IsaaWBa l't. two THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 13, 1916. EVENING EDITION HS what- asiaM. 4 I, I -TC -: .. if .'V-i.n..-. 4 Personal notices of vlsltorh In tho city, or of Coos Hay people who visit In other cities, togothcr with notices of social affairs, aro gladly recotved In tho social do partnicnt. Telcpliono 133. Notices of club mootlngs will bo published and secretaries aro kindly roquestod to fur nish same. cried; to yearn for whoro I had nut Alhl Thoro was a tlmo a dreadful time tho year I was a llrldo When, nftcr visiting ilia Folks, I almost nlwuys My old room seemed me tho room knolt To pray for worthiness, tho night you told mo how you felt And when the last good-hya woro said, It catno so hard, so hard, To go away and leavo them all, thoro In tho old front yard. They'd loved m for so many years you, such a llttlo while And maybo what you loved would fado an oya-bonm, or a jjmllo. So "homo" WB6 always over tlionj for many a doubtful day, Until your strangeness all woro off, and I could say That you and I woro man and wife not lovers any moro. comrades that hod weathered storms, and know what Lovo wnB for. now, although tho Kolka aro dear, It's strangely, sweotly true, Thfct yhomo" moans nothing olso to ' mo but getting back to you 5 Solectcd RVISRY ono of us owes a dobt of gratltudo to mimoono. Hut do , wo ovor Htop to think of It? On tho othor hnnd, do wo not recall someone to whom wo hnvo shown ;i klndnoss, and whq Instead of demon strating In any way that -wo havo aid ed lior, passes us by qnltu Indlfior ontly. Wo rosont this Indlfferoiico. nnd a fooling of bitterness comos over oa. Wo nccuio our friend of treat Ing ub unfairly, nnd assure ourselves Hint wo would not oven dream of such Ingratitude Yet wo ore not always on gratoful as wo would lllco to think ro nro. Thcro aro pcoplo who enjoy on vied positions todny who obtained thorn through tho aid of soino good friend meets with Biiddon reverses, mo "good rrlond" Is forgotten. This is especially true if tho same good frlond mnts with midden rovorses, when giatltudo should bo shown' her. I havo In mind a young woman oo- iipylng n flno position with a firm of national reputation. Ten years ago tho gill wiih working in a loenl factory, sayn Kdna Kgun. An In terested frlond tnught hor tho first nullniontH of stonography. She fin ished tho study nt u business eollogo nnd obtnluod a position, later going with tho firm for which sho now wotkfl. At tho piosont day sho passes tho good friend who was Instrumental In placing her In the position sho now hns, with Scarcely n nod of recognition, Is Ingratltudo too harsh n m-ord to apply to thlB young womnn's attitude toward hor frlond. You may sny this Is an oxcoptlonal caBCj but It Isn't. Wo nro all willing to accopt fav ors, but do wo romomber them, nnd do wo over hope a tlmo will como when wo ran, In somo menu uroj repay tho klndncsB shown us by 3omo good heart? Tho dog or tho horso remembers tiio fitroko of a kindly hand, and tho dumb creat or o.i that they nro, how thoy try to bIiow their gratltuto to us! Could wo not learn n golden lesson from them? Unfortunately, position nnd nfflu once often turn tho hcndB of many womon. In tho hoydny of tholr triumphs they probably can gat along without nny such attribute an gratltudo In tholr make-up, yet re gardless of all tholr power to satis fy and hold others. A selfish worn- nn Is really tho most pitiable of all human beings. Sho may own tho rnrcst gems, hnvo tho most fin lalicd tnsto In dross, nnd rotaln dazzling physical beauty long nfter others hnvo lost It, but withal, sho will bo heart-hungry nnd unhappy. Tho host loved and happiest pco plo aro always pcoplo who show the gratltudo thoy feel townrd oth ers, and grateful pcoplo as a rulo, do not I oho tholr heads by tho plau dits of tho crowds. Fnmo dies al most tiio very day It comoB to life. Another moro capable, rises up to wrest tho laurels from us, and so It will bo until tho ond of tlmo, but gratitude, which Is a great virtue, and far greater than fame, will llvo until tlmo shall bo no moro. KI.OSTKlt .MUim.Ntt I Contributions concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In tho society department of Tho Times, must be submitted to tho edi tor not Inter than C o'clock p. m., Krldny of each week. (KxccptloiiH will bo allowed only In cases whero tho event occurred later than tho tlmo mentioned.) previous, Mr. Duo was Initiated in to tiio Ellu lodge, nnd tho wedding coromony was porformed bcfoi tho lodgo members. Tho bride nnd groom wcro attended by tho former's s'stcr Mrs. Ross Smith and hor husband. Lntor the bridal party and tho Elks eat down to on early wedding brenkfast, which had been prepared. Tho lodgo present cd tho brldo with a beautiful Elk pendnnt and tho groom with nn 121k pin. Mr. and Mrs. Huo left Thursday morning on the train on n honey moon trip to Portland and other northern points nnd will return Jn about two weeks to mako their homo In Marshflcld. tako apartments in Arms. KliU.NKV CLUB SESSION' They will tho Myrtlo Barefoot Sandals For Iwiilli'H mill Children IahIIim SiiiiiIiiIn, oiio Strap mill Buckle, good mil), SUvn from UJJ to 7. price .. 1.7.1, to ijll.lM) Children's SiiiiiIiiIn, oiih St nip mill Buckle. The Kind Von dm Havo New Soles Stitched on SIus from 5 (o H for llttlo Kids mill 8J to 1! for Inrger Children. Pi Iron ijtt.00 to Children's Wlilto Buck Kllpperw. fiood nis Sles from I to 8. Prlco , .; I ,'jSi Chlldroii'n Whllo Dxllto Kolcd l'limps. Hi-w from H)i to WIS. Pi lew ... J-U.SJ.I to Lmlli'H Whlfo Cinderella Pumps Prlco jit.H."5 LntllcN Whlto PIiuh Pumps, I'rh'o (jil.75 Boy Hcout Shoes Kile Skin Soles Prlco $1.80 to 2. 10 Mou'h Scout Shoes, Klk Skin Holes sjij.ji.T Mcii'n Xeollu Holed Shoes Tan nnd IllncU. Pilai 91,50 Wo Sell (iooil Shoes You Suvo Money by Buying t Electric Shoe Store 8. J. IMMEL, Prop. 1B0 Bouih Broadway Shoes llepnlml Whllo Vou Wlt. Tho lost regular meeting for thin season of tho Mnrshflold Kins tor Club wnB hold Thursday nftor noon at tho homo of Mrs. 0. II. Wil son on North Socond Stroct. Plans woro partially nindo for n club pic nic which tho ladle.i Intend to glvo In tho near futuro on Coos Illvor. Sowing and chnt woro Indulged In during tho nftornnon at tho chiso of wlileh, tho hostess sorved dainty refreshments: Club montbera pros- nnt woro: Mrs. C. E. Ash, Mrs. It. W. .Morrow, Mrs. F. L. Granuls. Mrs. J. H. Towor, Mrs. N. II. Mac Mllhiu nnd Mrs. Wilson. Speclnl guoBtH woro Mrs. II. Hnulflotd ond Miss M. Shaw. uxigt'i: wKDDixti o Ono of tho most unique and Im- provsivo wemung ceremonies per formed In Murelifled for somo tlmo occurred Just after midnight Thurs day morning at tho Klka lodgo looms, when Miss Lydln Holm of Mnrshflold nnd Peter Richard Hue. representative of tho Pacific- Hnrd waro and Steel Co. of San Fran cisco In Southwestern Oregon weio Joined In marriage by tho Hev. I). it r .- . . r iiiniKiHuii .nisi an nour or so Tho Kluncy Club or North Bind enjoyed n pleasant session Thursday afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Otis, tho tlmo being passod In tho usual social way. Tho rooniB woro orna mented prettily with roses nnd late In tho aftornoon, Mr. Otis acrvod dolcctnblo dainties to tho follow ing: special gucBt, Mrs. McKny and club members: Mrs. Charles King, Mrs. W. It. Simpson, Mrs. Stewart McDonald, Mrs. Tom Juzn, Mrs. John Hill, Mrs. Nols Welling nnd Mrs. llorgrou. Tho next meeting will bo In weeks with Mrs. Charles King. homo of Mrs. John Tollofson nt UnstBldo last Thursday. Sho was assisted in entertaining by nor daughters Miss Hlancho Tollofson, .Mrs. Bock nnd Mrs. Prescott. Tho Infant daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Proseott was chrlstoncd at this time, and gl)n tho namo Ald euo lSlizabotli. Refreshments wcro sorved to tho following guests. Mrs. John Swanson, Kcrrls Swnnson, Mrs. R. Kittson, Mrs. h. Uubay, noon nt tho St. Lnwronco Hotel, Miss Kttn G. llrown of this city and Hans Adolphscn of Denmark wore married, Rov. J. S. Stubblofleld of the Pios bytorlnn church officiating. Mr. nnd Mrs. K. W. Sullivan woro tho witnesses. In tho ovcnlng a flvo course wedding dinner wns sorved at. tho Right Cnfo, Mr nnd Mrs. II. A. Wells being among tho dlnnor guests. Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolphscn left Friday for Donmnrk, whero tho groom owii3 Mrs. Gcorgo Gulovson, Miss Mnmloi (l n iml w)loro a nrotty now homo ftut..cimi M 1 llriioi'nll Mru utiiutDUII, ttllOi tj i vwfcfc, .... wi Hock, Mrs. Torp, Mrs. N. Ol son, Mrs. Wllhclmlnn Krlekson, Mrs. C. G. Magnus, Miss Stella Magnus, Mrs. H. Mnthtscu, tho Misses Alico and Cora Mathlsen, Mrs. P. U. Jncobson, Mrs. 0. Lar son, Mrs. G. Stccn, Rov. nnd Mrs. R. O. Thorpe. joijIjV dozkx ciii'u Tho Jolly Dozen Club of llunkor Hill wcro pleasantly entertained Wed-! ncsdny altcrnoon by Mrs. G. Johnson at tho homo of Mrs. Hrockmucllor. ftl tlrt ttlntltn nnntnaf ttditnll Jnnh ' plnco during the afternoon, Mrs. Kclley won tho first prlzo nnd Mrs. ChrlstoiiBon wns awarded tho conso lation. Nccdlo work nnd conversa tion woro Indulged In, and toward evening, tho hostess served appetiz ing refreshments nnd was assisted by .Mrs. M. Ross. The speclnl guests Invited for tho afternoon were: Mrs. W. Sullivan, Mrs. Walter Hill, Mrs. K. 15. Kclley nnd Miss Drsso Flnmignn. Tho membors present wcro tho fol lowing: Mrs. U. Chrlstcnson, Mrs. M. Ross, Mrs. Ed Duncan, Mrs. T. C. Young, Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs It. F. ivush Mrs. II. M. Alboo, Mrs. Otto Wnllmnrk and tho hostess Mrs. Hrockmucllor. In two weeks tho -club will moot with Mrs. R. P. Rush and Mrs. Mnr hoffer will furnish tho entortnln ipont. i MAItltJKD IX MAKSIlKliai) ' them. IHHfl 11(15 VIIW. '- 0. AS i vuvuiu ) d. ii HOJIlilKg OjT erely a Hoiuise w o o is ill readiness ioi (Continued an Pago 3) I If I V Tri? -n V V " M ssr . rsni- M 1 i Brai na i ?z2S V a nl fOty110 W I mv Four- il B WMr tt ninkca good 11 1 fy broad and biscuits." IB U al Mother. II 1 yAbiolutolyJrJL I Ml clean and puro. j - I Ml wholesome- and IJfa, I nutritions ? nLt I II loctod North- sfpjrmfr Il western wheat MYifi H AIIUIUV lllfVU m Olympic jfc m "theralin'l .JS mar Just a i Wv ood" jmf AT YOUR GROCER'S taILUDri.ocl UlLUCa .roiiUJi.0in H. W. PAINTER, Distributor for Southwestern IX Till.: Ml) iiisl. of finis, fancies and mnlilon, in f,i. . tlieso iimdern ilnys wo liuxo Kouo s r,. Ils ,(1 .,""" h . ixliml I...,.,,,.- l,,,..,u "CSIror la .Iiiit Mint jot..' eyes think lion l, ,IBe look(d lti Is join- lli-H i-oiilrnst Willi tho nveing,, I0I11U ,lf , ' W v.t. fnWJJrv V .,,...- ..." -" ! iiiinii iU. 7"""". Tlilnk.a,2 ii I..., ..... v- m .... mi promnt "cm. ,'"t"' llilnkawhttiZ ""iim 'luck of fonnilii," IVilinin there ,w 1 s '"t tome lo Bin 1 '"' r these tlim; , lent to lunk nlnioi '"w,inrliimi8hmifc hoino out, uhldi our mot!,. pifNltlcd. j r-r '?rj" 'i ho j(iiiiiin.niii-. . . . . - . . ' '"Tl , iiuiKi-s ii Npciniiy iii iiiriiniiiiiK uiiines IliMi'ml of liou8) tfQ. the eii.lnofH, comfort, Inl'iiiiiinllty mid comcnlcnces ilin i m for plciisiiiv null happiness, -jjB Whethei' It Is furnishing a homo loinplwo or Jut .iMiajft, W8j (Mr mrvMiiry touches with n few odd pieces of fiirnUare b 7,r 1 "nil there thiouglioiit tho hotiso jini Mioiild consult nlth m. H will pny lit cMmomy mid sntlsfnetlon, , ER'S I M i HI C7 Tl 7 j I hIoy At throo o'clock Wednesday nftor- ' Orerjon. The Quality Name With the Service Fame ATIIi:XIC DKIiPIIIAX Cl.l'll Tho Athene Delphian Club of North Uond mot at tho library Tuesday ev ening. Aftor tho business was dis posed of tho following lesson was taken up: Why tho Kodornl Systom Was Suit ed to tho Mlddlo Ages. Mrs. J. S. Taylor. Chivalry Mlsn Holon Monde. Trade and the Crusades Miss 13t ta Taylor. T)io Chlldron'a Crusado. Mrs. M. M. Richardson. If Ono World System of Religions Organization Woro Possible, would It Offer .Marked Advantage Ovor Many Systems? Miss Cnrrlo Stephens. Thoso present were: Mrs. Chailns Knlser, Mrs. J. S. Taylor, Mrs. M. M. Richardson, Miss Kttn Taylor Miss Carrie .Stephens, .Miss Holon Monde. Tho Club will moot again next Tuesday evening In tho library. I I.AIHKS All) SOCIKTV The l.ndles Aid Society of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church enjoy- nour or soiri n Very plensnnt nfternoon nt the. - ' i i i i I W WiMil 1 WIMHII In i i !! II ! . THE UNIVERSAL CAR two III Kl'Olllimi' III llltf f'lf iunl n,,,l II miiiiII cost to opeinto mid nialiitiilii. i - Strength ability to Mmid up under tho liardfht mitt of iiso. Sininllclty a plain htuidy iniiltir in a wiiiider r"Hy MnuiB nnd light ear, easy for iinyoiio to run nnd aire for, 'J'ho ''"il fV your necessity. Itiniii bout fjt 17.1, Tom lnK Car JS.V-'nj Coii. fli't .1110; Town Car $1111). On halo HI nnd display by Isaac R. Tower l "THE GUNNERY." jljgt I WHBHHHHHHHHHHHHUHnHIMn I Oldest Hunk In Cons Pnimtv II High Quality Groceries Our own prompt and particular delivery service-Efficient clerks being out of the high rent district aiii keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phonos 348-J and 326 EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Phone 180-J. North Front! 8 rn S- v$m 5 s May 14 MOTH Clt'S D.VV Send .Mother tho Plants mill flow rs .sho lines hist. Wear u coloiod flower for Jlother lUln cv a whllo ono for .Mother's meinoiy. Marsh field Florist Co. KUwIn 0. Scott Cut Flowers, Tlornl Designs, lMnntH, I'hones: Storo 2C9-J. Oreonhouso -12B-X (Closod on Sunday) AmJam Vmh iviitx SUIT Now Wo luno a nooil nsMirtmeiit of patterns from which you ran select jour spilnjr ami hiiniiner suit and h'j assured that jou luuo tho Intost st)lo, Wo aro equipped to j;l 'u pi-ompt serlco mid our tailoring mid fitting Is mmrnnteitl to bo the .Iiest. 'Our prices uiii i-oasonalile. ' If jou want jour Suit for Kaster, plaino order ns early as jou can mid I in old tho rush woik, I If you prefer a nimle-to-ineasiiro iSult from tho Kast at a lower price, also prepared to tcre. mr: Established 1H80 Flanagan (b Bennett Bank Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTKItKST I'AII) OX TIJIK AND SA VINOS DIH'OSITS Offlrora J. W. BKNNKTT, President: JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vice Prosldeut; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; 0. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashlor. iLlWO 1110 I lonnliiK, prcMiliiK mill alteiliiL' done prtimptlj-, efficiently mid iv. fonablj. I. V. Koski (V Tailor for Men and Women ?' Market Avnnim " MnrchfiniH - - --w ii ivU rnoue i ii-j. 1 Flanagan (b Bennett Bank OF MYRTLK T01NT Capital $25, 00 Offlcora J. W. DKNNETT, President; JAS. H. FLANAGAN Vice President; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMENT, Assistant Cashlor. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 onicora J. W. DENNETT, President; TOM T. BENNETT Vice President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNETt'swan. TON, Treasurer. Tho Only Trust Company In tho State, Outside of Portland, Which Organized Under tho Xoiv Law. 1 PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY - .urDUf ei r-rvrmn nnnr r, I HMR LINES OP UVC"" uLcumio univc cliiviiimmi l.o uvh.w. - , , SHAFTING, which represents a dead loss in "- nucli as 6 per cent. ELECTRIC DRIVE permits individual application power to each machine-so that if only one or machines are in operation power is being u only in that proportion. Central Station Electric Service has reduced Power Costs' thousands of factorie nc oerviuu ttfo ...JrtfnrY&M s. Letu.Uiaurewl.atitw,orH Oregon Power C Telephone 178