eoeo!RSoooo othe are s best ? In yon" ono . ,tjM lCt Ht "' ' of Oil .nr lllindMIIIIO, 110 now, ' I ...ji liltWt y,tun ",u """" JID.V . "' "" ",, all pilrcn fmm ;10 up to !?: ... .....lit.. wifivliiri villi 'ttf'Klll2 fcpilll ITII""J - , It will I'") "" l" ' " . . 1 1 MltlfiltU i itori ' "lr """" """- In (lie fnlii'v. mv North Hentl BUY FRESH HOMEMADE- !S and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. Central Avenue ILLER'S THE MAN for District Attorney r. th fur- liN mi mo on Iteiinb-1 IWIot Mny lllth. Kwiih in: elected (I'ald Adv.) IFOn TRAXSFKIt AND pOIUGK OF HOUSEHOLD CDS, ritllKJIIT AND IIG0.1GK Call ERGUSON TRANSFER I'liono 103 iRflldmro Phono 1.1-J "kft Arc. nnd Waterfront BLANCO l Public Servirif Hntnl iuhtta thoroughly ronovnt-J. i Incd to the public Murch I "10. Foilln nt l, r..l...l 1 M liostclry nro. free cm-1 bwmii, ffQ0 (.owlntr room. lon bulleiln oml kind trout, i fte pahouago of the nubile ' tl!M. DUXCO HOTKL SI Xorth l.'ront street iiuiio i h.i,. JUrshflehl. Oroffon 0YAL TONIGHT NlVKiMiMrc ol, ,,, r'11 h lUe acts ,w i.io '"ITIde, i:,,yi .,,,,, am I.'... ... II. i ., """"Kiiuco. MOI luMl.U ..i i... .. . tflj., " "VM 111 IIIIS "UlVQ VI It FATHICR" r") fun )' toiuedy. Admiccinn 5rFl0M5c Balcony 10c Nroh- mght "tiii: nt'.. U4S'UlH)v V"ileiin ....... . lXfv,.; :..;' "ay. ... "v' 'ill a - ,... ... a 7 reel master- fern IMP n lo LandK Dtod il (i 9l! REvTUft THE WEATHER HKl'OUT fBj Anocltttd rrtn to coon Ti, Tlnn ) ORKOON Kali"; westerly winds. LOCAL TKMPKRATUHB RECORD For" tho 24 hours ending at 4: 13 n. m., May -l, by lionj. OstMnil, special government Motoorolqglst: Maximum cc Minimum , Ki At 1: 13 n. m GO Precipitation 00 Precipitation Blnco Sopt. 1, 191f 7S.80 Preclpltntlon samo period Inst year CI. 32 Wind: Northwest, clear. SUNRISE AM) SUNSET Tliiifstlny May 4. Bnn risks at I: 19 nnd soba at 7:01. l'lslilng Is (.'ood The fishermen arn husy now catching halibut and ling, yesterday all of tho Coos Hay boatH went out over tho bar to Join In tho catch. AVIII Ho (Jiwit (innif. Some oxclt Iiir baseball In oxpected next Sunday nt North llcml when tho KnlghtB of tho drip will meet ti picked nine from tho fratoinal organizations. Stenographer Comes. Miss M. Mc Donald of Portland, has arrived In tho city to take n position an steno grapher In tho offlco of W. .1. Con Vnd Bocrotnry of tho Coos County Tax AHOclatlon. Trolmdors Conn: On tho morning train from tho Coqulllo Vulloy en mo tho six 'Hawaiian Troubndorfl who open their ongngeniont this evening at tho Royal Theatre To Hold Examination. From II. II Miller, director of tho School of Com- 'jnorco at tho stato university, comes lotlco that on May 1C nnd 17 nro lo bo hold examinations for exports In commorco nnd finance, positions to bo opon In Washington, D. C. Tho SPECIAL Ilrow it Soap, H Rnrs for Ranchers: W hav a now sli following prices, IVIilo of the North, Per lurt poll uds '. tf.l.no ('olden Raiitain, Per pound "'' StowellV ICvorgi cen, Per pound He Country Club Coffee, regular Jt.lc !,,,c Chick Feed, Per 10 pound Mick - ") Hams (goml iimllty) Per pound (,c Now Spuds 1 pounds U.le New Pens , pounds li.le A-ttuco, Per Head "e (Radishes (lllg Hunches, fn-hli) "c Ort'on A,nnls, Per lliincli V Pickles, 'J)5 (Jul. Keg, plain, each 'c Saratoga Chips, Per Package -"'' Spuds (local) Per 100 pounds $2.-3 Rlpo Olives, Largo Tall Cans, curh hie Rutter (Xoitviiy) Per. li pound squaro Oc GETTING'S CASH GROCERY I We Save You Money 394. ,OOK FOR OCR IIKJ SPKCIAL XHXT WKIJK I'MHIMMMMHM ' PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY MOBLE THEATED J TO -NIGHT A1 VITAORAPII RIO FOIR SPKCIAL "Til IC SINS OF THIC .MfyniHRS" Presenting EARL WILLIAMS and ANITA STEWART Pictured from the Now York Evening Sun's $1,000 P"Izo drama. It is a story of gambling In socioty A picture that is sure to grip and bold FIVE REELS Produced by Ralph Ince. "HEARST VITAfiRAPH XII WS" The reol newspapel full of tho latest happenings of tho world. "TIXKKRIX(J WITH TROTHM.'." Potho Comedy Slapstick of tho hotter sort. "EXTRA SPECIAL" First scenes of the Columbus bandit raid In Mexico Wonderful scenes ln motion plcturos as it really hap pened, ANTHONY'S ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT. Lower Floor. 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.: Children, 5ots. Tomorrow Night This theatre has been leased to tho HI ?' School for tho play "WHAT HAPPENED TO JONE.T' THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, snlarlcs range from li.tui) to J2.50O fin tho list of qualifications It states Hint persons having six years In Jour nalism uro eligible To (in on Hcnlc A n,bGr ot ,the high school students nnd friends nro planning on a picnic Sunday up Coos ltiver. They expect to leave hero early In tho morning and go through to Goodwill's place to spend the day. Cmulldoto Hero A. P. Collier, who Is a candidate for tho demo cratic nomlnntlon for County Clerk, is visiting in the city In tho Interests .6f his campaign. Mr. Colllor resides In Coqulllo but Is quite well known on the liny side of the county. Visits Coos Ray..!. H. .Mct)onnott. general sales mnnngor on tho Pacific const for tho Standard Oil Company, s making a visit to Coos County. In company with the locul agont of tho' company. C. W. Cumbers, ho lett for Ilnndon to look over that territory. Tho trip from hero was made by nuto moblle. All The Same (ilant. Puffing and hjifflng all through the day went the steam donkey engine next door to Tho Times offlco running tho pounding pllo driver that shoves n CO foot pllo Into tho ground with the same enso that tho small boy plants u croquet wicket lu tho lawn. Tho driver will bo at work for soveral days yot, driv ing tho piling for tho doing and Har vey building. Kloclnl President. Mrs. Claude Nasburg waH elected president of tho Episcopal Oulld at a meeting held this weok. Hho was named to take tho placo or Mrs. Herbert Lockhnrt, who had boon previously elected but who found It Impossible to serve. A cooked food Biilo hold Inst Saturday Is said to hnvo brought In good re turns. On Tuesday Mrs. J. V. Ron nott, Mrs. Knuim Nasburg and Mrs. 'Claudo Nasburg woro hostesses. I.ost Money as Witness. E. Edson, witness for tho ntato In the Otto Ed lnnd bootlegging caso, went through this morning for Astoria whero ho Is n flshorintui. Ho has spent tho last two weeks hero and says that much vnlunhlo fishing tlmo has been lost, Inasmuch as tho season Is on In full swing and ho ha1 largo boat nnd fishing gonr lay!.; J!o thcro, awnlt Ing his return. Keep Your Chickens Home. Now - Ipnieut IWc the !' of heed coining' at 130 North Broadway, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY conies Chief .lack Carter stolng that I chickens at large are every bit us bad j or worsa than Innno iIoch Mini lm !..-' clares that owners of hens and roost - ers who lot the fowls run at large, are to bo nrrcsted. One or two propoity owners In the north end of town have uireouy inrenicnou to muKe good usofMRS. AN'N'A of their 22 callbro rifles In abolish lug the evil. Not Hiiro of 1ogglng. Jack Mc Donald said today that there Is not a thing yet certain about McDonald and Vaughn logging lu tho vicinity of Ton Milo lnkes. Ho said that most of tho timber Is on North Lako nnd Eel Lake but In any ovent It would bo tho first of tho year before nny log ging could bo started. Most of the' timber lands under contomplntlon are' small holdings, ho Bald. Tho Ions I would he brought horo via the rail- rond. Still in d'ooil Condition. The steam schooner Noyo, coming berei Tor ties for tho Estnbrook company.! has boon anxiously looked for up near Rnr View where it was expected the! vessel would return nnd make un- other try nt pulling the schooner Oak-, lnnd off the beach. It Is said that tho Oakland, that wns lost while on1 ft trill In Hnmlnn In ttltrli nnl .!.. ' -- -..,. .,... ,.u..f . Mlftll t HIJ Wll tho bench nnd out of tho rench of the high sens nnd so is still In good condition. Looking ror Ills Lmiil. In rumng-' lllir fl1lltl It. 41ln l.nlt.it.1 nt I. I.. i....1. I .r t.ififiiv in iiiu iiuiiuiii in urn iriiiiH thq othor dny, Hnrold Crawford, of the Fix Up store, camo ncroRs a bond for tho deed to hoiuo Mexican land that ho ono time bought from u pro. inciting compnny. Ho Is now won dering whether Villa took It nil to (ho mountains with him when ho es caped, for ho Miyn thnt bo far ho has nevor boon nblo to find tho Bald land. JIo Is going to send the bond to his nnclo who owns somo SOO acres of laud In Mexico mid lias n deed to It. Trouble mill Tlilrteen. I always have boon siiperstltloiiR nnd this morning about sovon o'clock whon J. V. Hlldenbrand marched lu wearing tho mile thnt won't como off I wasn't fooled. I knew there was something wrong. I got up nt six o'clock nnd hurried to tho offlco. "Hlldy" nr rlvod nt sovon. Thoro you nro Six nnd sovon nro thlrteou and thirteen nlwnyn Iiob been my unlucky imm une trouble of courao. Then whon Hlldonhrnnd stated that lu Schroodor ,t Hlldonbrand's ad last night tho, prlutor mado tho discount on grnnlto raro thlrteou nor cent whon It should hnvo been thlrty-thrco nnd one-third por cent., I know whoro tho trouhlo camo lu. Ono thirteen Is bad enough; .but two thlrtoons ouch! Anyway I am trying to nvort moro trouble by making UiIb explanation that tho dis count on grnultowaro at Schroodcr & Hlhloubrnnd'H hardwaro storo this wook Is 33 1-3 por cent. ono third i off on every urtlclo of granltownro I mid Hint Is considerable reduction nt l tho preuont tlmo .when motnl pr'.cc3 . of nil kinds nro advancing and the fruit canning season coming on. Tho ndv. appears olsowhoro on this pugo today read It. If tho prlntor doosn't get It correct this tlmo thoro will bo thirteen moro kinds of trouhlo and It won't appear again, either. e.j t PERSONAL. MENTION t O. .1. GRAY roturned to Portland on ) tho morning trnln, M. COLUMAN Is In today from Cam as Valley on business. PAT IIKNNKSSHV camo In from tho mines on tho morning train. R. NICIIOLSKN loft on tho morn ing train for Coqulllo Valley points. O. W. RRIOOS wont to Coqulllo this morning to appear as n witness In court c. V. (JLICK wont bnck to Ashland 1 1 Bring Your I I Doctor's g Prescriptions 1 1 the 11 Owl ll 4, 1916-EVENING EDITION this morning utter covering this territory. ' henry CARLSON', of Nnri. i.i, came lu last evening for a short, stay bore. i N'OUTIIROPII came down lust evening from (Inrdlner on a visit. IRVING CHANDLER returned thin morning to Coqullle where ho Is on Jiiry duty. EUOENE SCHETTER has returned to his homo In llandon after a visit . In tho city. MRS. C. HOUTI.V en mo up yesterday from Empire on a shopping and visiting trip. V. II. .M'IN'TIRi: CAME down from I North Inlet this morning shopping visit. on a MItS' '' A L1L.IEQVIST went over to Coqulllo this morning on one of the auto stages. M,lt AND MRS. .1. S. MARSTERR wore down from Catching Inlet yes. trdny shopping. S. R. 1LVWORTH Is hero from La flrando on a short visit, stopping nt tho qhandler hotel. PROF. R1QHARD3 wont down to Raudoii this morning to ugnlu at tend his music classes. . R. STi:Vi:RSON of Spolmno, Ih here, beliiiy Inleirstcd In a black mind machine for Iron. CARL DAVIS of tho Smith Timber company, went to Coiiilllo on an afternoon nuto yelserdiiy. Dll MASSON nrrlved rrom Myrtlo Point on the morning train, coming hero on a professional visit. W. T. STOLL camo back lato yester day from Coqulllo whoro ho was Interested In the Hdlund ease. JOHN D. (10SS went to Coqulllo tliln morning whero tiro caso of (loss verami .loo Coach Is coming up for trial. THOMAS RHROMAM, n member of tho Rergmnu Shoo Company of Portland Is on tho Ray making a business trip. MRS It. IC. HOOTII. who hns boon visiting horo for tho past two montliB, will lonvo Monday for hor homo In Astoria. NICIL II. .M'.MILLAN, of tho United Moat Compnny, loft on tho morning trnln for Coqulllo Vnlley points to cull on tho trndo. ALHKRT RRIX, mnungor of tho Ruohuor Lumber Company, Is baok from Portland nnd Astoria whero ho wont on a business trip. MRS. IIKNRY SCIIROIORHR nnd Mrs. Chiro L. Doment, of Myrtlo Point, nro visitors nt tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. T. F. Hlllyor today - HARRY 11ULT.VACCN returned tho nuto slaiiu yesterday afternoon from Coqullle Valley points whoro ho lias been calling on tho trndo A. R. O'RRIIJN, iicrompnnlBd by Tom T. Uonnott, went to Coqiipllln this morning on tho cuse of Allen vor- hiih O'Rrlon. IC. P. RLACK, tostor or tho Coos Rny Cow Testing nssoclatlon, wont out to tho Ton Mllo country this morn ing, making his first visit to that hectlon. RISHOP Sl'MNICR, of tho Kplscopal Church In Oregon, nrrlvml horo yostorday uftoruoon, lining accom panied from (Inrdlner by the Rev. Robert Drowning. JRDdE JOHN F. HALL wont to Port land on tho morning trnln, to be gone several days on huslniMM In connection with tho I. O. O. V. lodgo. of which ho lu prusldcnt In Oregon. Jl'DOE EARL RRONOl'ail and wlfe.ion .".Hi stieei miiiIIi. Sell J M9MHHHNHMHHMH li li Chocolate Laxative A delightful hiMillto chocoluto. Tastes like delicious sweet chocolate, (I Doses Only 10c THE BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Phono JI)H Wo lipllver Jiumedlutoly SOCIAL CALENDAR THURSDAY Dahlia Club - with Mrs. C. M. Conner lu Englowood. North Rond dlrls Club Iwth MIrs Mnllndn Anilei sou. North Rend Raptlst Ladles Aid with Mrs. A. II. McKay. North Rend Episcopal (lulld nt the church loom. Parish Reception at S o'clock for Rlshop Sumner. Cenora Club with Mm. Oeorgo (lulovson. A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Hugo Qulst. Rainbow Club at club house on South Coos River. Ladles Aid Society of Norwegian Lutheran chvrc'h of North Rend moots in church chapel. FRIDAY Needlccraft club with Mrs. Herbert Armstrong. Mllllconin Club Auxiliary Initial meeting. SATURDAY Mlnno-Wls Club with Mrs. Mnry Thompson. I I I I of Portland, arrived horo last ev ening on the train. This morning tho jiidgo went to Coqulllo whoro ho Ih loprcnentlng some cllonts on tax nnd other legal muttum. V. II. HUNCH, who has been here sovornl days from McKlnloy lu the IntorestH of his campaign for coun ty school superintendent, returned to the Coqulllo Valley this morn ing niwirrr HIINIIIKP W. C. LAIRD enmo over from Couullle last ev ening mid returned tlimo this morning after serving n bench wnr runt. (i ROUGH ROTNOR. or tho 'Woolen Mills Store, left this morning for Portland whoro, ho will meet n representntlvo of tho Hart, Snhnff nor and Marx company nnd tilso othor salesmen, Ho will bo goun for soveral days. MISS HULKN JANH HAMILTON, who bus boon visiting this weok with Mrs. Ron Chandler, left this afternoon for Coiiillln, thoro to Join hor fnthor, Judge J. V. Ham ilton and to visit for a tlmo. ' J' m rN!C,,,!,P, , m"",U,,0,! , Mrs. MeKnlght and II 1 1 lo (laughter,, left on tho morning train for Port land. Mrs. MeKnlght will visit thoro nnd In Oregon City for about u month, though Mr. MeKnlght ox pects to roturn on Sunday, after finishing up somo S. P. hiisluoss. Till: .MARTHA I.OIIGK will givo n dance nt tho Soiiml Hall Suturduy evening, May C. Piatt's Orihestra Willi furnish the music. Kvorybody wolcomo. AiIiiiIhsI d'eiits 7.1c. ImiWh I'iv. .iOmeDoL BiT AND A QUARTER week WILL PAY FOR A NEW IIOMICl In h vtoll located district l-ots lev eled anil rleaied. NO INTEREST XO TAXES! Why not make u beglniiliig now? Real Esluto will uouV lm cliciiK'i' You run now secure (ho most desir able locations for (ho Sumo Price as jiiii lulcr will pay for Ilio less at Inn I hu. ACT NOW! "SEE REID AROUT IT," tr.o Front Si. FOR RENT. ROOMS, nun lo !!.(( Day; ifU (o !f,f Week; HoiiHckeep lug Apts., J?H mo, up, P'rco Imth. Moyd Hotel Apts. Fur Sale Modem liuiigalow, n largo looms, Imth, vestibule, pantry firo place, full basement, large lawn, piivcil Mici'l mid hldonulk. Located lit bar-, gulii, owner R. Times. leaving city. Addicssl BICYCLE TIRES lluy Them From Vtt, Wo Cliurgo Xolhlug lo Put Them mi Your Whoel MARSHFIELD CYCLERY SURSCRIRERS NOTICE I. Tho Times carrier boys aro Instructed to put tho papers 4 on the porch, If tho carrier does ' j not do this, misges you, or no- I gleets getting tho papor tu you I on time, kindly phono tho clr- l dilation manager, aa this is tho 1 only way o can dpterui'uo ' ' whether or not tho carriers, are ' following instructions, Phono I 133. COMPARE OUR PRICES, EXAMINE OUR QUALITIES AND SEE WHERE YOU CAN Save from 25 to 33 per cent on EACH ITEM THAT YOU PURCHASE. Boy Scout Hose, all sizes 25c value, our price 19c Misses Hose, Extra Fine Rib, 20c value, our price 12 1-2c Misses Hose, A dandy 2 for 25c value, our price 10c Ladies Whit Leather Hose, 2 for 25c value. our price 10c Ladies Fino Rib Hose two for 25c Crochet Cotton, White and Ecru 10c, 12c ! f Intorooratgd S i - ftCIIOONM:irTILLAMOOk7" PORTLAND AND COOH II AV SAILS FROM PORTLAND - -I4VKHV Tt'FSDAY FOR INFORMATION PIIONH 278 'IOM JAMICS, Agt., Ocean Doik x found : ! POUND TI'KS. Opposite post of fice, child's bonnett. Owner may hnvo urtlclo by paying for this ml nt Times of (lie. f WANTED J $$ WANTHD (III I for light, house work. Apply .mornings, 019 No. !lth St. W'AXTF.D Von ng girl In assist houHowork. Call 188 Rimublt Avo, , . p. WAXTHI) A ghl for general house work. Phono 18C-.I, : FOR SALE : : FOR SALII 2 .lersey heifer calves. Cull at Uotsou Hotel . , FOR SAI-i: (Jood piano. Fliht $1(10 ensh takes R. Owner loavlng town. Roy Carpenter, Phono 425-J. . t FOR SAM: Kut Ire furnlsblngs of tho Anderson roomlng-houBO, ulao restaurant equipment; contor of bunlnoHi district. Will soil cheap for cash, Lcnso given on biilldlrig If denlrcd. Mrs. Thos. Aiulorson, Daixlon, Oregon. FOR SALE Ouo rliihsy rcgltil'eicd Jersey hull calf, whoso (lain nillkcd II. 10(1 pounds In tn months. Also cows mid luil f cis, nil registered stock. Wrlto lo F. A. BACC1II, March field, Oregon. t FOR RENT I FOR RENT Fully furnished bun gulow for three of four mouths. After Juno 1st. Apply Dr. It. W. Mot row, Eldorado llldg. ONE - nnd il room upls, n( llroadway Hotel, Tho FOR RENT Modern fiirnlshisl upls. private hath, free hunt, w.itnr. il weok, 'i2 fid mouth. Myrtlo Arms, FOR RENT Modern five-room hen gulow on 1 Silt mid Commnrolal streets, JIL'riO per month. Apply Oolng & Ilarvoy. .- - v Wanted Housekeepers To l.iiow (hat tho lull unco of (his week we will sell miy (iruullo Ware ut :t:t -:i peiceut off on regu lar pi ices, (let busy us IliU will not appear again. Schroederdk Hildenbrand Hardware and Flumblno Phone 77 ' lto)ul fur Features