The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, May 05, 1916, CITY EDITION, Image 2

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THIS .M()ltM(.'
Makes Hood Time IVom I'oilliuul
Hrlngs Klghlecn I'lieiiHeis mill
III tlio woo Hinn' bourn of the morn
ing tho steamship K. A. Kllliurn, lif
ter a very Rood run from Portland,
nnlvcd oft the liar nnrt waited un
til C:30 for a lirolier tide t which
timo alio crossed In. Sim bronchi I
i:ssi:ii AititivKS this moiininm
I-'llOM SAX 1)1 KCO
lint iMt-nv Cargo of TIiidiirIi Freight
'juii Hoiilli Leaves Out AriiIh
for Poll land
Loaded lo tho limit with through
rrclRlit tlio Htuumalilp
1'nnio In tills morning from Snn Dlegii
.-.M. i unv furls, headed for PortlnnI
"(There wire lit pusucngors nbotrrtl
18 passengers rrom tho north beside,, c nv il)1(, ., ,., s,,m,c,,t
a shipment of wovcrnl hundred mm, ,,,,',,
Her hold wuh well filled, "?"'"" .. nlM, ,v.rn.
alBO. Till '" Illl-I"1R imni.-iiui.
(.Joorgo Dfior, tonnes wiiytiuu, r. .
with n through cargo,
I ..,.,... -CI.,., i.iilrifiillfltf ml Xnrtli
loin for Ban D.ogo am. way ports. , H'-. K. C. MMti ,.P M K.
I'ranklln MIbh draco Hitttu, misb
Tho arrivals morula woro. Korsytho. .1. P. Sheridan.
J. I, Wcsteuhlsor. .Mary W IP. ' UmilIt.. -Ilte A,mBro.
Ki Cllir C. ravil A. t.n't"fj.
J. B. Porter, Miss Fay Shaw, .1. II. jj
Blinw, Mm. Shaw, IC. II. lteevo, MrB.i"
R. H. Hoovo and I children, Wlliia
NoIb and 2 children, D. V. Perry.
Tlio doparturcii for tho noiitli wero:
Horhert Hdwurds, MrH. IMwnrds,
Ellon E. Fox, C. H. Porter, P.. W.
Campbell anil Been Bteorago.
'Ai-rlvi'tl '
Kilbtirn,' Portlantl. fi:IO n.
Ilreakwater, San Diego,
!lO:3p u. m.
1 Adeline Oakland, 8:30 n.
nt noon.
Klllnun, Sin Diego, a p. m.
Urcnkwator;' ' Portland', at '
12:30 p. m.
Tillamook, Portland, t
Duo Hero
Noyo, San Francisco, tomorrow.
Tho departures worn: .1. II. Ilarrln.
II. Mellow. ('. U Watt. Mra. N.
Sheffield, and 11 Bloorago.
Tomorrow tho flteam nchooner
Coaster loaves Han Francisco with
Coon Hay freight. Sho Is expected
In hero Monday to load luniher again
at the C. A. Smith mill.
Tho BtcuniBhlp Kllhiirn crossoil In
thin morning ut n : 10 from Portland
loft down for Sim Diego and way
ports thlB afternoon.
At noon tio styam sclioojior Yel
lowstone got away from the North
lleml mill for San Francisco with
Tho Adollno arrived In this morn
ing from Oakland. Sho had keen on
tin-dock thlH trip. Tho bottom was
scraped and painted.
fitrriit.MtiVC IV (it'll, l
fe&a.t ....- --
(!0 TO
VoMrv for Neaw Vim- Is Weile'l ,
JllMiop Huitiiit'i SiK-iiks nf EplM'o
pal Wprk li Oregon ,
Ono of tho ImpploHt and most In
Bplrlnc EuthortiijjB, over hold In (Inllil
Htill wna thati which' took place hist
ovonlng In honor of Illshop Sumner,
wio hnn(ditiH to spend a week In thlH
noctlon and visit tho arlous churchi
mul iiiIhbIoiib under IiIh Jurisdiction.
Tljo lmjuwaa yullj filled. eHppidully.
with inon, inlow'liouo liwirtn'the IIIbIi
0 nlwuyH flndH u way lo enter.
Hold Am I MeelliiR
Tho omiBlnn laHt oveulng wiih uluo
tlint of tho regular anniuil ParlBli
mooting, when repoil from tho reitor
and tho viirliiim orgaulwilloiiH wore
received, and ulsii for tho election or
u new Vostry Hoard for tho onmiluK
Tulil or Veoi'N Woik
Mrfl. .1. W. llnniiBtt road a mint
oncouragliiK roport of lh pant )or'i
work In 1 lo (I'litld, Honlny uphmdhl
fliicccBH In nil tho (lulld'H uudurtu).
Iiipb. Vestiy Is Klivtotl
Tho l'eHiilt of the ImllotiiiK for
vcbtryiiien xhowed the follow Inc. nine
men eleiled lo the Hoard In lont-ol
of tho parish affalrH ror tho ensuing
year: A. C. Vostul, K. P. LowIb, Hon
nott Swanton, .ludgo .1. S. Coko, E. K
McCIuro, Charles Stauff, dlto Schct-
tur, ,lohn Swanton) Ji V,' Hcnnott,
n.l l. IV' Dftx'llll It .' (I '
III li row appropriate remarks thol1" llr y ft Rroat (leal of his buc
llov. ltoht. E. HroVnlng, tho ructor or
Effort Made to Keep lllni Hero Hut
A'ciangementM for t'luuiRc Had
Heen .Made
"A lot of follows talk In
five flguroB wluii ically they
don't cut utiy".
"You very Bldjiu joo a
Biillle on a mllllonalrcB 4
face." '
"If sonic, women pnld leBB
attention to tlielr husba'ridB'
'morals and more to tlielr
menla they would solvo tho
"A fojt limn like n fiiBt
horso Min't go faBt far".
For four weeks t'lia Intoroat nnd
attendance of tho Evans union r3
vlvul Iiiih InereaBed dally. There
has oven bcon talk of continuing
tho revival another wcok but Inas
much ai the North Head churches
hnvu hired tho Star theater ami
have made all preparations for their
services It does not look as though
the KvnngcliHt could be persuaded
to remain.
California Hooster
Ilruco Evuns Is a Callfornlnii nnd
It Is noticeable Hint ho does not
knock, but on ovory occasion booBts
Instead. Ho told u story ono night
ol San Francisco and Los Angeles.
At a dinner In Sail Francisco some
mon woro making addresses. Ono
from Lob Angolcj Bald :"Vell gon
ttcmen wo have a wonderful city.
There Is only ono thing wo lnck In
Los Angeles. Wo know you laugh
at us becauno. wo 'blow, blow" blow'
all tho tlmo of our climate. If wo
only had tho ocean a llttlo nearer to
us wo would surpass you folks
quickly. You havo tho advantage
of being right on tho Uay. Wo nro
twenty mlle3 from tho ocean. Ilruco
snys a 'Frisco' man Jumped up nnd
said "I'll tell you Los Angeles fol
lows how to got tho water. If you
will lay so mo pipe from tho City
down to tho boach and suck as hard
as you blow you will flood tho old
Evans really booiiib to havo ab
sorbed soiiiu of tho boosting 'spirit
and If ho has accomplished anything
S. E. Henderson
or County Surveyor
vote or Him ' '
for Him
may 19
Mop trsxTva fy Good fbads
Association sAotvmf a? i 4
accampSsect nv & Affise.oao'-'
Bond ssua i
trnmamm frbaJs sAomi? tins, i it
Bone ssue.
mmumm Prefer for Cbvfity'
mwrtnent t,,
wm mm 5fa$ ant cc7nftnf
m ' P fva
07 cfrna Jssue
1 p,ifrf 0
tho parish, Introduced tho Illshop of
tho Dlocoso, who spoke of tho great
encouragement It always g'avo hlm
to come to Einanuol Parish, where ho
Iiiih found church conditions most en
couraging and ho mentioned hew ut
at Portland among tho members of
tho Hoard of Church Extonslon this
tioctlou Iiiih always eujoyod tho unique
Mlstluctlon of being tho banner work
or tho dlocoHo, through tho faithful
nnd coiuccrnted eforts of ol)an llors
fnll who laid tho rouiidatlou In tho
.dayx of Hiuall things.
Tells or Hlsliup MoiiN
A moHt touching part of tho lllsh
,op'H addroHM wiih that which dealt
with tho work oT old Illshop Morris,
who was regarded as a modern Apos
tlo In' tho early days when things
woro hard. Ira vol difficult and results
not always apparent. Tho Hlshop
allowed to tho audience the tliuo-hou-tirod
shawl which Hlshop Morris, In
his trips up and dowp tho coast used
to iiu'.y with itliti. as well as one
fur I ho woman with Ihe llttlo baby.
Dr. .1. T. McCoriuac ami .1. W. Ilen
uelt spoke, Hiving no mo Kilning rem
Inlsient aildresyes
There were several musical fioloc-
ccbb can bo laid to tho fact Hint ho
has looked for tho good Insteal of
the bad. Ho has built up Instcnd
of torn down,
Mr. Evans announced that ho
would closo oarly tonight to allow
thoso who wished to attend tho
High School Play to do so. Tho
management or tho play mado an
nounced that tho program would bo
gin a half hour later than usual.
Many prominent peopjq. of tho
town nro' attending night after
nj&jssasiiL? '-J !
3mkk j'ffyTu
43WtUr V - Tf t imk I S 111 iilllBl M ll . II nJ flM
A 1M. - -I : JDl4H 1.UJ i
x SSiSw. ( .flPlPILf JU-I' Pi
tliuiR that wero also enjoyed. Harry
Hultmaiin and II. II. Ostllnd gave
Vocal solos, nccompaulod by Mrs.
William Horsfall, Jr., and thoro wnB
also a piano solo by Miss Clara Isabel
Tho refroshinontH wero aerved un
'der the direction of Miss Mlldron
Ulpley, assisted by thu young women
or tho Alpha Club.
EDINHinmil, Scotlnnd,, May H.
- As a result of tho suowstorm.i of
tho latter part of March, there has
men a high mortality among deer
ami wild birds In tho Scottish high
lands. Not in tho memory of tho
oldont Inhabitant havo tho vlfects
of tho winter boon so oevoro as
this your.
Iteports gathered by the local au
thorities show that many hundred
f.r deer, paitlcularly hinds, woro
j fiorn to death or died from ex
posure. In some cases hand reed
ing by kindly local residents saved
Hit) dter from starvation. Hut In
' the majority or tho forests llttlo
additional rood was provided, on
. iM-co nt or tho heavy oxponso and
ine scarcity oi uiuor. r
Grouse and practically all kinds
of winged ganio aro entorlng on
the hatching season In a weak
'mil unsatisfactory condition.
l frfs i I. I i'
' 'f - ' 11W r'l n lr I 'IrAt--fa'-M--f--- "V V-Jl5" I " 'ti'tl
f j rWr ki ' ' t i'i -1- - u rr i'i 7il I i i fv1 1 -"
, if. -Jm . wmrYZ&nJsTJiD - ir. Vi ;- -tH- v YhtnrT . , I
i" .w w 'wm-j.ri : jti i h"ivt jm ai i ' m j j t - i i r u k i w r v i i tu
h4m$M WffitM iw SfEp MESvi
V BPrRS sSS&t-W$?$P: :K-&K&W i-s2 v
l'IJlmi&J j Tit ,JSr. liwS i' ' lli)T ". ! M "." " ' '.'Mr 'P
,,'mfl J'" W nTT.' lii-' ..jw1: MTOVi,V, atWl-AS5- 'i" '-'"i" A r1' ' V il"-
7'" ' ' Kurt VrTiw VT'T -" t.l "IfcA'X-" - 'Hi, " "UJlV?" ", V' J
' ivf.-1 it ' : -4J yP -ska P :"J? .Tf "
i rwifit-'i uji jut 'i-jn23v 5-N
"?7nrt- rr-"fr4 rt -rA L
i rf '!T'P l't " k'V'oV!' " -li
r Y f i'J$-l
NOTICE TO iviv,....r-
Notice Is imrobv !.. ....
I'ldswlllb,. rccolvn,r.:'lna.l,,U
received by ih. 1
of the Cllv. .. Zm
County, a':: Jlarih,Wl.
Tho Cooa County flood Ilouda As
sociation has had prepared too
abovo map In order to show Just
what can bo acconipllsliod by .tho
nlonby derived from tho salo of
$1120,000 worth of bonds If tho
peoplo voto In favor of tho bond Is
sue Tho map explains Itsolf.
A circular giving particulars has
also boon Issued. It shows that
tho Increase In tho assessed valua
tion In Coos County for tho past
fourteen years has been from $'-',-
70G.000 In 1 001 to $21,100,000 in
1911, Indicating that tho Increase
in vnluntlous onclt year will causo
tho tax rate per thousand to bo
greatly decreased, i
It l.i Btated that the road issue if
cnrrlod will provide tho following I
Improvement for Coos county:
ONE -lloud
funds nllntod to complete
pornianont lino and grado. $ 1 1.1,-1 fumta lo
.14 '.
, $10,000 CoqiilllO'
$i:;,000 Ilaynos In-
county funds can ho applied toward
completion to lino and grado of:
Myrtlo Point-Dora road, North
Itdiid-Suncet Day road, Ilaynos In-ltit-Lakesldo
road. And for the
Commission 'bag pledged bulldlnc of: Myrtlo Polut-Powors
bo spoilt between Myrtlo load, Sumner-Coos City road, Alio-
Curry County.
Myrtle Point.
let-North Inlet.
If the bonds nro voted tho Statu
00, CoiuillloCoos Hay road. IS,
00 Coqulllo-Ilaiidon. JHl.OOO tllas-gow-Ilaynos
Inlet. ?CI,00, Ilandon-
Point and Douglas county Hue.
If tlio bonds nro voted
gany-Douglas county lino, bridge at
Coquillo; bridge at Myrtlo Point,
other North Heml-Olasgow ferry.
News of Coquillo People Told In
Tho Herald
Tommy Clinton Is putting a ncbln
on his gasoline launch and fixing
It up lusldo. Ho will do towing
with tho boat and also carry pas
Captain Havo Perkln's boat, which
Is bulng built near tho ferry, la
well under way. It l.i being built
for tho run between bore and Myr
tlo Point. The holler from tlio
Favorite will bo Installed In It. 1
Is a flat bottomed hot: I about C'
feet In length.
Mrs. V. O. Matthews, or I'ulr
view, started Wudnejday wltli hoi
two youngest boys to mako a vlsl
to hor mother. Mrs, .1. O. Freeman
at Newport, Oregon. Sho expert
to bo gone a month or six woks
and on her return trip will visit
her sister, Mrs. Ed Patterson, at
Uoseburg. Mr. Matthews will meet
them thoro and bring them in b.
wagon road.
Get, It, At,
Getting's Cash Grocery
J. E. FORD (8b CO.
Complete cold storage system.
Our meats are kept under the most sanitary conditions
Our motto is to please our customers with promptness
and fair dealings.
Our oteaks, chops, cutlets, rib roasts, pot roasts and
boils are all from prime animals.
Our sausages, wienies, bologna, veal and beef loaf are
all made by an expert, kept for that line of work only.
Our lard is pure and clean, none better.
174 S. BROADWAY 2 PHONES No. 58 and No. 48
When Christy's dead a hundred years, the fans will still
discuss his play, and sigh, while shedding briny tears,
"There are no men like him today I He used the brains
behind his brow, and gave the foe a grievous jar; the
chroniclers have told us how he
was for years and years a star.
Great pitchers came and cut some
grass, and died, and then forgotten
were; he saw them come, and saw
them pass, and still kicked up a
mighty stir." The chroniclers will
also tell how Christy, when a game
was played, filled up the pipe he
loved so well, to soothe his nerves,
all tired and frayed. He smoked
Tm:edo every time, the critic's
;moke, the mild and rare, Tuxedo
'-aant and sublime, the cool,
r.-.yeet smoke beyond compare.
.a , i vifcfeit t j&zisiw t' mmrr
r .. s'rB.flVJ .. . !rsr'
inur jm..0W6A wiw- , t "f
PltchrNtu York Gianti
"TuxtJo geli (o me In
natural, bltaiant uay. It's
what! tall good, hartal, com
pantonable tobacco the flnd
lo slick to."
' vsiumin t.-ix
' I), m. on Honda, 7
"y "f May. 1910 Z Uli
"u Keconlor In the C i , h ff' J
HIV. for the construction o ' Md
"lng tho center lino of Fth T"
North from npolat no fo 1"(!
".U north line 0f ComZK''
nno West to the south Hjjf
Innd Avenue West, th. '
Mr.l.flcl,l. pursua'i, t 0 0r Sj
lntisaudspcciricat!on0nfIe t
Wflco of the Clly Recorder and h J
"Pen to tho Inspection of all ,, !
Interested therein. "
All bids must )0 in accordances
iho reiiulrenients accomuanvin. ...
will bo supplied upon reouwi .1 ,i.
bfflco of tho Clly Knglneer,
A certified check uf five p tent
of tho uiiiuiint bid must actonpu,
II10 bid to bo forrclteil to said city ot
Alurshfleld in caBo tho contract U
nwnrded tho contractor and he fnii
to outer In a contract with said elij
within flvo days.
Tho Common Council rcservei tU
right to reject nny and all bldi.
Dated this Ith day of May, nt$,
llecordcrof tlioOltyofl'jril.
field, Coos County, Oregon.
(Mny Ith, May Gth.)
Notice is hereby given that iciled
bltlB will bo received by tne Comnoi
Council or tho City of MarihflcK.
Coos County, Oregon, until eliM"
o'clock p. m. on Monday the l$u
tiny of May, 1010, for tho Improve
ment of that portion of the eit
Bldo of Front Street North from 1
point SIC feet north of the north Use
or tho Town or Mnrsliflcld, accordlnj
to tho plat thereof prepared by Wo.
llnll nnd on fllo nnd ot record in the
office or tho County Clerk ot Coot
Comity, Oregon, to n point 1! feet
north of tho south line of Alder
AVouiio Hast In tlio said City of
Mnrshflold, according to the pUst
nnd specifications on fllo In the ot-
rico of tlio Itccordcr and there open,
to tho Inspection ot all ierom In-
tereatcd thoroln.
All bids must bo In accordance"
with tlio requirements accampanylcj
said specifications and upon blank
for tlint purposo which wlllle'iaj-'
plied upon request at the office ol
tho City Hnglncer.
A certified check ot flvo per cent .
or tho amount b(d much accompany
tho bid to bo forfeited to the tall
City of Mnrshfloltl, In caie the con--.
tract la nwardod tho contractor ana
ho falls to cntor In a contract wlta
tho said city within five dayi auer
being notlflod so to do.
Tho Common Council reservd He
rlt'ht to reject any and all IUj:
Dated this 4th day of May, M.
Horordor of tho City of Marahfleld
Coos County, Oregon
May I and May 5
Notleo Is hereby slven that iea!e4
llltls will bo received by tba Con
mon Council of tho City ol W
riold, Coos County, Oregon,
olght o'clock p. in. Monday, the i
day of May 1 9 10. at the , office iC
tho Itecorder in tho City HaUoliaW
city, for tho construction of a er
along tho westerly side of that por
tion of Front Street North from
point 32 feot north of tlia north U
of tho Town of Marshfleld, accord
lug to tho plat thereof prepwedW
Wm. Hall and on file an tt
, ,1,0 orrico of tho county ci
Coos County. Oregon, to Ihe c t
line of Alder Avenue East and aloa
tho center lino of Aider AienueE.
from tho westerly llM
Street North to n point 1
of tho easterly II.. ot
North In tho said Clt) w
field, pursuant to OrtlMj'jJ,
of said city, according to oj
and specifications oa file
r,CJ or tho Recorder and there
to tho Inspection of all pe0B
terested therein. aecordnce
All bids must b. " j.
wltli tho requiruuiw -
. .. in nf the CUT
request at mo un-
Steel, -brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings made
like new
Koontz Garage
Phone 180-J. North Front Street
rotiu ..- n
Ing said pecKieaiitM -blanks
which will bo .'.
gineor. . er cent
A certified chock of fl" V
or tho amount bid nui t
the bid to be forfeited to ,
of Marshfleld In caso the e
Is awarded tho contractor
rs to enter l Jtffe!
said City within flvo day ; ue
Tho Common Council : reje
right to reject any nd a" tif.
Recorder tf the City of Ma
Coos County. Oreson
May -Ith and My