j-ir W'?TT',fyT w wrrw" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. WEQNESDAY, MAY 3, 1916. -EVENING EDITION rTHEE sHBHESH ANNOUNCEMENT wmmmmm H jff' m .aHPmQ a- " i i a . m L m9M m &r v a m VL ittfe F rlr it T r . B mT S ML T B A A !i w ht- w r 'r mx r. i iliy Incorporated J ...&JkMMNwVAVWVWVW 4LJBHBJW!HHBIInMVHHEBBnHHIHaktfllHHIlMISlnaMMaaBMiBtaaaBaBnaBBnflMihBI fMV IWW"- Ml-...i.,i.l,miMyW WWMWlWMBaBawaMMlMWrWWtMWWaBBBBWInBWBiBMBBiMlHlBBBMMWBlJMgX1WlPlt TJT f " - m. i- i i w -.-- vvvvuuvm ANWVW ' ONE PRICE TO ALL HIGHEST QUALITY OF GOODS LOWEST PRICE 125 j, C. PENNEY CO. STORES WSNVWWWVVW THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU ' ' DOLLARS A DOLLAR SAVIED IS DOLLAR MiADE . 125 iV J. C. PENNEY STORES f'CO. : Spring, 1916, opens with a wonderful array of high class merchandise, every department is full to overflowing, and while the trend of prices in materials and products have been soaring, and in many cases swiftly advancing, the J. C. PENNEY STORE, backed by unlimited capital and a corps of expert and skilled buyers, have protected our stores far in advance so that we will be able to supply your .wants for sonic time to come with good dep cndablc merchandise for the same low price that has been maintained by this store in the past year. I' I is y 4 One rrice. That the Lowest, To AH ,JWriJ--iVww-wVVvV ' ' 1 tm. mm VWMAAAASVVVNWVVMAAAV ,000,000.00 That is the amount of business done by the . C. PENNEY CO. in the year 1915. WHAT A WONDERFUL GROWTH 15 Years Ago 1 Small Store 'J' 4 years ago 33 Stores r--i i & ". $ .!fc ' ' 2 years ago ' ' 83 Stores ' ' ' I ' ' April 1, 1916, 125 Busy Stores. This is 'tlic' most remarkable growth of any mercantile "" concern in the UNITED STATES 1 1 i THE REASON . ' j ' Service, Merchandise, Prices The store that stands for service, the most that can be given with consistent, Twentieth Century, up to date merchandising. OUR MERCHANDISE ISTHE BEST, AND GUARANTEED TO BE UP TO THE STANDARD IN QUALITY. . A.'j-,,, t .. . , The Best That Money Can Buy ? T ' ' ' OUR PRICES ARE ALWAYS THE LOWEST, ALWAYS THE SAME. Wc do not raise them. Strictly One Price to All.ifi'tMffJflttHil .Mffl! i .i aMwmlu-A . , ' IVWWWVWWWWWWVWWWV' AAAAAVWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAV V wtt Smf H H mKmH yffitok in 125 Cities and Towns- READ THIS AD. AND NOTE EVERY ITEM....U means money in your pocket The buying capacity that llfti" Js C PENNEY STORES have, the quantity of merchandise that is bought,and sold by this corporation, puts us in a position to give you more for your money than any two or three store merchants -can give you. We do not sell on credit do not ask for it. Wc do not deliver goods. Wc have no bookkeepers, no collectors Wc eliminate all these big expenses that go to run the price of goods up, which allows us to conduct our business on a much less percentage of expense than the dealer who maintains such methods. v t i i An Increase from 83 Stores to 1 25 Stores in One Year Just think how many people in the 125 cities arc enjoying the pleasure of buying the needs for their families, and themselves at the low prices that the J. C. PENNEY CO. is maintaining. Wc quote you prices on the best, and most reliable merchandise that is being manufactured today. We will not mis-represent anything that we cannot substantiate t Your neighbor is saving money b y trading at the J. C. PENNEY STORE, and if you have not, figure up how much you have lost. We Undersell All Mail Order Houses Five Per Cent Nail Orders Mail order information for our many out-of-town customers. Send your mail order to the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY. .Include postage. AH mail orders filled same day as received. We will fill your order w'th as much care as though you were doing the shopping yourself. Each mail order must be accompanied by check or money order. In MARSHFIELD "TS& OREGON Our Advertisements Every word in this advertisement has a big meaning for you, and a money-saving opportunity. Our store is now filled to overflowing capacity with new fabrics, new styles, patterns, the best of work manship that can be produced. The merchandise has been bought and selected by the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY who are experts and have made the buying a life-long study. You will be the loser if you do not trade at the J. C. PENNEY STORE. case you send too much, we will return same to you.