THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1916- EVENING EDITION TWO ( i COOS BAY TIMES . 0. MALONEV, KUltor ml Pub. DAN K. MALONEV, Nowi Editor Official Paper of Coon County (VttlcM Paper TIlT of MnrtiHtM tornootl down town but spending nothing obc. Cold, cold rash Is u wnrm, warm friend. SO SAV WE ALL HERE Is n croud that luu boon suggested for every cltlzon of a clly that nsplrtm to better Conditions and Tho Times earnestly ondorHOft it: I bollovo In my town I bollevo In linr peoplo, In her boys and her girls. 1 will malco myself a commltto of ono to mnko of thl.i u good placo In which to llvo and a mighty hard placo to leave. I bollovo In ly town I bollevo In her Institutions, In her schools, In her churches and lior stores. Wilson Kaiirman who has lived In both places says there Is this advontngo In living In a smalltown: When u man romoves the fountain pen from his breast pocket ho Is drcsaed up for the evening. I may bo an Iconoclast. Why all tho rejoicing on tho wedding day? All that there Is to It is that a fool , girl has copped out a homely mutt who chews tobacco or smokes cigarettes and la going to work for him Tor her board and clothes. News of Near-by Towns & PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY SHIPYARD DEAL IS NOT YET CLOSED John Xellson Experts Dally Word From I'm (land Regarding; (he Matter Tho ship yard dial at liandon Is expected to b concluded soon ac cording to the following from the Hanon Western World: John N'lelson, who returned sov ANOTHER BUILDING PLANNED FOR BANDON Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician nn1 Surgeon Offlcorlrvlng lllock. Offlco hours: 11 to la a. m. 8 to i mid 7 to 8 p. in. Phones: Offlco lia-.T; lies., M8-L I ii .... .. . . Chris ItiiRimiSMMi Will Krcct irftie . . urinhi Gnrnge Rc-glnnlng Work Early j ' ' Wliyill Next Month ' ... (Special to The Times.) I UUILDING CONTRACTOR ILVNDO.V, Ore., April 2 1. Chris Estimates furnished on requost Hasinueaon has announced that hu will on May first begin the construe- ou... Hon of a now two-story building on Ur. H. M. Ol1aW his lot at the corner of Chicago eve-. Eye, Kar and Throat Specialist nue and First street. The nuiiiiing GLASSES FITTED Oldest Hank in Coos Comity Flanagan &, Bennett S Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon. capital, surplus and Undivided Profits INTEREST PAID ON TIME AM) SWtvJ. ?12'000 Officers J. W. DENNETT, President; jas n ,., K1'0S,TS Proslilont; It. P. WILLIAMS, Cashier f I '"JAN, Vt6. Assisiani uasnior, - " "Hester WIIKX A FELLOW DIES The Times i eported tho othor day that there aro twonty-sovoii divorce cases on file In tle Coos Circuit Court. Divorce Is tho cacttm nlant ... ... . . . i I bollovo in mo Btrcci iiroom mm llmt 3,)rout8 from t,0 Krnvo 0f the street sweeper, ami in mo imiiii ,juu,i illusions. pot. 1 bollovo In no'or an empty can on vacant lot but many a full one In tho larder. Novor again will I throw waste papor or riiliblali In tho Btrcot or alloy. I bcllovo In my town I bollovo in trce.i, (JoiI'b first temples; grass instead of ash heaps, and flowers Instead of woods. May and bless tho tongue that gives honest and cotnmondii tlon, and may IIu doubly bless the oar that Is doitf to scandal and grni-alp. ..J.1" "'-0. " ' .. 1"" ' '" " ,:,,L will he fi.) foot lorn: and HO feetwido ha ST. oxpec lug word daily from and will designed l'jy '! ' San Francisco In regard to the lo-, a garage. The "trucliiro w 111 bo cor-, cal shipyard deal. The matter of rugated Iron with a plate glass front. ..ft. $ WITH THE TOAST 5 AND THE TEA I GOOD EVENING God expects from inoii something more at such times, and It wore much to ! bo wished for tho credit of their religion as well a a tho satisfaction of their con- science that their Hauler do- votlans would In some mens- . nro come up to their Hunt or dross. Selected. I notice when n fellow dies, no mat ter what his sin, Rome kindly chap will call to mind the good fellow" ho'd been; Ills friends forget his weaknesses nnd on his vlrtuos dwell, While other.) get their hammers out and start to "knock" right well. I know that whou I go to rest I'll get my shore of blame, For human nature the world o'er Is Just about the Humn. Hut If Its all the same to you, I'll take the meat and bread And glvo tho fruit ami flowers to ltlloy (Kirk) (When I'm dead ) . ANON. securing lumber from the Moore Lumber company wns satisfactorily settled byiore Chris. Notley, the ship contractor, left liandon for tho south. It Is thought the deal for tho salo or lease of tho local yards would bo completed with Kronen berg & Foard at Snn Francisco, af ter which the contracts with the shipbuilders would be closed. Local people are anxiously await ing tho final word as to the dispo sition of the plant and quite a num ber of experienced ship carpenters are waiting for favorable develop ments In view of securing positions with t'ho new ownors. NEWS OF IIANDOX I'hono aao-T. Rooms 200-201 Irving Hlock. MATTIE II. SHAW. Physician am) Surgeon i'hono aao-j. Flanagan tife Bennett Bant OF MYRTLE POINT Capital . Offlcors-J. W.IENNHTT, President; JAS. H , am. ' President; L. M. SUPLEIO, Cashier; L. T, DEjSj?AN' Vl WUtut Cashier. sold Tin: ihcvcle .Votes About the ('Ity.hy-H'e'H.Ni From Wjstcrii World llnltbut. llng-.cod nnd crabs wore received by local markets from Coos IJay this week finding ready sale., Warren iLlttleflcld. who last week rccolved a bad cut on tho foot while chopping wood, Is again ablo to bo at work. Cloorgo W. Dafoe, tho new local saw mill man, has Instituted a unit to' quiet tltlo against the A. F. Kstn-j brook company. I C. II. Howell and son, Park, who H. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINKKIt Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phono HBO Uesldonco Phone .TCII-L. W. G. Chandler AltCII ITKOT Itnomi 301 and 302, Coke Uulld'ni Marshflold. OrnKon. Bennett, Trust Comp any u,.-m w.iM. mu v,uiviuea Fronts $125 orw Officers-J. W. HBNNBTT, President; TOM T npvMvI ' i'rosldent; AKTIIUIl M'KEOWN, Secretary' SS Vle'' TON, TroaBiiror. J' ULNNETT 8WA.V. J t NEWS OF NEARBY TOWN t POUT MAKICS PLANS ItiiNSol .Miller .MiinI Now Answer Serious Charge Itussel Mlllor, wlio gives IiI'b ago as vievonteen, said to bo a resi dent or tho Flshtrap country, was taken to Coqulllo. by Deputy Sheriff W. C. Lalnl, having been bound over to tho Grand Jury on n charge of larceny fiom a building. Miller Is said to have plead guilty to farcing entranre to Sam llnr- t low's repair shop and stealing a b cycle valued at $38 retail, kii- tranco was gained by removing the glass from a window on tho west sldo or the building nnd tho wheel was taken out through the back door, which was unfastened from tho Inside. Tho thler Immediately loft Tor the south, riding tho bicy cle as inr as Port Oriord where he sold It to a man named llodson tor K'.OU. KAHIiV KASTKU IIY.M.V This Is the very day or Ood. Sorcno with holy light It ciimo, In which tho otrcam of snerud blood Swept over tho world's crtiiio and I shnmo, The Bins of all nro laid on thee, Oh, admirable mystery, , And thou to cleanse tho world's deep stalu , As man dolli boar tho sins of men. What can be ever more sublime? That grace might meet the guilt of tlinii Love doth the bonds or fear undo And death restores our life anew. St. Ambrose. Tolling of river Improvement plans the Myrtle Point ICutorprlso says: The Hoard of Commissioners of tho Port of Coqulllo Itiver have complot ed arrangements to do considerable snagging and dredging between tho north boundary or the Port district and the dock at Myrtlo Point. The govornmentjbuckot drodgo which wns used on sonio work done a coupLe or years ago will soon bo put to work for this summer operations. J. X. Oearhart, secretary or tho board wont to liandon to receipt the government for tho dredger. At tho meeting of tho Commission CIiiih. Adams whb chosou a member of tho board to fill tho vacancy can nod by tho resignation of 1. L, Pholan, who resigned because or his removal to San Francisco, WOOD GOOD WOOD W. II. Lingo has It ut 81.50 nnd havo been innklng ties In tho upper $2 cash per load, f.'arbago reniov. Two Mile country tho past winter, p, iinnn 227-.T aro In lftuidon this week for n short - . ""A? J."'Mnrsh, the Elk river dairy-' WILLAMETTE-PACIFIC TIME! . i.. .i .i. t..... ..j mull, wilt) in wiu city uiu muui imi or last weolc placing orders lor sup plies. Mr. Marsh Is preparing for a big season In his line, llo conduct!) a creamery on his place. II. W. Cliarlcsworth last week sold! ... 1.. ui QI.1.....1I ai.. ,..,, limn iso. i. irain .o. - tivuiiuu iu j'i iiuni. iiii.vii. .mi. ..i.m Tim Only Trust Company In tho State, Outside of Po,,,, Under tho Xcw Law. SCHEDULE BETWEEN Marshfield and Portland (Now Effective) Mrs. Churleswortlt expect to leave In a short timo for California. They may later return to Arizona where they have a homestead. MVUTLK POINT XOTICS A thin woman can got dressed when uho wants to go out. Hut a fat wouiau has to mobilize. It sometimes happens that a Cons Hay woman who Is the picture of health Is merely painted that way. HOW AIlOtIT IT'.' "A friend In need's a friend Indeed" J Itomarked my friend, who's Dutch; U," agreed my old friend Held, If ho doesn't need ton much." "He WILL DPI LI) A IIOMK 11. C. McKlnnls, who returned to Hiiudoii from California, Is plan ning tho erection of a modern res idence at the comer of Ninth street and Franklin avenue west, llo owns several flno lots there, and In view or the fact that tho Improve ment of Franklin avenue Is under consideration, wants to live on that thoroughfare. liandon Western World. XcvtH of That Placo Printed In the Kiitcriirlso Mrs. J. II. Stover roturnod rrom Powers where uho has been visiting ut tho homo of her daitghtor, Mrs. (lolda Carlisle. Hazel, the six year old daughter or Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Oearhart or Dora, fell from a log nnd suffered a serious fracture- of hor loft arm ut the olbow. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. ltoborts loft ror Floronco, whoro thoy will visit lor fiovornl weoks with tholr daughtop Mrs. Kdward Hncklorr. Kdward Itackleff Is hero rrom Flor ence to visit his mother, Mrs. C. 10. Uacklotr, who has been quite serious ly III. John Moon, undo of Triiomnn Moon arrived rrom Applognto, California, and will visit ror a tlnio with his nephew and family. h. J. Lehman, a homesteader or the WAS WIJLL KNOWN .MAN Leaves C.'lila. m. (!:1() a. m. 7:20 n. in. S:l fin. m. Noli Muploton MVUTLH POINT, Ore., April 111!. Ira M. Abbott, the harbor who died 10:00 a. in. April in ut tho homo of .Mm. Anna n),.jn llt m. Ctishmau naraiow, wiin wnom mo rainiiy resi(i-i . oil. waH woll known In tho countv. ' onto I Ho was born ut Sweet Homo, Ore.,! ' 1 : l7 " '" Adn April 25, JS82. Ho was married to 1 1:50 a.m. Miss Alta Ihirklow In 1008 and be-' ::0. m. sides the widow ho leuvos two sons, i ! t c .,' .' .'!: in a. m. :i:.'I0 p. m. DKCIDKS ON PAV Stations Arrives Portland 10: IT. p. in Ar. Huge no Lv. Tr.'2'i p. m Lv. Kugono Ar. r. : I ' p. m l:lt p.m. i!:::r p. m. ' ( Flor- i 1!:10 p.m.' 1:28 p. in. 1:00 p. m. 11:20 a.m. North Luko 10:. 'I I u. in. North Hond !i:IOn. in. I Marshfield 0:20 a. m.; Gardiner Iteedsport (Siieelnl to The Times) - 11ANDON, April 21. Tho liandon city council has decided to pay com moil laborers on the water Improve BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated :: Hot Water. inonts 30 centH an hour for an olglit Translcnl, 7."e day; Jjt.'LOO Per Week. Apnitmcnt.x, .15 per month. llvcry j thing funiNlicd. Phone :t(l.. L. J. .IL'STHX, Projirletor. When Another steps into your position because you've grown old; what are you going to live on, if you have saved nothing'? Hundreds of men are quietly depositing part of their salary at 3 per cent interest, at Our Savings Bank, get. ting ready for such a day! Why not you? First Tf1T n H mi TTlk, jLMe ji-jursiL itauo: Bairak OF coos bay SaffeHy Pliuis Service hour day. FILKS IN.I UNCTION Two Mllo Peoplo Would Piovont Ciectlon of School i iVnothor chanter In the Two Mllo school controversy Is told In the western World which says: Snmuol Wood, representing th Township Lino pooplo In tho Two Mllo school controversy, has riled a suit ror Injunction against the directors of the district to nrohlblt Catching Creole 'district, was serious-!'!'0.1.1! ,rom ontllnu a building or ly treo h r Injured whllo engaged in rol.lng a i"a'K ' '"'Pnlveinents on tho reo with Tl.os. Urack u neighboring. Kvor-'wV'n ox,1?n" 0,' "l0 oiuostonder. "taxpayers. W. JC. Dunmlro and Oeo. OPIJN SILICA .mini: While unloading croam nt tho Irroadbont creamery Edwin Schroo dor, a South Fork dairyman, suffered painful dislocation of his left wrist and tho fracture of tho bones in his rorearm near tho wrist. Arbor Day was observed in tho Myrtlo Point Oramiunr school In np- A Conulllo man rnnnrln IihvIiil'' iiiiuIo a valuable dlscoveiy. Tho l,!,,mui ,ro,"a f 80K' rcollij. L'o.iulllo Herald says. 01 "'' says by tho pupils of C. KIIhIiii Vernon, who Is making his ,! nn""",,',.tli?I lK1,,,HI. Bft,,e' mm., u-lil. I l. n..i..b. .1.... Well IIS tllOSO Of Miss Hfflo KIlIK of ...r...u ( ( I4i f IIM r. DUID L11UL tho sovonth grndo and Misses Dora Harrison and Lena Schneider of tho sixth and firth. IN Tin: MOVIKS NOW lio has made a discovery In Coos county or a ledgo of silica, rrom which glass Is made. Mr. Vernon, who says ho Is an old miner, states flint ho hos developed tho ledge by ura HiiiKiiiK or lour uoies at tlirroi-l out points and that It lies within I Howard .lohiisou, Formerly or linn- III root or the surface or tho ground. I , , , , Ho baa flout a Mimplo to a Caliror-' n, Acts ror Soven Plctuivs nlu export, who reported that tho! Tl0 fHowlmr Intorostlnir news m assav showei ar. imp rnt um,.,. .....n '"" '"iiowiut, iiHoresuni, nous to ' - - . .... Ilouther nro named as derendants. The ciibo will conio up nt tho pres ent session or fho Circuit court. An other ciiso Is on tho docket Involv ing tho sumo parties. It Is ii man damus to compel tho directors to call a recall election, l FAHH TICN CUNTS City Limits North Hond, He nr commutation nn CU TICKKTS, SI.75 .) .Marshrield-Xorth Ilcnd Auto Lino Cars evory ten tnlnutos Irom G a. m., to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Km plro threo trips a day. fiOHST .i KINO, Props. candinayiaD-American M WIIFIIK SAVINOS AUK SAFK WE INVITE YOU TO OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT THIS BANK TODAY $1.00 STARTS THE ACCOUNT HOURS 9 TO 3 SATURDAY EVE 7 TO 9 Mfl GRAVEL' FINDS OLD CLOCK Tho following story of tho find lug or an old clock Is rrom tho llnndon Western World: Whllo out nt the city reservoir I ono day recently Fred Lorontzon, ! wntor balirr, round an alarm clock hanging on tho limb or a tree, wlileh had hung there so long tho ring was firmly ombecldod In the wood. Mr. I.orontzoii estimating from tho markings on tho clock, i etc. that it had heoti there slnco ! lilOD. Ho took tho liiHtriiinnnr ' WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings ' I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer ! We are now proparod to furnish GRAVEL in nr amtlt! trom pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prion; From pllo on ground, $3.?G per yard. Oanoad lots, taken from cara, 12.00 per jui Ittll Dcpartmait. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. i Opposite Post-Office. nn lM A Coos Hay woman "dresnes when hIu goui down town. And "dressing" uieaim taking off tluf petticoat she woat'H ar.tuud the house. Therp Isn't nny sense In a Coos Day mini getting gray headed think ing for himself when lit) au Hid married and have his thinking done ror him. - per ceui 01 non. no does not' t, Weston Woi d- juown, gnVo it n almko and It start- Blv the location or tho dlscovory,, u,T,,t" . " 0 "' !., w. Bom. , "rt ,,m,"ln nnil Is now apparently Tnllll " a." a,,'7,;!Vth.n'a,n "''' --"oWoSVrSLrToHow kl"K "8 """ " er did. ,'m " "r,K, , .,,,,, i ii. " i'Hlwiw In the big movies. .1. How- Siib to a" s a co , r. Xv "nl l0,mB""' f0P,wr,Jr wlt" l" t , ll?."KR ,,,VK" XOT,:S f r tho 1 of tfm .. l. , ,irook ,"I'"""'y d later a coiumoi- T,,"n McKoiwIo, who has boon In Kl.ou 11 s e all l!t ,, V !',a liw lth headquarters here,, lho " ioHltnl with an attack or hi ml I Toil . e Jfi I ' "HW Dlayh.K parts will I l'tmiioiilu. has so Mr recovered that .,,.!JvLw;i !!' Sm.-lo11!!;!!;, i lSt ,'ual,,M r" , triZT ,0 ",8 ,,orao ut ,s,k Vroou to (ill til In llm fniinwi i in'iij "Mi v ai i in v-o.m in mo iiuuie. Mr. .lohnsonV riisf n.i.1.,r!.n,,..n .m A daughter was born to Mr. ...i.i nonraancn will lie In "Tim mf.vv.ifu ' .. Ii. i. ...... I.NII'.II WAS Si; I'Mtl'I turn wl lll,...,.l,.. o.. i... win.1!,',' !! """U' , Hlur,H ,,h" ml '"k ,m,'- Tl,l, ''"" 'l liilnr iij a seveie one ror people takes ono of the leailinir i. NKW SFITS FILKD IMng In tho wilds of Curry county according to the follow Inn from the. (.old lleach Itoii. nler: In speaking of tho sderlty or n , , , tho past winter, u, w. Williams I n" '"'lowing am tho now suits who was In tlio past week from his fllml ln ! Circuit Court: ranch on minor pistol u..i.ui '. N. MeNalr vs Coos Countv. "You'll find tho cobbler h awl' ! biiow a so deep at his, f- 1'",?h"III ; NH " ' I 'aiiUon. ,,,,... Place, and the storm so Incessant., I KiiBllsh, vs Coos County, . r b l' that ror JJ days ho was cooned 1111 0r,,K0. Observed my frluiid Jim Mast," at hum, iiunblo own to get across1 -' I'Uke, vs. (leorgo IC. Plko and OH, SIIUX! 'He'll piiK ror you with awl might And hn'll utlck to the last." THIS WIIITI2 IS KINO Of nil .Sowing Machlnos Now locnted nt 25 C Market aro. West. Phono 1D3-J. Wo hnvo also got big bargains in all kinds of used machines. All innchluos sold on easy payments. Hie cioek to e how his jim.k u-..u' Nelson Liuniny. faring, though It was proteetod from Arthur MeKeown, vs. .T.iann Ma tho storm, wth plenty of hav. In ''uulo. making the rounds of the range hit ' uly ho found many enreossos of, WILL OI'KHATK MILL Always try to louuuulmr that on deer that luul dlod from starvation may bo n pest to tho peoplo you r.cjturd as pests, In tho opportunity wlileh It af fords for the confidential discuss ion of araudnl, marriage Is unsur passed by any othor form of tho nodal relation. Tho peoplo or Coos Day aro unan imous In- tho opinion that "some thing should ba done about It." fiom y Coos liny women's Idea of shopping is spending a hard af- iiiul vxpomire. In one nliu.. w..r seven old bucks together, dead in their beds, and several togethor at other placos. Most of those found dead wore old bucks. i:WS OF ITItHV COCNTV Mr. and Mrs .Loo Fry, of Marlal aro tho proud parents of a baby boy, who arrived April 11. boon marked by .frequent showers, whloh havuu't helped tho road con ditions. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Hawloy, of Cros cent City, spout several days In (lold Heach, looking over the town. N. II. Ijiimui of Fort Ort'ord Seos (.ood Season Ahead Tho Port Oriord Tribune says: N .11. Larson, manager of the lo cal saw and shlnglo mill, Is woll pleased with the buslnoss outlook for Fort Oriord Tor tho couitiiij sea son. llo has recenty started sovernl limn fMiHIniv ll.u .....l ol.l.t.!. i...i.H I'l... ....... . 1... - 1. . . . """ """ "'" nuns ..- ........ i..r uie iMHi wbok lias 0I1 mnnrtv thnt l. .., .,,,-n. n, the city and expocts to Incroaso tho forco to oight or ton nion. Tho shin Hie mill will start nbotit May 1 and will probably run steadily all sum. mer, whllo tho saw mill will run us tho local market demands. Mrs. Leo Fry at Marlal 011 Anrii 1 1 H. L. Thomas and rniiilly left for the north Tuesday, going to Myrtle Point to inside, from which point we understand Mr. Thomas will operate u Jitney this summer. Tholr house hold goods will go out by boat to Coos Hay. Tho Seaborg cannery is exported to bo in oporatlon by May 1st In charge or J. W. Dougherty as mining, or. Ho Is oxpected hero in a rew days and as ropresontatlvo or tho stockholders In. tho concotu will straighten uu nf fairs and get ready! for canning fish. WILL WKD IN POUTLAND I Miss KilK'I Dyer to Marry Karl Watkiiis 1 ' who Is at nrosont oninloveil na n ,in.,.. gist In Portland, Miss Dyor loft for Portland and lho coramnnv u in lot-,. Placo soon after her arrival thore. Ihey will bo at homo at I'nlon 1- ailing streets. Uoth younir peopio are well known nnd highly respected , f.0 ,nna tuolr mmy Wends will be delighted to wish thorn much hapiii ness. ' Miss Dyor was accompanied to 1 ortland by her niothor and Mr. Dyor expects to join them. I Tho liandon Western World says: I Frlonds of Miss Kthel Dyor.i uuiiKiuur 01 .Mr. ana .Mrs. Kibert Dyer or this city, will bo surprlsod to loam that sho Is to becomo tho wlfo of Karl WutUins, formerly of liandon, Abstracts For rollnblo Abstracts of TIi1h4 Information iilnrnt COOS HAV ROL USTATK, see Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Mnrshflold and Coiiulllo City, Oregon. CienrrnI Agents Kustsfdo nud Sengstncken's Addition. Rpwlnl attention iall to iiHsessinentH nnd payment of ! HKNUV BKNGSTACKKN, .Manager. SAVE MONEY by ordering tho faiiinus HENRYVILLE COAL Nut nuil, ton $1.00 Lump coal, ton $."5.50 Or lialt ton of both.. $1,75 1). MUHSO.V, Prop. Phono 18-J or leave orders nt Hlllyer'fl Cigar Storo OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King, Kroplrt I.M1.1 Mnr-hrield ut 7 a. in., nnil roturniiiB leaving from l-jn' rf H n. in. I.eoio Marshfield nt 11 a.m. and ri'I'iriiliiK '"".,. Bloiigh n' I , in. Leavo Slnrhliflelil t T ! ' nl1 m leavo Sinn n Slougli nt (i p. in. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phona 3171 INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMI in wiinu"w" PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK . C F. McGEORGE Passenger and Freignt w SOUTH COOS HIVKlt IJOAT SKUViail IiAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marshfield every day 8 11.111. Leaves head of river nt a: at) p. m. STEAMER RAIXROW leaves liend of river lally nt 7 Leaves Marshrteld nt 53 p.m. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & SMITH, Props. PORTLAND I .Oil Class STR. P. A. K1LHURX ' SAILS APRIL at) . . North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. Direct Sailing to Eureka, . San Francisco, ( Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, April 25 Ju a. cushixc. v