mmmMEfm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1916. -EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES H. O. MALWNKV, Kdltor and IMib DAN E. MALONKY, Now Kdltor Official Official Paper of Paper City Coos Count) of Marshfield. Entorod at llio 1'ostoftlco nt Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission t brou gb tbo mall ai second-class mutt tnsttrr IIUHIXKH8 HOOSTIXM TUB Coos Ihiy Times Ib proud of Its distinction as tbo ne,ws pnpor tbat nlways booBts nnd novor knocks, ttalng consistent nnd 'persistent In its plen of tbu greatness of Coos Day, ltB'prcsont oiiportunltlcB and futtiru prospects, It is in tbo kindest and most belpful spirit tbat it suggests to property ownorB tlitit now tbat many strangers are dally coming to Coos Hay tlioro sbould W reasonableness In speaking of propor- $ t WITH THE TOAST t i AND THE TEA t fiOOl) HVUXIXH It Is astonlsbliig tbat any one can satiander nwny in ab solute Idleness n slnglo mo ment of tbat small portion of tlmo which Is allowed us In tbo world. 'Lord Chesterfield. 4C A.MHKICA FIKST AXI KOHUVKU First land In tbo world to mo, t'O great Uepubllu of the free. Thy lights on high. Floods every sky, And marks tbo paths across the sea living. and nvixn Ti 1113 bureau of .(ho census de partment of, .commerce, Is ' reaching Into' till of the re lations of Ufa, In recent yeiirs with a completeness nnd a particularity. Noy, in ono of the most recent of Its bulletins, It is venturing Into tbo, field of expectation of life tin dor normal conditions and of how many things there nre In life to mako death passlblo and some times, It might bo added, quite easy. A set of tables, tbo first of tliolr kind over prepared by tbu United States government, will soon be Issued. Thesa will show death rates nnd expectation of life at all ages for tbu population of tbo six Now Knglnnd states, Now York, Now. Jersey, Indiana and Michigan, tbo '.first of tbo slates to keep 'reg istration Statistics. Tbo poopfo of those Htatos, bulug about tbu uver ago American and affected by con ditions similar to thoso of the oth er plates, tbu rules applying to thom should apply to nil nil of us If thu melting pot liai dona, its melting well. Tbo census bureau rules are very interesting In themselves, Thoy nro moro broadly comprehensive than tbo rules governing.. the- llfo insuranco compunluH. According to these tables tbo av erage expectation of life, at birth, for mules Is years; for fu moles, G3.2 years; for white mules, G3.0 years; for native white mnlos, r-O.C years; for native wlilto fe males, GI.2 years; for Negro males, 31,1 years, and for Negro females, 117.7 years. Females nro tints lougor lived than males to the ox tent of more than throe years, and in tbo enso of tbo native whites and Negroes, more than three und ouu-balf years. Another liitoroitlng revelation Is that the average woman outlives tbo average man. infant modal ity runs very high, though not as high as In former years. It Is hardly a revolution that the death rate In small urban communities is 23 per cent less than In largo ones, Tbo growing congestion In larger cities will muku this disproportion greater In thu future, unless murkud rdvanco In (military and bygeulc roform en n moot congestion on bet tor terms than now. Swift In tbo right, Slow In thy might, First In our love nnd faith you stand. Vf Him ,if. n'ntlnnu- nnnnlMtn Inml. ty values. Of coursoonoot tbo great- . .MMnii ,.and. ... ...!- 1 ...II I '' " ' " ' est cuics on mo raciuu cuuhi win pomo day bo built on Coos Hay but It hasn't boon built yet and real en tato prices Bbould bo based on present An well as prospective, values. In your nnxloty to got ahead, re member tbo other follow noods a llt tlo prosperity. "It ain't a bad Idee," jtald David Ilarum, "In tbo boss busi ness, nnywny, to bo wlllln' to lot tbo other fellow mako a dollar onco In a while." The samo truth la equally applic able to the real cstato business. Chorus (First land in tha .world, With freedom's flng unfurled, Kinblem of Union states, each state a star, Thy boiib of native birth, Thy sons from nil the earth, Wo love and sorvo thee first In pence or war. iHy thy Immortal patriot siren Whoso lofty valor still InsplrcB Wo now ronow Tbolr pledgo to you Horo by thoy snerod altar flros, Truly wo koop tbo vows thoy sworo. And. If thy hnttlo eagles soar, We'll answer all Thy trumpots' call First, last and thine for ovormoro!! Selected. fi i irvJ a A "(m i wwjumxsz', m )i M . KHIIW'T JflHW JI I VIST ffhWI 7fruu ?ersm i fir 'mgj "' H y IT'S Uncle Sam's natural resources that keep him prosperous an' contented. An' of 'em all I reckon VELVET is naturally ..(fav the most contentful. Qzttffifi TfVERY day more -' smokers are learn ing how greatly natural ageing improves natu rally good Tobacco. VELVET is teaching 1 them. fy PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR? Dr. A. L Houseworth, Physician nnd 8urgco Offlcoilrviug Illock. Offlrn iiiiiirs: 11 to 12 a. m.; M I nnd 7 to 8 p. in. I'hones: Offlco 11.1-J; Hos., 14S-L m "''""-"'---j-jj---- to JjgydtijffytutetauoQ All things come to thoso who get tlrod wnltlng and go after thorn. Tho Psalmist said in his haste that sooner or later nil men appear bororo tbo Murshfiold city council. THIS IHX'T A I-'OHI STOUV "Did you ovor seo Mabel getting into hor Chnlmors7" "What nro Chalmers?" Tho. only time a Coos Hay womnn suffers In sllonco Is when sho has no ono to talk to. You never hnvo to dun, a Coos Hay mnn who owes you u grudge. flomotlmes a Coos Hay courtship Is convorted Into n Imttlosblp. A Coos liny woman Is unpopular with hor neighbors ir sho novor does anything thoy can gossip about. Whon n Coos Huy womun rattles tho dishes moro than usiitil while pro paring suppor It's a sure sign that hor hiisbnnd will hear something drop when ho comes homo. Coos lhiy liusbandH nro as anxious to mako money us wives nro to spend It. Tho background In some portraits Is the best thing about them If It Is far enough back. Opportunity knocks once but onvy la n continuous hammer wlelder. STOItV FOIt Til I J ).V r NEWS OF OREGON X $$ KUGEXK Wilford MoDovltt und Leroy Iloss. both 17 years old, und who sny they are from Seattle, stole an unto, held up n farmer nnd were later arrested nnd nro now In Jail. IM-JNDLBTO.V -Arthur J. Gibson, a prominent contractor, .was found Utility of violating tho diuuo ordln mice, but sentence In his cubu was suspended. 1 am printing this ono for the bono flt of Hruco Evans: Tho ltev. .John McNeill, tho Scotch preacher, Is never nt a loss for an answer. Onco In his enroor a smart young man, thinking to porplox him. 1 i'ii-JmjiI"i"m I. M. Wright Phone 188-B HUII-DING CONTKACTOU Estimates furnished on requoat Or. H. M. Shaw 12 e, Knr nnd Tliront Bpeclnllsl GIjASSKS F1TTKI) I'liono !!()- Itooins aH)-5M)l living IHock. .a. MATTIK II. SHAW.' I'hyhlcln-o nt4 .Murxixt I'tiono Il.'10-J. H G. Butler CIVIL, HNGlNHKIl lloom 304 Coko Dldg. Phone 146-J noslilnncA Plmn 3(53-1. W. G. Chandler AKCII1TKCT (loomi 801 and 302, Coke Uutld'un Mnrshfleld. Orepron I J GOOD ROADS NOTES t $ Tbo following nro good road notes suggested by tbo good roads boost ers: Horn! Issues for rond purposo of fer the logical solution for Oregon counties to establish permanent malu'trunk lines of roads on modorn lines. Such projects-hro not extrav agant but are rnthor a sensible In vestment. Yet how much argument and talk Is required to get tho people of any county to voto bonds for rond build ing. Multnomah County last year required a lot of agitation boforo tbo voters would support tho bonds. Other couutlos where tbo snme question Is prosonted go through precisely tho cxpcrlnco of Multno mah In hesitating and holding back, being doubtful of tho outcome Thu experience of tho counties In voting roud bonds Js precisely like that of tho boy vho goes swimming, llu dreads tho cool water for a time and hangs about on tho bank dread ing tho first plungo and hesitating until someone comes along and pushes 111 no In and then he Is glad bo Is in. This lias proved tho experience of Multnomah County, where thu people- nro, very glad,, they i votod thu road bonds a nil all foul pride In tbu splendid inula trunk roads, finishing Willi bard surface, that wuro built as thu result of thu bond Issue. Other counties will find In tills means of 'raising road funds their own milvutlon In doallug with this subject. Good roads are Impera tive today for overy progressive section or tlio statu, and tbu way to got them that commendH Itself, to tho best business beads of all Oru gon Is by bond Issues that provide tbu money nil at onco so It Is not wusted In building roads plccomenl. Paying off tbu bonds under the stimulus of tbo good roads thus afforded Is not a burden ut all. Thoso who luivo undertaken roud bond Issuos hnvu no hesitation In urging others to do likewise. tiWILLAMETTE-PACIFIC TIME! t NEWS OFNEARBY TOWN X $ CUIlltY HKPOUTS IX SCHEDULE BETWEEN Marshfield and Portland (Now Effective) Total ItcglHtcicil In That County 1071) Is GOLD H13ACII, Ore., May 3. Complete registration for Curry county shows Republicans 003, Dem ocrats :U1, Socialists 28, Progress ives 2, Prohibition 2, Independent 13;' total 107'J. Only 2'J3 women registered, MYIITI.K POIXT XOTKS Oregon. In and for tho County HUMMOXH In thu Circuit Court of tho Stato of of Coos John J. Hcrmldn, Plaintiff, vs. Kugouo Arthur llormldu, Defend ant. To Kugono Arthur Hcrmldn, tho dofendant ubovu named: In tbu name of tho Stato of Oro- Xcwh of tho People An Told In tho Kutcrpiiso Mr. and .Mrs. N. W. McDonald nnd chlldron camo from Uroudbout to attend tho Hanscn-Audrows and tho I.owellou-Iroly nuptials that tako placo tboro. Miss Hiith Wndo, daughter of Mr. nuil Mrs. Arthur Wude of the South Fork has accepted u position us bookkeeper with tho Myrtle Point Transfer Co. Mrs. F. O, Albro camo from Pow ers to tako charge of tho caso of Mrs. Fred Wright of llrldgo, who underwent a surgical operation fur uppondlcltts, porformud by Dr. W. I.. Pomburtou ut his emergency hospi tal tho samo dny. Mrs. Wright is recovering nicely. Mr. und Mrs. K. C. Giiorln ar rived last Thursday from Junen, Alaska, where Mr. Guorln has a po sition In thu Uultcd'StntuB l.nnd Of flco, coming' to look after somo busi ness matters that Mr. Guorln Is In terested. In ns wollus to visit rela tives. Thoy expect to leave again for tbo north, in n couplo of weeks. Fritz Jnonlgon, secretary of the Myrtle Point Transportation Co., went to llaudon to open an nfflcc for tbo company, who nru now hand ling thu S. P. pitasonger traffic for outside points; tho transportation Co.'s river boats making connection wltb tbo through S. P. trains No. I and No. I at Cedar Point. Mr. Jnonlgon also expects to bundle tho Wells Fargo Kxpress, at Ilandon. Train No. Loaves 1:30 n. m. C:10 a. m. 7:20 n. m. 8:10 a. in. 1 0:00 a. m. 10.10 a. in. 17 a. m. 50 a. m. 30 p. in. 1C p. m. lfi n. m. 30 p. in. Train No. 2. Stations Arrives Portlnnd 10:15 p.m. Ar. 'KugeiiQ Lv. .1:25 p, in, Lv. Kugono Ar. 5:1b p. in. Noll -1:15 p.m. Maploton 2:35 p. in. Clubman ( Flor ence ) 2:10 p.m. Ada 1:28 p. m. Gardiner 1:00 p.m. Kccdsport 11:20 a.m.' North Lnko 10:;M n. m. North Hcnd 0:-i0n. m. ( Marsliflelil 0:20a.m.1 BROADWAY HOTEL ' Steam Heated :: Hot Water. Transient, 7.1c day: !j?:l.00 Per Week. Apaitiuciits, ."jtl." per month. llvery- tlilng fiii-iiMicd. I'liono illl.l. I,.. I. .11 STKX, Piopilctnr. FA ItH TUX CUXTS City Limits Xorth llcnil, He nn COMMUTATION l)f Miirhhrield-Xurlli Itenil Auto Lino Hars every ten minutes from C a. m.. to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, Iciiv'ng at 1 1 n. m.; to Um pire three trips n day. GOItST .V.KINO, Prop'. OLD KOLDIKIt DIICS M'l-omlneiit. Veleran Passes Awtny at tho Homo in ItoM-bnrg HOsnnUltd, Ore., May 3. Captain Ala Sponcor, of Portlaud, who died nt the Oregon Soldiers" Homo was 70 years of ago and had resided nt tho homo for about eight yoars. Ho WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut conl, ton 81.00 Lump conl, ton $.1.oO Or half ton of both.. 9 1.75 I). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders nt Hlllycr's Cigar Store nnswor. Onco In his enroor a smart ; ... . , .. young man, thinking to perplex him ( UbV! ""rtnt answer the sent.... ii fn.i...V . .. lcoml),Illnt f,loa Bn nst you n the a I, lie en ! "?'T "Bb0Vfl " nct," wHIUn six iV are lew., r' ,t-N'ul"-, weeks from tho 22nd day of March, Ln UlZui , ,, :!,,K,,tonf,0,I' 191. the first day of the publlca le'" Mr m v m ,T C,,,,:8,"0" of ! ""mmo.,., and you nre ...?,r' lN" T." t"',ot0' hereby notified that If you fall to ,1 then ;n T, t"01"0to' "reby notified that If you fall anil tlion, nuildo breathless sllonco. ' ...,'.. i .... ... .,, ItUti, tho but day of tho Bii Id IIUIll-U, on . ...., ,1 i.i I !.... iu M'u..i Milan -ji iiiu ouill tuill- i iuio j'uiiiiK men -inquirers ........ for truth especially-and should like .May to give this young man a word or'jimo' a. vice, it s this: Don't loeo your 'publication o u.hi a oiiitaiioii inqiiiriug niter men's wivos." I'nii vrui n f iinrniii nniirio.i timt i r.. ... .i..ui... n . n "" " u ..-..ij "uniivu inuvom-H uuriiiK ino uivii war as a you nro required to appear In the meinbor of Company F, 23rd New ubovo entitled court nnd answer tho York Infantry. Lator for many years' complaint filed against you In tho no wns a nrominont lnnilmrmnn nt ' .Michigan nnd lator of Northern Cal-, Ifornln, whoro he located In IS92. He Is aurvlved by two nieces, ono ot! wnom resuios in Michigan and tho other In Now York. Tho body will bo' taken to Portland, whore it will bo1 buried in tho Hast Side comotory be side tho gmvo of his wlfo. Captain T. V. Ward of Portlnnd. nn nlil.tln.n1 this umiiioi. for j fremi of Captalu Snencer ncc01I1,nn. plaint on or boforo tho 3rd dny of May. 11110. tho but duv of tbo ra of tlmu prescribed In the order for the HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 it "r want thereof tho plaintiff will apply, led (ho body from hof0 ' it tllil rrlirt trf tlt wtMit ilnmnml I i HAKlCIt The Oregon Cattlo nnd Horse Halsers Association Is attended I by 8ovornl hundred stockmen, II.OOl) JUVKK Judge W. L. Hrud haw of the clroult court bus cele brated bis twenty-fifth anniversary us circuit Judge. till MlnfAlM n ulinnttint olninnmut r9 which is us follows, towlt: Judu-l! t T . niout against you for tbo sum ? 250.00 wltb lutorest thoroon nt I v of U tho rate of ton per cent per annum j frnm ilu t!li .lm. np, i A f i PHNDLlVrON-Thu school lionrrt'". ' ::, ' ' . . ."' .."' linn rlimum ll,,r. f - """ "" "'""' "' ",l,u lo " i ,,,w .v...... ,w, iiimi with A. T. Park us superintendent. SKLL1XG GOODS The big problem In selling this problem. AHHANY Judge Sklpwortb of Ku gono is presiding In the circuit court In placo of Judgo Kelly. I1AKKK The total registration for Baker county Is I.SI3 out of 7,500 ellglblo voters. ROSIOnUIia The Douglas county Pomona Grnngo hold n soscloit which was attended by n largo uuinbor ot porBQlis and addrossod by Prof II) -slop of tbo O. A, C, HOOD ItlVIJll Leonard Howard, knged 17 years, Is hold for tbo grand 'Jury because of alleged bicycle, thefts. MILTON The people have decided Mo hold a strawberry carnival on May 31. OAion noi dfoii ujm spu eamji goods Is getting the customer Into tho storo, Coos Dny 44 SCIIOONKIt TILLAMOOK POItTLAXD AXI) COOS HAY S.IIS FHO.M POUTliAXI) KVKUV TUKSDAY FOR IXFOHMATIOX PIIOXU 7H TOM JAMKS. Agt., Ocean Dock said Judgment, or your undivided ono-flftli Intereat lu tbo following described property, to-wlt: Lot four (4) of Illock eight (S) nnd j by publication thereof In pursuance Lot sevon (7) of Hlock throe(3) of an ordor mndo by tho Honornblo of tbo Town of South Marshfield. Coos County, Oregon, and Lot thirty-eight (38) of Illock twenty-six (2ti) of Ilailroad Addition to SOUTH COOS IUVGK IJOAT SKUVICH LAUNCH KXPHESS leaves Murshfiold erery day 8 a.m. Leaves head of river nt :t:il() p, m. STKA.MHK HAIXHOW leaves head of river dally at 7 n.m. leaves Murshneld at 3 p.m. For charter apply on board. ItOGHllS A SMITH, Props. Hi i Tit tit Ittnttr In C.tta rminrtf Flanagan Bennett Bank Mnishfleld. Coos County, Orcgm,. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $l2nnn INTKIIKKT PAID OX TIMU AXI) HAVIX(W uZ.Z, Officers J. W, U13NNKTT, President; JAS. H 2.!,,s President; II. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; (T, F vivnN' Vlte Assistant Cashier. wCHester, Flanagan &b Bennett Bank OF MYHTLF, POINT CaPital $25ohn Officers-J. W. UKNNKTT, President; JAS. H. FLANhaM , President: I,. M. 8UPLI3I3, Cashier; L. T. DIJMENT a , ' " ""i Cashier. IBeimett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $i-Krmn orflcers-J. W. UI3NNI3TT, President; TOM T. 13ENNETT V President; AltTIIUH M'KEOWN, Secretary; DENNETt'bJTw TON, Treasurer. BWA"' The Only Trust Company In tho State, Outside of Portland Organized Umlor lm W... t ... ' Organized Under tho Now I,aw. Which When Another I steps into your position because you've grown old; what are you going to live on, if you have saved nothing? Hundreds of men arc quietly depositing part of their salary at 3 per cent interest, at Our Savings Bank, get ting ready for such a day! Why not you? The First National Bsunik OF coos bay Safety Plus Service GRAVEL' We aro now prepared to furnish ORAVKL In toy luintltltl trom pile In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcu: From pllo on ground, $2.?G por yard. Canoad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 per jui. Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite FosOfflce, Iliual 1M. Abstracts For reliable Abstracts of Title sd Information nlwiit COOS HAY HEAL KSTATIJ, seo TitleGuarantee&AbstractCompany Marshfield and Cofjulllo City, Oregon. Oenernl Agents ICaststilo mid RciiKMtuckcnV Addition. Special attention paid to assessment nnd paynient of taxw. 1IK.VHY BWXflSTACKK.V, Slsnagcr. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & Kink'. I-ho Slarhhfield nt 7 a. m., auiI rcturnliiB leaving from Emplrfl 8 a. nu Leavo Marshfield nt 11 a.m. nnd returning leave Sootn Slough at 1 p. in. Leave Marshfield nt 5 p. m. and rcturoUf leavo South Slough at (I p. in. 1MTER-0CEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agem DRY WOOD at Campbell's Woodyard North Front Street Phone 08-J PORTLAND rj7 rn First ij IM Class imaimi STR. BREAKWATER SAILS MAY 5 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. fi. fi. CUSIUXO, Agent Direct sailing to BCWJ 8AN PASCi , llAUUAKA, LOS A-c PAN DIUGO. F. A. KILBUKN MAT L J. S. Coke, Judgo of tho Circuit Court Of tho Stato of Ornemi In , ,- ..... .; "": wcmviimu All Kinas a snec iiiu iui iiiu v auiuj ui I.UUJ, llllieu . .. ... ... ,. 'i,-,- tho 22nd day of March. 101G. direct-. lull-y' wrS. W. W. IMaSOn. OBU WEAVING All kinds a .Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon. Ing tho publication thereof In The' 12th Cotirth. So. Phone 220-R according to tbo respective pints Coos Hay Tluiss, a newspaper pub-l '""'" ' County, Oregon, which said roal prop erty has heretofore been attnehed herein. Service of this suuuuous Is made 0 IP A. II. IIODfilNS thereof on file and of record In thojllshed at Murshfiold, Coos County, iT. .1. SOAIFK County Clark's offlco of Coos.Orogon, onco a week for six con-1 unontli'n inrt.ilfo 4 ' w. u. douolas. Marshfield LiJRLAS? Attorney Tor Plaintiff, 3-22, 29; 4-5, 12, 19, 2C; 5-3. DECORATING CO Vatlmatea Furnlabed I 1'boao 11B-H. Uaxauiield, Orefo EXPF.RT WFI.niNfi of METALS Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings ma e liKe new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage Worth From o- Phone 180-J. cse h