thht 'twill r'''V THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 1916 EVENING EDITION FIVE Dollar ... fin.'if a week ,v 1-OB A SBW ' . .-i .Hslrlrt '" ,0V .., rut V 174! .-...-rtl All lilH" h So lwB",,,l.l,K noW? ' .1 iui immr- Mill !" - HOMKI li-jtte r8?" fnr lloSnlHO PlIcO (18 L,,i n I'"" '"". . ,i... iis lit. fcSBW A:'!.L " I.W '"" BUY FRESH HOMEMADE fail es felcREAM. pro p Central Avenue tefe i . "" 10 and It n. in. on nccount of tho funeral or tho Into .!. M. Upton. TIIK WEATHER REPORT (11 AnaocUtcd IVfri ts Com najr TlmM, A OREGON Partly cloudy nnd occasionally threatening, southerly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE) RECORD 4 For tlio 21 hours ending at -I : -1 :i u. in., Apr. 25, by HonJ. Ostllnd, BpccUil government MotooroloiglHt: Maximum HO Mlnlmuiu ;i7 4 4 At l:i:t 11. in 3D Prcclpitullou 00 1'reulpltatlon ulnco Sopt. 1, 10 IT. 78.01 Freelpllntlon buuiu period 4 , lust your ,. . 01. 312 Wind, Southwvnt, cloudy. SUNRISE AM) SUNSET Tuesday April 12D. Sun rlsoa nt ri.OU 1111 dsots nt n : n -1 . Lonvos For Jtnnrli. Will Stuuff, lvbo Iuib been In tho city, loft thin ;iiornlng for hi" ranch nt Arngo. Attend Case Today A.It. O'Hrien and O. W. Hrlggs wont to Coqulllo again today to ho present at tho Treadgold duningo case. PuvIiir Men Visit Valley. W. E. Arnold nnd W. W. Ashby of tho War ren Construction company wont to Coqulllo this morning on business. company In Montana. Mr. Arnold Is now hero, but expects to lenvo very shortly. Meet Friday Xg,t.-Tho Young' vo t0 boat Mttny of M copies society of tho Norwegian Lu-i ,.,. frloml8 woro ou tho w, 1 thorun church will moot nt tho GJor- drum Conservatory, Friday evening. Give 11 Salute. When tho Adeline. Smith sailed from the Smith mill yes terday II. Ncrdruin nnd his wire wore aboard, leaving for Los Angeles from which plnco they will go east nnd snll for Sweden. Mr. Nerdrum wns formerly 0110 of tho mnnngers of the pulp mill nnd when tho vessel passed Mnrshflold n numbr of salutes wore r. Nor- hnrf to wnvo him n fnrowoll. I. TliW'n Alnlri. Itlilu. Til run liionl ... ... ... .. " ----v .v. ....... ...l.W i...... win .cmiij. .noiio Harwell, who, contractors sent In bids for the build Is a witness In tho Kdliimt bootleg- ,B of tI)C llttVB, riullo Bttttlon , Ul,8 glug case, went to Coqulllo ugnln this, cltv. T- W0P ,, M. Tn,. , , , morning, llo will bo bofote tho. Wr,Rht ntl(l ud(, nml jiarrlion. Tho 1 grand Jury. Clmlnbcr of commcrco had wired tho " commnndnnt nt Mnro Island Nnvy 1 iifiivn mi' iiiu nouin. ii. j. Hiinn- son nnd Capt. Edgar Simpson loft to day for Sun Francisco on tho train. L. .1. Simpson expects to return In nhout ten days. Yards asking for tho plans so thoy would bo hero In tlmo for tho local 'contractors to mnko bids. Tho plan enmo and othcrwlso tho local men would not hnvo had tlmo to huvo gotten In tliolr bids. DRY WOOD nt Campbell's Wootlyard Aorta ironi mrei'i I'hono OH-J CniiflriiiuHoit It(iiic. Thoso bc 'longlng to tho Conflruintlnn class will meet this evening; at 7 o'clock nt tho church. BICYCLE TIRES lj Them From Us. o jo .Nothing- i I't Them on Your Wlioi'l MARSHFIELD CYCLERY AVING All kinds a spec- kMrs.W. W. Nason. 680 iCourlh. So. Phone 220-R 0YAL Will rict l'aiiilly---llnrry Winkler I left this morning for Ucedsport to j meet tho family of the Into .1. M. I Upton who nro nccompanylng tho rc- mnins to this city. , Looking Over Country. 1). II. Wolls, of Spokuuo, Wash., Is In tho city nnd Is looking over tho Coos Hay f country. Mill Ih Ittiniiliig. Tho mill of tho iCooh Hay Mill Company nt Mllllngton Air running steadily now and employ ing about thirty mon. Kliooinnkcr Coming. Carl D Sliooinnlior, tho stato gamo nnd fish warden, Is expected to nrrlvo on tho train this evening, llo has been nt Ku- gctio for tho past few ilnys. CHAULKS WHITING of Salem, who owns rcnl cstnto In this section, Is looking over tlio country. L. M. SUPLMI3, cnshlor of tho Klnn- nguu nnd Dennett bank at Myrtle Point, vl3itod In tho city. NEWT LIVINGSTON of Urondhont pusscd through Murshflcld yes terday enrouto to Eugono. MISS ELSIE CATLIN, who litis boon visiting In tho city bus returned to her homo In Portland, MRS. A. A. A11UOTT AND MISS GLENDA AUHOTT hnvo returned to Powors uftor n visit In tho city. MIL AND MRS. WALTER NEW MAN who have visited friends ' hero loft for their homo In Port-' lund. MISSES DLANCII CUTLIP and Adn Cllnkonbeard of Coos ltlvor vu In Mnrshflcld yesterday and today. lookng for Locution. Frod L. Parker of Vancouver, Wash, u retired rancher, In looking over tho country nnd If ho Is satisfied ho tuny remain hero. Iln (o RcmIiIo, Mrs. Henry Uou liner ,wlfo of ono of tho heads of tho ! Iloiilinor Luiubor Company, nnd Mrs. Albert llrlggH, hnvo nrrlvod from Portland to tako up tliolr homo nt North IJond. Will Iionito 1 1 oio. Fred Peterson, of Atlanta, On., has como to Cos Hay 'to mnko his permanent homo. IIo formerly lived horo. TONIGHT Moron Will Close. Tho ntorcs of tlio city will closo tomorrow between lliuo Woliilo ltoiiNt Tho young pcoplo of tho town escorted by Evnn gcllst and Mrs. llruco Evans nnd tho singer, .Inck Thompson will mnko tho trip to Tologrnph Hill nftor tho ser vices, tomorrow night nnd will hnvo n lion flro nnd wolnlo nnd mnrsli mallow rnnst. All tho young pcoplo nro Invited to join tho party. Lnst evening, n reception wns tendered tho evangelistic party nt tho Metho dist hall, nnd n largo crowd of young pcoplo wero prcsont. A short program wns glvon, refreshments served and n rousing good tlmo onjoyod by nil. A skating pnrty Is being plnnnod for tho near future. No .Sunday .Mall Tho fnct that thoro Is no Sunday mall for tho Biunllor places between Eugono and Coos Day Is an Inconvonlonco hut tho local postofflco has been trying to remedy tho conditions. On Sunday thoro is no mall clerk on tho trains mid tho only mull which comes nnd JESS LUSE, vdltor of tliu Sun, went to Myrtlo Point on business this morning nnd will return tomor' row. ATTORNEY R. O. GRAVES was u pnssongcr on tho morning train for Coqulllo to look nftor court busincjs. See these values then you can see what power 125 busy stores have Crepe de Chine waists in the Latest Styles and Shades. J. C. Penney values $1.98 Heavier Crepe de Chine waisis in the Leading Shades, J. C. Penney values . $4.90 Middies in all the Latest Styles and Cloths $1.25 value 98c. Others at 89c Middie Dresses, White Gal etca, $"d.uu value, our price, $1:98. Low Prices eoez2 hi h m& Next Door to Postoffice We Lead Others Follow JAMES MONTGOMERY of tho tel oplionu company wont north ou tho train this morning on n IiimI- ; ncss trip. 0 I A. 8. HAMMOND ami N. C. Mcl.ood of North Horn! wero among thoso going to Coqulllo to attend court I . IliiYH a Chevrolet. C. II. Hosklns iil imiitiuii who in iiiu vii iuiiaj' tiiiiti -purchased from Goorgo Goodrum n oe aro "B for .Mursli Chovrolot car. Mr. Hosklns Btnrtcd f,c,t1' N'ort1' "onA Coqulllo, Ilnndon out today to drlvo tho car homo by wny of Coqulllo. KXTIlti: Cll A.V(J K rUliKVIIJ.H AXI) PICTl'UEK iVuSuc Slitcrs, dancing "Plorot rierretto," "Tlio Toreador," i Iftuello" (from tlio tales of llo-l jUid'ThoSoronndo" by Gounod.' ptlon pictures prcsont Kloiviicc Jla1,IIKUOV.VWAY,"InnnctB. tcmedjr drama of romance, lovo fKUucrldca Tlio gorgoousnoss rnacaco n depleted In tho world luiMonablo society Is ahown In p Ktnei. "OX Till; LEVEL" flicinnot dcscrlho this I'7 In reds. Admission r Floor 15c Balcony 10c wniuw M(jinw.Ti,u I...H. ID.1 ' jJifdV-..T,o DovlPa Pmyor 'r-'ody ,! Soul(.. - iiP pjc-rritus EVERY .MtillT Wouldn't You? like to trndo with a store tliut has no Miibutitutes to offer you whero, when you nalc for CstorIn, for Instance, you receive tho old Ki'imliio Ciiatorlu not Homo Hulutancj inudo to (locolVi) you. If you llko that kind of a drug store you will llko to trade nt "THE OWL" for Hint's tho kind or u store flint Frank 1). Cohan has in a do of It. The Central Ave. Drug Store Frank I). Coliaii Wo Deliver Immediately Itreiiks Ills Arm. K, Schroodor of Urondhont hud b' arm broken InBt B'wcok whllo work'- n tho crenmory, .i I Hi. linun .ml fn I ir 1 1 f .i.i ml nt Ufltfln inn numu h"' ft" "k "'"" steam nnd throw him. Mr. nnd Mrs. Schrboder expect to como to Mnrsh flold tomorrow to nttond tho Evungo Untie mootlngs. Speaks nt llniudbcnt. G. L. Hall of tho "Llfo-LIno" returned from Powors nnd Urondhont this morning, having gono ovor Sunday. Rov. Hall lield BOrvlces at Urondhont Sunday nnd last evening conducted a com munity "Blng," nt that placo, tho building bolng crowded. nnd Myrtle Point. Lnst Sundny somo sneks woro filled for North Lnko nnd Rocdsport In tho local postofflco nnd nrningcmontB mado with tho bng irngoinan to throw thorn off tho trnln. It Is hollovcd that soon mail dorks for Sunday trains will ho provided so Hint tho Biunllor places can got mall every dny. Called to Portland. Mrs. J. K. Ford loft this morning to sco her liii8bnud who Is 111 In Portland. Mr. Ford loft horo to visit hla pnronts In I ilnli Inn n fiinl ti'limi 1m irnl nu fnr no I Portlnnd Bufforod nu nttnclc of pto mnlno poisoning. As ho Is still sick Mrs. Ford thought It host to Join him. I Motor to lionrli. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. L. Rood, woro host nnd hostess to Evangelist nnd Mrs. llruco Kvnns and . Singer .Inck Thompson on n motoring trip to tho bench today. Tlio party mndo tho trip In Mr. Rood's car. Mr. 'and Mrs. Harry Hlnninn nlsn vont In ! their car nnd had as guests Miss Mary , C Ayres, Rov. II. U. Fosl;ott nnd Rov. Josoph Kuotts. t PERSONAL. MENTION : II. C. D1ERS was horo from Norm Ucud today. A. G. RAAU of North Hond wns In tho city tadny. CLYDE JENNBR of Eugono Is visit ing In Mnrshflold, J. P. UYEHS hns roturncd from a trip to Lakeside. FRANK I10WHON of Ijikesldo Is at Coqulllo doing Jury duty. MRS. I). A. HARDER nnd daugh ter aro visiting In Eugono. flOjBLE THEATED iurMiurn iS,!;1'1,10'1"1' ""ASIATIC COMPANY (Eight Pooplo.) '' V W01'"." I" l'ur Acts. """011111: 11V nf ..I ..... lut.i ' "" i.ers nro n nrofoss onnl neonio Tins was praiar" .a.tCl la8t Tll03(lay "'Bli't when thoy presontcd "llousht &t;,S mmvKKS . ma. OIDe onrl.. .. i Btturt, : , . 'ur so" soals- """i ill 7M.- VWH.J-SI.Y ItHELS OF HPLE.VDID Will Survoy lloud. Eugono Robl son, who hns been In tlio city, loft " this morning for tho Unipqun rlvor to rosiimo work thoro. llo Is to aur Ivoy tho now road from Gnrdlnor to tho railroad and ulao will aurvoy the nad from Winchester Uay Bouth to tho Coos county lino which wus roc ommonded by Engineer Cnntlno in his roport, Piny .Stmts nt H:I5 ANTHONY'S ORCHESTRA EVERY NIGHT. adults 25 Children 10c "WJ Tiling .. or.,rt '"'', i'ME TEXAS STEEH," tho greatest nvo -- inuuuuen in picturoB. CHARLES ENEGREN, of Cooa rlv or, was In tho city yesterday. J. T. HAYtRIGAN mndo a business trip to Coqulllo this morning. this morning. C. E. ASH of Tho Times forco wont to Coqulllo tills morning to np pear as u witness In tho Tread gold dumngo suit. DR. E. M INCUS who hns been In Portland ns a witness In tho case of Urobilin ngalunt Sprcckles, ls on tho afternoon trnln returning I llnlltn llVllltll I iiuiiiu iuu). MRS. ALHERT MECUM of Prosper j tins lort for AinsKn on n visit, un tho wny up alio will Blop qff with friends nt Portlnnd nnd Cliom-nwa. SOCIAL CALENDAR Tuesday North Hond Club Auxiliary party In club rooms. Enstsldo Royal Nolghhorn Club with Mrs. C. P. Koatlng. Episcopal Ladles' Guild mooting In Guild hall. Mrs. II. It. Chandler cntor tiilns nt curds. ,, Athene Delphian Club of puldlo 11- :i rissiric i a. y AUSS i REV. J. F. VERNON, pastor or tho, Presbytorliin church nt Myrtlo! Point pusscd through Murshflcldi yesterday onrouto to Portlnnd to nttond tho Presbytorliin Hoinoj lltnlnnHil rnlllltl II Ifin lt f I I 1 r flf iinniuiuuj uuuuuihiuu imuvuh ui. tlio wtato. Cut Prices on Can Tomatoes Wednesday ONLYtL t vL North Hond, nt brnry. W"iiehduy Mnrshflold Urldgo Club with Mra. Wnrd M. Ulnko. Jolly Dozen Club, with Mrs. L. Chrlstoiison In Hunker Hill. Auction Urldgo Club with Mra. W. II. Kennedy. North ltend Pnstlnio Club with Mra. A. II. Derbyshire. Dorcua Club, with Mrs. Frod Mvssorlo nt Catching In lot. 't'liiusday Arbiituu Club with Mrs. .1. Simpson on South Fourth Stroot. (lunora Club, iwlth Mra.' Frod Smith. A. N. W. Club with Mra. Eugono O'Connoll. Mrs. 11. R. Chuudler enter tains nt enrda. North llcnd Girls Club mcols with Mullnda Audor apn. Rainbow Club meets nt Club Iioiiho on South Cooa rlvor. 1'Olt RENT First of month room npnrtment with vslooplng porch, boat and hot water. Jlli.OO por month. J. O. Lnugworthy. I'OR HA LIC Stur HiirlinnkN, seal potatoes, $ 1 . r 0 por hundred, A. O. KJollnud, North Jleiul, Phono 07-XI. J WANTED KOIl RENT Host rlinnro for mov ing plcturo nliow nt North Hond. Enqiilro of R. A. Hock. f 1 FOR SALE I 4 ! I I t.,. (1,51.1 ftlff Lf ....!. fiMini ..lit nM A 1' IIUJ' I' miin iiiihiu lima i,i. .- pOtB. AlllirCBB 1'lllir Ullg LO,, l'ill- gono, Oro. II ii ill's Hiipinnt) (juulfiy, soil reg ularly at Lie poo cull. Per do. cans $l.:SO half do'tit (Ifc Hunt's Ntnple Tiimutoos, sell leg uluily nt two for U.lo. Poo doz 91. in liuir do K)c Tla Cuseudo, two and u half pound can, soil regularly at 10c per tan, tomorrow three, for "3c Per Do I'ftc Wolcott's Grocery L. W. JACOI1S left for Coqulllo nnd jutOADWAV .i MARKET STREET Hnudon on business this morning. ROHERT WILKINSON wna down yesterday from Illuo Rldgo Camp. E. E. RATTLES loft thl3 morning for Han'don to bo gono sovcral days. MR. AND MRS. JAMES PRESTON of Portland nro wltli frlonda In this city. HARRY HUTLER wont to Coqulllo this morning to do aouio aurvoy ing work. Has .Vent Position Frlonds of W. W. Ashby, of tlio Wnrron Construe-1 Hon company, nro congratulating him 'UTT0N 0.C0NN0R wl0 ,, ,)00Il (in his now position. IIo has JtiBt been asslgnod tho Southern Oregon torrl torv for his company, taking tho p)nco of W. 13. Arnold who goes to Mjg g rcpresoiu mo wnrron lunairucuini up Coob rlvor, waa down for over Sunday. PHONE 571 It. W. CARR W'TAYL0U forth 'end lu. .. . k lie Imp.'1 Vu,i'"l"B Works In Coos County. J-rlces. ,u,a '"l rail and Inspect your tires nnd glvo r' I1KXH Vulcanizing Works : oiu:noN H every day but wo laid H H in ii good supply Irjfnro the Wt H udvuuro mid wo are thus m H enabled to offer the finest A il LIVEN FAHRIC COIIRES- JC H FO.VDEXCE PAPER il See Our Window 9 H .Sco Our Window B I THE BUSY CORNER I I DRUG STORE I1 H We Deliver InimeCIiitoly H F. STONE of Oregon City bus returned homo after a visit a tlo city. MI.S JAMES WASSON has gono to Kluiuath Falls whoro sho has tlni ber holdings. MR AND MRS. CHARLES DAILEY of Poitlsnd will arrive this even ing to visit horo. CI.ARLES REYNOLDS and daughter Mies Mario nro visiting Miss Ma bel Ro nobis. ARTHUR HARRIS, who Is working for tho Railroad nt Rcedaport, in visiting In the city. FRED ASSENHEIMER of Gardiner who has he n In tin city return ed homo this morning, I Madame Kelene Hatter of Portlnnd Is now demon stinting Iter famous Hue of Toilet preparations at Tlio Hod Cross. Klro will cull ut your homo by iipimlntiuoiit mid give fioe Facial Mas sage, Shampoo or Sculp Tioiitiocnts. Her prepariitlons nro for snlo only nt The Rod Cross. List of Minium Kelenb Hat ter's Reality Helps .Massage ('roam Ciii'iiuihor lllouch Itice Powder Fare Powder Liquid Fare Powder Asti'iiigviit Lotion Liquid Hbanipiio II Hie Dressing The Red Cross Pharmacy J, Leo Ilrowii :: Phono IJKi "PltrHfRIPTIONS FIRST." Kliinoy Club of North Uond with Mrs. Jones. Klostor Club with Mrs. J. H. Towor. O Mluuo-Wls Club with Mrs. W. II. Perkins. Friday Kensington Club with Mra. H. W. OIboii. Mllllcomn Ladles' Auxiliary ilanco ut club rooms. Nor. Luth. Young Peoplos' Society iiioots ut GJordrcm Conaorvutory, X AT THE HOTELS X ?? Cliiiudlcr Hotel W. E. Hlnck, Portlund; R. A. Stovoiison, Portlund; R. M. Dlllur, Fun Frunilsco; It. E. Willis, Port land; J. K. Wobor, Portland; II. A. Thohurn, Portland; II. llonurd, Cli lea go, F. G, Poloraou, Seattle; D. T. Ayres, Sun Frunclsro; T. T. Dolnuoy, San Francisco; Mrs, Thouiiu Mowstead, Portland; Frod AHsenhelmor, Gardluor; It. M. Wlod cr, Haudoii; J. P, Mlohols, Coqulllo; F, T. Munge, Powora; W. C. Guf fora, Sun FtuiicIbcoj II. Wohinor, Cluclunutl, Hlniico llofcl L. Jones, Coos Rlvor; 11. Hort ncss, Ddiiio, Arizona; M. Root, Port land; W. II. Connors, Coqullle; T. H. Honhain, Powors; Potor Norton, Powers: Oio I'aul.ion, Coqulllo; A. McCuc, Humlon; Frod Stock, Sum ner, W. 11. Smith, Cooa River. St. LawVeuce Hotel Clyde II. Norton, Siimnor; Will iam Hlackbiiru, Cottage Grove; John C. Mullen, Springfield; John Oock lor, Coos City; H. F. Roonoy, Pow ers; A. N. Gould, Kuiunor; Fiaiiu Lang, Coqullle Hatchory; Ed Mot calf, South Inlet. Lloyd Hotel A. L. Thmnpson, Uiuulon; J, U. Stevenson, Wallace, Idaho; W. L. Howron, Temploton; J. Albion, Mi Kiuloy. FOR KALi: Entire furnishings of tho Anderson roonilng-houao, also restaurant cqulpmont; contcr of buslncs.i district. Will soil cheap for cash. Leaso glvon ou building If desired. Mra. Thos. Anderson, Uaudon, Oregon. FOR HALE Four cows, il heifers, 1 bull; registered Ayerslilros; nil selected stock from Ponno's Calif, and Wash.'H best herds; heavy producers. Wrlto Hox 80, Gardl uor, Ore. X FOR RENT 0 FOR RENT Slv room Iioiiho, fur. ulsliud or unfurnished. Also upartment. All inodorn con vonloiicos. Phono C-l-X. I'OR RENT Finest furnished npts. In Mnrshflold. Froo heat nnd water. f'2.riu up. Myrtlo Arms. FOR HUNT Furnished flat, hot ABd cold wutor, bath. SC3 Third it. FOR RENT Modem five-room lion, gnlow on 12th nnd Commorclul etruota, ?12.C0 por month. Apply Going & Harvey. FOR RENT Flat, ilrd mid Ander son. Phono Dr. Loallo 1C1-J. I'OR RENT. ROOMS, Oc to 81.00 Day; j K1! to ijtiT Week; Hoiisckcep- j lug Apts,, )j!K mo. up. Free j bath. Lloyd Hotel Apts. j FOR SALE Ou classy registered Jcrsoy bull calf, whoso dam milked H, llltl pounds In ten mouths. Also cows and heifers, nil registered stock. Write to F. A. SACCHI, Mnrhhflold, Oregon. FOIt TRANSFER AND BTORAOE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FREIGHT AND HAGGAGE (nil FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 1U.1 Residence Phono 13-J Market Ave. nnd Waterfront MILLER'S THE MAN for District Attorney Watch for liN nniiio ou Hepuu. For Kale M ul Til limmalow, ,1 hrge iiieir' , hath, lestlbur'. pnutry, lire nliiCi'. full liiisenioiit, laige lawn. paved strot mid sidewnlk. Uicutcl llian ballot May tilth, on nth h"o't out" soil at nu-., ,,,, win, J ELECTED Ham, on nor Ic.HtiiK n.. Ailif.e.s Vt nmw, R , U'nhl Adv.) til U -i 'i