THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1916. EVENING EDITION FOUR " ' " V . - If s COOS BAY TIMES M. V. MAI.ONEV, Editor anil I'uo. DAN B. MALONEV, News Editor Official Paper of Coos Count; Official Paier City of Mnrahflold. Entered at tho Postofrico at Marsh Hold, Oregon, for transmission through tho mails ai aecond-claiB nail matter NEWS AXI ADVEUTISIXd AT TIM Hi rail to tllinllnn T TIMES there aro pcoplo who to understand tho dis tinction between naws mutter and advertising. Frequently peo ple will offor to pay for tho publi cation of news matter in Tho Times or for tho suppression of news. Such offers nro always declined for tho reason that It Is an ubsoltilo rule of this paper that payment will never bo acccptod for such services. That rulo Is In compli ance with tho principles of goon Journalism and tho laws of tho United States. It is a rulo that Is never broken by tho Coos Uuy Times or anyone- connected there with, as ownor or employe. Nowh mattor for publication free of cost is always solicited, and biis Koutlons or contributions- of this class nro appreciated. Advertising Is niso solicited and appreciated, but a distinct lino Is maintained be tween nows or Editorial matter and advertising. It sometimes hnppcus Hint the printers Inadvertently omit a mark of paid advortlHOineut but it is nev er done knowingly or with Intent to deceive. Those explanations mo made be cause tlieru aro good people who do not understand the ways of le gitimate Journalism. Somu ' pa pors have loose morals on this subject. The Times lias strict rules relating to these mutters and thosn rules aro faithfully observed. ' t WITH THE TOAST t I AND THE TEA I ' 4' ()()!) EVEXIXO Fathor Divine, tho daylight now Is gone, I rest In Thee, Teach mo Thy will, Hint I may bo at one With Love nnd Harmony. Selected PINJ COXyUKIllXU AUTO A' life a iu, thixu Onco to have heard tho song of the Thrush Uowlldor tho nameless glow of May; Onco to havo dreamed In tho twi light li'ish Of tho words which Lovo can say Just those and tho lifted lips will sing: "Ah! llfo is a blessed thing." Onco to havo stood whoro the shall ows fall, Llko tho mystical veil of u sor coror; Onco to have hold In your arms tho nil Of tho world to you tho form t of hor .lust this nnd tho lips you klHs'd will sing: "Ah, llfo is u blessed thing." Onco to have eried and felt the pain That stings when the soul Is red with Hln ; Onto lo have prayed and beheld tho statu Clean swept from the heart with in; Just this and thu penitent lips will slug. "Ah! llfo Is a blessed thing." II. E. Ilarmau oldlng boforo they got tho wall paper on!" said tho subordinate. feonio Coos Bay women who dress llko fashion plates look moro like patterns. While some Coos Hay folks nro optimistically "looking for better things," tho real guy has got his sleeves rolled up working for them. It Is not so difficult to got 11 dl vorco If one litis the wherewithal to satisfy tho lawyers. ?:rTtri I PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ivLWb ur untuuiv XRWUBHO- Jones llros. & Co.. of Portland havo decided to locale- a loganberry Juice factory In tho city OXTAUIO Two men fishing for sturgeon in tho Snake river using part of a Jack rabbit for bait caught nn otter, the skin of wihlch Is worth $30. Tho smaller the community the greater tho excitement when some follow gets too attentive lo another ninn's wife. It Is always safo for a Coos Hay married man to net chesty around homo on pay day. ItAIMIOAl) TO WH.'UE III VIM (From (Irnnts Pass Courier.) Reports from tho Coqulllo coun try are that the railroad Is fast be ing projected toward tho Mule creek divide. This road Is tho one being built for tho Smith lumber ing company, but it Is standard In every way, and will no doubt ulti mately bo part of " road to con nect tho Hoguo valley with :ho Co qulllo country. The road Is iumv Hearing tho coal fields in which many (Irnnts Pass people are interested. PENDLETON Charles J. Koch. proprietor of tho Empire- Furniture storo has purchased the State Hotel block for $15,000. Or. A. L Houseworth, Physician nnd Surj?co Office: Irving lllock. Office bourn: 11 to 12 a. m.; 9 to I. nnd 7 to 8 p. m. Phones: Office 1 l.'t-.T; He., 1-18-L J. M. Wright Phono 188-B BUILDING COXTKAOTOIt Estimates furnished on request Oldest llniilc In Coos County HOSBHUHCJ Tho first cratq of strawberries to go from Hnsoburg to the Portland market this season wr.s raised by William Pomberton. UTOMOIIILE manufacturers see no signs of uu approach ing curtailment of thu demand for cars. They eciusldur that (ho new vehicle of transportation Is still In Its Introduction period, a lusty youth, Indeed, but with a fine prospect ahead of a long ami splendid manhood. Tho general manager or (no Na tional Automobile Chamber of Commerce puts tho capacity of (ho Uulled States for thu absorption of motor cars ut fi, 000,000. There wero 10,000,000 horse drawn ve hicles In iiho In this country In 1010, qulto a substantial field to Invndo. Thero nro now Ti, 000, 000 fauns In tho country, ono half of thorn freo from mortgnKOH, nnd the farmers aro certainly taking to tho ilovll wagon In astonishing fashion. Tho territory in sight is promising. It Is believed that u million or more cars can bo turned out nn nnully for years to oiiio without dnngor or over-Hloeklng tho homo nnd foreign markets. Thero wero S!il!,000 cars sold in 1015. Includ ing $111,000,000 wortli sent ubioad. The most striking fen turn of tho piosont status of tho Industry Is tho Improvement In tho cars com bined wltli u groat (locraiiso In price. The average price for pan soiigur rant last year was 7:. In 1007, when only 85,000 cars wero made, the nverago price was f 2, 11.1. Yet, tho present car l, Infinitely superior to tlio rnltlo tinp of 1007. Tho Improvement and tho cheap ening and tho reiMKiiltlon of the great vuluo of tho automobile ns n business and Industrial utwot nro tho main reasons for the steadily increasing demand, which has nv orngeil a gain or 10 por cent n year since tho Industry uuiumod substantial commercial proportion. Tho rate of advnuco I IncrouuliiK Instond or IomoiiIuk, us many pro dictod. Thus far In jok; tho In production over tho corroapnnd lug months of I'.ur. U chum to SO per cent. And the curs aro not bolng turned out In blind trust oi finding a market but with a know ledge of tho demand nnd an oyo i.i miy iixml on that 5.000,000 . goal. Some Coos Hay men do not speak lo their wives for bonis at a time. They do not llko to Interrupt the dear thing. The lioublii with thu helping lunula, that aro extended Is Hint thero Isn't anything in them. J t GOOD ROADS NOTES t Tim following notes on good roads nro suggested li tho good roads boosturs. , Skamania County, Washington, with an area a little moro than Coos County and containing less than ono-slxth our population bond ed Itself Tor $: 10,000.00 or $72.7 1 per capita, based on the 1010 cen sus riKUrus. If Coos County bonds Tor jaim.iiuo.uo it will bo $jo.ii; per eiiplta taking thu 1010 popula tion of 1 7, ono. Coed roads will mean as much to Coon lounty as to Skamania County and thero aro moro people here to pay for thorn. Homo folks urguo that putting tho main roads on permanent lino RIDDLE When Mrs. Oliver Har mon filled a kerosene lamp with ges ollne tho lamp exploded, tlm honso was burned and the occupants barely had time to escape. Or. H. M. Shaw Eye, Ear nod Thront Specialist GLASSES PITTED Phono UUO-I." Itooins 200-201 Irving lllock. ..a. MATTIE 11. SHAW. l'hyblclnw nnd Snrgcoa Phono .'lilO-J. Flanagfift & Beimetnut Sliiivlifitilil, Coo.s Couiitv n-.... UCflK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Pmf 1NTK1IKHT PAID OX TIME AXI) 8llVlv .JliQ unicorn J. w. DENNETT, President; j. i-ruaiuuui; u. i WILLIAMS. Assistant Cashier. County, Oregon. St. .- 000 A8. II. vi..iK-.IS Cashier: o V ". VI ?- INCIIESTE Flanagan 3b Bennett Bant OF MY11T1.M im,vm ll Capital :o.a .1. w. uiswiMisTT, President; JAS. H m., ' wu President; L. M. SUI'LEE, Cashier; L T 'DEM X' Vl "' uiUIUt K G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room .101 Coke Dldg. Phone 145-J Residence Phono .10.1-L. ROSEHURO Tho congregation of Uo First Prcsbytorlan church gnvo W. G. Chandler ARCHITKCT Rooms 301 nnd 302, Coko Ilulldlng Marshflold, Oregon. Cashlor. I Bennett, Trust Company a Capital, Surplus ami Undivided Profit 111. .. tUllLS .n nt; An. Officers J. W. DENNETT, President: TOM T IivvmptL ' W President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary;' SS' TON, Treasurer. a reception to tho retiring pastor.! WILLAMETTE-PACIFIC TIME ....... ... .. I nn..r.ri.i r. n r. . r- I Secretary; DENNETT WS Tho Only Trust Conipnny In tho State, Outside of ihi . Ornnl., Under the New Law ' ch Dr. Paul ,f. Lux and his wife, who tiro going to Lindsay, Cnl., to live YONCALLA The officers aro de termined' to solve tho myssry of tho burning of tho Methodist church, incendiarism being suspected. DALLAS -The slx-yonr-old daugh, tor of II. R. Eneott, n famrer, wiib fa tally Injured in a runaway uccidoiit. ICvery now and then you will sue 'i Coos Hay married man who Is so weary looking ami mi seedy look ing that ho gives you the Impression ' an(l mt,u without surfacing, will that his wHo makon him sleep In IU)l "l!,lu tl,ul avallablo Tor your tho woodshed. , around travel. Hut It will help. Is J It not truo that tho road between The fact that ho hasn't a postage : ViWf ,l!l' '! Coimlllo wus closed stamp is always a good enough o- l0 ",l,0 loi '"t winter than over ciihh to mako a Coos Hay man pun l,,,foro? W,,H ll lioeiuuo thoio was orf writing to his wlfo. Hut If ho "Ml' ral" mBt ',mr "n ' "ro ts writing to .uuotlier man's wife v''0"" 'oar M,llt'0 tl10 'lt' cie to Im'll net a stiimn If hu has to walk I l1"' ty? It was not. It was ton blocks for It. i l,e4'a,l,0 t tho Improvomonts In Rmc and grado whloli wore made on DaiiKht. r Isn't much nccount at ,ho Mml last 'our. It Is much oas- EITOENE Tro Lano County Po mona (iratigo adopted n resolution favoring tho passage or u law to tax nil dogs In thu Mute. CORVALLIS .ludge S. W. Me Faildon, ono or tho best known law yers In the county, died at his huiue. SCHEDULE BETWEEN Marshfield and Portland (Now Effective) "H ' Jii r" rWWHWTHKIjyTffMWrn7rT I" hth h I Train No. 1. Leaves 1:30 a. m. C:10 a. m. 7:20 a. m. Train No. 2. Stations Arrives Portland 10:1 Up. in. Ar. Eugene Lv. Ti'.l'i p, m. Lv. En genu Ar. 5:15 p. m. -1:15 p.m. 2:35 p. in. p.m. 1:28 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 11:20 a.m. 8:1G n. m.. Not I 10:00 a. m. Maplolou 10.10 a. m. Clubman once) 1 1:17 a. m. Ada 11:50 a. m. (lardlnor 1 :1l0 p. in. Reedsport 2:1Cp. in. North Lako 10:31a.m.! 3: 15 a.m. North llend 0:10 n. in. 3:30 p.m. Murshrield 0:20 a.m.' HA KER Artec shooting .1. C. Halrd twice with n double barred shotgun, William Cole, it Roukcreek ranclier, gave hliuxolr up to the sheriff helping mother with other, things, hut she Is always willing to help mother tell rather whom ho gets orr. You can noglout a wlfo all tho other days or tho year, but If you remember to bring her something on hor birthday tho will forgive you the uoKloct, Every day must bit tho longost lay In some towns, Some movement started on Coos Hay make moro noUo and aceom pi lull Ihm than anything olsu eior Introduced In thU country. After a Coo Hay man nets along Into middle llfo ho dim-over that children do not ink all tho fool (incut Ions. Onco In a whllu you will find a Coos Hay married man whoo Idea of cruel ami unusual punish ment U lo hao to upend an entire owning nt homo. One of the plousiUe of editing a nowsiwpor oiiOimi Hay is that ev ery uuhtfcrllMir kmoi'vhh the iIkIU to control tho pulley or said uewspR-per. THE FALL OF .MAX TOPICS OF THE TIMUS Not many dny now until primary election. that When there Is a right under way It Is hard to kuop iliu Irish out o It. A White Plains. Now York, court has decided that a man's liouia le gally U whoro bin wife may happen to bo. This la a (lauiorgiis preced ent. A Knocker oiin koj no hltr nieu on Coos Hay. Thy all kwiii at small as he Is. Ilelnic tin uptluilit ! tUI right In Its way but don't gvurdu ll by IjmIpji n sucker. 1'hls Is tho truth. He not misted, And this rait do not doubt; You fall In loe; thou .von mo wed And have u fulling out. Coos Hay women am slower than Ooui Hay num. It takes mot or thorn 10 years lo loneh tho use or 80. ' Lovo will find a way even ir It Is only u way out. STORY FOR THE DAY I The storj Is related or a Huston coutrurtor who was startled one morulas. wheu his foreman rualied In with the uews that one of tlfeir new houses hud tuiubleil down In (he night. Whnt cBUiei u?" nvU the how. 'Why, the workmen mud tho mistake or taking down the seuff- lor to travel a straight level road In the mud thnu It Is to go up mid down hills mid around corners. There's tho reason. Tho Allies borrowed moiioy on bonds In the United Statos and loft It bore to pay ror munitions with which to conduct tho war In Europe. Coos County can borrow moiioy on bonds In tho East and spend tho moiioy right hero In Coos Coun ty for roads, to conduct our busi ness over. It would seoni hat Coos County has It all over Eu rope Hooding Coos County will bring $302,000.0(1 of brand now money bore to spend for building toads to porniaiient lino and grado. Over 00 percent or the nionoy will stay right lu the county and will in turn go t,o tho laboring man, the merchant, the doctor, lawyer, oto., and make a circle or prosperity. building a groat many things lor ilk boildos roads. Wo oan surely at ford to borrow money now with the rutin o assured. BROADWAY HOTEL Kleaiii Heated :: Hot Water. Transient, T."e day; $:i.O Per Week. Apaitiiicuts, .'SI." pec month. Every thing furnished. Phono :t(l.. L. .1. .ILSTEX. Proprietor. When Another I t"r-e. steps Into your position because you've rjrown old; what arc you going to live on, if you have saved nothing? Hundreds of men are quietly depositing part of their salary at 3 per cent interest, at Our Savings Bank, get ting ready for such a day! Why not you? The mm! First OF COOS BAY Safety Flos Service BA I.EM Tho Into .Mary C. Chart- wick, wHo or a deceased icovernnr or OroKon, loft nn estate consisting or SUll.aoo In persona! properly audi $7,000 in real estate. ! MONMOUTH Preparations nro boliiK made to hold May Day exor cises at the .Normal campus on May 0. PEXDI.ETOX .Mayor Host Is to bo tried on a clmrKo or vagrancy and will flh'lit It in nn offort to nialce a test case of tho prizo fight law. IWIIK TEX CENTS City Limits Xortli Mend, He nn commutation nn ZU TICKETS, 1.7.1 ZU Marshfleld-Noi'tli llend Auto Mne Cars evory ten minutes Jrom G a. in., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 1 1 a. in,; to Em pire three trips n day. fiOHST Ai.KIXfl. Prop-?. GRAVEL We ro now prepared to furnish ORAVEIj In ny imnttt'ii trom pile In our yard or In carload lots, nt following prices: from pile on ground, $2.?fi por yard. Cnoad lots, taken from cars, J2.00 per jiti Itetall Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Oppoblte TosOflce, Pfauii 199. KLAMATH KAI.I.S Tho movo inont to recall couucllmon Sheets, Miller nnd Matthews has boon held! up by a legal Investigation. AI.HANY Onp hundred ohlelcom wore klllod by a hall storm, tho hall stones killing them Instantly Avhon striking tliom. DENI) Aniioiinoainont Is made that tho Sholvln-lliMin company will Increase tho capacity of Its lumbor plant. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. I.ocnl Treasurer For rcllablo Abstracts of Title nnd iKiut coos H.v mat Aosiracts sstT Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshfield and Coqulllo City, Oregon, (encrnl Agents ICastsfda nnd SciiKitnckcnV Addition. Special attention paid to nKsessnicntH and payment oftatN. IllS.VItV SEXfiSTACKE.V, Slanagff. hX (iUAXI)H Three mon who broke out of tho county Jail havo j boon roewplured and aro again in confinement. I HAKEH AHor a neareh of rour1 years, M. ItnrrowH has recovered a , rich vein on his "Sunny .Iliu'' mlno. 'll.l.l.KX(;i Mr. Aithur K. Peck Caudidato My Dear Arthur Lets scrap this thing out in tho upon rather than with printers Ink. We are both comparatively un known In the County and in order to Klve tho oters a rlianre to get a line on us both and to know wlmt wo stand ror, I am willing to divide time with ou in publlo discussion to be hold In at least throe or the cities of thu County boforo the primaries, lirst debate to be held not later than May 0th, 10 18. E uouse of hall to be borne juiutl and all detail arranueuieiiU to be iimdo by a committsu of three, tweh or us to appoint one and the two to select a third. We can then talk over the Work man's Compensation Uiw, Salmon Fishing Legislation, anil all other issues of the campaign in such a manner that the facts may be placed before the people auil our respective pjattiuiis made clear. I'legae advise mo Immediately or your decision. Very Truly Yours, JOHN C. KBNDALL (Paid Advertisement) SAVE MONEY by ordering tho famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, ton if: 1.00 Lump coal, ton $.1.riO Or half ton of both. .1? 1.75 1). MUSSON, Prop. Phono 1K-.T or leave orders nt lllllycr'ii Cigar fitoro OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gornt .V; King. Lcnio Marhlifield at 7 n. in., and returning leaving from Kmplrt i S a. in. Leave .Marslifleld nt 1 1 n.m. and returning leave SoU Bloiigli at 1 p. m. Leave Marslifleld nt H p. m. and rrturnUf leave South Slough ut U p. in. Dr. I). P. ,niigliau, Dentist, Itoom in, First Xntloual Hank building i HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phoim 3171 w Never hot or blty but al ways aontCartabla to your throat and tongue. A.i nv r 'civ yrnj feol. ln" ov,w.i)';iJ" fcvon after a 1-in ' day. Its 6jancc. Ti.rlcUh Men J of ciilc, all -pure tobacco A Sensible: Cigaretto ((ZpjtfftjMiuvit.'huv Qr, SOUTH COO.S JIIVKU HOAT SEItVICE LAUNCH K.VPUESS leaves Marslificld every day 8 n.m. Leaves heart of river at :t::i(i p. m. STEAMKJl HAIXIJOW leave- head of river dally nt 7 a.m. Leaves Mnrshrielrt ut U p.m. For charter apply on board. I U)(l E ILS SMITH, Prop. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only ' SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freight Agem jgk PORTLAND Jj $$$7 W 1 U U uass iS m. n RJ DRY WOOD ut Campbell's Woodyard North Front Street Phono OS-.f STR. BREAKWATER SAILS MAY 5 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. L. G. rCSHIXG. Agent SEgES Direct sUlln, to ElBBjJ sax rnvNCiwu J llAHIl-Mt . LOS AN0Lt SAN DIK0. F. A. KILBURN miA fo TURKISH A. ClflArfKTTOC VA'O- "O CwnnrorA W HJN ,."vtnlOH.VJ WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R T. .1. SCA1FE 0 A. II HOIK.'IXS, Marshflold fA,NT AND lYimaillluu DECORATING CO I L'atlmatea FuruUbcd Phoae 148-It. MarbbileliL Oregoi EXPERT WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings m like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage i ih i.rni ii "" Phone 180-J. (VOIUi "v"