The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 16, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page THREE, Image 3

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    'hey Let Him Sleep
U 0 TjjX
ov v
"Pinea taking Foley Kidney Pills I
believe I am entirely cured and I
tlecp soundly all night. "
7. Straynga
CMUa. in.
8: 10 a. m.
10:00 n. m.
10.40 a. in.
Take two of Foley Kidney
Pills with a Klass of nr.
water after each meal and at ,.n ,
bedtime. A quick and easy t-20'1, m
"jr iu jjui a stop to your
getting up time after time
during the night.
Foley-Ridney Pillg also atop
pain in back and sides, head
ache, stomach troubles, dis-
turbed heart action, stiff and
aching joints and rheumatic
pains due to kidney und
bladder ailments.
. CAINESV1LLE. CA.. n. R. No. 3. Mr. ,
r,n." k,:" c." " ?''". whout Cett nc
Marshficld and Portland.
(Now Effective)
Train No. l
1:30 a.m.
1 7 n. in.
TiO a. in.
.'!0 p. in.
I (i i. m.
I fi a in.
.'10 ). 111.
Trnln No. 2.
Stations Arrives
Portland 10:15 p. m.
Ar. lCugeiio Lv.
5:25 p.m.
l.v. Uiigono Ar.
fi : 1 f n. in.
Notl . 4 : 1 r, p.m.
Manlcton 2:35 n. 111.
Ctuhmau (Flor
ence) 2:10 p.m.
Ada l:2Sp. 111.
Gardiner 1:00 p.m.
Keedsport 11:20 a.m.
Ninth Lake 10: III a. in.
Nuilh llcnd !i: 10 a. m.
Marshfleld 8:20 u. in.
a stati:.mi:xt
llautlon. Oiogon, May is, HUG.
To the Voters or t'oos Count) :
In an open letter to the pnldle. Mr
MljenvNt sets forth his reasons wh
ho should ho noinlnntcil for District
Attorney. Among other things he
states that during his term of offlee
from IPOS tintll the present time, the
number of prosecutions have more
than equalled the nuiiihor during the
entire previous lilstoiy of the county.
Why hns crlnio Inci eased at such n
rate during his administration? If
the Increase, of crime during Ills legl
me has been so great, by what method
of reasoning can one Infer thnt lit?
has enforced the law? The object
of the law as stated by tho constitu
tion of this state Is "reformation and
not vlnillcltlvo justice."
1'om.s i-oit tin-: riti.M.utv k.lkc
tiox ,xxorxci:i
Today's North Bend News
tt n n 11 u
ii it tt it
Operators Come With (1,000
of Kqiilpmeut
Mst or Those In the Hay Cities mid
PoInN In Immediate,
Vicinity 1
,,,.,. , I On tho steamship F. A. Kllburn to-
ri.e following are the, voting , t.'ASOLIXH F.XPLOIir.S WIIKX IIK day woro II. N. Dollass and J. V.
i'im.v.0 111 .uiuniiiiuiii. .sunn iiunii I s; t.;AX(! Al TO
and other places In this part of the, !
county for the prliunrles next Frl
(iny: I
No. 1, Lakeside Lakeside school!
No. 2, Teinpleton public hall,
No. :i, North Slough Nortl
social club ball.
No. 4. Ilnynea
to prevent 1 house, District 2(i.
llend 'find Knee Injiiteil mid Are
Wrapped In I la Milages as 1 1-
siilt or Accident
Lee Heath was quite badly burned
with gasoline this nftornoon at North
I Qniltli ,.f r1lr...... 1 i. .. 1
...... ,11, ul .....uiuiti, . nu mu KU1I1K
Into Curry county to look Into black
sand deposits. They brought with
them about C.000 pounds of equip
ment which they will udo. 'They
will have pumps and other such ma
chinery, lloth nnn bnvo been 011-
ffi.i.j J! l M ,cw mtnmca alter
rolnc to bed I'd havo lo eet up, and I tried
ever thine I heard of (or tin trouble. Lo
CiJ( A IIICU rniV KMnmi llltl- .. .1
U "FetHlAg FlllC ' "Ji!"6, ul v "m ?allrd
Irtook'WLWmVWMZS? curea nnd ' Blccp y " " i
Mice This To ?,ve.1,lia c,mnce ,0 tfy Fo,ey Co.'s family remedies, I
Oil t IV1ISS 1 nib. cenj t0 Koiey & o.. 283S Sheffield Ave., Chicago. III., this I
, -kg and 5C, witn your name wiu auuicaj wrinen cicany, anu tliey will mall
MilMckago containing bjiuieb u twt a 4wik wiu tar vuiuiounu, i'oiey itii
n- 1 . 1 . f .ii( 1 finiiv
bjlmaJ luiey w"" -.
Phono 3171
I you
Till: OWL I'llAlt.MACV
blcyKiducy . pR0FESS,0NAL 0RECT0R
Dr. A. L. Houseworth.
crlnio and reform the erring, rather No. ft, Allegany
j than for vindictive punishment. At house,
iho rate of Increase of crlnio under! N'o. , Kentuch
, Llljeqvlst herotofoie. we mny reason
ably expect It to Increase two fold In
the future.
I Ho points with pride and boasting,
becoming to 11 Husslan autocrat, but
unbecoming lo an American officer
charged with tho duty to see thnt.Jus-
t llco Is done, to the long list of men he
Slough school
- Allegany school
School house No.
17. j
No. T. Wlllanch Mjrtle rsiove'
school house, District ft.'. J
Xo. 8, Umpire City recorder's'
office. 1
No. ii, North llend West .Mills1
building on Virginia Avenue. I
No. 10, North llend Norl'h Wit-
llend. lie had been cleaning his antoj gaged In black sand mining on Iho
wllh gasoline and then stnrted toi coast above Santa Uailiara. They
iiiiiKo it Mre In a forge to do some re-j claim to havo had nn engineer In hore
pairing." The gasollno can exploded working for several months before
uiki iH'imi was iiui ucu nnoui tiio uico they came.
and hands. Ho Is going about pietty
. well wrapped up lu bandages.
Special Rates
Principal Eastern Cities
On Kile dally: .Tune Isl to Kept ItOlli, 1 1) I II. Siopeter nllotel
llcliiru liiull: DO 1I11.V8 from date or Milo not lo exceed (I.I. :M, IIIKI
Im 1I10 tlulit uny lo slm 1
ATTIt.WTIOXS i:xitot!Ti:
M'O 1
ML Hlmt!i Sliiisiu Springs JH, Laseii San
I'miii'Isco Low Angeles Voseuilto Valley
Hmilliciii Ciiliroiiilii lleiiPhcs I'miHiiia Callfoiiil.i i:posillon
Ihysclnn nnd SurKeo ilM BP , , onint,nrVi 0lIt ff tlek building. Sheridan menne.
Offlr. tu! T 7,!"C ."'' ! -sfi ITo.ePiitlon ho has ohialned 207I ., ' V N;?,f1h ,,L,,"1 t',"trn, No
OMIro lionrs: 11 to la . .u.; 8 U Pnnvpl,nnB. 20fl of lpso won, 2.-l.BBlo Hall.
lX lo ;:;,J; c,., SM ! -- -; --- -r. .-t .r; nIri;; jsir u ",,l,,-T01-
on all Southern Pacific routes
0C!li:v IHU'TI-: 'The loulo of Lliulleds.'
Sr.VSKT ItOCTK "llnoiigli Storjlanil'
LI; 1'ASO ItOI'Ti: "II 1 e roule of the lowest nltllmlos.
Cull 011 local ugeiit for fintlicr Informatloii or write
JOIIV .M. SCOTT, (iViiernl I'lissenger Auent, I'm Hand, Oiegon
Southern Pacific Lines
i. M. Wright
Puouo 188-t
Eitlnutes furnlahod on request
Or. H. M. Shaw
Ko, liar nud Tliront fipoclnlldt
I'linuo !i:i(-1, HnouiH 2o().5)l
InliiK lllock:.
riiyblcluo nnd SiirgeoB
1'liono n.'IO-J.
No. 1 1, Pony
S(l contested casos, he secured (!7 enn-
ivlcllnns: but this is not a ieiiinrl:ahl.
record when you consider that a dis
trict attorney has In his linnds unllin
I Ited power nnd menus of the Stale
and (he privilege of making out 11..WI100I house,
1 complete ensn hefovo the nrand Jury No. 17. Mnndiflold N'n. 1 M...I
before even going to trial at all anil, den building, North I'ront street.
Kin ago In south end of precinct.
No. I ft, Kaslslde North Cooslon
school house.
No. II!, Kastsldi) south ICnstslde.
TWO Minrn.vo
Xoilh llentl mid .Ini.slif hid Holding
Timli Meet Tills Arieiuoon
Up to fl::ii) this afternoon three
events In the .Marshfleld North
lloiid Unci! meet h:ul been couiilet
ed with the scoie standing 10 to
17, In favor of North llend.
Following nro the events, ftO
yard dash. Merchant. Marshfleld,
Slough Seolt I firBt; Uim.iell, North llend, second:
Time ('
Acersnit iTitxisincs iioxd
llnny Ihixlctoii, Tried ror ItiinnhiB
Awuy With Woman In 1'ree
Itaah, North lleud, third
The HO yard dahh, Hudson,
North llend, first; Monde, North
lloiul, second; l'ost, Marshfleld,
third. Time ftC.t seconds.
Harry Ilazleton, arretted Inst week
on a ehargo of adultry, In out of Jal
under $000 bonds. The bonds wre
furnlolicd by .lesso Ilrlght, whoso wife
llazleton was with, nnd by .1, Hazle-
I ton, father of the ncciised. It was
filed Into yesterday hoforo JiiiIrq I'on
nock. They wanted tho charge
dropped hut tho Judge told them such
action In up to the grand Jury.
xi:w oi'Iiiiatou comks
W. G. Chandler
Itootnt 301 end 302, Coko Uullilfna
It'll ft t rilllllnii l.tlij.Ll..n II. 1. K.. lak m
...... ,.... .......... ..... inn o. in, .Miiwiiiieiu no. 2 Iiui- i!0Ill, f-rHi. P2.7 feet; Morohniit,
jiani mo uixKUKi crimes inni nave1 ciiison iiiiiiuiuk, Front Street North Mnishrl'ld. secinid; Wright. Mnrsh
I stained tho record or this County hnvo or I'lanagan anil llenuett hank. . fi.,1,1 ti,,.,i
gone without IndlctinonL No. ill, MarHhrield Cential No.
In tho canons or ethics of Iho Am-! I. Swedish Lutheran Hall. j jX 'citACK MKKT
erlenn Irar Association. Vol. n:i. 100s. No. 20, Marshfleld Central No. 1 "
page r.7r. Hie fundnniontnt rule Is r - '"rlzeen mid Uunciiirs offlco on, Tho North llend high school
slated thnt "Tim prlmnry duty of a "lumlwny. , IioIk who enteied In the Hack meet
lawyer engaged In public proseeu- N'0' -'. Murshfleld South, No. 21.! today woro:
1 lion Is not to ennvlcl but to see that ""im",H "I"IIiir on CurllH .mm Holmes high Jump
1 Justice Is done." Cod forbid thnt A,u,ul"- . Milton .liiekson
V. H. Taylor, of Portland arrived
this afternoon to be assistant, tolo-
riio dl.ieiis throw, .Inckson. North Krupli oporator at tho North .Jlqnd
by ordering (ho famous
Nut coal, ton $1.00
Lump coal, ton 5.r0
Or half ton of both. .51.75
II. Ml'SSOX, Prop.
Phono IN-J or lenvo orders
lit lllllycr's Cigar Store
Coos County should endorse tho pros'-! Xo' " A'"Iiflt.ll South. No. 22. 1 0,co llyler
but of roivvlctlons obtained,
t Tim Tnnnlt L't'riiia l'lltl.,.i.,
,CI,ns. lladley and ' William m'rUl ' NVwor,-,,""' ""'
iiiiiiiii nil' Bieun I. lit i- kimiu l.ll.ll.linill-'(l. v.,
, shot put, discus
220 vard. Jnvelln
Marshflold. Oregon. Lcutor who ln-ags not of Justice done' S"y,lt'r "oto1, l,rt" "1"1 ,,'"n,,w-v. I Clardy Perkluu .... 110 yiud diuh
-" "" ..iwiihii .iwiiiii JHUHO ir.icuuoiii II1IIO
Slough HChool house. I Horinan Mendo 2211 vnrd dash
Leonard Itussell . . polo vauld.
broad Jump, ftO yard and 100
r. Jinni.,.. nn ii,. ..I,.... i ......
rri. 1.......1 i., i..., i .... ...,.. i - " ouiinui yarn iiiihii.
iiii immiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiH mill i nn v r it . . i
I ' " '"", SCIOOl IIOIIRO.
Point Ilnnkvobhois havo oscnned pun-! .. ,..,,., c,,,,,,.,,
iniiint'iii mivo one pcrnnn wiiom iow .,.. Creniiierv
belloved guilty In die lattor caso nndl No. 27. Coos lllvor Ulk m.-it
wlio told his story lo tho j:innd Jury B,.,ao ,0IIBl) District HO.
under peculiar elrcuiiiRtaneon repent-. No. 2S, llurton I'alrvlow aebool
' tidlv hoforo they would Indict him. house.
1 Ho complains of the small nay of
llaah 100 yard dash
llndsou running rare
Kl.l.t'N CIIIKI' Itt'KV
depot. Ilo will rellovo Agent Wray
of part or the work.
.Mrs, A. II. Derliysblro contluiiws
to Improve. Her condition 'ns
iiulto serious but sho Is much better.
Tluvsovciilh nnd eighth grades at
North llend will stngo "Miles
StundlHh" Thursday nfternoon nt
the Star Theatre.
Tho leading parts are taken by
Vllphn Cook as Prlcllln; Hurbort
Cavaiiaugh a.i .lohn Aldon and Orn
hani llorkntt as Miles Stnudlsh.
Thero will bo ludlnii war dances,
di Ills nud other fenturim.
No. 2!i, Sumner Siimnor Hall.
T. .1. SCAII'i:
t'.io ofHce; vhnt des hn want it for No. .'Ill, Coos City-
iviarsntie.c DECorating co
Estliiiatei rurnUhed
Phoao 14(t-Il. JUrshfloId. Orrcm
If the componsnllou Is Insufficient?, school house.
'To hnvo tho County pay nil or part( No. .11, Coalodo Coalodo school
of his stenographer's salary? To mid house.
'to his private practlco, Ihrnucji the1 No. -12, Ilenovr lllll Heaver Hill
Influenco or tho public offlco? If the school liouse.
pay Is lirufNclont why continue lo'
Beek the offlco? I
Tho bounty's tax cnlUcton business!
Wioiif; linpressliiii
Is In a fearful muddle; tho $500,00(1 .Mivj.,,, (,,,
dollnis dollnniient unpaid taxos would
make Coos county sland fairly wdl Itegmdlng Peck-lvendiill Del. ale
II cuiiecuoiiH wciii iiiuiie; no ruin- n
lironilsoH ure mndo on the taxes of .i,,..
iiui nrcMiiini of tho I'ecilc-KiMi
. it wmu i j irnnii inn m iiuiit!
the small Individual laxiiayniH but iimi w .... .. . .i.. ......
.,... ...... , "ih'i inu riiiui i
now mo county socks to compromise or W,al ,M,., Kondall said. In glv
mo Kinney taxes, wny snouiii wnuo inK whut Mr. Kendall said, ihoro
or nny other wealthy man be nblowns u paragraph whom tho niimus
to compromise wiiiioui paying peimiiy woro loiiftised nud It
and Interest when the small taxpayer .Mr. Peek mU Die Curry
Tin fie (Uiillnmire ul Xortli llend U
The now traffic ordinance Is keep
ing Chief of Police Aiulurnon busy.
Ilo has had to stand on tho comer of
Sherman and Vlrglulu nud warn
driven, from cutting cornors and zig
zagging through town, A number
of persisting offenders have been
win tied that another violation means
Kill rine or 2ft days In Jail.
Tho family of V. C. (lorst Is ox-
I poctod hack In North llend very
. shortly, coming to spend the summer
. I though It h expected they will let urn
to ViUloJo. California, again next win-
tor. They have been lu the south for
Severn) mouths.
Mr. Durkln or this city wus taken
to tho hospital yesterday,
fi. Cowan or MarshHcId was ro
moved to the hospital to bo operated
J. II. Allen who was talton to the
hospital Sunday lufil a loir amputated
Mr. McCullorh. of ICastsldo, vll
leave the hospital for his home today.
WILL OPKX stoih:
.1, A. Wllkennou nnd wlfo from
Republican Nominee
it is (.i:t.uallv coxfi:m:i that tiii: iikim hlicax xomixatiox kou tiii: :si
a.v oppoim-xiTV siioui.n hk iiioviihi kou its ukaukiis to K.YPIIKSS A piu:ki:ii
con illy
Is compelled to pay bin pound of fishing was the leal Issue und Unit
floih and ounce of blood he iciid a letter from Cat Wright,
cnmnromlMO. It l Is duo the Countv .' wherciiH It was Mr. Kemlnll wlm
It should bo collected; If It Is not alI this. It was a .oufus.on r!("uu,l '-. n' "0,,B ho "uw
duo. Ilion wo tho eltlzmis or Coos.H" iiuiiioh lu that portion or th..!l,rrlvu,B '" ,ow" M wllUonBO
County, do not want It. There Is no1 ''t which might give the wiong, lil,l'",'t "" "" H")';,; to, 81,t'fl
hair wny courso. Imnrowlon. In, short It Is Mr.,ullzo '" mo" M od3. Ho Is ex-
I do not enro who Is olectdl District '''"'' who look the position il,.t',w,,jnf J'"0 ;'""'u"t
Attorney and hold no hilar for any of,1"0 C'Try P0ty f,,,n was ,I ' ' ' ' 'l'"'0,,'
-..,;.. ... , innln .Issue and .nios..n iim mii.iiiu. , '" l" 'or liiislni'M tho lutter part
Mr. LHJoqvha'a opponents, but for ni ''" -.hhuo iiiiu opposcw ine seining. i.-ii.......
man who iono.1. tn tho vole on bis ,I",,,H of ,l"' laeloy Mlllln. I f ll,l W,,0,' Mr "'"' MrM' W "U "
innn who appoRis to me oiers on ins ' Bon ,...vo ,im,K,ter In Seattle
icord. I maintain thnt that rocoid
rr(ul'( tho letlreniont of tho pies- mq nFRFMOMIF
cm iiii-iiiiiuciii iiii. i icuici iiiiu, '
for his conduct of tlio offlco has been
expensive tn tho County and tho tax
pa.xeis nud uiiKiitlsfnctory to the great
Mike Phillip sou of Arthur Phillip,
Is In town from Sumner for a visit.
Mrs. Jno. II. C reaves loft today
for Cnnliy. Oro., to visit hor mother.
O II Ivormn of Coostou who Is
employed nt Kie ship yard Iiob boughf
Noll's fine residence In North
IJvnd. Mr. Ivorson expects to move
his family Into tho new place the lat
tor part of this weok.
Mrs. H. L. Coo loft for Corvollls
to visit with her son who Is a grad
uating student at O. A. C.
O, W. Purklusnn has gono to
Portland after conducting the Jen
nings sale.
niiiHH or tho common pnoiilo.
f I i.Mr.Mi v nreiMr i va
i' ifcivi t iiiv itrit i
I (Paid Adv.)
Voi me Invllnl to fill out this coupon und null II t '"
lo The Times. Vour name Mill not. ho used or mentioned In
aDr maimer, as only tho tiitul tolo will ho miiioiinccd. Please
lo not delay, semi It In no IV. Hoiills Mill l' imhlMieil In
T,'e Thnch as soon as tho pu". Is coiupleled.
Second ('liolcii
, (11 AMol.tcl IrrM lu Coo. Ilif Tlnin.J
STOCKHOLM, Swodon, April IC.
j Official notice has been glvou
lout that thine will be no formal cor-
omnulOH In coiiuectlou with tho
juwurds of tho Noble pil.oo ror 191 I
Hero re Judge Coko today was bo-, and llMn nunoiiitcod somo time ago.
Iiik hoard the caso of Mrs. Fay Mos- Tho uwurd ror cliomlstry, 1011, to
teller voruug Kinnk Mostollor, whom' Prof. Tboodoro William Richards,
studying music, she will he hero to
stey with hor parents lu June.
Imlinff Pros, have moved their
pool hall to ho largo building
acrosa from the Herald office, mid
uro fixing It up lu first clam shape.
Tlio Kllburn crossod In at 8:30
this morning from the south and
left about 2:1ft p. in. fur Portland.
On Thursday tho Tillamook i
ilue lu hero from Portland wltli u
large freight shlpiuont.
.Many llildgo Voters Hear Aboul j The Meant schooner Hardy sailed
(.'oimI Heads Allegany Kiivom ,' fT San Franelsro yestorday at
, II:. 10 it. in.
It was a rousing rwoptlon Hint, Toulglit at eight o'clock tho Ade-
yosterday was given Frank Terutco, ,, ,H BIK,Hod to fi()t nwuy for
when lie upponiod al llrldgo to do- Sa1 Krmiclsco.
(Xnine) I
she Is suing rar n separation on . director or tlio Wolcott (Sibba Moin- llv,,r " mK " U0(m oll"H- ao Tho Keller camo In lata yestor
tho grountb or tiioI und Inhiimun orlal Laboratory at Harvard Unl-,"u,,,, w,lB lle "PI'reclalod that ur-,day from ,no siuslaw and will jail
troatment as well ns other more v.r3lly. will b0 dollveiod to the towards " ot the ouug women aga(l. tonight,
serious reasons. Several witness-; Ainorlcun minister, Ira Nelson .Mor-,'u"u' torwinl with largo bonnets of,
on u'Di'i. Iinuril tliln Ttirirnltiif ottil Mm rlH. nml fnru'fi rArul lit- tilin i lut i VOHQA IOT III III. i
ffljo was to bo continued uwiln nt , reolnlont. Thte will bo about Juno' ''nst nvonlng Mr. Terrace spoko
fnr n'elnck llil nMnrnnrin. 1. It lu nluniinil (bill wlmii" K00'1 8'''M, elOWd lit AHoKllliyi
jwfur Is over the prize winners of on the nan.o subject.
tho war years sl.ull come to Stock- w" ' M,J,U ' 0,IU o,0r""
Coos Bay Times
On this trip or tho Kllburn First
Orriter Waltor Mygand stuyed In
Sau Frnuclitoo to attend some court
proceedings. First Officer Nelson
came north this trip in his place.
he received
holm and hold a joint celebration I
ut that time. Ordinarily the ,,nzoHi Umatlllu flood
mo only precontnd lu person.
Tho peace prlzo -for l!ill, ufj
course, wus not uwurded. In ac
cordsuco with the rules of the Nobel
Foundation, when no worth) cand
idate Is found, the prlzo I set aside
tor u special fund. The peace prlzo
a le
Nights of Sleep vs.
Nights oi Agony
Verdict Favors D. D. D.
T. I. yu.11.1, tn II fttpfltrA All th fluitf
muting I'ivy i.tivu u ti.wuu.unu iwm. nigut tnro tifil wiin inai lnioirrao.o iicbibk
i.,i lam.,, in, Prhluv nml by lH'mu anil nwalt the coming of
bond isjiio loiniug up iriiuo ami, ,10 ,ja,' j, IK j) jrMCriptlon l d
legrum from tho
lloads Association
iiHklnu lit tu to come to u meotlug In' for ;uii If
.,. ii
Pendleton. Mr. Terrac
tho messuge too lute to go.
nu are a iuaerr. It will cool
.,, l,, I, ..In. it.l (trhlnir s.ln Tiul
Pendleton. Mr. Torrac recelvcit will be aLlo lo rcH at nlfht, swake In tb
inoriilng rt'irenntHi anu um win im oria
llrlnc. M'e know It will ilo all IWM thlaw;
t a we have ttitloionlaU from tninj ule.r-
.... ,. ,, .... i.i i... fnr I'll', nliin la halil In nlu.vfiiwui, .
her sister Mrs Fred Smith will ul't y '" awarded next rear ir ' IIWE 'Vo 11 To
icnvo ih inni nt fiio month for Ij.h thero ar developmctita to wairunt Z utl nboULIo
lAngelej to Mail brother. j uc" uclloti. t
rn rlslit anions your nelshboni. Try a bottl
ana you will noi regret n. .oaa ia lira.
t : JLr JLr W