THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1916- EVENING EDITION THRPP Bih CAN m mm i ! HENRY KIMMEL WHO JUST CAME BACK FROM NEW YORK SAYS IF YOV WANT TO KEEP UP WITH THE 400 YOUVE GOT TO BE CAREFULWH&T YOVI SMOKE. HES SO PAfcTIOLAR. NOW THAT HBT!?NS HIS BACK ON EVERYTHING BUT A - r&;&$ , nrf yfS p $?- ISM?)) W G? rA STyy COUPON IM SUwf XiiSW EACH PACKAGE W&fc xotici: OK SAIjI-J Ol-'' ItKAh NtOI'KltTV I 'Oil DKMXQUKXT STItCCT ASSKSHMHXTS Notice Is hereby given that li( by virtue of a warrant duly tho following described lots assess isucd by tho Rocordcr of tho City cd to tho Southern Oregon Com- ct Marahflchl, County of Coo3,J ftitj of Orogon, by order of tho Coamon Council of said City, dated ti 20th dny of Mnrch, 101G, to If pt directed, lcqulrlng mo, as Mtnhat of snld city to forthwith kn; upon tho lot or lots or parts Hereof or tracts of laud upon rtlch assessment wns in ado under ltd pursuant to Ordinance No. COS (t said city for tho Improvement (( Eighth Terrace Street from tho M lino of Klghth Street North to li cast lino of Tonth Stroot North la the City of Marshfluld, C001 County, Oregon, and which usHimcnt then remained unpaid ial to acll tho saiuo In tho manner protlded by law, which aald prop injr Is In raid wnrrant and horoln- ltr dcscilljed, I hnvo, In pursu k ot ftJld warrant, levied upon Ml will on tho 12th day of May, 15, at nlno o'clock In tho foro- twa of said day. nt tho Common I Council Chamber door of paid city, W5 hi tho City Hall Kront Street ELECTRIC DRIVE ELIMINATES j SHAFTING, which represents a ! Ch as 6 nnr ooni ELECTRIC DRIVF nnrmifc '" w Power to each machine so ...111,0 aic III (JiJUriUIUll only in that proportion. "'ra Statinn Clnntr.;n o.,: ..v,,, wiKUUiU OUI VIUU usanc,2 of factories. Let us WwtfWm Down I t JL-ltfL That J L M' iiJi WWA Oremead 1 nfelgj Si m&?" 1 1 Oregon Power Telephone 178 YOU BLAMH " i jmmmm i niuiwiwip urn' hi Hold, Coos County, Oregon. North of snld City, offer for salo and sell at public- auction to tho net-.highest bidder foi cash, each of) puny and situated In Perhnm Park Addition to tho City ot Moraliflold, according to tho pint thoreof on Mo an it or record In tho office of." -. .. . ' tho County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon, tho number of tho block end tlio amount of tho assessment being set opposite tho numbor of each lot respectively: said aulo be ing mailo subject to redemption in the muiinur provided by law lp Lot Block Assc.ismonC 11 27 $:1G7.G1 1 US 2 :is 27. in :i ;is 2!).n:i 1 :is :u.22 r. as 1 3D C 18.07 I .'ID, -11.92 r. 3D C8.ll c au r7n.s:i Dated nt Mnrshfleld, Coos Coun ty, Oregon, this 12th day of April, ID 10, .1. CAItTICIl Mnrshnl of tho City of .Marsh- 1 LONG LINES OF OVERHEAD; dead loss in efficiency of as inrlivirliml nnnlication Of "' " that if only one or two JUWUI lo mciihj wm u rlonarl Pnvpr Hnsts in liao IUUUUOU 1 wit figure what it will do for you. Co. HIM9 -mrmrmants. fOfl'SMTii irfcili' Vanrf7 H"" aflna' ' mH Field's Neighborly Traiti "Km trolio Klcld was at his best with "Is neighbors. He held a wholesome country notion of iielghborllness, and 11 it tl'iia n Mtiiva mi llltitr Hmivl lrttt l w """ ""' "..'"'"' ""'.' -v or "across tho ? 1 street" at unheard ? o f h 0 11 r s n n d ' . romping with he i across UIO I. romping with the y 0 u n g a t 0 r a ' "around tho cor. ner" and organiz ing ueluhboihood entertainments to get the neighbors together and iiinko them know each other better. He often liked n game of whist In the evening when ho could "drop In" and wns not "spo- clally Invited." O 11 o Sunday night when lenv lug the houso of a friend, who ne compaulcd him to ' U fit j fliint Ink nnll. ".NO, CltAUI.ES lirS- C,J 0t 0U,ly for ,,v' tho beneflt of the rigid church members connected with tho McCormlck Theological seminary across tho street, "No, Charles Henry. I shall never play poker with you agnln on Sunday night," much to tho chagrin of Charles Henry, n model man who never Indulged In poker on Sunday or nny other night. MeUrldo' Magazine. Consolation. Tlioro muit bo roucli, cold weather And w Inds and rain bo wild. Not nil good things together Come to us here, my child. Bo when sotno dear Joy Joscn Its hcaulcoua summer elow Think how the roots of tho roses Aro kept alive In tho biiow, Alice Car. Helpful Hughes. J When Senator William nughes of Now Jersey was n Judge In I'aterson I ho was presiding nt a trial In which 11 woman who kept n boarding house 1 was trying to ostabllsh uu ullbl for n I boarder. Tho man was accused of crlmo coiumltted nt 1! o'clock In tho iiiornlug, nnd she swore ho was at home at 1 o'clock on that morning. "How do you know?" nsked tho cross examiner. "Why, ho always comes In nt 1 o'clock. Ho doesn't vary llvo minutes In a year." "And you hoard hlni thnt morning?" "Yes, sir." "And you are biiro It wns 1 o'clock?" "Yes, Mr. It was 1 o'clock exactly." "Did you look at the clock?" "Yes, sir." "Hut," persisted tho lawyer, "If he always comos In nt 1 o'clock In tho morning why did you look nt the clock on this particular morning?" "Perhaps," said Judge Hughes, "sho wanted to see whether tho clock wus rlgutr-Suturdny Kvonlug Post. Wholesalo Banning of Banns. Uenn I'lgon wus om-o -" i i" at St. Cloment Dane's. Just before tno servleo nn excited old lady pounced Into the vestry to forbid tho banns of her sou's marriage because lie had "neither money nor bruins." llelng told that tho church did not recognize either objection, sho sat beneath tho reading dosk until the curate began, "I publish tho banns." Then she sprang up, waved nn umbrella and shouted, "I forbid them nil!" much to tho consternation of several couples hoping to 1st married next day- I.ou dou Standard. 1 : 'M A SOLEMN BARBER. Ho Had Quito an Audlonco When Ha Shaved tho Elder Gothern. In "My Rwmombrnucos." In Scrlb tier's, Kdwnrd II. Hot hern Hum de scribes (lie scene when III father got n shave nt his hotel In Now York: Knrp wns tho ba'rber nt the (.miner ey Park hold. lie. lived In the Imm inent n perfectly unbelievable mnn, thin as n mil. six feet three In height solemn ns n sphinx. He eked out his .iconic, from harboring liy raising white mlcej ho nlo kept parrots, lovo hlrd.i, Hying squirrels, n Jackdaw. My father wns very fond of animals. Ho always lind one, Bometlnies two, dogs with him find frequently purchased pome of Kuril's menagerie fur his rooms In New York. Dorp usually looked after these purchnses each 1 night and brought them to my father when he came In the afternoon. ' lie now nppenrcd. This was the I llrst time I had seen him. He carried his liarlter's Ituplcnieuts In his two hands. My father sat In the middle of tho room, where Karp had placed a chair. Karp then took from a largo Docket n tmrrot. which crawled on to his shoulders. My father paid no nt- Is said to ho one of the most prae tenllon. From another pocket he took ! tlcal road men In the stnte. two love birds, which crawled up his Seattle .Man Coming chest to his head nnd perched thereon. W()n, from ,,,rnnk Torrn Two I lying squ rrels emerged next nail i , , ., ... ' , .lew at once to the window curtnlns , "c,,t, fnrmul "r Se,ll. and elumr tbere. chattering. Several ' tnnl ho " uo lu'ro "t Tuesday. I white mice then appeared and began to crawl over my fattier. At last nn- , other parrot bestrode Harp's other shoulder, and a Jackdaw Jumped out I wll work through tho rural com of a small bag of razors and stood on a , mnltlos( speaking at sovoral meet table. I. of course, wns surprlod. My father spoke not. The thing was cus tomary. 'Tine day," said Karp. "Isn't It?" snld my father. "Ilnlr cut?" snld a parrot. I laughed with glee. "My son, Karp," said my father by way of Introduction. Knrp held out u sad hand, which I shook solemnly. I felt strangely abash ed nt living n blrdless life. "Next I" cried tho Jackdaw. It Is a fnet that these pnrrots nnd this Jackdaw spoke this bnrbcroui .w..w .- v ...... . hair cut?" would one h?" "Klfteen cents!" tnlk. "Shnvc or haircut would one say "j low nine i would another lotuurk, Wealth and Beauty. Poor Is tho man who can boast of nothing more than gold, and equally so ' must the -woman be who can boast of I nothing moro than her beauty. Dow- ""'' I Rw..i.nd l " n I.Wnrli' nil tin. niith of the nolchbor. I ,' , ',.., V i. , "ol attended the chiirllylmzanr In an Kl"!",h tow"' ,"'" ",,c '? """.' hc,y ,,r,rlL,,, ,0 n M,,,M whl,p" " ""' B""llt,,y , , , , 1 ,"""-" "' " "'"" "'"" " " '' . s ! I "NOW I AM 1IKADV I'Oll YOU." scented grny kid glovo reposed on n satin cushion. Attached lo the cushion was a notice, written lit delhato femb 11I110 hand, which inn: "Tho owner ot this glovo will, nt 7:30 this evening, bo pleased to kiss uny person who purchases n ticket before- liand." Tickets were purchased by the coro nnd ut 7:30 it long row of young men assembled outside the stall. Then, punctual to Ihu moment, old Tom Person, Ihu local butcher, who weighs 200 pounds and Is iiluunt as beautiful us n side of bacon, stepped to I tho front of tho stall. "Now, young genls," he said, "this 'eie glovo belongs to me. I bought It this morning. Now I nm ready for you. Como'onl lou't bo bashful! Ouu at n time! ' An Eye to Buslneif. A young lawyer tells this story on blniwolf, with n keen appreciation of Its .uiuor; "A negro emne into my 0IIU0 recently mid consulted with me uboiit getting a divorce for his daughter, who was the oldest child. After ascertaining from I ho old negro the grounds for n divorce lie usked 1110 what my charges would be. 1 told him, and ho said as follows: ..Mr. , you knows I's always given you my business.' "I told him, 'Yes,' and I appreciated It. " 'You knows I's always going to .,.. ..... ..... i,,,,,!,,,, ullli .,. what wants this divorce N my oldest chile 'w.. ..,. --. .... - r md fust und onllest ono married. This WXNt&?.&- Xr, , 'cjfftiMiJMi. Ik x4 v yU7 mum wi JrMi WflJMM thing Is Jiisrhtartln'. and I has eleven t1(in underneath tho dress next to tho ehlllun, und, of course, you'll get them bi;n. Constant contact with tho hu all, mid couldn't you make me n whole ' umn 8mu gives to the stones light, lus- (ale pilco on them '' "-Chicago News. J lt TIMES WANT ADS X t GET RESULTS t mt! TO IKE PROGRAM (Jotm i u. i s issri: to iik iiaxdi i:n ix mvi-j wixd-pp Meeting Hero On Satiiiilny To Map Out Speaking Campaign Through County Ignoring Hond Issue Schedule of the final Good Honda I campaign and n speuklng tour Is to 1 ho outlined hero Saturday at a meeting of tho vice presidents of tho CJood Hnnds Association. The hellet Is that tho speakers will start their program next Tuesdn. evening, thus giving ahout 10 day for tho actual wind up or the move toward a $320, 000 rond bond Is sue In Coos county. Kiiius C. Holman, .Multnomah county commissioner. In a letter this morning to Cliarlos Hall, pres ident of the Association, stated ho will he hero May 12 to 'speak In t"o flvo towns of tho county. lie 1,l Jh strongly recommended ns ono oi wio ticst lniormeu aiivocntes or good roads In tho Northwest. He ings. Heenuao or 111 health Simon Hen no n, of I'ortlnnd, will bo unablo to tome. Howovor .John Yeon, road master of Multnomah county, will ho among tho speakers, bringing with him Krank Uranch Hlley, n good speakers nnd a strong ndvo en to. of good roads. ."Met lug Tuesday It was deflnately auounced this nf- ter noon that tho first good roade JMioetlng will ho held In North Ilend f.m.'i-iiiiK will nil IIUK1 111 , Tuesday evening at te chnnbor of Colimo j,,, Tuesday evening nt S p. in. In mcrce rooms. PLAYING GOLF. The Game Demandi Concentration, Yet Invitee Sociability. "Ono thing at 11 time, and Hint dono well," Is n very good rule In golf, ns In many other Hues of cither work .. ....' 1 " . , ". .,.,. .." :.. v l"" aiun ui linn uevnusu Kun or piny. 1 apenv ot , Klllne , wlllcll between players Is .1 wlint It U In nny hlch the relationship bit different fro' wnat it in in nny other game that comes to my mind. It Is n game which to reap the best results demands great I i-uiici-iiiiiiiiuii unit )Vl 11 ;iiiuo niiivii I at times Is played wonderfully well by those who seem to be paying scant at 1 lentlon lo the task In hand. The giime ouu moment brings men 1 together and next sends them npart. , ucroidlng to the direction In which they happen to hit the ball. Two men can start from the same tec, be two hundred or more yards apart after their drives and both be on the same green after playing their second shots It Is a game which Invites sociabili ty and yet does not either demand or require It One man can go out nnd play nil by himself mid thoroughly en joy his game, or two men can go out. play a round together, neither speak a word between the llrst tee and tho Inst green, yet both go Into the cluhhotiNc and declare they had seldom or never spent a more enjoyable time. Francis Oulmet In St Nicholas. ATLANTIC OCEAN RECORDS. Veutli That Won Fame by Reducing the Time of the Tripe. In tho early days of Atlantic steam navigation anywhere from ten days to a fortnight was used up between Nw York nnd Kuglnud, and on tho cast- . ward voyage It was by no means un j usual for some of tho snlllng packets of Orlniiell nnd Mliiturn. red, white I and blue swnllowtull burgee, and of Tommy Tapscott, blncl: ball on burgee . and foretopsnll, to beat tho lumbering side wheelers. Tho tlrst steamer to cut under tho I ton day voyage was the Persia In 18T(J. with 0, I hour nnd -15 minutes, ' This remained n record for ten yenrs, ) until the Scotia In ISIW. 8 days. 2 hours laud 43 minutes, lopped oil 11 whole (day. Three years later tho City of llrussels In established the seven day class, with 7 days, 22 hours and .1 minutes, It was not until 1882 that tho six day boat claimed tho record, tho Alaska, with 0 days, 18 hours and 37 minutes The flvo dny class was opened In 18SD by tho City of Paris, with G days 10 hours 18 minutes. The llrst of tho four day class was tho I.usltanla lu 11X38. with 4 days 15 hours, Tho rec ord Is now held by tho Mauretanla, with n passngo in 1010 of -I days. 10 hours and 21 winutes.-Ncw York Sun. Care of Pearlt. Ono of tho representatives of a fa mous Jewelry firm gives a word of ad vice upon tho preservation and treat ment of pearls. Upon no account, ho snld. should they be locked up In a safe or other dark place for lengthy periods, since such treatment soon causes them to loso their "llfo" and become dull. If their fair owners find that for somo reason or other they can not wear them outside their garments they should mako n point of wearing ter. gloss und sheen. The best possible wuy to keep the pearls lu a perfect btate of preservation, as well as to nrnloiiL' their life. Is to wear them al ways, both by night uud by day.-I.ou- i don Tit Hits. Today's North Bend News t u it u DEAL FOR SIMPSON MILL NOT CLOSED Paittes I'lgm-lng on Old Tomi Plant (w riftccn tears Hut Nothing Has Uccji Done Tho deal for the leasing of tho Old Town mill of tho Simpson Lumber Company has not yet been closed. I., I. Simpson snld thnt somo parties wcro figuring on taking the mill for fifteen years. Ho wns not nblc to accept any olfer until ho had confer red with the others Interested In tho estato which hu did at Snn Frnnclscn, nnd n proposition wns made to tho persons who wcro considering opening the mill but nothing definite has been dono. Tho deal Is still pending. WIHTICS ADOPT IlltOCCOI.I The chairman or tho agricultural committee or the North llend Clinm ber of Commerce received n letter from John Nix nnd Co., or Chicago, giving very much encouragement con cerning tho possibilities of broccoli growing for next year. A Joint meeting of tho rommlttces of the North Hem! nnd Mnrshfleld Chambers will bo held hero Sntur dny at 10:30 to go Into the matter. It is believed that tho culture enn bo successfully cnrrled tin In this locality nnd nn effort will hu made to Interest tho farmers. MltS. .IKXMXfiS HKTV.It Mrs. S. S. Jonnlgs, wlfo or tho North llcud merchant, who has been In a critical condition, wns reported a little hotter todny hut there Is still llttlo hopo entertained lor her re- eovory. STILL MORE IRK MAXY MAItSIIKIKI.D TKACIIKIIS TO HTI'DY THIS Sl'.MMICIt Supt. Tleilgeu Will Study Cm-y Sys tem of Vocational Training nt ('ut-y, Indiana With the close or school only about our weeks dltant teachers of tho Mrshflold Jschools aro long slnro laying their plans for the next three "months or vacation, Many or thorn aro Intending to tukn up special 'work In outside s-hools lo better (It them lu their 'inching. Principal It. I). Wnito or tho high school Intends to go oast nnd again Join Mrs. Wulte, who Is nnV with his parents ut Dexter, Michigan, He win probably tnko somo summer school work In (ho University br Michigan. Itoyal Nlles, instructor In history and athletic director nt tho high school, Intends going out to tho Uni versity or Oregon for history courses. 1 I.. Orannls, physical director, will take special work at the state university at Kugoiie In his lino, nnd will take his family out thuro with him. A. J, M, Itnhortson, Instructor lu hihyslcs and chemistry nt tho night school, Intends to take special cours es nt tho Unulverslty of California. Ills family will also accompany htm south. To Study (Jury KjMcm Supt. of Schools F. A. Tledgon, Intends to ho present at tho nuniinl mooting of the National IMurators Association In Now York City. I.ntor ho will spend n week at (Inry, Indi ana, studying tho now ramous (lary system or vocal training In tho schools. Also ho will visit ut his old homo uoar Ionising, Michigan. (iocs to Sow Yoik Miss Anna Volz, Instructor In mu sic nnd singing In tho Mnrshfleld schools, alter making n very good success horo with her work, has re signed that she may outer tho Co lumbia School of Art In Now York City next September. Sho has done cousfdernblo commercial drawing und expects to continue her study In this line. The Cruel Lie. When Disraeli was Hearing his end a young dl.clple said to him: "Master. what Is Ihu unpardonable sin? Is it not a llei" The astute and subtle uiiitKHinnn. iii iln Kluidnw of the grave. 1 u-ii.,1-,. in. hum u-itii ttu rlc-niLT vision. looked nt the young man with deep. "- - '- ---- - unfathomable eyes and answered: "No. a lie Is not the unpardonable sin. Tho unpardonable uln U the cruel Ho." On tho borders of that shadowy laud where great things grow small and llttlo things loom large on the horizon he hud come lo know that the crime that Is not forgiven Is the brutal In stinct that Impels us to wound, to em bitter, to mortify BRIGHT WOMEN want supper than NO TIMES. 11 u u Wlhli llli TltKATKI) Warren Weatherlcy Will llo Taken to Salem Tomorrow Warren Woatherloy tho young mnn .who Buffered menai trouble and who tins bean enred for nt North Itcnd, will be taken to the sanitarium nt Snlem wlioro It Is hoped thnt ho .'will In time recover. Todny ho was much hotter nnd realized his condi tion nnd wanted to go away so ha could bo treated. Tho cause ot his trouble, accord ing to thoso who know htm, was too 'much work nnd too closo contlno- uent. Ho worked In tho engine '.room or tho Porter Mill tor Tour J'cnrs nnd senrcely ir over took nny tvacntlon and It Is snld thnt ho linn boon known to work ns long as thirty hours at u stretch. Too much work and tho excessive heat ot the 'engine room Is believed to hnvo caucd him tho mental trouble. I NOItTH IIKXI) HttlKFS Tho Southern IMciric Is laying and ballasting a long stretch of siding from tho depot to tho cut at tho park. Mrs. Mildred Gambia of Kcntuck Inlet Is visiting on Catching Inlet. Tho stockholders and dlroctors of tho United Meat Company had a stockholders' meeting lasting nil day Wcdnesdny. Considerable business Vvns transacted. Mrs. .1. II. Robertson loft for Kt Croo ranch yesterday. - Considerable Interest Ui being manifested In tho proposed bond Is suo for griod roads for Coos. It Is bolloved tho monsuro will pass. flTTENDAKCE LARGE MAXY IICAIt KVAN(ii;UST imm: HOXS BPUAK Two Delegations from Out of Town (nmo to City to Ho Present At McctliiK KVAXH KCHOKS "Any deacon who wont 'deak' ought to 'duck'. , "Homo folks aro so stingy back oast thnt t'hoy talk through their noses to koop from wearing out tholr false tooth". "Any man who can slug nnd won't slug ought to bo In Slug Sing". "A llttlo kid fell out of bod and when his Mamma lukml him why ho fell out ho said hu went to sleep too near to where ho got In! A lot of Church members know now why thoy fall out of tho church". - Thoro woro two out of town del egations present last night nt the Kvniu revival. A large, boat load or penplu from up Coos river and tlio Ordois of Owls were thoro In specially resurted sections. Cap tain Hall has been running tia l.lfo-l.lno hack and forth to Knst sldo to bring a bout load over every night. Singing Especially (.'ood I.a.H night tho singing was es pecially flue. Jack Thomson tlu singer uses no book but has all his solos committed to memory. It ndds n great deal to the song lo have a porjou stand erect without it book In his hand and slug as on ly Jack can sign. Ono or tho greatest attractions at tho roUvnl Is the playing of Mrs. Ilrucu IJvuiu, Very low pian ists can put as much Into an In strument and exceptionally few ran get us much out of ono ns can Mrs. Kvnns, Sho never uses any book and tho front of the piano haa boon removed so ns to get tlio maximum amount or music out or tlio Instrument. That the people appreciate tho playing of "Holun" Is evidenced by the flow urs that aro brought to liar every night. Sho has a weakness for roses und some pooplo have seemed to liavo learned hor weaknoas. The evangelist spoke on what It 1 takes nut to bo a Christian last night. Ho held his uudlonco from first to lust und at the closo threo or tho High School students went forward. Mr. Kvaua Is not only a preacher and Ming writer but also an Kdltor, Ho publishes Tho Revival Rovlew, a monthly review of world wide i:ungollstic work. Tho paper la published in Long Reach, Califor nia. a bright paper. Better no t: .. .r v '.