The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 13, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    V- f"WI
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the r;oos bay times, marshfield, oregom, Saturday, may 13, ioig. evening edition
i An Open Letter to the Voters
Short Skirts Call For
w 1ML
Trim Feet
r" I
ill,' 1
v- - !
" -
A" ' 'd
' k
I'uxlilon has decreed hliortoi'
hklrlH, making it iicccvsnty to ill ess
tlio root moio riucfiilly than over.
When you Mi'iir
you need give no further thought
to jour feet you know they look
shapely mill iuoiIMi and in eon;,
pleto harmony with the rent of jour
.Made In a vldo variety of cor
rect models In all thu newest
leathers and colors.
Widths AA to E $3 50 to $5.50
In the large cities $1.00 to $3.50 More
Hub Dry Goods Company
Corner Broadway and Central Arcnuo.
Phono .'till.
(Continued Erom Pago Thrco) I
r i-rn-'C
( ITV lOR JjIH,0(lO
.lo!. n V.. 1'ileo and Co., Bond lluy-er.-t.
Ilcldhig Option, Mako
offer to ray i-it Xigiu
Matshf.old and Noitii Ilond woro
offeied the holdings of tlio Coo3 i
liny Water coiiipuny for $iu,uuu,
at tin liifoniiiil mooting or tlio city
eotine'l lnit ovcnliiK. Tlio offer
wits mudo hy II. I.. Boyd, represent
ing tho lionil firm of John K. Priro
nnd company, of Seattle. This
conipany now Iiaa an option on tlio
plant nt this pricu nnd, according
to tho Htatoinent of their represen
tative. Is Interested only In tho buy
ing of tlio bonds which would sub
soiitioiitly have to bo Issued.
Inasmuch as tho meeting waa an
Informal one, no action wnB takon.
A majority of tho city council ex
pressed tho opinion It might bo hot
ter for M.irshflold to own Its distrib
uting system, tlio plant and soitrco
of water supply and to soil wntor to
North Ilond, and have tho latter
city take over Its own distributing
system. Tho question Is coining up
for d'sriiuslon, In all probability, at
tin meeting of May 22.
Two years ago tho water eom
nanl nlarod n valuation of $115,000
1 on the entire plant. An ofTcr nt
til's price wa3 inado to tho two clt-
! ies. Sltica that time, enld Mr. Uoytl,
sonn $50,000 Improvements have
I been added. Tho presont proposi
tion Includes 10 Instend of :ili '&
acres at tho reservoir slto.
Ho outlln-d tho proposition, giv
ing figures. Ho said tho $180,000
would Inelutlo 10 acres of land at
ft Willi II
Absolutely put0
No Alum No
Editor Cood Hay Times-
Please permit ono vt the other hnlf
to state her opinion on the road bond POItTLAXii niit-T
latum Hf fill Mill nrifltllinntu MrR'nti...! in... ' H)
"""- " " " " .......... ii imwi'. .ivmii..
in favor of bonding tho county tho'
ono anncnllim to the writer as bntiiL-
"" iu noe ig k
tho tnoBt potent, Is that tho cost of the "llnrn"n i 1
.. . .... ........ . .. i u 'tvu
llvlnc will bo reduced liv L'lvlii" tlio1 h... ..... l
I " -tnar
farming districts nccoss to tho cities . . . ,
Volumes have been written eoopcra- .,.. .,,. .'
tltfn u.inlfiMiia ntlit nr linllinm.M lnnttltna I
vi.u .,.... .-u -............, ,...t,,,ln;
,.,- election In 1010, larger vote Hn rl!K,,Vffo,,,twno1- dtatrlSStlnS1 w
icny other cand'dato for any Stat- t(,IUH iuuj ti,0 wnt?r rKi,l8 on pony
Ladles iinl Ociitleiiien of tho Kept
I llr n,i Put K"
.. . ... j - - . - - iuiiih uilll lliu Miltri llfilltn t.n i uii
On tlm I'llli dnv of this month a I or District nomlnntion: and my Creek. in well ns two Iota on North
primary nominating election la to be; homo county gave mo nearly twin ! Front street and threo lots In North
.. ... . .. .. r.imii wiiiiini iiiii uiiiiiH inn.
hold, and at th's election three ot n.i many votes as wore glvon any
Kfe cji
I "This option was gotten at our
I . . .. .. i .. .... ,, , I HUH opiiiin was goiion in our
tho flvo Itepiihllcan Candidates will j ot..rr c.uidldato for this nomlii'i-i mv icnost,' atatcd Mr. Iloyd, by
be chosen ns the nominees of tho
Republican Party for the offices of
home of .Mrs. J. C. Stcukel and was, circuit Judgo for tho Second Judicial il"s with It great responsibility and
tlou on any other t'ekct.
way of explanation. "Ileforo coming
liavo ihcen organized to lighten the
burden yot tho high cont of living Is
tho most pressing problem sonfront
Ins tho pcoplo, with every Indication
of becoming more acute, thanks to
the proparcdness crazo sweeping Tbo
country. Any movement Hint will
Increase tho value of tho dollar that
Imu ut ttt full uni t 1 1 f t It unntuu M1
ll tin nu uuivae.u fciim. v nmnio inn n tniv
thirty cents, should bo heartily sup- ." '! "r,aLUi Jlll II
,.r,n,l t.v tl.n wninnn of (V,n !!nvl U,,C0 B.Ba!n "" Ulli
, , . . , i. ca,'iy unil dropped
.flirt fiilmt itnl nl'nrv n.lllf fllll flf Ita r,fc (
""" " "" "- "-- " llln Soil.
i'i:itci:xTA(iKs ok
vst irani
W. L L'
San rranclsco 2;
Los Angclcj .1) u J
19 II t-i
Poll Lake ... n u tf
waKianu ... 16 Jt ,j
i orunnii ... ii) u
A A ... . "H
shrinking value or herself ibo Joorivcd
not of tho luxuries hut tho bare no- jow
Tho other irorci of f:ej,'J
cessltles Indispciislblo to tho conven
ience and comfort of a homo.
If the peoplo's moiioy was flnancoil
onn rrancnco ,, , ni
Portlanil jjj
iianiim anu Urooki, M
..: ... !....; i .,..
Tho off Ico of circuit Judgo car-1 "ere i nan never Known any oi mu . u,()limn u,0 Btlpend entrusted to her
lr 1
Miss Jessie King of Noith Dend
ontcrtalncd the North Ilond Girls'
Club laat Thursday ovonlug nt a
delightful Informal evening of sow
ing and conversation which was
brought to a clovo at a Into hour
with a tempting ropast served by
tho hostess. Those present wcro
tho Mlsass, Marjorio Swcarlugcn,
Mallnda Andoisou, Otellla lloolllng,
Helen l.osh, Anna Heed, Ollvo Phil
lips, Anna Triimnu, and Gcrtrmlo
Tho club will moot again in two
weeks and Mallnda Anderson will
bo tho hostess.
ontei tallied by Mrs. Will Stockcl at
a pleasant afternoon of fumy work
and social conversation, followed la
tor by a dainty ropiiHt. The ladles
prosent woro: Mrs. Hlinor Vineyard,
Mrs. Witty, Mrs., Porcy Poet, .(.-s.
Fred Moore, Mrs. J. C. Stockcl and
Mrs. V. Stcckel. Tho club will give
' a picnic tho first suitable Sunday.
The club will meet at'iiln in two
weeks when Mrs. M. Mcl.nlu will be
the hostess.
.. x. v. ci.un
Owing to tlio Illness or tho Uttlo
daughter of Mrs. Charles Stnuff, tho
mooting or tho A. N. W. Club was
hold with Mrs. Francos Hazard
Thursday instead of with .Mrs.
Stnuff as was aanounced dnrly in
tho woek. Special guest of tho club
was Mrs. Sinclair of Couulllo, liouso
guc3t or Mrs. Alice Hall. Tho homo
Kit tlio hostess was daintily arranged
with roses and other cut flowers.
Tho afternoon was passed in fancy
work and Informal conversation,
followed later by appotlzlug ro
frcshmenU. Tho membors out this
week wero: Mrs. Olivia Kdman,
Mrs. Carl Kvortscn, Mrs. Lily Freld
borg, .Mrs. A. T. Haluos, Mis. Ailco
Hall, Mrs. J. T. llarrlgan, Mrs. Eliz
abeth Hydo, Mrs. Aloxandra Lando,
Mr3. Kato Lando, Mrs. Oeorgo
Murch. Mrs. W. P. Murphy, Mrs.
Mary McKnlght, Mrs. David Nolson,
Mrs. Nancy Noble, Mrs. Hugo Qulst
and Mrs. Annlo Towor.
Tho cluli will meet no.t Thins-
day .nftornoon with Mrs. Tower. I
iisTsii)i: uov.L,xi:i;ifi!oits i
The. Kastsldo Iloynl Neighbors
Club mot Tuesday afternoon at the
U'strkt of this Stato, wlilch la com- difficult duties, and In Coos Conn
wised of tho counties of Denton, ty alouo, fit each of the threo sc3
Ccos, Cil'iy, Douglas, Lane and Liu- slons, tho docket usually contain.)
coin. Tho law piovldes "that ono. not less than two hundred and
of said Judges shall resldo 3outh . fifty cases, many of which Involvo
na fmnnrmlfnll v nK .Ifina Dm iiv'.ir.'irro
n.. III.. uMlinll.l In linl-, &tl,t LaKO J
tt' v nffltilnln I WflH ' I nnllnnd ...
surprised when I mot Mr. Dennett1 kooplnjc thero would be no need of nmi'liannih pJ
l....l. .1 1 f I I .. nn I...1 !., .. I.. .11.1 rnn,ln ' '""' """ '"""1H. hW,
IMU tllliui n) u u u luuiiii iiy n nui uuiiii uiiiiu m i.iim, .......... . . .....
.... .. . .. . . . ' -.' -....w..
'ino onuro couniy woiiiii no eneir-,.
MIfh Kthol Connor presented six
or her pupils In a piano recital this
nftornoon nt ber studio, at the
flroadway hotel and apartments.
j. .5. .
Mcssis. Henrlk (jjordium and
Gerald Hunt wero hosts nt an af
ter concert luncheon last Thiusday
ivonlng at tho coiuorvatory In hon
or or Miss 8ofl Hammer, followed
later In tho evening by dancing.
Tho affair was both informal mid
delightful, the other guests presont
bolng: Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. Kaur
maii, Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Cohan,
Mrs. Wllholmliia GJmlnun, tho
Misses ICd n n LouUo Larson and Ad
iluldo Clarko and Mr. John Llllus.
of tho I'mpMua Ittvor nnd west ut
tho coast range of mountains dur
ing his term of office". Whllo such
Is not the letter of tho law, yot It
Is fair to a3sumo tho spirit of tho
law contemplates that ono of tho
circuit Judges shall ho nominated
and elected from Coos or Curry
Coi'iity, and I know It will appeal to
you as fair that a resident Judgo
should be nominated and elected
fiomnhlH section or tho District
rather than a uon-rc3!dcnt who will
bo forced to clmngo hhi rosldeiico In
the determination or numerous mo
tions nnd demurrers In addition to
tho final hearing of tho easo upmi
Its merits. In addition to work
at all dcslious or soiling. It was
explained that tho Flaungau ostato
wishes to dispone or its stock, how
ever." Tell of Iiii'ihiio
Tho gross Inromo or tho wntor
company In 1015 was $.17,:i;i5.-lG,
ho stated, tho operating expense, in
cluding mnlutonanco nnd taxes.
worn sir. 070. 87. liinvlnir n noi Profit or
within my own district, I huvo, $l 1,2112.58. Tho net Incomo In
been many times called to other I !U I wn.i $18, 715, GO. A dopreclat
counties of tlio Stato to hear and I '" charge waB Included under tho
determine difficult and unpleasant! ox $8n000 rr tho company
i-ipes. in no Instance hnvo I hesl- h8 md0 up an follows: $75,010.59
taled to licar and determine any j to bo tho property of both cities,
enso on account of Its bolng difficult i n I.OSU for tho Marshflold dlstrib-
or unpleasant, but I have tusumed
iitlug system and $50,000 for tho
uvatiui In VnrMi llnnil.
these duties and responsibilities i Mr. Doyd oxplalnod that tho roo.r
snd have glvon eonsclontloiia con-1 on tho North Don' system Is vnliied
order to fjualiry; thoroforo, ono or Hldoratlon or all matters wheh have I "t almost the sanie amount ns tlio
the threo nominees should, in fair
nci-s,, bo selected from this portion
or the District.
I am now serving my flist olectlvo
tent as ono of the circuit Judges for
this District, 'having boon noni'uated
nnd elected in 1010. nnd having re
ceived at both tho primary and gen
eral election, a very largo and com
plimentary 'veto. My duties as Cir
cuit Judgo liavo brou porformod
largely In Coos County, my homo,
where I liavo .lived nonrly all my
llfo time, and I am constrained to
believe that tho people of this conn-
ty who know mo host and havo
k'tewn mo longest, registered tholr
npproval or my official conduct
when they gave mo tin primary
bco'i prosonted to mo. 1 do not
doubt hut that 1 havo lommlttcd
oiuirj, but I huvo glvon to tho poo
ple of this Stato tho host scrvleo
that was within mo. It la for you
lo tny whether I havo so performed
tho dutlos of circuit Judgo nu to
merit your support at tho coming
primary eloctlon.
Owing to tho Tact that my official
dut'oH havo boon such us to rcnihir
It Imposslhlo for mo to mako a per
sonal canvass, I am presontlnt; my
soP to tho voters through this paid
Kojidlng nt 517 First Street, N.
Marshfield, Oregon.
ns Ahl'pIpi
rtirwi uif i iininnvnriiu jiiii iinrnii im i ..
v " 1.W11-W .. if - '" Vnfiin.
homo llmo tho other half niny tnlso PoiltII1Iin. oranl. Scorsluul
a iinnii in managing u.o couniy QUnn, Uonsnn'cro in Sjiw
unuee. i noio ih neeo oi ii, oviuuniiv. m ,j.'fc(;rr
isut tuni iioiiar in wuai wo are in-' m, A..oriit.irticwi.iM
torested-ln Junt now. The writer ( Ni:V YOItK, Mir ll.-lni
knows rronniorsonnl observation that 0w Yorkers lost out to lit
In the Coqulllo Valloy a lnrgo nnan-'ioiilsns In a cloielr conlei'H
tlty or both vogntablos and fruit that j of yestcnlay.
can bo bought on Coos Hay arc fed Tho b'.r, league iforw WW
to the stoek. The difficulties of! .Nation! Lm;hi j
trannpoitatlou mako It unprofltahlo At Chicago
to ship thirty miles whllo tho pro- Itoston
dtico wo consume Is shipped four Chicago
hundred miles from Snn FrarHsco j At I'ltlaliuri?
which point is probably ono hundred
Tho produce- or our own farmers
going to tho stock within thirty miles
of tlio market whllo farmers of nnoth-
MF-nnii m mi at a' i
mruniYiHL. onai urminnn imnninim nl.nBn ,.... ..
...............! LIU MS KK DRK fl K KMW
Mr. and Mrs. Claronco K. Ash nre l lllll II I UIIIH UU y UilLL UUI1IIU
spending tho week end at J. T
Draud'u summer homo nt Ten MiU
Mrs. Harriott Kellogg and her
mother, Mrs. A. W. Sllsby aro ex
pected In on tho afternoon train ftom
Ashland, Oio.
miles from whom It Is raised.
local ono Is that Included In tho ,,.,,, ,,,, vohmm 0P tie 0n-
Piping necessary to leach North! orgy and thrirt of Coos couniy
Ilond. lie said this should not bo
vsed hero, hence Is not charged up
to tin local system.
Vii ( luiiirn fin l.'iini'liUi!
"And nt this flguro or $180,000,", cr slalo ship tho product wo oat ono
.Mr. Iloyd ront'iiued, "no chargo Is hundred miles to coiiimlssloii hoiisos
niado for tho fiancliliio or HI years, to ,)0 rcshlpped four hundred miles
ut'll In Mar3hfluld and almost air, ...
Indorinlto tlmo In North Ilond. If i to our rltlC8,
tho elty undortook to cmdnmn tho, If tho bond Issuo gives ub facilities
tho plant. theso would havo to ror reeding oursolvos It will bo worth
ho taken Into consideration.' I ...i.i0
Ho wbb extrcmoly dcslroiiB tho Wl"0,
measuro ho placed bororo tho proph; No bolter rrult nnd vegetables can
ror an oxprcsslou or tholr opinion.! bo rnl oil thnn In tho Coqulllo Vnllny
This would mean a apoclal eloctlon, I ,, u rn, ,, rn,B0(, j,lfit nH cimaplv
mm nuuiu ii'.- iiucuanui y uuiuru liuiiun
could ho authorized.
ir tho bonds are passed they Mil
ho offered at public salo to tho high
est and htst bidder
New York
At St. Louis
Philadelphia . .......
St. Louis
At Cincinnati
Drooklyn, Cincinnati, nil
.Oirrlran I;m
A Viv VnrV
Chlrngn ii
Now York 'Ii
At riilladclpli'a
Detroit t
Philadelphia ....
At Washington
St. Louis "i
Wnaltlnrrtntl ,.in'.
At IloMon
tlioro ns at any place on tho Pncirlc ciovolaud
const. Olvo tho farmors of that sec- ijoston
.,.. . ,.. i .1.. in
iion an uiipuriiiiiiiy aim iuuj in.
dollvor tho goods minus commission llinTILNS TO I'. &
. in Eyes
For tho benefit or thoso who
have any trace of eye-troubio
and aro afraid to hnvo their
oyes examined on account of
"drops," I will stato that I
do not use any kind of drops
in my examination yet I scien
tifically i,i3tenniiio nil difects
mid grind proper lenses to fit.
KKYPTOK (ono piece) niFOC
ALS $10.00 to $15.00.
The Exclusive
The younger daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Stauff Is recov
ering from a (.ovoro sick jpoll.
I Mrs. Walter Sinclair of Conullln
attondod the Choral Club concert
Thursday evening and while In
Marshriold was tho guest of Mrs
Alice Hall.
(JUch Vleiih as to Which Would .Mako
tho Cominlsisoiier for
("mu Coilliti'
iiouhiiwiki: to no caxxixo
If his company happened not to
bo tho successful bidder for tho
i bonds. Mr. Ilovd said a eharuo of
i ono porrout would bo mudo. this fori
paying tho cost of printing tho.assumo a $50,000 nhllcat'on for
bonds, $250 to $1100, also $1,000 to tho'r own dlstriihiitlng svstom.
fi.-'uu tor nuornoys roos. and bo-
twoon $200 and $.'!00 to pay tho ae-i talk
Canned Goods Going t'p So Aro
Soap.s 'Iho Mud Ih Xot In
Sight anil War Illumed
Ladles, its going to bo m'ghty
expensive to do aa much caii'ilng
A Labor Convention will bo held
Tho Times Is in rooelpt of tho fol
loglng comumnlcitlon:
Co(iillle, Oregon May 12, 1910.
Editor Coos Day Times:
I have read tho dlfforost arjilcs
aniioiU'liiK in your naner. In eo:moc-:
Hon With the contost for C.i tyj l,,,s bJ as you did last. Sugar
Commissioner between Mr. J. T. Hnr-'has gone up, Is going up mid the
rlgnn and Archlo Phillips. Inas-jond is not In s'ght. S. R. Robln-
iiiiivu im ii in u mu llliurusia Ul Willi ,, ..mriicniiflnr. I !,,, .11,. ., ,,,l'. "'" ".. j'u- ikmici
county to nominate the very best man l?n' ,0"ru60l,tl,'f Hawaiian and hna North on(1 would 8Kreo ,0 0 llnlon.
for this orrico, In view or tho Tact that I """'""""" m,b'" "U"'0'B. u'u
theio reems to be some controversy!11 fow (luys "8 all(l added another
At tho conclusion of Mr. Doyd's' ,,,'., villoughbs kfl ?
Ik Mayor Copplo said "Tho qiioa- ra , ci,,,eM B0enW
,n wild mn la ,l. l I, ,.r. nr nnl vn ' '" l"v u "" '. . . i. if.. irJ J
Legal AdiNr In l1inIBf'
in. Aui-littd rT'"'!,'
' ' . irfflta
PRKINO. May u-wr:
no u iiih rompuny miys ino uonus. i i rie light systom nnd aro now woriiing, "",, I'nlvcnltr Fatwv.r
Ho explained tlila l a customary, oi, that. I think thcro Is inoro profit (Jm "hby was fwr" 7
ihergo. Olympla, Wash., Just paid u for tho city." I , ,, , ni 1
$112,000 for ItH water systom and ''orto u,t; 4
nllnU'rtil 41 KlWl fni llinun nvnnncma
Duyt'i- ami Seller Together M'o favoiod putting tho $115,- ..,, TtiC Ml
"Opr himlnoss Is to bring tho' " proposition bororo tho MILLER 0 incl
buyer and tho sellor together. Ybu'peoplo and that possibly tho nicfrift AltOrnM "
could novor get this plant any Mino reasons wlilch governed his pin 0r Dial ii ul " M
enoapor ". sitlon at that tlmo would appi m wnini
"if you wanted, Murshriold could Hit present quostlon. Ho folt ho rlltl ,ut .May I0t-
assumo'for $1:10,000 plant and lo-' aho'ild glvo further thought to the .... wUi UK Elul
cal dlbtrubutlng system nnd por- mntter before oxprosslng a doflnltoj (pa((j jtdrl
I1H in U'linlllnn ni. nnl 1 Plilllliiu Inllinnil, ft.-, ftli.. ..inM I .irti.n -.!... M...l.ln
u w ....u...u. ... w. ..... . .,,i,,(.n ,o uuw... .v HIV wici iiuiuuiillln uuuuivn
u taxpayer. 1 have doomed It neces-l nt Hm ninnnio ,vnnt i,.n..u"
,on Wednesday evening, May 17th sary to mako a porsonal Investigation; Ho ,,, ,.. ,,.iof ,,.,., . ,,.
at 7:30 p. in. sl.arp in tho Long-' nnd asceitaln If tho statements as Uo, , " br,f' t,,U ll df
3110!!!' Hall. North Front Street ! mniin m tlm Rrnmi .-i-MPina ,m "lllul for i'lr la greater than It
Marshflold. for tho purposo of on-i based on facts. I find that the rec-in,,s V,J" l)UtJ before, nppatortly,,
K ' AH
I dorsing candidates for the prlmar- nr,i ,. tii ,.nnr i,nn ,in ui,n...
.Ies. All wage earners, whether) thnt Mr, VMUivH s tnxlmycr alu,
itit.'i( iiuiimoio ui iiutf ii u i (itiU3i,
ed to attend
A. Landles, Secretary
TOM .TAMES. Aat., Ocean Dock
j has not paid taxes In tho county fo
several years. No proporty appear
In his name on tho tax rolls and so
far as I can ascertain ho has made
j no payments to the Sherlfr's oMce
for taxes on any property owned b.
i him. I am therefore Inclined to lio-
Itave thnt the statements mado hy
i "A Taxpayer" wherein lie declares
that Mr. Phillips Is not a taxpayer,
I aro truni In which event we certainly
nid the big orders are rolling In,
tl us nobbling up the supply with
an fxcom of domand.
Ann this la not tho cud or the
trouble. The war is blamed be-'
causa tho pr co or peanut butter hasl
gone irom nine, 10 ii cents a
pound: ernnod milks nro Jump ng
away high; so ar3 canned beans
and all sudi things.
Its going to cost more to keep
lie h.-'s a tine new WInton S..
Will go day or night am where. New
, phono number I l-L. Dlanco Hotel
Good srleo. Roa-nnnblo rates
I Residence Phone, 2-S-.I
aro noi jusuiieu m voung lor nun. teloan. The prlco of 3oaps Is In-M-.
J. T. llarrlgan I rind Is quite nl cloaB:n!fi Co , ()l , d
heavy taxpayer and as such Is natur-,. . ......
nllv Intorested In the proper expend- to n eMel,t ,n tl,or PP
Ituro of our county funds. Therefore.; tlon- ' !' 1(6t 18 months the
I believe iwe should take a sufficient, pi Ice of this oil has soared 110 per-
intorest in tne matter to bivo iir. cont. Tho war Is hold to answer.
liarngan our support aim shu to u
fill buslnesa man. a heavy taxpiyer
a man of lound business Judgmont,
and is unquestionably well quail
noil to assist in handling the Imsl-
that wo are given valuo received In
the futuro conduct of tho county
The voters of tho Coqulllo Valley
ruilizo Hint this office sliould ho
- ----- -- - - -- i j . ,
given to the Day. hut alse feel thnt ls auairs oi mis I'ouun
n heloctlnu: a man for this orfbo - A TAXPVYER
the voters from your locality should
giv (areful onldoratlon to the lfjW Qncf Urih Fffip'lPnr'V
quallfhatlons of the several candl- UU ' l'"J TIMco uiKit PReV
i dates. Mr. llarrlgan Is a success-COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS
At Marshfield Race Track
May 1 4, at 2 P. M