JHE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHF1ELD. OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916 EVENING EDITION. SEVEN Strawberries a are ripe in Bnoewood From the garden of U. 0. Gosncy of Englcwood come the first Coos Bay strawberries Largo and luscious and of wonderful color. It is the rich soil and sunny slopes of this at tractive South Side residence district that brings fortli the early berries and small garden products. You'll like Englcwood where the streets arc graded, city water; light and telephone service is at hand and you'll want your home among those already established. Sec these 50 x 1 20 foot lots that you can buy on your own terms for only $300 each. Kefnoiios development lo. (OWNER ENGLEWOOD) :S TO CLOSE 5001 mtm: i:axs is to co to NOItTII IlKXI) my 178 Central Call 160 for Plat. A Fortunate Misfortune link mill .1111 wont up (ho Mil 'ID fi'ldi a pull C wnlcr, Jack Ml down mill liroKo IiIh rrouii And .1111 ciiiiio tumbling after. S.iM Jink to .1111 "Confound (lio hill! "Why nwry walci' down It? "WV'II lny a pipe ami turn It loose, "Anil supply everyone from it. Xii mine up lilll tolls JIrn. ,1111, Anil Mir anil palls luivo pmleil. .link's broken crown hath brought renown, 'finis water nj.slenis Mnrtcd. COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY MAHSIIKIKLI) AM) NOItTII HUM), OKF.COX. Ilue ,Miii (iisteil tlie new whole wheat rooil originated hy the Kel. Ion Toasted Corn Fluke (? Krumbl 10c lis delirious. Our ciM-culs are ill mhjn fix-h and our stock up to l:itc. Cannea Beans Wo luivo Snlders,' Vim Camps, Heine's Llbhys' nnd CaniiiiiullH'. Snldor :: regit! e cans for 25c; lnrgo H.c can 2". Spaghetti Van Can':-: 'Oeund 15c. j Pioneer Grocery 21 Central Avunuu I'hono 81 I If fori Mmlo to Keep llliu Hero Hut AViwigciiicnt.s for ('limine Hud 1U en .Mitdo i:v..s kciioks "A lot of follows talk In five figures whan really tlioy don't cut any". "You vory seldom 300 a Binlle on a millionaire's face." "If Boinu woman paid loss attention to tholr husbands morals anil more to their meals they would solve tho prohloin". "A f3t man ltko a fast Itorso can't go fust fur". 0 4 For four weuks tlio Interest ami attemlaneo of tho Kvuns union re vival has Increased dally. There has even lieon talk of continuing tho revival another week hut Inas much as the North Head olinrchus hnvo hired tho Star theater and luivo made all piopnrntltiiij for their services It does not look as though the KvniiKollat could be persu.uloil to i omnia. California lloostci llruco Hvtttis Is a Ciillfornliitt and It Is notlcenhlo that ho does not Itnqek, hut on ovory occasion lioosts Instead. lie told a story ono night of San Francisco and Los Angolos. At a dinner In San Francisco sumo mon woro making addresses. Ono from Los Angoloj said :"Voll gon tlomon wo havo a wonderful city. Thero Is only ono thing wo lack In Los Angoles. Wo know you laugh at us because wo 'blow, blow blow' all the time or our climate. If wo only had the ocean a little nearer to. us wo would surpass you folks quickly. You havo tho advantage) of being right on tho Hay. Wo are twenty mllea from the ocean, llruco says a 'Frisco' man Jumped up and sa'tl I'll tell you Los Angeles fol lows how to got tho water. If you will lay some pipe front tho City down to the boach and suck as hard as you blow you will flood tho old town." Hvnns really seems to luivo ab sorbed some of tho boosting spirit nnd If he has accomplished anything In our city a great deal of his suc cess can bo Inlil to tho fact that ho has looked for the good Instoal of the bad. He has built up Instead of tot n down. .Mr. Kvans announced that ho would closo early tonight to allow thoso who wished to attend tho High School Piny to do so. Tho niinngoniout of tho play mndo itn notimeil that tho program would bo ln a halt hour later than usual. Many prominent people of tho town are attending night after f night. FIDOS CHEVROLET CLOSE TOMORROW IS MONEY SAVE KVAXS ISFA'IVAL IX MAItSlt KIKLH NlUltlXO Till: CXI) to mi:i:t wiiiti: Adjutant (.Vnrial Will He Hc-io On Monday Xlght. It Is now announced that nn op ening mooting Is to he held In tho Chumber of Commerce rooms -on Second street, .Monday evening at S' p, in, for tho purpose of talking over the organization of a mllltlu company. The mnln question scouts to ho whether a company ahull 'bo of tho couit artillery or naval mil itia. Kveryono who Is at all In terested In the move Is asked to bo projutii rt tl"; me t'nu. (.'AIM'. IH'XSOX HI CI I IX HIS I'ltAISIJ OK XI'AV CAK I'm'h Less Caroline Than Other .Makes and In Itegiuded as Most Cro- iiomlcal Capt. J. Dunson, keepor of Cape Arago Lighthouse, ciiiuo to tho city In his new Chevrolet auto and ho Is; high In his praise of tho machine The captain mnkes nn auto travel when u good many others will not attempt It, ns ho frequently makes' the trip from tho lighthouse to this city whon tho roads aro in bad con dition. Ho says that tho Chovrolet was operated for a distance of 82 miles ou I! Vi gallons of giisosllno while tho 'host Hint ho could do with his Ford was 22 miles to tho gallon of gaso line. Ho estimates that he saves a cent n mllo operating tho Chevrolet nnd regards It ns tho most economic al machine that ho lma yet tried. :.:axv iiavi: paid Recorder Judge llutlor states that about ISO vehicle owners have pnld up tholr vehicle taxes, bring ing something over ft ,000 Into tho, general fund of tho city. Ho says there aio only a fow more owuor.i who hnvo not paid. Tho law wont Into effect April 1. Copies' Candidate FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER SEEKING REPUBLICAN NOMINATION MILLER'S THE MAN for District Attorney Watch foi' his iiiiiiio on Repub lican ballot .May 10th. in: will hi: klkctkd (I'ald Adv.) S. E. Henderson For County Surveyor Vote for Him May 19 JMM.yat;PAR'iayUMlS;HP TUATtm W lUl-lIll That J ! J4..ttliD GtreriheadJ ! tsaestt - ' i i KAHK TlllltTV l)OLIi.KS Honald Charlesou Snjs It Cost That Murli I'Voni Handon Knglncer DL-nald Charlesou came over from Handon and says ho found; '.lint the faro from that city to Marsh field Is $:I0, provided that ono nt tLinptn to run nn auto at this time of tho yenr. Mr. Charloson attempt od the trip yesterday bringing with him his wire nnd one of Iter Indy 'friends. Ho smashed n tiro casing, broke threo tubings, had to walk to town to got his tools to mako repairs, used n litinntlty of gnsollno and pnld for tickets for tho Indies to return! homo by train. Ho counted It up and found Hint tho trip from Handon to .Mnrshfleld cost him Just tno. Mr. Chnrleson left his machine In n gnrngo hero for repairs and wont bnck to Hiimlon on tho train. Will Stmt n Secies of .Meetings at Xoith Item! .Monday -Night Has Hcen Croat Success llruco Kvnns' evangelistic pnrty will closo the campaign here In tho city on Sunday afternoon. Sunday morning will bo tho big mooting. Tho afternoon meeting wilt bo hold nt 3 p. m, in the Methodist church, tho name place wltoro nil tho meetings havo boon held. llruco speaks at 1 1 'a. m. also In the Methodist church. Thoso who hnvo not heard him nro Invited to come in the morning. There was u largo crowd In tho church last night at 7 o'clock as Hrttcu had announced to begin early ho that tho people might ttttoud tho high school ontertalnmont. Immediately upon closing hero ho will go to North Hosd wltoro ho will open Sunday night In tho theater there. Tho mootlngs hero hnvo been n big success. Tho nttenilnnco hns boon very large, ovory ovcnlng tho liotiso being crowded and man ycottld find only standing footu. TO HID THE ISSUE CHAMHi:it OK COMMHHCi: KAVOItS COOl) IIOAI) HOXD.H START E DUGATING MUST SHOW OKI'IClAkS WORTH OK LOCAL WOODS .'conomy Experience Ability Integrity ! FOR SHERIFF i ' Subject to the wishes of tho oloc toiK at tho primaries May ID, 1 liciuli announce m.solf us a can dilate for Sheriff of Coos Count; on the Rfpubllrnn ticket. My plat form Ih briof: 'Hflcloney bug economy, htrlct eiifouomunt of ,itv" DANIKL HARKLOW, Mrtli Point. Oregon 1 FOR Public Service Commissioner Man Who Can Satisfy Aiiciin: imiilii's the Entire County HIS FRIFMns ARP HIC RHnTFRR and they want him to Serve to Protect the People The Mark t Place . TIr mniVn successor 0 '-1 fU Town Market Is , "rt''nq columns of 'f" dacly rPn paper. ThtT arc as much an lin- fQT ment on tho old sys-. ' as thn news columns an advawo over tho n Crier d11? 1C0I),t) nowadays u't the -mvertlalng In t?C'Tr beforo u,oy MmSer.U 8aVes t,,no Lta 'Tonomy and co- "' in the ben sense "l,6ftord. ,A;Ms-ne ,W8 bComo ',xpa fa. tor In tho on, of dom '-He econ- TlJl m uitisixg I kou school sii'i:mTi:vi . i:xt ok coos coi'Ntv. at UKI'LIILICAX 1'Kl.M.iiur.fi MAY H. Il(l w. ii. inxtn .My Platform. If clectod I promlso to dovoto my entire tlmo to tho educational intorosts of tho County, divided be ' tweon definite porlods in the of , flco and active supervision, as tho noedo of the schools uemanu. I will mako the public school system of Coos County ns Bood as tho best lu tho state. Tho last Legislature made tho 3iinfirvlKnrr law ODtlonal. I Will 1 end this graft, do tho work myself and thus savo about ?2.000 a yoar ' to tho taxpayers, i qi.i n.i district difficulties j shall rocelve my personal attention and will bo settled anitcauij. All teachers and those aspiring to teach are assured impartial as sistance. An efficient resmeiu, teaching force will bo especially en couraged. I I -. !.... rnna tnlHOrtallt, 1116 KkTi?" it, -Jr JBBt ELECTRIC DRIVE ELIMINATES LONG LINES OF OVERHEAD SHAFTING, which represents a dead loss in efficiency of asj '.niich as 6 per cent. j ELECTRIC DRIVE permits individual application of ; power to each machine so that if only one or two machines are in operation power is being used ! only in that proportion. i i Central Station Electric Service hns reduced Power Costs in thousands of factories. Let us fiqure what it wlil do for you. Oregon Power Co. Telephone 178 GRAVEL MMMfcHMMBtewwiA bhKD O LI i'ilTI'1, "Krcl H'Hhel originated tho Oregon W' , ' iti 1 M ' -'" ami has d":i "d .rl. I!- U now a (aadldate tor rnllioid cjih mlMloner and - loi "e realUoa ou the expectations for Ire is square on four 3ide. and thH s t';.' kind of biy we neeJ In tliat itspart ant offlc ." Oreat n V. r liana Magazine, pril o, 1 iU C. I TIMES WANT ADS X t GET RESULTS t v nr- n prepared to furnish GHAVEL lu ny uiituii r-..ii nib' in our yard or lu carload lots, at followliin prlcci -Mini inle mi Kriiiui'I, '2.Vf per yard. Carload lots, takiu from (ara 12. U0 per rarrt Petal I depart men, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. (lifui-llr f-l.Iffir. Itll) IW. Ab Fur relluhlo AlMrnrtN of Title anil bout COOS IIAV ItlCAL P&TlPiXfVO Information u Oil O.LL5 l-STATH. he Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshflold and Coqujlle City, OrcKon. Criicral Acriit I'aMsfilo nnd SciiKturki'iiV Adillllmi. Special uttoiitlon paid to nssessiiicuts mid payment of tue IIKMtV BKXfi'STAl KLX, Miinnu'i-r Chamber of Conimeno So Voles ami A i no Moreen Sanction! Move Kir nnd (Vdiu- Ignored Wliou Kuverniuoiit officials back In WashliiKton tho other day cast out tlu radio stutlon bids for Coal Hank Inlet because tho contru-etorH had quoted prices on nntlvo woods, Itutead of ubIiik tho redwood, spec ified lu tho plans mid specifications, tho mime officials Immediately lirmiKlit down on thoinselvca tho wrath or an ludlKWiiil people. Coon county has timbers ovory bit as good and oven oxcuIIIuk tho California rodwoodB, aald tho mm hers of tho Chamber of Comiuorco lost ovonliiK. A Ioiik wlro, explnln Iiik this will, bo soul to Washing ton. At tho O. A. Smith Lumber com pany Htipt. Arno Mron had n Idea that was very much similar to llio expression of tho Chumhor. Ho aut Ipatod tho'r action, however, hy soudlux a UiiKtliy wlro loan tlmo igo to tho company office lu Han K;ancljro rulatlve to tho matter. Contractors hero statu that tho rolwood Is all r'sht, hut cannot bo procured here. To ship It In makes expensive biilldluin. At tho sanio tlmo they point out tho fact that tho native woods tiro Just as Kood" und hotter. TIj movo now Is to edtioatu tho govoruuiBiit offlclula litiok lu WaihliiBton tint tlioy aro rlKht. III5AL HSTATIJ SALHS I. S. Kaufman and Co. reports tho following r al oatato salan for the pttat week: Flvo aiJwt on CaU-hlng Inlet, a lot lu Un'lrond Addition and a lot lu Hay Pai it nugrouitlng about tSS.000.U0 lu value. Moio luqtilr hw hnvj been roelvod lu the pait two or throe wok than fur a long fine. JUIHJN HA.MILTOX COMIXU On Monday Judgo Hamilton lias promised to eomo horo for tho purpoiu of hotriug tho dgmurror of the plaintiff to the answers to flie dofenduuts lu the ante of C. A. . lohnion versti3 the Port and the City. The dofondants In tholr an-, swor claimed that tho action of j tli plaintiffs for damages Is zurred , Uy rcaacn of a foimor docreo gv 'iik them damages ou thcio same grounds. t T'MFR WAMT A0S t r.FT nrm ts t a-, i v w t la t Wiirm IIInciihnIoii Waxes Ou-r Ques tion lu Meellnjr Last Mvonliiv: FaiuN Aid Campaign Desplto n division of opinion (.Lo Chnmbor of Commerce last cvennir; voted $lfiO for tho iMibllclty of tho Kood roads bond Issuo which Is to be ote.l ou May 19. 'J ho money has been authorized by the Inu-ccou for oxpondtturo and Up tunttor w.'.s put before tho orgu.nl. atlnii for ratification. Said l-tnittor I. E. Smith: "This road bond Ibsuo Is an Initiatory mea sure. Tho Chamber nt Commorco oiiKht ii'it to tnko a stand cm this bond Issuo bocaui& there happens to ho ;t difference of opinion There foro I t'lluU It Is an Improper matter to coinn Luforo this body. Xo MntiMIIng" for Hint "What's tho uso of Btraddllng tho fence?" K. 1). Flotchor wanted to Kti w. "This bond Issuo Is tho most Important thing that wo have discuss ed In years. Our buslnos welfare depends In u groat part on good roads. Let's voto for thorn." (loorgo (looilrtim firmly believed that tho Chamber ought to either sup port or turn down tho measure. "It's an Important ono," ho said. Tho final votu showed a strong affirmative with Souator I. S. Smith and I. S. Kaufman voting no. Tho matter of ponding- ir0 for publicity uso In favoring tho read bond Issue was brought up. i;llllllM Ills Vlt'ltH "1 am oposed to tills," said Senator Smith. Ho explained that tho rov untie of tho Chumbor Is derived from many porsens who nro opposed to tho bond Issuo and for this reason part of their contribution to thn organi zation should not bo spent this way. Frank Morton was of the samo bollef, at tho sumo time stating ho firmly IjoIIovoh In the Issuo and will vote for It. This appropriation was paused, howover, with only three dlBsciitlns votua. L'cl llmhct lu Slmpo Very shortly the trustros will have the budget for tho now year In shape mid It will be made public. Tho Chamber also voted lust ev ening to assist the coming Chautau qua, hctwiioii July u and 10 Inclu Ivo, though oninonoy will bo c. pupdod for this purpose. Sjjnie mombors expressed tho foar that the Chautauqua ami tho load Celebration would nomo at tho mriiio time. It was pointed out, how over, that thero Is a pohslblllty of gottlng tho colebratlon stayed for n few days, ir tho two ntractlons are coming two closo togother. Will Send Us Fish John I), (loss, of tho fish and game committee, reported word from Mas ter Flali Wurdon Claxson, of Port "and, that aid Is to be glypji this county In tho way of bringing fish to stock the stroams now that tho fish ours ran mako the trip. Will Knt eii I n Inasmuch as Adj. On. (leorgo White. O. N'. 0., and moinbs-s of Ills staff. wUJ srrlvo ligro tpmnrrow, to look oer the matter of a company nf nilUtla In re. the Hoard of Trus-ti-pa will uld a cmmltteo from tho .a pb of V ' nm Pi their entertain ment of the visitors. y c .'or 6-155 iromlso8 xsl bo hopt.