THE COOS BAY TIMES, MAK3HFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1916- EVENING EDITION SIX Clever New P x For V4MIS DOINGS OF CITY COUNCIL VESSEL OICE SUNK'PDUNDEDTRpT :: u a u n n " ' I 1 T QUICK MHEVMir ADOPT GRADE'PUT LID ON DOGS Women $7.1), 910.00, $ I ti.r0, tfl. "5.0(1, .o.oo nnil up to $:i.oo Wo Iiuvc ni liosltiuicy In NiiyrtiK Mint hd'cctioiis fnim Mils collection will tnociirc (ho Illicit values offer ed on Coos liny for many m'iimiiih. CimtH of every desirable fnlilc, mill In Ntylo iiiiroirlnte for tlrcss and utility wear. Taffeta Silk Coat-, Xowlty I'lalds and Cliorks, Velour (,'loth, Hollvin C'lotli, (aliattlliio and Novelty Sport I'alnlcN. Full and HatiiiK models wllli deep cuff.s and odd collar effcctn fancy lining. .CONTHACJOHS OIMKC'T TO I.OXO WAITS KOIt CASH A.slc Council If Intention Is To Force I'rojicity Ouncis to I'ay For SlrcctH III Short TJino Watchful waiting for their money, wcoks, months and oven years nftcr their work Is completed Is deterring .novo, which was iifuk had VAUIICI) CAItKFIt Capt. Ilaiiiiuoi' lixpcrleiitcd Wrecker May Make Anotli?'r Try to (,'et Oakland off In Tho WeekN COUXCIIi TO I'OST XOT1CFS OF CITV COUNCIL TAKFS ACTION , IXTHXTIOX ON CWNTIlAIi LAST NlttHT Twelvo months or no ago tho steam L'o filvo Property Owners Another TOjy Wni Not lie Allowed to Hun tchoonor Noyo, of San Francisco, wns At Larue About City braining down the coast with a cargo of ties aboard for San ' ran Into heavy weather Clianco to Conic and Talk Over tlm (rade Question Largo About City Hereafter Notices of tlm Intention of the city Idle. velnliiK. barking dogs that council to adopt tho grado on Contraljrun til largo are to bo placed iiniicr rAvoiuie between Fourth and 14th. tho official frown of tho city. An local contractors from bidding on streets woio authorized by tho conn-'ordinance has been authorized male- XKW SL'ITS, DIMWSFS, WAISTS SKI I ITS, Hub Dry Goods Company x "SMAItT WKAll FOH WOMKN" Corner Ilroadway and Central Arciuio. IMiono :t(ll. & TD SEND LETTERS onk to i:vi:iiv auto owniik in STATU IS I'lAX Good HondH AN'.oclatlou .Means to lli-lin Tom In( Travel to Coou County This Slimmer A letter to every auto owner In the state, tolling him of tho high ways lending to Coos liny, of tho .Improved fucllltlcs for travol hero and what tlita country lias to offer In tho wny of scenery, will bo sent out by tho Coos County Good ltoatls association. It In oxpected this will amount to no less than 110,000 letters that will bo soul out. From Portland south through tho Wlllamotto Valley "j tho Pa cific Highway, nn Improved road way that lends through Hosuburg which will by the turning point to ward Coos Hay over cither tho Coos Hay Wngon road or tho Myrtlo Point rond. Should (Set Its Klmrn According to Good Hondo men thoro Is no reason why (IiIh section should not receive Its share of the linmciuo auto travol that takes placo ovory uununor. Hundreds of auto owners Htnrt out for a vacation. It Is pointed out that many of thorn would bo plonty willing to coino hero If only tho fact Is brought to their minus (lint tho sconcry hero Is as good or bettor tlmii that anywhere ulso In tho stato and that tho fishing mid hunting Is excellent with tho camp ing facilities or tho best. On tho Pacific Highway at Uose burg wll bo placed signs and for tho letter as well as other advertis ing expenses tlm Marshfleld Cham ber of Coinmorco hns guaranteed to mutch dtillnr for dollar with any similar organization In tho county. Coqulllo and Ilandon havo prom- ued their old and It Ih expected that North Ilend will also bo hoard from in this connection. 01 1 li:tti:h fiio.m caxaoa s.vvs COUXTHV IS PHOSPHItOl'S Chief l.'iigluecr of (innjtl Ti-tiuk Hallway Writes TI11K Commercial Conditions are IXccllent A. C. doing, who Is In the city from Portland to superintend tho Inauguration of woik on tho new Going building on Andersen Avontia Is In recolpt of a letter from lib Istr'jet work in tho city, according to 'tho statements made by N'.-Moon, jconti actor, before tho city council I last evening. Ho camo asking the city drub If there has been a chango I in this policy before placing a bid I for proposed work. "Thoro is work coming up," ho said, "Is It tho meaning of tho cotin t it to enforce the pnymonts to tho I contractors, or not? It doesn't look I good to us when wo know wo will 1 have to carry tlio financial burden lover a period of time." It was pointed out that In otio caso ho had waited almost two years for the Hut of his money for a street Improve ment Job and has not yet received It all. Walts A10 Costly "A wait of a year," ho continued, 'menus eight percent and a year and a half a full 12 percent, all that should be added to tho bid when It Is first tendered If wo must wait that long for our money." "In thb city wo most always pay tho contractor something as uio work progresses, from Unto to time," said City Recorder Dutler. "Jn somu clttus they havo to wait until tho entire project Is complotcd." Ho admitted that In some cases tho brother, A. S. Going, Chief Hnglneor ; Wolts had been long, but nlwaya this of Construction of the Grand Trunk railway with hcadouartors at Mont real In which he states that every thing Is prosperous up there. In tho courso of his letter ho says: "llualness Is good In all llnus nun tallronds are doing u splendid busi ness. "'Hi-j Ontario lino or the Grand Trunk railroad between Port Hudson and lluffalo Is congested and unable to handle tho business offered. The Western line between Port Huron and Chicago b in the same condi tion. "More than $:ir.(),000,0()0 worth of contractu for food products and uiip piles have been placed In Canada by tho Allies for Immediate filling." NEWS OF L. F. DOBLE'S DEATH IS RECEIVED I. O.O. F, AXXIVKHSAHV IMembors of Sunset Uidgo No. fil, 1, O. O, F, Sunsiit Kucnmpment No. HI and Westorn Star Itolmkuh Lodgo No. U7 are requested to as somblo at I. (). O. F. Hall Wednos- :'ai,0V."",K; ,A,,.r." ''U 'J'.10 l0 !',.. well km.;,,' In tho business world inui.ll 111 LIIIUIIIIIWIIK UIO 5' II II II 11- iilvjmnry of Odd Fellowship. Sojourning llrothors cordially In vited by I. liANDO, Secretary Father or Mrs. Claude Naslnug of .MaiMiflcId Passes Away Funeral at P01 1 laud Tomorrow Word was received tolling of tho death of L. F. Doblo at Hugonc. Mr. I)oblo Is tho father of Mrs. Claude Nashurg who left yesterday to see her father and reached him before tils death. An old aciiualntunce, Jack Robertson, was also with him. Tho 1 funeral will bo held at Portland to morrow morning. Mis. Doblo Is now In Marshfleld hut sho Is 111 and her condition Is such that It will be imposible for hor to attend the funeral. .Mr. Doblo had visited hero and was' known lo many In tho city, lie was manager or tho traveling men In Ore gon and Washington roprovoiUinsi rioliumner. Mayer & Company ami has been occasioned by tho fact the property owners havo been slow or hav.o fulled entirely to niako their payments. Generally this end ed In rorclng tho city to buy In the property. No Interest Provided City Attorney I! rand said that tho eliarter or the city does not provide for tho payment of Interest during long waits for the mony. Tho mat ter was dropped without any further action. To Repair Street Supt. V. W. Aahby, of tho Warren Construction company, said that ho camo "hero rrom Portland with tuu the Intention of at onco making re pairs on North Front street, but found that ho cannot do so until tho loggers havo completed their work. Ho will remain hero and ns soon ns thoy nre dono, fix up tliat paving. This was agreenblo to tho council. ell last ovenlng. C. E. Powers tto- Ing It unlawful to allow doga to run CARD OF THANKS For tho many acts of lovo and kindness extended us by our neighbors, friends nnd acquaint ances, which In a measure holpod to lighten our bunion of sorrow during tho death or our boloved daughter and sister, Alice, wo wbh to express our deep appreciation. MR. AND MRS. IIVDIJN AND FAMILY clarcd that ho Is not plcnccd with tho grade, but voted Tor posting or notices "In order to bring out tho concerned property owner Tor their expessjons." This will In all pob abllity bo taken up at- tho next meet 1 11 Iff or tho city fathers. Tho scicond proilo applied iy City Kngineor A. U. GIdley was brought beforo tho council. It Is one .that provides for u fill of two Instead of four foot at the Intersection of 11th treot. Hut oven at till tlmo there woro arguments for further changes in tho grade as proposed by Mr. Gldloy. Follow Knglnecr's Advice "I am for taking tho grado as prepared for us by tho engineer," protested Mayor Copple. " of tho most serious mlsUikos or tho council In the pnsL has been bccatiso thoy hno gono contrury to expert ndvlco. Thero has dcvelopod opposition among tho property ownors on 12th Hlreot regarding tho manner In which tho street shall bo cut down. Tho action or tho council was to let them get tngothor by themselves and throsl. out the matter and then to coino Into tho council chambers with a doflnlto plan of action which thoy would all ravor. "This is tho best way," said tne mayor, "Inasmuch as tho Improve ment Is a local ono and not one that gonornlly concerns tho city." Cut Into Private Property CUy Attorney J. T. Urand declared that to mako tho deep cut or 27 & root, UB projiosod ror ono placo on that strcot, would mean tho encroach, inont on prlvato property to boiiio ox tent to got tho proper slopes ror tho sides. "This would menn," ho said, "Hint either tho city would havo to pay tho abutting, proporty owners or olso got a roleaso rrom them, waiving all damages," To liny In Property Permission 'wits granted City Rccordor Hutlor to buy In various properties 011 Klghth Terrace that nro back In Improvement paymonts. Tho assessment or 20 1.UO, plus nddod amounts ror tho Intersections, ror a now sidewnUc on Second street botweon Golden and Ilnll, was adopt od. In two wcehs tho council will sit as a board or equalization. free. They will havo to bo either held under lock or koy or bo mado fast to tho end or u chain. It Is so lu other cities; it shall bo tho samo In Marshfleld. They are a post, theso running dogs, de clared tho city fathers. For a yoar or more, said Hen Chandler, who appeared last evening beforo tho council, ho ha3 boon try ing to jnake a lawn grow at his homo on 12tli court. Always there w:ii'k.,j ()I, M VKnSM L'liK.'iies A 1.. 'I-.. .. " " iJ (.,,.. ",Ir fS.oclnttoT10T, "AND0X. Anni . ) tlm steamer Firini.i 1' rei " (1 .. . '" " Ilr-. . tali Hlego. Sho "" yonEt ll"s mornln. .," ni llltr), nnon M...I A lOtlll V, fort, V. . l0ll " "I" "-"" "'" ... --.., ieSIPM... ni uroKen In f u- .. ' ... . . na nm.u n largo liolo stovo lu hor hull. Tlio'"n "HBllcl1 tho vessel in.' 10 funnel I,:"'"'"-1' ll"t there hid ticking abovo the wator. Today the1 u l0,n ln "'0 bottom or VIP llthnu ..I. " , ,"'v" B" "ick the 1..,, r Llilnir llmt ..i., . "eje"f En. taken off tlm i,i , .... a Vl -..ip uui flnnllv was driven onto a rnnfc nn.l ",l" uroKen In .., ' 1Bti ' . . " una n .... flnl'dlr.....! .. . " ' 0 Mprt, vessel BiinK Wltti only tho funnel .."ll timi there d,i v - 1 1 m , .1 ., .... . wu ui in.i. 1 .. fl la ..rlnnt ..H.l .. f... .1..... vl WI'Cll Sllll jlrn.l, .L . Kl nuuiu i;mn. in iii.ti.i. miii u iun llllj u . . - """m ago camo Into Coos liny, rilling the waves as proudly as ever and taking aboard a cargo of ties for San Francisco. Tho saviour of tho Noyo I3 hor! prosejit master Capt. .Georgo llam- mor. the 1 were not snvo.l nj ... ' "61 rt u- ot ;:z'A in 1 veil. lUtamh,-. Itn i1lr.-clei! Mm li.iiilln.. nf lin l"-'e WHH51 loss of pnn.u.. ... " " " '" . "-ueria'si. 1 ... 11.. i. . Mi WIIII'll Ulla nv... . . . - vessel on 1110 niciiH nun orougui nor'. ui'"iMliiiii.l . . . . to Hlivn II1.1 ..-.. 1 " ui (Gri nto sail uiogo lcr reiuurs. i.utor " !. tho boat tuned Initio alongside t'io ' dock. When tho stenmor Fort Uragg wont on tho rocks In the south iiovor- lirMifi linnit ittra tt ltfit'M unn lit Miicnjl , , , .. , ' ... ,al niontliB ago It was this Holfsaiuo up and down the slopes, uprooting " . .. .... ,.1.. .... ,.. .., I ciiptaln that salvaged her. She Is tho grass ami his hopes for a bot ter yard. He asked protection from tho monaco. Tho action of tho con ell wus tho result. Several of tho councllmen declar ed that thoy, too, have been both orcd. D. L. Hood would havo included chicken.) under tlio same taboo. "I kill them when they come In my yard somotlmoB," ho said ,"but once In a while thoy come altogether too now being repaired and having anoth er HO foot added lo her length. So when Capt. Hummer took tho Noyo up to Nehalem to try to nil tho schooner Oakland off the beach, It was an exparonred man thnt tho National Steamship company sent along to tnko charge of affairs, WMm- IHmiin-oin, "P rrom Cl.nm ,,,, - , , -" 1 Capt. Hammer said yesterday that tho Noyo arrived ofr Nobaloni on Wednesday ovonlng and stayod In thick ror mo." Hut at least for1 tlmt lclnlty until It win evident that last ovenlng tho chickens wore not not a thing could bo dono for tho Oak-, bothered. j ,nd. Ho said thee wou'd havo to In No City llnghieer l K.m wm and sea toward tho laud MarBhfleld is still without a city that 11 bout or rnft couid ho flontod engineer. From Mr, Roseburg, tho ongl dlsiimirnveil nnil Inter ,, ,., .... , ilnl n,r nmnifj MIIIUBU. A the council, ciinin 11 lnlter. It rend. ,1.1 ..1 ...., ... .. - - " "" - ' 1 iiijrii iim 11 cimm 1:111111 iiiil rr a. V 1 niuiu in luuuiturs 111111 an on lanu. a I wind. Thoso two combined against hauling ofr the Oakland. Nut ror! 4, two woolen will tho tides bo right to'$ again make n try of It. Ponslhly then r..y tho Noyo will come hack again, ho1, . laid. I a 1 Tho Oakland was bought by tho f ".ucr ,uiy, ,ime - Brtsonuur Up -lie Minor, lohiZ II.IIMtlia n,l .. ""I c. .,ni u,Wt maud for miinm. ..,. ..' dA duly awl 1 a m. Capt. Ilonrlch IMItz, hodoit to thf ,.aieS, rciv-r tlr voyage. Strang winds blew ib, u.u.u hmoiiiu imvo been lrid,,fr and thoro was n Imtcd lor'f, a split mainsail to add to th m or tho boat that lonj ilwe it mno neon mm in 1 110 Oakland ft- 10 ini:n its f'nal rest. The Etr .Minor nrotiRiiiiip a careo of ttr ami empty ell drumi to Sin hi 1 CISCO. Hr. Gennond, of'from t10 Bea n through the breik- lneer last week ers to tho Oakland, thoro to be mado vkwm uiivnii-m ' liter approved by fast for towing purposes. -si-n m nuiurp CIIFRRIKS AUK HIPK Tho first cliorrloa of tho season at Olllvant & Nnsburg's. Phono 109. Wo always havo tho first and host In tho market. Dr. l.csllo, Osteopath. MarMifleld. l.lhliv Conl. $,t.0 tm. Phono 72. "I havo considered tho mnttor at great length ror tho paat wcok and reel that I must respectfully decline tho offer. At tho same tlmo I feel thut I am passing up a good position but do not see my way clour to take any other action." A. II, GIdley, present city engi neer, has assented to remain ror a short tlmo until .Mayor R. A. Cop plo has had a clianco to make fur ther Investigations regarding an other engineer. Hilly Coy Accepted Wll Hum Cox was nccoptoil as as sistant engineer of tho Marnhflold Firo department at $80 to take tho placo of On guson Jr., who has reslgnod. His resignation was accepted, 1). I,. Rood protested that the city 3I1011I1I have some place lu i which to dump the rubbish from tho streets. Tho mayor said Hint tho cleaners uro now under Instruc tions to spread out tho debrb whon It Is placed on tho fill. Hi this way It does not mako a breeding place for Hies and tho plan abb mator ally in fertilizing the soil. SCIIOONKH TILLAMOOK PORTLAND AND COOS HAY SAILS FROM PORTLAND KVKRY TL'KSDAY FOU IXFOR.MATIOX PHOXK 278 TO.M .IAMF.S. Atst., Ocean Dock Arrltrd Rustler, l!o-;iio Illirr j tcrday afternoon, Hailed Adeline Smith, Oa'uJ, 15.311 p. 111., yoMcrdi; Cleone, San Francisco, (.111 p. m., yesterday, Cniiilo River, Sin Fni Cisco, 0:30 p. 111 j esterday AAAAAAAMWB Fyfo Company to run Into Ilandon1 'os, bolng purchased Just nftif 1 the Flflold was lost, and on hor first, hor crow, went ashore osti trip from Ilandon watt carried on. beach at Nolmlcm, Sho It u'dbl the wings of n heavy storm, up coast, ntlll lu good condition td 111 nnd finally after bolng abandoned by I rosont ilmiKer.of nh krokri on the coast, J. A. GOODWILL of Coos River was a Miirshflold visitor today. HOHT. W. SWAXTO.V, (Jraduato ClieiuNt, AVc mo licadquiirtcv.s for the bug. cht lino of Tiusscs, Abdnmiiial Sup. porteiH, lastie .XiiKIcIn, Knee Cpj, Legglngh ami Stockings, also A full ; lino of Shoulder lliaiei. I'httil by ff M expert, -, Jt you 1110 looking for the beit ,' v , ronio to 71 .Maiket AV. or Phono III whero wo can fill any Doctor's Prescription. TIIK THE PENSLAR AND NYAL Store for Quality Chemicals Prompt Dellvcvy Swanton Drug Co HOSIERY Wu liave a unusually good assort ment or hosiery lu all the late col ors at reiibonublo prices, Including a complete lino or tlio famous Knox Knit hohlory as follows: Children's and lloyj flno hoslory, light uud heavy rlbbud, pur Pair ifie Knox Knit ror girls in white tan and black, por pair 2fu Knox Knit for boys only, heavy ribbed, per pair 2fe Ladles Kuo Knit hosiery In tan black and Palm Reach, pair only , :,c For men the Knox Knit in black, tan, Palm Reach and while, per pair , 25c Bunker Hill Dep't Store W. H. Dindinger & Co. Phone 32 I AM THE WANT AD by FRANK M. LEE. My business is cnirying messages. -I am tlio winged messenger of mod ern times, going in a thousand direc tions all at one time liko the sparks from an anvil, I ride tlio vehicle of publicity tho modorn newspaper, I am more efficient than tho tele phone, faster than the telegraph and more wonderful than the wireless, I am as constant as Tennyson's "Brook," a.s capable as Hercules, and as important as Atlas, I am a servant to everyone, I help prosperity and work hand in hand with Opportunity, --I am the instrument of the seller, tlio buyer, the employer, the employe, the landlord, the tenant, the business man, the mechanic the rich, the poor, the old and the young of everyone every where, There is no one who doe? not need me, I am as necessary as machinery, I serve the purpose of an agent, a middle man, a go-between, exacting no commission for the things I do, I am ignored by the fogies, those who have stood still, but I am appreciated by thoso who havo kept up with tho times; those who have adopted tho modern way of doing things, I carry nothing but messages of good newstand am as welcome in the homes I visit as a ray of sunshine on the most dreary day, I bring messages of good cheer to tho unsuccessful and the unsatisfied; mes sages that tend to satisfy the wants of everyono from the wearer of the silk tile down to tho one who dons overalls, I know no day no night; for I am on duty always, I am a saver of money; a saver of time; a saver of steps, I have admission to every home, ov- ery offico and every place of business, No doors are closed against me, I reach the top floors of the tallest skyscraper and the farthest away homes pf the rural districts, I skip no one and play no favorites, I am for all the people all the time, I am a creation of modern times an evolution of the old town crier, I have no substitutes, no rivals, no competitors, I am the "one and only," I am the Times Want Ad, Try me, "; !;'; They Let Him Slee "Since taUns Fein MiO IcUeve I am tntlrih taiimii sleep toundly all rutM." lit A Take two of Foley Oft PHI with a class of P water after each meal td bedtime. Aquickwai way to put a stop w : netting up time i during the ntont. Foley KidneyPillsalsoii pain in back ana Bloc, nnhi. ninmnch troub!cJi turbed heart action, stiff aching joints ana rnc nains due to kidney I bladder ailments. ...,-,.. 1 r r.k R.R.&1 ! up. Sometime; only ""ii everytnini 1 j.j--mii year I w,a ,7 rCfiti I w ---- v - . , curcu boo '"" " ' -.., r v- xt)tpv vrnvKV nn c 1 Don't Miss This: TOitSASSSSSSS, clipping and Sc, with your name nnd adarcaa wn"e"dfc""pouJ,Fde' Kim ,)uckui;c containing aaniica ui uii ..w.. - PilU and Foley Catbattic Tablets, TIIK OWH l'll.UUiiU i i ffiim i7m55cvcJ m Mlt 'r'lrrr-t'r ! I XZg5S2ZZyr umtm In your search for clothes that will give P the clean, live, up-and-dotng look of youlh'ask for KuppGflkimer Clothes Their size graduation, held to fractional ex actness insures a perfect fit. Their fabric va ue guarantees their wearing quality. At $20, you can get a suit you would be pround to wear, and the degree of service w satisfaction increases correspondingly at and $30. THE FIXUP Marshfleld : : North Bend tt 7t MAUKKT AVW.