A HYPgtMJLjSjJAN WHO TRIES TO BE PIOUS a PAPEH THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME n NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES Vol. No. XXXIX. Text of German Reply Is Laid Before President Wilson loaay BEE No Material Difference from Accounts Given In the Newspapers Yesterday TRANSLATEDJFROM CODE Will Now Ho Studied ly tho Offl rlnlD nuil Somo Com no or Action oh Port of tlio United States Will He Decided Upon Dj AMoclitea Trtu t Cooa nar Tlmn.J WASHINGTON, D. C, May 0. Tho official text of Germany's nolo fully decided nntl laid boforo Prcnt dent Wilson today shows no material dllfcrcnco from tlio unofficial text published yesterday In tlio news dls patches. Tills strengthens tlio prob ability of a diplomatic break being averted, at least for tlio present. Will Take Tlmo President WIIboii will not roach i deflnlto decision boforo noxt wcolc, It Is said. Tlio cabinet mombeni woro liked by tlio president to glvo cIohu mention to tlio document nud their opinions will bo sought boforo nny formal decision Is reached. Looks Kuvoruhlo Overnight study of the nolo by the cabinet momborH and officials did tot change- tliolr views that probably Here will bo no break In diplomatic relations unions tboro nro furthor at tacks in violation of International lav, H Is noslblo tlio United Stales may make n brief reply notifying Horlln tbat as long ns tlio now submarine orders nro observed, diplomatic re lations will not bo discontinued. XAVV MUGl'K WANTS $1 00,000 !.MA(1KS KOH lilHKIi Xvjr league Taker Kcepllon lo Some of Ills Published Statements on Preparedness ID; Auorlital I'rrn to Com Hir Tlciica.l WASHLNQTON, I). C, May C The Navy I.oaguo filed n suit for Hoe) today In tlio district supremo urt against llonry 'Ford, asjklng 1100,000 danmgos. it nllogos libel ia aomo of Ford's publlsbod stuto- Kents Olllinaliirr (!,, ...mi..... fwednees. - ! ELECT DELEGATES I 'VASIIIXotox STATU COXVKX TIO.V TAKliS ACTION TODAV frkln or a Plalfoin, Wiih tlio Most ""iwilnnt IliiajliacAs Hoforo the Hody B' A,M1IM Preat (o Coot D.7 TIb.m.1 NOItTH YAKIMA, Wash., May 0.-- aaklng of a platform was tho lie rMl liroblom for "'a ropub n stuto convention lioro today. wS'? 1,r'r t0 th0 invention ro- .... " "breoments on tho dolo- atea, , . ttdUtrU i , t0rS Ut larg U,,a "Strict delegates that tho convon- ""i as a wi,i- . : firm expected to con- follr 1 f Ul Iclet'ao3 "t largo Is Tl C',arlCS P' . 0' Bpo. 8. a' p 7,Slms' or I'ort Townsondj !; , Tacom: Scott c- 'it! l'eprf at ,nrg0 ollosn : 8le,of qV.?8' or Co,fax: " w- vi Seattle. 'iVlo in,v. OXj.; VVl, rTiiofu. " -1 " ' nuiiis from ,KMAHB JI UXiis lift...:1" lo T,'v 'i'HOLs IMPHOVKI) ur Pani...i "u tkioi. Ttu't S . "' Hvlto "eniaett "' I.ONO TKIUI. Eva, vu'upn,. xiI1H4iI,,. ... . ....n.i, tt V-A.v first N,fiUSh?n' nntist, Hoora 1 Honnl Hnk building BELIEVE BREAK IS IT UNLIKELY HI XAMINED HENRY EO SUB Kstflbllslicxl 1878 As The Const Mall NOTE IS DISCUSSED FRKNCH I'HKSS MAKKS COM MKNT OX GKRMAXY RKPLY Homo Newspapers Hay Country lias Vlcldcd While Olluvs Take Different, Views IHr Aiwni lain! Pre In Co liar Tlmra.l I'AUIS, May G Tlio French press subjects tlio Gorman noto to tho United Stntes to a severe nnaly sl3, drawing various conclusions. Somo newspapers consldor that Germany has yielded, nltliough with a bad grace. Others believe tho document Is a tortuols refusal. .lUlty CIIVKS DAMAGKH FOR MHS. .IUMA ALLKN Case Against A. P. O'HVIcn Al Co qulllc Concluded Last, livening In Circuit Court (Special to The Times) COQUILLK, Oro., May C Tlio Jury In the caso of Mrs. Julia Allen against A. It. Ollilon and Tho levell ing ltocord a damago suit for $!",- 000 for alleged libel, returned a verdict last night giving tlio plain tiff Judgment for $100 damages. Sixty days was allowed in which to fllo an appeal. It Is said that most llkoly tho cuso will bo cppealcd. All of tho Jurors nt tho circuit court have now boon excused until Juno and there will bo no moro Jury trials until that tlmo. VOYAGE IS EXCITING coui'm: makk thii khom .mox tax a to sax khaxcisco Passed Through Here Vest onlay Aboard Kllbiirn -Trip Wax Ha. ni'dous Ouo In I'artN rComplctlng tho lnnt leg of their Journey from Montana to San Fran cisco via water, Mr. and Mrs. llonry Warrington, formerly of Kan Fran cisco, but now of Sboup, Idaho, passed through bore yesterday aboard the steamship Kllburn. Never before hud such a trip boon made. Part of tho trip wub very hazardous, especially through tho Sal mon rlvor, this distance being lie- iC0l"l"8c,l via flatboat. In some places tlfey were dropped as much as in Tcot nt n tlmo. Tlio voyago had Its boglnnlng at Salmon City, :i00 miles cast of I.ew- iston, Idaho, April 19. They trav- orsod tho Salmon Itlvor In a boat 18 feet long, eight feet wide, built with Inch boards of doublo thickness on tho bottom and half way up tho sides of tho flatboat. Pcoplo along tho route told them tho trip could nover be comploted. Through tho wild country much gamo was seen, Onco 15 dcor woro Boon nmI thrc0 0i ,CH,0fl Wlrt mountain sheop and gamo birds. They shot a bear. From Lowlston to Portland Mr. nnd Mrs Wnrrlnclnn en mo nliouril till Twin Cities. In ordor not to break the continuity of tho voyago thoy waited over In Portland almost a week in ordor to catch tlio Kllburn. Mr. Warrington left San Francisco nt tho Urns of tho big flro. Ho now has a milling claim iu Idaho and Is sending oro to Holso whero It Is smelted. Tho oro Is sent from near Slioup, Idaho, via parcel post. HONOR UNCLE JOE l-OHMKH SPKAKKH CANNON W " VKAHS Old) Fiiht Tllno House or Hepiesentatlve.- Jlas Shown Similar Courtesy to Living Member irir AmIIJ rrm to Com liar Tlrota. iWASIIINGTON, D. C, May C Party lines disappeared and old scoros woro forgot by tho bouse to day when, during tho first hour of session, It Joined In paying tribute to Representative Cannon, former spoakor, who will be SO years old to morrow, Nover before in tho history of tho bouse han an hour of working session been set aside to honor a living mem bor. Speaker Clark, in a humorous and friendly speech, termed Cannon one of tho "top notch class of mental pugilists." verdict o dims MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 6, 1916 EVENING EDITION. TWELVE PAGES xcfaangmg tie m mwm &ZmL P (!r- T?IP?"gi lfe r CS S&pr? " J 'viUJ rri.A ftn ... ..iii it 11 S.I FIGHT CAVALRY Squadron of Two Hundred and Thirty Men Rout Much Larger Force- Forty-two Mexicans Are Killed and Many Others Wound ed in Battle NO AMERICANSARE LOST 'Kngagoinent Takes Place nt Ojo A.u- le.s and Men of Kloventh Cnv- nlry Are Men Who Tako Part In the Fighting Illy AwntUIra l'r- lo Coot Iljr Tlinn.J F1KLD HKADQUAUTKItS, NBAlt 'NAMIQUIPA, May C (Wiroloss to Columbus.) A full squadron of 230 'nion of tho Kloventh Cavalry sur prised and routed a much larger forco of VUllstas nt Ojo Azules, 17 miles pniuh of Ciislhulrnclc onrly yotloi lay. Uy actual count 42 Moxlcans woro killed and a niimbo.' wounded but no Amorlcan casualties woro report ed. Chase of Seveial Days Tho Amorlcan command undor Major Howbq had been pursuing tho Vlllstas under Gonornls Domlnguox nnd Acosta several days when thoy oncoiinterod them yesterday en camped in tho adobo buildings of Ojo Azules. Tho MoxIcaniH woro utterly sur prised and sprang from tholr pallets half clothed. Aftor firing a few shots, thoy began flight, each man shifting for his own safety. Fleo for Their J.Ives Somo woro unable to solzo horses, already tired from a hard day's ride previously, but others mado their way Into tho hills on foot. Howso's report says tho routo was absolute and ho is still pursuing tho scattered remnants. General Is Killed The band ongagod Is tho largest remaining under the Villa standard j.i d. tho decisive victory gavo satis faction to military men hero, Major Ilowso reported tho General Antonio Angolcs was killed. Ho was o relatlvo of Felipe Angelos, former confident of Villa, who Is now living ccar HI Paso. Fifty Prlhoiieis Moro than fifty prl3ouors were captured by tho Americans. Tho column had marched through tho mountains during tho night and attacked without resting men or norses. It consisted of six picked troops of tho Kleventb Cavalry and one machine gun detachment. ., iimca imiHiiiuy mwiiorno in mis cartoon portrays tho Important event of tho week In tlio sale of oxtonslvo tlmbor holdings to outsldo inptltollBts which fortells the early dovolopment of this Important natural resource of thin noctlon. Long green trees for Undo Sam's "long green" b.lln. During tho past fow days tbero ban boon sold tracts of Coos coiyity timber which aggregated a quarter of a million dollars. Other sales nro In prospoct. Tho exchango of big money for tbeso Coos county tlmbor holdings probably means tho establishment of additional Industries for Uils locality and Indicates that tho tlm bor resourcos of this purt of the otato Is an Important factor In tho Industrial nud financial affairs of tho Pa cific Const. S am u mi MKMHKR OF TIIK ASSOC1ATKD "Long Green" coos 11 s TIMBER ! .... . TO T OTTO KDI.UND APPKA1,S FROM DKC1SION OK JURY' Sentenced In Clicult. Court. Hut. ('Ives Homl Pending Holding of Higher Court (Special to bo Tlmej) COQUIIdiK, Oro.?May C Tlio caso Oro.?May C. Tlio I, .WIilThvas fomld g coutif'frfolllng II of Otto Kdlund guilty liquor In tho circuit Illegally, has boon niipTiiltotlio circuit court and Kdlund gnvotiond and Is out on ball. Ho was fined $300 and costs nnd sontoncod to thirty days In tlio county Jail but Immedlato ly nppoalod tlio caso. Ho was found guilty In tho Justice court and up poalod to tho circuit court nnd will now tako his caso to tho supremo court of Oregon. It will bo some tlmo probably boforo n decision Is reached. In tho appeal It will bo claimed that 13. Kdson's testimony should not linvo been allowod as ho was an ul leged "go botwoon." Bfli CULL ISSUED .ANXOl'XCKD HV CO.MPTROMdCH ' of Tin: cntRKXcv todav National Hanks to Report Condition nt Close of lluslness, .Monday .May 1 tUr Auwall freat (o Cooa nj Time.. WASHINGTON, I). C, May C. Tho comptroller of curroncy today Is- rsucd n call to all national banks ro- ' quiring thorn to report to him their f condition at tho closo of business Monday, May 1, I TKLLS OF HA'ITLK WITH TJIK VII L iiw'i) ' 'JVoopn .Mado a (barge With Pis- tols, First ' - Kin,i Mudo In .Mexico (11 Awm laid I'rwa lo Cooa lit TIwm.) KL PASO, Texas, May 0. Persh ing's official report of tho dofeat of tho Villa baud at Ojo Azules doa crlbcd tho action as a cavalry chargo with pistols, tho first to oc cur since tho operations woro bo gun. Tho men had ridden thirty miles from San Antonio to Ojo Azules. Tho pursuit of tho scattered Mox leans continued two hour3. Tho sa mo baud attacked and defeated a Carranza forco a fow days be fore. Six Carranza prisoners wero rescued. Seventy-five mules and horses wero captured. . I Money lo Iinn on timiravml ranches In nny amount, 1 K, Con-' way Moilgago Co., Myrtlo Anus, SUPREHE GDUR PERSHING REPORTS AND CAN'T Wm& I'HKSS hi Long freei my. ltAyrirL Iff f - l: Ht& m$m. I IB. "" I I- EIGHTH LEADEH John McBiitlyc, Irish Major Pays Supreme Penalty of Death imps CUMUTED Thomas Hunter and William Costjrave Arc Given Sen tences for Life ESCAPE BEING EXECUTED Wero Sentenced to Die Willi Mcllrldo Hut the Judgment Is Changed nud They Will Ho Puulhhod by Serving In Prison Illy Auotlatot I'roaa lo Cons Ujr TIoim. DIHIMN, May C It was officially announced that Major John MuHrldo, eighth loader of tho Sinn Folu reb els to receive tho (loath soutonco, has bcon shot. Tho sontouccs of Thomas Hunter and William Cosgravo, who wero con Uncoil to death with Mnjor Mcllrldo, wore commuted to llfo Imprisonment, J BE RELEASED KXGLISH MAV 1,171' JOHN M. SUIi LI VAX GO Man Chaired With Kcltig Mixed With Irish Rebellion Will Llkoly Get Ills Frcc-dom (Ml AwHlatd rru to Cnot Da; Timet, DUIILIN, .May 0. James M. Sul- llvnn, former Amorlcan mlulstor to Sinto Domingo, who has boon Imprls- oiiod In Dublin Castlo several days on a cuargo oi nnvmg ucon impucaicu In the Irish robelllon probably will bo released today, It Is said by officials, Amorlcan consul Adams In Dublin has boon active la the bohulf of Sul. livan. 4 4 AIRSHIP .MARKS HAH) ON SHVKRAL PLACKS S 1 1 r Al.oilate-l Vita lo Com Day TlmM.J VIKNNA. May C Austro Hiiugariau aoroplanoa May I bombarded Avlona in tlio morning und Ilrlndlut In tho afternoon, says an of ficial statement. A dispatch from Romo sayj four Italian hydro aeroplanes yesterday effect ively bombarded tlio Alban ian seaport of Durazzo, says an official statomont - ACCENT ON THE CANT d&F&rfJ&r fcJ3 Consolidation of Timer), Coast mid Coos Hny Advertiser. NO STIR IS WKDENDRWAYTAKES DKHIil.V HKCKIVKS OKHMAX UK IMA' IX QUIKT WAV Utter Lnek of Incitement Attend (lie Announcement of Contents of Noto (nj Auoclitetl Pmi (a pooa P TltnM, 1H3KLIN, May C Tlio uttor lnck of excitement on the part of tlio m- 'Jorlty of tho people of Hcrlln with which tho publication of tho Ger- f man noto to tho United Stntes was rc- 'cclvod yesterday was In strong con- f trnst with tho great IntoreAt shown everywhere when tho last American note to Gormany was published. After tho first flurry on the np pearanco of oxj'a editions of the newspapers tlio city resumed Its us uol calm. Nowb dealers who or Ulorcd an especially largo supply of papers could not get rid of thorn, Hack the Government Tlio Tncgllcbo Itundschau,, whllo expressing tho opinion that tho Oer- nmn noto should havo taken a differ ent charnctor urgos Hint tho expres sion of divergent views Is unwnrrant od nt this tlmo and thnt everybody ishould subordlnato hlsj own Judg ment and Bland behind tho govorn mont. Gl :rmaxs Dinvi; thkm out of TRKXCIIKH Paris, However, Claims Thnt Horn. Muniment of Teutons is Checked Ily -Germain jGuns (11 Aaaoclit! Vxmt lo CWm Ttt Tlm.i.) LONDON, May C Tho French ovacuatod part of tliolr tronchos on tho northern olopo or Hill 301 on tho Verdun front wont of (ho Mouse ns tlio rosult of an uuuniiiilly vlolont bombardment by tho heavy Gorman guns. Paris DBsorts, however, that nil of- flfortH of tho Gormans to advance wero chocked by tho French uuns nnd Hint a fros hdlvlslon which the Germans brought Into action sustain ed groat lossos. Qormnn nttneks north nnd north west of the hill woro chookod nt tho point of the bnyonot. HITKKX ARK WSV RV FRKXCII ARMV Tin: In High Wind Carried Over Tho Lino and Captured by ih0 TeutoiiH tn AarxlatH rrM I. Voot liar Tim,.)' I1KRLIN, May 0. (Wlrelosj to Hayvlllo) A laruo mm , French captive Imloous broke loose owing to a suilduu storm. nnv ,,., official statomont todav. mwi ur driven over tho German lino. Moro man 1G wero captured by the Ton tons. WILL GIVK RKVXOTK ADDRKSS FOR DK.MOCRATH To Act As Temporary (linlrmnu at tho National Convention of the Party Hf AHOclat.4 rre.a lo Cooa Da; TlmM.j WASHINGTON, D. C, May C Prusljlont Wilson In conforenco with Fred II. Lynch af tho Democratic national committee, It was learned today, resulted In tho president up proving tho selection of former Governor Glynn, or Now York, to dollvor the keyuoto addrcsj ns tem porary chulrmsu of tlio national convention. It Is expected Clark will bo Invited to bo permanent chairman', MUST DISPLAY LICKNSK Clly llceueo taga must bo dis played in plain sight on automobiles and not carried by tho driver's In their pockets. J. W, CARTKIt, City Marshal Luiiuch Cadillac i (Vivos Multi field nt H o'clock Sunday inoiiilng for Allegany, icturulug nt !i o'clock, Dr, LcaIIo, Ohteopnth, Maohfleld. FRENCH fflCMTE BflLOflNS RUN IIY L CHOSEN OITF EDITIOK O'CLOCK, Moll No. 242 -w. A II Enters Formal Protest Against Seizure of Mails by Ena- . lish and French OBJECTS TO ACTION Not Admit That The En tente Allies Are Correct In Position FOLLOWS UNITED STATES Objections Kntered Aro Similar to Those Which Wero Previously Klled by This Country nnd by Holland Regarding MnlU (nr AMiKltial trrw Is Coo IUr TtaiM. CIIRISTIANIA, OMay C Norway formally notified tho Irrltlsh and French governments today that slio Cannot admit tho correctness of tholr Interpretation of Tho Haguo 1907 convention regarding tho soUuro ot noutrnl mnlls nt sea. Makes I'ormal Complaint Tho Norway covornment has lodged formal complaint, Btntlng that tho ac tion of tho allied govornmonts In seiz ing Norwegian mals Is against the Interests ot tho noutrnl nations. The Norwogtnn protont follows -similar protests by tho Unltod Stntes 'and Holland. KILLS HJSJDTHER KIGHT VKAR OLD HOV f;qMM!T AWFUJORLMII Heforo Coufislug Hn JmjA lllwiio to tho Father Who Wn Atrested (llf A.xkUI.J riN 10. Coo. IU; TlmM.j PORTSMOUTH, Ohio.. Jluy 6. Goorgo Jordan, eight years old, conrcHsed today that he killed his mother with n shot gun. Woilnes-' day ho told tho offlcorj his father , Ray Jordan, killed her following a quarrel because sho did not get up early enough to got breakfast. Tho officors had brought Goorgd and Fred, Ills throo year old broth er, boforo tlio probato court, whun Fied, pointing to his brother, said: ' "Goorgo, what did you kill mamma for " George hung Ills hoad and thoa confessed. Tho fatlior was formally charged with murder yestorday. AMKHIOAX COMMAXDKR TAKlfl f ACTION IN HAITI Hrenks Up Meeting When WnntUig Is DlNivgnrdod by tho Souatoi-M Pr A.xxLI.J rtt to cm nt Tlmw. POUT AU PR1NCK, Haiti. May G. MomborH of tho llnltlon sonata . who porslsted iu holding a meet-' lug dusplto tho warning of Admiral, y Caportou, In command of tlio Amer ican forces bore, woro dlsporsod to day by a dotachmont ot gondarmea commanilod by American officers. Tho Bouatoij protostod but offered uo resistance. T IS QUIKT HAS HKKX RKSTORKl) AT SAXTO DOMJNGO Several Persons Wero Kllltsl hi the , DlNtui bunco Which Occuied. Yestorduy , (Uf AuoclataJ ricaa la Cao Car Tlm.l ' SANTO DOMINGO. May C Hos-t'lltlos- which broke out here yes torday ii3 uu outgrowtli ot the at tempt to overthrow tho regime ot President LImluez, resulting In sot ci al persons being killed or wound ed, woro susponded today, Mem- bers af the diplomatic corps aro en deavoring to effect an (unliable ' solution, Llbby Coal, $.1.00 Nih. PliOM 78. H Si DISPEHSES SENATE 0 1 tx