THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1916.- EVENING EDITION FOUR k COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALONEV, Editor and l'ub DAN K. MALOXEY, Nowb Kilitor Official Paper of Coo Count J Official Vmimr City of Mnrshflold Entered at the Postof flco &t Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho malU second-claw mall matter, SUBSCRIPTION HATES Ono year $6.00 Pr month GO oaslo3t way Is to ro to a Coos Boy woninn and knock hot- husband behind her hack. One thing wo llko about a Coos Bay woman who docs hop ivn work 18 tlmt shu hnrdly cvur lias time to lavish affection on a lap dog, Tho old fashioned Coos Hay girl who used to make Imby, clothca now litis a daughter who Is innklng a liuiiio fop harsetf. Along the Line of the Willamette Pacific Road OUT FOR ASSESSOR i .1. 1 REVERB SEEKS THE RICPUH , LICATION NOMINATION CLASS GRADUATES oimjxs M.vtiiixi: siun An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ex cept Sunday, nnd weekly, by Tli a Cow Hay Tlmon Publishing Cn A TOWN IS WHAT TIIH PEOPLI .MAKE IT ANY CITV, town or community 13 Just exactly what tho poo ilu who live In It muko It. While- It Is bettor than Its worst Inhabitant, It Is also worso than IU best. In fart it is no butter nor worso than its average Inhabi tant. Tho best thing In any town h Its broadest minded, progress ive citizen, nnd tho most dangerous thing in any town is tho man who damns his town. A town Is very seldom tho ro suit of virgin natural conditions,. and In nny ovent It was man who unw and developed tho natural ad vantages. Many n good town has been practically imido n few good men, but they wero not knockers. They were booster), first, last and nil tho time. Tho first essential In, tho 'Improvement of any town Is either to convert the knockers, or 'to get ltd of them. It Is so much easier to tear down than it is to build up, that half a dozen knock ers in any community can vitiate tho best cffortH of nil tho balance. Ilnng a 2'i sign on every knocker. A modern Cooa Uay girl does more primping to go to a grocery storo for a bar of soup than an old fushlonod gitl did when sho va3 going to a dance. Why Is It that almost every Coos Hay mnn believes that almost ev erybody else Is happier tlinn ho Is? commencement held Florence hh;h school iiv If tho kisses men give women were as pnsslnunte as the kisses women give othor women thoro wouldn't le much trouble In tho world. Tho Coos. Hay man who Imagines that Ills nickel's worth of religion puyn his fire Insurance from Sunday to Sunday feels sorry for tho rest of the world. J t WITH THE TEA t I AND THE TOAST M (iooi evening 41 Trade increases tho wealth and glory of a conn- try; but Its real Htrength and Htamlnu nro to bu looked for among tho cul- " tivators of tho laud. Lord Chatham. tin: LAST VOVAOE Some silver nltfht this barque, my . soul, '"Will Hprend n sudden nail, When tho worn anchor gives last And the old moorings full; at Without a rowd, without n cry, Wldo-wlnged, oluto and free, No doubt or fear fop freight, or pain, Will put to opuu sua. I shall not mind if my prow Ho pointed north or south So there nio wild winds on brow And salt spray on my mouth, my I,uluil not roekdn how tho mllei do flinging down my wuku If, brlttio on my iiioutlou irow, Tho pungent hilno mIiiiII break. So shall I sail and sail and sail. Till, In tho whlstlluic foam, Tho sea's Cud and my foiiI'h ahull Bay, (iood mariuur, put homo! Then, through tho (into of nomo gold dawn Strong helmed and ulralghly drivuu, My ship shall mako that iiiicieuc port, Tho hnppiiioan or houvon! Nancy Hyid Turner. A a to better lmbh well bfitlor paieuts would help hoiiio. Wo road often of mother' clulw hut of no futhurV clulm, .Now, why? Another hiiio thing g tlmt u Cooa liny woman in alwaya older than sho thliiKi wliu look. Thu Coos Uay mun who lu trying to support u wife unit a fow" ohlliN ion on $12 por woek knows tlmt all tho peoiiH am not located in Mexico, A Coos liny woman who pulnU iior face and vir clot be that mako hup look llko an advoitUo uiQut shouldn't oomphiln Iiocuiup she attracts uttuutlou. A good working dletlonnry has a vocabulary of about 80,000 word. And bouio C.-u Hay moil win use tho whole 80,000 and not say any thing. Th6ro nro about Wuya to get yourself lit bud, but the This would be a fine world if We were as eager to take advantage of our opportunities (p keep unlet us we are to take advantage of -our opportunities to talk. X NEWS OF OREGON : $ ROSEIIURO- The DougltiH County Water and Light Company will lav now mulim hotwer-n Itoseburg ami Winchester to belter servo tho people DRAIN All of the lenchors in the Drain schools wore elected for anoth er year by the board of directors. ALBANY Clarence Koori was killed and his wife and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Koon injured when an unto In which they woro riding went off n bridge Into a gulch below. IMuy Is IVcscnlod nnd Address to Students (tlcvn by I'rol'cMtr rrom tlic State University FLORENCE, Ore., May 1C Commencement week was n busy tlnio for tho members of tho grad uating class of the Florence high school. Tho baccalaureate sermon was delivered by Rev. R. O. Caves at tho I'rosbytorlun church. An othor ov.ent of tho week wns tho prcjontutlon of tho play. "Tho Merchant of Venice Up to Date" by members of tho class. " Tho class address was delivered by Prof. E. 15. DeCon of the Uni versity of Oregon who spoko on the subject "Chousing a Life's Work". Tho class motto Is "Tonight Wo Launch, Whoro Shall Wo Anchor". Tho closs colors nro purple and white. Tho following nro tho members of tho graduating class: Nellie Slommons, Harriet Wcuth or3on, Loretta I luring, Eunice John son, Doauo Chamberlain, llorthu Worthluke, Lillian Sanborn, Mel viu Ituckieff, Walter Buchanan and Ralph llnldeu. A. L. Drews has opened his nuw machine shop nt Reedsport, where ho Is preparing to do any repairing Hint may bo brought to him. Mr. Drows In well known in Marsh field ns u machinist not having a superior on tho const. Utnpuuu Courier. AFTER MANY YEARS DRINKS ItltlllCi: CEMENT Tho steamer San flahrlol in com mand of Capt. Westi'idule, urrlved In tho Uinpiiua river from San Fran cisco with a cargo of merchandise for tho local merchants, and cement for Reedsport to be used on tho plors of tho bridge. Uinpiiu Courier. AM VIEWED AT l.'AKRINER ROSERURO Mrs. Clara Imrgor is leading In tho contest for tho iiucn of tho Strawberry Carnival and LtilB Hruutls is lending for the children's iiicen, i, 1IAKER licit llarpnn wan fatal ly hurt when an auto In which ho was riding turned turtle. HOOD 'RIVER Tho Hood Rlvar Applo drowors' Asuonlntlon will wnc un nggrcslvo campaign to secure bet tor trunsportntlon for tho f-ult eiop this year. Tho following comment i made In tho Umpquu Courier or dardiuer: "It would nppenr by rending tho Coqulllu Sentinel tlmt the editor of that sheet had tried nil tho de fendants In the recent libel cases hlmsuir and loudered u verdict "(lullty us charged" boforo the Jury was given an opportunity to do so." LEAVES FOR NORTH HEX!) ONTARIO Conunoncomont wool; lius started at tho Ontario high school and tho clnsa this your nuinbers L'l' young poople. RAKER - A slight onrthquuko opened n spring nt tho Raker County ulub lioiiso nnd caused thu golf links to bo flooded. COTTACE (I ROVE The Cottugo drovo pupils won honors In nil grade excepting ono nt tho county spelling contest at Eugene. FOREST dROVE Mm. Caroline K. WuttH. wlio chiiio to Oregon In IS 1.1, died at tho age of S9 years. CANYONVILE Douglas Lodgo No. II, I. O. O. F.. celebrated Its fiftieth auuivorwuy with D. Ilomliu of Cottugo drove, the only surviving chui top member an a xuwt of honor. Tho Floronco Wost Hays: .1. A. Wilkinson, who served as poBtmustor in Olonnda for n your or so past sold nut his business and ho and Mrs. Wilkinson loft voaterduy for North Ilend, whoro they have rented a building and will opon a storo. Mrs. deorgo II. Colter has tnkun charge of tho pnstnfflco and will also keep a stock of confectlonury in tho sumo building. LEASES A RESTAURANT PORTLAND -- Robert Ringle. a fanner or Hell Roue, was found dond with u shot gun nt his sldo and it Is believed that ho committed suicide. JOOD ROADS AXI) RAD A tuxpuyor thoio wns and Ills taxes wont, (Ffiven us you is and mlno.) Korpluiik Into a mudhole, every oont, (i:on as oiira and mine.) And when he illod and hl llfo wnu SIOIlt. They stinted for Die comelory with good intent Rut the bourse droppod Into a mud hole of grant extent. And tlieiv they loft him fully content. It was it suitable monument. nnii. BLANCO The Public Service Hotel has just boon thoroughly renovut 'il, anil opened to (ho public March Iff, 1l)il. Homo of the feature of tlil oil) hostelry nro. free om ploymeut liur.MU, fno hewing room lufni'iimtlou bulletin und kind trout ment. Tho pntronnge r,f tl:u piibjl' Im KOllcltPll, HLAXCO HOTIC 227 North Front street Phone lll-L. Murshflcld, Oicgin II. 0. Roodor, who rocontly con ducted a restaurant at Mnrshflold but who haw bon roaldlng In No:'th Roud, has leased the pavilion at Winchester Ray for n yonr with tho privilege of a renewal of tho lenae at tho expiration of that time, says the Umpiiu Courier. Thu pavilion has been remodeled and put In splendid condition by Poto Aloran, who owns the place A hotel and storo is uttachod which will bo oponed by Mr. Reoder at once. Mr. Rooder Is an oxporloncnd man In tho busluess and will mako this one or the attractions or this well known summer tesort. Rudy Is Exhumed and Hurled Again nt nr,lnei' Tho following Is from the Uinpiiua Courier: T. H. ndrewnMnst Friday ex humed tho remains of Fritz Koopko. which hnd been buried on tho old. Koopke ranch above- Sulphur Springs for over fourteen years, und moved tho sumo to tho Onrdlnur eomoton and placed them beside thoso of his, wiro, who died about a year ugo Mr. Andrews nlso romoved tho stone which marked the grave und placed It ovor tho new ono In the cemotory. Previous to this ho hnd oroctod n fine stone to murk the resting place of the Into Mrs. Koopke. Promises If Elected Fair nnd Eqult- nb'o Work In the Pcrforniunco of Ills Duties J. P. Reyors, a well known Coos county mnn Is u cundlduto for thu republloiui nomination for county ns sossor and will bu voted upon at the primaries May 111. Mr. Huycrs Is u man of extensho acquaintance in tho1 county und Is highly lespected. PORTLAND WUciaS F. A. KILBURN SAILS MAY 16 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. l.(l. CUSlnxn, Agent Wliig1 lOUdEXE .VOTES Rev. deorgo W. Drowsier of Snn Frnnclsco delivered tho baccalaureate sormon to the graduating class of tho Eugone lllblo University. Promlnunt society men unit women sold roses on the street ror tho bene fit or tho Salvation Army. Tho Portland Oolr Club was deput ed by the Eugeno club. Lostor Swnggart or tho Fox Hollow Hohool is attrnctlng attention by clov or cartoons which ho has created nnd which nro said to ho equal In morlt to those printed Is tho comic supple ments or tho nowspapors. C. W. Young, ono of tho host known ploneorn of Lane county, celebrated his SCtli blrthdny. Tho Bchool rally and Indulrlnl ex hibits hold at Eugeno hnvo closed nnd tho nffal'r vns a greater success than In iirovioiiB years. .1. P REYERS . . F- A. KILBURN' MAY 19 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATNCmT (A ! i . S. S. Adeline SmitiI Passengers Only ' :i SAILS FOR SAN FRAMHlQpn dav . I Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOTK C. F. McGEORGE Passenacr and Freight Agenl OCCAM BEACN AUTOTlNr uorst v King. v au MnrNhfleld nt 7 a. m., and rctiirulni! lc.tiMO i - . K it. iil Leuvo aiiinliflclil nt i I n.m. mid returning kntH Slirugh nt i p. in. Lenvo Rlurshfleld nt n n. m .mI T ! Houlli HlmiKli nt 0 p. in. ' Ktmh, 11 MAI'LETOX WIXS Comes Out Ahead In School Meet Truck In 1881 Mr I ley era came to Coos county ami located on a ranch with hl parents. Ilo remained thoro until ho wan -1 years of ago and nlnco thou bus engaged In various occupa tions and Is familiar with nil parts of the county. Ilo bus great f.lth lu the fiituro or tlibv locality and should be a valuable man in public office. In soliciting the votes of tho pcoplo of tho county Mr, Reyors makes the following decimation: "If I inn nominated and elected I will, during iny term oT office, give tho taxpayers of Coos county n fair, JiibI and equitable assessment without four or favor. I will conduct tho of fice in u busluessliko manner, striving nt nil tlmoH to give .tho greatest do grco of efficiency nt thu smallest pos sible cost." Aftor Mr. Iroyqra' nnnio on , tlin ballot will bo printed thu following statement: "Just und Equllublo Tssossment for All." I Our Sulkies FLORENCE, Oio May 1C Ma pleton won tho high school division of tho Westorn Lnno county truck Hold most with n score of -17 points. Floronco and JCImlra tlod with fi points ooh for Rocnnd placo. ' Tho seoromtido by tho boys of theiAro to tho IIAItV uhut tho .Southern grain soliooU was ns follows: , , , Mn,.!nl on. ,,,, no. .Jlml,,C Wy ''niluS 1111) t (OOS trlct SI, 21; Acmo. S. Tho two sllvor cups wero present ed by formor Judgo E. O. Pottor, or Kugeno. Ono hundred contestants. ruprosontlng tho schools woro entered in tho most. HAVE ROD AXD OUX C'LUIl dARDINER, Ore., Mny 111. Oar dlnor cltizons havo taken stops to opgnuha n rod nnd gun club. D. O, Wenvor was elootad temporary chair man, nnd togothor with a commltteo composed or Dr. R. H. Flolds. .1. Sykos. K. llttsk-oll. nnd William An gus, will coniploto tho details of the organization. UNION LAROR COXVEXTIOX A Labor Convention will be hold on Wednesday evening, May 17th at 7: SO p. in. sharp lu the Loug ahoroiuoiiH' Hall, North Fi out Street Marshfleld, for tho pii'rptu or en dowing cuiidldates fop the primar ies. All wage earners. whether union membeis or not, nro request ed to utteud. CENTRAL LAROR COMMITTEE A. LuudloH, Secretary RICH, PURE, WHOLESOME "SPEAR HEAD" The Famous Chew with the Delicious, Fruity Flavor That Lasts CALL OF CITY WARRANTS All warrants drawn against tho MADE DY MODEM PROCESSES You want to get all the enjoyment field. Cooj County, Oregon, und en dorsed by tho City Treasurer prior to April Sth, 1010, will bo paid upon prassntntlnu at my office. In terest rouse upon all said warrants May 15th. 1 9 It!. O. W. KAUFMAN City Treasurei gonornl Hind or tho City of Marsh-' and benefit possible out of tobacco. i iiiii chow pmy loimcco. You want our chew to have the wholesome, appetising richueis of ripe fruit. Then chew Spear Head. You want a plug with a deliciouslv sweet and mellow flavor that lans as long as the chew lasts. Then chew ' Spear Head. I One chew of Spear Head will con ince any man that there's no other to bacco on earth with such a rich and Listing flavor. That's because all the natural juices of the choicest Hurley leaf are retained in Spear Head. The making of Spear Head is con ducted strictly according to pure-food methods in a great modern factory that is spic-and-span throughout. The most expensive, modern pro cesses keep Spear Head fresh, sweet and pure at every stage. The luscious plug of Spear Head, from which you bite the tastiest, wholesomcst of chews, represents the highest form of plug tobacco production. Try Spear Head the very best chew that money can buy. In 10c cuts, I wrapped in was paper, SOUTH COOS RIVER UOAT SERVICE LAUNCH KXPRESS leaves Mundificld otery day 8 a. in. Leaves head of river nt :t:ttO p. in. STEAMER RAINROW leaves head of riec daily nt 7 a. in. Leaves .Miiryhnctd nt 1! Ii.tii. For charter npply on hoard, ROOHtS At SMITH, Prop. liny. Vii havo jour choico of a nlco lino of these vehicles, from $3.00 TO $13.00 Johnson -Gulovsen Company A.Qunllty Name With a Service Fnmo North Front Street Marshfleld GET NEW MUSIC . a I i i. Como In nnd play the latest letorl records on our machine und select tho ones you desire 0,000 to Chooso From Wo will order special Numbers for jou L, L. Thomas Music Co. 7:1 Central Avenue 20 FARE TEN CENTS City Limits North Rend, 5c COMMUTATION nf) TICKETS, $1.75 M Marshfield.North Rend Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from C n. m., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. m.; to Em pire three trips a day. OORST &.KING, Props. COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency i 1 rr '"''lo Abstracts of TltljM I Abstracts sssssrj? cm m Title Guarantee & Abstract Company , Mnrnhflnlil nml f'nmiltln nil., n Oencrnl Apeiit.s ICnstNfdo nml SeiiKstackcnV Addition. f I Special attention paid (o iiNsosMiientH mid pnjmcnt of lit- ill IIKXKV SEXOSTACKIl.V, JUnajer. GRAVEL' We ro now prepared to furnlah GRAVEL In uj taittlt'ti from pllo in our yard or In carload lots, nt lollowlni price: From pllo on uround, ;2.?C por yard, Oinotd luto, taken from curt, 2.t0 pit id It tall Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite Fou'-Offlco. rtuii 1R LioMal Tlhe First Nai jjjjg OF COOS BAY MIOIRER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SVSTEM - INDFJl (JOVERXMKNT SUPERVISIO.V OFFICERS V. S. CHANDLER, Pies. DORSEV KREITZER, Ciihliler W. E. IUJTLEH, ANsti Ciishler REX R. CIIAXDLER,Ahst. Cashier RIllECTOItS W. S. CIIANIH.nil joii.v s. com: W.M. GRIMES ,V. U. DtlUOIAS doilsev uiii:iTi:it JOIIX F. IIAI.h s. c. R()(ii:s RAXKIN-EFFICIi:XCV ii i EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new "" DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phnnfi 1R0-J. Norm rium - Oldest Rank In Coos County EstaWl name in tons louuiy Flanagan & Bennett BanK Murshflcld. Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $UHW INTEREST PAID ON TI3IE AND SAA '"f,. ' NA0AK. VI Officers J. V. DENNETT, President; JAS. H. f, vlNCHESTEB. Prosldent; R. F. WILLIAJ1S, Cashier; O. r. Assistant Cashier. t Flanagan & Bennett Bank OF SIVRTLE POINT j CaPltal ' ZvAaAN.VI J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. J i. p"EJfri jujIiU" 3sldent; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. u Officers President Cashier. Bennett Trust Compg $125.0001 - - .. ! J rjr.rtflt5 5' Cnnital. Surnlus and UnaiViaea -- yi Officers J. V. BENNET1 President; TOM T. .j-f SW" President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary, a TON TrooBlirnr .l.nd. W" Tho Only Trust Compnny In tho State, Outshle o Organized Unuer tne " r jCff ,"T3