, ' i i THE 000? CAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1916. EVENING EDITION FIVE r t E Good, firm potatoes, madlum size (Portland stock) per sack $150 Weights ranrje from 105 to 110 pounds per "sack. ' 0 pounds at ....:.--. 75c Come and See Them In Our Window EVERYDAY PRICES KrtimMci, the cn llicnkfust Food, pei- mrl:tK0 ,c j'lncy V.Y.Ma t It.iron, per lb '. '.'.'.', UHc juilcr, t Wunt ) per tno Hi. square '.'.',','. 7r,- nut "" 's ('""0 X" IS'tf . - Un. r;.- ....'.' !-m J) 'I I'' ' ' '"' huge, dozen ILi'ii I'l l',s -' "', K' each UcTj- l.ai Oiindlo i!."0) en"li (jffr-, it-ill.. '" t lnilil.v, :; I in for KfinrniliiT li limls over our (en cent counter ul'ien jott tltrc, J"" Ml" '"' find IiIk b.ngnin.s. We Save You ye CASH (jLIHIWO look i ti: orit mo spkcial nkxt wkkic 0CSEZ3ZSEaBS2EKmmESm&:3n2X2Z3Z2l mijg vfwrsavs0itrrtXT i n panTT'-i ---Tryr- p n I Better, 1 Senric fi? r Tlut Is (lu I'lixls mi uhlih uo r.io itiiikiiii;; The Fluip ami litis mrittu iml aluiii' mine, lint added style, Jiolhldiiullly of design, fuludcni".s of faiii'h', unity of expression. ,1ml llir wide iiuukc eh.ip kiiuxv It. They've learned lliat they find liu ;,!'. iH'M Kitlsfiictlnn in FIXUP CLOTHES As low as sl.!30; up to i$3 e aire slhownaii soinnie es peciallly f uoe lblloe serges all; $1 ,u mailer whin on i- lulling or occupation, nil distinctions am nlM'd iiun.i when ,pii put on u Milt of l-'lxup ( lollies. It's the )li h:it doe' it. It i:ehlevi" for you u suiait, prosx-ioiis i'iMram'e at u .'iigli' Mroke. It innil.s you .as a mini who Ifeps tU' wllh pnigrchs. dill nil us lodiiy. We'll kIiow you the new models. You'll ri'.ihe the sole diffe.-eiii e the uiotiiiit, you sen them. I I'm uoiili kmiUiu about. It's worth Inning. TO ID1 PIVIIO Ji ETKMn' JT il MarrM ieH wmrnr''FriaTy:taigaaa.'Qiizg OYA1 jd TONIGHT j I CLAYTON AMD COMPANY Royal Tonight 5 Acts Piogram 5 AoUs - T BEN WILSON That Funny Svede Faler' wan. Crawford and Joy i 1 A nifly smqinq and talking act O jo ARTHUR RPAW . . A 1 lllln P r TUics ...,.l Tl,n4 """" -i oi i ina nun iiitii i CLAYTO i Presents T! Act. DRAMATIC i Wclf" in CO. CUYTOM ANCE" Th lft. I HE SEMLA SE-iof White Maliatma l'I".v,l,l'" lHnr.Hl, Hen sewing room, f India. cr. : you by name, , """'";;' "l,t," '"' ';; "j;; Hilion. ASK HIM HE KNOWS 6 REELS OF PICTURES 6 foe Cats Paw and Weekly' ENTIRE CHANGE T0M0R- CHANGE ROW 15c and 25c " an.,TF0R SHERIFF I Un . ,a '' xvlshea of llio oloc-i W " I "'r'.ea May 1U. 1' "we tir - . ... :.;,.".: ,"... ' ' I Kit V WU3 HWIIlJ i" in ticket. My plat- - " Kf fii loncy and . '"i. t enforcement of i' WILL HAlMvi.OW, ii'tie Point, Oregon. ,"? the I- ,, i DRY WOOD Campbell's Woodyard Aortn 1 rout Street 4 .... .... .... iKiu Dllo 51. Ml, logiiluilon HlU . yi.im ilslt our Money GROCERY 'wifmuim 'reader Clothes v Morrta Beindl CAIjIj OF CITY WAltltANTS All wurrnntH drawn against tho I general fund of the City of Maruh- Yo 5.00 1 field, Coo.i County, Oregon, and en- !dorod by tho City Treasurer pr'or to April nth. 1010. will bo paid upon presentation at my office. In- terost coasofi upon all snld warrants May lntli, 1010. O. W. KAUFMAN City Treasuret i Try Swinituii's For I'lno Station ii ry. o" i'oi: SAI.IC Ono of A. J. O CJ. cows duo to freshen in July. For tlio price asked she will more than twk-o nay for 1,,),8e,l thu 'oar- AlK" ,""",, fluo halfor calves and ye.ir- lln;;s fiom leglstor of merit i-uiiw. Apply to, I". A. S.icchi .O BLANCO tl- rv..l-l!. f....! tlll Dmp me rimnc ourviuu nutui wwv',i.lh Jut lieen tlioroiighly icuoint nl, mill opened to the public Maiih 1010. Some of tliu features il.U iihl liostelry are. fieo sollcited. IMiA.VCO HOTICf JL'27 North Front street Phono 1 1 '. Mnrshfield. Oiegon WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Tiensiirer VOH 'JUANSrUH AND RTOlt.XJH OK HOUSKHOI.D ROOD , 1 KKIfillT AND n.R(4.(ii: (nil FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono Kt:t Itcsldcnro Phono llt-J Market Ave. and Wntorfront DKLv 1 1 I CD THK WKATIIKK KKPOItT OUKUON Fair tonight, frost In tlio southwest nnd heavy frost In the enst. Sun day fair nnd wanner, except noHr tlio coast, Northwesterly winds. LOCAL TKMPKKATL'RK RF.CORD F'lr the 24 hours ending at . M':43 n, m.. .May 1". by DonJ. OstUnd, special government Meteorologist: .Maximum ,yj Minimum 35 At I: l.'l a.' in :is I'reelpllulltin no Precipitation since Sopt. 1, i'. in siiiin Precipitation snuio period li'ht your C.l.Tf! Wind: Northwest, clour. SUNR1SK AXI) SUNSKT Saturday May 1 3. - sun iso at l:3S and sets at 7:1 I. O v O 44.v Obserie Mothers' Hay. Tho mem !ers or tho Christian uhuroh will hold exorcises tomorrow night In observ ance of Molihor'H Day. l-NeivNes Tihiioi-i-Iih. Tho liny Park Sunday ijehool will observe, Mothiv's l)nw tomorrow. Thorn will bo special oveidsoi nt l!:ni) p. in. Is .Vol Whistling. Word from ,Poi tltind slates thut tho Coqulllo' null ftltlim IllUk kOll OfIIIUU g.is and whlstllnif buoy Is re-l 1 not working. It Is sold tin...! river polled tho llKhthousn tondor .Mtuiznnllu will hnvo to como shortly to nmko ropalrs. Is IJusy Place. Front atrnc,) was ti liimi. i.lfwiu It.t., i.i. I..w w .......... , ., , , """"", were hauling tho hot bllumon for tho, HUlfncIng of tho holOH In tllO StIPOt and 11 crow of men was busily cn- KHROtl. Services Toiiiorroiv At tho Swe dish I.uthornn church tomo-row morning nt 1 1 o'clock In Mnrshf'old will bo hold in Swedish nnd a nervlro In Huglish In tho evening at eight o'clock. Tho Sunday school oxorelsos! ar-i In Kngllsh every othor Sunday. Many to Item lies The Weather Man has taken It upon hlmsolf to prodlot tomorrow a good day. Tho roads to the beachoH are In good ihnpo nnd mnm plcnlikors nro plan nlng to spend the day by the sad son waves. Hirdge llroke llown. Thfl droduo Hoavor wnrklinc In llaynes Inlet.1 broke down this morning, dipt. Mon- son of the Messenger snld ho had , &SSSmXKS(Si Py ra K M nmmmmiwt itmusTimuinrmicKmrzn i wimwwwwwtfaam t. in I net 1. a i I Ti Kt yfiCTB TS BJ" M V,VM.,vr H V ' t nun nvitiij m. xtt t"V':virrn't s t - - Wffi?-ff33aLJiH?i I . J --J..W . .CYA W.-TI ML 1M. rf-l JfllTJW. . r? t ,X 1 i FISm I V.fWpjA : , fEKF S P-ApR CIGARETTES W, :l Stop w Wwi?" : i t XvMmAgM ini v?ttk i u mi v rur -f-,wft!.- a..n n 3 tlim 81 MMi Even the pad:--o ;il il Vll 'L 111 II ' ' '4 rd fy I II Pdtlmm were Hip M t t ' O VI '. I II CfJilf ctsirt'iii lo ma -ir.. , -a 5 TIM-: KODAK STOIM-: U i-wnwn-e.tnrx'vn lr -., ' t'l pi 5, Hill thosaluo 13 in tli"C ,ir?''r I ijfl m Jill Tliry'rucoirf'-M'.il-i iijrr. i j . ia ME1 ri r . . 5s lllll onUluncuo. Anil porri-. a-r SJ m Hip fpnFrjil Avo s yffizxjrv"M : 8 cm-1 Km Hi lllll v...- . . v.. ... i ! f DrUS Store 1 HAScns3fev.ttfr l I NOBLE TEEMED I I fJ TONIGHT " j IIKMIY It. WAI.TIIAIX Tlio great tr of the WorI'i. greate-,t p.ctiire. "tllK lllltTII OF A NATION'" in "THK IIAVH.V". lhnu, thiobblug prose.ntition of Poe's gieat poom. Pruduced in livo reel. One of tlio moat soul-stirring photoplays ever sUov i on u screen. I II Mtl.lK ( HAPId.V In his lie.st comedy "A WO.MA.V" two reels run Iiimii beginnhiK to end. "HKAr.sT VITAtJItAPH XUU'S" This Issue is aeoptlonaly In- t.-IVst'it. ANTHONY'S OKI II ICSTHA. W" H j-colw A'l New Pictiiifx. I'sual Prlctis. Lower Floo-, I3e; D.ilcou)', tOe; Cliiidieii, ."i Tomoirow Arte: noon SOI'li: IIXMMKH In Matinee Conrert, st. it ting proiiiptl) at -Cli). Siind.ij NLjit III 1.1,11' III KKi: In "Pl.d(i" ici-U of hn!i plness eer hefou- lias Midi grand proiluctlon been offeictl to the Maishflcld pe i l troublo getting liy tlio crnft at full tido nnd expected to bo stuck tonlgh,1 n mile or hettur fiom his upper land 1MB. Selling; Lumber. The Coos liny Milling company on isthmus In'rt ls disposing of about 20(1,000 foot of donkey engines are needeiMor extend lumber to the North IJend Mill und lng oieratlons. I lo expects those will Lumber Company to use In ho!n rill i be eo;urcd shortly. Also Mr. Powers lng tin 01 dor. May I.iuiieh Veswl. tJt Is possible that one of the voisels which are be - lng built nt tho Krusa & Hanks ship yard will be launched durltm tho Itnllroad carnival, adding another novol feature to tho eeleinrtlcn. (Jet "New Mults. Tho boys of the L'unker Hill baseball loams lir.ve ei" dered now uniforms which will be hero In time for tbom to stait the season in tho local amateur circuit.' The mein'ieis of tlio nlno ato piacth' - I . ......,.. iiiii nvnrv Niiuiiiiv 1 lag every Sunday. Kggs Thirty Cents. IS.-uja rro oe!l- Ing now for thirty cents a dozon In some of tho stoics that is frosh o';gs. A good many eggs aro shipped In here and mo sold nt 2."r p. dey. n hut these aro often found to be of very poor quality. j llody (Joes nM. On tho tuoritlncj v train went tho body of Cieorgc J. An del son. Sr, who died nt Morcy lies nllnl after a lingering Illness, it p' i- going back to Ul'-hmond. Virginia,! his old liome, for hiiilal. (ioopso it. Anderson. a son urcomimulptl Iho lioi'i east and exiifcts to Loi gone about tliivo weeks. ' To Slate School. This ni'irnlng C. S. (launtlett or (lold He-. -I', passed through on his way to Snlom. inklnK(l(tnIIK tinl i, nnrt Mn Wfe ONp0cted Willi him naitllnor uiipiiant. 11 young Ind, who linn beon sentencod to tho stale tnilnlnic school. It was ilnlmed Uwil ho Htoallng had lP-fii mixed in operatloiis around some (lold Ueoeh. ...7...1.. '' " "'rds, I'nlon Tilimr;ili f'i The Western omiiany today is- suod'llttlo i aids oulling attention to tho fact that tomorrow Is Mother.1' Day and suggotted tho sending of nn nffectlonato message to the absent mother. Tho telegraph company stnjos ,i,llt HIU., ,m!Mages will bo delivered B111.l l,tiil.s nimrnnrliitn to tho occasion. Had .Vim-nut Shaw. Hut for the quick work of Dr.Vnuglm last evening "thero might have been a serious col lision at the cornor of Market and . Front streot when tho Wells Fnrgoi wngon bumped Into ills ear. The' doctoc quickly applied tho brakos nnd j tin horse was bnckod off without hardly scratching tlio car. (iets $10 Judgment. Henry Fran son asked $120 of Aithur Mattson for services nlloged to hnvo boon por forinod aboard tho Wnh-Tn-Wnssn. Mattson responded with a counter elnlm of $1110 Tor lio.uil. Tho Jury yostordiy aftornoon loturnnd a vor- diet of $10 for tlio plaintiff. W. A. Ackormnn nppenred for Mnttson and J ml go Sinister, for Franson. Mi OiHmtiviUliJtviilaal Need Ti.fi Doubles A. II. Panels was in this morning from Powers. II said about 80 cats of logs are now being sent from the camps dally. The file damage of two woeki ago has Ijooii pretty well repaired. Two more i ciauneu mere is miicn faxorniilo son llnipt for the road bonds In tho vl ' cl,li,.v "f Powers. Not So Here. They more troubles up In nrn linvltin" Portland, it seems romo ding stores havo boon I Btdllng alcohol In pint quantities to tho pormanent "tipplers," with the rosult that tinyuhnre from soven to nine nmt ten drunks come each mom-, lng Into the poilco court nnd ono man 1,as ,1!e" 'r,,m linking tho atn.T hns died from drinking tho stuTf ' ' "IH c0,,m Mot "lll'len on Coos Hiy.j 1 or in Coos count v becnusu of the - fact that the druggists aro not selling 1 anything but wood alcohol. .Makes d'ood Scirx-lce. The new ex cursion schedule of tho Southern Pa cific, announced yesterday, for the North I.ako run will nllow p'onty of time at the populnr resort fin a Sunday visit. Tho train leaves hero, at fi:.'li) p. in. and makes North Lmic hi an hour and n quarter. Tlio train tomorrow night sttuts up (horo nt s '.... ... ... ,,"',I. '"" nllowing n full tiny at the lake. In fact porsons could leave here on the regular U:2i) train In tlio morning and still havo many hours itim-o rr n.ninfr. ! Writes Fiom Momovla. S. ('. 1 11, h.,,..,, wrltim frr.ni Mnni-ni-ln. fill. 'r."- ....... ............, .-., ,n ,.... ,,.,.,, ..,,.,,.. r,. vuiR to visit their grand daughter. Mrs. . lllirillTH. .Ml. HliKUm miys null nn and his wife have linen simndln n . .. 1I..1 t..I very nlnnaut m Inter and havo been1 rollowlng the home news In Tliej Tlnies. Ho says they havo formed new nnjiiuiliilniinna nf.il lil.ll .1 millllinl- fiT IUIIH1IIIUIII.I a .it... ...v 1 ,, (.......'V. ... old frlonds among thorn Col. (Irlmos and A. I!. I)tl1 anil tliat it scorns par-1 tlcularly good that they can it'iirni to Coos Hay on the llnllrond, will ho home soon. They lc Post Cards at Sunulon's. Z PERSONAL MENTION t Mil. M'UKYNOI.ns, teacher or tho I.ako View school, ennio down this morning on tho McB.cngor. ItOY PF.TKIiSON wns hore shopping lodiy from his homo nt Tomplo ton. i:ilNI-:ST PICTKItSON wn3 down on btisluciis this- morning from liny lies Inlet. MRS. .1. C. M'CTU.OCll. or H.iyuos Inlet, wn.i hero today, shopping. MltS. MIKF. IHTHCII canio back this moriilug from visiting her mothor, Mrs. W. II. Jennings, of llnynos Inlot TOM PICAK was in tho city today from his boniostoad near llaynes Inlet. COLLI Kit HITI-TINRTON. piomlnont attorney of Clold licnnh and ian iHdite for tho officii of district attorney, camo up this morning on legal buslii03s, expecting to return to Haudon tonight. It. A. STKVHNSON, of tho Wostern Knlo'.i LJfo lusiiraiiro company, went out to Kintono this morning after hpondlng savornl days here with it. Yon Slilpnmn, local agent. 1 1). J. KHKSK loft on the morn'ng train ror Itoslyn. Wushlinttou. Thoifl he will visit a couple of weeks with his mother and four .jitters as well ss 'th Will nnd Wultor Sneddon, who nro working then 'u tin. mines. It. J. COTTNKIt loft thlB morning for the Willamette Valley where ho rxpo;ts to contlnua his trade as printer. He has boon on tho bay for sovoral months. WILLIS MAItTIN. of Orovllln. Wash., Is hero for n short visit -r-f nmirw.nMran.'H'.rMTsrsWt i wmsiSw6sMiseBKaEmHiiTr.an MIN-U-ET -TALCUM POWDER tiiij iikst pow dkit thi: iurokst pack(.i: This Is mi liiij-o ted Till eiiiii I'lfUihr silk sifti-d tllioiigli ISO uio-.li liolting. lis uinkiis v. ill pay $10 fo,- a Ix-lloi- Tali uiii In an) .1 l.ie at .my price. Price l!"c THE BdSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono HUH Wo Deliver Immediately WILLAMETTE-PACIFIC TIME SCHEDULE BETWEEN Marshfield and Portland ( (Now Effective) Train No. 1. Train No. 2 Leares Stations Arrives 1.30 a.m. Portland 10:15 p. in. C:10a. m. Ar. Kueeuo I.v, 5-25 p. ra 7:20 a.m. I.v. Kugono Ar. r. t p. in ' 8: 10 a. m. Not! 415p.ni (0:00 a.m. Mnpleton 2:35 p. in j 10.10 a.m. Cuahman (Flor- once) 2-10 p m I 17 a. m. ".0 a m. lo p 111 10 p. m. K. a m 30 p. m. Ada 1 2S p. m i Gardiner 100pm Heedsport 11 0 a m North Lake 10 34 a ni North Hend 0 40 a in on the bay. MRS. LAURA LYSTKU came down ,.m "nrdlner last evening to 1 uwi ilii iiieiius. .RALPH K. MOODY, attorney for . the S. P. In Oregon, nrrlvcd here , ' last evening from Portland on official business. t'-KlCI) MARSHALL, of Heedsport, c.inio down on the last ovening train. - ( FUANK CAP1I1LL, ctimo up on - ' business yesterday fiom I1I3 honi0 ; a ol 1,,clt,j'-. l , partmeiit and .1. 0. Decker, of tho oyeiatlng department of the bouthom Pacific, arrived here last evening, n. V. CAMPHUM., cssistant gon- oral manager or the Southern Pnclflc, and Mrs. Campbell nr rlied heio last evening from Port-i land and Intend returning In the! iMll8i A MANl.:uY was hero last 1 iiiiirmnir. i owning fiom her homo at Pow-, ra. 1 SHI-MIFF ALF JOHNSON went, back to Couullle this morning, taking Hazelnut with him to the 1 county Jail. ' IIAUUY IIUI.TMANN went over Into tho Coqulllo Volley this morning to call on tho trade. ' C. It. HAItltOW returned to Co-' qulllo on the morning train, af ter ilslt'ng hero for several days, A. J. SlllCUWOOn returned to Co qulllo this morning. Ho was lulled bote by the Illness of ills wfo who Is visiting with her daughter. Mm. I.. A. Mljoqvlst. SUPHUVISOIt F. A. UOI.DHN was ti passenger to Coqulllo on the morning tialu. 1 OHOUOK Ill.ANCHAItn wont down to Hjiidou this morning for m short v'slt. Ho camo hero from Portland to see his son, Leslie r ml Arthur lllnnchnrd. J. W. I.AIUI) of llrowHtr Valley lias been v. Iting In tlio city. MUltl. FITZPAT1MCK. ono of the old t-nuilovt'8 of tho Pnilth-I'ow- j lu,l,i'itji i" in iiuiii rutti'is ,nr ' H,,ort vacation. mi u riti'iiini (li I. f 1 !,.... K,v"tin, lYeM-riptlon Specialist. 'J J "Tr HOTELS 1 & j: I Chandler Hotel fain Allen, San Francisco; Tracoy Bivoiy, Portland: A. K. Tulley. Wallowa; It. II. Stelnmetz, Port land: Mrs. Laura Lystor, aardluor; j J. F. Morroll Jr.. Portland: L. I Waller. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. C.Miipboll. I'ortlnnd; Itnlph K. AlOOl'V. Pnrll.lllll! f. V.. Swnnann I , . ... ... .,.,. a(uvl., Porthind: J. O. Hcnnett. Portland: II. M. Tull, Paitland; F. O. Fer- guHon, Portlnnd; Mrs. Charlca Ham - Un. llraver lllll; F. F. Knsscll. Honvor lllll; John W. Oodfroy, Run j FtnncUco; Henry Pnrcell, San Fianclsco; F. W. Hennry, Snn Fran cisco; C. S. Unna, Portland; L. F. I.oRnrle. Portland; C. II. McCut ilienn. Snn Francisco; Alf Johnson J Jr., Coqulllo. . St. Laurence Hotel I (Jeorge McCain, Portland; Jerry SIuw, Portlnnd; Fred Marshal, Itoodsport; William Matson, Co-1 qulllo: M. Carlton, Scnttlo; O. Oar- don, Ilnmlou; Frank Cnughlll, (lold ' Uoacli; Albert S. Wymnn, South In lot; J. L. Ildtchkl3s, Powers. Lloyd Hotel Mrs. A. Mandory, North Hcnd;' II. A. Forguson, Coqulllo; Alex Kol-1 y, Powers; .Mrs. II. Witchery, Coal edo; Mrs. Charles Zottcau, Coqulllo; ' L. J. Hodson, Powers! Lester lloto, Ilnndon; II. J. Hourquo, Kdmonton. ' Ilhinro Hotel i Non Folks, Powers; Art Dillard, Illuo Uldge; Harry L. Oroff, Heav er Hill; P. O, OUson. Portland Willis Martin, Orovlllo, Wnsh.; Will lain Thompson, Powers; 11. Drew er, Portland; F. Jncobs, Powers. popriait matlvki: CONCKKT Sofie Hammer ill Costliine llecltul As.isteil by RKItALD HUNT ami ' HKX'lHK'O.IKKDItl'M Vi-lilo Theatre, Sunday, May 1 1, Admission :15 Cents Money at 10 That's what wo bnve got to offer you ns wo claim We uin save you that amount on our genoral line of Haul ware Farm Implements--Stoves It.-ases - House hold war7 etc. Fee us Schroeder (Sb Hildenbrand Hardware and Plumbing I- (.cuern! Itepali- Work A Spec ulty Phone 77 Men?s Suits Suits that are wuitli 0110 third 111010. I.miIj at these stilts ti-j- tlicm 011, mid lie convinced of tlio wonderful mine and the fit Hint j 011 iccelie. Men's Cray Suits, 11 dandy $7.10 .Men's French Mine Serge, Jjtl.'.OH value, our price $0.00 Fancy Plulds, l'lalii (iinys Hi own Mixed $0.00 French Serges, a dandy at $18.00, our price ijllS.no Fancy Tweeds and Novettes Heavy Mine Serge nonhi call able, Front Hand Made Collar, $2'J..0 value, on. price $1-1. j fytoroorattd J ' NEW TODAY 5 ' vim SAI.K Wicker son So. r.th Street. ' Imhy buggy. LOST (.'old watch nnd fob. ltewnrd for Its return to The Times office. FUKNISHKD l-'LAT IjiUO.OO mo. newly tinted. Ith and Contra). Phono 4 43 J. ' nkw'LV PAPKUKD ami painted houses, 4th and Market, Ph. 443J. 'I , WAXTKD Ijuly agent; flavoring extracts; toilet nrtlcles, good prof its. Address Hox CCO, Mtld. FOR SALL Cheap If taken soou, house partly built and 2 lots lu Ilolso Add. See K, II. Ilonacr sou. j : wanted : $ WAXTKD To j cut u tent. Apply T. F. Illllyer, 188 Third St. So. HOMKSTKADS Colvllle Indlnn lloiorvnt'on, Wash,, open for sot tlomont. Drawing July 27th. About r.00,000 ncres. Comploto Map unci Description. Postpaid $1.00, Smith mid MiCreu No. 22 Kaglo Ilhlg. Spoknno Wash. r t FOR RENT I FOK HKNT Furnished iipiirtment ill the O'Connoll HIdg. Phono 113L I'Olt IIKXT Modern fmiiUhtsI apts. irlvate bath, Ireo hcut, water. $7 wcolt, $22.50 month. Myrtle Arms, FOIt IIKXT Modern flvo-rooiu bi'n galow on 1 -tli and Commercial streets, $12.50 per month. Apply Oolng & Harvey. APT. 9I.IMI week; Sl.1.00 wo, Htoadwty Hotel. P. O. HIdg. FOIt IIKXT. j DOOMS, n: to $1.00 Day; J-it; to .V" Week; Iloiihtket'i. j j lng Apts,, $H mo, up. Frc j bath. Llojd Hotel Apts. : FOR SALE I 1'OK SAI.i: Classj Cluul-olet Kond. ster In good order. Run less thrt" C.000 nilli'3. Kxtra equipment. 71'J S. 4tli Streot. ; . I OR SALF Mure, very gentle, work anywhere, $27.50. Call Times offlcq. I'Olt SALK I'lve loom modern lions", including bathroom flx tmes and sink, $300, If moved off the lots. Phono 222X. I'Olt SALIC At once, Kconoiiiy llun Co. Placo full of work. Stay and teach thoroughly. Fine chance for man and ulfo. Uest reasons for selling. BICYCLE TIRES Iluy Them From Us. We Charge Nothing lo Put Them - on Your Whetl MARSHFIELD CYCLERY 'bono DK-.I