THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916 EVENING EDITION. 1 - i I Vf'a9flgHWS-BSIMS I , A -i--l' :Y7 W 1 - . ' " Personal notices of vlsltort Id tho city, or of Coos liny pcoplo who visit la other cities, together with notices of social affairs, aro gladly received In tho social do partment. Tclophono 133. Notices of club meetings will bo published and secretaries nro kindly requested to fur nish sumo. ICi:i:i 'KM SHOUT Say, woman, lovely woninn, would you hldo that picture lint? Ah, not for untold dollnrs would you do n thing HUo thnt, . And havo tho tout ensemble of your costumo fall down tint. I Guess not! Shnll tho 'autocrat edict of some scheming French galoots Materially lengthen out tho shirts of coming suits. And thus cnuso obscuration of thoso millinery boots? Keep 'em chortl Oh woman, charming woman, would you screen thnt "pcok-n-boo" Of bo ninny stylish patterns of such variegated huo With a somber outside wrappor that allowed no pcoltlng through? You would not! Shall thnt badgo of fomnlo freedom, tho abbreviated shirt, Bo gradually longthcnod till It trail eth in tho dirt, And with tho fcstlvo mlcrobo most Industriously llrt? Keep 'om shortl Oh tho shorter shirts tiro youthful thoy turn back tho hnnd of time, And thoy help to clotho tho flguro with a dalntlneca sublime To return them to tho bondago of oiintry residence, Tennyson's "May li.eon" was sum, us woll ns some of ho old carols dealing with tho dainty subject of May dny. One runs like this: "Tho rose Is red, tho roao Is white, The rose Is In my garden; I would not part with my sweetheart For twopence-halfpenny fardon." Hooks telling of tho May dny fes tivlals of tho old world can bo found In many branches of tho public 11 brarlcs, and sometimes one gives the scoro for tho music of tho songs. At n delightful garden party men tioned for It was really a garden party of a very picturesque Bort tho May polo was Immousuly high and twined nbout with a garland of pink hntl white roses made of waxed paper. Whero thoro aro flno grounds around a home, fancy costumes would make tho Mny party even moro de 'llghtful. Tho grand folk In Wnt- teau's lovely pictures aro tho right ones to copy, thoso delicious make bellovo shepherds and shepherdesses, who wear panlors nnd kneo breeches nnd powder tholr hair, and who aro otlll painted upon llttlo exquisite Krench fans. As panlcrs aro coming In stylo tho flowered pnttcrns appropriate for them ran bo bought In tho cheapest COttonS. Four lards of Dolly Vnnlnn calico tho namo Is actually hrpiI with throe of tho plain colors for tho petticoat would make a charming tlrcs3 for a miss of fifteen or slxteon. It must havo sleeves tight to the ..,. nun uiuro irmeu, a square neck filled In partly with a white tucker, to which tho panlor mater Contributions concerning social happenings, Intended for publication in tho society department of Tho Tlnit-s, must bo siibmlltod to tho edi tor not later than C o'clock p. m., Friday of oach week. (Exceptions will bo allowed only In ensos whero tho event occurred later than tho timo men t lonod.) Ileiincsscy, Irn Acron, Ira Sturti rant, Leo McLnln, Ed Stcelo, Lnw renco Moycrs, .11m Merchant, John Tollcfson, Floyd Smith, Fred Hill, Chas. Tldland, Victor West, .loo Uoonoy, Geo. Cllnkenbcard, Wm. Ulchnrdson, Win. Murphy, Archlo Glb.wn, Horbort Tottcn, Malcom Totton, Cyril llebcrt, Orln Kinney, A. Dubny, Carl Hagqulst, Emll Churchill. DANCING PAUTY long skirts would bo a crime,""1 W01Im1 bo sowed. Tho bodlco nnd panior nro of tho same always tho floworod goods and tho hip bouf fnnco la high. Kneo trousers nnd tall coats aro of pink, violet azure and gray aro do rlgoiior for tho boyB, "nnd thoso can bo niado of papor cnmbrlc nt ton cents a yard. Uucklod fllirtna .lilnli . in ....w, ,..,. , iikowisu smart now nro npproprlnto footgear. Would It not? Shall they chango this pretty fashion when It's hardly at Its otart, And veil thoso proud creations of do signers' dainty art? Let theso long and lovoly bootle? havo a chnnco to play their part Keep 'cm short! So send forth your ultimatum most (omphatlc nnd complete, That you will not swoop tho sidewalks as you promenade tho street, And thoy sha'n't ring down tho cur- I Mra. Erros Torroy Loyland, and Misses Eugcnlo Dnlglo and Ilruco Kelley woro hostesses at ouo of tho most delightful dancing parties of tho season Monday evening, tho af fair being given In tho Mooso hall. About 3Ti couplcj woro In nttond auco and all speak enthusiastically of tho ovont. Excellent music was furnished by Mnrtlu'3 orchestra. Tho hall waa prettily docoratod with rhododendrons and greens, and dur ing tho ovonlng, delicious punch wbb doryed. Tho chaporons woro Mrs. O.'s, Torroy and .Mrs. Ida Conrad, phoghess cum election Froldberg, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. Allco Hall, Mrs. J. T Harrlgan, Mrs. Frances Hazard, Mrs. K.' Mlngus, Mra. Gcorgo F. Murch, Mrs. W. 1'. Murphy, Mr3. David Nelson, Mrs. Nancy Noblo, and Mrs. Qulst. Mrs Chnrles Stauff will lie iho noxt hostess In two weeks. 4 GENEItA CLUH MEETING Tho Gonora Club mcotlng was hold on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. George Qulovaou and tho visi tors prcsont wero: Mrs. John lley nolds of North Dcnd, Mrs. J. S. Stubbloflold, Miss Mamie (lulovuen and Mrs. E. M. Gulovsen of Port laml. Tho club memborj' out woro besides tlio hostess: Mrs. J. W. Da vis, Mrs. Henry O'Mara, Mrs. Henry Hosa and Mrs. Fred Smith. Tho afternoon hours spent In necdlo work and conversation woro brought to a closo with an appetizing lunch eon, and . tho ladles adjourned to moot ngaln at the end of two weeks with .Mrs. Hoss. ? 4 . PUPILS' KECITAL Lnst Thursday afternoon at four o'clock, pupils of Miss Ednu Louise Larson nnd Henrlk G-Jcrdrum ap peared Informally In n recital at tho conservatory. Following Is tho program which wns very woll rendered: "Hondo" . . . . Crosby Maxltio Fcusler "March of Tho bwarfa" . . . Hoist Efflo Flaattcu nnd Loiia Hinder "Uercouso" . . . r Godard Inez KJclland "Tlio Sliepord's Dream" . Stolnberg Isla Marsh ".Molody In F" Itubenstoln Howard Kolloy "Mazurka" s. Smith Mario Motlln "EtmUi In A flat" . . . Wollonhntipt Mabel Iiniuol "Vnlso In 1) flat" Chopin lreno Holm "Hungarian March" Alfoldy Illltliir Solandor, Mnrlo Largcnt Victoria KJolland, IJortha Davis A. E. Morton, Mm. Walter KniNli, Mrs. Matt Smith, Mrs. John Lonnaii, Mrs. Georgo Evorltt, Mra. G. A. Perkins. Glltl.S' IIIIIDGH CLl'lt . 4 Miss Uuth Cowan entertained a number of friends at brldgo Mon day afternoon, and nt tho closo of i delightful social aftornoon, served delectable dainties to .Mrs. Doraoy Kroltyor, .Mrs. Itoyal Nllca, and tho Misses Wllda Harris, Noll Warwick, IJruco Kulloy, and Evnlyn Flanagan. EPISCOPAL LADIES' Gl'ILD Tho Ladles' Guild of tho Marsh field Episcopal church held tholr regular session Tuesday afternoon at Guild' hall, Mrs. Herbert Lock- hart and Mrs. Emma Nasburg act lug as hostesses. At Iho buslhoss si'shIoii, Mis.x Lockhart who was ro contly eloetod president, resigned, nnd Mrs. Claudo Nasbuig was elect ed to tako hor plaro. Other mat ters of business woro talked of, after which, tlio, ladies spent u jhort time socially and tho hostess es served light rofieshniuiits. At the meeting next Tuesday, Mrs. L. A. Llljoqvlst and Mra. J. S. Coko will bu the host(suc3. $ ! PAItTV PLCASANT Si:WL(l COOS KIVKIt PICMO tain fect- on your protty llttlo Hold tho fort! Lot tho drcsa makers In Pnrlu hng out slgnnls of distress, Deforo they tack on Inchos of ml- lndy'a ftituro dross, And Inform thoin most politely they havo got anothor guoss Keop 'em short! 'i A crowd of young pcoplo spent tho day last Sunday nt Goodwill's on South Coos Hlvor, making tho n mi mo miincii Hope. Music. gani(M, swimming, bosldea othor out- Tho Progress Club mot Monday aftornoon nt tho homo of Mrs. W. S. Nicholson for tho election of offi cers, tho following ladles bolng placed in office for tlio noxt club yonr: Mrs. Nicholson, reelected president; Mm. H. II. Coroy, vlco- prosldont; Mrs. 11. It. Chandler, ro- elected recording secretary: .Mrs. A. C. Vestal, corresponding secretary nnd Mrs. ;A. U. GIdley, treasurer. Aftor tho business session, tho host oss served light refreshments. Tho Inst mooting of tho year will bo a picnic in two weeks nt Cooston, each monibor of tho club having tho privilege of inviting two guests. ATHENE DELPHIAN SOCIETY - . Tho North Ilend Athono Delphian Socloty of North Ilend ontortnlncd last Tuejdny evening at tho homo of On Thuisdny afternoon, Mrs. John Crnlg of North Ilend was Iio.Uchs at a delightful llttlo dinner party for a few ladles, for tho picas uro of Mr. Craig's mother who with her husband Is visiting hero from Long Hcaeli, California. A dainty luncheon was served at tho closo of, tho aftornoon by the 'hojtoss to the following guests: from Mnrshflold, ' Mra. W. F. Mlllor, Mis. C. It. Pock, Mrs. F. W. Payno, Mrs. It. M. Jon-, nlnga, Mra. C. W. CuiuboM, and .Mra. Guy Warner, nnd from North' Mend Mrs. Virgil Wilson, .Mra. GeDi-go Stophonson, nnd tho guest of honor Mrs. Crnlg Sr. : I III wL , 0m W2CHE1 3 1 1 1 r Jfs mt ! I l " 'terms' E THE UNIVERSAL C An ' I III llll 8 HI v,v " "'I'""" I''imN l lk(. , Sill ,s yw WiH-iiiiiiv of MMIsfa,.. El U-y Wn-lVV. -S..MIIIK fUTjll,H,. IIJI Im-IiibIiik pleasure In i.i.-,Jt lu ( I-'oi.l jii- W a ittllliy .,m- nr. Tho ' l,,lm ,''-'' Mimllly, , IU(T Jill l,,,V','M- V" ' 0 Hll(. ,, llllj I Mliilnln. Foid mV Ic- cm !.,.,. T,,c ''""'"K '" Is .1Wa- It,,.,;,!,,,,,,' i jii yi7.. On dNplny and s.ile 1 ' ' I Isaac K. Tower j "THE GUNNERY." M J I' J-f.T.T,. ij y ., I f . Ill (u '4, ' I P irmii njiini inn nrmiiini i hit ri nan "ii limn iinn iiiiiiiihh JIM " DANCE TO-NKDIT Tho North Ilend Voinon of Woodcraft rro giving a d.uiro thla ovonlng In lkhoff hall. Thnv havo Mr. and Mrs. Mllaa Illchardsoii, tholr jOnsiixed. Martin's orc'ieatra and aro special guests bolng tho Alpha Del- cx.icctlng a largo crowd and antlcl phlon Socloty of .Mnrshflold. Tho Pntlnj: n good time. homo of tho host and hostess waa very artistically arranged with largo bowls of 'peonies,? roses, flnga and lllaca. Tho following excellent pro gram was roudorcd. Piano Duot "11 Trovntoro" .. Verdi (Colitliiuctl on Pago 3) Mm. E. L Mrs. r.'iarles Vocal CLUH SUIIPIIISE PAHTV dinner nbout noon, mado up a most ueiiKiitnil day for tho party, union: whom woro tho following. Mr. and .Mrs. C. Carpenter, Miss im ami .noun Cook, Mabol ! Maiizey, Lillian Thorwnld, Laura1 i"lay, Edith Pondorgrass. ismmn I O'Donnoll, Maydream McLaln, Nona JtllV. I'niliiln irnil.ln r.... ,. .. T Th "r0 f ,,art,3 n"'1 Mny KM ,tator. K ni V a P k I parties and tho manner of cole- Anna Lund, m i, nv.,,.. .... hmtlon-dopondan good deal onlrla s.evena. Gor.rpdo Sealfo,' Mae he amount of money one ,a wi.ilngjO.enia,,. Lenora Tope, .ladg and ' T3"": , WInnlfroii Sliupsan, Mlua Dalglo. -v .1 ,w., tiiuuiiiiiK luncuon last nio .Mossors: Krncst Wood year, given In the grounds of n private' ' Mrs. C. W. Porklns of DniiKor I waa tendered a very plcasaht sur- door oports. and a bountiful picnic ! '""'""i We(,"e8ln' nftornoon by tho J 00 White Pumpi mombors of tho North Ilond I). M. C. Club. Mr. Perkins toadies In tho North Iloiul schools, and ho nnd Mrs. Perkins will loavo for tholr homo as 30011 as school la out. Tho ladles mot down (own and drovo to tho Perkins homo In .Mr. ItussoH'a car. The af tot noon waa spent In tho grovo noar tho house, and later dainty refresh nionts which tin la dles lied provided wero aorvod in tho houso. Altogether tho nftor noon was a most onjoyablo 0110, mid 0110 to bo long romemborod. Mra. J. L. Griibbs waa a apodal guest. Tlio other ladles nrosont wnm- ai ivtmior uiissoll. Mrs. Ira Weltzol, 01s, airs Coo and Worrol rV Llttlo lilt of Ileav- on" Ernest It. Hall "Foggy Dow" . . E. Mllllgan Fox Hy Mm. Noll Hanks accompanied by Miss Ilcsslo Adklns Ilarltono solo "Oboron" ...Wobor Ily Chiirles S. KaUor, accoinpanied by Mrs. Kaiser Instrumental solo "Spinning S';" Lltoff Hy .Miss Illldtir Solandor At a Into hour, tho hostess nssl3t ed hy tho Misses Etta Tavlor uml Marguerite Woldy, sorved dollclous tofroghiuents. Tho moiuboiii proscnt rrom tho Marshfiold society woro: Mrs. Kato Lando, Mrs. Ollvo K. lliown, Mlssca Allco Curtis. Ellen Hudnas, Myitlo Miller, Graco John-j son, and Myrtlo Downar. Tho30 prcsont from North Head nnd othor guests present woio: Mr. nnd Mrs. I -. d. naiscr, icov. and .Mrs. A. S. Ulavy, .Mr. and Mra. E. L. Coo, .Air. and .Mrs. C. II. Worrol, Mr. and .'no. j. b. iayior, Mr. and Mm. I .Mllaa Hlchardson, Mrs. Frank Hog- Jira. ol Hanks, Mrs. Wm. J. Isaacs, Mrs. A. 1iiiiinwMMii BMMi jXk m sHK2WyHNftlka ' ap : BRv 1 HR'., "", Pi frf flr v$- He m- ' BfcfT'T V-w ffif . 1 Fliminiisfe Hall TSumrsdlayjMajll Secomdl Concert by the IVIIsiiPis jfiiffl ff P arsnne.0 Club Gerald Hoet, Condmctor FTfar he S caieia Hale Cfe Soloist n nn iie Jnia: Slffffo R MSS MM s oprairao Atliiilsslon ."lie. Tickets at Oh I Pharmacy uml (Ijcnlnw Con M-rvatory MBSMMBaBKOaakaHl I Is Youngs a Home or eirely a House w 000 Evelyne Conway VOICE AND FINDA.MENTAI PIANO Studio Myrtle Arms Phono 395L. tl mill s memory, SMarshfield SFlorist Co. ( Edwin G. Scott Cut Flower, l'lornl Deslyns, 8, White Slippers e Hoy Ilralnard, Mrs. Stowart' Vaughan. Mrs. 11 ll.n 1.1 ,. .... 11.1,111111111 .1IIH linil.lf l.-n . llnnlll.. .. 1 .. ... .-.., ..v..,. ,vuiii. jira. .iuuiiiiik. unci inn mi.u.iu i.i, .. L. A. Loomls, Mrs. Wm. Vaughan, thony, lllldur Selnnder, Hessio Ad-' I Mrs. LC3tcr Eaton. Mrs. A 10 klnn II..I1.11 ...,.i 1.-... i...... .. . . I .. . " " ...w.. unit ltllliui'liu ,M0 UP. m. a - . jioi on ami Mr. and Mrs. Porkliu. Mnrguorlto Woldy. Etta Tavlor UrCtGr Yfmr NSTVl May 14 .MOTHEIt'S DAV Send .Mother tho Plants and flowers sho loves last. WNir a colorctl flown for Mother living oir a ulilto 0110 for .Mother's memory. FOIl SOI.MEIt WEAIt Clillilivns Whlto Duck Slippers, Mos from 1 , ,jt.0 , ,,-j & l j Clilldivns ami .Masses Wlilto O lito Soled Pumps. Sli-s fro: S nHJ3HHJi rjiffVff 1 n. BWraj iiif inn pf " r7 N THE MAD rush r fads fanrl-. 1 nil Ito-JiVm tatMm thc;o it txlei'ii day wo have none , fi i"1 " t't", '9 ... lak... I...... I .. . v... i,i iiuiiii iiiiiiiiM, lust hluit ,m,iii- cyos and think how tho Id Ii n. U j N .wan tlrt ro-itrast with tlio av .'!!' li""' "f m vn' rt f r t ili'AliA I l 1 tlio noxt regular club meeting will bo In two weeks with Mrs. Lostor Eaton. v- 0111 Pumps $1.1)5 HJa t 151 and 1 to (I inlcos , I.M to I.D.I Ladlos Whiiu Clndeivllu l'......,u I,.. 1.. , "HI Jjidu'i. Whlto PJaza ... Ii'l'll 1 7S Me have also a full lino of La, dies and Chlldiens Shoes miulo nil In Patent Leather, C.1111 .Metal, '( Mil, lliittim or I,aco Shoes with Jililto laces, Shoos Whlto Trimmed, Pumps White TrJmintMl. I XOKTII 11ENI) AID The Ilaptlst Ladfor'Ald Society of North Ilond mot In a session for sowing, Thursday afternoon at tho "homo of Mrs. A. II. McKay, the tlm0 bolng spont pleasantly in necdlo work and conversation. j HM... . I. ...... ,-,.1...... . . ...u ,hiuhu liuipiiiun aocioty will oir vrg moot ngaln next Tuesday oronliiu'dVl 1 WOW at tha library. , I W'.. 1 t r 1 "" " a kooii assortment of patterns fioni which you can select I CHAMINADH CLUI1 III:- '",, hpiing and summer suit and I HEAltSAL ,,,', sMirc, that you havo Iho latest . L Myle. Tho Chnmlnado Club mot for re- Wo Wo htoik. 1 11 Ml I A. . W. CLUH SESSION .Mrs. W ;illlllMll in IMt'n ;, -- -- yi J llll tha I'wmpt sorvlco ami our (alhultiir In frit.. !. I r., . " (. . ..- iuosuay morning at 1101110 of tho dlrontnr Af tr. and flfllii... u , ...... ... , .. .. - '-' Mill, " h""'lll"--V II, OO I IIP Horsfall Jr. A very Intorestimr test. preparod and read bvl- Our m-ima .... .-,m....i.i in- Suit for Easter, jbX 1,1 t'l . . .. lliA tfl ... i.-:.iii in 11." " . ...I (IPID " rt One ci men ',. i,ii.". Tliiak Hi. iu'iiiI . l"uul,1C ri,... TliJikaS"'""' comes 'lu-k of formW f.i..Ks ma. . e"";jBtl! ,a,k of iluso lliw !: i. ..I11111.I AV 1.. .11 in HIlHb " .. it I.. inline lm 11..11.B, .. ; .!, paper was with Mrs. Horsfall V o you to examiiio our' Can Save You Money On Every Pair Plants. Phones: Store 250-J. Greenhouse 425-X (Closed on Sunday) kiikSk' ft ;w Electric Shoe Store s XOHTll HEND GUILD Hugo Qulst extended lint hospitality Thursday afternoon to mo a. K. w. Club ladles and h. had as out3ido guests. Mrs. J. A. sYrnn!1"?" ""' A' T' LaKor' Tho BP'oPH Ladles' Guild 0 strom. The usual social diversions North Bend met for a short ses- .. , -, ".I, r e''onver- slon Thursday afternoon at tho Shoes S. J. 1M.MEL, Pron. 180 South llroadway iSMIU auorueu a pleasant after 1 "w... t ii0 uecorauons wore of rpses and other cut flowers. At an appropriate hour, tho hostess served 'tempting refreshments. Tho mem bers out this weok were: Mrs, F. E Mrs. Charles Stauff on "Tho Ito- If ,,, ,,,.,., .. Ilinntln M... .., m. . . " "" "lllll JO -.... .. ...u.ciuj.i, . inn pimi, ... m.,,,., ...... ... ."eet ., next Tuesday morning aa.l.o, "8 y" n If you prefer a iiiado-to-ineasure Suit from tho East at n lower price, wo aro also prepared to servo. Ucuiiliig. prcsslni; and nli ! iiiuio promp uy, efficiently and 1,. sonablj-. J. V. Koski Tailor for Men and wnmon Market Avenue :: Marshfield' Phono 111.J. I cwttrf over, wlilrli ur i)i'(sdrd. r Tho J,,I.iisop-uIoC" l makes a hpcclalty of "furnlsliliiK Ir-ui-. I""t ad of lio" tlio roInoN, comfort, liiforinallty and roiifi'"" for pleasuro ami happiness. ( m, $ Whether it Is fiirnlshlnc a homo roiuph'lo or J''' new nocossary touches with u tvw odd piece of irn and thero throughout tho houso you hhould consult l will pay in economy and satisfaction. Chureli rnnm 0...1 rt 1 .. .... ,..., ullu tt,iU4 irunsacting a few matter3 of business adjourn 3d to meot again In two weeks t the homo of Mrs. I. U. Dartlo for a buslnoss and social session. The ladle3 present this week were: Mrs. I10V iy The Quality Name With the Service Fame I paired WhHo You Wait. I Allen, Mr, Olivia Edman, Mn. Uly O. Z MZ,Z, PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient " COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY I I " A '.iAjfciAi.