THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELO, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL i2, 1916 EVENING EDITION hi pianos That are We HaFe on Ready For D .Hand eiivery Any - r (Continued from Pago 2) , I NOItTII - IH'.XD FAHHWKLL Miss Marguerite Halloy was the tfinltiljtlt tit n ttlnnunfif fnt'nuf.llt . . ,. i i . . Flanagan, linrty Inst Monday evening at thef, , , . liomo of Mrs. Rdgar McDantel In North llcnd. Ml. Hnltey loft odnesdny for Orovlllo, Wushlug- ' ton, to niiikc liur homo. After a few I1O1113 of games and music, np petllng roficslimontn woro ported. TIiobo prcsont were: Inez KJe land, l'athcr llcynolds, C!u.-.i Kohoo, Myrtlo Thomas, Marguerite Rallcy, ORwnld Kjelland, Ilnliort Cava- natigh, Arclili! Vnughan, Myron Gurncn and Hobart McDanlol. r New Piano e O V One Milton Player, Fumed oak. One Luclwirj, Early English. One Lticlwicj, Mahogany. One Ludwicj, Fumed oak. One Wellington, Mahogany. One Small Ludwig," Fumed oak. 7 - One Milton, r:. Early English. :' One Milton, (small size) Mahogany. , One Ludwig, (small) Fumed oak. ., v One Milton, (medium) Mahogany. -v Used Pianos Some of these have only heen rented a few Months and arc as good as new. - One Ludwig Early English. One Milton Player, Mahogany. une Milton, walnut. One Wellington, Mahogany. une vveumgion, uai(. One Milton, Mahogany, large size. One Milton, Mahogany, small. One Gbbler, Walnut, medium. We Also Have Some Used Organs on Hand We Arc Going To Reduce Our Stock of Pianos BUY NOW Some rare bargains at a price that will make you take notice. Terms as low as $5.00 per month. I j STORKV-RAVIS Xt'PTIAI.S , Miss Mildred Storey, dnughtor of (Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Storoy and Karl Davis woro married last Saturday ov onlng at 7:30 o'cock nt tho home of tlio brldo, Hnv. II. II. Foskett of the First ImptlBt church officiating with tho ring ceremony. Only tlio Imme diate relatives of tho family woro present. Lohongren'fl wedding miirch was beautifully played by Miss Hor tha Davis. Tho homo wns prettily decorated with nroons and rhododen drons, and tho couplo woro married under an artlstla bowor of greens which woro Intormlnglod with elec tric lights, Tho bride's gown was of cheer white material with satin trim mings. A sumptuous wedding sup per was served Immodlatoly following the wedding coromony untl extending .of congratulations. Thorfo prosont woro: Mr. and Mrs. F. II, Storey, Mr. and Mrs, Carl L. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Davis, Miss Hcrtha Davis, Itov, II. 11 Foakott and I.oron D.ivls. j L L. Thomas Music Store Phone 156J 256J 73 Central Ave. o- RIRTIIDAV PARTV iaerxacssEacBOiarj Ono of tho prottleHt Juvonllo social events of tho season was a children's party nt which llttlo Hosomary Rich ardson was hostoss nt tho homo of hor mothor, Mrs. Rdnn Richardson on North First street, Monday, In honor of hor Bovonth birthday. All tho np- inlutmonts woro In pink and whlto, 1th pink candles, pink ribbons and pink flowers predominating In tho docoratlons, Tho shodos woro drawn and tho lights turned on, and tho llttlo guests flitting to and fro In ' their pretty white dressea among the pink draporlos cortalnly presented n B fen SOTszarmwaacjzataBi Add to your Home Comforts and At" tractions . . . . tATIIDlt afiiT your Iianl iliiyV Inliot what will nilil iimrq to yum "mfoit mid tcltiatii thuu uulqpivltji "Imlr '"' clialrV 01lli:it VIiti( ghes juii iiioio.plcnsuro tlitin to li'iiv n nlro nich ing tliulr In vhlih to hent your frlond vtlicn alio drop.-, In to " or chat nnliilo In tho nftcinoim. 01 V(J J'OLKS What addH inoro to tho nttniHiw), cosy appear no of thy silting loom (')r junior In jour limno than a fow nlfo rocking cliah-j, or easy thalij.? . In Tact, they mo MinioHilng tlio wholo tiiuilly ran tKo pildo and comfort In," Coiuo in md lot us blimv )ou somo nico ones, ' charming picture Indoor games of various descriptions wero played, and (toward ovonlng, Mrs. Richardson as sisted by Mrs. P. M. Wilbur, served ,n delicious birthday luncheon. Tho children present wore: Klcanor Margaret Lusc, Loulso l.ockhart, Violet Swanton, Kloanor Lewis, Mario Icogers, Catltorlno Stump, Agglo McUin, Virginia Coko, Phyllis .lenscn, Mildred Storgard, .lacquolcno Warner, Catltorlno Toyc, Sylvia Dalllnger, narbara nnd Ado laldo Lnraway, Margaret Stauff, Ohco McKcown, Frances Ostrow, Au drey Lyons, Loulsp Jlnlonoy, Catlir orlno Langworthy, Wallace Marsdou, and Hosomary Richardson. 4 ARMR0CKEBS FROM $3 TO $35. " i ' 4 Going & Harvey Co, Complete House Furnisher& Rusty Water Wlioro rod or rusty water occuis, it almost always conies from tho hot wator faucets. Tho water is discolored bocutiso of tho rusting of tho inside of tho hot wnter piping In tlio houso and Is not dirt or forolgn mnttor, for if it woro then both tho hot uml cold water would bo discolored. Tho hot. wator piping In somo houses causos more rust than in othors, duo to tho galvanized coating of tha plpos being of poorer quality. When placing now or ropulrlng old wntor piping, insist on your plumber using tho bot grade of galvanized iron nlpo of not less than throo-fourths inch dinmotor. Whoro rusty hot wntor is csuecially bad it can bo romedlcd to a cnnsidorablo oxtont by having a plumbor attach an inoxponslvo devtro to tho wator plpo entering tho hot vator coll or stove 4iaok for tho Introduction of a small amount of Hmo each weok. Tho llmo atlilotl to tho hot wator will largely provont the forma tion or rust In tho hot wator pipes, but It will mako tlio wator somewhat liaider and requlro moro soap. Don't boat your hot water supply too hot. A tompornturo of HO degroes Is sufficient for all ordinary uses of hot wator and to oxcoed this causes trouble. Flush the rust out of tho bottom of your hot wator tank at least once a woek. Kvory hot water tank should bavo a faucet for this purpose COOS BAY WATER. COMPANY .MAllSUFIHLD AND NORTH I1K.NI), OREGON. FOR HAROLD ROTNOR 1 Lost Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Jlotnor entertained nt an evening of dnnclngi and "COO" nt their pretty homo on 8th Torraco for Mr. Rotnor's son, Harold, who Is visit ing hero. At tho closo of a delightful evening, Mrs. Rotnor nerved delicious refreshments to tho following guests: Misses Lillian Scnman, Virginia Clarke, Sarah Kscott, Marjorlo (Jra ham, Noll Warwick, and Messrs Wes ley Seaman, Hnlbort Carlisle Dun can Ferguson, Ralph Kruno and Har old Rotnor. V v f ' DAHLIA ULUIl Mrs. J. K, Cooky wns hostess nt her homo In Knglowood Thursday nf- 'ternoon to tho Dahlia Club, nnd tho entertaining room wns prettily doc- 'orated with rhododendrons. Roll call was responded to with curront ovonts nnd during tho nftornoon, Mrs. C. O. Uosncy gavo an Interesting reading. Tho ladles brought tltolr fancy work nnd spout n pleasant af ternoon visiting and t tho closo, tho 'hostess assisted by her daughter, Miss Ruby sorved n dainty lunch- toon. MIbsoh Dorothy Conner nnd Kdltlt Cameron wcro special guoBts. Tho niombcra present this wook wero: Mrs. K. Cnmoron, Mrs. A. Oleinnn, Mrs. C. O. Clos noy, Mrs. H. K. Ronnlor, Mrs. C. i'M. Connor, Mrs. H, Ynko, Mrs. M. C. Woods, nnd Mrs. Cooloy Mrs C. M Connor will bo hostesi to the cub nt tho next mooting in two weoks : I NORTH HUM) GUILD Mrs. Ocorgo Stophenson of North Rend entortulned tho Ladles' (lulld or tho North Hond Kplscopnl church at hor homo Thursday uftornoon aX the UHiinl sowing session, the fol lowing ladles being preHont: Mrs. Ooorgo Uvorltt, Mrs. Donnls Hull, Mrs. A. K. Morton, Mrs. John Lonnnn, Mrs. C. A. Metlln, Mrs. Mlllor, Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. M. K. Tomple, Mrs Karl Powoll or Marshfield, Mrs. Asboo. Miss Adklns nnd Rov. R. K. Drowning, Tho (lulld will moot again in two weeks with Mrs. Cloorge Hveritt and election or offlcors will occur, ' & i I. S. Smith, .Mrs. J. S. Stuhbloflold, Mrs. C. R. Peck, Mrs A. K. Peck, Mrs. Kmma Savage and Mrs. M. A. Swcctmau. ' . DKLKHITFITIj PROGRAM Tho Chamlnndo Club mot Tuesday morning at tho homo of tho direc tor, Mrs. William Horsfall Jr. An excellent pnpor was read by Mrs. Horsfall on tho "Sonata". In the placo of the' regular rehear sal, t delightful musical program was given by Mrs. Mclchor Nolsan nnd Miss Clara Myion. Mrs. Nel son Is a pupil of Mnnsfcldt of Ran Francisco. Tho numbers wcro played entirely from momory. The ladles of the club woro delighted and enthustnstlu In their pralso of both musicians. Tho program follows: Prelude and Fugue In U minor Rnch Gavotto Oluck-nrnhms (Invotto Unch-Sulnt-Snons Sonata A mnjor . .' Mozart Miss Clara Myren Sonata Pathettquo, Op. 1.1 . lleethoven Mr j. Molclior Nelson Sonata Op. 27, No. 2 (Moon light) lleethoven Miss Clara Myren ! KRIOKSO.V-HURMAX NUPTIAIS Dngmnr Mrlckson and Carl William Ilurmnu, both young peoplo of liny Park, wero married last Saturday ov onlng at 9:30 o'clock by Rov. II. F. Rcngtsou nt tho homo ot the groom's sister, Mrs. Charles Annor sou, of Uay Park. Tho homo wns beautifully decoratod and after tho ceremony, an olaborato wedding sup por was sorved. There were about 25 relatives present. . WILL C1IVH PLAV , In two weoks from liiBt night, May Gth, tho Senior Clnss of tho Marsu riold High School will glvo tholr play "Whnt happened to Jones." Thoso who know or tho play say Hint it In a real comody front start to Mulsh. Miss Uoulnlt Stobno Instructor In tho KubIIsIi department In tho High School is coaching tho play. I HRIDGM ULUIl TO MKIVP Tho Marshtlold Ilrldgo Club will meet for tho first llmo since junt boforo tiro Lenten aoaaou, on noxi Wednesday aftornoon with Mrs. W. M. Rlako on South Fifth Strout. ALPHA IHSLPHIAN KOCIHTV Last Monday ovonlng, MIbh Myrtlo Downor extended hor hospitality to tho members of tho Alpha' Delphian Society and the following special guests: Dr. Juno Martin, Misses Druco Kolley, Ida Downor and Aim Holland. Tlio subject tmdor general discussion was: "Archltecturo In tho. Modloval and Rennlssanco Period." Roll call was responded to with facto concerning great bulldors nnd tho fol- j lowing special topics wcro discussed: "Tlio Spirit That Prompted M,cn to Utilld Grunt Cathedrals, Allco Curtis. "Gothic Characteristics in Arch itecture," Graco Johnson, i "Tho llulldlng ot St. Peter's Cnitt cdral." Miss Myrtlo Mlllor. "Tho Jubilees ot 1.100," Irona Prouss. Throo talks on three cnthcdrals ot Huropa Ollvo 1C. Ilrown, Dr. Mattlo Shaw and Myrtlo Downer. Tho guests thou suont a pleasant time in conversation nnd sowing, and later, tho hostess sorved tempting icfrcshmouts. Noxt Monday ovonlng tho club will bo entertained nt tho homo of Graco Johnson In IVunkor Hill. - I Miss Adululdo Clarko entertained tho younger set of tho Milllcomn la dles Monday nrtoruonn nt hor homo on North Third street nt an lnltlnl meeting or n bridge club to bo form oil lntor. Tho noxt mooting will bo on Monday, May 1st with Miss Ruth Covnn. Thoso prcsont woro: Lucia Sporry Stratton, Mrs. Royal Nllcs, and tho Mlssos Ruth Cowan, fKvolyn Flanagan, WUda Harris, llruco Kolley, Mildred Ripley, Nolllo hWnrwIck, and Adclnldo Clarko. fr I A FORM RRIDGi: Ol.trit .('IIILDItlON'H PIUNIO llruco HvaiiH nnd his ovancollstlc party uro giving tho children or tho town a delightful picnic this nftor noon about 200 expecting to partici pate. Last ovonlng, lill cukca woro piomlscd, nnd tho chlldron doclnrcd Hint every ono could oaslly bo taken nenro of. Tho men provided tho Ico cream for tho conos, About 200 oggH wero hid in vnrioiiB places about tho Methodist church and grounds, nnd tho child finding tho most Is to ro colvo n prlzo. All this wook tho children havo been looking forward with dollght to tlila ovottt. ! k HOHTKSSICS NIJXT TUICHDAY Mm Ij. F. Falkensteln nnd Mrs. 'Fred Holllstor will bo tho hostoBSos noxt Tuosdny nftornoon at tho -club ro inn to tho ladles of tho North Rend Club Auxiliary. 5 (Contluiod on Pago Klght) SllliLICO.MA I LADIF-S fl'O KXTKUTAI.V Safety First? Service? r,,: A MAIHXll, AUTOMORILK, UKATril, ACC1DBXT, I-H'i:, WOUKSIK.VS COMPKNSATION AND LIAIHLITV lNSRANCU rv E. I. CHANDLER, Agency. ..umjj v., j, JlaiblineHi, uri-gon. SNAPPY BUYS ilea ird .Ij for building. Tun. (ilJIJI). ,Vi.U W'l.ii iici-u .'iiiiii .viiu. S'-MO. Tuiihh Win dawn nnd S-JIO ei- month. Ono lot H do hiii'il M.". Terms r tlinvu uml $H per moiilli. DHSIRAIILII: RHSIDKXCi: LOT, vlllilii tho iiilnuti'H walk of (bo business center. tout nontugo ultli htiet Jiiiprovcinent.s in nnd paid fr. Pi'i- S'1"0' 1-;s " ,""1 ,0 I"'1' tl. XKW, FIVH ROO.M, .MORF.HX Rl'XGALOW, lorntcil in tho lient ixld(!iir illsttlit. Iliuil-HUiftueil vtrccl, .() foot lot ioeI, lth tcrniml In""- A sacilflio nt JjilS.noo. Vour ov.n texiiiN, iiiontlil) i) month if ilehhiJiI. 10O Mllli RAXlff, COOS lllVKIC, SIX MILKS from MurMiNolil, tith iil IinpimeiiH'iitH, IncliKlIng Mock, hoiiMii mid other out buildings. An nbwiliito hiicrlflro nt 1,(100. See REID About It. 1 50 Front St. Tho Ladles Auxiliary ot tho MIDI coma Club will ontortuln tholr hus bands nt tho club rooms on tho ov onlng of April 28th, at n card and dancing party, Tho committee on ar rangements composed of Mrs. Dorsey Kriotzor chnlrmnn, Mrs. J. 3. Coko. Mrs. J. Albert Matson, Mrs. R. K, Jones and Mrs. J. W. Rennott are putting' forth their ofrorts to maka this arfalr one of tho most enjoynblo of the season, i to i:li:ct officers Rloctlon of officers will occur next Tuesday afternoon nt tha fcpu copal,. Ladles' Guild meeting, whon Mrs. J. W. Doniiott and Mrs. A. 11. O'Rrlen will be tho hostesses. . PRKSIIVTKRIAX AUXILIARV I MKIVriXG I " - ' .' .; iCv r i.U-M l MUX K, - ' -.M-'-'l Li rr jr jet r,is iwj&&e wnMii mm mi m mw - mw i B - H. H. HB il Jmmmm IV lm mZmrr I r mm ! mm mwm amw wmmmmm rmW i m mw Before going on tno or indulging in any physical exertion a cup of steaming Ghirardclli's Ground Chocolate. It helps supply the nourishment and vigor needed to carry you over the course with a strength that scores A combination of health-making outdoor exercise and nourishing Ghirardclli's Ground Chocolate the Grand Prize Winner ot me Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 191 " is the best pre paration for the strain that social or occupational duties impose. Order from Your Grocer Today YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES Times Want Ads Bring Results A callod mooting of tho Ladles Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was held Monday aftornoon at tho church to transact several matters or business. On account of the Un ion Revival services It was decided to postpono both the auxiliary meet ing on Wednesday until May 3rd with Mrs. Rva Gammllt, and also tho Raster apron and cooked food gale indefinitely. Tlio ladles out were; Mrs. I). Fer guson, Mrs, Harry Folsom, Mra. Eva Gammlll, Mrs. C. P. McKulght, Mrs. Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate In 4-lb.. 1-lb. and 3-lb. hermetically sealed cant. There's a double economy in buying the 3-lb. can, D. Ghirardelli Co. Sloe. 1853 S rr0 k 4 f )l i J" it Vf J f 0 0 P $1 j. r