THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY C, 1916 EVENING EDITION. SIX ' " 10 BE CflMFI niWED s GDMPAH ISOM HIDE !, , notu i: or hmm ok itK.i. i-hop- PROFESSIONAL OIRECTORV intTV ioi: hkumm h.nt , HTItKKT ASSICSSMHNTS: I Of. A. L. llOUSCWOrtll, t Notice Is hereby given tlmt nding Pl.ynleliui mill Suntwii ii win iti, Pitlm NTl'l) TO TfM It Wlll'ITS IIOt T CAN- b of ii warrant lily Issued) Office: IrvInK Work. ( HASS ttllili Mh I KlvSr M1JI 111 I.1AI.UMI MIUII..1 .inwi i i .i. i-. lilfflpn li.iiiP! II u l' a. m.l g t( IMOATKS l-OU COMMISSIONKHS , ,uo h"w " "'" - -" i , , I", " ' riold, coos county, urcson, uy onioi " HISIIOP SlMNHH N0HWK0IAX IiUTMKItAN. Hov. It, O. Thorpo, I'nstor Phono 37G J. Itcslilcnco 871 So. 7th St. Sunday School 10:00 p. in. norvlccs, II n. in. North llrml 7: -IS p. in., Sunday School nt 10 a .:n. HAY PAKIC CHAPKH K. II. Campbell, Pastor. 2-30 p. in. Sunday School. Mrs. W. II. Phillips, superintendent. No acriuons until after llriico 12vnns' Borvlccs nro flnlsh"d. Mid-week prayer mooting, Wod- nosdny, 7:30 p in. . FIIIHT HAI'TIST ClIUKCIt Itov. II. II. Kosltelt, Pustor Ilosidonco, 210 III rch Avo. Phono 12.1-J. A1Ico Tlckoll, churcli clerk. I). II. Palchott, Sitpt. Illhlo School. Calendar of Borvlccs: Tho church Jolim morning anil af tornoon In tho Union rovlval meet ings nt tho M. K. church. 8 p. in. Tho pastor will speak upon, "Tho Supremo Principle of tho Christian Mfo." Tho nntiual rountou and roll call of tho church will ho hold next Wed nesday nftornoou and ovonlng. '.Services Will lie Held Sunday Morn ing n( the Kplscopul Church In This City Tomorrow morning at 10:80 In KniiiioniiGl Churcli the lit. Itov. Wultor Taylor Suinnor, I). I), will administer conflrinutlou in uceord niico with tho Apostolic practice nnd teaching of tho Anglican Church. The lector of tho parish will present the following cnndldnlos to the lllsh op for tho sacrament of laying tin of hands: Helen .May SpraKue, Dng- nmr Deedora Fllosburg, .Mildred ls ubollo Ulploy, .Marlon Hoisfall,' How ard Lewis, Ilortliu Agnes Forroy, John Morchnnt, (! corse llutton O'Connor, Ida May I.araway, Oraco I.ela Clara "Wolvorton, Kllznboth Hl leu Kliumgiiii, I.uollu Drtulllu (Ira hani, i.ciioro Hello Honors, Fityrii Huxley Muttson, Iloleu Ceraldlue l.osh, Fanny Hazard and Kathnrlno Nlcjiolsou and Mary Kllen Holdon of Kuiplrc. (in (Unci' Class Tho following persons wero con finned at St. Mnry'H, Oardlnor: Mrs. Kiln J-ystor Hunt, Mm. Minnie Cngnblrd Graham and Harold WiihIi liiKton Hunt. I unixki) imirrnitHN cnuitcii NOItTH HUM) Mrs. It. N. I.owls. Pastor Sabbath School nt 10 a. tn. Christian Kndeavor at 7 p. in. Preaching at 1 1 a. in. and 8 p.m. Proyor Meeting Wednesday oto nlng at S o'clock. MAllSIirilMil) PHKSHYTKHIAN CHUHCII Itov. J. S. Stubbloflold, Pastor Clins. II. Io wry, clerK of sesslona A. L. Uutz, Treasurer. Mrs. Chas. MclCnlght, president Women's Auxiliary. Mlsn Mary Kruso, organist. J. T. Ilrnnd, Supt. Sunday School. Sunday school, 10 n. m. Union meetings nt M. 12. church 11 n, in, ICvcnlng norvlco In this church nt 7:30 p. in. "Making Now SlartH" ' Music by young l;ooplo'B choir. Proyor meeting 7:30 p. m. Thurs day. KPIHCOPAIi CIIUItCH. j fourth and Market Streets Itov. It. H. Ilrowning, Hector-- 8 n. in. Holy Communion. Tho JU. Hov. Waller T. Sumner, I). I)., olflclatlug. 0 n. in. -Sunday School. 10:30 a .in. -Morning norvlco, ad ministration of Iho Saerumttut or tho Laying on HttmU, and sermon by lllshop of Oruxou. 7:30 p. in.- -Kvonlng service and fiorinou. ylN THE t kJJiJiMXJ!' w (nstTVSssz&i. . . . I M.itsiiKii:i.i) school I NOTICS j O -9 -I OATHOI.HJ CllimOH NOUTII 1IKM) Aiiunvs Muniy Hospital. Tolo- phouo 21 1, Sunday mirvlco Klrat lunsfl. C:30 n. in.; lint maHH, !) a. m. Itowiry mid bfiiudlitlon, 7:.10 p. in. I'ATIIOI.IU CHUHCII MAHSHK1KI.I) Itov. 1.. J. McDuvIlt, pimtur: He v. M. Wulbio, iiMkUtHiit. Addrou. 312 South Sixth street. Phono 2 in. Sunday Services Klrst mum, 8 a m.; high inns, Roriuon and bono diction, 10:30. s J CHHISTIAN SCIH.VCH Services Sunday 1 1 a. in. WeduoBilay, 8 p. ni Auditorium Public Library. Eiinday uiorniug -" mid Ful Un Man." Sunday School. 8:80 a. in., In Christian SUciico Hull, Heading Room open dully owopt Sundays and holidays. 1 ft p. m., Christian Science Hall 237 Third Bt. North, I CIIHISTIA.V CHUItT'Tl I , Cor. S!xlU and Central. - Victor P. Morris, Pastor - Services as follows at tho Church. corner Sixth and Central: Heuulnr rvlcn evp, Sunday. 10 u. m Suuduy School. Makes Heference to .1. T. llnrrlKiin and Archie Philips Who Seek Hepiibllcan .Vouiliiatlon Tho following communication Ihib been received by The Tlmos: Marshfleld, Oregon, May Hit. Kdltor, Coos Hay Times: I Iinvo noted with considerable amureuicut, and I mlxlit also say chagrin, the announcement of the cnndldncy of one Archie Philips, 'for tho Republican nomination for Coun ty Commissioner. Tho ninuslng fea ture of this niimmncomcnt Is tho apparent solicitude of Mr. Philips n the welfuro of the taxpayeis of Coos county, although to the best of my knowledge 0 mn not contributed to lis support as u taxpayer. My chagrin hi duo to tho fact that wo as taxpay ers, are obliged ,10 choose between one who Is not financially Interested In tho county and ono who has Invest ed a largo amount of money hero and who Is vitally Interested In a busl-iiosH-lIko management of county af fairs. I am not personally aeiiualnted with either of tho candidates, hut an n taxpayer of this county 1 am natural ly InturtiHtcd In the Judicious expen diture of county funds, and believe this can only bo done by electing a man for tho commlslsouerslilp who has made a succiss of his own busi ness and who would therefore he qualified to give us a huslness-llho administration. Wo have already had our oxporlenco .with eoinmlsHlnnrrs who were not taxpayeis, nnd should profit by this experience. 1 am firm ly convinced that .1. T. Ilari'lgan has the ability to sorvo In this capacity and Inasmuch as ho Is willing to forve the people we should give him our umiiialified support. A TAXPAYHIL, nt the Common Council of said City. Phonos: Office IIK-M He.. UKO. dated the 20th day ot March, 15)1(5. ; to mo directed, roMUlring mo. as J, M. WliQlll .Marshal or said city to forthwith levy Phono 188- upen the lot or lots or parts thereof, IIUIUHNO CONTHACTOU or tracts of land upon which assess- Eitlrnatea furnished on request juent won made under and pursuant to Ordinance No. OCt of said city for Qp -e fflt SIlQW Kjo, Kur mid Thront flporlallst OLASSHS I'lrrKI) Phone KKO-l. Hooiiih Sii(l-2nt Irving lllock. ..ft. MATTIH II. SHAW Plii'blclnn Mtitl Surgrsi Phono It.'tO-J. W. G. Chandler AKCIMTKCT Ilooms 301 and 302, Coke Building Marshfleld. Orexon. tho Iniproveinent of Tonth Streot North from tho south lino of Park Av enuo and the westerly lino of lOlghth Terrace Streot to tho north lino of Hemlock Avonuo, In the City of Marshrield, Coos County, Oregon, and which nssessuiont thou remained un paid and to sell (ho same in (he manner provided by lvw, which said property Is in said warrant and herc inarter described, I have. In pursu nn co or said warrant, levied upon and will -on tho 31st day or May, UUfi. at nine-o'clock In tho forenoon or said day, at the Common Couucll Chamber .door of said City, belug In the City Hall, Front Street North or said city error for sale and sell nt Public au ction to tho hlghost bidder for cab, each of tho following described lots to-wlt: Lot IB, block IB, assessment $ 1 H :t.S 1 ; Lot 10, lllock IB, assess Bossmont $31.02, all or said ubovo described ot being sILuated In Per liiun Park Addition to tho City or Marshrield, according to tho plat thoreof un fllo and of record in the S:lCn. m orflco of tho County Clerk of Coo 10:00a.m. County. Orouon. and assessed to the 10.10 a.m. Southern Oregon Company, also tho following described lots nssossod toj Us '" '" K. O. Perhani nnd situated In Soug-j I ':l"i0 a. m. tackon's Addition to Marshrield, ac-, 1:30 p.m. coidlng to tho plat thoreof on fllo' 2:10 p.m. North Lako 10:31a.m. WILLAMETTE-PACIFIC TIME SCHEDULE BETWEEN Marshfieltl and Portland (Now Effective) Statement of Condition of Flanagan & Bennett Banks OK MAHSHI'IKLH AM) MVHTLK POl.Vp. uWaMs At the Clos3 of business 'May 1st, 1916 hiosouuci:s Loans and Discounts iiRQn7oii. Banking Houses and Real Estate idii2"S Cash and Sight Exchange ;"" kIm Total ... ... ... ... ....iSM3So LIABILITIES Capital Slock Paid in $ 7Bnnnnn Surplus and Undivided Profits .. yo'SH Dcrfs - -.:::::::j7 Total $82mS Train No. 1, Leaves 1:30 a. m. C:l0a. m. 7:20 a. m. Train No. 2 Stations Arrives Portland 10:15 p. m Ar. Kiigoiio Lv. B:2B p. in. Lv. Kugaiio Ar. B : 1 f p. m. I : 1 B p.m. 2:3B p. in. (Klor- 2:10 p. m. l:2S p. m. I i :uo p. in. 11:20 a.m. I I Not I Maploton Cii.ibnuin onco) Ada (ardiner Huedsport HHHS I'lltST 3IOVIKK Tho Coipilllu Herald says: Cyrus Madden, tho SI year young pioneer who has been hero from Curry county for aovornl weeks, saw the movies for tho first time when he visited tho Scenic one evening last week, and thought them great. and or record in the office, or tho County Clork ot Coos County, Ore gon, to-wlt: Lot 7, Hlock 8, assess ment $17.B0; Lot 8, lllock S, assess ment $3B.07; Lot 0. lllock 8 assess ment $373.08. Dated at Marshrield, Coos County, J. W. CAIITHU, Marshal ot tho City of Marsh field, Coos County, Orogon. Ml Wk ,6UPB0ARD Mnnhfluld school savings bank has had flvo bunking days. Tho de posits amount to $18B.00. Mr. W. W. Williams, a penman ship teachor or ovor 20 yours ex perience will teach penmanship in tho schools next week. Ho will do regular clasa work during tho day with tho pupils mid conduct a class for teachers after school hours. The eighth grades of Mar3htleld and Cnuulllo will compete In writ tan spoiling contests next Monday May 10th. Tho lilHli schools of North Head, Unndou, Cmttilllo, anil Myrtle Point , will compete in written spelling ' content for the County Champion ship, May H, on posted lUt ')( words. Cointreau, tho hoys' literary so- clety of tho High school, held its mooting or the year Tuosdsy evon lug, Officers for next year wero elected as follows: Chairman, Ru dolph Hlllstroiu; Clerk, Clifford CriImoii; Vlco-clerk, Khinond (IIoh sop; Sergeant, Llojd Lo.Mleux. Mr. St. I'lerro wtu sworn In as a now member and tho session concluded with Impromptu proKiam mid slug lug. The girls of CookiiiK II will servo a five o'clock luncheon to their mothors and one Invited guest next Thursday Muv I lib. Their nieui'k ' I .....! ..... . . . ... . . 7 . . 1""- ,..w...w no mil to mi nvai. iwmiiv i-uni j ' """"' J""-c "i one leni.iu miiiiii in ' law. which sad nronortv Is In mii.i i per plate They do tills on (heir ! " 'o1 ,ll,l'L'' "aiden In the icfilger warrant and horelnartor dejcrlbod, own IuKIhIIvo. K. IV. Hunter, former lustriiclor HcV 3: IB a. in. North Ileud 0:40 a.m. 3:30 p. in. Marobflold 9:20 a, m. BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated :: Hot Water, rriiiisient, T."c day: SK.OO Per Week. Orogon, this 29th day of April, 191C. Apartments, ijHn pv inontli. Kvery- lliing furnished. Phono Kit.'!. J;. .1. JUSTHX. Pioiirletor. OrtANGE VARIATIONS. NOTICH OK SAliK OK HKAIi PltOP. HHTV l'OH DKLIXgUHXT STHHHP ASSHSSMICXTS Notlco Is hereby glvon that acting by vlrtuo of a warrant duly Usucd by tho Itocordor of tho City of Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, by ordor of tlio Common Council of said City, dated tho 21st day of April, 191(5, to mo directed, re quiring mo, ns Marshal or said City to forthwith lovy upon tho lot or lotB or parts thereof or tracts of laud upon which nssojsmout was made utidor and pursuant to Or dinance No. 721 of said City for1 I'AItU TK.V CUNTS City Limits North Itend, fte nn commutation nr Zll TIOICKTS, .$1.73 .j .Mnrshflcld-Xorth llend Auto Lino Cars ovorj ten minutes from G a. m to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving nt 1 1 a. m.; to Era plro throo trips a dny. COItST A.KINO, l'roiw. bon Coudeiised Statciiien t. of Hie Coiidltluu of The First jjk OF COOS BAY MAHSIII'IIILI), OIIK. nt tlio closo of business May I, 11)1(1 HesoitrcLN: Loans .SKKU, I no.O." Overdraft.! KII.HO Honds, warrants and 80CUIl08 .... I8.,1IH).H. Heal estate 7li,)00.0() Kurnlturo and Klx- tures n.HOO.OO Cash and Sight Kxchnuge 11,1:11.11! I.lnldlitlcs: Capital Stock ..9100,000.00 Surplus and Undivided . profits ...... :w,mo.5 Circulation oiitstnmllng Deposits !7,tH),1.00 Hid. .B87.204.10 link . 3.GB2.17 ."1)0,8,-0.37 Total .!!K1ILM)7.71I Total ?H2J, 107,72 rK..fii: SALAO. Cut off tho tops i the liuprovninont or tlmt portion of' J of huge oranges. Carefully re- WK"tli street .North from tho north move pulp. Mix pulp with nit " r Cwilrnl Avonuo West to tho i' ;' rry (,f H,,w,1 ,w,m,mH 'M,!"SKr,irn ".ho WlLW. oiic-liuir Hie ipmntlty of walnut meats. 1 Coos County. Oregon, with tho ox- Marhiato with l'rench diesslng. Phico coptlon or that portion of said In oiimgo shells. Chill thoroughly and ' ,':,K,,t Street North whloh lies bo- Hcrvo wllli toasted crackers. ' !.wco" " ''Ii1"1 l'l fot "omUi ot n,. M..11..,., l..., , ,, , . ""' north lino of Common- al Avo- 0 I"llKbt.-Sonk half a box of llll0 Wlat ,, I)()lt .,0,'. 4m gelatin In one gill cf cold water lirteen south or a Hue at tlio north lino or mlniitos; now add three gills or bulling Klglitli Terrace Streot drawn at, water, Mir until dissolved, put Into It ''K1'1 k!oh to Klghth Street North, half a pint of granulate.! suptr. three "n'J V'1'1''1' ?wH,""t "'"' gills , sour orange Juice' 0 C m " "" I l" & - - I"---. ,.... v.. uj atnr. Place a couple- of ioiumIm of slic , ' bavo, In pursuaiico or said war ed orange In each Individual 1IUI1, co. ! '""i''' levied upon and will on tho or with the Jelly, then a layer of soft i,1 "" ol '"'. HUB, at nlmf WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer in .Muiiinmuum nii wionco, is custard or ulilpjvd iienni as a mask '",""' '" " lorenoon or sad day, studying Ihw in Iutl. Muutann. ' Serve he cold with lady ilimers. I".1 ,llL; -"" Oouik-II Cliainher MUii'u lenvtwg Mumliflold. ho lmsj Omnge lelug.-Put one running over ' J.,.''r ,IlIllllBa VL ,, tJmi'v In n'? -... ...IHIM. I ;"-J..H,nru. of s,n,l lonmge 'JSA J Stanley Mutn, U. II. . MI "." ,H'w;1' "m' ""lM''''''il ''l lemon ,ni,iie auction to tlio highest hid- iiiiirii iiiiii 1111k imijiui viirm ,,r .. 1. v h student in the onutHMrliiK do-. 'V' , " " , '". '"wV ' " 'VV '' '.'"' ,,;,!' 0'K'M ,r tl10 r('llol'K . . ., . , ,. , wn" '" "fHiiuy. with the gmte.1 ii. described ot3. to-w!t: Lot 1 lllock imrtHiBMl nt the Oregon AirtouUui.- ,ow ,., , ,MU. ., K oniliai.. ot 7, Narwinoiit $Sfl.7ft: Lot 2. CuIIuko. j It stand for twenty minutes; then stir Hloi k 27, assessment $2S.o:i; all A game ot base hall between In hall' 11 teacuprul ( coureuloner'ri of th. said ubovo described lot.i ho- faculty slid a plekwl twin from the wir. then the slluhtly lateu yolk of '"K situated in Perham I'ark Addl- IIIUl, .chool is balHg arranged fr ' ""o egg Mir. Now add M.lllclent ! J" " Hty of Marhriolil. Coos , , . . , , cuufiM'titiuers sugar to 1. mke t the con- lo"1,)' uronon, hi cord ng to tho next week funds to bo iwj.l In...... .'."..."," . . ' ll.' a l"" nlst theieor on m u...i nr ,....i - ... .... .... . W iuiuiii SAVE MONEY by ordering (ho fuiuoiis HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton $3.ri() Or half ton of both. ..SI. 7.1 l. ML'SSOX, Prop. Phono 1H-.I or le.ivo orders at Illllyer's Clgnr Store M Condensed Statemen t of the Condition ot SGaDdamvian-Amefican "Where Savings Are Safe" Marshfleld, Oregon, at the close of business May 1, 1916 Resources Loans $81,263.38 Furniture, Fixtures and expense ..6,027.40 Cash 26,620.64 Liabilities Capital .... $25,000.00 Surplus 7,241.97 Bill of Exchange discounted .. 6,804.94 Deposit 74,864.51 Total .... $113,911.42 Total $113,911.42 "We Loan Our Fund s to Our Customers" OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gortt ."4 King. lo Mnrhlifleld nt 7 u. in., nn.l returning leaving from Kmplro t H ii. iik Leavo Marsh field nt 1 1 ii.m. returning leave Booth Slough I p. in. ,cvo .Marshfleld f U p. m. n'l ri't1,, leave South Slniigli at (1 p. in. niHllIIII BKH'tlHIl IMIklll' IIIIII" lllll I Mil-14 uoiruy-ng tuo exi.eniea or Ha.K, lt ,,, , ,.. s ,,,, u , , nneoce or the County Herk of and A'orelmnt aa ro:.muttivos or , , wl, ,,ry ,,.,. , Htl(rwit I ' ' "'X" ""il ,,8''OS80,, M. . . a. the l,,,r-.cho.ast,.! M11. two to &J TvfJmS" Coo "co'u'n-t- TucU Mod at Hukciio. ; two thirds of a eiiptnl of augur, grilled ty. Oreo:i, tli s 2!Uh day of i)ri The oveulua of June lat. Tliura . vlud nnd Juice of one large orange, one UUii. " ' i" HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phona 3171 -- i MI'IIODIST KPISCOPAL. Joseph Kuotts. Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Kpwnrth League at :30 , m. S p mi. -"Willingness of Ood'a People." Junior Lenguo Sorvlca Thursday afternoon at :i:tr. Prnyor Mooting Thursday ovou lug nt 7:30 o'clock. All are cordially Invited. dm- ulll lu. .lull liluhl III tlia MluT. I I "I IIIIIK. I.IIO lUIIKm swiiriii or llltl- ' J. V. CAHTKH. School. Tim xaichi In eburiw of U'r H "' f,,,ir Wl"iIHenfiiU of bread- Marshal of tho City of Murshflold M, t . i I . . I ""r . "" ?t Hi vsit until lluht mid Coos County, Orogon. the tenlur vlHiM. will bo hld t tr.e wd(, Mlw. ,, oni,l, Jull,t. SnM April 29. May 0. K), 20. 27. High School Auditorium. ! u,Uk lllMi mi,i ,,i,. .,.,,1 IM)1. .,.,. ,. Tho OruduutlU( c.erclsos -,r the ; ciumlw and mid to the egiw. sngiir and Senior cluas will be hold Friday urungo Julco. Mix well, baho slowly eeuiug June S. Hov. John II. Iloyd Bl1 ""' Vl'0' eihl. of Poitlaud will dalher the address a Tim iiuiiual exhibit of grade scl.ol-i aI i twi GET NfW MUSIC work will be omitted this Th j departments of Art. Uo-I u--Hi jisr iiihsHi- Selene.', and Manual Train-! I ii-i win muko an exhibit of their !iU K.yri ypuuru. UT70 work sumo tlmo aboiit tho last 0f!''nuid to learn what llually became jl y i of Private Ada in N. Hve, l'ultel States ... . I marine i.riw, who deseited Jan. Ill, i no poster wji-k ot iif itigu ; ,SUi frm Ulp u,mmaud of Captain School Drawing cluas has been an Anthony Hale nt 1', have so etflcleut liolu to tli High hcliool ! (ar Irhmi uimviilllug i Come u no, (it.,) tho Iuiuki .ictoi I records on our machine and select j I he lines j cm i( lea And Still He's Missing. ' ... '!,' ' "'oo,e Prom Kff.nts intiile to l.s-ato the descend- IUo w'u "u'r 8l,L',-,u' N'ber3 for you SOUTH COOS UIVUH I10AT si:i:vici: LAUNCH KXPHIJS.S leaves Maihlificld every duy H a.m. Leaves head of river at :t::ltl p. in. STKA.MKU UALVHOW leaves head of rher dally t 7 a.m. Leaver Marshneld at '- l.iii. I'nr charter apply on board. HOGKHS A SMITH, Props. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCiSCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agent MICTIiniHST CHUHCII Key. A. S. Ilistiy. Pastor. North Head I 4 Tho services Sundny will bo a follows: Sunday Hcbonl nt 10 a, m. 11:00 a in Sermon. Vospor Clrclo and IOpworth Leagiif at 7 p. m. this iir. Tlio schools ar planning an ex hibit for tho Coos County I'slr this rail. The sail lor Auutml. th Kloahewn vs. bus gone to press. 'thou are 29 student In tne senior class this year. The Uacculuureaitt Heriujn villi !-, "Ptxibnlily Ik'UI It Iwck to the garden of lSdeu." fucetlously wrote ah Ohio Kvw. "Still rulslng Culu somewbere no duubt." spiled ii member of the Texas brunch, who aUo dUchiliued hlusbip with the origl'iul Adam. "Hiiiwing apples lu Oregon. I Uuow bim well," wi the rotm' from an iglicr Hve, ho was probnbly mUtnkeu. And now the guerunuut mbcuIs ill- L. L. Thomas Music Co, 711 ( cm i nl Aw'iiuo DRY WOOD t Campbell's Woodyard North I'Yont Street Phono f)K-,l fjszjlP' w3lfc PORTLAND First Class 7.50 & F. A. KILBURN SAILS MAY 14 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. h. G. Ct'SHIXfi. Agent Direct sailing to EUREKA SAN FRANCISCO, SANg I1AHI1AHA. LOS ANGLES, SAN DIKOO. STR. BREAKWATER MAY 10 I WALL PAPER See VIEPS hruit it 'f WEAVING All kinds a spec j laity. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 I 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-Rl prtuvheil Uy ltttv. J. 8. atnbbleft-ld I recth.g tlio searth are or Hie oplulou of the Ma rah field Presbyterian ltt;t certain points lu the lutcrruptel Cliuich. the oerclsin t lilw ejr will ! in the niurnliu, on S.ied.i '..) :'vth. QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS nonosito Blanco Hotel, 'I T. .1. SCAIl'H 0 a. ii. iionni.vs military i-iivo- of Private Admu X l.e. I lilti'il Males in.irillc loips, must i i phonn 10fi I. r-nn'ii i.t. ir lu , MHSHKiril nn-fini Ca pud Comn.c.t I m.usihm.i,), QK.flQK i Marshfleld fA,NT AND I qiailMLiy. DECORATING CO I , kVHiuates Furnished - Phoao H8-K, Marshfleld, Oreoa EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage phono 180-L Nortn rrom -v- Times Want Ads Bring Results