THE COOf SAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGUPl, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916 EVENING EDITION. FIVE ,(MK3nHBiMnaKtMBH'raeBKMMHBK!HgSKiraBOHMLK3' I Better, iroadler (Me Sendee For You Tlml It l'sl' '" "I'll'" i fw iiiiinhin The Fluip ami (his K.,,im not uloni value, but mlded stle, Indhhltiallty of design, cx,.si'iifss of fabric, unity of i')ii'vson. And tins ldo awake limps kunu It. Thcy'v,. Icmncil Hint (hoy find tin greatest Millsfai'tlon In FIXUF CLOTHES As How as $oSO; op to $30 'e are shy wirn U THH WKATHKIt Itl'H'OUT ' I sterday tho soiretary ot the asso clutlon wrote tho Chamber of Com merce here for eome literature. This will bo scut him Immediately. inn SSa peciaMy fine bke serges ait $15.00 No matter ttlml your culling or nerupatlon, all distinctions mi' wiped nwny wlii'ii' Jo" put on a Milt or FKup Clothes, it's the sjle that iloi'.s it. It achieve for yon a Ninait, prospototis nppeninuco at n njtit5 stroke. It inail.s jou as a limn uho keep step with progress. Call mi u Unlay. We'll show you the n."v models. You'll icalli' the nl)lf illl'fivi'iiti' the iimiiii'iil. you sen tlii'tn. It's worth knowing about. It's north having. THE FIXUP MarsMield - - - M i V 0 rfht Beimdl 21 SNAPPY BUYS I Bourn New Modern Bungalow, within m minutes walk froiu the huslnos district. House completely rurtihdictl. Prho VIUOO. Small payment down, Imluuco monthly Installment". ft Itoiim N'ew Mullein Bungalow locateil In bet resident o dis trict. Hani surfaevtl street, nil foot lot level with lei raced lawn. i--i(H). Monthly pajmeiits If ilcdtcd. Deslrahle Kcslth'tieo Lot ivllli lty root fionta:e. Street lin pitivciaeulH in anil paid for. $1100. if-.", down anil 10 per uir.tiih. Tuo (.'mill Level Lots, ."0 x III" cleared ami ready for building. if'iM). Tonus ijtIO rash anil $10 per mouth. See REID About, It. 150 Front St. fllr AMorlatnl I'rwi to com Hi; Timet. OIIEGON Showers, south westerly winds; moderate near coast. LOCAL THMPKBATUKH KF.COKD Fiir tho 24 houra ending nt 1:411 a. m., May C, by nenj. OstUnd, special government Meteorologist: ' maximum 9 Minimum 42 At l: m u. m 42 Precipitation 79 Precipitation slnco Sopt. 1, 111 15 79. C5 Precipitation same, period last year CI. 32 Wind: Southwest, cloudy. SUXULSK AND SUBSIST Sat unlay May 0. Sun rises nt 1:17 and sets nt 7:0C. To Speak Tuesday. Mrs. Myers, cx-presldent of tho Mothers' Congress will lecture Tuesday ovonlng nt 8 o'clock in Cittlltl hall. t New ltouil Map. Tho road mnp which lias boon published hy tho flood Itoads Association was mado from a tracing taken from tho new county mnp drawn hy KnglnCur I). L. Buck ingham. Parish IHaner. A dinner Is to he given In honor of Bishop Sumnor this i oven Ink' at ti o'clock hy the Parish. All members nf tho Parish tiro cor i dlally Invited. ('oiuuiuuliiu Service Ivarllcr. To morrow tho Holy Communion service hi Kmmaniiel church will bo nt 7:30 Instead of 8 o'clock n, in. Bishop Stunner will officiate. ihiiii iiiiijqaaaHBaggsarazHBKgamBa SPECIAL- Want to Know I'm Keller So many inquiries have coma to tho Com mercial Club nt N'yssa, Oregon, ro- hurtling tho Coos Hay country that KWW :5e Ih m n Soap, H liars for ; Country t'luh Coffee, regular ilfte iltlc Chick Feed, Per 10 pound sack flUr Hams (guctl ipmllty) Per pound -lit' New SpuilH : I pouudD -v Xcw Peas ( I pounds U.c U'tttire, Per Head .1c ItiulMies (lllg Bunches, fresh) . . . .' ftc (Veen Auuls, Pur Iliiiuli fie Pit Mrs, L'i; Gal. Keg, plain, each I)0c Saratti:;.i Chips, Per Parkago -He Spuds (local) Per 100 pounds '2X Itlpe Olives, Large Tall Cans, a tl i We Ihttter ( N'omay) Per. ti pound sijiiaro 70o H.VN IIKIIS: Wi: IIAVK A NKW SIIIPMKXT OK SKIII) COM l.(!, AT Till: FOLLOWING PHICKS. IVIdo of the Xorlh, Per lu;3 pouinls $r,.rU ('tildeii lliuitain, I'cr pmiiid , I'e Stimuli's Mvergieen, Per pound He GETTiNG'S CASH GROCERY Ladies: For Your Convenience Engraved Calling Cards, An nouncements, etc. in the latest styles on Paneled Cards may be obtained from Premium Lists Heady. Aeeordlin: to C. Milton Schulz, of the Coos-Curry Fair Hoard, who was hero lnsi evening, tho premium lists for the fair to bo held at Myrtlo Point next fall, nre now ready. These may be secured, ho said, by writing ,1. O. Stcmmlor, of Myrtle Point, who Is secretary of the organization. liiok Over Deposits. Tho Sthlc tftircnu of Mines litis sent word that within a few days one of their mining experts will come to Coos county for tho purpose of looking into tho cop per and iron deposits reported in tho vicinity of Powers. Ho will prob loiy bo hero for several ilnys, poking about in tho hills. .Not Much I let tor Clinrlca II. Cod .Hug has not Improved any, ncconl ng to dipt. 11. V. Olson, of the Vdellne Smith, who visited him nt Hay Point, near San Francisco, whon there t.ils last trip. Tho captain iald that M.. Codding scorns to bo dowly sinking and little hope Is ex trcssetl for his recovery. Ills family a there with him. ond time ho has been nrrested within 10 titles on a charge of drunkcuess. Argue llouudar) Case. Dennis Mc Carthy went to Coiiullle today for the purpose of pushing u boundary case against the Port of Handon, his con tention being that tho Port Is over stepping Its jurisdiction In taxing pioportics which ho claims nre with in the watershed of tho (Port of Coos Hay. When the Port of Myrtle Point wns established n strip of land lying between the property of the Port of Myrtle Point niid tho Port ol Coos Bay was loll out of either body. Immediately tho Port of Utuulon stepped In and look over tho terri tory. Tho allegation Is mado that the Port ran no true lines. Tlmro are several tracts Involved In addition to the land owned by Mr. McCarthy. Sniinton, Prescription Specialist SultN Are Filed. Three suits hnv been filed in tho Justice court. A. !:. Dimmit Is suing It. 1). Hall for the .ollection of $23. 7fi alleged to bo due him. Fourier Brothers have filed iiilt against T. H. Barry for JGI.25 mil 10. II. Joohnk would collect $5 from. Fred Nleme. Joohnk gnrui ihced McDonald and Comlron, em ployers of Nleme. Llkeil Coos Hay. J. M. Sholloy or the Ihigono .Mill ami nievator Com pany who mado u visit to this lo cality, Is quoted in u Hugonc paper as follows: "I was very much pleased with tho Coos country. Although It 1 1 a little rarly for any real huslncsa In Hint section of tho country, I be lieve thoru uro good possibilities. With Coos Buy so closely conuccto.l by railroad wo- regard tills now nn putt of tho ICugono territory In n buslnos wny." May ('el Him Hero, Dr. W. A. Toyo Is n very good frlond of Woldo mar Llud, leader of the Portland Sym phony Orchestra, llo la now trying, through Llud, to got tho organization ol (10 pieces to romo horo for n con cert, It Is pnsolblo Hint' tills may bo arranged, Inasmuch iih tho musicians -oulil liuilto tholr trip over n weok -'ml and return to their work again V or n Monday. I PIP ftafiv Owl pt Swedish Services. Tomorrow morning nt 9:30 o'clock In tho Swo- -llsh Lutheran church will ho hold U'rvlces In Wugllsh hy tho Hov. Hor- nnu Llud, and nt 11 n. in. thoro will m cervices In Swedish. lCnglish ser vices tiro hold ovory otlior Sunday ov- onlng, though thoro will ho it'ono hero tomorrow ovonlng. Swodlah ser vices nre to ho hold In North Bond at 3 p. in, e Save You Money Phono 394, ' 130 North Broadway, LOOK FOB (H'H BIO SPF.CIAh NISXT WI'.IMC TiTrrrrrTrnTWfrffiwm'irrnTrBTgninmTimTfifiMi OELE THEATE TONIGHT Ask to see samples The Central Ave. Drug Store OYAL TONIGHT ! W Two Arc Arrested. W. C. Brown wns nrrested on Front Strcot nhout nine Inst ovonlng on n charge- of drunkenoss. Ho had .$G1 In hli pocket, enough to put up $20 ball j for himaolf anil another $20 for Will Inin Forrey who wns nrrested on tho lamo chnrgo nlong townrd midnight F"rrey hnd a whiskey bottle almost ' empty with him nt tho tlino. This i.ioi ulg Brown plonded guilty and wan fined $3, Ferroy wns not In n pro- sontublo shape and his hearing was put off until l;30. This Is tho sec SIAI.N HI.KLS ALL NIIW PICTCHKS "HIiHLIK CIIAI'LIX'' Inhla liost coinody "WOHK." Two Htels of tho funniest pictures for months. The last installment of Amor 'en's grontost ssrlnl story "XI-JAIi OFTHK NAVY." Bosuroundieo tho closing chapter tonight. "(IT HICH quick WALLlXfJFOHD" This Is also the last in stallment of this splendid comic series. "PVnii: XHWS" Alnnys inti'ivstlng ' ANTHONY'S ORCHESTRA . I'O.MomtOM MATIXKK: Anita Stewart anil liirl Williams In '"fill! SINS OF TIIH MOTIIUHS" A fo.iluio in ovory rospect. KlBY XIOIIT: Paulino Frederick In "ZA" n crackorjat k of a Pa amount. High Quality Groceries ., pur own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerks being out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi ness makes Conner & Hoagknd r-The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries--'97 South Broadvvav. Phones 348-J and 326 i i VAUDEVILLE RITTER AND WEIS In n now net sntltlod "TUB MICK S15NCH5U BOY and tho ACTItKSS" Now songs, now dancing, now ward robe and new comedy . .Kilisnu presents boautlful VIOLA J DANA, star or "Tho Children of Kvo" In "THE INNOCENCE OF RUTH" A powerful story of (Jrauter New York, Wall Strodt, millionaires both good and had, boautlful depoudentl oung girls, notorious women, de bauchora nud many "sldj lights" , on tho socially "lilgli-llfo" In tho metropolis. J PERSONAL. MENTION $ OlCOIlCiH SC11AFKU Is In from Pow-; ers today for n short visit. F. 0. LKSLIK Is horo today from Co qulllo calling on tho trade ngnln. AltCIIIK PHILIPS wns In tha city Inst evening from his ranch nt Sumner. SUPHItVISOll F. A. (10I.DFN wont to Cotpilllo 011 school business this morning. II. V. THU.MHLK was among the vis Itius In the city this uiorulg fiom Coos City. ill I v ' F Mi I Ladies fine voile waists in striped and figured Latest styles, $1.50 value 98c Crepe de Chine waists $1.98 Crepe de Chine Waists, $6.00 value, our price $4.98 Breakfast suits $1.25 value 98c Si Iiit&r-boraUd J PHHfTjBTT WU.W1lf-Y-ifl. 1 -- t-QL-. A APT. jjtl.00 week; 9I0.OO mo. Broadway Hotel. P. O. Bldg. FOB SALIC Oroccrs' Bcfrlgerntor, Now Perfection Building Hall eight compartments. 7 ft. long, 6 ft. high, 18 In. wide. Has bovel pinto mirror In center. Cost $150. Will soil for ensh, $85. Address Wcstenhaver Bros., Cottage Grove Ore. WAXTKI) Cliumhci iiinlil. Married woman preferred. One who will lake apartments In hotel. Phono 2R0-L.. FOB HALF. McFnddeii'H F.ncyclo- pcdln, 0 vol. perfect condition comploto Instructions for curing till ailments by natural mothoda. $12.00. Address 13, care Times. Lower Floor 15c Balcony 10c Admission ' "Order Olympic Flour- it makes good broad and biscuits." -Mother. Absolutoly clean and pure. wholesome and nutritionfl mado from bo- looted North. western wheat Insist upon Olympic "IhcreUn't any Just m 1:00a" WKLCo 9 N'.'C. M'Li:0l) camo back this morn lug from Coipillle to his lionio in North Bond. Pi:TI-:U HUH wont ovor to tho Co- , iiulllo Vulloy to cull on the (ratio his morning. O. A. ANDIOBSON, or Powers, wns hero lust ovonlng nnd this morning on n short visit. :. C. NUTTHU Is buck nguln from San Francisco calling on the trade with tho Hltnonds Saws. UICOIIOK LAUHSON was culling on the hardware trade In tho CoiUllli Valley thin morning. MHH. (HCOIUIK BAKKIl was nmong thu passengers coming In last ev ening from Kugonc. ' A. B. O'llUIICXSuturneil on tho moiulng trnlu from Cotiulllo, ac companied hy Tom T. Bennett. A II, POWHUS returned to tho camps nt Powors on this morning's trnlu uftor n short visit with his fnmlly. X. MOON was a passenger on the morning trnln for Cotiulllo to look ufter some work contracted thoro. C. I. BKKLMH) wont ovor to Coqulll-. this morning to tuko up tho Mc- Oulro cases, providing they wore, called. 0. O. SUTIINK returned to aioutlnle, Wash., this morning after looking nrtar his property Intorests In tills section. MOTH BUItWKLL wont out on tho morning trnln, axpoctlug to go to (rants Pass wheru he litis employ ment of feted him. I'OBT KXdINHKU DONALD M. CIIAULKSON went ovor to Coiiullle tills morning us u witness In tho Port of Bandon ccco, E. D. M'ABTHUB, cf tho Ptigsley Candy compuny,, went up to Heeds port this morning to "swoeton" up thnt Kottion of tho country. CIIIHF OF VOUCH PHTK ANDIJIt SON, of North Bend, camo baeki this morning from Cotiulllo wlinro! ho was called as u witness In tho Allen caso. CLAHK HUNTING, who lias boen working ut Powers, wus taken to tho Morcy hospital this morning, mirroring rrom Kidney trouble. Ho was brought down on n strotchor. DICNNIS M'CAHTHV wont over to Cotiulllo this morning, being In toiestiul In a tux caso in court, Toniorimv morning, Mr. and Mrs., McCarthy nnd little daughter ox- poet to loavo ror Portland to visit four or rivo days. j V. (i. HAGLHY, district deputy of the Knights or Columbus or Brtilsli Co-1 liimbln, left on tho morning trnln ( ror his homo ngnln utter two days spent hoie. Thoro wns u spodnlj (JIIHMKIDAL SOP KILLS DISi:Si: GHHMS I'or meeting last evening of tho Knights ol Columbus. CLAUIUO THOMPSON wont out to lSiicnnn this morning, with tho Inten sion ot being gono four or five "days looking utter some business mutters, llo will probably return on Wednesday. 11ILLIS SHOUT, who has boon serv ing on the regular Jury panel or I tho circuit court ut Cotiulllo, ur-1 rived In tho city last night nnd j loft on the train today for his homo j near llausur, i L. 10. BL1VHN camo In last evonhm1, nftor spending sovernl weeks In thu vicinity or Powors. Ho Is go ing to Portland, though ho iloen not yet know Just whoro ho will to- caie. 1 CHAKLKS VAN DUYN and wlfo lott on tho train till morning ror Portland, utter bidding good bye to their many friends Ifere. Mr. Van Duyn exports to bo in Port laud for n while. Ho Is not cer tain yet whothor lie will permanent ly locato thoro or nt Tillamook. C. MILTON SCIIUL., editor nnd pub lisher of tho Myrtlo Point ICntor- ' prlso, wns n visitor horo last ev ening nt the meeting of the county editors, returning to Ills homo this morning. FOB SALK Cabbage nnd tomato plants, by tho doz. or hundred, Phone HOnxxl. FOlt HAliK At once, economy Hug Co. Plat i) full or work. Stay and teach thoroughly. Flue chanco for man and wife. Best reasons ror soiling. $ : FOUND x $$ LOST Lady's Gold Pin. Finder please phono 82-L, 40v X FOR RENT t !$ FOlt KKXT Fully furnished bun galow ror throo or iour months. Aftor Juno 1st, Apply Dr. 11. W. Morrow, Kldoredo Bldg. FOB It KNT Modem fnrulsheil npts. prlvnto bath, froo heat, water. $7 weok, $22.r0 month. Myrtle Arms. Knnntou gives you right htvIco OABD OF THANKS Wa wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for tho kind I nsslstnucu given ua nnd for thu many beautiful floral offerings dur ing tho Illness and death of Mrs. .lolin Strung, VICTOIt ANDKItSON AND FAM ILY. North Bend Sniinton wun.s your patroiiHge t l'op Kali Modern bungalow, n largo rooms, hath, vcMlbule, pantry fire place, full Imscmcnt, large lawn, paved Mrcet null hhlmvallc. Loctitefl on nth street hoitth. Sell at bar gain, tivuici' leaving city. Address It. Times. Dr. II. i:. Kelty, Dentist, lid I Coko Bltlg. PI u 1IU-.I. BICYCLE TIRES Buy Them From Us. Wo Charge Nothing to Put Them on Your Wheel MARSHFIELD CYCLERY FOB HUNT Modern five-room hi'n gnlow on 12th and Commercial streets, $12. GO por month. Apply Going & Hnrvoy. . von ItKNT. I j P.OOMS, noc to ijlt.oo Dny; j $2 to $.1 Week; lloiuckecp- j lug Apt., $H mo. up. Frco j bath. Lloyd Hotel Apts. $ X WANTED t WAXTIID (Hi I for light liouw work. Apply mornings. 919 No. uth st. ' ' "" WAXTFB A girl for general houso work, Phono 18-J. X FOR SALE I !-$ FOB HAJ.i: Will hell nt sacrifice, uiodoru rive room bungalow In host rcsldouro section, railroad addition, aluo ono lot In Engle wood, four lots In lloosovelt Heights and two In Hastslde. Address "M. O." caro Times . FOB KALI: Good pltino. Flret $100 rnsh tnkes It. Owner lonvlnu town. Boy Carpontor, Phono 42G-J. KCHOOXKit TII.1AMOOK POHTLAXI) AXD COOS BAV HA I US I'ltOJI POBTiaXB KVUHY TUKSDAY FOlt IXFOIWIATIO.V l'HONK 27 10M JAMICS, Aut., Ocean Dock BUY FRESH HOMEMADE' MUTUAL WKICKLY groai lntorost. TOMOHBOW XIGUT ILY CIPBOAHD" Special TIKSDAV, HWlll AND PLAiKHS 10 silbjotts of ! i I "Till: l'AM. World Film ' SIVGFHS AT YOUR GROCER'S tom-ifD lioi UliuCo .foiiWJili.Uaiuv H. W. PAINTER, Distributor for Southwestern Oregon. Tho Until Shampoo Dunilriiir Hjii beih Itch Hums and Cuth Skin Mtiiislons Pi'ihplratlon I oiloiN Hand Dlsln- feci Ion riklu L'tiipilnns ilt cents the t'ake THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono 20H Wo Deliver Iiumodiutely Candne and SARTER'S PURE ICh CREAM. Bew Drop bm Central Avenue OOMWMM0MH1 FOB SALK Ono classy registered Jerse) hull calf, uIiono Uuiii milked 1 ti lth! pound In tun mouths. A1J rows ami lieirorn, nil registered Mock. Wrlto to V. A. SACCHI. .Miiihhfleld, Oregon. FOlt THAXSFKK AXD KTOHAGi: OF llorSHHOLD (;()()I)S, I IJI'KJMT AND BAGGAGi: (all FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono lti:t Hi'hldence Phono lil-J Maiket Awi. nnd Waterfront Farmers UII do well to see us on Fencing and Implements. All garden tools art' also In demand. Get your paint hero nud save money. Schroederdk Hildenbrand Hardware and Plumbing Phone 77 .M.,1-- ,