X fli jyAGtSOrSM IS DfATH BUT TOO Of TEN MS AS PROMPT AS IT SHOULD BE P BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS 1 CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES 01 wx lau Extma MEMBER OF T1IB ASSOCIATED PRESS "5, No. XXXIX Hi PROTEST III SfcJZURE Established 1878 Am Tho Const Mnll MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 15, 1916. EVENING EDITION Siates Preparing Note for Great Britain Which is vigorous a TUCKER INS RACE TAKES Al'TO EVENT OX HACK TRACK YESTERDAY l Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 247 II BE SIT SOi II Mllei an Hour In Avcriigo on Cir cular Truck for 1:0 Miles Phil lip's Engine Itut'kiMl At Iho uvuraijo rato of 1 1 Milieu nn hour Claudo Tucker completed thu 20 nillo nuto race at tlio Fourth street race track yeHtonlay afternoon, Ills time was 27.15 minutes. H. K, Knowlcs was second in 27.10; Merlo HoUlon. third, 28.42 nnd Shannon Mitchell, rourtlu 2H.I5 minutes. Tlio prizes were $100 for tho first; fill), second, and I0 for third. Therovns a pood attendance and everything went off In an ordeily manner. Thu races started pimnptly at 2:05 p. m. Thero wore six entries.- The other two iwero Percy Phillip and Hnrvey (Inerney. All except tho hitler roile Fords; Guorney had a Hupmolille. Phillip was leading thu field In tho 23rd of tho 40 lnps when 1m broke down, llohlen, too, was In tho lead when lit? experienced a hit of engine troublo and was out for u minute. Cell Ireland was chief Judge; Jerry Kinney and II. .1. Kimball, stalled nnole In lio sent forward In the '' "ie timers, V. C. (lorst. Don tlnr- utr future, will lake Iho position i Hnor, Will (loodrum and A. Q. ling, til (he United Slides run no longer j o- itultn.inte tlio solzuro and doten- faof malls to and fioin the fulled btti, parllculiiily those concerning i minis. The reply rwiiHx niade hy (Sreal Ifctiln In the last American in, to Is KuIJtrfil iinsiitinfurtniy. 0 is- BIJRHELI BY MOB Muses to Contenance Dc- (entions ot me mans 10 and from This Country KPLY DID M)T SATISFY rtt.liraier diglnud Sent to u For- .wrXi'li' Is Vol Kcgiuili'tl iih SalKfnrlory b) tlmilnls of I'liltrtl Slutes fyAiifcliM Ttf lo Coot lly Tlmn.J WSIII.VOTON. I) ('.. .May 15. tie American governmunl Is pre via protest characterized hy tho iflkUlj os "verj vigorous" against U laterferonco with Iho malls to tsl from tlio hilled Stales hy Great. Inula. Taken from Court Room Waco, Texas, After His trial at MURDERED M IRA DERMLFD 1 IRE RAIDS DMC.VriOXS THAT MEXICAXS ,lRi:i'lli:i,UIN(J EVIDENT T L BOOT OS FltAXK TERRACE ADDRESSES AF lilKXCK IX THIS CITY Confessed to Having Commit ted Assault and Killing of Mrs. Fryar FOUND GUILTY BY JURY When Verdict Is Iteluriicil Ho Is OriigUcd to I'ulillu Square Willi f'liiiln Aioiiml Ills Xeck mid ' Fire Sim ted ID, Aiinrlil.J Prrii to Coo n, TIdjm.) WASCO, Texas, May If.. Willi in, 000 persons as witnesses, Including women nnd children, .Icsso Wnshing ton, a negro hoy who confessed to the criminal nsBnult nnd murder of Mrs. Lucy Frynr near here bat .Mon day, was taken from the district court room today and hiirued on the public H(iuare. Was Found ftuty Tho burning came Immediately nf- Icr the negro's trial ended uud after tho Jury had roturued a verdict of tho doath penalty, King County, Wash., Fanner Kpciikcif ut .Meeting In Masonic Opera House Some one Matted the cry "get the negro," and Washington was seized. He was dragged to the city hull yard where a chain already nround , ,! his nork was thrown over a limb of n IS t tree, wood was secured and a tiro started. PASSEXOKSKS, IXCLURIXO OAK RAXZA PAYMASTER, ROBBED llvnto Car of the Counsel y for Do Facto ProsfiU'iit Is Xot .Molested by Bandits lllr A.rorlilpJ rrcti Is Cool tlar Tlmri. LAREDO, Eexas, May 15. A train, atnehed to which was tho privuto car of Charles A. Douglas, counsel for Cnrranza at Washington iwns doralled by nn expolslon near Queretaro last Friday. The passengers, Including the Cnr rnnza paymaster, were robbed, tic cording to a report brought here today by tho passengers. Thoy salt) tho private car of Dfng las was not molested. Tho engineer, fironmn, nnd five persons riding on tho tender, were killed by the derailment. BRTSH E IKES ATTACK Start Assault on German Lines N,ear Hulluch, France, to Regain Trenches (RESULT IS FAILURE BALLOON IS lllfl DIUKllltlii: OF FHEXCH XAVV IS DESTROYED PREMIER COXPEHHIXG , AT BELFAST TODAV lllr AMoclitr.l l'rrm In Cnoi lltr Tlmcu.J DUBLIN. May ' K.. Pre mier Asqulth," who has beon In Dublin for'- several days dupnited this morning for llelfast to confer with prom inent men In tho north. Fighting IsSharper Than In the Immediate Vicinity of Verdun FRENCH ATTACK REPULSED Catches Flro While In the Air Fulls Into the Sen Crew Is I,ost and ID, Auocltttd rifta lo Coot nf TIbim.j PAIUS May 1G A dlrlglblo bal loon iwlilch Is reported from Toulon to have fallen Itno tho sea orf the Sardinian coast, belonged to the French navy. An official statement today says the balloon, caught fire from nn unexplained cause whllo fly lug over the Mediterranean Friday. Four of the crow of six are known to bo dead. The fate of tho other two is unknown. CASEMENT IS HITOI TRIAL Supposed ficad of Irish Rebel lion Is Charged With ' High Treason arraign! today (1KEECE AXD EXTEXTE row Kits have agreed.. MnJ Torre In That District Will He Cmtl) I in leaved In Cuiisc- , (piciii'e I)ii.ti!.4 r.-ni lo , TIwk.I SIX ANTONIO. Tetas. May If.. tormslion Imlliatlng a plan for tho Mimptlon of lalds across tho Into-- usIomI lliio near Hrownsvllle, ihl army licailipiarters here nnd 'El. It Is expected, ciuso a itinsldor- i'b itreriKtlienliig of the force now MMlIng that illstilct. Official reports Rave no nddltlonnl iof artlvitics of armed Mexicans ?flle I'roKrcso but their presence Nasn line with reports made JboUi agents of the department of M ami the apt nts or the stnto Wtment. IfIC l-'runk Torraco of King county, Wush., eutertuluod the nudieuco utj the MiiBonlc opera hpiisn nn the sub M't or good rendu Saturday evening nftor tho Peck-Kendall political de-l hate. ' It was about 0(30. o'clock boforo Mr. Terrace was Introduced. Charloa Hall who acted as (Jmlrnmn of (ho meeting stated that ho was one of tho best authorities on good roads and had spoken nn tho subject nil, ovor tlio country. This was ouo of the meetings of n L I I . AVI 1 T .) Aao Ultl I'rrM (n ('o Utf Tlmra.) LONDON, MJty lfi. Th'o foreign office, liiinounccd to day that the outstanding differences between Orecco and the entente powers were settled amicably with tho result that there would bo no violation of4the neutrali ty of O recce. Are Driven Hack When Advance Is Attempted at Headman's Hill Aiistrlaus Claim to Have Held Mail; an Italian Attack (lljr Ai.oflalr.1 I'rrm to Coon liar Tlmrt.l 1X)ND0N, May lfi. A sharper fighting is In progress In other sec tors of tho western front than in tho Verdun region. Berlin says the Hrlt Ish hnvo beon attacking the German lines near Hulluch, Franco, In an effort to recapture trenches recently taken by tho Germans thoro, hut nil tholr attempts were ropulseif. Artillery Active Paris reports brisk artillery action by both sides In Champaign. In the Verdun regon tlio French failed In attacks near Deadmnu's Hill and Cal- llottn wood. Italians ItopulHcd Vienna announces the reptilso of Italian attacks on the north slope of Monte San Mlchole. USING ARTILLERY c HKPOKT IlO.MItAHDMEXT MACEDOXIAX VHOXTIKIt OX With Him As Defendant Court Is D. J. Bailey, Pri vate Soldier In Wws Comes from Sulonlkl nnd States that Thero Is Xo In fantry Fighting Or Auoeltlxt rrru to Ooot Da? Ttmu.) PAIUS, May 15. Heavy artillery firing along tho Macedonian frontier Is reported by the Iluvas ocrres poudent at Sulonlkl. Thoro Is no Infantry flouting. WAITING 0 WILL I E SPEECH .IOIIX MAItlXKS Wllih IIA.NDI.i: MAT TICKS AT SAXTO DOMIXdO MAKE T SALE Americans Are on Shore to Deal With tho Itmoliitlon Xo Hostilities Vet llr A.wlilM I'rrM to Coo llr Tlmn.J WASIIINOTON, I). C. May Ki. nmnaluM. which Mr. Terrace has beon I Tl' nR of o'o American ma- making through tho county In tho In- ,,,nPH lU 8an, nomlniso City to deal terest of tho road bonds. Ho told wltl tho 'evolution led by Oonorn! of Boiuo of tho road conditions that Arias, minister of war against former, logging equipment to tho Philip ho found In Coos county. He also1 President Jlmlnez, wis'roported to-j i)ehnor compnny, of North llcnd. told of what had been done In lils!""' "' ,leur AUinnai capeuon. ho William Vaughn, ono of the part M'DOXM.D AXD VAUOHX IMS POSE OF khaki: OF CAMP W. WESCOTT WIMj XOM IXATE WIUSOX Pint Logging Equipment Coos to Hiieliner Coinpany In .lime May Do (Inn logglug, Ilcllef McDonald and Vaughn within tho next :ir. days will ju all probability turn ovor part of their Illuo Uldgo county In Washington and of tho vnstj far no hostilities nro reported. E IS OPENED Alliums PltEPAltl WMT.VTIOV; IT(IIICA(J0 P" H. lie) nold, National Seeietary, Hit 0K'ned lloaihpmiters v .Meet .lime 7 ' Hi iuwliin rri to i r, TlmM,l tWCARO. m.u i-. i...o0 ii k ' lltUIIUP ' ftioMs. seiu-t.irv oi the republican """M COnuilltUi .illlv.w) (nrlnv M ""' I ,(111111 nun Cii r. ommu,u' 'i'adiiuartoisjmontH weTO r "eCohsouni , ,e the convention! faulty of to "w June 7. ndvantages Hint the farmers had do-J rived tliYough good roads. Mr. Torraco innda tho statement! that good roads made up tho most lm- portnnt question before tho Amorlcniij ii.mi.ln tfiilnv. "l.'vnrvllilni? wo eat.i (IKXEItAli drink or wonr," lie said, "dopends either directly or Indirectly on good FOK i ronds." Mr. Torraco said that ho had found some very bad r'oadB In Cops couutv Ho gnvo soino facts and figures to show Hint In some cases the actual financial benefits In ono yenr would be more to (ho fnrmors than tho Is suance, of bonds would ever cost them, .Mr. Terrace made his talk In a plain and clear manner. Ills state- direct and he has the ulty of tolling n good douj turn is of Interest. SCOTT .BACK HOME iters, tills morning said tills asser tion Is coriect. Ho said that Juno 10 Is the date on which his com pany expects to finish woTk at Illuo Kldgo. No price is mentioned in tho KKTTKXS KllO.1l THE, transaction. The equipment, c- 111 D fliv ..... . '" m.Uli j hdht IX THE 'UI.I ( SE E'UMllMs ,i i ... n...... !.... . " i iih-iii lll'llllll t,u"!-i)The) Msi D..llii.ini. rinther "'"XI.IMrr,v rANOHU's rtu Day ADDRESS ynici u Cuoi Hr TIium.) t.. 15 Tho jury U r i . It "i u was uiu-.ie to agreo nnd fc ,0 l talied ,trt i0i.rt. Tho KWMiua.1 ..... . . . fy. u,,l sent nacK wont for - iu I'uniiiin., ,,., .iim .!.. i'. iiruutiiiiiiiiiict 'contiti'i,. rfCoa.8r,.00f(1 phono7o Ton c... &. '-"o of the mz, "'":::.. s uaui .. . '"", "" tonus. "'"i i n, OWii'i' K Ul,,IJ' Hontlst, 201 1WJ. Phone ii" j. finest city, I. S. .IOIIX l. HOCKEFELLEH .lit. AXD (!EX. WOOD SPEAK Assistant Sonctnry of Xavy Koose- elt ANo on Prorf.-iini at National Meeting inr AmoUU4 rn to Cao Vtj TIoomJ CLEVELAND. O.. May 15. John D. Itockofoller Jr. Major Gen oral Wood and Assistant Secretary of tho Navy Iloosevelt wore speak ers at the today's sessions ot the International Y. M. O. A. conven tion, llookefeller told of tho wel fare work being done In tho mines of Colorado. cording to men who know, is said to ho In' good shapn and to be worth In the thousaud3 of dollars. From this sale It Is Judged that hereafter Hie Huehnor company will do a sharo of Its own logging. IU AwocUtfj. rre to Coo. nr Tlran.j will Xot Alter Camps WASIIINOTON, D. C. May 15. Mr. Vaughn stated that the trans Major General Scott, who returned: action has no bearing ct all on the today fiom tho border conferences . McDonald and Vaughn camp nt ItOKDKK COXFEKEXCKS Hopeful of Satisfactory Settlement in Spite of Kurt no Agreement Was Konehed PrcMdeiit Invite Xwv .lersey Mini to Make the AiIiIivhs nt Dem ocratic Convention tllr AiMtUlM rrru lo Coot Dtr TIom.1 WASHINGTON, I). C. May IB. President Wilson has asUeil John W. Wescott, attorney general of Now Jersey, who made n speoch iiomluatlug him at tho Baltimore convention, to make the nominating speech at St. Loul.i. Wescott has accepted. DASH INTO MEXICO KOK IJAXDITS IS CHECKED KelnforcemeiitN Xewled Hy Expedition lloforo It In Possible to Push Further On Or AnorltloJ rrM lo Coot rur Tlml MARATHON, Texas, May IT.. Tlio expedition In searoli of tho bandits who committed tho Glenn Springs outrage hits checked Its dash into Mexico and Is nan- awaiting reinforce ments boforo pushing on, according to roports received here today. A mossngo has been sent to Fun ston by Colonol Sibley, commanding the Fourteenth Cavalry, asking Tor aid. Military observers here point out that Major Langliornn and his flying squadron of tho Eighth Cavalry Is now porhnps two hundred inllej beyond tho bnso without sufficient troops to protect the Hue of cnmmunl cations. EXPLOSION FATAL Font KILLED WIIEX POWDEU PLAXT HLOWS UP Accident Occurs In Factory of pout Company In New Jersey Dii- LATE KEPOKTS KAY TEX . . MEX .HAY HE DEAD with General Obrogon Is hopeful for the situation despite the fact that Sumner or the camp at Heaver Hill. The Blue Itldgo camp was stalled tho conferences lesulted In no formnlj In 1U00 by the Slinjuon Lunihor agreement for Hie cooperative action. Ha conferred with linker but inatlo no formal report. Xo Stops. Taken Scot will see Secretary iLanslng tomorrow and meanwhile no steps will bo taken to reopen diplomatic relations for a formal ni?roement with Cnr'ranzn. Pendjng -ratification 'agreement. Carrarua troops, are being moved northward Irlditlio bandit ridden por tions of Mexico. (iiuildfng tho Lino Tho American mpedltlonnry forco under Pershing is being withdrawn into, strong groups on tho line of communication, whero It will nwalt the outcome of Obrogon's efforts to clean up-tho territory to tho south. KIU'PPS IXCHEASE CAPITAL KOK KENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms, close In and reasonable. GOTi First nnd lllrch. kou isAi.i-: ny r- "00 Address iCS Ulgliland. lllr AwofUloJ J'reM to Cooo IUr TlmM.J VIENNA. May l 15. The okoda works, tho Krupps of Austr'a-Huugary have do cided to Increaso their cap ital by fGTiO.OOO to $9. 0Q0.0OO. compnny. Hi 1 o 7 McDonald and Vaughn took over tho camp and havo operated it, for Jibout nine yenrs. It now employs vloso to 100 men. There remains but little timber in tho vicinity of Illuo Kldgo, It Is said, with tho exceptions ot several fine sections of timber included In the 0. and C. land grant, now in volved in litigation. Tho Huehner Lumbor company bought from the Simpson Interests thousands of acres of Coos Rlwi lands. It Is expected the logging equipment will uid in logging these holding?. Ill, AtuxUleJ I'mi lo Coot Dr Tim.. GIHBSTOWN, May 10. The rescuers bellevo as many us ten aro killed. The sup erintendent and a3slstant are among the killed. MEET TOMORROW Prohibitionists Will Hold u County Convention rDf aimUI4 TTMi w moo ur TlmM.1 GIHHS TOWN, N. J., May 15. Four or more men were killed nnd a dozen Injured in an explosion to day iu the llapauno plaut pt the Dupout Powdor Company. KILL VILLA LEADER J CLIO CARDENAS IS SLAIN BY AMERICAN' SOLIDERS With Two Other Bandits Ho MtvtH Death In Skirmish Yesterday (Br AuuxUt Frrv to Coo D, TIum.) LAKE ITASCATE, May 15. (Wlroles3 to Columbus) Three The Prohibitionists of Coos county i bandits, Including Julio Cardenas, a Villa leader, were killed in a skirmish with an American detach ment, 20 miles east of here yesterday. will hold a convention tomorrow at 2:30 p. m. at tho Methodist cliuroh in Marshfteld, Delegates to the state convention will be chosen nnd other business transacted. George Carr, n leader of Portland, will bo present. Dr. I. C. Vnugfian. Dentin, Room Iti, First National Bunk builiMBg KOR KENT 7 acre ranch, 2JJ miles from Marshfleld. Berries ami chickens. Good house, mod ern mprovement3, Phone 108-R. GET II REPRIEVE VILLA MEX (JRAXTED TWENTY OXE DAY'S DELAY Seven Mexicans I'nder Sentence Bo Hanged tw Columbus Raid to Dr AikkI.I.! IT.m to Cou 04, Tiojh.) SANTA FE, May 15. Governor McDonald today granted a 21 day reprieve to tho soven Vllllsta ban dits sentenced to bo hanged at Doming, May JO, for their part in tho ruld on Columbus. REBEL FLAG DISPLAYED Sir Roger Hnillos When He Amvi It and IKh'Iiitch Thai Halloy Is In nocent Ileal Trial M'l'l Cmo In Higher Court nr AM(,fl'M Vt m rtr TimM.l 1X)ND0N. May 15. Sir Jtogor Casement, supposed head nnd prlnio Instigator or the Sinn Fein rebellion In Ireland, was arraigned In tho po ke court today and chnrged with high treason. Tho few iiectators rwljo were pormltod to enter tho famous old Bow Street ipollco court won considerably surprised nvhon the second prisoner wits placed bevld Casement In the dock. So'dlor Ts Charged This tnnn was Daniel Julian Halm, a private soldier, whoso homo Is at Wembley, a villlugo near London. Ho Is Jointly charged with Casement with high treason. In opening tlio rasa for the crown, thu nttornoy gen eral charged Hint Casemont conduct ed n systomatc campaign among the Irish prisoners In Germany with tt purpose, of seducing thorn from s leglaucn. Bailey, ho nald, was in duced In this manner. Hearing PifHmlniiry Thq police court heuring Is morolr prellmliinry to tho real trial which will take" place later before a panej of Judges of the lilgh court of Jui tlco. Sir Frederick Smith told the story of Casement's allegod machlnutlons In Berlin wllh dutallH of his trip by Htibmnrlno to Tralee, whero he landed with Bailey and u third man named MoutofUi, mho Is still at largo. Displays Itohol Flng Uo.alHo told of Bonding n ship with 20,000 rifles from Germany to Tralee and how this ship waB sunk and the crew captured. Tho attorney genernl here Intro duced a dramatic touch by display ing a green rebel Hag which he said Casement brought from Germany to Ireland. Tho prisoner glanced ut tho flag and smiled. Ra'N Bailey Innocent Aft r formal evidouco had been Riv en by the police, CuBoment arose and said: "Well, thut man (pointing to nalley) Is Innocent. I think the In dictment Is wrongly drawn against him." I'v Prisoner Joined Tho first witness was John Rob inson, of Belfast, who was ono ot tho prisoners taken to Germany nnd recently released. Ho suld of 4,000 Irish prisoners gathered nt Ltmburg STILL DISCUSSING THE BRAXDEIS CAKE. B; Auocltt Vina Iu Coot IUr TlniM WASHINGTON, I). C, May 15, The Brandols nom ination Is again under ills ciuslon today by the senate Judiciary committee In executive session. A re port is current that tho committee decided to report the nomination without recommendation. 4 ! to hear Casement's exhortations for them to Join an Irish brlgado to fight England, bolweon fifty and sixty JolfXd. Casement Is Hissed According to the testimony ot Dan iel O'hrlen, another Irish prisoner who was at Llmburg during Case ment's visit and who afterwards was exchanged, Casement was hissed and hooted out of the Llmburg camp. Some members of tlio Munster regi ment struck him and several prison ers, Including O'Brien were punished for It. their rations being cut clown. .MANY EXPECTED Fellowship Club to Have Banquet Tomorrow Evening The Fellowship Club good roads banquet is to be held at the Christian church next door to the Myrtle Arms tomorrow evening. It was announced today HORSES ARE BCARCU CamelH Aro Used lnj.')ielr Place la Englund Br AuorUt4 frox lo root Br Tla.M.1 LONDOM May 15. Owing to the scarcity of horses in Sheffield, a big Tho first Intention was to hold It marcantllo establishment hit upon the in the Guild hall, but so many tickets' scheme of yoking two camels und an have already been sold It becomes elephant to a dray and found th necessary to secure larger quarters. experiment so successful that the out Ladles of tho Christian church hnvC'fit is a fixture on the city's streets, charge of tho banquet. ITho animals Jog along easily with a John Yeon nnd Rufus olman, or, load of ten tons doing the wcrk of Portland, are expected to be amongl eight horses, tho speakers. ' A iiJtJ4 iifclljk.'