'mszr TWVjj T"E COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916 EVENING EDITION. THKfcE i km? mm JMI3I " " -o? mv4 Mil W w'ai3 varnai VfMZJ-UVf fltt (Continued from Paso 2) jh. 0IHHHI IE r r iliihu. ..ifiiiiiiiiiiiiK 1 1 " i mmrnnunrinnnrmnunn 11 IPWMS1?3? 6 Ski ttS2 fcv:'"r,r-. advl t 5.v . m l ' ' "riM3P' JsH Mpy I Siitr--. JIKJ 'I lB ffiSESARMBJLI'S 1 In lih., t.lb. and 3-Ib. liemutically tealcd cans, H There' double economy In buying the 3.1b. can. (Hi U. UMIKAKUE.L.L1 tU. S.n Frcto H Gliirardelli's Ground Chocolate in the Umeiicallv sealed can is the best and the most economical chocolate you can buy. A tablespoon cf Ghirardelli s, a cent's worth, makes a cup of the most delicious beverage you ever drank. Insist upon For Sale Fine fully developed ranch on North Coos Riv er 51 acres mostly river bottom-fine build- iigs-30 head of cattle team plenty of fruit Welled climate $7500.00 Terms. 17 acre berry ranch o n Kentuck Inlet, consid erable rich bottom fine modern home most convenient location SG, 200.00 Terms. 450 acre ranch on Larson Inlet fully equipped cattle horses tools cjocd buildings water U-Mcnnnnn t - V win ?iu,uuu.uu. lunus. ! Dandy residence midway between -our cities fine fruit fine location no winds $1600.00 with very small down payment and balance less than rent. We have fine randies in California to trade for Coos River ranches. We have Eugene and Portland property to fade for Coos Bay property. KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND. OREGON 1 1 ' ' Safety First Service? Hi:axi mrie, automobile, health, accident, i'h'i:, workmen's compensation' and liability ixsuhaxce E. I. CHANDLER. Aciencv. jt1 Building Miirli(telil, Oregon. Bm ' " p'-TAVI.oit .North PIIOXE 571 it. v. c.vim P Vulcanizing Works t, J.' ,:;ilUot iihanUiiii; Works In Coo County. I J 'ti'llucis uml Mm W,U uiul Inspect jour tire: "Kl Ires wul Blv0 oregox Holl rail wbh again rcaponded to with current uvonts by tho mem bers or tho Dnlilln Club who mot Thursday nftornoon tit tho homo or Mrs. C. M. Connor. Tlio homo or tho hostess was prottlly arranged with boniiiut3 ot tho season's flow ers. Mrs. M. C. Wood gavo an Iin turc8tlnB rending, during tho nttcr nooii which wnB pnssod as usual In ftuicy work and chat. Towardj ovonlng, Mrs. II. 13. Itoanlor nsslst od Mrs. Connor In aorvlng 'a tempt ing repast to Mrs. C. 0. Gosnoy, Mm. A. Oluinan, Mrs. J. 13. Cooley, Mrs. 13. Ynko and Mrs. M. C. Wood. , Mrs. Cosnoy will entertain tho club at Kb next mooting" In two weelcs. FOR IIIHIIUI SUMXER Tho lit. Ilov. Walter Taylor Sum nor was honor guest at a parish reception given Tor him last Thurs day ovonlng by tho members ot tho Marshriold Episcopal church at Clulld hall. The' hall was especial ly pretty with Its adornment or greens, snowballs and lilacs. Mr. H. I. Ostllnd and Mr. II. B. Dultmnnn accompnnled by Mrs. Win. Horsrall Jr., rendered delight ful vocal solos and MI3S Clara Isa bel Myron gavo a number of ex ciUcnf. piano selections In her usual pleasing manner." Appropri ate and Interesting addresses woro made by Itov. Urownlng, J. W. Uen nott and Dr. J. T. McCormac and u respoiuo was given by Ulshop Sumnor. There was a. largo nuin bor preEi'iit, and tho recaption was pronounced u' decided success. At a lato hour, icu cream and enke wero sorvod by somo of the young ladles of the church. WIMj J1KHT WKUXKSDAV a Tho North llend Card Club will meet again Wednesday evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Qcorge StcphoiiBon. ItAIXIIOW CliUIl MHKTINU Tho Indies of tho Ilalnbow Club mot for their regular meeting, Thursday at tho club Iioubo on South Coos Illvor, and spent tho day In n delightful manner. Tho liojtesses wero Mrs. Lorenzo Cutllp and Miss Ada Cllnkonbcard. A miscellaneous shower was given for w HERE TO GO For an Outing Reduced Round Trip Week-end fares to: N0RTHLAKE: BANDON:- MYRTLE POINT: POWERS:. Finest luko flhlilng In tho Coos Hay Country. Round Trip 95c Fluent bathing in llio ocean near Dilution, llaudou roachud by Mourn er from Coiiullle. Round trip $2.25 In tlio heiiit of tho thuber roun liy. Outfitting points for flhlilntf. Round Trip $1.40 to Myrtle Pt. $2.35 to Powers. C0QUILLE: County seat of Coos County. Round trip 95c Ask Viiui' I, oral Agent or Write JOIIX M. HCO'IT, (icneial 1'asNengor Agent, Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC PORTLAND ROSE FESTIVAL JUNE 6, 7, 8, 9, 1916 mi:i:t us taci: to iwci: N Wo Siivo Von .Money High Grade Rockers ,. Now is the time to select your comfort able Rocker Wo luivo n large complete assortment of: I.1UTH13U UlMIOLSTKUKn ItOCKKItS OVIMl STUFFKD LICATHKIt HOCKEKS ltltOWX KKE11 KOCKEItS UMIOLSTnilKl) WITH TAUESTItV SOM1) WOOD nOOKKKS OF ALL K1XDS AX1) FINISHES Call mul see our btock before you purchase. Going & Harvey Co. Complete House Furnishers MEET US FACE TO FACE Wo Save You Mquey Miss Huth Dyer, who has boon ser iously 111 for a long tlmo, but who Ib now reported as getting along nicely. Tho club room and table wero beautltully decorated with pink and whlto roses which called forth admiration from tho ladles. At noon, the hostesses served u de- Hclou3 dinner, nnd this was follow ed by the business session during which, tho name of Mrs. Darkley wob added to tho membership roll. In two weeks tho club will meet, again at tho club Iioubc Tlio ladles out this weok wero: Mrs. Chlldera, Mrs. P. ltadrord, Mrs. J. A. Goodwill, Mrs. Wra. Klchards, Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. L. D. Smith, Mrs. W. C. Morgan, Mrs. Tom Smith, Mrs. Jonnio Land rlth, Mrs. J. J. Cllnkonbeard, Mrs. James Lnndrlth, Mrs. Lorouzo Cut Up, Mrs. Doll Chambers, Mrs. II. 13. Uessey, and tho MIsbim Ulanch Cut Up uud Adu Cllnkonbeard, tcrnoon, Mrs. La Chapcllo assisted by Mrs. Drown served appetizing dainties to her guests. Next Friday arternoon, tho. club will meet with Mrs. J. V Mcln turff. CLUH AIKKTIXU POSTIH)Ni;D There was no meeting this week or the Alpha Delphian Society, the ffalr being postponed until next Monday cvonlng, when tho membes will meet at tho homo of Airs. Kate Lando, at which tlmo they will begin n rovlow of tho work studied up to this time. The mombors of tho club have decided not to meot during tho moutliB ot July and August. 4. 4. I DELIGHTFUL DHIDOE PAHTV Last Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. G. A. Donnott was hostess at a very delightful brldgo party, at which sev en tables wero played. Mrs.W. S. Nicholson won trophy for high Bcoro nnd tho consolation woh awarded to Mrs. C. K. Perry. Tho pretty homo of tho hostess was artistically decor ated with greens and Ulncs. At four o'clock, dainty refreshments were served, 4 . I PHESUYTEIUAX LADIES' I I AUXILIAUY ' J Tho Ladles Auxiliary of tho Presby terian church mot for tliolr rogular session Wednesday afternoon at tho homo of Mrs. Eva Gammll on South Ninth strcot. No mnttors of special lmportanco wero transacted. In two wooks, tho auxiliary will meot tigaln nt tho homo of Mrs. C. R .Pock. Tho membors present this wook wero: Mrs. D. Ferguson, Mrs. A. T. Hnlnos, Mrs. Elizabeth Hyde, Mrs. Houbon Lyons, Mrs. Honry O'Mara, Mrs, A. J. M. Hobortson, Mrs. M. A. Swcot man, Mrs. I, S. Smith, Mrs. J. S. Stubbloflold, Mrs. Lynn Schmltz, Mrs. Waltor WIIbou, Mrs. C. It. Peck, Mrs. A. K. Pock, Mrs. Emma Savago, Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. Ross. Tho visitors out woro: Mrs. J. W. DavlB, Mrs. Fred Smith nnd Mrs. Goorgo Ayro. I V. W. II. M. .MEETS Though only n few ladlos wore .present, nn interesting program of missionary topics was given at tho C W. 11. M. meeting Tuesdny after noon In tho Christian church parlors. Mrs. D. C. McCnrty was In charge of tho program. Mrs. W. I). Cox road an Interesting article about the first missionary nnd a very flno nrtlclo entitled "Solomon's Temple" was read by Mrs. C. A. Sehlbredo. Tho ladles doclded to postpono tho Moth ers' Day Program until a weok from tomorrow. Tho next regular meotl will be tho first Tuesday In June at the home of Mrs. J, C. Jones, and will bo given as a picnic. Tho ladles out this weok wero: .Mrs, W. D, Cox, Mrs D C. McCarty, Mrs. L. 13. Hendrix Mrs. C. A, Sehlbredo and Mrs. 13. L. Hopson. I pitiscir.TA. cluh mektixo 4 Tho Prlscllla Club of Bunker Hill enjoyed n pleasast session Wednes day attornoon at tho homo ot Mrs. It. F. Bush, and the entertainment was furnished by Mrs. Gred Grlnolds. Sewing and conversation during the afternoon were followed by a dainty luncheon, the hostess being assisted by Mrs. A. Simpson. Tho club will meet ugaln on May 17th, with Mrs. Grlnolils, and the entertainment will be furnished by Mrs. Duncan. Those present were: Mrs. Ray Simpson, Mrs. A. Simpson, Mrs. Wm. Phillips, trs. Dan Orr, Mrs. Ed Duncan, Mrs, T. C. Young, Mrs. L. Christensen, Mrs. II. M. Albee and Mrs. Fred Grln olds. fr 1 LADIES ART CLUH I I CELEHItATE ItlltTHDAY AX- j N1VEHSAUY J ' 4 .Ln3t Monday cvonlng, a number of ladles called on Mrs. Leo Heath at her home in North Dcnd In ro membranco of her birthday, nnd bostowed on her several pretty gifts. Later in tho evening, dainty refreshments wero served. Tho la dles present woro: Mr3, A. Powers, Mrs. J. C. Reynolds, Mrs, Warner, Mrs. S. Miller and Mrs. Pltnoy. NEEDLECRAFT CLUH Tho Needlecraft club ot North Head was pleasantly eutortnlncd 011 Friday afternoon of last week al tho homo ot Mr3. Herbert Arm strong. Tho tlmo was spent In sew ing and chat and towards evening, tho hostess sorvoil refreshments. V , I XORWEGIAX LUTIIERAX AID 4 Mrs. O. Jaron entertained tho La dies Aid Society of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church Thursday after noon, In tho chapol parlor. After tho buslno3s session dainty refresh ments were Berved to tho follow ing: Mrs. Wlckham, Mrs. Holse, Mrs. AUrcd Olsen, M. 13. Llllobo, Mls3 Loulso Llllobo, Mrs. J. Jacob sen, Mrs. Larry Llllcbo, Mrs. P. Nolson, Mrs. L. Knudson, Mrs. Gun dcrson, Mrs. L. Oxncad, Mrs. John Olson, Rov. nnd Mrs. It. O. Thorpe. Tho next meeting will bo hold with Mrs. Larry Llllobo, tho first Thurs day of Juno. I YOUXG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY 4 Tho Young Pcoplo's Socloty of tho Norwegian Lutheran Church was dollglttfully entortalnod by Mr. Honrlk GJerdrum and I1I3 mother, assisted by Mr. Llllus, last Friday ovonlng. This proved tlio most on Joyablo ovonlng tho Society has had for Bomo tlmo. Aftor a short busl no3s session, a splendid musical program was onjoyod, nftor which gamos woro played, and shortly bo foro tho doparturo of tHo guests do llclous rofrcshmonts wero sorvod, In Scandinavian stylo. Thoso pro3cnt woro: Miss Gcorglna Boll, Mr. Hoi gor Petorson, Mrs. F. Borg, Mr. nnd Mrs. G. Steen, MolVJn and Myrtle Stcon, Miss Cora Mathlsen, Mlsa Allco Mathlson, Miss Alpha Borgo, Miss Lllah Bergo, Mr. John King, Mr. P. Thorp, Mr. C. Thorp, Mr. Oliver Laraon, Rov, and Mrs. R. O. Thorpo. I MILLICOMA OLUH AUXILIARY I About forty ladles of tho Mllllconui Club Auxiliary mot for tho Initial business meeting yestordny nftornoon la tho club rooms, and completed the organization ot th club. Tbo by-laws woro adopted and committee appoint ed to tako charge during tho month ct Juno. Tho original commlttco will have clinrgo during tho remainder of j this month. V i V SOCIAL CAI.EMIAI'. 0 Monday Alpha Delphian Society, with Mrs. Kate Lsudo. Tuesdny p North Bend Catholic Guild with Mrs. Sherldnn. 4- Knstslde Royal Neighbors 4 With Mrs steekol. Mothers' nnd Tenulism' program In Commercial Club 4 rooms. North Bond Athono Dalplil- nn Society nt tho library. Episcopal Ladlos Guild lur Guild hall. ' Wednesday Mnrshfluld Bridge Club with Mrs. G. W. Kaufman. Auction Bridge Club with Mrs. R. 13. Ixinivmy. Pastime Club with Mrs. Roscoe llazor In North Bend. .lolly Dozen Club with Mrs. Broekmiiollor In Bunker Hill. North Bond Card Club ov $ cuing session with Mr. and Mrs. George Slophenson. Tliui'Mlny Knslslilo Social Club, with Mrs. J. Swanson. Klostor Club with Mrs. O. II. Wilson. Kluncy Club with Mrs. Otis In North Bond. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Charles Staurf. Fi Idny North Bond Thlmblo Club entertained by Mrs. R. F. Goh- hnrdt at home or Mrs. C. S. Kaiser. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. J. W. Mclnturfr. fr Bunker Hill Pnronts' nnd Tenchors' Club niuotlug. 44444444444 I SU.MXEU SOCIAL CLUH o Tho Sumner social Club was ploas antly ontcrtulnod by Miss Hlldur Se Inndor nt hor home In Sumnor this wook. Miss Selnndor was nsslsted by her slstor, Mrs. Milan Rlchurd- son of North Bond. Tho eloatlon ot officers was hold. Mrs. Archie Phillips was oloctod president; Mrs. d. N Wilson, vlco-prosldent; Hlldur Selandor, spcretnry. The afternoon was vary plonsantly spont In sewing and social chat and at tho closo tho hostoss sorvod dainty 'refreshments to tho following: Mrs. Archlo Phillips, Mrs. L. G. Masters, Mrs. O. N. Wilson, Mrs. Earl Gray. Mrs. Nunnn, Mrs. W. B. Fnrrin, Mrs. Mllas Richardson, ?Jrs. A. D. Wright. Mrs. W. II. Norton, tho Misses Josslii Norton, Hlldur Solander, Olivo Rich ards, Vorla nnd Carl Normnn Wil son, Tho noxt mooting will bo held wltU Mrs. W 11. Fnrrin May 17. : .; I SOCIAL EVUXIXG j ....v Pupils of Mrs. Biigge who hav been having ovonlnjr clossss in puu tomlmo nnd Impersonation met at her homo Thursday night for : social tlmo. - The ovonlng wns plonsantly Hpom In discussing plnys mid players. liur Ing tho lattor part or the evening, refroshmonts wore served, and Mrs. Buggo was greatly surprised at being presontod with 11 beautiful tray flam thoso prosont. Tho IIIIIiIIh Will uli.n n ..11. 1 J.. Ing tho last weok of May, nnd aru .4 I busily propnrlng for tho event. WI3SLEVAX CLASS SOCIAL . . a Tho Wesloyau Bible claus of tho North Bond Methodist Sunday school, gavo a delight ful social last evening, which was attended by about thirty young people. Tho decomtloss were of greens and rhododendrons, Tho time r.ns spent pleasantly in games nnd miuic and lato In tho ovonlng, light refreshments wore served The com inltteo responsible for tho success of the affair wero: Misses Dorothy Klb lor, Ida Ncllson, Messrs Lloyd Raab and .William McKay. LADIES' An) SOCIAL A delightful session ot tho La dies' Art Club was held on Friday evening ot last week at tho home of Mr3. Charles La Chapello, tho ladles spending tho social hours In fancy work and Informal chat. Spec ial guests present were: Mrs. W. S. Brown, Mrs. C. T. Waugh, Mrs. F. II. Storoy. At the cloja of the at- The Ladles' Aid Society of the Swedish Lutheran church met at the homo of Mrs, Alt. Hagqulst ot Bun ker Hill, Thursday, May 4. Mrs. Alf. Hagqulst and (Mrs. Gunnard Johnson entertained. Thoso present were: Mrs. Alf. Ja cobson, Mrs. William Asplund, Mrs. J. Backman, Mrs. O. J. Hlllstrom, Mrs. William Hagqulst, Mrs. E. Johnson, Mrs. Al Sandqulst Mrs. J. Bjubeck, Mrs. Alf Matson, Mrs. Geo, Gllbertson, Mrs. B. Mathlsen Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. Alf. Hagqulst, Mrs. John Hill, Mrs. Alf Haglund, Misses Edna Asplund, flanna Sandqulst, Elsie Hillstrem, Perclla Olson, Emma Hagqulst, Anna Hagqulst, Allco Mathlsen, Rev. II. LInd, Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Bengtson, Mrs. J. Backman and Mrs. Chas. Salin will entertain at the meeting In June, 3M SPIRELLA C0RSTS may bo obtained in Marshfiold from Mrs. Annie Holland, 3D2 So. 5th St. Phono 200-X Chicken for Sunday and every other day at the Enterprise Market COMMERCIAL AVENUE I - T No inferior quality or J "bgain meats," one grade only THE BEST. i nt"-1 T'J- 2j