The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 10, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page TWO, Image 2

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U !
filvt-s 0)1(1 Facts Which Mithe Impio-
lon Willi Iho Fnriiioi'.s In
Mar.shNeil Tonight
A crowd flllcil tho North llend
Clmmbor or Coinniorro rooms to ov
erflowing Inst nlKht Tor tlio opentnj?
meotliiB of tho Good Itomls cnmpnlKii
to hear Frank Terrace from KlnK
county, Washington.
Prize Essay on Good fcds
vnhto when tho road was Improved.
During tho remainder of tho illn-
' nor peroral discussions on good rouds
took place.
, Discovering thtt tho sky looked a
grout! deal like rain and fearing that
t It 'would rain beforo wo reached
i home, we started on our return trip.
i We had not gone far before we met
Tho following Is an essay on good I much as It's listed for now."
t-nmla wrllton li Thnliiin l.vntis of .Mi' friend wnnf nn In relntn a case
the Marshfleld high school and which! whero he had been offered a tract i ' friend in his automobile with hW
was awarded first prize In the high of ono hnndrod and eighty acres fori ntlre family,, As wo passeu ne waeu
school class in tho contest which warn ono thousand dollars
held. Tho subject of the essay wjib,
"Tho Advantages of Dondlug Coos
County for Good Hoads" and Is ns
"Oh my, what a Jolt! These Coos;
With Mr. Torraco it wns strictly ! county roads lire nwful."
what came from tho back scat when
1 struck a piece of cjnluroy road
shortly after leaving town with n
an experience niSotlng In which he
relnted tho benefits which good roads
had brought him and how ho had
boon enabled to make muro money ns
without any1 "1S "aim nnu suouiou me mum; m-
Improvements, llo lefused It nnd 8U0 n,si 'nrr
ono year later, after the road had! Ueforo wo reached our destination
been Improved past this tract of land. I-1"1'1 overtook up and after-having
ho bought It for nine thousand dol- lcilt "' iHrfU-uUloH we parted
lars. There Is no ci lostlon but what vvlth tno "lotto: "Tll,! ,,l)lul ,8H,U ii every ncro nlonit a Kood road will I in must carrj.
....... It. .n1... . .fcAAVA.A.jLArffcal4W
U)U 111 tillllV. ."Vr- ' -
Stopping for dinner nt a nice lco
Ing farm house wo sat down to on
few of my f lends, to see Iho ad van- of ho best dinners I . over tasted.
There, was a great variety or veg
etables which groutly appealed to my
friends. Tho question arose why wo
a fnrmor since tho Improvement of I'Kos in bonding Coos county for good;
his roads. His talk was very con-j "! And I wnwered them by say
vlnclng and thoro was not u person J"X. "Walt till Coos county bonds for
in tho nudlolicc who was not able Uireo hundred sixty-two tliousand
from the simple Illustration to e ! ' li 1 ptttK her rouds on n per-1 town, anil I remarked that after we
Just tho reason why good roads will iancnt Huo and grade, then cor-, had bonded for thvee hundred slxly-
couldn't get vegetables like this In
help the farmer.
(i'lve Colli Fiirlrt
Thoro was nothing tlowory about
Mr. Torraco but when ho explained
how ho had been able to haul but
2C00 pounds of cabbago to tho saner
kraut factory In 12 hours boforo tho
roads wcro improved and that he
could now enrry 5000 pounds and
inako.tho rounil trip in eight hours,
tho farmers present could boo tho
point. Ho allowed ?" a day for hlm
r.olf nnd team, which was little enough
nnd did doublo tho work with lighter
If this wore all the apples the farme.
had. My friend wns ipilekly in
formed that thero .wore great quail
titles of tlieao apples going to waste
al tho farmer's home. My friend
then asked tho price and tho farmer
tolling him this, added that It wan
Impossible to reach town without bad
ly brulBlng them and that It cost mor
to hnul tho tipples than they would b
worth. Tho farmer's Intentions worn
to sell his placo and Invest in one
nenror town, where ho could rnlso
npples and bring them to market. My
frlond (illicitly said, "Walt till Coos
county bonds for throo hnndrod sixty
two thousand dollarn and puts her
roads on a pormanent lino nnd grade:
tlion It won't bo necessary to change
your locution." Tho farmer ngreotl
and seemed to lie well plensod with
on tho driver ns woll an tho team.
Dy thus Having moro than half of
his time in hauling and making $r,
a il.iy thoroby It did not tako many
days for tho Improved roads to earn
monoy enough lo pay his taxes, flood
roadu, ho said, will pay tho taxes
itintl Mr. Torraco known plenty of ron
nonu why.
Iloforo tho spoakor had a good road
' prist his door ho linil to hnul his milk
to tho rallrond and pay two cents
a gallon for tho rallrond to tako It
to Scattlo. ' Now, the motor truck
bncko up to ills barn door nnd hauls
tho milk into tho city nil tho way for
ono cent n gallon and tho fnrmor
don't evon hnvo to hitch up.
"Wlillo Mr. Torrnco Is n plain far-'
inor who mnkos his living' on tho
fnrm ho mnkes good roads ,hls re
ligion. Ho has attended mnny Htnto
nnd nntlonnl mcotlnus ilrniintr win.
good roads and hin knowledge of tlio! 1,, l,roBl,0(t'
subject Is very broad, Vet. lip looks' A short distance on, ns wo reached
U tho maltor from only ono, vlow- U'o top of n rathor stoop hill, we
.. point, thnt of tho' mon on tho farm,'0""10 ,0 " "Wi with a load of lum-
nnd hin Hlncero ontliiiBliism Inspires! ,l0r w" Koomod to bo having some
iub nonrcrs to tho fannerH' real nood.l,lirrio,llly "' ronchlng tho summit.1
Mr. Torraco Is giving his (lino to Milking Inquiries, wo wero Informed)
talk to tho peoplo of Cootf county "at l,1 ws Hloop It soomod
on tho nubjoct of good ndH nnd ionlmost Imposslblo to hnul enough'
will nddroHS lueollngrt In all purls of, hunbor to build tho barn ho had
tho county hotwoen now nnd' tho oloc-l P'nnned to linvo on his farm. Wo
tlon. Xo farmer or town man who ,olt' ''" wit till Coos county
can possibly hoar him should miss lonilol for three hnndrod sixty-two
n chanco to ntlond ono or more of tliousand dollars nnd put lior ronds
ttho meetings. Ho nlsli says omphat- n pormnnont lino nnd grndo, nnd
' 'Ically that ho has a mossngo for tho' ,,,on "0 rouhl hnul twice thnt amount
womon nnd ho wants tliom to conio'of limilior In half tho tlmo. Tho
-. out nnd glvo him a chnnco to deliver! fnrmor decided to wait.
" Then wo reached ono of tho benutl-
Thoro woro lnrgo dologntlons at tho ful llttlo cities In our country. While1
mooting pisi liigiit rrom Kontuck nnd wo were talking to ono of the iner
CooHton, coming ovor in spocinl boats. ' chanta of that place, ho told us that
Charles Hall, prenldont of tho flood IiiihIiiohm was not as uood us It might
TTt mil( I ...,n !.. II... . 1
jiumm Awmiiiuoii, proHiiiou nun thorn bo (iiiI that a groat many of lilsl
woro brief remarks In behalf of good customers wero unublo to find work.
rotuw ny Mrs. Foreman of Cooston.Ulo also added that thoro .woro so
V..MUII, .imiKo .minus waison, A. n. many peoplo minding awav for their1
uaaii, mui county Koadnumtnr It. II. goods mid so sending their money out
M,,,r,,ot',(- of Coos county and tho county was
rim (loldon Vot Qnarletto com I really short or cash. Wo nuked him
posed of Charles I,sh. Jay H. Tower' if It wouldn't bo a good plnn to bond
Homer Mnunoy and V. O. l'rtitt do- Coos eounlv fur ilnn i.,.n,i.'.i uii...
lighted tho nudlouco with n niim- two thmisHiid dollnrs and put the Idle
lint Mt unlitu ...) ...... 1 . 1 ... m .. ...
. -.-n. nun niiiiit. a iiik mi wiiii i men to work on tho roads, and b
lorir kooii roans moiimh.
Hero Is one of thorn :
Tnno Clmnm of "Old (Iray lioiinott"
AVo want good road, air
Wo want you to know. ulr.
Thnt wo can pay tlio bonds whim
thoy'ro duo;
And we'll rldo nil over,
l-'or we'll bo In olovor
When the buml htsiio koiw throuiih.
Thlu moriilux .Mr. Torrnco loft for
a tour or tho Coqiilllu Vulloy and will
uponli In tho follow lny placoi:
WtMliiusilay, .May I (Mil
'' T:30 p. m.
Thursday, .May II (h
Falrvlow 0:fl0 n. in
1'orn l j:to p. m.i
t'oiiulllo 7:30 p
Kilday, May IL'lli
-A' 10:00 a,
Hroudbent l:0 p.
vawon 7:30 p,
Saimilay, ,My ijiii.
M'BHI I'UIII ,, ...lO.'UOll. Ill
duroy will bo something of tho past." two thousand dollars wo woiildl bo
Wo had traveled only n short ills- abI t0 sccuro the vegetables fresh
tanco when wo camo upon a manifrom t'lc Bnrtlon at homo. The far-
trying to repair some springs. We'"01 ftt "c llon1 r tlio tablo spoke
offered our assistance but tho man "l ""'l nsked, "Whut about this bond-j
only remarked thnt It would i,rc:ik 'K Coos county?" Therefore It wns
anything to hnvo to travel this rnntlJ""" ln '"o" to explain thnt tho flood k
Wo consoled him by saying, "Waltj Uoiu,s Association of Coos county is'
till Coos county bonds for thrco bun-1 ondeavorlng to havo tho county court
died sixty-two thousand dollnru nnd l,,nCo " lIl lmlI(,t nt tho coming elec-!
puts her roads on pormanent lino and tl(m tl10 'H'oHtlon of bonding Coos,
county ror tliroo hundred sixty-two
thousand dollars. Tho aforcfmld lioiils
shall bear In to rout nt five per cent
per annum; to bo redeomed one- v
ontli nnnunlly beginning nt tho end
grndo, then traveling will bo better."
A llttlo farther, nnd wo met a fnr
mor coming to town with n fine toiun
horses, lleslden It was much casloror l")r80S ,Mlt on,y n B,naU ,0,lrt oft
very good apples. Ono of our pnrtyl
'.., ,1. i-lr.i.
Insisted on stopping this man to ask"' l,,u ",l" yu,,r' II
'run ftiiint'iipiuinr' rn,ifi iiin....i !
-" " .... ,I,IV1II-Il
Monday '
Alpha Delphlnn Society,
with Mrs. Kato Lando.
North Dond Catholic Guild
with Mrs. Sheridan.
Hastsldn Koval Neighbors
With Mrs Steikel.
Mothers' anil Teachors'
prograin in Commercial Club
rooms. v
North Ilond Athene Delphl
nn So6loty nt tho library. Ladles Guild In
Guild hall.
' Wednesday
Marshfleld llrldgo Club
with Mrs. G. W. Kaufman.
Auction llrldgo Club with
Mrs. It. K. Laraway.
l'astlmo Club -. Itli Mrs.
Hoscoo Ilazor ln North ttond.
.lolly Dozen Club with Mrs.
llrockmuoller In Hunker Hill.
North Hend Card Cluli ev
ening session with Mr. and
Mrs. George Stephenson.
Intently to my explanation nml after
I was through made tho remark that)
ho was with us lieait and sotiliind Itej
fully believed that the da.v.t good
road passed ills pluco tho farn'.
would be doublo In value, llo wont'
on Jo reluto that In ono part of the1 In North Hend
ohjh whero ho lived lii'for.0 uoiiilmtl "AT N. W. Club with Mrs
hnro that upon n certnln road tlio, Frances llnzard. 4
land had almost dpiibled itself Ine4
KIoitor Club, with Mrs. O.
11. Wilson. '
Kinney Club with Mrs. Otis
1 MC7$ib T itlimiil
11 i
i X
I a?? -k
d f I """ f.l M
"' ' ' '"iimiwr mm i i niuimm..i..i -
BLANCO 'I' " """
A I ( .
first of, all a aualift, hV :
sense of the word. No tire canl'
made of better matennU l b
But the Price is Le
nn Kl.5lc Nnn-.L-iJo 4-"U i .
1 :i : r .1 LimaoiiPiaintrearl
tires cf several other standard mat
Iho ImsIc Branch Organization is th
wu.tu-.spreaa m me industry (over 100 i
branches) and the Service Policy 'cA?
most liberal. y lar lhe
Fisk Tires For Sale By
The Gunnery
inmnmnmBi Wfcff jmrnmninl
I r , "' niimw. . i.i.i, i fni .. . . ..'. 'mar I
The Public Service Hotel
has Ju-t been thoroiii'lily rcnoviil
i'd, and opened (o the piihllc Muicli
Itrl, 11)1(1. Some of tlio featMios
of ibln oli) hostelry are. free oiti-j
pbi.Miirni biir.tu. fire nouIiii; mmiiii,
liifoiiiftitlou bulletin uml Kind treat-
MM7I. Tho i:itiomi?i .r the piibjl
N Killiltcil. I
iiii.wro mi'tn,
j'j; Voriii i-'tiiiii sircet
riiotie 1 1 l-l..
Marshfleld. Oienii
w. t i.oi:
Tlio I Its I I'liulppcil Viili-milluK Winks in Coos Ceiinlr
Wo iiiaho Helliiei.s mid will call mid liispm jmir II
'l II "4-."4( --
Vulcanizing Works
Urn anl (Jti
A PIPE of VELVET is like a good
watch-dog. It welcomes fren'ly
tnougms an' scares on
unfrenHy ones.
for District Attorney
Wutch for his iiniiio on Hcpiib.
Ill an ballot .May Itllli.
. hi: wti.i, hi: i:m:cti:i)
d'ald Adv.)
For rellaldo Abstrncti of Title ol
Information nlxnit COOS DAVItCU
KSTATH, fceo
Title Guarantee & AbstractCompany
Marshfleld nnd Coqulllo City, Oregon.
C'onenil AKentH KiinInIiIo nnd 8ciiKtiickcnaH Addition.
Kpeclal attention paid to jtHsosMiicntH and payment of Uiw.
(&&" i :
I ,,lg ' ' " lPt,'-,,-'--'- i J .mJ
upwnK witoM!gm'am -ammmmn n .
HikXT rw .mn-t.i ? !.. .'.' i j i i if. r- .k" . r t Hi. in
fflRW'K'3f' .'.' .V?UFUi' vj. '&t&is& '1
mmi.irvlij:im ?pjm$m !i
i Hii.-jft,rvvi ', i-i . " jpnni . vai im u'M jU 'h.i.t-jh fi.inf m
TTlTfTWfi Down 1 I
i m fflpj i x.":r -
Im' m mm M fi vrtS.oa-8 M
msm iiAan,itsavA.i'i.f. i b: xrxxtevmss&ftisK
lffiill i
wrmmrrrmr'iyi ffi
wmssnmmMtx. jsz l.
&mm xmwmihx w.p$mmvi
i ,ta1k?MVVMa MhlzlL
I vi'vxjrycllw2u'TOJ?i2Kif
tf&r -imgamr
BMHE2T - i ii I
Your Home
o doiiiK put three hundriMl nlvty-
two (liouwind dollarti In circulation
In Coon county, (lion luduco tluwe
man to Hpoud their uioney at home,
llo roHillly n Ki oixl Willi urf and om-
iimiwxiMi ino mil iniu mo monoy
Mhoiihl bo kept in (!ooh coiinly.
Ah wo wero nealed in a hotel al
lunch, wo wor very pleaHtid to dln-
cover an old friend, who lived on n'
ruucli u short dUlanco from that
town. Ho told im that ha want In
town lonMiiK for a hoime, for in or
der tit keep him family together ho
miiHt move to town because bin chil
dren had rouclu'il un nno when thoy
were dluHatlHfled with the farm. WV
uiIvIihxI him to uito for tho bond In
to, mio mid got a uood road built bo-1
itweon hi. rami and town, thou buy ELECTRIC DRIVE ELIMINATES I OMR I imfq ntr nCDUCnn
An easy chair .or no t'ti
rocliliiK clialr often adds no
much to tho appeal anco of tho
witting room or piu-lor. Hcsldes
tho appearances, It Increases
tho comfoits of (ho homo.
Cows In and let its Miov you
our liii'uo lino.
It will mioii ho tlmo for the
spr'iiK lioiisccliaiiliiK and jou
hail better riKtn-o on tho extra
fin ult ino or new pleirs jou will
need to niako (ho changes ion
Going & Harvey
Company i
North Front St., Phone 1 96 '
Take iiiithliiK hut tho lioM. If )ou cannot net tlicm cIcwLr,
jou ccitiilnly en n hero, and It is Just as easy mid comrolfot t
purchase lieto anyway. Vou'll fliul our Moio rotrtcnlent to"
If not, 'phone. Tlio mjivIco In Just tho haino ns though )
canto iiiii-hclf.
Our nicalN ace (ho key ( economy, whhh ccrjone ca
l'iKcr into tho cnjojinciit of tn, lender nirats. M ui f
ply jour initio.
('IIICKK.NS, And a I-'till Line of IKt M"a,
Palace Meat Market
I'hotio Kill'
H. 1). OSWALD.
Centril iti
Oreon Greatest Fishing Resort
iVie.Jr iri!unv."1',1" so"""- !
I aclflc Hallway Trains are (o Cos
Multnomah County Cnnuultwlonor
m. nil automobllu and It umilil tpl.-. 1.1,,. '
in.1 only about twenty lnlnutes to come SHAFTING, WlllCll rCpi'OSClitS a (lead I0SS ill efflCiCHCV of
"i.jto town, in thin way IiIk chlldroni , p .
would huvo uh many advantage i If ,ll,cll "s O P"' CCIlt.
I hoy lived in the city. Ho was vory'
ELECTRIC DRIVE permits individual application of
power to each machineso that if only one or two
machines are in operation power is being used
only in that proportion.
VOU can find all the modern conven-
iences'and comforts at the LZ"
E. E. SMITH. Mo-r. Lakeside, Oregon
. y ,..,.
JMVl'Mtl l'nlnl i. on . .
""' i ..iv p. hi. much piougod with the Idea ami docld
liillliail is l OIIIIIIK i(i tll Kllv iw n,,l,..l.ll ,.ii
" "" .......... ,',.! I.W.III tlla.
hlIo wo wero still In town one
pod I
vJlufiHi C. llo .nan will arrive In the r lu. frl0111,B wll0 lml ,,,, laU,rMt
r,u? i " VVr "ml W,U "r0b Iml ' ,0"1 ,l,, "' 'levelopoi
T. ' " m rr"T "' t,m ",aot-'tl"n or tho country, noticed! area
nK U Coauillo Thursday ovonlng. ,o- wMo wlniIWt wIloro fanu ,ai fo,
HilsSLV i YV K$$ja
itlMllll.. tn M ,..,.1.11 .11 . . . I
in. 47. I " ' 1"t" "n,- 'Wlmt p,,0l l''," wonder
Slr:s;r:i"J&!2ztlrslc,n,r,l stalion Hoc"'io Soi'vice M p m
Ynn in . . fouml 0,,t ,hat u, fiUm was located' inousanus or ractor es.
Ii, :!1"a!hOTl . "r 1.U f the hill .here
..... """" 7"'"'HJ " ' the mmi with the lumber w
""J"u i'i viiooi nouw; .MunilHy1 tronblo.
Jiigiit ai Atiogany Hull; Tuhlny nlHtit
at tho Marihfield Kollowlilp Club
ninnor anil Wodnotdny uit at (ho
Sumner Hall.
iu huvltiK
Wheu Coiu county bonds
for tlue hundred lty-two thousand
dolhuu," h told ue. -and puts her
rouds on a pormauont lino and urado!
that farm will be sold for twico as
reffon rower
Telephone 178
Let us figure what it will do for you.
Hay. Voti havo jour choice of a
nice lino of vehicles, from
$3.00 TO $13.00
A.Quallty Nnmo With a Son lco Famo
North Front Street .Mnrsdifield
J. E. FORD ( CO.
Complete cold storage system. onnriiiions
Our meats are kept under the most sanitary conmu
Our niotto is to please our customers with promptness
and fair dealings. t . rnasS and
Our oteaks, chops, cutlets, rib roasts, pot roa-i-boils
are all from prime animals. hAf loaf are
Our sausages, wienies, bologna, veal ana db-j
all made by an expert, kept for that line of worw
Our lard is pure and clean, none better. N
t-7A p nnnAnuAv n DUOMPQ Wfl. 00 rt"'" ""
uto, DnuHUWHi triiuni."