V )J r in i.i in m V M I Pouw CQOS BAY TIMES M, C. MAIAJNfiY, Editor and Tub. UAJ K. MALONEY, News Editor Official l'npcr of Coon Count; Official Vaper City of Mnrskflcld. Entered at tho Foatoff lco at Marsh field, Oregon, for transmission through the mails locond-clais mall matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES Ono 7ar ... $6.00 Pnr month 60 An Independent Republican news paper, published every evonlng ox ;opt Sunday, and weekly, by rhp. Tons Itnv Tlinpo PulilUlilnir Co. .MOTIIKK Your friends may ho ninny, Your sweethearts the sumo, And ono may ho truo us luiot'licr; I! lit sweetheart and friend You will find, lii thu end, Aro faithless compared 'with a ' mothor. Your frlonds may revcro you, our swecthonrtB niny love, I. at at times glvo their hearts to nn otlior; Tho sweethenrt and friend, That is yours till thu end, la ono whom tho iingols named "Mothor". Tho years may bring now Iovoj, And comrades i;nloro, ' And ono may bo true as another, But I till the oud, Chooso to atuiuf liy thu friend And the sweetheart 1'vo Imil In a "Mothor." Soloeted dosorts n good cause In which ho embarks, and an Indefatigable worker. A broad minded man. A man among mon. A man who by r.euBon of theso facts has won tho admiration of his fellow men for his ability, learning and Imparthtl character as a judgo. His record and standing nlono should elect him, handB down. Every republican votor should go to tho polls next week determinol to fcliow his appreciation and rp prvnr.l of this splondld record by a vote lor Judgo J. S. Coke. THE G00S BAY TIMES, MAUSHFlELIi, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1916.-EVENING EDITION mSBSEHBBBEBBnm f $ I wo like to got something for our, t WITH THF TPA f. ' lllono'' u l8 tIlls tlcslro to Kot Hnlm," anTUCTnAQT $ , tlilnB for Its money that make tho i AIVU Int I UMo I ! nniiin im imtlnnl slave of rhotorlr (w. j..w ! O" I COOS HAY MYRTLE (From Salem ,OOS DAY has Journal. one tuing for (Jt)OI) EVENING If wo could but learn to v boo the good in mankind In- slcad of evil, dwell upon this good nnd kcop It over boforo ir( It would go a long way to- 4 ward dispelling tho world's boiler In evil. There Is good In ovoryono. Our failure to ! ilnd It shows that wo are not loflectlng the Mind "which ! was also In Christ Jesus." Frank I), lloman. '.MEADOW SIX'ltETS" MOTIIKItH' DAY TO 5 OMORHOW will ho oboorvc.. aB Mothers' Day, tho ono day n tho year set aside to remem- ' bor tho mothers. lie whoso mother Is dead should do something In Iter memory and ho who Is so furtunato ns to have his mothor still living should observe tho day by showing hor somo kindness or remombrnnces. A gift, a lottor, a telegram or any thing to lot her know that sho Is not forgotton. The Idea Is a vory beautiful one and has hcon followad out nil over tho country. In this lo cality tlioro aro ninny who nro nw.iy from their old homes and their moth ers. Many doubtless thoro are whoso mothers do not know whoro thoy aro or whether thoy aro allvo. Even though thoy havo wandorod mid havo carolcssly uoglectcd to kocii In touch with tholr mothor sho will forglvo It nil on rocolvlnj; a nipscngo of lovo on this ono day. Evon though your llfo has beon such that you muy bo trying to loso your Identity, do not fcaij ns your mothor will keop tho sccrot nnd tho pnln sho has suffered becnuso of your nbsenco will bo greatly les soned. No condition of man can ho nuch that ho should hesltnto to sond Cuus hay: nas one ming tor which it Is Indebted to tho Panama exposition, and that is tho sudden boom In Its myrtle wood Industry. Whllo C003 Day myrtlo wns well known to most Oregonlnns It wns a novolty to east erners. It is 0110 of ,tho handsom isf of vnnds. nnd L'lvos iiromtaa of becoming popular for fancy wood-sy IJ"n, '' to """ori-Hp: work and furniture. It does not "You know I lovo you well." split or warp easily, Is of buutitlftil Then IVutteroup with sparkling oyes; "uii yes; 1 Know us inio; And when I feel your cooling kiss, Thai's when I fancy you." lly Matulo I'arlco Strong. llonny Dow and llultereup wore play ing In tho doll. texture and grain, takes a high polish, and Is capable of being worked up Into hundreds of oniu iner.tal things. It a probablo U will In tlmo bo used In placo of blurk walnut for stocking guns and similar work. Ono small fuct'ny now running on It Is forced to re fiiH ordors on account of the mid don demand, which, nu was mud, Im dtiu to the display mado at tho exposition. PECK .'OR RIIPRKSIJNTATIVi: T (From North Uend Harbor) HIS pnper bulloves that tho In terest of tlio greater number will bo protected by support lug Arthur K. Peck for tho legisla ture. We hollcvo he stands for tho best Interests of the common peo ple and his record In professional life an Coos liny convinces us that when measures aro presented for his consideration ho will b0 found on the sldu and fighting for tho measures Intended for tho general protection of tho people as against tho monopolist. Tho Workmous Compensation Act Is ono or tho greatest measures over drafted for tho working man of Oregon nnd thoro will bo a strong fight mado to repeal or to disable tho measure by ninondmonts. Mr. Pock hns shown the pcoplo long ago that ho was for tho mcasuro and Is against Its. ropcnl. Mr. Kendall wo hollovo is n good man, honest In his convic tions, nnd will If elected work hnrd for Coos county. Hut ho not only hns Just como back Into the hopuu llcan party, hut ho Is associated with a law firm which handles tho Innuranco business of companies which oppo30 tho Wor kill ns Com pensation, and It would bo reason able to prosunio that whon According to the number of di vorces granled and applied for re cuutly In ('003 county, It would seen 11 whole lot of people hnvo boon hug glng delusions. (loorgo W. Smith, of Coon River who ran mill; 11 row as woll as navi gate n lion '4 says the icason n cow Is milked on the starboard Hide Ik that she kicks libel If you attempt lo op orate on the port sldo. T word to his mother on this day. If, the test wns applied ho would flinch HIS Peck-Kendall debnto bulks back to tho old days on tho bustlings when llaynon nnd Wohr.ter nnd Lincoln, nnd Douglas threshed out political differences on the rostrum. It has fallen Into dis use in these later days but promises to bo revived. Our old frlond Will iam Jennings llrynn hlmsolf somo ex ponent of the art, says "only through public speaking Is It possible for tlioso who seek tho truth to bring It boforo tho public." Tlioro tiro two sides to thh how ever, ns to ovorylhlng olso and that reminds u of what Charles Whlbley says of tho dangers of oratory. Hero It Is: "It Is domocrncy which oloquonco Involves In tho greatest poril. The people Is always sonsltlvo to tho im pressions of speech. It delights to ho swnyod hither and thither by the gust of enthiislnsm, and It would al ways profor a fool with words upon his tongue to tho restrained wisdom of Solomon. Onco upon a tlmo nn oinployor of labor roproar-hod tho niombors of n trndo union with having a stupid follow for tholr paid loader. 'Y03,' Tho skillful orator who addresses the mob knows how easily ho may lash EJj It to fury or hush It to n midden calm. Verily tho tonguo has been n far crueller weapon than tho swotd. It has devastated countries; It has in blood heavier chains than the flcrcert ty ranny could forgo." Wo enn now seo what Peck and Kendall are getting uh Into. t has devastated countries; It has m indo tho gutters of cities run with lood; It has thrown upon free men $ KIRK'S KOLUM P. R. Edited by KIRK :. Riley wmmssgffiR&wQFiw WtmimiA WMi A B I wssmBL . mm M 1 mmm?r mm M. M?fi J Vfflffl 6 b ra -T'f mm zj Mwy'm.wmmtiiL ixtssmmni 1 ifMMmmwMm m w$$3$mmmmm 1 "m"j"-" k nSj For President 4 bert Bo Conk (IE '.UK Mri'liE FKM.OW THAT VOUR MOTIIEIt THINKS YOU Alt 10 I have ofton tried to wonder 3lnco I drifted from my homo, And took this llfo upon myself Whllo through thl.i world I 1 or 111, IT I were good, and kind, us lots 3f other muii I see, Jr bo Just hnlf ns good and kind As Mother thinks I bo. Whllo walking down a crowded street , In town the other dtiy, I heard n llttlo news-boy lo Ills Conn ndo turn and say, 'Say, ciil; do you know I'd .to Just im happy as 11 clam, If I was Just do little feller Dai mo Muddur links I am. Say she links dot I'm a wonder And do goodost little lad, Sho Jest links I'd never do A single ting dots bad, I often Unit how nice I'd bo And don I say "Oce-Whlz" If a feller was a roller like his M udder links ho hi. It kind of makes mo louo-some And my eyes thoy start to leak, A lump comes lu my tin oat at times So I can scarcely speak, The news-boy preached n sermon It hns made of mo a man, And I'll try ami bo the fellow That my Mother thinks I am. So kind friends If you will listen ( am sure that you'll enjoy, The lesson that we nil enn loarn From this small unlettered hoy, Don't try to be n big hug And think your stock's worth par, Hut bo (ho llttlo fellow that Your Mother thinks you are. CORVALUS A statowlde Eoaivh Is holng mado for S. B. "Emerson of Corvnllls who Is mlsslifg nnd whose mind Is bollovod to bo nffocted as a rosult of an Injury novornl years a.50. EUGENE Tho W. C. T. V. or I.nuo and Mini countlos ndonted reso lutions favoring cundldutos for of- U. S. Senator From IoWa liMOATAiajia vtmu anwivi ll 'I I I I f - - (Till I JP,tJMMM.JMroaHt,w 'wwanaaaxeV SOME OF THE REASONS WHY SENATE CUMMINS IS ENTITLED TO THF m SUPPORT OF OREGON REPUBLICANS Ho is a statesman of the hinhest nnti ici .. Mo ic nni nn PXPPniMPNT J 'W M Ir. n,tn n( tn pfi-iiiri in nn nf llin II Q Qniiafn nnt mm l l - . nu i& uhu ui inu ouuuy mon ui mi. u. . Uimio mm uiiu ui uiu ureal men o! & I n in lUn nMC nnnnnnnnrl nonrliflotn Ullin Mn linifn oil IiaCa,.. 1 . IIU ia uiu urn. . aiinuuiiUwu u..u.u. .... .. u.,.i, ,. lubiiuilb UnU lead a UlU party to victory in November. m He is not being urged on mere FAITH his views on the great questions oi h t are known to all and are approved by Republicans everywhere He is a true friend of the Farmer and Lab orer. He is the only candidate1 from the West and for the first lime in the historvfilfc party the West has a real chance to nominate a Western man. He is strongly opposld 10 wak. He is lust and fair to all nations and all people. His many years of faithful and superior p ublic service and his masterful acta! ments entitle him lo the hearty support of Oregon Rcnublicans. Ha received a majority vote in Minnusoia, Iowa, Montana and Usbuiska, tM stales where his name appearea on the ballot. v ' Cummins is honorary .member of Local U nion No. 106, l). B. of C. andLoUh ivioines, anu nas ucen many years. His name will be on the Oregon ballot (I'iilil AdU'itlsenimt) . m2gmMZMffiMBmMm3mmMJi. wrwmttgrHVjmtwuwmimmamimmmniliKiiMiUBmmnMtwwmwninvtuiMtAHTxtrmBWiiuiXwniiKmli rf040CM4 t I NEWS OF OREGON I'KNDMCTON - Alex Livingston, buyer for tlio Anioilcan Woolen mills, lias purcliasod .'lO.non pounds of wool at u iirlco which Is said to es tablish a now rocord, IIioiikIi tlio fig ures aro not given nut. (juants pass - r. s. s. na'or I PROFESSIONAL OWC f If. CiiiuiiiliiH of Iowr w:.s k.m-ii n . l. .1 l..... fin A I tlni. JL warm wuuiiiimi wiioii iibiiimk mi- nj ui, n. i. llUUOvuUllil. Mi)hlrln Mil 5tTm n((lr!lnlni llll I l'K.N'DI.HTON Moirow county Office hours: 11 to 13 tk) J ouuiiiN uj nit iiamuai 10 u i-iuiiun-iw Uj 7 (o 8 p, m. eouiity In Orugon. tlioro hehiK niji'hono: Office 1IW R(t, urmul Jury In gouinu liicrt . ji liioutlm. ABTOllIA boon nuked for An li.jUiiftlon han uKiilnt tho city lo! i. M. Wright FtoulM unwuxo roMiumi Ketiinntea fcrnlibMotHl noon mvKit w. a. riiuioh l K. I Iolllater nnd Raymond Aloyor, Illl'Oil I'lll'llrnil liulu wlin itrn lill.-ltiir to New York, ni.noured at a local m,lrn, . "10 'r n vlmlurt j Qf. H. M. ShaW lliontar on t'ommorplnl hdoct. taMaobuntiMrma.-mrnuunmmmmmmmi l'jfiiinAfifrMi)imwfiwiiwiwiiHiiiwiiniyw cuarasaziscEsra High ovoryono who can obsorvos tho day and ylold, rather than BtandliiBi ropllcd tho trndo unlonlHt 'wo know flco who Htnnd for prohibition roh'ard- niany ycnrnliiB hearts would bo much out apalnat this Breat Insurnncol ho is stupid, hut ho can tall:; nnd loss of party hnpplor, nnd many duties would no, trust nnd for tho people. Ho hnsir: fulfilled. "Whon all olso Is Bono nnd j publicly stntod that tlio Act U a' mankind hns tumod nnalnst you your iBOod measure, hut you know woi mothor will still bo your loynl friend. Judgo yooplo only by tholr actions! Mnko hor happy now for In nnothor'ln tho past. It Is a harn matter v ' year It may bo too late. Jl'IKiK . s. COKK chooso when dosorvliiB candidates aro up for nomination, and tho peo ple of Oregon havo tho frills of tho primary low to contend with be- 1 sides. Hut ono must choo3o nnd TUB pcoplo of Coos County as , thiroforo all theso quostlons about woll as this ontlro Judicial j ll0s!tloiiH of candidates enter Into district can point with a Just j tll0 fnal annlysls'. Wo aro there- tdo to tlio splendid record of ( fore certain that Mr. I'ock is en mdSQ J. 8. Cokfl lu tho flold of tltleil to aupport as against his op 'nrlsprudonco. In tho oNposltlnn ,IOnent and uibo tho rondors of this ... tho law, In the corroct itppllca- ,.nor l0 consider him for tho nom- 1 ! Ill WMMTOIMII MWIM1IIIWIIM !!! IHW S Peoples9 Candidate 1 D 'Jzszzuz&zxszzzmmizxisxT Mf.VVV IS VM'i: TO I-MCK Wo Kavo Yon Money ' Grade Rockers Now is the time to select your comfort able Rocker li)0, V.nr fliul Tliroit fpl OI.ASSKS FITTED rin.no SI30-1. IIocnuHW Uxlnfi HlorL n. Mrru: it. fiinvr rhytlclim ot w i'lione 8.WJ, W. G. Chandler AHflllTECT Room 301 md JCJ, Cslil VrMIM 0rei FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER SEEKING REPUBLICAN NOMINATION i n of logal principles, no Judo whpoii occupies n higher placo i "i Judgo Coke. in tho administration of Justice has always sought to maintain iess nnd Impartiality, and hn3 Nviiys pursued this sonietlmos dlf- i' It and onerous tnsk with a .-ouscloittlous devotion to duty, and a full realization of the responsi bility that rested upon him. A serious, lovel headed man, In tensely lntero3ted In tho welfare of his community and his country and Its ndvaneoinoiit along all llnn. Stern and Intent when responsibili ty 13 on his shouldors covering an inuor naturo of affability and gooo fellowship. A man Mlo novor tiros of nor Illation for State llopresoutatlvo. XAMKS IS NAMI-S P. C. Nutting, editor of tho Albany1 Democrat, and who Is "nuts" on "nutty" liamos prints tho following; "A Southern OroBon papor tolls about a Mr. Nutt nud a Marshflold papor about a Mr. Nutter, names?" What I nitOADWAY IIOTIHj Large mrdcni wmhiis for ii, ft or t Imchelois at very low rut ex, with cooking; prlvllcgo If doslivil. l O. ltuildliiK. i hi cv n i iti: ti:.v a City Minlif North toi, Oft COMMVTATIOX f)A l) TKKirrs, iifl til .Marnliflcltl-Xorth M Auto Um j' Pars every ten mln'lM to C a in. to IS mldnljlU t Pun Hi Plough oace i ". haVn? at 11 B-"."1, pire threo trips a W- GHItsT A.KINfl. I Iconomy Experience Ability Intnrity Wu lmn n largo coiuplcto ' ', Bj.oitinjiit of: MCA'rilim.U!'IIOI,STHIini HOCKItllS ovKit stui'kui) hicvninit iiockkks llKOWX ItKICI) IIQCKKIIS l'IMIOrTKI(HI) WITH TAPIiSTIlY SOI.m WOOD UOOKKItS OI? AM KINDS AND lMiN'ISIII? Cull and iui htorlc before jon iiucIihw. 5 Man Who Can Satisfy auciiik piiimps the Entire County HIS FRIENDS ARE HIS BOOSTERS and they want him to Serve to Protect the People Jljiri'"jTrffrw"rrmTTrTriHi ,-ay, I M i wmiiiii i iiwuiwmiiwwiiiwj ""TMOMMMWMMMWBMWM1M Natlvo son of Oregon; olovou years a resident nnd tax-payer of Coos county; twenty years a duy laborer and fnrnior; alxteen years a merchant; four years Stato Senator. Author of eight hour law for public works; ten hour day with ovortlmo; memorial to Congress endorsing tho Jetty plan for harbor improve ment; women to fish without license; ns chairman of tho coinmlttoo on "Labor Industries" handled tho Workman's Compensation Act tn tho Senate; handled tho Hoguo river fishing bill lu tho Sennto; requiring tux colloctor to noto on tax receipt de linquent taxes for formor years and reducing pen alty from 10 to Ctf; amending eloctlon laws to allow olectors to vote for all candidates for dole gato tq National convention In placo of only one, dologatea to pay tholr own expenses, which means a big saving to tnx-payors; and don't overlook the Sniltn-Thoinpson law, providing stato aid to coun ties for agricultural work, which is doing iuoro for tlio Farmers than any law which was over en actod in Oregon. 5? Tt?Kju Votod nsalnst $2,000,000 Portland brldgo bonds and Columbia Southern irrigation projcit for $400 -I'Oo 00; voted In every Instanco against Increasing salarlo; voted for n levs amount or appropria tions (ban nny member of tho Sennto diiiiu- my teiin. " When the "nig Interests" and tho pooplo's in terobt conflict I am for tlio people's Intorost every time; whether It bo fishing legislation or anything elso. My record proves Jt. I run my ctoro alono and will not bo ahlo to mako a porsonal campaign; so will stand on my record of Just and beneficial laws and strict econ-' omy, and will contlnua along the samo lines In caso I am re-elected. If you were going to hire a man to run your farm. mill, store or bank, would you hlr a man who iMidomands tho bu3Incss or au Inexperloncod person? This Is Important sluco tho Loglslaturo will expend about ten to twelve millions or dollars dur.ng tho next four year3. Tlaso think It over beforo you vote. Co arvey Complete House Furnishers MICKT IS IWCIJ TO VM'li Wo Siuo You Money KiMSlDfiXn3ffiffiIH2a2!ZS!lBE3 HAVE THE ROOF FIXED h! See CORTHELL Phoiift 3171 Mil Til COOS lUVPBBW. sr.iaioi i u'rii l-M'isca ,..ie, M-imlifirH"!! H,..ni. Ili'''lw. ..I .-tr.ta II. UI. m i:mi ll itiNWtf 1 l-..ie,llWil'ri"fU!!-il 7 i, . !..- MPWW ,,iii lortlrtrtWlS I )(.! !S & SMITH i2i Jt. j, st urr TSie First Haftioimal Baek OF coos bay MKMIIKi: OK KKDKKAD IIHSKUYIJ SYSTIMI UXIIIJIt OOVKItN'.MKNT SIM'HUVISIOX lhoe lULft. AivT AM) t elfi rjfCOHAIiJ lUnutKrJ, Una"' oiMMomts w. s. eiiAxnum, vrm,. IIOIISKY IvItKirUlt, Okihhlur W. B. llUTMfii, ,bit. Cashier IIKN It. CIIAXDI.Ki:, Ah&t. y- " Cnslilcr DIItHOTOItS iW. S. OHAXDIdtilt joiix s. co km , 'w.m. oi:imi.c; ,w. v. Douoias noiisKY Kitiei'iv.mt ylOIIN V. IIAI.fi fi. C. HOf.'KIIS iAXKifM.:iFK h:cy BUY FRESH HOMEMADE1 1 and .. SARTER'S B PURE ICE CREAM- I Psw Dr Ii ' Central Avenue wv-wv rjMBessax1 J l i. W 1ft '' WM r-f tAiA4l.Ji h . .T.JMl.j j,', i- A fl tit yJ , ttaiittMjui