;VffiYMANSHOIJLD HAVf AN AIM IN . dapfR THAT "' BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS i CLEAN WHOLESOME h NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES Vol. No. XXXIX. 15 P. TULLY IS IN BOSTON Woman Center of Sirantie Romance that In- I olvcs Prominent People Boston Papers Tell Story In volving Eastern Magnate and Local Contractor AYS MARRIAGE ILLEGAL find Tlmt She In Xol I.okiiI Wife or rlrlck Tully, Mnrrdiflo'd Con- Iniclor licnrns if TIiIh lien nt Mother's i'liticrnl BOSTON, .Mnan., Mny 1C TIio lollovclng Mory regarding Airn. attlck Tully who formerly rcsld- ln Marshflcld, Ore, nppoured lu fce Boston American: A younp, roflnod nntl stylishly bncd woman clnlmlng to bo Mrs. fttrlck Tully, and a nlcco of Wlll- b M. Wood, tlio mllllonnlro mill mt, and president of tlio Amorl- ia Woolen Company, nppenlod to lit Doston pnlillc nuthorltlea for yesterday becnuje, hIio intd, It two llttlo rlilldron woro threat- :fd with starvation, and hIio hor- MI feared arrest because of nn- itld board IiIIIh. Rliu vn:i nccom- nsled by lier children. The authorities hcHllntod nliont ItrdloK her to tlio almshouse nnd fe spent the night with tlio family ! tho Jailor of tlio City Hull. Itu- Ktteri adjusted her IiIIIh with tho j.'oprlelors of two pronilnent hotolti. ! Mrs. Tully told nil nffectltiK story l! i Journey of 11,000 miles ncro.w kt continent from Murshflold, Oro- lot, with hor two children, to soelc f'A from her uncle, when she found to a not legally wedded to tho mt of hor children. Sho said lit was barred from her uncle's uk Hay homo nt tlio corner of pnmonwcalth nvonuo nnd Fnlr- Wd street, because of roliglon nnd i unfortunate marriage r. Wood was located at tho Wort-Astoria, Now York. Inst wtt and sent tho following tolo- l'a to tho Boston Amoricun: American. Doston. I hie nothing to do with Mm. m. William M. Wood. ItefiiM-d Further Aid Ufs. Wood admitted to mi cm. R at tho City Hnll that hor iiiij- H yil recently rufiujrcl to nld ? Tully. M,-8l wood mih!. "i Mr. Wood Iuih H iiiiu-n iiv F name, and sho cumu hero n P diyj oro. My husband told W refilled to nld Imp nnv innrn" I Haie you any suggestion, Mm. wa liat (lisiKiHlllnti Hi,, nnll.o..- Slonld Iliako of lmr riml hor Uttle children, who, It Is claim- " "6 destitute?" auliWsts I'oor llonso "M IS HHIUill.. ,!.. I. .. Ei , t itw.iu nun ijuij- Hoaro dcstltuto?" nskod Mrs. "vgqrf ey uciui them to tho ponr- fswe." The ! POOr llOIIRn lu i.r.,1.1 mmuoli . ". answered Mm u,i. n.t tenlcw was ended, "fs. TulK. n-i , . .. . -, ..imi.il in IJOSlOll on toh. .. y ""' rB,,t0'-t'il nt ft H dW" t0Wn 1,0leI' T)l M ' Ba'8 8ll 3aw William lV'.'ho off,Co of tl,Q Amcrl- ,oo!eil Co. J tho National VkF Ilank Bdln and thut "V guard trio,i tA i.... Buard tried to forco her r11- DCD (ho.. i. . ... LM Ma"1 he, 'rim other rel- i.l . ii eno linn fviml in krJ,,Ca,,led at ' tol until tmM Y 0l,t ai,d tl10 "'n- ffleilt tdolc l,. 1 . U "HBBOBO, 8110 0X- 5 -M-l'lles city luii IttKk B f UB ,n allther I'"'! com hte1, hoi'lnS some ono l'Sih er a"1, Yestorday Qar.. f0Uru that the hotel b tine don fr no day amounted . aim sno was pennl- r'Jtorr I Bllence and t0,a "'rrM tho ma"agement. They It .,, ,r ,0 the City Hall. H .." )U" niter two o'clock - iuiiy wjt, jl0r oldestt Hnaw BE ISJVEALTHY F.sfnbll.shcd 1M7H Ah Tho Const, Mall STIfl LOXGSIIOin'MF.X IIKFL'KH HA Mi FOIt 'L'XIOX LAIIOIt COXVKXTIO.V Cllillil Meeting; or Tomorrow Xlght Ih Culled to "Itulli mid SupiKtil for C'cititln Cnuilldntr.s" There was nn itttnosphoio of flro and brimstone popping In tho Long Hhoromcn's Mall, North Front street, last evening when tlio mombors met nnd declared oniphntlcally nnd pos itively Hint they will endorse no spec lal candidates In tho primary election of Friday. Furthermore they refused the use or their hall for the "Union Labor Convention" as advertised for tomor row evening. A decided stand wits taken said members of tho committee, Kd Lund nnd "Scotty" MrCnllnm, ngnlnst whnt the Longshoremen term "bolng mndo tho goats for, any po Iltlcul faction." Itffiisc Fsc of Hall Halt! they this morning, "Tho Long shoremen nro practically tho only organized union on Coos liny. Wo ro- funo to have anything to do with this political meeting: wo lofuso tho uso of our hall. Wo favor no certain can didates and nhnll voto exactly as wo plcnso without being told how to do so. Wo can flguro all this nut for oursolves. About tho only thing wo nro standing solidly In the road bond Issuo with tho working nion rccolvlug $2. fit) for 'nn eight hour day." Will Xol Permit l( They asserted Hint under tho gulno of passing on rnndldutcn to bo sup ported by tho labor unions nn effort was In progress to "railroad" through tho votes of tho laboring men for coitaln cnndldntes. Tho commltlcomen continued "We nro of tho opinion that Androw Lnnd- les called this mooting for tomorrow night to swing the, voto In one rcrtuln direction. Wo nn longshoremen re fuco to stand for this. Wo know that Tio wkh not coming up there with r. fair mind to .dlscufy theso candi dates, hut .with nn organized purpose of putting through certain candi dates." Hold .Meeting Anyhow Andrew Lnndlos said today that tho mooting Is to be hold tomorrow night nnywny. Ho declared "every thing Is on tho square and abovo board. If same of thorn want to buck It, that's their privilege" Ho said, "Lots of tho laboring men nro bohlnd tho move. 1 know who those nro who aro bucking tho propo sltioii." TAKE UP MEASURE HOl'Si: DFIlATKK OX ADMIXInTHA TIOX Sllll IULL in uMKittfci rr t nr Ttom 1 WASIIINOTON, D. C, May 10. Under special rule to facilitate con sideration, tho house today began n dobato on tho administration ship bill. Domoerutlc Leader Kltchon, who had not been counted among tlio bill's supporters, urged tho houso to pobs tho rulo for consideration. Tho rule adopted provides that tho debate shall end and a voto bo taken noxt Friday at I p. m. Whllo tho 'hoiino Is woiklng on tho bill, Sonntor Jones, or Washington, Is addressing tho senate In favor of tho policy or discriminating duties and tho tonnngo tax us n moans or upbuilding tho merchant inarlno. Tho policy, ho de clared, has been appioved by ooth pai tics. Kl'I'Ll'lt nnos. OI'T Till! IMI'QCA IIOXDS Koelor Hros. of Denver linncht tho Unipqua port bonds ror $103,000. Issue is ror 1200,000. Tho OLD MXDJIAIIK llCnXHD DRAIN. Ore., May 10. The ISstoa dwelling five miles north of this city which was destroyed by flro. was an old landmark. It was used as a stage station in the days of the Oregon & Cullfornla stage lino and was known to many persons Jn the state. Money IT Loan on ni.rovejJ ranches In any mnunU '. R- JJ"' xvny Moilgage Co,, Mp-llo Anus. TAKE FIRM duos MARSHFIELD, OREGON, VILLA RAISING Has Recovered from Wounds And Is Now Active In the State of Durango Says Bandit Leader Has Been Busy for- Some Weeks Se ' curing Following CAVALRY AFTER RAIDERS Culled Slates Troops Chase a Small Hand and Ate Hiding llaad lo Fol- low) l.'p Their Trull Thico Are Killed Sunday l)r Aaaorlatr.) I'rtn la Com nj TlmM.) FIKLD HHADQDAHTKKS IN MKX ICO, Mny til. (Wlroless to Colum bus). Villa dins recovered from his wounds entirely and linn been busy for some weeks attempting to ralso it now nrmy In tho stnto of Durango, nccordlng lo a story told hero today by a Mexican who wns captured In an engagement at OJos Azulou niv In April. After Small Hand Tho cnvalrymon nro riding hard on tho trail of n small band of bnn dltH In tho vicinity or Itublo ranch twenty miles from hero, where three Vllllstns wcro slain by nn American 'orago detachment Sundny. TO BE BIG hill riiovini'B KTIIHXf'TII OF on WAit riK,.too Senator C'liiimberlalu Says Ibo Or ganization Will lie First (Tnvs One Br AMAtliicj nru Is Com TUT TIium.i WASIIINOTON, I). C, May 1C Hovl3cd figures on tho army reor ganization bill, as agreed upon by tho houso mid somite conferees and submitted to tho sonnto today by Sonntor Chamberlain, of Orogon, shows Hint tlio now nuny will bo oven larger than announced whon tho agroomont wns reached Satur day. Tho maximum peaco strongth will bo 211,000 and tho wur strongth LMO.COO offlccrj nnd moii, which with stnll troops, scouts, etc., nddod will bring tho maximum to JU1.T.00. Tho National Ouiird will total 157. 000, mnklng n grand total of 718, 500. ChaiulHVhiiii'h Ylew ' "For tho rirst time lu our his tory," Senator Chamburlnlii told tho senate, "wo have provided for an urmy that Is well balanced through out and which will bo an efficient fighting machine. It provides for troops enough ror tho required ovor boas garrboiis and tho remaining troops at home will bo such as will mnko up complete brigades nnd di visions, and tho regular army will no longer ho a hit and miss collec tion or regiments and battalions us thoy heretofore hao been, duo to tho piecemeal legislation or for-) mor yoars". PUGES.THE BLAME IXTI'HSTATi: COMMF.nCi: COM MIS. SIOX TAKFS ACTION TODAY Cniiso or Wirck on Xorllicrii I'aclf le Wus Due to Ihiuincci' Not Following Older III AwwUtl Pt lo Com Inr TlmM WASHINGTON, I). C. May 1C Tho roar end collision botwoon tho North Co?st limited and tho Miss issippi Valley limited or tho North ern PacUic at South Cheney, Wash., February 20, was caused, tho In terstate comnierco commission re ported today, by tho falluro of tho engineer or the North Coast limit ed to reduco the speed between Am ber and South Cheney according to ordors. Five wore killed and 22 njured In the wreck. Tiucs AVnnt Ads hm tho ono me dium which readies L Hie people. They encage public Mention every day Always on tho Job, A W A1Y PRISONER INFORMS I LlfE ffiS NOT SPEND TOO MUCH TIME IN AIMING Hmj MKMHEK OF TUB ASSOCIATK1) TUESDAY, MAY 16, 1916. T OFFICIALS THINK AMIIUICAXS SAFB AOAIXST IIAXIHTS Troops Aro Well DMilbuled nnd Should Ho Able to llnnd'o SKuatlon tllj AuocUlM rrfM lo Com IKjr Tlmm.) WASHINGTON. 1). C. MAY 10. American communities along tho Mexican border nro now safo from 'further raids similar to Olcnu Springs tho administration officials hero bollovcd today. It Indicated tlint with addition al United Stntcs troops nnd inllltla bolng dlstrbutcd along thu border, only a gonornl nutl-Ainorlcan out break beyond tho border, Cnrrnnza soldiers participating, could eti- lnngor tho American border towns SOLIHHHS UIIIXH l-LA('l--l) AT ll()ltl)i;it POINTS llildges mid Touu.s Along tho South. (in I'nririe Will He Clen Car- tlcnlar Atleiilluii inr AumUlri rr lo Cow nt, TlmM.) SAN ANTONIO, .May 1C Distri bution or tho troopa under tho plan or organization or border patrol on which FiiiisIoii has boon working sltico his return front I'l Pnun will bogln today. Tho dctnlls nro notj announced iioyond tlio Htntomont tlmt strong detachments will bo nta tinned at tho bridge,? mid towns along tho Southern I'uciric railroad (USE BULL SCORES COAST LIIAt.Ui: THAMS CHAXOli i TO NHW FIKLDH TODAY Cortland to Tnko Turn With Suit Lake Washington Takes tl Inning Hnttlo From Detroit (llr AoorltlM I'frii lo Com liar Tlmrt. WASIIINOTON, I). C, Mny 1C It took II Innings yestorday for Washington to annex u game from tho Dotrolt nine. Over In St. Louis lu tho National, Ilrooklyn also won, takliiK u 1 1 Inning battle from St. L011I3. Tho scores or yestorday follow: National Lcuguo At Chicago It. Now York 3 Chicago 2 At Pittsburg It. Ilostou 7 Pittsburg 8 At St. Louis . II. Hrooklyu 4 St. Louis .' (II Innings) At Cincinnati ' It. Philadelphia 7 Cincinnati ; 4 AMicrlrnii Luaguo ' At Ilostou Chicago, Doston, wet grounds At Philadelphia It. It. St. LoiiIj I Philadelphia n At Washington ' It. Detroit ' Washington ', U (11 Innings). At New York It. Clovelnnd Now York ..... SERBS HAVE BEEN FURNISHED MEDICINE Hugo SuppllcN, However, nro found to Ho Falsified Amidng to Hiilgniiiuis Hr AiUif Prnaa la m My Tlm.i NISII, Serbia, May 1C. Hugo sup plies of medicines furnished tho Serbs long ago by tho Italians, and found heio by tho Iliilgurlnns recently, huv on examination bcon declared to be badly falsiried so badly as to be ab solutely worthless as medicines. Five hundred quinine tablets, ror Instance, proved to contain no trace or quinine; other "medlclnoh" supposed to con tain various Ingredients woro round to possess llttlo moro than magnesia and chalk; disinfectant tablets label led as containing specific quantities or certain chemicals proved to hav only a small porcentage or tho label led disinfectants. Bulgarian doctors In condemning the entlro lot of medicine as huvlng little H ny value, havo rorbldden their iiBO by tho rtulgnrs PRDTEG BORDER DISTRIBUTES I tmja PliKSS EVENING EDITION BORDER ILL PROTECTED NOW Officials Think that American Towns and Residents Arc In Safety TO HELP Agrees to Occupy and Police the Parral District of ' Mexico WILL TAKE PRECAUTIONS FiiiisIoii and Scott Agree Not to Do Anything Which Will Kinhnrrims The Movlrnti Ti-oops in Their Movciiic'iU.h CAHHAXZA ACHKFS TO TUB AHHAX1BMF,XT Illr Awnilnlnl I'rrM lo l'm liar Tlmn ) WASIIINOTON, I). C, Mny 1. Cnrrnnn 'has agreed to Scott's Informal uudQrntnnd Ing with Obrogon, wlilsh pro vides Hint tho Carrnnxn forces shall endeavor to show their nblllty to control tho situation In northern Mexico whllo the Amcrlcnti troops remain for tho time being. III; Ao-I.IH mu to Coot nr TlmM.) WASIIINOTON I). C May 10.- Tho not result or tho military con ferences nt HI Pnso as reported today by Major Oonornl Scott to Secretary I'll kor linn been to couvlnco tho Cnr rnnza government that tho United. States has no nthor purposo In the operations In Northern Moxlco than to stump out brlgnudngo, mid us a conscnuonco thero exists substantially nn unwritten understanding that the Cnrrnnza forces shall' endeavor to demonstrate their ability to handle tho situation an a necossnry firnt stop toward tho withdrawal or tho Ameri can punltlvo expedition. Scott bo Moves Obrogon In acting lu good fnlth and tho bordor situation Is less critic al today. Agree to Pntrol To carry out his share or tho pi tins, I uuiegon ngreen 10 occupy ami ponce tho Parral district. He also ngrond to establish a strong patrol nloiifj tho Mexican sldo or tho Dig Ilond emmtry to prevent Incursions such an nt Olenn Springs. Annthor Important clement, and one which tho Amorlcnn nrmy offi ce in regarded ns the must vltnl to Pershing's linn of communications, wns clonred up by Obrogon'fl agree ment not to bring n largo force of Cnrrnnza troops through tho Pulpit Pass Into Pershing's roar, On their s'ldo, Scott and Funslon assured Obrogon that precautions would bo taken not to embarrass tho operations or tho Mexican troops, und also that tho border pntrol 011 the Auifilenu side would be strengthened. The flint obstacle encountered by tho Amoilcau conferees nt fil Poso wns tho necessity of convincing Obro gon that the expedition after Villa was not an Intervention step, VFN'HAXS A III holdixo nnrxiox. . 4 III.' H'xLtH I'rrM to foot liar Tlmn 4 IHHMINOHAM, Ala. May. Ifi. Tho twenty-sixth ro- union or tho Conrodorato Veterans began hero today. TO L OHDI'IH'D OF i)i:posi:i) ih'causi PA11T IX niOTH Action Is Taken by the Oovcrnor d'lMieial of I'rcndi ludo- China (Hf Aawlal4 tfm 10 Oooa flir TIM. SHANGHAI. May 16. Governor Goneral of llano I tho capital of French Indo-Chlna, ordored King Klytan of Annum deposod on a charge of complicity lu riots which occurred In tho towns or Qunng Ngal and Qunng Nan Tho rloU woro speedlh suppressed. OBiJEd G OSE 0 & Consolidation of TIuicji, Const Mall mill Coos liny Advertiser. GIRL ON THE STAND SAYS CASI'MKNT IjAXDI'D FKOM OKltMAX Sl'llMAHIXi: Te'l.s or Ills Coming Ashore nt Trnlco In Company With Other Men llr Ataacltlixl l'rr.i to Com liar Tlmm. LONDON, May 10. The Hrst wit ness at the resumption of the trlnl of Sir Itogor Casement, on a chargo or high treason today was Mary Oor inau, n typical Irish girl. Sho Identi fied Casoiuent as 0110 or tho men who lauded from n German submarlno at Tralco Sho testified sho snw thrco men pnnslng tho farm yard gnlo early Oood Friday morning and pointed to Casoiuent as ono or them. .lohn McCarthy, n farmer told of finding n collnpslhlo boat In which Cnsemont, Ilalley and a man named Montolth, who Is still nt largo, Inndcd nt Trnloo. On lis wny homo he met bin chil dren who Iwero playing with three revolvers thoy had round near tho shore. r LI'OISLATIOX A STMP XIIAIHIlt KXACTMI'XT TODAY Houso llltl Passed And Differences . llclMeon It and Senate 1 1111 Will Ho Itcinovcd Illr Aaaoclalril I'rrM lo Cof liar Tlmra. WASHINGTON, I). C, May 1C Ilural credits legislation wan n. long step nearer onnctmeut today ho cause or tho pnssngo by hoilso Into yenterduy of tho Glass bill by n voto or 2!in to 10. Tho dirrcrenco be tween thin and tho sonnto bill probably will bo Ironed out soon In conference. REJECTJUBLEE SHNATF. HKFCSKS TO CONFIUM HUT .MAY lll'COXSIDF.it Has llivn Named As Mcmlrcr or the I'Yilenil Trade CoiiiiiiIh- hloil (nr Aaiotlala-1 I'rraa lo Cooa liar TltnM, WASIIINOTON,, D. C. May Iti. Keconsldorntton or tho voto by which tho senato Into yesterday refused to confirm George lliiblon or Now Ilnmp shtro, nn u inombor or tho federal trado commlsslnn was discussed ns a possibility today by supporters of (ho nominee. NINE ARE KILLED HFSTACHAXT IH'ILDIXO AT ,K ItOX, OHIO, COLIiAPHKH Duo to lllnstliig Xet Door and Of ficials Aio .Making An Investigation llr Aaocla. I'raM lo foa liar TIiiim 1 AKItON, Ohio, Mny I C Whllo tho police mid firemen aro search ing ror tho bodies or more dead or Injured lu tho ruins or tho Crystal Itoatnuruut hero this morning, thoj authorities oegati to invesuguio mo blasting operations lu tho excava tion next door which last night caused tho collapse or tho building with tho douth of at least "I"" persons nnd tho serious Injury of twenty-two. IMPOHTAXCi: TO THU VOTI'lt II am a candidate on tho republi can tlckot for nomination for sher iff mid I want to lot tho pooplo know what some of my vlowj ure. As u public servant I bullovo lu sorvlng tlio people. 1 bullovo in uHlcloncy yet not lot tho office become drain on the public's money. -I bullovo In according tho name tieat moiit to all. for all havo tho samo rights In tho eyes of the law. ( bellow) lu the enforcement or tho laws und using tho offlcu lu bringing to Justice thoio who vlolato It. Tho dry Ihuo whloh was so unan imously passed last election does not only need tho support or tho shoriff office but tho co-operation of all tho people who rospuct law and order. If I nm nominated and elected I will endeavor to gho you the same sorvlco wo hope to get If I am elected With succesa to us nil. ( am DXNIRL 1UKKI.OW CREDITS OJLTY EDJTIOK CrQjDGK No. 248 (if AGAIN ACTIVE Continue Fighting On the Ver dun Front West of the 1 River Meuse BUTTLE 1 FIERCE Bombardment of French Posi tions Is Reported to bo In cessant One HAND GRENADES ARE USED Germans Attempt Advance Xorthcnot of tho Fmljrcris Hut Paris Claims Thoy Wcro HrpuNcd Offen sive Fvpectcd In tho Ivn.it ll A'.iKltl1 I'rraa to Coo Par TlmM.) LONDON, Mny 1C German ncllv Itlnfl on, tho Voidun trout nro bolng continued energetically iwcot or tho Muuno whore the French positions in Avncouit wood nnd on hill 304 aro bolng subjected to Incessant bombnrd inont. In tho vicinity or Thlamont rnrm, noithennt or thu fortress, n Gorman hand grenndo attack Was complotely repulsed, Paris declares. AaH l-'ltH-t News Nowb Is awaited as to further move ments of tho flcot Gurmnn bnttlciihlps reported Innt night to havo o(t ICIet for Illgn. On I4vs(erii Front Potrogrnd recently Indlcnted tho expectation ot a powerful Gorman of ronslvo ngnlnst the Illga-Dvlnsk front. French Suffer Iosses Tho repulse by tho Gormnnn ot nov eral nttneks ngnlnnt positions on Hill 301 with sanguinary louses to tho French nro roportod by Ilorlln to day. CHURCHES TO JOIN MirriioiiisT ciicncn will i'.yitk WITH SOL'THKHX CHUltCU AiHoii Taken Today nt General Con ference In Almost Ciinnliiioiis In Preliminary Step IDr Aaaorlitfcl I'raaa to Cooa VI TlmM. 8AHAT00A BPItlNGB May IB. The unification of tho Mothodlst lCpls- copal Church und the Mothodlst Kpt copal Church South, won endorser! almost unanimously by (ho Mothodlst Gouoral Coufereiu) today. Tho conforonco adopted a rdport of tho committee of unification, which provides for further neKotn tlons with the Southern church, par ing tho way for flnnl action by tho general co'nfeienco of tho Southorn church In 1918 and by tho Northern church's general conference In 1U20. IS GIVEN 15 YEARS IIUV. MAIHKO.V HLAl'OHTHIt IB SHXTF.XCF.D 'IODAY Was Heceiilly Convlcled of Asiuiult On Fifteen Year Old Girl In California III! A.rx-Lla-1 I'rwa la Coo naf TlmM. J OHOVILLU. Culir, May to. Itev. Madison Slaughtor, convlctod of an assault on 15-year-old Gert rude LauiBon, today waa nontcncod lo 15 years lu tho ponlteutlary. GKItMAXY SKXDH XOTH AllOUT NIHTHAL Vl-SSIJLS Sajs They Must Ohhorvo Iiiloriuitlonsl Hides When KtoiHtl by Bub- iiuirlnes llj AmocUIcI rr to Cuoa Dar Tlmaa.) WASHINGTON. I). C, May 18. Germany, lu a nolo presented to Secretary Lansing by Count von llornstorfr toduy warns tho neutral govornmonts that morchanlshlps fly ing neutral Hags must obey tho pro vision or International law In regard to their conduct when stopped by German submarlno, and Mat thoy must Incur danger nhoult! they turn tlinlr ships In tho direction of the submarlno INS MUST OBSERVE Li M I I ,t -ij