THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 EVENING EDITION FIVE Wyfs -k jiieiLw A A QIMHTKH a ar wek ry j vCLvtnjT t rit kqu A XKIV 1IOMBI l'1-" -. . .... f .... Inf. rill, l.J " ' i, located tllstrlrt Lots lev '"'".KSnn.l flci..l. .... nllVI.'UI 1)0 lN , oko beginning "v? ''.CfortheSanio Price as .lel"' m, ,mv tlm Ichs at. iJci N'l 8 .... Ht. ,,, , --- 5RM BUY FRESH HOMEMADE1 Canndlfl and SARTER'S PURE ICE CREAM. Pew Drop Central Avenue BIX voun iiicvcle by a I Sollb Motor V.eol, nltachod j li iti tlinn C minutes; makes j 100 miles on 1 gal. gasollno. j Flnthilf dozen solil on 10 clays j r trial, also guaranteed by lietorr; a froo trial rltlo, cat- j Uotue. llicruiwe, imi-L-j, ui-. i ... .. l.n.i nt C X. Pendleton. UU MB w -'" " ' I Colllc, Ore, Agent for Ooos toonty. - OYAL TONIGHT l. it k A 1 1 r ir j s cv'tt . u -wiiei gy iJL.a fiw- i T ?3-4 a 'THE WEATHER REPORT (1)7 Associated Pi-wi to eoo nt TlmM.J OREGON Unsettled, 0 probably showorH; southwest- orly 'winds. $ LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tho 24 houra ending at t.i:i n. in., A nr. 20, by DonJ. Ostlliul, Bpcclal government Meteorologist: Maximum r7 Minimum 31 At -l;-l n. in ,...48 Precipitation li 4 Precipitation Bltico Sopt. 1, 191.' 77.00 Prcclpltutlon sauio period 4 InBt year G1.32 Wind, Southwest, cloudy. SUNRISE AND HUNSET Thursday April 20. Sun rises al fi:10 and sets at 0:48. 4446 pentcrs mo at work remodeling tho brlldlng, coiner Central and Front strcots, which Is to be occupied very shortly by the Fourier Meat market. A cold Btorngo plant Is to bo Installed and the quarters will bo quite large. Vt II Hand Chemical. At.irlf IT. j Savage, of tho Long Flro Engine j Company of Portland, has returned , from Myrtle Point. Ho sold to the city there n hand chemical flro ap- pi'rutus, tho tank of which contains 'about 45 gallons of chemical. Will lio Married At Astoria has boon Issued a irarrlt.go liconso to Emll Mattson and Miss Mabel King, tho latter of Mnrshflold. Choir .Rehearsal .Tonight. Tho choir of tho First Haptlst church will rohearBO for Raster at tho church Immediately after tho vvungollstlb services, tonight. WlrnwberrloH Aro In. Tho first trawborrlcs of tho soason aro hi tho local markets, having Just arrived horo via train. Thoy aro retailing at 15 cents a box. lluys u Home. Gcorgo li. Sailor of tho Iiuohnor Lumbor Co., linn closod a deal for tho purchaso of tho i.Roy Wernlch homo in North liond. Mr. Wernlch now lives in Astoria. 7REELS OF PICTURES ."Fatherhood" fcaturinn' pert Bosworth. A four reel drama of the rty days in the west. ine Bride of the Nancv be" A weird tale of tho sea l its mysteries in 2 reels. I "The Frameup on Dad" I wilier of the great Nestor! wedies with Billie Rhodes1 JOHNSON & FOWLER in vaudeville Admission pr Floor 15c Balcony 10c Coming Saturday "The nlimenla! Lady." Coming the sensationat ry of life's pitfalls "Wom- P and Wine" with William Got. Can't Afford to Miss It Honest to Goodness, tho Inter-high school county oratorical contest tomorrow night at tho high school will bo 0110 of tho Dest tlilngH tills season. Como out ami hear tho orators. Arc .Remodeling llulldliig. Car- SOME TIME You will need A Doctor A Prescription filled A good Drug Store And careful compound ing. Then remember That we Await your orders And will faithfully Serve you. Wo Deliver Immediately. Phone 74 "The OWL" Two fully leglstered Phar macists at YOUR servlCj llft on Adeline. At 10 o'clock last night tho steanishlp Adeline loft down for Oakland. On board ,;s pas sengers wore E. Vlrher, Geo. Croop, Capt. Joo Render, J. P. Sheridan, 'Charles Smith, John Hennessey,' N.O. Donald, Fred llarlockor, r.nd D. C. Sraggart. ltoad Petition In. Clnrles Hall, proolileiit of tho Good ltoads Asnoclu lion, was In Coqulllo today. Ho wont over with tho petitions to tho county court to hnvo tho road bond Issue placed on tho ballot for tho May primaries, calling for an Isiio of $303,000 In bonds for good roads. a cry for help and Good Samaritan's caino and dug htm up again, lie. was not Injured. some legRl business, letuinlng again H1I3 morning. Are PrototMng Fill. Property owners along Central avenue between Fourth and Eighth street aro about with a petition protesting tho filling of their street to grade tills sum mer, as proposed by tho city council. Thoy maintain Hint tho present fill has not had tlmo enough In which to settle and that at least anulhcr year Is needed.' This soctlon of tho street is Included in tho big improvement tho council has listed for Central nvenuo from Fourth to 1 1 tli strcots. CAPT. j Lt'DWIG jCIIRlSTENSEN I who was uuipioycu on mo nig j Powers for several years, has gone to Gardiner to tuko charge of tho Gleaner for tho Gardiner Mill Co. Xo Meeting Held. Docaiiso sever al of tho members could not attend tbero was no mooting last evening of tho tax committees of tho Mnrshflcld and tho North Hand Chambers or Commerce for tho purposo of taking up tho matter of a Tax Payers League. A mooting will bo scheduled for a lator date. Gravel TaMn Out. Tho train yes terday morning for Reedaport took out four carloads of gravel that is to bo used along tho road for bal lasting purposes. Tho entlro lino to the Umpqua, however, Is not to bo, ballasted according to railroad men, until tho gravel can he brought from Natron, tho other sldo of Etigono. Dye Aii Plentiful. Local drug gists stato thoro Is. no scarcity of EaBtor egg dyes. It was reported In Portland that thoy aro scarce. This Is good nows for tho EaBtor bunnies aa thoy wcro getting scared, so It Is said, that tho eggs this year r.vero going to ho nothing but puro whtto and with tho red, grcon and purplo loft off. Exceed Speed Limits. Foodstuffs aro exceeding tho speed limit Judg ing from tho velocity they are trav llnc skyward. Tho local wholesalers .today report anothor ndvanco of 2." cents a hundred forsugar. Tho prleo lies gone up sovoral times of late 'and it Is Bald tho tondoncies aro that It will go oven higher. Canned meats and- fish, too, aro doing n bit of acroplanlng, making altitude flights, kind It Is reported thero aro further advances on beans, rico and all sorts t)t canned goods. Tho war Is blamed. Lot of Mall. T'" mall clerks nboard tho !'.codspi train stato that Mnrshflcld gets as much mall as all tho other parts of tho county put to 'gothor. Tho mall goes f.-om horo done In packages, arranged according .to state. It is sorted further after leaving Portland for tho casi. At any rato thoro Is enough mnll coK Jocted along tho ror.d to keep the two! mnll clorlcs busy all of their tlmo enroute. Cose Coming Up. Tomorow It Is expected that tho caso of C. A. John son versus tho city and the port, will como up boforo Judge Hamilton, nt Coqulllo. It Is understood that City Attorney Brand will fllo u demurrer to tho complaint of tho (plantlffn. Tho action is to obtain $110,000 of alleged damnges to vest Mnrshflold laud becauso of tho flooding of the lauds. Tho plalntlfr claims that tho box through tho Mill Slough fill Is not of sufficient slzo nor adequate to carry off tho surplus wrtcr. Sovoral other property owners that aro claim ing damages havo assigned tholr claims to C. A. Johnson. . Recovers Umbrella. -Nick Oswald, of Englewootl, while on his way to work tho other morning found a lady's silk iimbroUn. Knowing Tho Times want column was clearing plico for lost nnd found ?irt!tfcn Mr. Omvnld brought It to Tho Times office. A small found adv. was lu 8oi tod that evening and tho next day Miss Myrtlo Tripp called and claimed tho umbrella which cho had lost on tho street. Tills truo talo proves two things that honest men live In Englowood nnd that Timos want ads got results. Tho reason Timos want ads got such quid: results is becauso everybody on Coos Hay reads Tho Times. II. C. D1EHS returned last night frqin Coqulllo where ho wont to fllo the potltlou of Archie Philips who Is a candldato for county commis sioner. EDWIN TUIINHHLL, representing tho circulation department of tho Portland Journal who im been In this territory for several weeks, left for Portland today. Ho will return hero next month. A. J. GILLETTE, freight agent ot' Hie Southern Pacific In Eugene, camo over on tho train Inst even lug to look after tho freight business. U. K. MARSHALL, well known wholesale commission man tn Hood River, camo hack last oven lug. He visited hero a week or two ago and may open a new commission business horo. A Word About Men's Clothes Dont' judge them hy tho price, for they may seem too low, but rather judge the values you get, at J. C. Penny Co. MENS' BLUE SERGE SUITS $15.00 would be a fair pries, OUR EVERY DAY PRICE $9.90. MENS' BLUE SERGE SUITS You can pay more but you can't get greater suit val ues: evey one a pure worsted suit. EVERY DAY PRICES, $14.75 and $12,50 Suit Cases in Fibre and Matting At $2.25, $1.98, $1.69 $1;23'and 98c All Leather Suit Cases, $4.50 and $3.98. We arc showing a full line of new spring hats. Sec these values. Orioinators J& Low Prices immi l iJ- Ncxt Door to Postoffice We Lead Others Follow lAtok After Iliilldlng. A. C. Going ; arrived last ovonlng from Portland on bualncss counoctod with lotting tho 'contract for tlm handsomo now build ing that Is to bo built at tho cornor I of Anderson avonuo and Broadway 'for tho Going & Hnrvoy company. ' Mr. Going Is a promlnont holder and ! dealer in Portland real estato and I , lias great faith in tho future of Coos .May, 110 will ruiiiuiu uu mo uuy iur Ibome tlmo. $ t PERSONAL. MENTION t $ W. SMITH, of nivorton, camo ovor on tho train last evening. J. W. M'INTURFF wont to Portland today to bo gone until Monday. ARCHIE HOLEMAN Is visiting noro for a fow dayB from Eugono. JUDGE J. V. HAMILTON, of Rose burg, accompanied by his daught-l or, Miss Helen Jane Hamilton, nr-! rived on tho train yesterday af ternoon. Tho Judge wnt over to Coqulllo th l.i morning to hoar ! some pleadings and demurers In j tho circuit court. i t AT THE 'HOTELS Chniidler Hotel ; David W. Dickie, Han Francisco; H. S. Irwin, San Francisco; A. W. Uutterworth, St. Paul; Claud II.. Giles, Myrtlo Point; P. J. Shnllcn bergor, Chicago; A. J. Gillette, Eu gene; H. S. Walter, Portland; O. I). I Frazer, Portland I II. G. Holton, St. Louis; Albort'Wcdon, Seattle; J. W. I Hamilton, Roseburg; C. II. Parke-1 son, Portland; William II, Flom-' Ing, Scnttlo; Joseph Leek, Portland. St, 'LumWmico Hotel j Ed Metcalf, Powors; Gcorgo Stocn, Portland; Frod Steen, Port-j land; Archlo Holomnn, Eugono; T. j II. Moody, Sumner; A. E. Itobort-j son, Coos River; 1). D. Hunch, Denver Hill; Henry Illchnrdson, Roodsport. Lloyd Hotel A. T. Thompson, Dnndon; J. II. Stovenaou, Wallace, Idaho; Allen Miller, Portlnud; W. Snilth, River .ton; II. Smith, Portland; Folk J. Walsh, Powois; Mrs. Will Hancock, North Rend; Frank I'enco, Sldnoy; Miss L. Fowlor, Portland; Davo Johnson, Portland. Iilniico Hot'.'l John Whobroy, Myrtlo 'Point; II. W. Durnhuin, Portland; William Hiirnhnm, Portlnud; L. I). Gomk, Portland; W. T. Tull, Abardoon; Georgo Scbafer, Portland; Her mann Pago, Schoflold; W. H. Smith, Coos River. ggs For Easter For the Balance of This Week We' Will Sell Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, per tloz 25c READ THESE PRICES Dairy Butter, 2 pound square 70c Large Cabbage Plants (early cabbage) per doz ... 10c Yakima Potatoes, per 100 lb. The Good Kind . . $2.45 Coos Bay Rhubarb, pound 5c Peanut Butter, 2 pounds 25c Small Dry Onions, pound 2c All Kinds Preserves and Jellies, 2 large 15 ounce Jars for 35c GETTING'S CASH GROCERY We Save You Money Phono 394, 130 North Broadway, WATCH I'OK OUU SPECIALS. Thoy mean money In your poiket III WtlSh! Ill Was Hurled Alive. Fostus Wal tor, shoveling Into a high sand bank jjn North Horn! yestordny, was buried nlivo when tho earth caved in. So suddonly did It como that ho had not a chanco to got out from undor. Ho was burled. up to his neck In tho "heavy sand, with a shovel pressed pnlnfully across his logs. Ho lot out A. T. THOMPSON is visiting horp, today from ills home in Dnndon. HERMANN PAGE, of Scoflold, was among tho visitors in tho city today. JOHN D. GOSS was among tho at torneys visiting tho county soat today. PHONE 571 It. W. CAIIH ('- ff. TAYLOR fcf Vulcanizing Works l!!.l!it '"'I'l'ed ViihnnlzluK Work tit Coos County. ,Ke "eilncis and nil call and Inspect ' 'os c""1 ,vo prices. fel UKX1 .. ,. ,, ,, OREGON MRS CARL JOHNSON, of Allegany, was down this morning on u shop ping visit. WILLIAM HREMER'canio down on tho Mllllcoma this morning from Allegany. ED METCALF camo down last night from Powors on a brlof visit horo. A. E. HQHERTSON was among the Coos River visitors in the city this morning, Beautify Your Home X NEW TODAY t FOR SALE llnby buggy; dining ' chairs. Address "P" euro Times. I'OK RENT SI mom house, fur ulshcd or unfurnished. Also apartment. All modern con veniences. Phono 01, FIRST CiaHS shaves ami little cuts nt tlio Lady liiirher Shop, Hun ker Hill. . FOR RENT. ROOMS, r.Oc to tfl.00 Day; j j '.: to )?5 Week; lliuisekeep- j lug Apt., 8M mo. up. Fret) j j hath. Lloyd Hotel Aits. j OBLE THEATED 1 WllVJlI 1 SAPEtv FUtST Marohfleld's Flrc-l'root Tlieator uood .Music nmi tlm fimut iii.itvu in ! World SlSTn",,:U 1UG 1IC,ruilK "VIOLA ALLEN" In "TUB WHITE to.iV1 bok and as a play it has created a sensation all over tho IISTPr- rCeU nre C(lca to tell tho story of "THE WHITE "tat. n --w.w muv nio uiuuuuu uvory ihumicmv ,.. ...- SEii reatHfedrnma' ' tioa , ' TRini'NB-Ti,o laJcst happenings of tlw world in mo- reeu T,MP0IlAUY HUSRANf)"BIIlle Reevs comedy Eight A'l New, ANTHHMVJO nnniirPTDi rWCDV MlfSUT Brftrii,-;"'.'? unoncoinn cvtru i Lnufl r- ouiaiuablo on Coos Day, ' nA0vr'J5 cts-: Balcony, 10 ots.: Children. 5cts iili? NIGT The (.Vmt and only CHARLIE CUAPLIN mo reel comedy 'TIIB BANK." I. N. MILLER went to Coqulllo on the morning train, called thoro on legal business, LIVE WHITE RABBITS FOR EASTER Wo have a few beautiful live, wlilto ruliliitH that will ho just tho thing to get for tlio kiddle for an Easter present. They aro Only 50c each Wo also liuvo u complete line of eastfr n; ivi:s BUSY CORNER DRUG STORE Plume U08 Wo Dellvtf-c Immediately E, CAREY was In tho city today on business from his logging camp on north C003 River. PROF. RICHARDS wont back to lJjudpn this morning to looU af ter his music classes. FRANK CATTERLIN w(int nip tx Roodsport (jurdlner and Scottsburg this morning, calling on tho trado. An easy rliulr or mi ivvti-" rocking rliuir often nddN so much to tho iippenruiiro of tho Kitting loom or parlor. Hcldes tho appearance--, It Increases tho comforts of (ho homo. Com.) in and let us, show you our largo lino. It will soon be tlmo for the spring lioiisci'leaiilug anil you had better flgiuo on tlio oxtxa funilturoor new pletvn ou will need t.i uuiKo tho chungi'M Jim desire. Going & Harvey Company North Front St., Phone 196 $ WANItU i ! ? WANTED Position by oK!ilem'ed Htonogrnphor, Phono 118-J. Ilox I r.27. City. FOR RENT Rest cliniiro for mov ing plcluro show al North Hund. Euiiulro of R. A. Dock. t FOR SALE I FOR HAM: li single hugglej). $10.00 and L'5.00. C. A. John son, Phono fil-J. . FOR SALE .Shetland pony,11 Imik ,',y and liarno3S, romploto, and In goad shape. Pony Is per fectly goutln and city broko. Will rhlo or drive, i'rlco for vmtlro outfit, ji-r,.oo. phono r.oin. Gladys Nichols, Empire, Ore, J t FOR RENT t FOR RENT Finest fiunlslied apt. In Marshflidd. .Froo heat and walor. $-'-'. dO up. Myrtlo Arms ' I BLANCO ' The Public Service Hotel I has Just been thoroughly renovat let), nnd opened to the public March ' lnt, JUKI, Homo of tho features l of this old hostelry aro. free m ploymeiit bureau, fico Miwlng rcaUu, ' Information bulletin and kind tieat iiiont. Tho patiouago of tho public Is Millcited. HLANCO HOTEL ' 227 North Front street Phono lll-L. Marshfleld. 'Oregon UAIIIIEIl SHOP FOR SALE CHEAP Must sell barber shop In Hunk er Hill. ,Man.hflold on ucronui. of iHath. Good proposition tor good bnrliur. Apply Fred Miller Marshfiohl, Oregon, Routo -', Hox 1. WALL PAPER See VIER3 About it. sr " " " T. .1. K'AIFE O A. II. HODOINH iMarQhfiplff fA,NT AND l .rviarsnTieit, decorating co ail. AND MRS. ARTHUR M'KEOIVN loft on tlw train this morning for Portland . to bo gono for u .'ew days. MR. AND MRS. A. C. GOING arrived from . Portland last cvonlg for n v:b t at tho hpmo of their son O. C. Going. CLAUDE H. GILES, attorney .of Myrtlo Point, come ovor on the train last, evening to attend to BICYCLE TIRES lluy Them From Us. Wo Cliui-Ko Nothing to Put Them on Your Who! MARSHFIELD CYCLERY Intimates FuniUhm) Phoan tIK-R. Marshfltdd. Oro FOR RENT, Cheap. I, U mill 51 room Apartm'ts. Hroudwny Hotel. FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot nnd cold walor, Imtli. SR3 Third at. l-TTl t R EXT M ( ulerii Tl v-ronni bei galow on 12th and Commercial strcots, $12. fiO por innnth. Apply Goln fe Harvey. Fl.UI'K'uTlOH iiiiicIo from old ear pets. Address Fluff Rug Co., Eu gono, Ore. FOR SALE Entire furnishings of tho Anderson rooming-house, alsb restaurant equipment; center of hiislnuB3 district. Will soil cheap fur cash. Loaso given on building If desired. Mrs. Tlios. Andersou. Humlon, Oregon. aBBaa I OtIATERMAS STUDIO I ! OtIATERMAS STUDIO I QUALITY PHOTOS I Opposite Blanco Hotel, 1 I Phono 106-L. I i maushfield. uncqn ' FOR TRAXSFER AND BTORAOE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS, FREIGHT AXD MAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono l(i:i Residence Phono 1II-.I Market Ave. mul Wateifi-ont FOR' SALE Good grade llolsteln yearling holfoiu; 1 registered Ilol stoln bull, 0 mo. old. II. W. San ford, Suinnor, Ore., Phono 3io. FOR SALE F'our cows, J helfciA 1 hull; registered Aycrslilrcs: il) selected stock from Ponno's Calf.. iiUd Wash-'s boat herds; heavy producers. Wrlto llox SO, Ganl; nor. Oro. FOR SALE f Ono classy registered .lerboy 'mil calf, whose dam mllUed II, ItKI nuuiids in ten iiiontlia. AImv iron and ho:fers. H rvM em stock. Wilto to F, A, HACVUIts MarMif'elcl, liew. -' - " -' " f ; f " c-