IT ISA BAD PLAN TO PLAY ANOTHER MAN'S GAME MAKE A STAB AT IT OCCASIONALLY i dapfh THAT fflOttB ExtmB H' BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS a CLEAN WHOLESOME A NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES &ITY EDJTIOK O'CLOCK MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATKD PRESS mm Vol. No. XXXIX. LEADERS GET President of Collapsed Irish Republic and Head of Ar my Executed IIOSJE SHOT Tried by Court Martial and Are Promptly Found Guilty of Treason SIGNED PROCLAMATIONS Patrick II. 1Viii-o .Initios Connolly. Thomas .1. Chirk nml Thoinus .Mi--Jlonoiigb Among Those Who Lost Tlii-li I.Ives CHIEF SECRETARY I'lMl IHKIiANII RESIGNS Bf Auetltt! r"M " Co "' TD"-' LONDON, May 3. Aubub- Ulno lllrroll, chlof Bocretury for Ireland, haa resigneu. tt D AnocUIrd Trent lo Coon llr TlmM. LONDON, May 3. Four Blgnntor les to the republican proclamation In Ireland Imvu been tried by courtnmr tlat nnd found guilty unil shot this morning. Patrick II. Ponro, "Provincial Preililent of Ireland," was nmoiiB; thoto shot, i Three olicr eigncra of, the proclamation woro sontoncod to thrco ) ears Imprisonment. Premier Asqnlth mado tills an- DEATH PFNALTY noufkemont In tho house of poi.1iiioih,1)jW inis aueriiuuii, Connolly Also Shot. Another of tho rebels found guilty ind shot this morning was James Connolly, who was styled "Command tnt Genuial of tho Irish republican irmy." It later was announced that two other signatories of tho republican proclamation, Thornru J. Clark '"ll1 Thouias McDouough, Wero found guilty ami shot. VMPQUA COMMISSIONERS POST I'O.Ni: ACTION 1'NTIIi LATER Tito lllds Arc Submitted Ouo of Which In Mudo by Local Rank Attorney C. It. Peck nrrlvod homo It evening from Gardiner whero be uent to attend tho meeting of the commissioners of tho Port of Umpqua wlion bids for tho $200,000 bond Issue wero oponod. Tho mat ter of nccoptlng a bid was post poned until May in when nuothor meeting will bo hold. There- woro two bids. Tho First NitlOnal Hank of Marshflold bid 1197,500 with tho proviso that tho woney bo deposited and handled from the Mursbflolil bank. Attor ?r W. U. Douglas nnd Dorsoy Kreltier wero present nt tho meet ing to represent tho bank. Tho Spokana and Eastorn Trust Company of Spokano bid $188,000. Mr. Hayes who ropresonts Koolor Brothers of Denver, was present and Wed that ho would submit u bid "ore tho next mooting. One of tho members of tho com BlHlon objected to tho provision that tho money bo doposltod In arslifieiu. H0 took tho stand thnt w.was a uanU ,n Gardiner and t it Bliouhl handlo tho money. e commlsslonors will decldo at tie next meeting. PluiiN Submitted engineer James Polhonius was fent and submitted his plans for e Jetty Improvement nt tho mouth ' fo Impriua river. Ho said that ? of l1 Jty should bo built or $200,000. The wholo project of ha- V ..les ol,ltl" cst about a mil "On dollars, Mr. Polhomus also visited the Ky Bt0 rl'f ll south of PPrSUedKu." th Un,Pa"a r,ver a"d T HELD UP "''US IV xiflv YORK PILED HIGH WITH FREIGHT Troul,i U Caused by SUIko of Sfn "" Engineers Many Routs Aro Idle IB; AuooLtn rr- to Coo. Vaj TIuim. Virni -. nn'i V. onK- May 3. Piers nre, '. iuEn with freight that cannot nr0V.ed and fifty steamers He at reach An the ha""or today unable to triir . wl,arves becauso of tho rei J ? ,mRrtno engineers. The only lion . ay was offered by tho ac i01 fno of the railroad com 2,'es walch acceded to tho demand ,the engineers. ' n?i!:,)7:A B,rI fo1, Rentral lionso IT BIDS OPENED JIM Established 1878 AsTho Count Mnll PUBLIC INFORMED RESUII'S OK TRIALS ARE BEING MADE KNOWN Some Prisoners Aio Sent to Eugliind mid Ciimos of Women Taken Un der Consideration tlr AikoiIoIcI firm lo Coon liar Timet, DUBLIN, Mny 3. An official state ment iRBiied hero today said: "Tho rohcla considered aultalilo for trial nro buhiB tried by a field general under court nuirtlal under tho defense of the realm net. A soon as sen tences nro confirmed, tho public will bo Informed as to tho results of tho trials. Others nro bolng sent to Eng lund. Their cases will recolvo con sideration later. Tho cases of wotnon talten prisoners nro under considera tion. Tho work of dealliiB with theso trials Is of Brent magnitude and Is behiB pioceoded with all dlspntcli. FIRE LOSS IS BIG REACHES NEALV TWO MILLION POUNDS AT KI'IIMN i Normal Conditions Are Now Restor ed Great Nml of Mi end In County Oiilwiiy Repoited tPr AmocI.IM t-rtn o oi liar limn, DUBLIN, May 3. Normal condi tions are returning gradually In Ire land. Tho chief of the fire depart ment estimates the damage to build ings and stock In Dublin nt 1,750, 000 pounds nnd tho number of buildings destroyed or damaged 170. In county Gulwny, tho Insurrection Is quelled completely hut the need of bread Is great. , rTTr n ,n n I I I I I M IT M I f I T M l, , LUI li-ll IU U i nniu.rt i tui.wi.Mia- THINK EXHIBITED IN CONGRESS Aio Drought Up In Connection With the Controversy With .Secretary of Xnvy tlljr AMOtltcI rrvu to Co IKjr Timet WA8HINOTON, D. C May 3. Hear Admiral Flake's lotler to the seuato taking issuo with Secretary I unlets for tho hitter's stutement that . ho never hud beon furnished a , of Fliko'a jottqr warning : tho CQpy lonnitinent of the uniirupaied state of tho havy In l'JHJ was mado' pub lie today by Chairman Tillniunn of tho naval committee. "Tho Secretary of tho navy courts investigation It one Is domanded" said Tlllmann. "Nolthor ho nor his friends hero like this kind of snip ing or guerilla warfare Theroforo I ask Flake's lottor to tho vlco pres ident bo published so nil mny Judge, how llttlo thoro really Is to hla ut- ternnces, oxcopt mallco and wounded val:lt "In his letter Fisko declnrod ho luil nfvoi let Daniels bo In Ignor ance of any Important matter." T THE TRADE RECOMMENDATION IS MADE TO CONGRESS TODAV Kederul Trade Commission Says Country Should Ciiptmo Share of World's Trade Wf AuocltlM TrtM lo Cou Ur TlniM.I WASHINGTON, D. C. May 3. Legislation to encourage Amorlcan business men to capture a share of tho world's trado by removing all doubt as to tho application of tho ontl trust laws to export business, was rocommonded to congress today In a roport of tho federal trado commission. DRIVE FIRST PILING Tho first piling for tho fpundatlon or tho Going nnd Hnrvoy building waa btarted this morning. Homo or tho timbers are GO reet In length nnd will bo driven through to Bolld ground. HERE FROM THE SOUTH v. E. Dennlsan or tho Btelger Term Cottn and Pottery Works, or San Francisco, left this morning for. tho south. Murphy nnd Wand sett his company's product here. OVER FROM HA.N DON M, D Shrard, wife and friends drove over from Handon this -week In tlielr Chevrolet. Tlvy report tho roads In fair condition. Senior Class Play Friday Night, May 5, Tickets Re.scned at Dusy Corner. KOR SALE Good piano. First $100 cash takes It. Owner leaving town. Roy Carpenter, Phono 425-J. Senior Class Pluy, Friday Night, May 5, Tickets Reserved t Rosy Corner. Coliimblu Flour, $l.BO, Hulnes Dr. Leslie, Ooteopath, Jlarslifleld. 01 MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AGREiENT IS Scott and Funston Reach a Tentative Arrangement With General Obregon NO DETAILS Report Is They Are Waiting for Washington to Give Official Approval MAY WITHDRAW TROOPS Uiidci-shimlliiB Is that llio Agree ment Provides foe the Gradual Removal of the American Troops Fioui .Mexican Soil (tlr AinorlntM firm lo Tont liar Tltnrt.1 i..? ti ar rr...n i '1 A Inn. I I'.li raou, luwa, ij ti. . " I tntlvo -agreement said to have been reached iast night between Scott and Obregon, la generally understood today to provide for thu gradual retirement of the American forces In Mexico. Advices from Mexico City nnd Washington wero awaited today to sot tho seal of approval upon the provisional agreement understood to have boon reached at laat night's conference between Obregon and Scott. Tho conference did not end until nftor midnight and two con ferees omorged from tho meeting In rnro good humor. Neither would talk or tholr deliberations. Will Avoid Towns Tho agreement further was said lo provldo that the Am'orlcan troops would not enter Mexican towns or como In contact In uny way with tho Mexican people In order that friction between tho Boldlers nnd civilians bo prevented. On tho other hand, Obre gon ugrred to purano tho Vllllataa with all thu Boldlors nvnllablo. OBJECT TD PRIIDENT IS CRITICISED KOR PROVIDING IT KOR GUESTS Action Is Taken at. the .Methodist General Conference In Session Todny ( (If AMOfilt! rr" to Com I!t TIoim.J SARATOOA SPRINGS. May 3. Criticism of President HVllson for providing wlno for hla guesta at tno Wblto Honso bunnucts was oxprosaod today In n resolution presented to tho MH,n,iiu nminriil Pnnfnrniicn. The Motll0(JiBt aoncrnl Conference. Tho resolution wua referred to tho com- mlttco on tomperauco STRIKE IS GHDWING THIRTV THOUSAND (JARMIv.NT WORKERS HAVE yi'lT WORK Join Hie Thirty Thousand Who Were Locked out In New Vork Clty fOf AMnfUIrt PrfM lo Coo Pt Tlmn.1 NP.W YORK. May 3. Thirty thou sand garmont workors wont on a itiiitn toduv. Joining tho thirty thou- Band who wero locked out by their omployors. GETS NEW POSITION Charles HiTynioud lo Reroiiio Maiiiiger Sanltiiry 1'tnnl htoio wlS'SanTStsS'Sr? with Olllyant and NafUirt, s g ocer , l.nn n.lllllltnil llin linUIIIIIH MH I II II I 111 k 17 I nun iilvciivi mi.- ,,w...".. - .- or tho Sanitary Food Btoro, to tnko tho place of It. J. Hlllstrom. Tho latter Is going Into tho contracting business with his brother, J. W. Hlll strom. who has been doing consid erable work In this vicinity, anSVn"t fl-wn wKrffio change within tho next few weeka. Jir, Hlllstrom 'boa been In his present position ror about n year nnd has made a great many trlends. At tho sumo tlmo Mr. Raymond Is very well known here as ho hns long been in tho grocory business hero. TAKES NEW CAR HOME A. E. Crouch of Coqulllo returned homo today In n now Hulek alx auto wlilch ho bus been learning to drlvo for tho past fow days under tho tu telago or Georgo Goodrum. DRIVES TO MYRTLE POINT J. D. Harklow returned to Myrtlo Point yesterday with a now isiuck six ear which ho Becured rrom George Goodrum. .Money to Loan on hnnrovexl ranches in uny unioiint, V, E. Con way Mortgage Co. Offlro Myrtlo Arms. Columbia Flour, $1.50, Hulucs H nil iE MAY 3, 1916 EVENING EDITION BIG DEAL IS CLOSED ST. PAUL MEN lU'Y RIO TRACT OK TIMRER Purchase l-'our Thousand Acres of IjuuI Kisiiii Menasha Woodeinvare Cuiiaiiy ?l."(),(l()( Involved Four thousand acres of tho Menn Bhn Woodonwnro Compniiy's tlmbor lnnds on South Coos River, nt a fig ure approximating $ 1 " 0 , 0 1) 0 In cash, this morning passed Into the hands of Thos. Irvine and Son. II. II. Irvine, J. II. Skinner nhd O. D. I.r.iupher, wealthy nnd exteilelvc holding timber men of St. Paul. Including tho $100,000 salo of yen terday, all of the lnnds In tho same vicinity, tho deal now stands at a quarter of a million dollars, not quite half the purchase that Is lo he mndc. The remainder Is being bought from tho Menashn company nnd smaller holders, tho acreago now being un der contract lo purchase, nnd will be tnkeu over ns soon ns title can be perfected. TIiIh, It Is claimed, will tuko very clow to six months to com plete. Tho anlo Is comploted through C. J. llrusehke, manager of tho Coos Uny Realty Syndicate North iw..t ouvuu ijUi itiuiiiun hu HUB boon working on tho deal, having Front Streot. For months ho has' secured an option on tho lnnds noi clinnglng bunds, and finally ho was able to Interest tho enstorn capital? Ists In the buy, lt Is said thnt his commission will run close to $10,000 this to ho In cash. According to Information from hcndniinrtora, tho new owners are still figuring nbout opening a log ging camp on South Coos Rlvor and to log on n commercial basis for the purpose of testing out tho local mar ket. If they dcfinltoly decldo on this undoubtedly a camp will bo op ened on South Coos Illver, and It Is further stated that should this ven ture not prove successful tho now owners will hold tho laud, nt least for n time, for Investment purposes. Several big loggers havo beon horo lately to submit figures, but us yet none of their ofers havo been ac cepted. Desnlto tho persistent rumor thnt tho Weyorhnuser compnny Is back of this move, this la very firmly do nlcd. Though Thos. Irvluo and son, II, II. Irvine, are directors nnd heavy stockholders In tho Woyerhnusor con coins, It Is snld on good authority that In this caso they havo no con nection, nnd nro only nRsoclntcd With SKinner and Lntupher. Mr. Irvlno Is owner of tho Chorry Vnlloy Logging Compnny, of Everett, Washington, a concom turning out thrco nnd one half million feet of tlmbor per week. Also ho Is heavily Interested In tho Northern Mill, of Cloquot, Mlunosota, one of tho larg est white pine concerns In tho United States. In addition to this ho holds dozens of Binnllor camps nnd owns vast undeveloped tracts through tho country, boiuo of which aro sltuutcd on tho Umpqua and tho Sluslaw. J. II. Skinner Is president of (ho Merchants Trust and Savings Hank, of St. Pnul, nnd O. D. Lnmpher, Is n retired capitalist. For ono day tho sale of this morn ing was hold up becnuso thoro woro not enough rovenuo stamps on Coos Hay for tho deeds. The dnal of yes tordny took better tlinu $100 worth nnd that of tills morning, about $120 worth. Mora stumps enmo In.fiom Eugene on tho train Inst ovoulng SIYIE IS HER STEAMSHIP MAN ARRIVES TO LOOK OVER HUSINESS HERE Accompanied by Mr, Craig Prominent Ship Hiilldei' Spend Duy at Hea ver Hill Camp R II, Swayno, of tho Swayne and Iloyt Steamship company and accom- ffiBruuSfnom. of San 1 nrrVed bore last evening from 1 ... tho South. Thoy will bo horo fori soveral daya on business. Today tho men went out to tho Reaver Hill logging camp of McDon ald and Vaughn from whom the North Hand Mill and Lumber com- Z't&FTrZ Mr. Swayno nays thoro Is nothing In view, thoiieh It was reported ho was horo on other than steamship busi ness. The con-irn Ins lutoly been 1II.. n.iA A lrtl oil I ltd rtt(1 lillllil- PUIIIIIR ftUHIO Ul lni. n...,. '"."" Ing now ones. They Have two on mo ways in Grays Harbor Mr. Craig la a large shipbuilder nnd ono ot tho best known men on tho. const In this line Or luto his company 1 baa beon building some BubriiPrlno.i In San Francisco, TERMINAL HATES NEXT Absolutely Necessurv, Sas Philip Hiiehuei', fit Lumberman Tormina! freight rates out of Coos Hay via tho railroad, after freight traffic has been opened up. aro abso lutely necessary, says Philip Huohn or, of tho Huehiior Mill, who Is horo two or thro-3 days from Portland. While ho has no posltlvo assur- anc the ratea will bo granted, yet he feela confluent that tho roaus win take this action. All shipments ot finished lumber to the eaat now depends upon this move, ho Bald, GERMAN REPLY 15 It Is Stated In Clear and Pre cise Terms Berlin Re port Says Leaves No Room for Doubt As To Matter of Submarine Warfare MANY DETAILSARE GIVEN EmuM Niituro of Instructions Given The Siibiiiui'liio Comniandeis Ave Set Forth So United Suites Will Know How Things Stand Dr A.ioclilM Vttf to Cooi nJ TlmM HEULIN. Mny 3. (Wireless to As- soClnted Press via Sayvlllo)Tho draft of tho Gorman reply lb the Amorlcan note has been finished. Tho reply la subject to minor alter nations which mny result froth In terchange of views between lioriin and general hcndqiiortorB. Will Leao No Doubt The attitude of Germany will bo stntod In clear and prcclso terms. Tho noto will lcavo no room for doubt concerning the exact position nummed by Uormauy, which will commuulcato the definite nature, of Instructions that will bo given to submarine commanders nnd other data on which Washington Itseir can Judge tho situation. INSTRUCTIONS GIVE.N , , Siibmarliin Commanders'. Aro rTold What to Do ' ' I f, j -i (Mr AMotUKxl run lo Cou lujr Tlmfi.V I WASHINGTON, D. C May 3. Announcement from llerlln .that new hml definite Instructions wero given to submarine commanders' is tho first pgsltlvo Indication of lipw Germany W)U 'attempt to meet Prcaldont Wll Bon'H final dumnnd that alio abandon tho present mothoda of submarine warfare Whether tho now instructions will moot the terma of tho Inst Amer ican noto nnd thus provent a brouk In diplomatic relations can only bo dotormlnod by u careful examination. E RATE COOS AND CURRY TELEPHONE CO. MAKES APPLICATION lucreiiso Applies lo Souio Long 1I- tuiico Lines and to Myrtle Point and Coqulllo Exchanges SALEM, Ore., May 3. Tho Coos nnd Curry Tolophono company ro centlyVn'cqtilred tho Coqulllo Valley Telejftiono company's lines and Slimtlnv afternoon n notlllon waa fiTed with tho Btato publle service ommlsbloii nsklng for lucronses In rules ut Coqulllo nnd Myrtle Point uiul for conversations between the two points. Petitions filed omo time ugo on the eamo matter woro withdrawn. It la asked tbut ratea bo Increased as follows: Coqulllo to Myrtlo Point From a flat rate ot 10 conta ror nou Biibscrlbors only nor conversation to 10 cents ror tho first mlnuto and a hair nnd flvo cents for each hum ceding mlnuto; for ull persons using telephones 25 conta to 75 coats for ull calls originating upon private runner lines; $1 per month to $18 per year oil all funner'a Hues, 15-party, Myrtlo Point Exchange Old rates, ouo party business, $2; flvo party business, $1.50; resldoiicca. all lines, $1.50; new ruie, one party, business, $3; two party, $2.50; rour party, $2.25; residence ono party, $2.50; two party, $2; I four nartv. $1.75: deak, 26 centa )' r w Antra; extension. $1 lor month ,. ,....,. fill ,.....! r..lllIICO! "" ""-- -" ...-. '-"' illscoiintB, 10 rents on $1.75 to $; 15 cents on $2 to $3! 20 centa 0. ;1 lo 14,00: 25 cents on ovur r ,. f 1...U. Coqulllo Exchange Same now tales as Myrtlo Point. TAKEN OFF VESSEL fn AwtcUIM ffJM U Coot Br Tim.! NEW YORK, May 3. The offi cers of tho Holland-American llnor Ryndam. which arrived today, re ported two women, Mrs. Gertrudo Evelyn and daughter, Miss Anna Maria Evolyn, of San Frunclaco. taken off the ship by tho Hrltlsh at Falmoutl) without explanation, PREPARED POSITION DEFINED MO l Consolidation of Times, Const nml Coon Hay Advertiser. T SERIOUS TROUHLE IS SAID RAVE OCCURRED THERE TO Women of laboring Clnss Clamour foe Pence Reported That Many Aio Killed by Police GERMAN SOCIALIST LEADER IS ARRESTED P7 Amorltlot PrfM lo Cnm Il)r Tlmr RERUN, May 3. (Wire less to Sayvllle.) Dr. Carl LlebKneeht, socialist lender, waa arrested May 1 In con nection Avltli tho May Day demonstration In Horllu. IOt Ai.urlil.t Prm in Com IU; TlmM. LONDON, May 3. Serious troublo Is said to have occurred In llerlln nnd olsowhoro In Germnny on Mny Day, Bays the Amsterdam correspondent of tho Exchange Tolograp'h coupany. Vast crowds composed for tho most part of women of the laboring clauses clamored for peace. Many wero nr tested. Two women woro wounded at Chemnitz. Many Aro Killed A Gcnovn telegram to tho Centrnt Nows anys thnt during the food riots at Llepzig, tho police killed thrco persona nnd wounded seventy. In tho rlota In llerlln It Is alleged that twonty-flvo woro killed and two hun dred wounded. REGULARS WIN OUT UNITED KEPUI1LIOANS IN CALL FORMA ARE DEKEATED Latter Hud Endorsed Governor Johnson No Contest With Doin , oernts or Progrosslves (It? Auoclttxl I'rru to Cum ll.j TlmM ) SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. May 3. Additional returns from nil parts of tho statu confirmed today tho success of the conservative or "Rog ulur" Ropubilcnu candidates for del egates to the uatlonul convention over tho United Republicans, who had endorsed Governor Johnson. Tho latter polled n third less votet than tho regulars. There Is no con test In (bo democratic and progress Ivo primaries, IS FIND DEEPER WATER ON NORTH AND HAYNES INLETS Shoals Art) Taken Out, Giving Rout Trunin Moro Freedom llcforo Had long Delays Drodglng or North Inlet has been accomplished so that It la now pos sible to get thu small boats In mid out without any trouble, according to Capt. Nod Galloway, of tho North Stur. This wua done by the dredge lleavor, ot tho Larson Dredging com pany, nnd now llio Orogon la over working on shoals In I lay lies Inlet. So bad had fiomo or those shoala become that sometimes tho pas Bougorn wero forced to get off on tho banks, mid, with thu aid or ropes, haul tho pussenger bout across fhu mud mid Into deeper wut or again. At other times, tho craft would bo duluyed, waiting for high water, until tho crnam would spoil' In tho sun. Also tho sailings or llio boats to nnd from the Inlets bus been en tirely according to tho tides, soma dayn necessitating starts us early us 0 a. in. and changing vory shortly afterward to almost noon tlmo bo foro starting for town. Tho work wus authorized by tho Port of Coos Hay commission una la tho first tliut haa been dune on these Inlets this your. IS HULfJARIA NOT TRYING TO GET SEPARATE PEACE Rumors to That Effert Which Wero Circulated Aro Claimed to Ho Untrue (Df Auorlalxl i'i to Cou 11. f TlnM. iiKsni.lN. Mav 3. (WlrcloES to Sayvllle.) A Boml-ofriclui tologrnm rrom Hoiia cnuraciorwsn u umiuo tho reports recently circulated that Hulgarla Is attempting to arrange, separata peace I E (HVAI.RV SENT TO RRADDOCK, PA, TO KEEP PEACE Plnro Is Reported Quiet During the Night Follow Ing tlu Rioting or YesteriUiy !D AMolt4 rrtu lo Coo nf TlmM.) BERLIN DO REPORT DENIED TROOPS GARG PITTSHURO. Pa, My 3. Foji'i who died of wounds amrereu ai iaj cnvalry attachments arrived In Hrnd-rul. was buried here today dock todny following tho ratal riotlnsj " there yeatorday In whi.ii two were .(), s.VLE New slv-room Wuhh. killed, four probably ratniiy wounueu and u score loss seriously hurt Quiet prevailed v throughout Hie nlltt Mnll NO. 239 Activity of Opposing Armies There Is Confined to Ar tillery Exchanges Today E Indications Arc That Infant Operations Will Be Resum ed Soon REST OF FRONT IS QUIET No New Developments Today Kxcepi. lug a RcMirt. That n Oemmu At- tuck In At'Konuu Is (j Repulsed Illy AMorUtrd l'rnn lo Cooi l)7 TlmM. ' lyONDON. May 3. Activity or op posing armies In tho Verdun region la confined to nrtlllory, but big gun flro nssumod consldernblo Intensity In tho vicinity of Dendmnn's Hill anil Douaumont. Indicating tho probable early resumption of Infantry opera tions. With tho excoptlon of tho ropulso of tho Germnn attack In Argonne, the remnlndor of tho Western front la without developments. f SURMARINE SINKS SPANISH STEAMER t ' Ur Aitodtt! I'rfM to Coo Br TmtM.l LONDON, May 3. Tho Spanish steamor Vlnlfroda, 1,441 tons gross, was cunk by n submnrlno. Ono inoin ber of tho crow wan lost. OPINION OF FOREIGN ATTiTURK WITHHELD FOR TIME Senate Coiiimltteo Thinks TUue, U Xo Oppoilune to Mnko VMM Coiiud-' AttRudo I fD AsiwcliUl Tni to Co Imt Tlm. , WASHINGTON, I). C, May 3.--Aotlon wiih Indofinltoly postponed tloiiH arrectliig tho foreign aRttlrs ot commltteo on all ponding resolu tions arrectliig the forolng affairs of. the United States, olthor with regard to Mexico or poucu In Europe. The commltteo detormlnod tho tlmo waa Inopportune lor any expression ot opinion rolatlng to peaco or war. BINBJMFUTEO DODD'S SOLDIEItS IN MAN TO MAN FIGHT Klfly r llio Vllhi 1'olloMors Killed and ThU Ainerlcnns Doad mill Thrco WouihIimI IB. owKttii rrM t co bt Tui I FIWLD HEADQUARTERS, May 3, (.Motor courier to Columbus.) It was inun to man righting and soma of tho Ainorlcaus wont up the moun tain sides with knlvoB In their teeth during Colonel Dodd's battle with tho VIlHstiiB April 22 nt Tomochlc. At loust nrty bandits kero killed or wiunded ugalnst the Amorlcan loiw of two doad and threo wouuded. Ouo Woman Killed One Mexican woman waa wounded, by tho bandits. "It wus the dovll's own playgrounds," This was Dodd'8 description ot this battle In south western Chihuahua among the tower ing mo'iintttlnn whore 150 bandit! sought refuge. Mexicans Havo luingo For two hours, Dodd's troops or the Soventh Cavulry, Companies E, II, I, and L. rought from mi IminonBe hol low with tho bumllts on three sides, charging deilboratoly over tho marked ground with bullet purrs in me nust "".on tno r icoi, wnere mo mum :. . : .. . . . .. .,. ...... cans hail their exact rango ISS s Fl NERAL OF CORPORAL M'GIIHK HELD IN MICXICO j Dies As Result or Wounds Ho H reived In tho Fighting ut l'UITUt ft I Ci uuxlm firM to Cum n7 TlmM I ' FIELD HKAnqUARTERS, NawV milpn, May 3. (Wireless tp Coluat bus) With military honors, tke body of Corporal Benjamin McGhw, low, completely furHllil; North Tenth htwet. N. S, MattMiR, fimm ass. , . USE BIG HUH NEAR VERDUN ATTACKS INTENS IS ND EXPRESSION 1 00