JnVl"ti-. THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1916 EVENING EDITION FOUB COOS BAY TIMES V. C. MAIiOAtik, Kdlior nnd I'ub. DAN K. MAliONKV, News Editor OfflcUl OfflcUl Paper of Tupcr City Coon Count; of Mnrehflold. Entorod at the Postofflco at Marsh Hold, Origon, for trnnBmlflslon through the mails second-class mall matter. (PROFESSIONAL directory ' t REVIEW made t suiisoimption hatks One year 10.00 Par month 60 rock, lionril, structuro, or anything w'hnovor, within thu limits) or any state highway, or upon the proper ty v)f another within tho view of hiiiIi lilchwav without tho owner's written consent, anil written, print- An IhLmcbUiik rovlow of business od, painted or other ndveitlsement. conditions Konciully and on tho bill, notice, bIkii. picture, card, orj I'nctflc coast Is made in tho Pioneer poster, except within tho limits of 'Western htiinbeiiunn of San Kran- nc rniiniTini o An Independent Republican nowi papor, published ovory ovonlng ex cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Coos liny Times Publishing Co. OUTSIDIO CAI'ITAh COMKS -- 1110 closing of sovcrnl hip tlm- I bor deals recently la o,ulto cn- couraglng. It Indicates that largo Hums of outside money nro bo- Ing Invested in this county and In the cnBO of tho transfer of such large tracts of timber It Is probable that tho purchaBo means that moro mills -will bo built horc. Outside capital Is needed and when It Is Invested Iiito tho community on n largo sealo it Yiliowa that Coos County Is being rcc ocnlzod by tho money Interests. any city, town, or village through which said highway may run." The net oxoinpts from tho pro visions of the act surh notices as arc rccjulicd by law to ho posted. This is a most comprehensive sta tute, nnd if properly enforced would ndd much to thu beauty of tho highways. For years thoro lias been a ma nla with hill posters to deface points of scenic attraction with gaudy advertisements of tliolr wares, and as one would gaze in iih'o upon u wonder that nature had wrought Ito would have his vision I Mud with a glaring demand that you chow such n brand of gum or Biuoku another brand of tobacco. TUB KOL'UTII AT CAIUH.NKIt TUB people of Gardiner tiro plnn nlng to glvo a big Fourth of .luly celebration timl liavo Invit ed Coos Hay to attend. The Gardiner peoplo nro all coming down hero cm the occasion of the railroad coloura tion and many from the Unipiiun riv er camo on tho first train to get nc Miintnted. The peoplo from here should attend the event at Gardiner. It would bo n nice trip for tho Fourth Jiolldny nnd evoryono who goes from 4ioro will bo welcomed by tho Gar diner peoplo. The new railroad makes 'It possible for all to get bettor ac quainted along tho const and tho vis iting between localities should bo encouraged. WHAT COOS ifAV MIIIIIS cisco which says: Activity In all lines of trade Is tho prevailing rule, applying not only to articles In demand by war ring nations for milltnry purposes, but to merchiindlso of all kinds. The Pacific Coast Is not experienc ing tho degree of prosperity which has created Btich u nioney-mnktiig era in the Hnstorn .States, where all classes seem to be reaping tho ben efit; however, tills sldo of tho country has Its own particular to sources of trade which are normal ly active, with a prospect of itn- pioveinent. Weather conditions In California liavo been generally favorable, al though sonic complaints are heard from tho great valleys about scarc- ! it' of rain; that, however, Is not t UITU TUC TfiACT $ J unusual, as oftentimes the furm- I Wl IH Int '"Ao! Jors in that locality holler wolf in I AND THE TEA Z j April, finding out later that their $$ fcnr" Ul' unwarranted. mi. a. t t . . .. i mo ciiicicui uiarKoting oi fur m FORWARD. AT,roAWoD'Ml,1S33 Dr. A. L. Houscworth, Hellenic. Physician nnd SurRCo L A tliouHiuiil new moralities. I niflni'lrvliiif Itlock. Ami twenty thousand thousand , Uirucining niocs.. dreams. Office hours: 11 to 12 . in.? 8 toil f.'OOH KVIINI.NtJ .Mirth Is God's medicine; everybody ought to bathe ) in It. Grim care, morose,- fi noss, anxiety ull tho rust ! of life ought to bo scoured off by the oil of mirth. O. W. Holmes. WHAT A. lltlSII.MA.V .MKANS II V MACIIHKK Pray And What coiuu nnd Interptel this Gaelic for me, tell what an Irishman moans by "Machrce," an Irishman means by "Mauhrco!" TIs tho white of tho day, products Is receiving a great deal of attention, with the probabilities ' tit Iiwrnil ttmt lirifllu liu cnaunii it nn. oporatlvo of foil. Tho plans now under wny should bo productive. c)f results this year, thereby adding n inota to the sum total of prosper ity. Huihlliii; operations are active throughout tho country. In the hay cities a great number of small buildings are being erected, but large btisiues structures are not numerous. hunibor prices are holding firm and distributors who nro delaying buying In anticipation of down ward fluctuations will be disap pointed. Tho scarcity of tonnage will pre vail nt least throughout tho year, therefore freight will lie maintained Seasonable Luncheons. YSTKUS FUIKD IX HATTIIlt. Mnke u batter of three eggs, three tablcspooufuls of mlllc and one of Hour mid Juice of oysters. Put but- I Int Ititn ilt,llllll i1l!l mill U'lll'tl it lH And the warmth of tho sun, i and log prices In tho Northwest nro 'hot drop oysters ono nt n time Into Encli on his own anarchic way, From the old order brenltlm: froo Uur ruined world dcBlrcs, you say, License, onco more, not liberty. Hut ah, beneath the struBKtlni? foam, When storm nnd chango nro on tho deep, How quietly the tides como homo, And huw the depths of tscaslilno sleep. And wo who march toward n goal, Destroying only to fulfill Tho law, tho law of that itreat soul Which moves beneath your alien will. We, that like foctnen meet tho past Ilccauso wo tirltiR tho future, know Wo only tight to achieve nt lost A great reunion with our foo. Itiumlon In tho truths that stand When nil our wars mo rolled nway; Iteunlon of tho heart mid hand And of tho prayers wherewith wo pray. Reunion In tho cotnrnVi needs, Tho common strivings of mankind; Iteunlon of our wnrrlnx creeds In tho ono Uod that dwells behind Forward I Whnt uso In Idlo words? Forward, oh, wanlors of tho soul! There will bo breaking up of swords When that new morning makes us whole. Alfred Noycs. Oldest Hank In CoOs County 'SxSfcfc. Itu-I.ll I nnd 7 to H p. in. Phoniw: Office 1-I3-.1; Itei., H8-L I. M. Wright Phono 188-B nUIfiDINQ CONTHACTOlt Estimates furnished on request Dr. H. M. Shaw Bje, Bar nnd Throat Specialist CLASSICS FITTBI) Phono n:iO-.l. Itooum 200-201 Irving Itlock. ,.n. MA'rriB n. siiaw. Physician unit Siintco Phono JJ.'IO-J. Flanagan (gb Beimett Bant MurNliriflil. Co.,s County, Orc-M,. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits Si on INTMItHHT PAID OX TIMK ANh HAVS lipp,, ,0 ors-.I. W. HBNNBTT. Preslden't; JAS l V? Prositlont; u. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; fj VvVv'' Vict. Officers Pre Assistant Cashier. W. G. Chandler AUCIIITKCT Kootns 301 and 302, Coko Uulldlni, Marshflold, Oregon. Flanagan Sb Bennett Bank Or MYKTI.K POINT Offlcors-J. W. MKNNKTT, President; JAS. n vuMiniJ' President; L. M. SUPLBI3, Cashier; L T nriTvJ ' Vlt Cashier. ' ' Ul'm'. Auh(U Zfi&MftSliEN Cupboard lOTIlff .T'U JSH MIDWEEK MENU. Wni)NU3DAY-imi:.KFA8T. Htcwcd KccdiHl llnlsllis. Conked Cereal of Choice Coddled Kggn. Hulls and Jum. Coffee. I.UNCIIKON. Oyster Stew. Checso Toast. Sliced Oranges. Cookies. Cocoa. DIXNKH. nound Steak With Smothered Onions and Harder of Ilolltxl lllco. Watorcrcwes. Strawberry Shortcako With Fresh Strawberries or Cunnod. Coffee. WILLAMETTE-PACIFIC TIME SCHEDULE BETWEEN Marshfielcl and Portland I (Wow Effective) RfiMnnf nTnirit f. Capital, Sm-plus and Undivided Profits $125 onn Officers .T. W. IJBNNETT, Ptcsldcnt; TOM T 111'NNktt , President; AKTIIUIl M'KKOWN, Secretary; BENNETTiJS" TON, Treasurer. e.i 1 8WAK. Tho Only Trust Company In tho Stnto, Outside of 1'ortlm.i in... OrsniilMil Under tho Now Lnw. Wch Tralii No. 1. Train Xo. 2. Leaves Stations Arrives 1:110 a.m. Portland 10:15 p.m. C:10a. in', Ar. Kugono Lv. r. :2H p. m. ?:L'0a. m. Lv. Bugcne Ar. fi: IB p. m. 8:1(5 a. m. Not! -1:15 p.m. 10:00 a. in. Mnploton 2:115 p. in. 10.10 a. m. CiMhmnii (Flor ence) 2:10 p.m. 1 1:17 a. m. Ada 1:28 p. in. 1 1 : 50 a. in. Cnrdlner 1 : 00 p. m. 1 : 110 p. m. Kccdsport 11:20 a.m. 2:10 p. in. North Lake Vi'A a. in. :i :15a. m. North llond II : 1 0 n. m. :i : .10 p. m. Maruhfleld 9 : 20 n. in. WHAT Coos Hay needs Indus trially moro than nuythluK 1 T olso Is the estalillshineut of a goodly nuiulier of hiiiiiII Indus tries. Llhorally sandwiched In he tweon larger concerns they prove wonderfully helpful to any town. The Myrtle wood-working fac tory of Mr. Kohfield Is ono of the modest hut Important Industrial In stitutions on Coos May. A furniture factory, Is tlcnl and pressing need community. a In prae-llils KAVB VOl! It SIIOi:S t- wainl ' llllllH The ripple of waters that laughing ly run, The sweet hloom of youth, .Villi I lie harvest of years, Tho. gold of all smiles and the salt of all tor. is. Ilahle to further advances, all oflrtio Imtler, then Into the hot hutter which Indicates that buyers purchns-laml fry them until a rich brown BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated :: Hot Water. Transient, 7."e day; JjW.OO Per Week. Apaitincnts yi.T pec mouth. Bvcry- thlnj; fiuiiMicil. Phono :t(l-". Ii. .1. .IL'STB.V. Proprietor. lug now will prohnhly compliment themselves ut a little later date on tliolr discrliiilnntliii; judgement. TIs the thrill of tho hand, and thu light of thu eye, Thu glow or thu cheek, and the' llpn' paitlng cry; ! 'TIs father, 'Ha mother, 'TIs brother or wife, The music of woman's, tho wluo man's life. t NEWS OF OREGON I 1 TUB DALLKS Tho mercury ,,. reached SP degrees In the city, the highest It has been this season. TIs kJY your shoos early" is tho ilug, based upon condi tions In tho shoo and leath er trade that Is being Hounded the country over. Shoo prices nro ris ing and aie likely to rise still morn because leather Is In enormous de mand In Kuropo, exports tell us. One order of shoes for Itiissla will continuo 1,100,000 hides and hides are growing scarce. This order Is fur 7,000,000 pairs or shoes. The result Is an effort to put full topa on tho Russian shoes, which would obviate tho use of over a million IllllftU 1 II wAlIlt II 1-rwtll llmilattt Id i 'i it i vii urjinii iviltuiill!l( ill i' i having Increased Importance in all Hues of manufacture us the shod ordors show. Tho shoo and leath er situation Ih growing critical, however, because or tho oiioiinoiis orders for Itiissla and other coun tries and heads of families may well "go long" on shoes for their fam ily. A new factor has entered in to the market conditions In tho ex travagant prices which nro being paid for shoes at the holiest of fashion. This paradoxical situa tion Is supposed to result ft em tho war demand for solid shoe leather and leather accountreiueiits, and also from tho erae for high cost shoes which seems to have seized the country. Peoplo who formally winy BUtisfled with low cot shoos now insist upon lactory footwear and are willing to pay prices which a shoit tiuio ago would hue boon coiisldoiod iiiiroakonalile. 'TIs all that ho lives t-n; ' And hopes for above, nu Irishman's heart mnklinc' vocal his love. I TIs thu whole of creation, I Ouo Isle In the sea; And that's what nu Irishman niimnui by "Machree!" What an Irishman means by "Machree! " noSBIHMK! -Tho city had a clenn up day and teaniB wero employed hauling away all aceiiintilatcd trash. Hoiiietliuos hero on Coos Hay whllo the wolf stands howling at tho door the stork walks tight In. Bl'(5i:.B--Thu municipal diver or Portland will search for the body of Owen Whalloii of Nanipa, a univer sity student who was drowned when his cauoo tipped over. Tho Marshrield Chamber or Com merce locently received word from the government tolling It to advise tho peoplo to ".Savd jour rags." A lot of us on Coos Hay don't need i the ti'.txlvo. We wear 'em. DBB.W'IXU TUB IIKiHWAVS Till- demand of the dub wom en of southern OroKon In coinentlon at Ashland last week that the law prohibition signs upon the Pacific hlxhway can bo fully met through enforcement by the officials of the act placed upon the statute books by tho 1015 legislature. This act piohlb Its signs, placards, posters, etc. upon state liljehwaj s, the Pacific highway clearly coming wltliln the paovlslous or tho statute. Section 2 or the act mads as follows "It shall he unlaw mi for any If you want anything dono'well, do It yourolf. That Is why so many Coos Hay peoplo laugh at tliolr own Jokes. A Coos ll.iy bachelor says n hypo trite Is ii married limn who seems to be glad or it. The best hand a Coos lliiy man oan hold Hi the kuiiio of lire is the hand or some Kood woman. SPHIXUKIBLD-Tho JIIO.OOO bond Issue for the erection or n high chool building was defeated by a big ma jority. PBXIILKTON (). W. McDoyle. a farmer who has been prominent In (ho M'hnn! controversy In tho Balr Stuffed Heart. Material: Ono heart, half a cupful of soft crumbs, n table spoonful of butter, half a tcaspoouful of salt, one-eighth tcasponnful pepper, a small onion, half it tcaspoonful of pow dered thyme, a thick slice of bacon, (lour. Directions: Wnsh tho heart, removo the veins and squeeze out any blood clots that may be hi It. Pry tho ba con and remove the crisp slice and cut It lu suinll pieces. Make a stalling of the butter (melted), the bread, chopped onion mid sensoulng nnd ndd tho ba con pieces. Stub tho heart and tlo it up. Dredge It with salt, pepper and dour and brown It en nil sides In tho bacon fat. Put It Into the larger sauce pan or Into the tireless cooker utensil, tmlf cover It with water, let It boll live minutes, then let blinmcr four or live hours till tender, or put It Into tho llrelcbs conker for ten hours or more. Iteheat and put ugnlu Into tho tireless until tender. Thicken as much of tho llipior as desired with two tablespoon fills of (lour mixed to a paste with two tablespoonfuls of witter for each cup ful of Ihpmr. llcc tho heart and serve with gravy over It. ltrnlsisl Tongue. Skin a fresh beet (oiigiio that has been boiled for two hours. Put It lu u cusserele and pour over It the following gravy: Melt three tuhlcspnoufuls of butter In n saucepan ami brown lu It three tublepoonruls of llour. Add a pint of strained canned tomato Juice ami n pint of the liquid lu I--AUB TB.V CBXTS City Limits North lleml, tie nn COMMUTATION qt ) TICKBTS, .tl.75 ZU Murshrield-North llond Auto Lino Cars ovory ten minutes from G n. in., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 n, in.; to Era plro threo trips n dny. fiOHST ,KIN(I, Props. When Another I stepsjnlo your position because you've grown old; what are you going to live on, If you have saved nothing? Hundreds of men are quietly depositing part of their salary at 3 per cent interest, at OUr Savings Bank, gel ting ready for such a day! Why not you? Tli First Nationa juflg; OF COOS BAY Safety Plos Service GRAVEL' Wo aro uow prepared to furnish GRAVEL la ny uiotlt!u from pllo In our yard or In carload lota, tt following price: WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer From pllo on ground, $2.vG por yard. Ganoad lota, taken from can, J2.00 per ;iri Itttull Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Oppoatto FoOMlce. Phoii 1M. view dlHtrlct. lias lieen churned with which the tonmie was cooked. Cook licliiK liiHiine nnd terrnrlzliiK the teacher and pupils of the school. until smooth nnd ndd half an onion I and half a carrot cut lu snmll pieces. Cover thu ciikserole and simmer for two hours. KKf" u la Quebec. Cut an onion Into i Hue dice, fry Itiihlly lu a tuldcpoonful In IIicko day It Ih a wUo Cuiih Hay woman who can keep appearance up and expense down. limiKluutloii Ik tho guitar that Mvoctoiin life ami wisdom the salt that pi'tfecrvos It. It'ri a strong friendship (hat eau viand a loan. Many Coos Hay puoplo take advice --hut few use It. KLAMATH rU.S Tho tax. payers adopted a umumire fol tin pavliin of the hlKhwuy rrom the city l)f letter, then cIiihIi lu n teaspoonrul to the KMwmlll centers. I "r vll,,,lr- ""l""' li"W H- and i strew the onion lu It. Hrcak live okks " ( , Into It, beliiK careful not to lireak the HAKIvIt llieannualKOMlonof theljolks. Hake In a hot oven until the Oregon Cattle mid Home Itahieis As. whiles are et. Dust on salt and white hoelutlon elood with a lmnuuet which pepper and sprinkle with coarse bread- was attended by four hunched stock- '''ubs fried brown In butter. Cnrnlsh moil and bankers, 1'OUTI.AXI) -- hiiiuboriiien or the city have called a mnotlng; for the purpose of forniliiK nn oigaulaatlon) for tho oncouraKeiuent of the in d u try. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton $5.50 Or half ton of both.. 8 1.75 1). MUSSO.V, l'rop. f'lionn 18-1 or leiivo orden at llllljer's Clicnr Store Abstracts For relhihlo Abstrnrta of Title nd Informatloii about COOS HAY REAL BSTATB, heo Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marahflold and Corjulllo City, Orogon. (leneril Agents Knslhldo nnd SenKstacken's Addition. Special attention paid to assessments and pigment of tMM. IIKNIIV SBXOSTACKKN, Manngcr. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst it KIiib. I-4'iuo Marshfielcl nt 7 n. in., and returiiluj! Iftivlnj; from hmtl 8 a. nu bravo .Marshfielcl at II n.m. ' returnlni: !' bV" Bloiijjh at 1 i. Leave Mnrshflcld nt C p. m. and Ktnrwu leave South Slouch nt (I p. in. with parsley ami serve lu sauce dish. Good served with talked pntatees. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See CORTHELL Phone 3171 Where She Was At. C 11 I lv. .. . I t I ' Mil" .VUIUIUI I, IllUT Ul til U ......,... -- ,.,, muMu.s are,c-rorill WM- ,,, fup ,,w wt ,, oaiThlim tor the thief who stole a, a.. f..r his lo-Alty to his kinsfolk. from the stable vidua Id Dr. H. S. Iiorso 1'elltt. In the inarrlaBtt cereniony u brlclo should promise to lovo and honor her husband and obdy the coniinands of fnshion. A t'alirornla inlnbster lecently prnyed for those or his conguumtlnn who weie too proud to kneel and too I.V4.V to stand. COItVAl.I.IS The funeral of the lato .IiiiIko William Mcl-'ndden was held .veuiljiy, ninny atteiullug. Al.HANV All of the tenchora of I tho cltx have been retained lor the uot year with but ono evoptlon. COItVAl.I.IS - About $150 was raised by an o.curlon and will itisod to help the carnival (neon. I .11 l.lnvlal Ull.lll.l it.uinl.il .. .l.tl.i.l ' Ivo to watch ovory Coos Hay umrrld man who iiuuuiho to kep out of debt. Such a fellow must havo sinne secret iindemtroiind passage ronnect- perfon, firm or corpoiatlon to pastes ? '' wltli the Klrst National p.ank paint, or brand or lu an manner whatover. within the limits of nuy, liulldlni;. feme, mite hrldue tree, BUT HE DID THE JOB. 'MAffKV as u plumbor. J- 1ny's priva wus ulep; Tsffy camo to our Imuio, Ami lie went (nst lcupi 1 MWit to TilT's liomie Ami pu'd liiiu thiru Ih)iis Fur sol lerliiit n pne iolt lu a Ionise nn lituloil owns. or. with wlioui be did an nluinit IihiviIIMc' i amount of iriiKiiidluK. A certain rotative of bis who hud lipivotl to one of Hie kiiiiiII I ties ur the state Usiiiiio ery iniich dl-aiUllod. She nrote to tier cuiiMu Zeb that she found tho xopio of the town uiicou Reuhtl and uiiMHlablo. thai the climate dll not muivo with her and that oho had N'ou foivtvj to oimI to her old homo for chinking water, us the city xiippto whs unlit for use as a U'voruuo. lie ii'plli'd briefly and lluin: "My clear U I inn korry oii are so imiilt'iisant- be ly slluuiel. Your tlueo couiplaluts aro I the only one that eau be broueht with any Justice snlu-t hade no pleasant scM'lely. an uuxaliibrloini ellnnite and a lack of xissl drlnklui; water." New Yoik Post. SOUTH COOS HIVKIt IIOAT RKIIVICK LAUNCH K.VIMtKSS leaves Marshfield every day 8 u. in. heaves bead of river nt :i:i0 p. in. STKAMIMl HAINHOW leaves head of river lally at 7 a.m. l.eacs Mnrshneld nt U p.ni. For rhnrtei apply on board. HOnKltS AV SMITH, Props. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Frelgiu m . -rl DRY WOOD ut Campbell's Woodyard North Front Street l'linne DS-.l PORTLAND lt!l Kfl 5rst Uass $1.50 UalHMft STR. BREAKWATER SAILS MAY 5 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. h. G. Cl'SHlNO, AKont nire. t ""y'vtv HAJtBAUA. i.o AX SAX WBUO. F. A. KILBURN MAYi. Once Is Enough. Mlss sa.xk that if he eer marries asaln he's lolng to have 'obey' elim inated from the ceremony." "What's, the trouble?" WEAVINGAH kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R IT. .1. SCA1FH COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency Low Cost HiQh Efficiency! "No trouble, but be says that they irtlo Ivxpreas. 0 A. IF. IIOUfilNS e, out ne says wiai mey .. , r. , , r AIMT AKin jnn't fool bin more than once."-lliit (VinrsnTtPlf! LCi'IL . -AYi .v. , . . VVH MM IIUA IIMi: DECORATING CO ' Vathnates PurnishcHl , Phoaa 118-R. Mmrsbileld, Oreoi EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings m like new " DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. XT' r.ortP IVOOniZ VJiai cfree) North ytw-j Phone 180-J.