. " THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 20 1916 EVENIMG EDITION Eom COOS BAY TIMES V. C. MALONKl, Editor una Pub. DAN K. MALONEVi News Editor Official Paper of rwrioUi Pns Hit. Coos County Of .MAt-Allflplll. the ethical culture MOVEMENT T HHKLJ Is coiiHltlorublo Interest In tlio fortieth anniversary or the Ethlcnl Culture Movcmont In Amarlrn, which Is to bo celebrated ltf Now York noxt month. Dr. Felix Adldr founded n society on the common-sense proposition that all cs ttblfshcd religions nro various ex liresslbtiB of tho ethical experiences df tho race. In a rocont stntoment ho has declared that "tho only thing that will bring nbout a dcslrablo con dltlon In society and a permanent peace among tho marring nations, that aro now fighting Insanely for tho possession of each other's terri tory, Is a universal realization of the' IntorwovoncBB of all life and tho consciousness Unit thoro Is no sac .'rlflco In tho offort to bring out DcaUty and strength In others." Upon fi,ucli plain, hiclpftil principles ns theso thousands of earnest mon and women liavo gotten together In n non-sec 'tarltm work that has proven ono of tho most wondorful uplift uiovomcuts Jn recent years. t NEWS OF OREGON X !'$ ItOSEBUIta -Tho Hoseburg Com morclal Club has secured a fax ex pcrt to give an address to tho Doug laH county farmers. EUGENE Carl ShoemnUor, state gati'ic ami fish warden, will nmltu a trip to tho fish hatchery at l'aujade. SPllLNWIKLU I)r. Charles S. j $$ PROFESSIONAL t NEWS OF NEARBY TOWN $ 1 GOOD ROADS NOTES ? $ $$$ WILL SHIP CREAM FROM THE UMPQUA DIRECTORY New Industry Is Taken Up By Flsli Company and I'ariiier.s Will Benefit (Special to The Tlnmos) OAIIDINI2H, Ore., April 20 -A rream shipping business, In conncc- atoy, optician, was arrested on ajtlon with dealing wlioloaalo In fish, charge of contributing to tho delln-'hns been established near Gardiner qulcy of two minor girls. ROSEHURO Tho demand for ,brocollt nilscd In Douglas county Is big, buyers now wanting fifty more cat loads. EUGENE Tho body of Lyman Mellaril!, tho 19-year-old boy found 1n tho Coast Ilango mountains where ho porlshcd vhb burled whore It was discovered. WHAT'S THE GAME? A"" ' LOT of "clover Ideas" havo boon born In Now York re cently, nil of .which woro sup posed to furnlHh u very plain wny by which tho country might noml noto a candldato from Nov York. After all that has been Bald infd written concerning tho wisdom and power of Wall Street, It Is extraor dinary to find how stupidly tho big business Interests work. As an In Blanco tho Union Lcaguo Club has ibutted In and oudorsod Mr. Hoot for (president. Tho public pimply roBpoiulrt with tho question: "What's jtho gamo?" Mr. Estnbrook, whoso first namo wo have forgotten or nov- cr havo known, runs for prcBldout front Now York, but to take out u little of tho sting, claims to bo from Nebraska. Again tho public dimply responds: "Very good, wlmt's tho gamo?" A hundred or more of tho biggest nowspapors In tho country carried paid ndvertlsomonts for ono of tho Iu Pout's who la running for president. The public smiled curi ously and remarked that tho thing jmiollH too much llko powder. Again thoy asked: "What's tho gamo?" Colonel KooBovolt pulls n now stunt overy day In his attempt to pin n tag on tho republican elephant. Tho people always had u hard time In following tho Colonel, and thoy nro not Hiiro yot us to Ills exact party JdonUly. So thoy want to know about soiuu of his games too.. HOOD RIVER Tho shorlff esti mates that fifty por cent of tho $23G, 017 tax money duo horo lias been collected. PRINEV1LLE Lolcal capitalists have offered to build tho connecting link from I'riuevlllo to tho main lino of tho Oregon Trunk. UNION A bam on tho W. II. Hutchison fnrm was destroyed by flro which was started by tramps and caused u loss of $G,000. BAKER A largo tarantula, which cnino In a bunch of bananas, was captured and Is on exhibition. by tho Umpqua Fishing, Storago and Supply Company, according to Thomas II. Richmond, president of tho company, who Is quoted ns fol lows: "Wo shall ship cream dally on tho Willamette 1'aclflc from the Umpqua and Smith Jtlver countries. Wo have Just completed Installation of our Ice manufacturing and ulor ago plant and so nro prepared to keep cream and fish Indefinitely in perfect preparation. "Tho fishing season has closod for a month but soon nftor It opcuB on May 15, wo shall begin to ship fl3h in wholcsalo quantities. "John II, Newman, dealer in sal mon, both wholcsalo and retail, has consolidated his wholcsalo business with the Umpqua -Fishing, Storago and Supply Company and hns been elected manager of tho wholosalo business of the company." The Oregon Stnlo Highway Com mission has offered to set asldo con fllderiiblo ritnto funds) for building ronds In Coos County If this county bonds Itself to Ibulld ronds. Can Coos afford to turn down tho offer ot tho state to match dollars with us? In 1910 tho assessed valuation of Coos county was $15,710,000.00. In 191G It was $21,190,000.00. What! Of. H. M. ShaW Dr. A. L. Houseworth, Physician and Surgeon Office: Irving Block. Office hours: 11 to 12 . m. 9 to I and 7 to 8 p. in. Phones: Offlco 11.1-J; Res., 14S-L J. M. Wright Phone 188-1 BUILDING CONTRACTOR Eitlmatci furnished on rcquoit will It bo In 1921, the first year that r.ny assessment will have to be made to pay off any df tho prlnclpad of the bonds? The assessed valuation will havo lncrcnsod and tho rato of taxa tion necessary to pay off tho bonds decreased. Tho Stato of California has invest ed tho proceeds of an $18,000,000.00 bond Ibsuo In building trunk roads. In November, thoy proposo to vote $15,000,000.00 for the same purpose. Id Hint an argument for bonding Coos county for roads Answer: yes. Eye, Ear mid Throat Specialist .GLASSES FITTED Phono 8.10-T. Rooms 200-21)1 Irving Block. -rt. MATTIE U. SnAW. . Phyfclrlnn nnd Surgcok Phono B30-.J. It G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER Room 304 Coko Dldg. Phone 14B-J Rosldonco Phone 3G3-L. CURRY COUNTY NEWS Notes of Cold Bench People in tho Reporter Told LA GRANDE Throe caaoB ot whiskey which were brought Into the city by O. L. Tumor In a trunk woro seized and poured Into tho Bovor nnd tho man arrested for maintaining a nuisance. .Mini mail for maksiifii:ld (From Snlom Journal) Evidently Marshflold Is In tho hab it of guttlun much mall. When Uiulo ALBANY Rev. David Columbus McFnrland, who died at hla homo, was a Methodist minister for 50 yeai-H nnd a resident of Orogon for 43 1 years. COTTAGE GROVE -No arroels have boon mndo In tho city Hlnco January first. BAKER A heavy Hiiowfall In tho mountains Is reported and Hiort woro aovornl snow flumes the city. SALEM Tho Snloni Conuoorcia vVluli has endorsed Astoria's ttg'lt to'. a naval biiiio, Till Arthcr Halloy and wlfo loft for Marshflcld and other points, taking a delayed honeymoon trip. Horn, nt tlio rosldonco of G. 1). Miller, nt l':20 this morning, to Mr. nnd Mij. Lawrcnco Miller, n (laughter. Dr. Kobblns reports mothor and child doing well, tho future beauty weighing lO1 pounds. Fred Fish and Miss Echo Mars tors woro married by Justice Staf ford. Tho brldo Is tho daughter of S. E.jMurstors, editor of tho Gold Hcach Globo nnd both site and tho groom are woll known young people. Tho residents of Sixes rlvor who liovu long advocated a road up to Ecldoy aro In a fair way to get It nowj. ob tho county court lias In- sTiieicn surveyor uiuguoil to begin 'a survey May 1st, connecting tho .ewer Sixes road with that now In ee In the vicinity of Kckloy. li'o collection of taxes for tho , i lrst half of tho year is virtually ver. For March tho Treasurer re olven from tho tax collector over MS. 000 and Sheriff Dallcy has since Tho nBsesscd valuntlon of the city of Marshflold was greater In 1915 thnn tho valuation of nil of Coos county was in 1902. At that rnto of increase it Bhould not bo hard toj il(mo 7-.T. pay oir n road bond Issue or less than 2 por cent of an assessed val untlon which Is growing. W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooms 301 and 302, Coke Building Marshflold, Oregon. WOOD GOOD WOOD W. H. Lingo lias It tit 81.50 nnd $2 cash per load. Garbage reinor. PORTLAND .OU Class STR. BREAKWATER SAILS -APRIL 2 North Pacific Steamship Co. Smith Terminal Dock. D"fict Sailing to Eureka, San Francisco, Santa Barbara . Los Angeles, San Diego.'1 BREAKWATER April 25 J', . cuHiiixa, ,iR( cnt "W. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. S. S. Adeline Smith Passengers Only SAILS FOR SAN FRANCISCO BAY Every FIVE DAYS, from SMITH MILL DOCK PHONE 44, SMITH TERMINAL DOCK C. F. McGEORGE . Passenger and Freight Agent Ono-thlrtl of tho taxes aro paid within tho towiiB ot Coos county. Tho fiiTinpr ought to "bo Jiblo to voto for a bond lssuo to build country ronds if tho city pays one-third of tho cost. If Coos county bonds for $3G2,- 000.00 to build good roads, tho avo rago tax rato for fourteen years at (ho presont assessed valuation would bo .1 mills to pay off tho bonds and TIME TAIILK WILLAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOR CAR Loavt Leave Marshflold G:4G a.m. 7.45 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 9:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. North Bond 7:00 a.m 8:00 a.m 9:00 a.m 10:15 a.m 11:00 a.m OCEAN BFACH AUTO LINE Gorst t Kins, lcno Mnrsliflclil nt 7 n. in., nnil returning leaving from Emplm at H a. in. Lcavo Marsliflclil at 11 n.m. unit returning leaTo Bonth Btimgli tt i p. in. Leave Marshflcld nt C p. m. nnd rctnrnlii leai'o Koiith Klnugli at O p. in. ' intorcst. nAWOVVII.I.K llnvmniul bury and Itobort Ward woro nrrciittf. !'rD"d "'" ,n?'u tlmnthnt amount, ,. i....n ..r ,.ii , N"o tal on tliii year's roll so far .. i.n" ... .........f. .... iiiiiu uii.li , ., i j . . a.. rtiv minima ueing ovor iu,uuu nnoui alf of t' o total to bo raised this oar. Miss llernlco Lnuo of Corvnllls. MINK IH KI.OOI)i:i It Is reported Unit tho Kenryvlllo initio has been flooded for nbout two weeks and tho output of coal hns boon greatly lossonod. For this reason It wiu said that tho en- SOUTH l.VLKT ITEMS Bjivlng to tho county In road main tenance nftor tlio roadB nro placod on pormnnont lino and grado will pay tho cost In 14 years. COOS CQUNTV.GOOD ROADS ASSOCIATION'. VISITING JAPAN' tHj AuoiltttJ rr to Coot Hr Tlmn. . TOICIO, April '20. Tho first act of Mr. Ulysses S. Grant on arriving in Toklo to begin a tour of Japan wns to visit Uono Park, whore, In 1879, bin famous presldont-fnthor planted n magnolia trco to commomorato his coming to this country. Mr. Grant who Is accompanied by his wlfo will visit South America. Ills homo is in San Dlogo, California. 11:30 a.m. 11:46 a.m 12:50 p.m. 1:15 p.ra 1:45 p.m. 2:00 p.ra 2:45 p.m. 3:00 p.m 3:45 p.m. 4:00 p.m 5:00 p.m. C: 15 p.m 5.40 p.m. 5:55 p.m 6:55 p.m. North city limits only. 7:30 p.ra. 7:45 p.m fcX I WEAVING All kinds a spec ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-R BROADWAY HOTEL Steam Heated :: Hoi Water. Transient, 7Bc day; ffiUH) Per Week. ApartnientH, ijtl.t per month. .Every thing furnished. Phono :t(l.". L. J. .H'STEN', Proprietor. Abstracts i For rollnblo Abstracts of Tide ih nformntloii about COOS HAY IIE.IL JSTrtTIi, SCO Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshflold and Coqulllo City, Orogon. General Agents Ku.slIdo nnil Sengstacken's Addition. Special attention paid to nN.sesHincntH nnil pnyment of tain. UEN'UV SEXGSTACICEN', Mnnager. tm GRAVEL' W aro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL in ny futntltlH from pllo In our yard or in curlond lots, at following prlcei: From pllo on ground, $2,V6 por yard. Canoad Iota, taken from can, 92.00 per jui ltatll Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co, Opposite Fos'.Offlco. Fhoil IN. NOTICE OF SALE OH HEAL PIIOIM-JHTV l-Olt in:Li.guE.vr I STItEKT ASSESSMENTS Notlro Is hereby given that act ing by virtue of a warrant duly! Issued by tho Hocordor of tho City i of Marshflold, County of Coos.j Stnto of Oregon, by order of tho! 8am coinmoncod sending tlio mallsiBha.a af l0 8llimi.,,oworil hoKKlnK over tho Wlllaniotto Pacific road tho first trains woro delayed, sonio ot thorn for nearly two houra on account of tho heavy malls. Probably some Capital Journals wero In that bunch. t WITH THE TOAST t t AND THE TEA I t It Is a good thing that our prayers nro not always answered. If thoy wero mighty fo.v of us would try to hustlu for what wo need. Tho upkeep of n motor ear keeps Bonio Coos Hay men down. Soma Coos Hay girls don't seem to know It. Hut a man would rather !o a girl wearing Imitation lacn that Is clean than real laco that Is dirty. Any Cops Hay woman will toll you that she would bo ns woll dressed as other women if bliu didn't pay tier duhts and put ovorythlng she had on hor back. It Is mighty hard for a Coos liny woman to dacldo whether hho .would rather ho a perfect thirty-six and bo poor or bo a fat woman nnd be wealthy. 1.1 If hor mirror tolls her that sho i homely nnd hor gentlmau frlond tolls hor that slio Is beautiful a Coos Hay girl knows Hint tho mirror Is u liar. company are experiencing troublo In getting thu necessary coal with wlilch to run, for It Is from this mine thoy aro getting their present supply. At tho same tlmo It wob stattd that tho Southern Pacific mine at llonvor 1 1 til is working to capacity to supply the railroad. An Arbor Day program wiu glv en Krlday at Dlstr itmlnr flu illr-nPtlmi Miss Lulu Miller nsslsted by Miss . ;,,u . re. "fl "R . f Mary Price, teacher or District 57. 1Mttn,huI f 1Ba,,,, dty ,to forthw,th After the program refreshments ?Vy UJ'" tho 'P1 or lots or arta PAIIE TEN' CENTS City Limits North Hend, Ho qn COMMUTATION' l)( ) TICKETS, 81.75 lj Mar.shflcld-N'orth Ilcnd Auto Lino Cars overy ton minutes from C a. m to 12 midnight; to South Slough onco a day, leaving at 11 a. in.; to Em pire throo trips a day. GOHST & IJIN'O, Proiw. .let 79, South inlet "T, 0Me ' Jl Ion of the teacher 1J0';; " J. 1P16. to. AHVEHTISICH LEITEHS 0 List ot advortlsed letters remain ing in tho Marshflold, Orogon, post off I vo for week ending April IS, 10H). Persons calling for tho sumo ,vll ploaso sny advortlsod unci pay ono cent for each letter called for: llarth, Carl; HJork, Mr.; Hraek, Alex W.; Hoyd, Miss Ireno; Derby, Jon; Edge, It. It.; l'orbes, Sum; Hill, John; Luudberg, John; Mnrshflcld Jlmisa & Decorative Co.; Schmidt. Martin; Tabor, Charley; Wells, Mrs. Mommle; Wilson. Mrs. Grace. HUGH M'LAl.V, P. M. wero florved. An Industrial club wu3 organized during tlio day. Mrs. A nil raw Fredrlckson and In grld Anderson spent tho week end In Marshflold. luoreor or tracts or land unoii wlilch assessment was made under ! nnd pursunnt to Ordlnnnco No. CCS of said city for tho Improvement of Eighth Terraco Street from tho Mrs. Stlfflor and daughter Shirley l"3t ,luo otiiKltl Street North to nrn llnnvni. Illll vUltra " " '" "I iUHlll nireoi Arbor Day in District No. CI was 0,Ul J" tUo Clty r ManHiflold. wclUibsorved. Fifty or the patrons Coos County' 0ro8on nml wl,,eh! and friends of (ho vichool gathered nBS088,not 'n romnlned unpaid; nt the school l.ouse where they as- ",ul ,to Bel1 ",0 8a,no ' U, l"j slstod In planting shrubs, etc. which ;,rov,',e, h' !w- wlllc" Id prop-! had beon donated, and dug uc.hc"y la ,n n,d wnrrnnt ml heroin-1 for tho children's gardens. At noon"ftor lescrlul, 1 have, In pursu a fluo dinner wns served by the la-i""? of 8nhl wnrnu1- Iovle'l "on dlea In tho school room. nmI w,n lll "" lly ot May.. Miss Doris l.elhy who Is nUend- ,016, nt nlno 0'c,0l,k ,n tllQ for-i Ing High School in North IHmil. "uuu "l "a m ni u, ''l WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 6 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer soul through n humming bird's quill into a mosquito's oyo and tho mosquito wouldn't blink." Glw any Coos Hay man nn uudl onco and lie will attempt a performance. spent tlw week ond with her par cuts, Mr. unit Sirs. L. A. I.elby of this plnro. Fishing Is qulto good "horo now, a number of good catches bolng re ported. Miss Fnyo Conkllu who recently underwent nil oporation for remov al of enlarged toiulls and adenoids Us tihlo to be In school ngalu. When thero Is n baby present In a Coos Hay gathering, the conver sation Is about biihlos; nt other tlmea the city beautiful, taxes, art, music, lltornturo nnd tlio neighbors nro discussed. v I gi'KSTIO.V l.'Olt THE DAV You may Imnglno that it must bo flno to bo rich nnd do as you ploaso. Ilnl llnrsnv Kreltznr tolls inn thnt tho fact Is that thoro nro mlgntyMIng ready to touch you for a loan, few rich mon who nro not ills.) appointed at least n dozen times ni HOW ADOPT IT, JAKE? day, I gvl a dun most overy day From Jake, who Is my grocer; WILL GET ItOAI) Highway from Gaulluer W Hailroad Allowed (Spoclal to Tho Times) GAHDIN'BH, Ore. April 20. The county court of Douglas county has Lot allowed $11,000 for tho highway to extond from Gardlnor to tho rail way station at Smith rlvor. The road will follow along tho rlvr. O. II. Hinsdale has offorod to build Council Chamber door of snld city,! being In tho City Hall Front Street North of said City, oi.for for salol and sell at public auction to tho' highest bidder for cash, each of tho following described lota assess ed to tho Southern Oregon Com pany and situated in Perham Park Addition to tho City of Mar3h(!eld. according to tho plat thereof on file nnd of record In tho office of tho County Clork ot Coos County, Oregon, tho number- ot tho block and the amount ot tho assessment bolng set opposite tho number ot eaoh lot respectively: snl'd 3alo bo lng mndo subject to redemption in tho mnnuer provided by law: THE WHITE IS KING Of all Sowing Machines Now located at 250 Markot ate. West. Phono ID 3-J. Wo havo also got big bargains In all kinds ot used machines. All machines fold on easy payments. hen Anot i Her man IM steps into your position because you've grown old; what are you going to live on, if you have saved nothing? Hundreds of men are quietly depositing part of their salary at 3 per cent interest, at Our Savings Bank, gel ting ready for such a day! Why not you? The Fireit National lank f coos bay Safety Plus Service I Oldest Hank In Coos County SAVE MONEY by ordering thp famous HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, tou $1.00 Lump coal, ton $3,150 Or half ton of both.. $4.75 D. MUSSOX, Prop. Phone 18-J or leave orders at Hlllyer's Cigar Store ls,n't It roinarkublo hpw pollto a, tho road at a cost not to exceed Coos Hay innu ran bo when ho Is get-?t 1.000. riSHKHMEV ATTENTION iv Ivv Condron said 11 1 O a 4 r. i i r. G mock 27 as as as as as ao ao 39 30 Asse3smout ?3G7.r.4 42S.31 27.15 20.83 31.22 33.10 CIS.C7 41.02 GS.14 C75 S3 HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 Established 18 Coos Hay Ico and Cold Storngo Dated ut Marshflold, Coos Coun Company. of Marshflold Is propar- ty, Orogon, this 12th day of April, ed to buy any uuantltv of fresh 191 G. I SOUTH COOS HIVKK HOAT SERVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Marsh field overy day 8 n.m. Leaves head ot river nt 3:30 p. in. STEAMER RAINBOW leaves head of river daily at 7 a.m. Leaves Marahtleld at Flanagan (. Bennett Bank Mnrhhfleld, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,0W INTEREST PAID OX TIME AND SAVINGS HEl'OJ'J8 Officers J. W. BKNNETT, President; JAS. II. PIAw President; It. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WIM-H" Assistant Cashier. Flanagan 8b Bennett Bank OP MYRTLE POINT , Capital $25' 7 Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. II. FINAO V N, President; L. M. SUPLEE, Cashier; L. T. DEMEM, Cashier. I Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $I25. Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; TOM T. JJfJJ'sffAN' President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretary; BENNM TON, Treasurer. . ypifr The Only Trust Company In the State, Outside of Portia" organized Under tlio Jseiv 4J" EXPERT WELDING of METAljj Steel, brass, cast, iron and aluminum castings m i ... ime new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. CSi Koontz Garage