THERE, ARLJlgOASSK Of POOR, GOD'S POOR, THE DEVIL'S POOR AND POOR DEVILS i ' nAPPH THAT GJmr Sau 8 BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME fl NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES QITY EDJTJOK mbOf CLUCK, f K-mT' QfrtttlM ffib(P w TTTrr iAmfrz-mw Ta rfffni ' m7Jffi? ( Vol. No. XXXIX EEfliN REPLY WILL BE MADE Secretary Lansing Receives Dispatch from Ambassa dor Gerard at Berlin "" EXPECTSHj TODAY Will Answer Demands of Unit ed States Regarding Sub marine Warfare MUCH DEPENDS UPON IT Tho Message From (icninl Pooh Not fllo Any Iiiillnillou or tin Tenor , of the Reply .Volliliitf Known' of Conference Willi Knlst'i' , laxsixo learns SOME PARTICULARS ny AiwiiltlM I'mw In Coot Ita Tlmim.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, May -I. -Secretary Lansing annoiinrpil Into today tlmt a illsimtcli from (lornnl con tained Informullon or whut tlio Ambassador liullevud would onitltuto Oermnny's reply to tho Amorlenn nolo on tliu submnrlnu wurfaro. Ho declined to mulcu pulillo any part or tlie (llapatch. lie took the .itnnd that tlio contents wiir highly confidential mid could not ho Klven out. Tho communlca-' tlon was received by tho Sec retary and Immsdlntoly scut to President WIIboii. Lans ing until It w.ih not cortuln floral d'H deductloiiB wore ab solutely uccurnto r o had not ecn tho text or (lor many's reply. I D AuactilM l'rc.i lo Com Hay Tlmra. ' WASHINGTON. I). C., May I. secretary Lansing announced today that a dispatch from Gorard dutod yeitenlay said tho nmbassador ex pected to rccolvo today tho German reply to tho American note domnnd Inc tlio Immcdlato nbandonmont of the present tactlcH of suhninrlno war J fare. Xo Indication Lansing said ho was without in formation regarding Gornrd's conror enco with Emperor William. Tho dispatch, J.anslng Bald, wuh brlor and contained no Indication of tho tenor f tlio German reply. xews from berllv wiievo Note Has Hcen llnndod Am- bassador IBf AliofUt.J IYM 10 Coo n; TlmM.l UKUI.IN, May 4. (Wholes to l-voclntod .Press, via TuckloiJln.) The reply to the American note on uumanno wnrfnro Is bollovod to ''ave been handed to Amlmsiilor p"' Considerable porlurbntton expressed over tho affect tho con cession may havo on public opin ion here. People with IIIiii .anceiior von Bethmun-IIollwog "oaouuteilly will have n great mass Peoplo with him in his desire to avll a breach In diplomatic rela 'ns with tho United States as far " can bo done without sacrificing Principles ennunciuted in tho 'rmaii manifesto of February 8. AfTIOX OK COXSEIIVATIOX COX oiu:ss CAUSES A STIll "wonnnended Legislation AIIoivIiir e fiveiiiiiiet to Orant. Water lllghls to Individuals Pr A o aj VrnM ,0 C()01 Blf TlmM WASIUnqton, D. c, May 4. ,.!. l,onal Conservation Congress eLii 6 f'nal 80S8lons 0lly was still hlcha Ver Jesterda"s acH UV , ,, ll voted to recommend legls- - nicn allows tho government ICH EXCITED i.f "aterpower sites to private 'iterests. M Snssana Cocroft, of Chicago, tlon Uresa t0(,ay urgea the erca n of a federal board of health. UT Qoal, 5,00 ton. Phone 72, I " Established 1H7H Ah Tho Const Mall EIITOR 15 INDICTED GRAND JURY TAKES ACTION AGAINST FRANK CAMERON Kupt. Mt-Leotl, of Coimiy Poor Farm Alleges l.llicl AkhIiinI I'iiIiIMilm' of Agitator Lnto yesterday nftui'iionn tho grand Jury ruturnod un indictment tiKiiInst Frank Cameron, editor and publisher or the Agitator, on a cluit-go or libel. The neeusutlons wuro made by Supt. Mcl.eod, of the County Poor Kami. Deputy Shcrlfr W. C. Laird came over Inst uvgiiIiik ...! .....I .!. I...II .... r, unit nuMvu iiiu iiiuiruiiuiii uu I..MJ1- eron, who secured S7ii0 hall and was allowed hln rreedom. It Is snlil Iho rase will come berore Judg Hamilton ror trial at this term or rourt. According to the deputy sheriff tho alienation by Mcl.eod is tlmt Cameron published In his pnpar, muttoiH in roniipctloii with tho man iiKeiiient or the poor rami that were erronooiiH, relating especially In hn c()H or conducting the situation. EDLUND WILL BE SENTENCED TOMORROW .Milt-shrU Id Mini In To Come I old Judge Ham ilton lie (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLE, Ore., May 4. At nluo o'clock tomorrow morning Judgo J. W. Hamilton, at Coiullle will linns Hnnleiipn mi fltln IMhmil. who yesterday afternoon was for tha second convicted or boot- legging, the first ease being In lhu Justice court and uppcaled. Tho Jury was out :!" minutes be fore returning Its verdict llothl ' i Mote Harwell and- 13. Edson, wit - nesses ror tho stnto, hold to tho story they told In 'the Justlco court hero weeks ago, that ICdlund sold whiskey to ICdsou In his room on Commercial avenue. CHURCHMAN VISITS HIKIIOP Sl'MXEH, HEAD OK EPIS COPAL Clll'ltCII IX STATE, IIEUE deception lo Ho Clven llliu This Ev iiuliiK in (iiilld Hall lias u llusy . Scliedulo Illshop Sumner, head of tho Epis copal church In Oregon, arrived hero last overling from Portland for a vory busy stay of several duys In the county. At eight o'clock this nine n parish reception will bo hold In tho Guild hall In honor or tho Illshop at which time an Important announcement regarding tho futuroj work or tho cnurcn in mis secuon, Is to ho made. All mombors or tho1 - . .. i i.,J ttnrioii nm rriPiinn urn iiriTL'ii ui iiti . !"" "- " - present this ovonlg. Likes 1 tall road Itnuto It Is now a year since Illshop Sum- bner has beon on Coos Hay. Tho last lmo ho camo down tho beach via iho auto stages. No said that tlio chnngo this time to tho cushions Is a i a vory pleasant one. Has llusy Scliedulo This evening at 7.30 p. m. ho de Blres n conferenco with tho members of tho vestry of Emmanuel Parish. Tho reception Is nt eight o'clock. At 10:30 Sunday morning thero is a class of 18 to bo confirmed at .tho church following which a sormon (s to he delivered by tho Bishop. Sunday evening ho will go to Co qulllo for n servlco and Monday ov ning ho is to bo nt Handon. On Tuesday nt Empire ho will visit the missions inoro inai is io uu i .un.. Hend on Wednesday evening. On Thurday Bishop Sumner will lenvo for Eugene whoro he Is one of tho patrons through tho Junior wool; end festivities. fiohiK to California Ills time Is vory well spoken for. as Is Indicated by tho fact that after ' finikin. this biiBV Itinerary ho. .must bo In Salem on tho following Sunday, and Immediately thereafter leaves for California where In four flays ho Is scheduled to give seven addresses. Three of theso will bo at n diocesan convention at Sacr.i- ,nin H.rpn nt a similar gathering in Fresno and tho last nt San Fran- ! C. W. VIERS returned last evening from a business trip to Portland. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, IRISH REBELS Officers Are Searching For All Who Took Part In the Uprising JUSTICE IS SHIFT Ponrro ' ''"I."'! MacDonouah and Clark-Are Leaders Who Paid Death Penalty CONNOLLY NOT EXECUTED llepnii VestoiMny That Ho Was Shol N Said lo lie lucoiTcct Is Now In Prison ami Won Wounded No IteriiKccs Ciin He llnrlmriul in AtwtileJ I'mn t Coo liar TlmM.l TflfUMN, May I. .luatlco has been swirt In tho case or the leaders of the Sinn Fein rebellion. Threof of tho signatories of tho proclama tion of the short lived Irish republic paid the supreme saeririeo ye.iterday. They were Patrick II. Pearce, president of the provisional govern ment, Thomas MncDo'uough and Thomns .1. Clark. Connolly K Wounded Or the other signatories, James Connolly Is lying In prison wounded, and Scan ,. MncDInrmnd, Kmmon Ccanut and Jo.ieph Plunkctt are somewlioro In Ireland, whether free r '.pu.m, , .mi pum.c.y nnown. Connolly was erroneously report od among thoso executed yesterday. iioiiiiiinig ii iiciicis A roundup or (he rebels Is going I .. .l.ll I I....II.. mi.. i""' "ni'iii"fn-'ii. oio at.. .. l.'..!.. ...!. ...!.. ......1 - " '""'' ;' iil'i'iuy iniii iiiuni ui lilt! iiuiiuiuiiin nro known to thu police. A house to house search Is bolng made and notices posted everywhere I warning any who harbor rebels that they will bo liable to arrest and punishment. Shot at PoxtoMco O'ltollly, one or the rebol leaders, In bolleved to have boon shot while attempting to escape from tha Dub lin postofflce. An Exchange Tele graph conespondent 3ays O'ltollly's body was found near tho postofflce building. T PIHXTEI) CHtCUhAltS POUIt OX COXOESSMEX IX ARE ARRESTED RE 1R ovo-JC)l0 Kj. M)l, ,lll(! ,'mv n,0 -i'el. egraphlc Pmpagauda Which Swamped Capital ' III'latM l'rM to Com IU TIuim J WASHINOTON, I). C, May 4. ............... ... ... - , Printed form letters protesting ni'iilnnt ntiv hIiii U'liich mnv lead "o " --- - - to war with Germany began pouring In by thousands today upon the mem- lieis of congress as n sequel to thoj I , . . , . ..,-... u'legrupu ih-opukuuuii wuiu,, .,.,.- ca tlio capitoi nun loiogrupii coin- i"" " -. A GOODWIN' WOULD JOIN' PHOOEHS HIVIvS AND HEPUHLICAXS Temporary riialriiian ut Progressive Convention at Seatlle (Jives His Views (Or Aiwrlatal rrraa lo Com Dar Timet., SEATTLE, Wah., May 4. In an address today before tho Progres- Ulvo state convention. Temporary Chairman K, M. oGodwln said, "Our duty today Is to seel; a re union bocnuse a reunion is inevitable, of the Republican and Progressive parties on a common patriotic plat form, with common candidates stand- ing for vital American principles, uml .If .. It .. 0 a)l.s lltilitil Otni "The dignity of tho United States was flouted lu Mexico; our own soil afforded no protection to American lives; our power und rights on tho high seas were defied; tho rights of, l.t ..AaI ..ntlntlCI IIIAHA iMAlfttAH I feoble neutral nations were violated without protest and attempts wero even made to Influence the govern- ment Itself In the Interest of a for I'll.ll v...i..,u. Dr, II. E. Kelty, Dentist, 201 Coke Bldg. Phone IIU-J, s RE10I MEMBER OF TUB ASSOCIATED THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1916 E PRESIDENT IK OK SAX DOMINGO IMPEACH ed Declines Capital In Stale of Helge mid Heal of (invciuuicut. U Itciunvcd In Subtii b trty AOf Ulftl rri-M lb Co-rt liar TlniM.) SANTO DOMIN'OO, May I Gen eral Jlmlucz, president or the repub He, who was Impeached by the chamber of deputies May 2, has do clared the capitnl In a state of siege and lemoved the seat of government to San Cerouime, a suburb. L IS FREE 'OllimciO .HAXKEIt I-'OUXl) NOT (II'llTV liAST XHJHT Says lli Will Try lo Eani I'.iuuikIi lo lteliiiburso Persons Who lon( Savings inr Amw itir4 rrrM to eM ri.r tIum.i CI1ICA00, May I. William I.or Imcr, who was acquitted last night on the ehniifcs of embezzclmcnt nntl conspiracy to ilofrmul In connection with the milnro of tho USnllo 8tr"et Trust and Savings Hank, began lire anew today, he said, the dominant purpoRo or which Is to earn enough money to reimburse the persons who lost their savings through the rallure of Ihu bank of which ho was presi dent. In ii Candidate I.orlmor announced that ho would again be n candidate- for United Stales senator from which position he was ousted. TO AVOID A STRIKE CLEVELAXD rtTKEET CAK 31 KX WILL COMPItO.MISE Volo to Take Such Action nod ICIIinl- imte .Possibility of Serious Trouble 11 AaocMl I'rni lo Cvoa Da Tlaiai.) CLEVELAND, May 4. Street car men today voted to accept tho com promise offer of tho Cleveland Hall way Company on the men's wugo demand, thus eliminating nil chance of a 3trlke. MOKE KUSSIAXS AUE LAXDIXO IX KHAXCE (11 A"llf-I I'lrn to Com Hay Tlmra.) MAHSEILLES; May I. Another contingent of Huh- hlan soldleiH arrived hern morning. ! ) IELLS OF (JEHMAXV AXXOUXCES WOHK OK ZEPPELIXS IX i:X(!LAXD SayN Propel ty Wan DeMtroyed DiriVreut PoIiiIn ami .Much Dauiago Dono (U AmkIH1 l'rM lu Ooua n. TImm.i At BERLIN, May 4. (Wireless to Sayvllla) Tho Admiralty gave out thu following on the Zeppelin raid on England Tuesday night: "The German naval air squadron attacked the mlddlo and northorn purt3 of tho east coast of England. Factories, blast furnaces and rail roads uoar .Miiuiiesunrotigu nun Stockton, Industrial establishments near Sunderland, tho fortified port of Hartlepool, coast batteries south of the river Too, and a Hritlsh man or war nt the enhance nf thu Firth of Forth, were attacked with many bombs, "Tho success or these attacks was witnessed. All thu airships return Jed safely except tho L-20 which wu driven off her course ami lost, tiki whole crew Is saro.' GUAXD .IUUV CO.MIXO BACK Constablo Cox has received word mm PntiiilllM Ktatliii' that ihu L'ranil back J(aro Qn MandBy " ready then to again rosume the in vestlgatlon of witnesses In the Peck, Perham case. It Is understood thero are about IB witnesses yet to bo called. Columbia Flour, $!.&(, Bullies HASTRQUBL AGAIN on I'ltKSS EVENING EDITION General Scott Tells President Wilson of Arrangements Made With Obregon TO Understood that This Will Be Allowed In the Withdrawal of Troops NO DEFINITEJTIME IS SET Itimior That PcinIiIiik'n I'oices Wero to Lenve Within Sixty Days Is Xol Correct A (Voiding lo State ments Mmlo ui Wiisliliiglou III AMorlilhl Pr. la Com na, TIium.) WASHINOTON, I). 0 May 4. Scott's report on cenreronces with Obregon, laid berore President Wilson today by Secretary linker. wn.i characterized by orriclals as "satisfactory". It Is understood to provide ror the use or Mexican railways and sets no definite time, such as sixty days, ii.i had been reported, for the with drawal or Pershing's forces. ' Conference Held J After a conference with President Wilson, Secretary linker said that no announcement on Scott's report was ready hut that the prolsdent might Issue a statement Inter, lie Indicated that n final decision on lall points had not been reached, hut that Scott would ho Informed so he might have another conference with Obregon. Terms Xol (liven Out Willie tho terms of tho tentative agreement will not he made public ut least until after Secretary ilakor confers with President Wilson ngal It Is understoou to provide that the American troops shall not go Mrthor thnu they now are and will bo with drawn us the Carraiua government convinces the United States of Its capacity to protect the American bor- uiur lerriiory. u uisu provides lor cooperation with tho Cnrrnuza troops for cleaning up tho bandits, 44 .MOO I IE CO.MPAXV WIXS SUIT A(!AIXST COACH (Speclnl to Tho Times.) COQU1LLE, Ore.. May 4. the Jury in the enso of tho Geo, W. Mooro Lumbor Co., against Joe Conch returned n verdict for the plalutlfr, Thu company sued ror a lumber bill or $204 and $U I loaned money and Interet. ' PUT OX TOP SUIIKACE The work or putting on tho bitu men surface- over tho new coucrota bases In holes nbout thu paved streets sturted today. Within u very short tlmo tho streets will again bo In shapo, with the holes filled up. This entire work will cost In tho nelgi'bnrhood of $2,000, It Is said, of which soma $1,400 was paid by McDonald and Condrou. WILL .MEET TOMORROW Tho Lules' Auxiliary of thu MIDI coma Club will hold their Initial biislnss meeting tomorrow nftor nooii ut 2 o'clock lu the club rooms, All tho members are requested lo be present. (JETS NEW .MACHINE II, W, Guuntlett, assistant cashier lu the bank ut Gold Beach, accom panied by Mrs. (launtlatt, arrived here last night from Portland. To day an Oakland cur wu3 unloaded (from Hie Tillamook for them. They expect lo rive the machine home. .U.VUIHES ARE IIARIH.'D .Vol lo Come Into Russia Uw Three Years Xet (Mf Ataor!t4l Pfet to Cum Pi Timet, PETROGRAD May 4. A bill has been introduced Into tho Duma to prohibit tho Importetlon of urtlcles or luxury ror a period of three years, commencing June 14, Money lo I-oiin on huprnvot! ranches lu any amount, V. E. Con May Mortgage Co. Office Myrtle Arms. MAKES REPORT ON CONFERENCE s RAILROADS k Consolidation of Times, Const nntl Coos Hay Advertiser. cox'rrxui: oitexhive .move- MEXT AT DEADMAX'M llllih Arlllleiy of Itolh Sides Is Active hi Iho Terltoiy West of (bo Itlver D AMoclatM Pri is wt rr Tma.) LONDON, May 4. The Krcnch nro continuing their countor offens ive movement near Dendman's Illll In tho Verdun region. Onlus made yesterday were Increased and con solidated Inst night. As n consequence of the Krench artillery preparations at Deadmnni Illll, two Germans surrendered, Btatlng that they wero tho sole sur vivors of the men In their trenches. Kivnrh OaliuM Koothold Horlln nunounced todny tlmt the French obtained u foothold In one of tho Germnn advance posts South of Deadmnn's Illll. Elsewhere wo.U or Ihu Mouse ami in Wovovr district there Is. active artillery righting. OETS COLD DECEPTION' WHILE ATTHIXIDAD llrlllsli AinbaHsador Pays President Pct-Miunl Visit on Account of Incident SEC. M'ADOO HAS AHItlVIH) IX XEW YOUIC Ill Aiofl.lrJ Tirx lo Com lla Tlinr.) KEWPOHT NEWS, Va., Mny 4. The cruiser Teunes seo with Secretary McAdoo and party aboard arrived hero today from South Amer ica, (D Auoclatt Vtnt to (Mm !) TlniM.) WASHINGTON, I). C, May 4. jrltlsh Ambassador Sprlng-Illco paid n iinrsdiiul visit in Prrmlilmil Wllsnn today and expressed his regret that Secretary McAdoo had been received with scant courtesy nt Trlnldnd, Tho 'IlrltlBh officials learned to their nmazomont that tha governor cf Trlnldnd had outdono himself to piuke u demonstration for Hoosovolt on his recent West Indian Trip, but hpnrontly was little Imprcssod with the coming of McAdoo, who was re turning from a meeting of tho Pan Amorlcan high rommlsslou at Ilueuo.i Ayres. CASE AOAINKT O'HRIEX AND EVENING RECORD UP ftM'iirhijr Jury This Afternoon ('mm of John D, (Joss Versus Joe Coach hi Hands of Jury (Speclul to Tho Times) COQUILLE, May 4. At noon tho casu of John D. Goss versus Joe Couch for $832, claimed to ho duo as attorney's fees wont to tho Jury. Tho cuso wus sturted yesterday uf ternoou about 3.30 o'clock . Immediately after this caso was nut of tho way Judgo Hamilton called for a Jury to try the case of Mrs. Julia Allen versus A, R. O'Hrleii and tho Evening Rocord, a libel caso. Mrs. Allen is claim ing damaKos, alleging that the newspaper printed her mimn as tliut of h person claimed to have been round muronnsd on u clgur sign lu tho buy opposite Marsh field some time ugn. To Try Rosenberg It Is expected that the caso Im mediately following this one will be the stitto versus I. Rosenberg, the Coqulllo tailor arrested nt Crescent City on the charge of cashing a bogus draft ror $lti0 on tho Bank or Handon. HOLDS CONVENTION Paient Teachers Meeting In Session Ant Rosehurg Today ROSKHURO, Ore.. May 4. A convention of Parent-Taaohera as sociations ot Douglus county Is bo iil hold today in RosoburgAd- nu neiu louny in iuM)uun,.mi I dresses will bo heard from Mrs. I Georga McMath, stuto president;. Mrs. F. S. Myers, of Portland; Miss Helen Brooks, of O A. C, as well us from u number of local people, FRENCH IK 00 SLIGHTED DAMAGES -- Mall No. 240 . Airship Falls at Hafse Firth, Norway, And It Totally Destroyed IS Sixteen Men Who Were Aboard Are Taken and Interned WAS ONE OF THE RAILDERS Survivors Sny Their Craft Was Wltk I'our OllierN Which Attacked EnK laud and Scollaud Ijirk of llen.lne Was tho Cnuw (n, AaanrlatM rrna lo Com Ut Tlm.a. , LOin'DQN. Mny 4. Tho Zoppolln L-'-'O, which was wrecked in falling at I Inf. so Firth, Norway, bolonged to tho squndron of tlvo airships which attacked tho cast coasts ot England and Scotland Tuesday night, according lo members of the crow. Sixteen men on board wero res cued anil, lutornod. Tho lack nt bouzlno resulted In the airship bo lng blown off her course. JAMES M. SULLIVAN ACCUSED IX IRISH TROUBLE ' rt Was Former U. S. Minister to Santo Domingo But. Wns Vlrlunlly A slew I lo Resign (11 Awl4IM i'rrta lo Com Ut Tlran.) LONDON, May 4. James M. Sul llvnn, of Now York, formorly Amer ican minister to Santo Domingo, was arrested in Dublin on a charge ot complicity In tho Irish Rebellion. Sulllvnn sailed last July from .New York far Liverpool with his' wlfq and son saying ho was going to Lim erick, Ireland, (o visit his mother. Shortly berore Balling Sullivan was Virtually asked to resign his pott an minister t Ijio Dominican re public, as tho result of un Investiga tion conducted by n commission headed by Senator Pheland, EVACUATING METZ t REPORTED CIVIL POPULATION' IS LEAVIXO CITY Story Comes From Sources Wltlck Are Regurdeil As Being Trust- worthy (Or AuorlttM rrtta to Coo. Bl Tin m. IX)Nl)ON, May 4.neuter' Am sterdam correspondent telegraphs that Information regarded as trust worthy was received thero that Met Is being evueuuted by thu civil popti lutlou. LECTURES OX MUSIO Dr. I.niidhhiiry of Etigcno Interests Ills Hearers r At tho Episcopal Guild hall last evening Dr, l.audsbury ot Eugene gave a lecture on music. Ho Illus trated his talk with pluno selection.!. Illshop Sumner who arrived la tha city yesterday Introduced the speuker and during tho ovenlng Ger ald Hunt sang Debussy's songs. The mumbors of tlio Chnmlnadu Club served- supper. Thero wus no ad mission charged und many Interested lu music attended. TO RE BACK TODAY J. E. Montgomery Is expected homo this afternoon from a several days visit lu Portland on business. He bus secured 3uvenl speakers for tlw Good Roads cumpalKU. OUT OF PRISON 111 A.iikUI.J Frtu to Coo Bar TIum. BERNB. Switzerland, May 4. THe Germans set at llborty and e corted Into Switzerland M. Theadore, nresldent of tho Society of Barristers of "eU nml tn? loading Belgen . ,....,,.. nn was Ininrlsoned ir n(() on charges of Insubordination. - " REIIERSE TONIGHT Tho Choral Cfub will rehearse this ovonlng at 7 o'clock, E El ZEPPELIN L-20 IS WRECKED HEW CAP ARREST AMERICAN i - .