THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1916. EVENING EDITION SIX TOPHWWMI g Hear Frank Terrace of King Co., 5h ?S?5 GE7 MasonicOperaHouse The Ladies are Especially Invited a r"N& Ki Washington, an orator ot National reputation Tii. VWVVW yaR fi& S & 1 Wi f If 7 YJi tUJ I CiW m Big Rally at Lakeside Sunday. Haynes Inlet School Sunday Night Allegany Hall Monday Night wMMsmmmmmsm XOTK i: OK SAM-: OK UKAIi IK01. HltTV MUt DKMXQl'KNT S'l'K K KT ASS KSSM l-JXTS : Notlco Is lioroby given Unit acting by virtue of ti warrant duly Issued by tlio Recorder of tho City ot Marsh fluid, Coos County, Oregon, by ordor of tlio Common Council of ouid City, (luted tho 20th day of .March, 11) 10. to mo directed, ruiulriug mu, an Mondial or nalit city to forthwith levy tipcn tho.lot or lotH or parts thoreof or tracts of laud upon which itum.'HH .iiioul waii iiiiulo undor and purmiunt to Ordinance- Xo. (i(M of said city for itho Improvement of Tenth Street North from tho south line of I'urlc Av cnuo and tlio westerly line of Highlit Terrace Street to Hie north lino of Hemlock Avonuo, In tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County, Orogon, and which assessment then rumalued un paid and to soil tho sanio In tho mnnnor provided by 1; w, which said property Is In mild warrant and here lnnftor described, I have, in pursu unco of said warrant, lovlod upon and will on the :11st day of May, 191 G, nt nine o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, at tho Common Council Chamhor door of said City, lining In tho City Hall, Front Street North or said city offor for sale and Roll at Public au ction to tho highest bidder for call, each of tho following doscrlbod lota to-wlt: Lot 1H, block in, assessment ?lC:i.8t; Lot 10, Block Ifi, nssoflB Hossmont in 1.02, nil of said abovo described ot being situated In I'er- gsamBBBBBBm 'i iiimwy i rs . 111 ' 3 I sZtHTMKS. lZ-MST) 'M-H & rMWTk T MrT JWi II jSRn&sEks. rJi a Li-ni i MWEr WiP5& Iinm Talk Addition to tho City of Murnhricld, according to the plat thereof on file and p( record In the; offlco of tho County Clerk of Cootii County, Oregon, nnd assessed to thoj Southern Oregon Company, also thoi following described lots assessed to K. (I. rorhaiu and situated in Song-I tarkcu's Addition to Murshfluld, nc- coidlng to tho plat thereof on file nnd of recotd In tho office of tho County Clerk of Coos County, Ore gon, to-wlt: Lot 7, lllock X, assess meut $l7.ri!l; Lot 8, lllock S, uhhhhh- nienl $::r..D7; Lot t). lllock 8 uhsosh-; meut $:i7:i.!i.S. Dated at Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, this Huth iluy or April, I!) Hi. .1. CAItTIOIt, Marshal of tho City or Marsh- field, Coon County, Oregon XOTICIJ OK SAM-: OK HK.Ah IMtOI'- intTV kou dklixoukxt STIti:i-:Tt asskss.m i:xts Notlco Is hereby given that acting by virtue of a warrant duly tanned by tlio Recorder of tho City of Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, by ordir of tlio Common Council of said City, dated the 21st day of April, 111 10, to mo directed, re quiring me, as Marshal of said City to foithwlth levy upon the lot or lots or parts thereof or tracts of i laud upon which asioMtueut was made under and pursuant to Or-1 dluanco No. 72 1 of said City forj tho lmprovmont of that portion of i ICIghth Street North from the north ! lino of Central Avonuo West In Hi" tnutlu-rly Hue of Sooiith Tcirin Stiout, In the City of Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, with tho ex ception of Mint portion of said Klght Street North which lies be tween a point feet south of tho noitli lino ot Commercial Ave nue '03t and a point .'12.0 feet south of a line at the north lino of Eighth Torraco Streot drawn at right angles to Klghth Street North, and Which assessment then re mained unpaid and to sell tho same In tho manner piovlded by law, which, said property is In said warrant and hoiolnoflor dojcrlbt-d. I have, In pursuance of said war rant, levied upon and will on the :tlst day of May, lit 10, at nluir o'clock In tlio forenoon of wild day, at the Common Council Chamber door In said City, being In (ho City Hull, l-'rout Street North of said city, offer Tor sale and sell at public auction to the highest bld dei for cash, each of tho following tlosi rlbed lot.i. to-wlt: Lot 1, lllock 27, uscesHinciit $210.75; Lot 2, lllock 27, assesHiuent $28. Oil; all of tho said abovo described lota be ing situated In l'erham Park Addi tion to tho City ot Marshfiold, Coos County, Oregon, according to tlio plat thereof on file and of record In tho office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, and assessed to tlio Southern Orogon Company. Dated at Marshfiold, Cooj Coun ty, Oregon, this 20th day ot April, ID 10. .7. W. CAIITKII. Marshal of the City of Marshfiold Coos County, Oregon. April 2U, May 15, III, 20. 27. ft! Kfl Class 17.50 wmm a&wffia F. A. KILBURN SAILS MAY 15 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. L. (3. rUHIIIXri, Agent Direct sailing to K.I'ltKKA, SAX KKANVISro, SAXTA itAitiiAitA, los ax(ji:li:s, sax mittjo. F. A. KILBURN May 17 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. 8. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADSj Low Cost High Efficiency 0CCAN BEACN AUTO LINE Oorvt .V King. liCiito Mur.shfleld at 7 a. in., nnd returning leaving from Ltnplro nt H n. in. Leave Mundiflcltl nt 1 1 a. in. ami returning leave South Slough at i p. 'm. Leavo Mnrslifleltl at B p. in. nnd returning leave South Slough at 0 p. in. i Abstract ' PorrellnWoAInirt,olTiiu.i S s!ST:!0"c;l,0,ll C03 m R' Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfiold nnd Coqulllo City, Oregon. Ooiirril Agent Kastslilo nnd SciigMm-kcnV Addition! Special attention paid to iiHo.siiieiits nnd pn) ment 0f UiM HKXItV SKNtJSTACKW, M.w! Safety First, Service? I-'IUK. AXI) MAIUXIJ, AUTOMOI5IM5, IIKALTH, ACCIDFM Ml-'l-:, V()UK.MKNH CO.MIMCXSATIO.V A.VI) " ' MAUI MTV IXSl'ltA.VCi: E. I. CHANDLER, Agency. Cokn Hultilliifs - Markl.fleld.0rtp GRAVEL1 W are no prepared to furnish aitAVEL In izj foioUtlu trom pile In our yurd or in carlontl lots, at followlnt prlCM- From pile on ground, 2.v6 per yard. Cartoid luts, taken from can, JJ.00 per ;ui RtaJ Dcpartmaat. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite FosOffice. nm 1M. mflsmssmsm imMmiMmtMm myBHi rtt35v 'JWEJCra BE n v iw Tin in w irA l Ml IH 'II ik National Gas Range Week Jbnas lom ght .)' ..V tin '' ' N ational Gas Rane:e Week CD nds Tonight This week is NATIONAL GAS RANGE WEEK. We offer special reductions on Gas Ranges for -this event SEE THE EXHIBITS NOW. Decide what style range you want and have the dealer make reservation for you. All of the latest and mast up-to-date Gas Ranges are on exhibit. It will pay you to look over the displays whether you are now using a Gas Range or not. The science ot cooking has developed rapidly in the past lew years and we have some interesting literature for distribution. Twenty Per Cent Discount on All Gas Ranges . " Kb Telephone 178 Marshfield, Or. aMTOM! J8r?BBH i iiWi i m linririSBYl m