THE COOS HAY TIMES, MAHSHFIELO, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1916 EVENING EDITION U'HJ The Central Avenue Booster n .si a 1 ? WP W CENTRAL AVENUE, FRIDAY, APRIL 1W, llllll. No. 83. VOL. - 21 " . . - I A - ... --. f I -( I 1 -" "" ... .! Mil I -HiAlTAVKNl'F bachelor T Frank Ulsc or Doc Dlx. Vj L Itloii. KlBlilns rod. Unppl- More crlipe Hospital' "aky row l,ont. .H.pllor Pluvlus. rain. .io"lu ""'" IMiuiimotiin. .Mil"" " Gloomy iioc. ."V none. M...II..H fntl.tl1lC Pretty nurse. -------- ' Hand clasps. Diamond ring. Jomobllo. Preacher's U.oino. .Man Caption for Screen -MOnAIr It "over rnlna on .Coon lly tho Control Avonuo llonnl of C'cnBoralilp.) I EVER STOP TO THINK V- 4 That no rewards nro over adver tised far family trouble? That a lot of Central Avcntio pooplo hoop on looking for It Just tho name? That ovory day Tho Times reports THE OENTRAL AVENUE nOOSTER , Published Eery Friday In the Inter cstH of Coos liny In Generwl nnd Central Acmio In particular. MEAN REMARKS OK THE WATER FRONT, ORSERVER T Entered at the Postoffico as strictly 'n,,,. Hrst-Clnsa matter: flmrn In ?in(lilin J SeC()ll(l-CI;iRS il limit fi.lllrnl Avnnnn llc83 Subscription Price. Your cnnil will'. Hon I. ...... I I. ..I .... .... " in. .amir. m-iweu.i ...uiioii uiiii ucrmnn nad membership In tho Uoostor Club stuto a It h thoy must bo nillltar sjiile-a-wiiile iTIixTltAli AVI2.NTE SAVINGS ' If J.T llrrnd had a million dollara U no'iikln't svend a cant of It for i lap dop. S.UII.II-A.WIIILE- trooim? That brushcii That man Is a queer creature? Tlmt (leorgo Anlckcr will get lint itndor tho collar If you drop a piece of leo down Ills hack? That Harry McKoown finds tho easiest way to catch a fish In to nllek a fork Into It whon tho waiter puts it on tho table. That a British soldier recently had both lugs Hhot off by a cannon hull? Tlmt ho can't kick? That tho oditor of The Uoostor has I boon thinking of going to war? That's why ho hasn't gono? Tlmt you can get groceries at cut rates if you watch tho ads In Tho Thnos? OUR PLATFORM. Ouo Street. One King, Onu Country. .. ..and One Wife at a time our religion. To Uo Oood. OL'R POLITICS. More Ruslncss. HIS follctl started in powers vif In viow ov conditions, Hmco Evans has to clean up the' darkness on Coos th unsettled busl- tir ticklish sttua- wlth tli Germans, an' our ov spccrltual onpreparedncss, t'hu hoped ho won't issue no IMPROVING CENTRA Ij AVENTE w I ROOSTER LOCAI.S Within the lmwl It Is said that, In splto of the strict anti-gambling laws, Rob Mnrsden draws for a full house every night, and often "fills." When l.einau8kl lias a big house, he calls it n Royal Flush. SM I LE-A-W1 1 1 IjE SMOKEHOUSE MINSTRELS "Mr. KcNond, can you tell mo wlm t class of pcoplo aro fondest of bad company?" "No, Mr. Crosthwnlto, I cannot. Will you toll us what class of pcoplo nro fondost of bad company " "Why, doctors, of courso, Mr. Kellond." "And why doctors, Mr. Crosth wnlto?" "Heenuso tho worse pooplo nro tho Wo Knew It All Tlio Time. Wil son Kaufman says tho Uoostor Is tho real thing as an advertising medium. He put in an ad calling city warrants tho other day, and had n hundred oftoner thoy visit them." answers boforo ho was down town' "Aa R00U ftH Mr McClees has next morning. cleared tho blackboard for tho next SMILE-A-WHILE Rnino, Mr. O. Suffryn Mnckryl will Suvnuth of Oflorcn Anlck- ronuor innt patuotic ballad: "When ., .. .....i. dmi'u Hin i.lfii! nT'llin I SO. I.. """ " ' r -v r'i.i lioun ' M'.w.ll ....! Timlin invented smokolons powder ! , ' " 7'B jajnno iiiwnn I . . ... . ..,! rates for trlmtnliiif your ha r? Tlmt ho Bomntlmoii collects ... .. .ii i.l fit lut nlnliL' iil.ln of Kill Iw ulm M" thenamo nf tho gout who can Invent a taxless state B.MILE-A-WIIILE AHIioiirIi Ids business Is to soli (lower pots I Scott hns boon Tor-yIng a great denl lately ubout the styl-i of tho 191U bathing suits. B.MILE-A-WIIILE Thero nro no Imrinltn nowadays for If they should take to tho wondu Al Powers would put 'om nt work getting out logs. The man who soKs tho offlio for that thero Is In It Is too candid to tver get within photographing dls tince of It. good houses Saturdny night. MEN City Engineer (lldley drew plans nnd specifica tions for tho Improvement of Central Avenue, ho realized that his career as n City Engineer had reached a sort of zenith, nnd hand ed In Ills resignation. Tho Council ought to, and will, go right ahead with this improve ment. It Is tho only project which 0Ut'iiiH evor conio up wli'jn nobody had I tho ftieo to get up and say It wiibii t t0!ncodod. Tho only difficulty Is that naino kind or rates Tor shaving? l,, Property ownors do not all ng- That Old King Colo was a Jolly ro ou tho K,,M Proposed. Some old soul? I people want to walk up hill to tlulr That ho wouldn't bo nearly ifa Ilol"o. some want to go down lull, Jolly If ho woru King of England j""'1 ol1!(!1"8 wu,lt to wnl,c l,, rlgiit now? d?ad level. Each ouo Is porfecH That Tho Thnos says u lingo ' wlul"K l1"3 ot,lor fol,ow fllu,uhl stream or wealth Is pouring Into this BL,t ,lluro ""' wn' ho llin coniitrv I '''l0 sl"ll,'u problom confront-ng That a lot of us on Canlrnl Avonuo l'n Co,lllc" ls ,0 l',onHO evoryhoJy, of a ovont, an th' nudlonco would huvon't ovon got our feet wot yet? ",',,' 0,,K"i "0l l" " ' ' ft hcen disappointed. Funny thing th' wny you Lev to ultimatums. It wuz cn3lor for him lc ccomo an evangelist. Rriice ununited th nil ho had to do wuz to clip off th' first letter ov his name an' add six more. Like his name, ho starts out all ' or ny8 tl)nt 8,nco ,10 Jowcrotl t)l0 I'm Dreaming of Onions I'm Dream-1 rigut, an nns aireauy got to uo a 8l(loW!llk , fronl of ,,, 8Weolery liu,lng orYou." liai .mi.iitil (.. Vmil ..' Hi !mtl I w.wu.. ..w..v. .. ..v..,. u m .....j for popularity. Roth drawed Pcoplo who attended th" meetln' last Monday night snys It wuz'ut us aiivortlsed. Th' hnndbllls said "Dancln', Cardplayln' and Thcayter goln' ". Thoy say Hruco dona tit' dancln' all right, an' It wuz tu good na a tlieaytor, hut they wuzn't no curd playln'. This here fake adver lliiln' don't dlgniry th' prorcsslon none. enn readily tell tho ft oin tho now ones. old customers' Tho now ones "ftlf n aiipN one THE NEW WONDER $12.50 PIIONOOHAPII Plays Victor, Columbia, ilr any 10 or l'J-lnch dlM: iiH'oids, Conic In nnd hear It. -SMILEjA-WIIILE- stop up nnd como In naturally, whllo The !' from the poot's fitful pen llin ..1,1 ItlliiU t.Hlli Mini., tnna n.i Dm' Mntl'u Iflllfll llllflirn ftivllltt unfamlllnr step. SMILE-A-WHILE Wo Can't See It. Horsey Kreltzer snys ouo thing that umbos money tight Is that so many people want automobiles. We dunno, wo'vo boon wanting one for thn last four years, and wo can't seo where It's niiule any difference In our rinaucial con dition. SMILE-A-WHILE 4ut tho steady lay or tho honest hen Is the thing that pays tho bills. OEORGE ANDERSON Th' handbills Ilrurc got out last Monday paid th' devil Hi' highest compliment I've heard him git from an ovangnllst. Hruco admitted th' 0nco between prnctlco and theory?" old man could Btay with Mm thrco Gene (right off tho hat): "Theory. Know It Right Off. Tom Crosth wnlto: "Kathor, what Is tho differ rounds. Hut ov courao, If llruco had a done his best, It 'ml a ho-m over too soon t uiako It any kind SMILE-A-WHILE Whether In good tlnios or in had most buslnoDses will vary; Rut my lino uover fluctuates, U'h always "stationery." --K.MIL (lAimiELSON McGRAW TIRES We have just received the largest shipment ever re ceived on Coos Bay. For Mileage Satisfaction Reasonable Price TRY McGRAW SEE OUR WINDOW Marshtield Hardware Co. llroaduny ami Central Avenue. Phono :tl irn e liii and! e tk WHETHER AT HOME OR ABROAD Here are some of the things that you can find here all the time. Pugsleys Candies Park and Tilfords Bon Bons -Augustine and Kyes Choco lates Bunte's Hard Candies Hazelwood Ice Cream Amcker's Formerly Stafford' Central Avenue tlu present Council since it has onl; to rollow precedent In that 'e Igard One famous rc3iilt of this conn- cllmnnlc effort to pleaso is tho ! bridge on Control Avonuo at Four 'toouth Street, which Judge Hall, half 'hi humor nnd half out of It, termed I "tho Corkscrew Urldgo". I Other ofiunlly striking effects' have been achieved. In fart, tho general appcaranco of Central Avc lUiio Is so romarknblo that, looking jWost from any point down town, a stranger would bo puzzled to know 'whether It was a street or a rollor- coiutor track. ! fonio tlmo ago a man who hnd como to town, and bad also 'miiuuRcd uomohow to get past tho prohibition law, turned round tho 'cornor r Fourth Street and took n bleared look Wotward up Central Avonuo to tho skyline. Ho stopped, (took a flim grip on the Masonic T(inplo, and muttered to n passorby: "I been drunk In n good many 'towns, but 'sh'bolp mo I novor ahaw a slitroot act THAT way boforo. Thoy 'ought H tmir It down." I To say nothing or our duty In tho luattor of Improving appearances, wo nro bound to look nftor tho Baro ny of tho nubile: and, us Central git religion. If you liev sometbln' with your stummlck or your i finances or your domestic nf fairs, U'O'.i know it without anybody tellln' !ou, nn' there's plenty ov pcoplo 'right nniong.U your clost friends that can toll you Jest whnts wrong jnu whnt to do. Rut If your In a lost an' undono stnto spccrltually you mny not know It at all, an' It (takes a lilgh class man from th' I outside to tell you your nllln' inn' dopo out tb'ciire. j SM I LK-A-W1 1 1 LB Something New.' Jabbers I tell you, old man, It's a terrible thing when your wife quarrels with her mother and the old lady lives with you. Which side do you take? Hiiver--Nelthor. I preserve an ulurin ed neutrality. London Tlt-lllts. my son, Is whnt Doc Hoiiscworth snys ho Is going to do to Charllo McKuight In tho pool game he's Just commenc ing with him, nnd practice Is when Doc afterwards pays for tho gamo.". SM I LK-A-WII I LE One Wny to Figure It. Krnnk Ilortou Is agin' Ron Clinndler's now ddg ordinance. Frank says (thero aro several hundred dogs In town, whllo thero aro only about half a jdozon lawns that the dogs could hurt any, nnd .he thinks It would bo class legislation, SMILE-A-WHILE ROOSTER PERSONALS Watchful Waiting. Mother Gladys, you stood on tho Vorch ipilto awhile with that young i (nan last night. Gladys Why, moth ler. I only Mood thero for a second. Mother Mm I'm sure I heard the third and the fmirth.-IMtt Panther. Household Strife. "Vou'ro pretty easy to see through," said tho cbalr leg to the window. "1 Avonuo Is now, It is positively dan- jmuko nll-theso chairs stnud around." gerous for an a miirdor-cycla to u. ol on tho struct moro than Torty mllo3 nn hour. -SM I LE-A-WH UN LIMITED KNOWLEDGE a-raaro-KTOi-K-acyv Fresh Shipment awBernes Strawb list is p Asparag fil ' II That limy be," replied tho hcorncd window, "but I think I win by a sliudo." Pciiii Stuto Froth. Channlng on Amerloa. Earnestly do 1 desire for this coun try tlmt, Instead of copying Europe with an uudlHcernlng civility, It may liuvu a charucter of Its own, corre sponding to tho freedom and equality of our Instltuttdns. W. E. Chunuliig. "Mouoy tnlks, you know, and" began Al .Mendel. "You may ho right," ncknowhlg- cd lko Chandler. "I hnvo not for u long tlmo boon nblo to got near loiioiiBh to It to know whothor It! does or not. I sometimes seo It ' . . . In tho dlstnnco, making ueristvo gostui03 ut mo with its thumb fjnrtuiilty for diplomatic liiterchango j,,, ropllod tho ei its nose, but, that Is about ns far; down here." Washington Star. j .. -,.(l 0lt Jl0W ia . i,i i. ill I my acquniuiancj wiiu u goes, j - j Talktnn and Looklna Dackward. I Sufficient. "Do you think wo shall ever estnfr IIhIi communlciitlou with Mars'" "See no reason for trying to do so," replied Mr. Growchcr. "Enough op- JOHN T. HARRIGAN Bays tlmt fig uring out how tho war Is going to enil is Just ubout as easy us taking a stick of striped candy away froniia hnby. SM I LE-A-WH I LE POSTMASTER HUGH M'LAIN nov or mndo a speech In public bo foro bo was S yoar3 old. Rut now bo Is a regular spell binder, Ills inodo of delivery bolng a cross be tween Daniel Webster nnd llruco Evans. SMILH-A-WH I LB HORSEY ICREIT.ER thinks Wilson It tho greatest piosldcut wo hao had since Tart. SMILE-A-WHILE DAVE STAFFORD wantn to know tho difference between an elec tion promise and u fish story. Will ANliur Peck pleaso toll Iilm? SM I LI :-A-W J 1 1 LE D. COHAN Is busily tt tlilB wok experimenting FRANK work with .10 vein I formulas seeking a euro for spring fovor. SMILE-A-WHILE JESSE TERRELL Is a firm bo as Hover In hair tonic. HMILIJ-A-WIIILK THE POOR EDITOR "Dad," suld tho country editor's 10 year old boy, "tboro's a roller ut tho back door says ho ain't hud notliln' to oat for soven days." "tiling him editor; "If wo Kies It wo inn run tho papor another week." jjEMMIBMa. I HI I MM MBM.W Direct from the Willamette Valley on the train this af ternoon. Also a full line of FRESH VEGETABLES; all the good Sreen things from California' gardens on todays steamer. - ' SPECIAL GUITTARD'S COFFEE SATURDAY ONLY 1 pound tins 35c 2 1-2 pound tins 8 At the Home of Pure Foods and Good Groceries Sanitary Food Store SERVICE FIRST (Formerly Xasburg's Grocery.) 'ONE 213 KKCOSn AND CENTRAL Wouldn't You? Uki to trade wRli a store tlmt has no substitutes to offer you where, when you ask for Castorln, for lustnnce, you recelvo the old gonulno Castorla not somo sul)3tanco made to deceivo you. If you like that kind of a drug store you will like to trade at "THE OWL" for that's the kind of a store fliat Frank D. Cohan has mado of It. The Central Ave. Drug Store Frank D. Coluiu Wo Deliver Immediately Rcss-Cuu't you do this us I do It? , Slavey If I could I'd buvo your Job i jr- us president of the compiiuy mid you'd , bo looking for tho one I gave up when I cnnio here. Richmond Tlnies-Dls-patch. Alway- Careful. "Why Is It that old Closetlst novcr has anything to say?" "Just a development of bis general character nnd disposition. Ho Is miser ly even with tho parts of speech." Richmond Tlmes-DlHpatch. Corrected, "Do you go ln,for uvlutlon?" he asked tho beauty of ho high class glrU' school. "No; not for aviation. One goes In for sen bathing, but for aviation one goes up." Chicago Herald. Most Girl Want a Cake Winner. "My son, I hope when you marry that girl you will show her that you ure n breadwinner." "You do? Well, if she can't make It I don't propose to gamble for It." Richmond Times-Dispatch. Cheer Up! Though things did not go right with you Today my Mm do not feel blue. Cheer up, nod when you lilt tho hay Tonight, just miiIIo mid Miy "Tomorrow Is another day." Ami I can get an El Roltun to light my way." THE REST CIGARS THE REST RILLIARDS THE REST RASER.VLL nt ... l rit.. ... Smokehouse "ThatV Hie Place" Couldn't Tell, "nas your pocket ever been picked?" "Really, I don't know, It uever wai before I got married. If it Las been slnco I of courso would huvo uo wuy j of finding out about )t."-Chlcugo Her. a, aid. DR. W. A. TOYE, DENTI8T Hours 0 to 12; 1 to 5. Room 201, Irving Illdg. Central Avenue. Munilifleld MARSHFIELD NEWS CO. C8 CENTRAL AVE. (Formerly Frlzcen's) Wo deliver any mngnzlno or periodical on dnto of Issun :: :: :: :i If it isn't an ANSCO it isn't the best $2.00 to $55.00 Films and Developing REH FE LD'S 220 Central Avenue Marshfleld Ht'SINKSS PREPAREDNBSS Consists In pocscsstng tho very latest and best offlca equipment j nnd uo nfflro Is fully prepared without onu of our 42 Contltnotcr Remington Typewriter.!. Thoy flro tho shots that batter down 7 the fortifications of old fogylsm nnd bring back ns prisoners plenty of orders Seo Mo About Terms L. W. JACOBS 7:1 Central Avenue. Ilione S.tO-J. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE "DICTAPHONE" J Dew Drop Inn EASTER Candies, Baskets and Ice Cream Everything to help make tiio Easter Fcust u Joyous one. Sfx kinds of leo Cream mill other kinds mado to onl'r. Wo deliver rno and glvo PROMPT SERVICE. I Don't Forgot Our Light Lunches BARTER'S DEW DROP INN Central Avenue Don't Forget the Light Lunches You Want Good Insurance Prompt adjustments of Thfat's the kind I write, all losses. Fire, Life, Accident and Casualty. Ilavo Just, added to my lino mm of tho leading llro-stock minime companies In tho United Sttttt's, In. E. I. Chandler Coko Rulldlng Mandifluld Teach Your Children -to Save Money It's the First Step in the art of getting ahead. See that they have a Savings account IN THIS BANK First National Bank c; HOME OF THE SAVER Mauhfield, Oregon BE PREPARED to isliow PROSPERITY A JOYOUS RECEPTION mid CONTINUOUS WELCOME. You run't entertain prosper Ity, anybody, or enjoy life properly yourself unless jou have music In the homo. SEE US AT ONCE. Thomas Music Company Consolidation of Wiley II. Allen nnd W. It. Hulnes Music Stocks Oii Central Avenue. J PLAN TO TAKE Sumday Dinner AT THE Chandler Hotel Th Bub ef a good menu Central AvH U