The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, April 20, 1916, CITY EDITION, Page SIX, Image 6

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Lenders f thu NttuiVL M.'t every
where women who raillzo tho Im
portant pm-1 shoes play In (ho toi
lette are wearing K-l) Shoes. Dis
tinctive. In design, (lie beauty of
these Mines Is compelling. I 'erf cm!
In fit, their comfort, is grateful
anil appealing. Krlppcndorf-Ditt-inauti
shoes for Kail are simply
Widths AA to i:
31.01) lo ?".(
See them here.
Hub Dry Goods Company
Corner Broadway nnd Central Avenue,
Phono Udl.
Wo May Have To (Jo Hnri-fontcd
Very Hhortly locnl Dealers
Quoin Atlvanco
Down in Mexico aomo of tho bust
citizens go barefooted; tlio satnu la
truo In tho corul roofed Mauds of
tlio South Pacific whuro balmy
breozes blow; tho buiuo limy como
truo on Coos Day within tho next
fow mouths. For tho local shoo
men toll us that louthor Is going
nway tip out of Right and that n
pair of hIioch next fall will cost con
uldorablo more tliau It does right
now. They Buy tho wnr is to
lio that aa It may, tho fart re
mains, bIiooh aru going up. One
locul dealer, speaking of thu sltun
tlon today, said that a $i hIioo now
will cost In n very Hhort
tlino. In some cnHOH thu somo typo
of alioo tliut two years ugo Bold for
. K u pair will ho worth $6 In tho
Ladles Shoos Arroplnnliig
The biggest boost, however Ih in
ladles fancy shoos. Possibly they
aro tho ones who will huvo to go
barefooted. At any rate, right now
thoro Is nn udvnnro of Ki per cent
In the prices already and tho und
id not in sight.
Tho sumo dealer said that here
tofore fli was tho usual prlco for
women's shoes. .Vow ho nays It Is
not out of tlio ordinary, but rntlwr
tho rule to iouto prices of $7 to
? 10 on u pair.
Quotes a Digger Advance
An onstoru mniiufucturor, how
ovor, has gono this own otio better.
Ho claims thoro will bo an advauro
or from $1 to a pair by next
rail. Somo rartorlos, ho claims,
uro lulling nn no now customers.
Another manufacturer told him that
7fi poreent or all tlio unlets gjvon
tho nianuracturers will not bo de
livered. "Muny million lihl&i wont to tho
bottom of tho ocean lust wook on
routo to Kuropo," said this onmo
man. "Domestle tannorles aro un
ablo to supply tho domand. Tho
Kuropcun war Is killing horsos by
tho thousumlH and on attompt is
mudo to got their hides."
I41I101 Is Seniro
A tho eastern munition factor
ies aro coaxing away skilled work
men from the shoo factories by
quoting higher wages. Threads and
dyos used In making shoos aro prac
tically unobtalnablo. Anotbor Item
or cost Is that many shoo shipments
must como rroin tho oast via ex
press now becauso or Height block
ados. And so It happened that our
fkks ritoM bootlinkikhs 111:1, p
.Honey (Joes Into Special Kuntl to
Kufnrro IVobihltlou Imv Kdson
Iteturns I 'or Kdluml Caso
Life Is a runny cyclo nftcr all. If
you don't think so, look at It. A
bootloggor Is caught and fined, to
got money to catch another boot
legger, so that ho can bo fined to
catch another bootlegger, who In
turn Is ulso fined that but any
how this Is tho way It works out.
For District Attorney Llljuqvlst says
0110 or tho provisions or tho prohi
bition, law places till such fines at
Thinks Kxerclses Should Do Held In
Forenoon So County People
Can Attend
A suggestion as to tho hour or
holding the Memorial Day exorcises
Is mudo by S. II. Cathcart In tho fol
lowing communication:
Editor Coos Day Times:
Although I was on tho program
commlttoo I feci thut wo mado a
mistake In fixing tho hour of our Doc
oration day exercises. I bollovc tho
exorcises should bo held In tho fore
fnoon, say at 10:30 or 10:15. Tho
boats from tho rivers and inlets
would ull bo In by that tlino, and
tho train would bo In from Coquillo,
bringing somo, perhaps, from that
Tho pooplo, especially tho womon
and children, would not have tholr
wearing apparel mussed or rumpled,
(he children would not bo tired and
restless, and overyono would onjoy
tho oxercises much moro. Tho march
to tho cemetery could bo made, and
tho program thoro cr.rrlcd out, and
all return to town and tho out or
town pcoplo would huvo tlmo to oat
their lunch at tho restaurants do
tholr little shopping and bo In tlmo
for tholr boats or train homo.
Dy holding tho oxercises ut 2 p. m.
It virtually bars the out or town poo
plo from taking any part In tho ox
orcises, Tiioy como in on mo noats
about 10 o'clock, go up to tho como
tory, decornto tho graves of thoir
rolatlvos and frlonds, como back to
town and stand around until about
tlmo for tho oxercises to begin, nnd
then they huvo to board their oouts
for homo. A, majority of tho pa
trons of tho boats from tho rlvors
nnd inlets nro engaged In dairying
and huvo to bo at homo by 1 or 5
I o'clock to attend to tholr cows, thorc-
foro It Is almost Impossible for thorn
to stay Tor tho oxorcisos.
Tho children aro also tlrod and
restless and moro or loss disturb tho
uudlonce. I thorcforo hopo tho com-
ie.vkd 11 v loss of battle
People Aro Beginning to Turn to Itedoubtnble "lllgg" Does Ills Host
Negotiations toward tho paymont
tho dlaposul or the county officers
for tho upholding or this purtleiilur I mittoo iiwlll reconsldor (tho matter
law, Mid cliuugo tho hour.
or 'Chris (Irohs' flno of flintl wore i,
brought to a halt yesterday1 when '
tho question arono us to wliethor or
not ho would huvo to puy tho Jury
men ?(! or $1-'. Tho mutter was
put up to Mr. I.IIJeqvlst. Grohs
Is standing good for tho costs of
his rccout bootlegging trial as well
us for tho prlnclplo or $.'150. '
Stock Is Still Held !
No action has yet been taken to-!
ward disposing or tlio stock or llq-!
Coos Bayites in
San Francisco
(.Mall I.ottor to Tho Times)
nor round In his pluco when ho was 8 MrFurlund, rormerly or Marsh
arrested. Mr. Llljeqvlat mi Id that J riult but now of Los Angeles, was
Inasnuich as ho promises to go to , n San Francisco this wook on
California thoro Is a possibility thut business connecti'd with a merger
ho will bo allowed to tako bnck tho Lr uM UH ..oninanv. with which
wluo and liuvo the whisky and bran
dy dumped in tho hay. This will
ho decided some time later.
Edliind Cnso Is Up
Aboard tho Kllbitrn yestordny n
pnBsongor rrom Astorlu wns K. Ed
son. Ho Is returning hero as a wlt-
ho has been connected, with other
Soutliorn Callfornlu plunts. Fust
em people uro buying und consol
idating tho gas proportlcs in South
ern California.
It may bo of Interest to Coos Hay
ncss In tho Otto Kdlund bootlegging ! P?oiilo to know thut 11 duughtor or
cuh'j thut comes berore tho circuit I'lilllp Duoliner, tlio now ownor or
court ror trial, on appeal. It Is said " siUBon Lumber company mar
that Hurwoll, another wltno3s,
now working over In lleud.
1. . . .
Is lieu n inomuer or 1110 i.uuu riinuiy
I of Portlund, Iluoliuor ror u tlmo
oporuted u big mill, owned by tho
l.udd estate ut Curltou, Oregon,
I lint It wns destroyed by flro about
ARE TO BE HEARD iolKll,uo" ,,,0l,,h8 nB0,
I Hurry V. Moffltt, whose wiro
was formerly Miss Anna Flanagan
Twonty-Seven Persons Haw SturUMt . uni.Hirii.i H now Montlflml with
" .-..-, ,.--v-( ... ...... ......,... ., ......
Jesus Christ at tho lU'vlval
.Meetings '
(By Hov. O. LeBoy Hall)
"I don't know where Holl Is, but
I do know that Hell Is at tho ond of
n Chrlstloss lir," shouted Druco
Evans hi tho midst or his nddrccs on
"Future Punishment" at tho Metho
dist church last ovcnlng. 'Every
honest man ir ho will como to tio
Dlblo will read thero tor lilmsoir that
God ir Ho Is God must punish- sin.
Tho Dlblo nays Heaven is a place,
then Holl must bo somowhoro also.
You pooplo, a lot or you, bollovo In
Hoavon, but you don't bollovo (In
Holl. '
Must fllvo Warning
"Whether you Ilko mo or not I
must toll you tho truth abort this
matter. I am Mione tho loss your
lriond, but I should bo consldorod tho
moro your rrlond. K thoro was si pic
nic excursion on tho train and It
was loaded with your chlldron and
j know there was n bridge washed
lout ahoad iwhnt should I do about It?
Should I say 'Oh let thorn havo n good
tlmo, whllo thoy nro young, they'll
rind out soon enough about this
bridge' nnd lot tho train ::o on to
ward disaster without a warning
rrom mo. On tho other hand I would
aay with nil my powors, 'Stop! Thoro
Is dangor ahead.' thoro Is a liridse
out ahead or ovory man who goes
down tho lino and I say thlc to you
straight out nnd yon can damn mo
or dlno mo ror It Just as you choose."
Only n Picture
"You say to mo, Oh I bollovo this
account in tho Dlblo about Holl Is
only a plcturo, etc. Well did you
ever 'sco a plcturo that came within
'a million miles or tho real thing? If
thon, this Is a plcturo, my God! what
must bo tho roal Hell? You may go
,011 tnrougii 1110 wituoiii iuo,iioving
In tho Dlblo but I say to you thut
yot.'ll got utiing. You hnvo nothing
to gain by not bcllovlug In tho Dlblo
and you huvo nothing to loso If you
At tho close or his nddross, tho
evangelist In a straight rorward mun
uor Invited nil who doslrod to como
rorwurd accepting Jchus Christ. A
row enmo to tho front of tho church
of tholr own accord. Druco believes
In tho scriptural way: "Whcsoovor
will, lot him como." Thoro Is no
porsonul work dono In tho meetings.
Kvoryono may come and fool freo to
decldo ror lilmsoir. Kvoryono Ulcus
Druco 'and his methods.
invited to School
Pror. H. W. Tuvonner superintend
out or tho Coos river high school has
(nvlted Druco Fvitns to speak to tho
members of his school and tholr
(parents Frldny nrtoruoon at 1 o'clock.
Tho local ministers and tho evan
gelistic party will mako tho trip up
tho river aboard tlio LUo-iLluo, the
colportago cruiser on tho Day. This
will glv tho river pooplo an oppor
tunity to hoar Druco Evans.
1 1 liver Boats Coming
Opt. Sav.izo or tho launch
"Union" Is planning to mnko nn oxtri
run Friday night bringing tho north
roil: or Coos rlvor Inhabitants to tho
meeting nnd dipt. Geo, Smith or tho
"Unlnbow" snys tho south fork poo-.
To Stem Tho Tide Was Groat.
way in rortiiuui, Anyway
L03 Angeles . . 10
Oakland 10
Sun Frunclsco . 7
Vernon 7
Salt 1-ulce n
Portland 0
h. Pet.
4 .711
n .007
0 .1:18
1 .-t:i8
7 .117
!) .400
t; 0
7 0
(tlr ArwllJ rrrt la Com DtJ Tlmfl.
PORTLAND, April 120. It was a
big day ror Portland, wub yesterday,
and thoro wns coiiBldorablo or an
excitcmout whon tho homo boys re
turned to do battle against tlio In
vading Salt Lake Does. But the
hopes or tho huppy were blighted
despite tho redoubtable Illggluboth
ain, vetoran wnr horse, and the visi
tors nuncxd a l!l to 0 score.
Tho scores or yestordny follow:
Coast T.eagub
At Portlnnd:
It H 13
Salt Lnko Ill II 0
Portland 0 111 4
Hughes and Hannah; Noyse, Illggtn
bothuin and Itocbo, Flshor.
At Oakland:
Vernon 0
Oakland 'Jt
Hess and Whaling; Doyd and
At Los Angeles:
San Francisco I
Los Angeles ' n
Drown and Brooks; Pcrrltt,
and Doles.
National I.caguo
At Philadelphia
Do3ton - n
Phlludolphla .' 0
At Drooklyn U.
Now York ;i
Drooklyn , 7
American league
At Chicago B.
St, Louis fi
Chicago 2
Detroit, Cleveland, rain.
At Doston H.
Washington 0
At Now York It.
Phlludolphlu 1
Now York
No Alum No Phosphate
War Has CatisVd liicrcaso In the
Price of Wool, Consequently tho
llljr Am lalnl I'nF In CW11 Itnf Tlinrn. )
VIUN.VA, April 1!0. CupH nro fust
.replacing hats In Vienna. As Is
was ('iiKnismttiu
..!. f .. .. . .
" us i.imniif In cWj
.iiuige reminds
At nine o'clock Tudly ,,
Tudgo Peiuiock, ho hid!....
lalcrliiK voters hi hli office, J
the doors ami, Inasmucti 11 J
wni ne no moro night wori. (
known to all observing travelers,! UIU" " '"" tlio oil bmp J
Vienna alone, amoiig the groat elites lll0M" "omo ltli him.
of lOurope, has hitherto boon con-' Al l,u' a"'o Hme tie tin!
bdIcuouh from tho fact that all It , '' ver tlio city ln.l ,.,
men and boys Insisted on wearing al"' t,lu H,rcl a'l bulldlcgi 1,
lints. illHdalnlnu the choun und com- '" "rkMii. Tlio Jiidee dm v
fortnblo can that Is nonultir anioiii: 1 h"i""r up on lenlrul turn
" 1. . . .. .
tho working clusses or London, Dor- hm" ,mM cried. "r M,
Un and Purls. Austria nns m.wnys, to 1,(' '" t'onKro8ii. You're it'
nosRessod a laruci hat Industry nnd'1" ,ll,aK" )f I'roparednFM." Iij:
huts wero nlinost 11s clionp us cups I J'un"k Krlimoil. He tin to
hero, but the war nun nnusc: u """"" ,,M' l"a""R t He
" 1'shortngo or wool nnd tho cheap foil l,,,c,llt H e.
Suit ror Legal Separation
In Cliciilt Couit
1 (Special to Tho Times.)
COQUILLi:, Oie April SO
Twenty-seven persons huvo
sulU ror divorce which ure on tho
docket ror tills term or tlio Coos
county court. Tho following is a
list of tho now divorce cases to bo
disposed or:
Dora M. llyzor vs. TrnvU llyzor;
U. K. Curlllo vs. Cary F. Curlllo;
Leslie G, Johnson vs. Lota 1). John
sou; Dolllo L, Fmmoiis vs. llussell
A, Kmmoiis; Churlos II. Mcuuo vs.
Kva M. Medio; lluth Gutlebou V3,
footwnro Is going higher and high-! Jacob Gutlebon; William P. Andor-
or and thus It Is po3slblo that 1110
customers will huvo to go lower
nnd cut nut such luxuries altogeth
Dahlia Club with MrB.
J. K. Cooley In Fnglewood.
North Bend Kplscopal
Guild with Mrs. Georgo
Aleit Club with Mrs.
Jennlo Landrlth on North
C003 River.
North Bend Junior Sowing
Club with Clara Kohoo.
Klunoy Club party at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. 4
Borgren In North Bend.
Bunker Hill Parents' nnd
Toachora Club at S 30 In
4 school house 4
tho realty business of James Proc
tor, u hrothor-ln-luw of J. 11. Flan
agan, hi Sun Francisco.
llrmlford Wheeler Is now Men-
filed Ulflcd with tho offices of Chief Fn-
gluoor Hood or tho Southern Pa
cific in the Flood building. In fact
ho bus boon hero since ho left Coos
Day eighteen months ugo. Ho nnd
Mrs. Wheoler niuko their homo In
Sun Francisco, preferring tho city
to any of the realdonce suburbs. Ho
keeps closely In touch with arralrs
in Murshrield und can toll a Coos
Day man moro about what's going
on there today than tho avorago
Murshrield man can. Ho and Mrs.
A Biiminnry or tho crop and livo
stock report ror tho stnt'o or Dragon
.aa issued by tlio Dopartmout. or Ag
rlculturo bIiowb somo Interesting rig
ureh. Tho condition or tho OroKon whoit
Lcrop April 1 was 05 per cent or
normal. Tho avorago for tho pnst
ton years was 04 por cont so this
year It Is bettor than nvorago.
Tho condition of tho ryo crop
April 1 wns 99 por cent of normal.
Tho uverago condition at this tlino
for ten years iwus 97 per cont. So
his crop too Is better this year thnii
plo muy bo expected In noxt Monday; nverugo.
Hlt'lit. J Stock Lows Big
Cnpt. Herman Kd wards or tho Mil-1 Stock losses, howovor, havo hoen
llcoma will also bring people rromj.hoavy. The losses or hogs from dl
Allognny Friday night loavlng that, seaso during tho past year wns r,
huts huvo doubled In prlco. Tho re
sult Is nu Increasing number or con
verts to tho cup.
Well Known .Miushfli'ltl mid N'oilh
Bend .Man Prevailed I'pon by
His I'YN'nds
Miss Mliinlo Cutllp, diorto
Murk Cutllp of Coos Hirer, li itl
nusly ill.
Mrs. .1, P. Moloney, ho hubM
at Mercy llosji'lal, I toller.
Mm. Jean Drov.n, of KuU'Ji,
recovering from a fmo lit! ijl
Archlo Philips, no'? a ranclior nt Public Service ComiM!
Sumner, but who has resided in
Mmshflold nnd North Bond tho past
.olght years, has boon provnllcd upon
by loading ImihIiio, men of .Marsh
Hold and North Uond to bcroino a
oi'iidldato ror county commissioner
on tho ropiibUcr.u ticket.
Not until lust Monday would ho
ugreo to cast his hat Into tho rlugi
but he bus consented and Is now out
to win. Ills rrloiu'.H aro dollghtod
and an a result aro working hard, I
and so far tho campaign booiiis to
bo making n cloau swoop for him.
Mr. Philips Is u nan ' or broad
Jdeas, educated technically, his hud
oxporlonco, hns tlio counigo or his'
convictions, and ought to mnko an I
Ideal servant or tho pooplo. Ho will
stop some or tho leaks and giv.i tho
pooplo moro ror tholr monoy.
Ho Is tlio only man who can trutU-
fullv statu lm iinu dm D.iiiii i...r.M.- "t'ndcr Stato TrVunwK
of tho ontlro north half of tli. conn-, U. Kny Mr. ISuclitdl U lAtHtP,
tv. nnnnnl'ilU. I.. Vn.ll, ll...l 1 tl.n clnln ivnMltS aHll lesr,,
ii.wi M...Di.n..i.i ... ... .... .....,. ..nil Ms lerord l"" 1
.....i .'.minium, nu ja iiio ou;y man ; pi-iihhi " (MM
who can satisfy tho pooplo or thol full guaranty that lie "'"' J
ploco nt 0 o'cock.
son vs. Julia II. Anderson; John cJw"ler- nro well and will probably
Fish vs. Klslo L. Fish; Fayo Mostol
lar vs. Frunk Mostellur; Mrs. O. P.
Dullard vs. S. K. Dullard; David 11.
Prewett vs. Lllllo M. Prowott; Lll
llo M. Klllott V3. Georgo II. Flltott;
Dixie Kgnuliorr ys. William Fgan
lioff; Aguo W. Johnson vs. Alverda
Johnson; Sadie Hair vs. Dale Dulr;
Anna K. Wyatt vs. D. F. Wyatt;
Junius C, Drown vs. Mury C. Drown;
Paulino DoWItt vs. F. Klwood Do
Witt; Wllllum Sorenson vs. Pearl
Sorousou; Maud Muy Carpontor vs.
Albert Carpontor; George It, Han
cock V3. Violet Hancock; II. W. Ry
aii vs. Ora L, llyan; Thomas Lenet
vs. Clara K. Leuot; Mlnnto Nichols
vs. Ituss Nichols; Klslo K. Frodeu-
Iborg vs. F1I Fredonberg; Ira K.
Drown vs. Nelllo F. Drown; Venus
Gill vs. Gordon Gilt,
visit Marshflold during tlio rullroud
C. J. MUlls nnd wlfo aro planning
to visit Marshflold during tlio rail
road celebration there In July. Mr3.
MIUIs' duties us assistant to Presi
dent Sproulo keep him rntber close
ly confined but ho is anxious to
visit Coos Day, Buying that thoro U
no spot ho holds dearer than this'
Jumes Howard Flshor and wlfo
(rormerly Miss Mursh) and baby
are now residing in Sun FrnncUco.
Ho gave up bis connection with the
bank nt Florence, which ho took
up after retiring from tho Coos
Day-Kugono line work, nnd Is now
In tho employ or tho Western Pacific.
Don't forgot tlio dauco given by
Dr. 1), C. Vuugliun. Dentist, Itonta.tho ludfc of St, Monica's Catholic
. Vint National Bank bulldiutf Church Monday, April Hi.
To Connect Head of Kcntuck Inlet
With Allegany North Bend
ChamlK'r of Commerce Meets
Closo to $700 has already beon
subscribed for tho opening of tho
county road betweon tho head of
Kentuck Inlot and tho highway lead
lug Into Allegany, according to a ro
port mado last evening to the North
Pond Chamber of Commerco by A. G
Uuub, ohnlrmun of a special com
mittee. The money was subscribed
through a petition circulated among
tho farmorst It was reported last
ovcnlng thut tho oxpoctatlon If that
Houdmastor B. D. Murdock will r'e
commond a preliminary survey or
tlio proposed road, a distance or
about rour and ouo hair miles.
But tho building or this highway
Is snld to hlngo upon whether or not
a lorry is obtained between North
Bond and Kcntuck Inlot. This was
recommended by E, l, Cautlno when
bo wus horo and mado his survey.
Peter Ioggle Itcpoits
Peter Logglo, delegate rrom the
Port at tho Eugono meeting, mado
a roport and tho action taken thero
wns endorsed by tho Chamber or
Other Matter Up
No action was tukou toward or-
south bnlf of tho rmmtv. nln Willi fulfill the iuiml.e- roniaw -j
por cont whllo tho ten ve?.r nvorni-nilils cnnsiinii..v ii ,,.....i.w, n,i ..i.irm.m. Mr. Iluclitel " lw
losses Is only 1.4 per cent. all nocesscry nuulirioatloiiR. Mr. lor Joe Duclitcl, pioneer photorw-
Philln will nut iinu- ..inn. .in, f..,.n-!.inii f irn i-'ilcf of Portland. J-" r
...nv .... a.w. ... ...-
I hut win tho nomination with n largo
Tlio losses of cnttlo rrom disease
tho past year was 1.4 per cont, which
Ib tho samo as tho ton year avorago.; majority.
Tho losses rrom oxposuro wero 2.7
por cent while tho ten year nvorago
.was 1.7 por cont, showing that this
Kyear wns a hard ono In tho way off
josses uy oxposuro.
Tho losses or sheop In Oregon by
dlseaso ror tho past year was r.,2
per cent whllo tho ten year average'
was only l.S por cent, nnd tho losses
by oxposuro 4.5 per cont against a'
ten year nvorago or 2.5 por cent.
ganlzlng n Tux Payors League. A '
loiter rrom C. C. Chapman, editor
or the Oregon Voter, in Portland,
Raid ho Is tuklng the matter up with
Multnomali county nssessor. Ben
ton county, where a league has just
been established, wrote eneourng
Ingly. A bill In Congress to force motor
boats over 10 feet In length to car
ry throe Inch numbers on either bow
Is worrying tlio motor boat ownors
or the United States, said A. H
Dorbyshlre. Ho asked tho Chanioer !
to vote against tho move.
(Paid Advertlsonumt.)
f.llihv Coal.
S5.00 inn.
" ....: ft;
.to nssiinilii' ins in-" -"
tabllshcd a wiiiiweto" for en'
as sealer or welKhta ?-
Portland:' N(m.M.-
on (Ity. i-r
pitisi:, oi'
Peoples' Candidate
SEEKING republic
Dr. Leslie, Ostcoputli, Marshflold
Campbell's Woodyard
North Front Street
Phono UH-J
iPBfH .mm
iliA IMfe. CciiBi
A Man Who Can
SatlsfJ I
it( 1 1 1 1 : Philip
the Entire County
nnA ii,-.. i u!. i- . i- DrAinnt the re
iiu muy wain iiiiii 10 ouivu iu i iui"-