i!iiwiiiiw.i pnTw S5SS5?5!yi?yp7iiiww n " i"p -?ij '-t t1'1 r ' Pff' f w I " p fljrTiw - - t- CLUMSY CLAUDE-He Got His Eye On the Ball (TlC ( ES 6" l 'v 60T THE BEStl YOU'RE 3UST THE 6UY WE He LOOKS THE GOOPS, WANT GOOD CHUNKY. SOLID Y I ctV --mtr .i,n a . . .ur,-r ux! mt UfcACUb. BUT HE'S COT SO MUCH SPEED I CAN'T GET A BACKSTOP TO HOLD HIM. WOT ME ispr ic a ' Tl STUFF! I'LL SIGN YOU UWNITO fC 4T " TV THE EXCELSIORS FOfc THE 7 UYOUT FIRST J HEAVYWEIGHT WOT HE CAN'T BOVML OVER- I SEASON THEY AINT NO PITCHER TOO SWIFT FOR ME 'mpt-i, gsal I " I NOW MEMBER, KjfHiMg M$f u he5 cor more speedJ rL . &22S3&J -5u -i O A. At J V i h! ifilJfl1 Pi It V ; J I L I i i 4 VWVm Jl V UL-A W,W A JTT) J riv -1 I 5 r ( fee1 y "i .. n m'liu sx i c '. i ' 3 1" li vifK 7 HIlQTl. Khru.CZt MfflWH' 'uV V 1m-i 1 ' " ... ! r riNcb s a fast fy Wm l.v STRAIGHT I "N.. te -Wsart ... XL. IgT- '' JF 1ft "'" lr ,1 ,1 . ' ( . , K ". -rt . ,f' "' . -M WASSAMATTE.1 vvrt&srviAT i eje..' IT FOOLED) ME! APT Yiri lYtr OM TUP 7 BALL! WHY DON'T YOU UO i?OIN AFTER THEM PROP &ALLS "m WmMtBtoimrM trorld Color intaUee Co., 61. louii, Ut HEY BONEHEADl lAli don't STOP THPM '2t ! vs. FAST OUTSHOOTS VJID YER. BAR.E HAND! I .jr(,i.' j ,, ''','. .W" '' "".;',.,,. tv 7 1 1 i k &2!i Vi",u'i X .y. f - " L VY f W" T -nrj-- I T7t kV , J ll'lfj I I ' Vl Dl'T TELLYA . ! . v ) TO 6IT YEf? EYE . (WELL, AINT VgNTHAT (JPSHOQT! I GOT IT ON? I , f 1 ,Yeruhcondition- ALLY released! (i cot enough) I C S ANYWAYT MS I 3w ANNA BELLE Visits a Hospital on Easter, l)car Friends: I think flowers nre tho most cheerful tulnca for alck people to have Jn their room bo thin Kanter I decided to have our 'Sewing Society donate a great bunch of EaHtcr Illlea to nil tho honpltala and poor people we could. Brother Jack and I vlultcd a hospital and dis tributed our portion and I'll tell you we were certainly re paid for our kindness by seeing tho happy. smiling facca of tho sick oues an thoy took the flowers. Everyone of tis members should bo proud of tho great work we're doing for tho poor and afflicted and I'm sure that before very long everybody , In the whole United States will know of ua and our good deeds. I sincerely hope that you're doing well In Sewing So ciety work, and if you've written to mo lately I know you nre. Every letter I've received lately has told of the great work being done by tho writer. If you should bo ono who hasn't sont for a Certificate of Membership now is the tlmo to do so-whllo It's fresh In your mind. I think every good girl and boy In our country should be a member of our organization. Just write me care this pa per, enclose a two-cent stamp for postage and I II bo only too glad to send you a Ccrtlflcale. Or, If you're an officer In your Society and want more for new members will send as many as.you wish. Let's all pull hard for tho greatest year of good results In our history Write often as you cui to your loving, -o y?5 w . of- " Op i G! 7 Hi w Ul ! UVIUC -erw iZ , (, ,u y 1 Hi8i)' LJ5JSi ':-i'!;'..r"" sJ jStffi Mm Warn '"wl SS h r caw you Rercuc poor OLO R0ft((V50(V CRUSOC? F (g) j7) mm? r$sJ? AS VOU KNOW, ROf3INSON' CRUSOE. SPENT MANY YEARS ON AN ISLAND WITH NO COMPANIONS fiUT THE ANIMALS ANP HIS MAN "FRIDAY- THE DIFFERENT 6REEN SPOTS SHOWN HE.R? REPRESENT I SJ.ANDS, AMONG WHICH IS rooinson crosoe's island-to rescue ROI3 NSON TAkTf A RFWm Aunn . .. . tN THE RIG.HT PLAf.P dpavu a . ,kic raCAJJ7 .. . . .-,. Ac TO WRITE j& AND THE ENQ OF "C'WILU STOP ON CKUSOZS ISLAND- m 1 Smoe, INDKATINC'"1"" SPEED '""' fHEJSABEAROMSIto BALLS BUTHeW. jicu un CURVESr v-vttaat "isi tSi I . , jM if I V ' J OO T7-tjfJ WU . . V 'W ' - i fvW- -:-J