IjiPBpjY.fPJI'W' (Tflww.,-. Tm: w T" ' ' " f Nfffl BELIEVE THE "YES" Of THE COOS BAY MAN WHO CAN'T SAY "NO" pape1beTevesinthebest and always boosts i PLEAN WHOLESOME A NEWSPAPER FOR ALL 1 rtitxuu;ncT nncnriM untune GJTY ED1TIOK O'CL0CK (Sues Wxm& mm r i JMt ' i y y. Ah IT GIVEN UP. Photographic Copies Arc Sent to Washington for Ger man Ambassador EIEAL SPY PUIS Not Believed Von Bernstorff Aamii any hiu uw man Documents ( VON IGEL HELD ON BAIL Xiuich or Directors of Gcrninii Secret Operations tSn' s,,,' Co IU' (,,Vl'" Haul Most luiM)rlatit. Tlmf ! (Ins lleen Mndo Br JiittUteJ rrti to Cooi II17 Tlnwt.1 NHW YOIUC, April 20. Tho 'documents seized by tbo federal au thorities la tho orrico of Wolfo von Igd, return of which has boon de manded by Gorman Ambassador von Ilermtorff, remain today. In tho snTo of tlw United States district attorney. Photo Copies Are Rent Boforo roturnliiK any or tlicm to the Cerman ambassador, District At .., . lorncy Marshall has sent to Ington photographic ronton or nil of them In order that Von. llomHtorff ferny deteruilno which nro official roe prds of tho ombasRy. i raK'iM Important Persons who havo soon tho papers Mo not bcllevo von Boruntorfr will idmlt any nro official records. Tho papers aro described nn "tho largest haul inuilo iby tho government since the activities of agents of tho Central rowers wero first uncovered." Complete operations allowed that i Teutonic spy systom l rovenlod in tlmllng tlio mimes of tho directors. ,Von Igel Is still held on ball. E l'Aitis paper sees trouble WITH GERMANY AHEAD Say That France Awaits Calmly tlio Hniik Which Will Kvontunlly Couio IDr AuorUteJ rrM to Coot n Tlmft.l . PARIS, April 20. Regarding Pros Went Wilson's noto to Germany, tho l'arls Matin says: "The action ofr Wnslilngun will MTo far reaching consoquonfos Tor the futuro of tho United States. Franco awaits calmly tho ovontual rupture." TD CAPITAL W. J. IIHVAX STAH'I'S TO!! WASH IXGTOX, I). C. fi) H Will Ho a C'l-lmo for United States to C.'et Into. War ZB; Auwltitj rrtM to coo pr Tlm. WASHINGTON, D.C., April 20. Telegrams from William J. Uryan nnounlcuB tho hour ho bxpocts to "lve here, and loltoratlng his opin 1011 that It would bo "a crime jsalnst civilization for tills country Jj Eo Into war," woro tho only In '"nations which RenroaentutlYo Ball V of Pennsylvania, Uryan'a apokos- in ine nouso, had of tho No Vol. No. XXXIX PUPERS SEIZED EXPECTS HOPTUH 01 askan's ,.! ,'. ,.Iu ,,.,...HiIs own work. Ho la adept In pho . .. , ,,;,..,(,!., Dalloy today recalled Bryan's "Jteraent that If war seamed lm- . ent; 1,Q wld como to Waahlng- n. dropping anything olso ho mlgtu e Pn liand. Hryan will attend '"tlnionlal dinner hero tonight. I'AI'KK IS HIGlt Odne mm Publications Ai-o FoicimI to Stop Issuing ll7 Auutnua Vnn to Coo. n.7 Tlme..l ln. KLV A,)rU 20-Hecaiso or tho ZT ln tl10 'rlce of. paper, the inlni i BOVern'"ont, through tho nistry 0r ngrlculture and com- - nas instructed tho ,. "mv.si, mo ijuijuj- 111111 Rm... 0W to ,ncreaso Its output, DOWSnannra tlin..1.n..t nl.l.-l ",0 ciosiiu. ,i i i Jrlc n, u""u u"3e or tno uigiiHe wastes neitncr nine ii-i .- hi Sr Vn daU,Ca lB "0t tlmt "e to ,,0t Crd,al r fa loVI,n-k re nnl g 5 . Cur that Sweden has been vigorously tak "rKer cities have been romnellml -,iiniifv tmi)resso3 on ono the fact in lot k, ixuiminj, hi i. m. v. & CtsQ publication. . Established 1878 Tlio CoiHt Mull Tl HUE 1 BOGIES HIS XAME OX BALM)T AS PRES IDENTIAL CANDIDATE Supreme Court Grunts MuutlumiiH Or. Uei'liiK Secretary of Stat-j to Place It There (Special to Tho Times.) SALEM, Oru., April 20. Tho su Jpronto court Into yostcrduy granted th writ or mandamus sought by Wal Inco McCnuinnt, mid ordered Secre tary Oleott to pliico tho lu-yo Hushes on tho primary ballot ns n ropnbllcan candidate for President, IS NOMINATED IIV NEDBASKA DEMOCRATS FOR SENATE V. .1. Ili-ymt Runs SMIi Place In Unco for Delegate at Largo anil Huh l,ost. !lr Awlt,l rr (r Otua nr Ttaiot O.MAIIA, Neb. April 20 Tho lat est primary returns Increased tho lead Klvou Ford for tho republican nomination for president nud ludl- cato tho lo-uomluatlou of Hitchcock on tlio democratic senatorial tick et by a majority or 2 to I. William J. llryan. caudtilato fori' dolesnte at largo to rpo democratic' convention, la running 31x111. inero urn seven candidates. Tho four receiving tho largest number lf votes will bo nominated. C. W, Hryun, democratic candidate ror governor and brother or W. .1, llryan, has not conceded his own defunt. J PROPOSAL TO CONSOLIDATE RE PUBLICANS AXI) PROGRESSIVES Latter Patty Conslder.s Plan at Ark ansas Statu ('(invention In' Session Today inr AwllJ rrwt t Cj-w n Tim, i LITTLE HOCK, Ark., April 20. A proposal to consolidate tlio pro gressive and republlcou parties in ArkunBUB Is bolng cbnsldorod at tho progressive stato convention hero to day. CIIIKK KXfllXKKU HOOD SPKXDS ALL TIMK WOUKIXO Photography. Is Ills Hobby and Uj Does Some i:ccllent Work In that Lino (Hy Mall to Tho Times) SAN FHANCISCO, April 18. '. "Vacation, why that Is what kills ;, peoplo" replied Chler Engineer Hood of tho Southern Pacific to tho bu- gestlon that lid nnd his wife spend his vacation nt C003 Hay this year. "I have had Just 0110 vacation two weoksln rorty-eight years" ho ndded by way or explanation. Busiest of busy men with his fin gers constantly In touch with tho Imiuonso amount of ropalr work nnd new construction of tho South orn Pacific, ho gets hU recreation out of his work and ho seldom leaves It. LikcsPliotogrnphy Ho has ono hobby, photography, and from It ho dorlvos his princi pal pleasure outgldo of the Joy 01 tography and has perfected it to a raro degreo. In fact he perfected phases or it so that tho Eastman Kodak Company sought to buy tho dlscovorles or his keen analytical mind. Orflco a Work Hoom Mr. Hood's private office Is his work room. Thero aro a few ohaii-3 but thoy aro inostjy pushed underneath tho numerous tables on which aro laid out the bluo prints, tho maps and numerous othor pa pers by means of which ho keeps In closo touch with tho work on .., o,l l tn I 'the system. You will rind him on his toei when you aro admitted to his ot i. n.,,i lioinu u bu3y man, ho will keon Ills visitor 'on his feet, thereby ..WW , -" . . . it.., ..IH a .1,1 anvlnir timo. ... .. ...,.-,io . 'that he has no time to waste. , , .,...., ,-- HITCHCOCK I T M 0 AS IACAT1S MARSHFIELD, OREGON, ALL DEPENDS I United States Will Now Await Reply From Berlin Within Reasonable Time UPON GERMAN 2IS ID TIE L IT President However Thinks Three or Four Days Should Be Sufficient to Reply SILENCE MEANS A BREAK If There Ih Xo Ansul-r Steps Will B Taken to Discontinue Diplomatic Relations Vom HcriiKtorff Would Be Given Ills Passports ? note reaches berlin heady to deliver ny Awoclilfil rr " nr TimM.l HUUI.IX, April 20. Tho American noto to Oormnny arrived In Horlln late yester day evening, Ambassador (lor ard probably will present It to tho foreign offleo .early this afternoon. tn Amo-'UIM I'tfM In Ctut nf Tlmn.J WASIIIXOTOX I). C April 20. Tho United States government having said Its last word to Germany in the siibmariuo controversy, turned today Uvlth gravo expectancy to Horlln whoro I rests tho decision as to whether tho Imperial government shall abandon Its present methods of suhmarluo warfare or break with Washington. Thero was no time limit, but tho prosldent-hohls-tho opinion Unit three or four days Is a reasonable porlod to allow Gormnny for a da clsloit. HeaNonable Walt If no reply Is forthcoming within n reasonable timo, steps accomplish ing a break in relations, with aU Its gravo possibilities, will bo takon. Am bassador von Ilornstorff would re ceive his passports and Ambassador Goiard at Horlln will bo Instructed to coino homo. SIX POUND GUILTY villa mi:x ciiap.(!i:d WITH CO. Ll'.MUl'S HAH) .ML'UDKHS Jury at Denning, X. M., Itctiinis Ver dict or Murder In tho First D greo (Or AixkUIoJ rrc to Coot Vr Tlmx.) KL PASO, Toxas, April 20. SlxtIOO,,s tll0 villlstas and othor mar Villlstas charged with tho killing of Charles II. Mlllor In tho Columbus rnld iwero round guilty or miirdor in tho first dagreo today by n Jury at Demlng, N. M. VILLA STILL ALIVE HF.POHTED TO HAVE PASSED HAST OF PAHHAL Said to Havo IKV11 There Two Days Heforo Troops Hull Trouble (nr Aiwitti rrt-M to coo nr tiwm.i EL PASO, Texas, April 20. Villa passed through Troya,'25 miles eust or Parral, two days beroro the en gagement batwoen the American und Carranza troops, roports received horo today said. GET SHERIFFS AHKSTKD AT SEATTLE OX CHAKGi: OF HOOTLEGGIXG Taken in Charge by the City Pollen at Soft Drink Parlor Ho Conducts Tlr Amo-II1 rm to Cooo IWr tlm.i BRATTLE. Wash.. April 20. Tho ...niirn last niuht wrrcstcd William Hodgo, son or Sherirr Hodge, for sell- . .uMn.' In a soft drink enrol ,uB ........ ... - - -p conducted by young Hodgo. Launch Cadillac leaves Murshflelil SO . ovedlsli lecatton and it Is understood 'for hire at AHcgany. .... ,., .tllnomit' I MEMBER, OF THUS ASSOC! ATKD THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 EVENING EDITION E , TOHXADO IX MISSOl'ltl AXI) KAN SAS IS SICVIOHK Moi-o Than Oiii'.-IIiiikIiciI Pet-sons Are Hepoiteil IiijlriMl One Town In KiiUYcly Cut orf III; AiaaclitM rri to Coot TUr TltnM. (KANSAS CITJ', Mo., April 20.--Heports received", up to noon today from tho tornado-swept section.! of .Missouri nnd Kansas Imllcnted tl'at tho death list In yesterday's Btorm would roach 20. Over n hundred persons wero injured. Tho property flamago will prob ably amount to more than $7r0,00U. Stover, Mo., Is Mill cut ofr rroni communication nnd It is Impossible to conrirm ropofta that six wore killed there. ! Path I'mio- Miles I)iiir Thero was n wind swept path ur miles longfaud a quarter or a llo wide near Fort 8cott, Kansas, fou III razing all tho buildings In the path. Tho little townijor Merlin. Kaiuns, which recently ctltloiu'd statu of ficials to chaugo Its name, was bad ly damaged. UP TDlSrSCOTT IJXPKCTKD TO TAKK ACTION' IX Till: MKXICO APKAIU Army Men Think llo Will Vllli"riur Ti-oops or Klso Push Cniupalgu Moiv I'Jxtvnslvely nr AiiofllJ rrxi to Com ny TIium.i SAN ANTONIO; Texas, April 20. Tho early withdrawal oT troops from Moxlco or t le authorization of' tiullltary oporatloi s on a Inrgo mile! must bo tho rosult or General Scott's; Investigation of tjio situation, In tho opinion of army, officers horo. Gen. Persuing. la not'iiiuUilng.tho campaign ngr.lnst Villa, nnd iwlll not until ho gv-ts from headquarters authority and .facilities to operate nioro freely. LIXi: OF COMMUXICATIOX IS AL SO DICING Gl'AKDF.D IVar Kxprt'sMtl that Troops Will Ho Attacked If Tliey Start to Withdraw (n; Aiwlll I'rMi to Coot flir Tlm.l KL PASO, Texas, April 20. While tho Amorlcnn punltlvo oxpo dltlou Is making timo today In tho pursuit or Villa, .errorts aro bolng made to strengthen tho army b&30s and Hues or communication. Fears nro oponly expressed by nr m y officers that nlioultl nn order como to withdraw tho American n,ung bands will rnlso tho cry that lll0 Americans nro rotrcatlng, with tbe result that tho Americans will bo subject to constant night at tacks. To prevent such wariu.-, Gen. Pershing Is proparlng to move tho troops in largor milts. HAS Sl'FFEIJED German Chemical Industry Hurt by ' the War (Dx AmocUM rriHH to Cv Df Tlmei.l ZUHICll, Swltziiiand, April 20. While high above the averago In comparison with other trades, Ger inany'4 chemical induatrlea liavo suf rered sovorely from tho war, accord ing to the balanco sheet of 102 chemical companies of the year 19 IT,. Exports havo almost ceased, profits and dividends havo decreased about 4 par cont, and largo num bers of nion are roportod out of work. OAUSIW TUOUHLE Genuaiis Seio Slilpments of Steel and Iron From Japan II Auwt4l 1'rMt to Co lv Tlrart.l TOKIO, April 20. Tho alloged. solzuro or steel and iron shipments by Gorman warships from Swedish steamers bound for Japan has caused Ureal inconvenlonco to Japanese manuracturlng. awpuisn hwi '" i "- hero in tho making of twitted wlro and cables and cutlery. A series or complaints woro lodged with tho 1I1K IIIU IUUllCI UU Hllll UOIHiUUJi 1 T STRENGTHEN BASES PHKSS M PLOT 15 F British Allege Germans Were Working to Start Revolu tion in that Country E Claim Made that American Headquarters Are On the Pacific . Side ONE VESSEL CARRIED ARMS Kuowlcilgo of Plot Is learned by Hrltlsli Intelligence Hurcuii as Itesiilt of Scl.iiro or Teutons on the- Slraiiivr Clilna I tjr AMorlttixl l'n- to Cmm HJ Ttrom.l iI.ONDON, April 20. As tho rosult or tho seizure of German r.nd Aus .Irian siibjoct'.i aboard tho stoanvor .China whllu bound from fthaughnl to the United States, tho Intolllgonco dorartmont of tho Hrltlsh govoruiuoiit .claims to havo uncovered n plot of luinicnso ramifications conducted vlth tho purpose of causing a revo lution In India. Tho American lieadquarlora of tho plotters is on tho Pacific coast. At luast ouo ship Is known to havo sailed from Sail 'Francisco iwlth a Gorman crow and Indian consnlratnrH and arms. Tho officials bollovo Corman Consul Hopp nt San Fran cisco Is Involved. AMHASSADOIt VOX HKUXSTOHFF CALLS UPOX LANSIXO Siibntariiio Issiio and A'rivsl of Von Igel ate Question Uiider Discussion (11, A.o.'lle0 rrr to Cixx U, Tlinw.J WASHINGTON, I). C, April 20. Ambassaddr von Hernstnrfr huld a short confereneo today with Socro lary Lansing on tho submarine Issue and, tho arrost of Wolfo von Igel. Cannot Answer Soon Altor von Hernstorrr conferred with Secretary Lansing, It was learn ed the Gorman diplomat regards tho receipt of the roply from Germany within two or Ibmo days physically Impojslhlo. It was thought the re ply could not bo received beroro ton days. Last night von llorustorfr appear ed hopeful that some way would bo found to prevent a break In rela tions. His manner today Indicated that lio Is not so sanguine. Chances About liven Regarding a llopo for an amicable settlement, ouo official hero des cribed tho proapoct a toss up. Af tor returning to tho embassy Count von Bernstorff prepared a long dis patch which probably will bo sent to Horlln boforo night. FIRE ON AIRSHIP ..MEXICANS -MAKE ATTACK ON AMEUICAX AEUOPLANHS In at 1aiv1 Ono Iiistanco Assault Was Made hy Carrana I bounces III, AMOtlttnl Treu to Coot IUr Tlmtt GENERAL PEP.SHINa'S CAMP AT FRONT, April in. (Aoropluno Ho Columbus.) American noroplanos havo been Hred upon soveral times .by the Mexicans and In nt loast ono oneo tho asBallnnttf woro Carranza isoldlora. Tho latter Instanco Is ro ported by Mont. Chapman, who flow 'into camp today aftor an nbsonco of '. . . I. ..!.... .1.1 1 . I.ntt j.'1'ireo y i..h mi....... ..a,u . ,., iimior normal couiiuiouh, nu "" Ulluht, Buy tho Sanitary .trapped Tip the Top (mil llolsiim 1 1 rcai 1 at Sanitary Food Store. SCHOONER TILLAMOOK PORTLAND AND COOS BAY SAILS FROM PORTLAND KVKUY 'IVESDAY FOB INFORMATION PHONE 278 TOM JAMES. Atst., Ocean Dock Tlio convenience ami profit of TIhich Wunt Ads wUI bo demon titrated by a trltd. T C T HOLD A CDF I Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos Uny Advertiser. ENGLAND SURPRISE l'ltKSIDKXT'H WOUDS MOHK VI- xaij tiiax i:.pi:cti:i) One Xewpaper Says Ills Action Ad mits mi 0Mirtuulty for Ills Hot real tl)r AuntlatCHl TrrM to Tooa IUr Tlmrt. LONDON, April 20. Alhoiigh ro cent dispatches led tho Hrltlsh pub lic to expect a sharp noto from tho United Statefl to Gormnny, tho lan guago employed by President Wilson In his address to congress cnii" as something of a surprise. Papers consider and rofer to tho noto as nn ultimatum. Tho West mliilstor Gazette says: "President Wilson has mapped out ror himself pa lino of action which admits of no rotroat." IS PIX'IDi: OX MAKIXO PUOPOSAI.S HKOAUIHXO HIICHl'ITIVO Will Ho Submitted Next Tuesday at Secret Sessions of Hot It Houses of Parliament. inr AiiorUt! Co.. to Cooa IX 7 Tlmr. IXJNDON, April 20. -At a mooting today of tlio Hrltlsh cabinet an agree ment was reached upon tho proposals which tho ministers will make to par liament on tho subject or recruiting. Tho proposals will bo submitted nt a Hccrot session or oacli houiiu of parliament Tuesday, It was officially announced. RUSSIANS TO FIGHT Hid FOHCE AHHIVED ON PHKNCII SOIL TODAV Will Join the Allied Forces And Aro Welcomed by General .loffro of French Army (llr AMorut Prrtl to Coot lit TltnM.) PAULS, April 20. A strong forco or Husslan troops disembarked at Marseilles at noon today. Tlio Rus sians nro to right beside tho allkid soldiers In Franco. ' General .loffro wolcomod tho lUuslaiiH, saying tlilr arrival was another proof or tho de votion or Hussla to the common cause. Pl'TTIXO VP IIAHI) FIGHT 'AGAINST (JEHMAXS Latter Wlthuraws Troops From Other Points to Throw Against Ver dun In Assault (l), AworUtfl I'ma to Com Ilr Tlmfi.1 PARIS, April 20. French reslst nnco In the region of Verdun U compelling the German general staff to withdraw largo forces from the Tuition's front ln Macedonia and Serbia and In Russia, according to Information obtained today by tho highest military authorities hero. JAPAN HAS ORDERED T AGREED RESISTING TtAn I IPUT PDIIICCDq! Agrtoulture exports to amount to at I WU LlUrll OttUlbtttbl.,,, . ,,, ,, nllI11.inP .lollara Naval .Men Much Interostcsl In Artrt. 'lions to the Fleet Which Are To Bo Constructed III, AMOflil.J n to Cw IUr Tlmtt.i TOKIO, April 20. Naval nion aro especially Intomstod In tho to light' quantities or fish of other Bpeclea crulsora authorized by thu last Dlotfcaught with tho salmon. Ton groat which will soon be laid down In extent this material Ih now wasted. Japanoso ship yards. Thoy think I On tho Atlantic coast an Industry of that tho war In Europe and more copsldurnbl proportion has, dovel particularly tho battlo-of Heligoland, opod In tho production of fish scrap havo demonstrated tho superior qual ities of thla typo or light nnd speedy ccout ship which made. Its strength rolt In tho suecossful engag. inent with tho Gorman squadron. Tho Jnp aneso ships will bo constructed along tho same lines an the British cruiser Arethusa, although tho definite 'de tails aro kept socrot. Special atten tion will bo paid to tho construction or tho two vessols, which tiro sched uled to ho launched ln 1918. At thu present timo Japan possesses no light cruisers or this class. FOB SALE New tdv-room bungi-' PIAXO TUNING Warner wMl low, completely fiirnUlied; Vorth'leavo town for ,tIuvo wiontlw trl.. Tenth street. X. S. MiUtnon, phone If wishing work doira find i lib 2H. 'week ut St. Lwrene HoUiI. -- No. 228 Now On the Offensive and Re port Taking Positions from the Germans britishTefeateo Lose Trenches to the Germans for Distance of Six Hlin- dred Meters RUSSIANS TO HELP ALLIES Embark at Archangel and Holier In Uirgo Foices Have Itecu Gathered. at that Seaport. Wliliil Is Closed to Outside Shipping til, AMarUtfc I'rrM to Com Dt TlmM.) LONDON, April 20. The French again have taken the offonslvo ln tho Verdun battle. In attacks against tlio Gorman lines on tho right bank of tho Mouse, tlio French captured portions of tho Gorman trenches and redoubt, and havo tak en Hovoral hundred prisoners. Paris announced today. British I-OHO Trendies Tho Hrltlsh trenches ror n dls tnnco or 000 meters between Lang oinarck and Ypres, Belgium, woro occupied by the Gorinans. Horlln nay.i. HiinnIii Assisting Tho RiiBslnns havo como to tho assistance or tho allies In France, apparently embarking from Arch angel. Thlj port Is roported closod to all but government shipping and It Is believed that great numbers In addition aro being sent to tho Western front. EXPECT OPPOSITION CAHKAXVa THOOPS AUK MAKING SHOW OF HESISTLNO Belief Is That Soldiers Aro Arthur Without Knoulislgo of tlto Do Fnrto lA'nder WASHINGTON, I). C, April 20. Orrielal advices of tho Statu Dopart mout today noting the recent move ments of tho Carranza troops from Chihuahua to the Parral region caused concern among lulmlnlBtrn- tlou officials. Dlapatches nxpressod tlio opinion that tiro movement was Intended us a hint to tho American forces that they might oxpoct nt least a show of opposition if they souglit to pone trato further Into Moxlco than their present position. It waj addod how ever that every Indication was thut tho movement was made without the knowledge of Carranza. WASTE IS BIG .Much Could Ho Saved lYoiu Pmiflu Fish Canneries till AmooUIoJ rrm to COut IUr TlmM i WASHINGTON, I). C. April 20. Wusto or posslhlo fertilizer and fish oil material In connection with fish canning operations on tho Pacific coast Is estimated by Department ot r least n million and a quarter dollars . ..... ... every year, in mo saiiimii-vuiuui I Industry (InvolgiUlon Iwih aaown that about UO por cent on tlio ave- nito ol tho material as It comes to tlit factory Is uusultod for canning and it Is discarded as welt as largo ror rertlllzor purposes. TICKETS ON SALE Tho tlckota ror tho oratorical con test tomorrow night aro on sale at tho Owl Drug store. Sartor's, Che Busy Cornor nnd Norton & Hanson's atore. What? Dance! When? Saturday Evo., Apr. 5Jwd Whero? Goodw Ill's, of couVs. (Good miiiestro, good "eats" good time, llopo leaves Mursiineia 7 p. in. FRENCH GUI NEAR VERDUN : ?4.