FRESH HOMEMADE and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. Central Avenue FOR SA 1,15 One of A. J. V, cowh duo to freshen In July. For the price asked hIio 4 will moro than twleo pay for horscir this year. Also siimo flno heifer calves and year- lings from register of merit 4 dama. Apply to, 4 K. A. Sacchl WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer EASTMAN Kodaks & Films lllg shipment Just ar rlted at TIIK ItLD (ROSS. Call in and let us show jou sumo of the lat est 101(1 Kodaks, Remember, "If it Isn't au Kastman It Isn't a Kodak. The Red Cross Pharmacy J, Leo llrotwi :: Phone I--"PRI SCRIPTIO.VS FIRST." f i BICYC E TIRES liny Them nun I s We Chnrgo Nothing lo Put Them - on Your W lip I MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 1 Caiii h Drop LADIES WAISTS & WASH SKIRTS, the latest in style, the latest in ma-' terial, $1.25 value, our price 98c White Wash Skirt at a sav ing from 50c to $1.00 on each skirt, our price 98c, $1.25, $1.98 ' $2.25. Palm Beach in the wide stripe $2.98 Ladies Corset Covers 49c, 25c Envellop Suits $1.98, $U9 98c. Ineprporatid J g-J--iFjL4lk.v..rarwiM ! irmVKvm.-u.r3A Jl NEW TODAY WANTKD Man ami wife to man age dining room lu hotel. Good chnnre. Apply "S" enro Timoa. t WANTED WANTKD (Jlrl for general Iioumv. work. Phono. CC-J or II 04 -J. r WANTKD To li-ino Mimll ranch for term of years. Would buy stock and household goodj If reasonable N, O. Thomns, 78 Central Avo. Marshflold, Tpl. 40. WANTKD To lent a tent. Apply T. F. lllllycr, 188 Third St. So. IIO.MKSTKADS Colvillo Indian Reservation, Wash., opon for set tlement. Drawing July U7th. About 500,000 acres. Complete Map and Description. Postpaid $1.00, Smith nnd McCrea No. 22 Kitglo Hldg, Spokane Wash. t FOR RENT I WILL IIKNT my homo rurnUtiotl with water frco and promises kept from Juno 7th to August 15, for $10 per mouth. Apply at tho house or phono U8U-J, F. A. Tlodgon. v I'OU ItKXT IIiiiim) ou No. Il'dwny. Near Highland. Apply 38C Bec oud titreet North. I'OU HUNT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, close lu and reasonable. 03., First nnd Illrch. . I'OU HUNT Modern furnished npU. I rlvato bath, freo heat, water. $7 week, JL'II.GO mouth, Myrtlo Arms. FOR 11 KNT Modern five-room bun galow on 12th and Commorclal streets, per month. Apply Going & Harvoy. AIT. 1.00 week; gM.OO mo. Ilroudway Hotel. P. O. nldtf. l'OR HUNT. ItOOMS, nilc to 91.00 Dnyi l?t! to .! Week; Housekeep ing Apts., !?H mo, up. Frea hath. Lloyd Hotel Apts. I -. J t FOR SALE t I'OU SALK ("oiuplele outllt furni ture for seteii room hotiso. Also number of chickens, Apply 049 KlKhth street and Flanagan. Phono 272-L. TOMATO AND CAHHAt.'K PLANTS -Strong and healthy tomato 2Gc doz. Cabbage lCu doz. Spec ial prices by 100. Send postal card Flx Thomas, N. Coos Riv er. Phono aoaxxt. 'OK SALK Wicker Sty So. Mh Street. baby buggy. FOR SALK At once, Kconomy Ilux Co. Placo mil or work. Stay and ttmrh thoroughly. Flno clianco for man ttnd wife. Host reasons for sell.'ug. FOR III XT 7 acre ranch, 'J)i ml s rrom Marshrield. Horrie and rhFkens. Oood house, mod ern impnveinoitfa. Phono 408.R, -1L J A" i" "' hono j)8f