THE COOS KAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION FIVE pa T CopTrfglt lint ScWfucj & Mart iWW """"tuMMiiiiBi i m i ife lOU f iREVlTIK j Ing repairs. Uho was to start for Coos Hay ulther yesterday or tody. A bar mirvey Is to bo mntle boforo sho starts work, for the purpose of ascertain- Ing what needs to lia done. At Easter Time When you blossom out at Easter time with the rest of the people, and the rest of the world, you had better do it in a Hart Schaffner & Marx Varsity Five Suit. y Here they are in the different variations, two and three button models, plain and patch pockets, nifty stripes and fancy weaves. L ck. . J Hart Schaffner 1! Plenty of beautiful Easter suits at $18 to $35 V LMarx J r- p Hart Schaffner V S.Marx J Suits purchased from us pressed Free of charge Woolen Mill Stores MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND Dj AModitcd I'ren to Cum 1117 Tlmn.) ORKOON Fair, heavy frost tonight; winds berom liiK easterly. LOCAL TF.MPMRATURH HKCORR For tho 24 hours oncllng nt 1:43 a. m., Apr. 10. by llenj. Ostllnd, special government Motcorolqglst: Maximum ,V .Miiiliiiiini 31 At 4: 13 a. in 31 Precipitation 31 Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1015 . . 7G.0T. Picclpltiitlo'ti sauiu period lust year G 1 ..12 Wind, Southwest, cloudy. SL'XRISF. AM) SlJXSHT Wednesiliiy April 10. Sun rises nt 15:12 a nil Bet a nt 0:17. Muy lie S.uiu Man. In The Times Inst ovonlng apearcd part of a lottcr to tho mayor asking- tho present ' u llnrnnlintita .if '..v.nm1 1. VMII i.iuiiiiifiij wfc I) Uj IIJUIMI 1-. II III' e hi ins. (leorge K. Cook, secretary or tho Moobo, nt onco found out that ' one of tho lodgo members living at 4 ' Powers Is named Raymond F. Will plains. Mo did not know It this is ,! tho sit mo iniui, Inasmuch r.s In the Utter tho first namo stinted 'wlt,h a 4 V Instead of nn It. , 1 Say Cam In Cat. Four days the nuto of Frank Cntturlln tins stood on 4 tho dock. When ho went to got It 4. .this morning he found a mother cat and her litter of four husky, meowing youngsters enshrined In tho ton-' .ncaii. Ho fired thorn out, bng;ui;o and all, hut a inomont later they ,oro back ngaln. Tho family of .refugees then boat It for tho well filled sneka In F. D. FIctchor'B wnro-l, there to pioneer a now home. ' : i : S m we i o : BORN HtiNDHRHON Horn to Mr. and Sirs. J. Stanley llondorsnn, Wednesday, April l!Hh, u daughter. Hum Road Itlue Print Capt. IJrltt, of the Const Guard Station, has re-, col veil from Washington lilno. prints' of tho proposed roadway about the bluffH south of Coos Head to bo used in times of Hhlpwjrek, hurrying equipment to slragut'i' points. Ho doesn't appear satisfied with tho mute mnrkod out. An offlchil ciune horn and mapped It out according to tho oompnus and most of tho roadway will ho woll back from tho cliffs. It will be built by lli. Coast (luard .crow. foui Mtt Ladies have you examined the n2W suits we are receiv ing daily, and most of all the big saving of from 33 1-3 to half the price on every suit. All the latest styles. lmllCH Suit niatinlsli effect woiili double the price. WLol pop lin and French kcrfC's. ljtj.t0 $ I -" I? 1 1.75 Look at thee, examine tlio goods, riimpnro them with otheis iit. double (lie price. $l'.!..10t $11.7." 9KI..-JO lltic N a Dandy Illue PopllK Suit. While Itinitl trimmeit b-lt, flair bottom. $i!.-.0() value, price $18.." 6 Tho latest, in coats worth half tho price iiioro $.1.1)0, $7.11), $l).l)(, $ i:aiiillio these, try them on mill nco tho wiikiimn-lilp. 0rtalors Il&&gB&& Low Prices L ggVf-trr t m Next Door to Postoffice We Lead Others Follow Club AleetN I'rliliiy. Tho Paient' n.i.l l,.i. ... n....l.nM mil ... , Z , ,',,",i' 0,' l-ThonraH Dixon, vlll meet In the Hchoo housa Prhlay of j,,,, COI1,,ll0, w, u, M. ..t .... ococii. Arthur-Porks company (hat had the ' contract for building or the Wlllnin- ... T,T n T, , I ;Ulx'ioUo Pacific, enmo In last night over lllnry of t he Presbyterian church havo (ho mi1 Io g m) nn npeclIon ,rK I'liniimiiuii iiu;ir r.tiniur iiiriiu U'lU food sain. coming hero with W. It. Kontalne, ntslstant onglneor. 'Inn road will' ! not ho formally turned over to tli. , WnntN Money ..rk-U .1. Kanney , no,nrn ,,,.,,,,, ,,, Mr ,)xo . s Htartod Rtilffn ho Justlco court ( fto , ft ,.,,, H ,.,,,,,, alnst unrton O. Wutxlor for $l!l!,, ,,.i i. i. n... i... has against .i.i.iioi ihiiiiiii y. n-i.ini nn "'iJft rnys th and IntL'roKt ullwtoil to bo ilno.oa a')f . .' loan iiiaiio uvvonii moiiius ago Into .Vow Offlco Soon. Tin Wolls Knrgo officii will, bo innvnil from th'i Lockhart hulldliiR May 1 to tho now .. ... .-... ...... , iiiiiiTi'ii' worn i location In tho'lKhainrock building ' ,,. ...,., .,., on Koi III KronlWt. Tho .ob.h is'""- ,nn"1 now being put In hlmpo.for tho offlro his will bo tho latter ptrt nd pons'bly August I, though tlioro Is n probability of n, "shoo-fly" at tho Umpriua boroiv! thai. Steel work has alroady starlcd on tho draw of tho big bridge, tho t concrete work for thr center pier bo-. I Eggs For Easter For the Balance of This Week We Will Sell Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs, per doz. , 25c READ THESE PRICES Dairy Butter, 2 pound square - . 70ti Lauje Cabbafle Plants (early cabbage) per doz ... 10c Yakima Potatoss, per 100 lb. The Good Kind .. $2.45 Coos Bay Rhubarb, pound 5c Peanut Butter, 2 pounds 25c Small Dry Onions, pound 2c All Kinds Preserves and Jellies, 2 large 15 ounce Jars for ,. 35C GETTING'S CASH GROCERY We Save You Money PIvW 394. 130 North Broadway,' WVIVH. KOII oril KI'K(M.lHvTliny mean tn.mey In jour M.ckot front Hugnno InBt' ovonlng On an l-'Olt IIUXT KiirnlNhcd flnt, Jiot r .vVttkM H1' I. c",, n,or- bQt 5r,3 TlilV.L WISH. KIIHIIIDAN, Of tllO COOS FoTTilKNT. nnd t Long in Allmriiiciiie. Tho Times In in receipt of a letter from Hugh Long, ordering his copy of Th ) Times Hunt to Alhuiiior'iiio, Now Mexico, nud enclosing check for six months HiibHorlptlon. It ,1s uvlilunt tlinltlic Mexican baudltif'havon'H frlglitnneil Hugh. J PERSONAL MENTION J, W. l- MOWIION of .Vortli I.a'to was! among the v'sltors horo today. MItS. 11 A. WKI.I.H left nn tho morn ing train for a vlult in Portland. II. C. nilMt.S wont to Coiiulllo and ITandoii this morning on business. JA.MK8 K. COWAN cnino In lust ov oulng from IiIh homo at North l.iiko. uMnuuKinuiuuwuri uanumwonn inwrn nmimnnm Mcwim Are You In The Tvr it o -t-lr 4" ? o , . SUITS MADE, CLlEANED AND PRESSED JAY DOYLE'S Phone 250 246 Commercial Avenus TrTiirrMWT.awwfrm 0BLE THEATE TO-NIGHT KAKlN'v l'lKST M.irjhfiel(!'s T'lio-Pi-oof Tlicntor f;,,'d .Music anil tho Finest Pictures In tho World I I wP It li il r- t OYAL TONIGHT Irene Fenwick in "THE GREEN CLOAK" A five act mystery story in which love, murder and hypno tism play large parts. In to ISi'ilrrn, 'Iluiirnn I-'ergiiBon, Jr., ncHlMtant engliioer of tho Marsh. flold flro ilopiii'tmeiit.Mms handed In, IiIh roBlgnatlon to take lf rest May 1. GUHAI.I) HUNT, or tho fljordruni He la going hack Into tho transfer I conservatory, want to Coqulllo this business with his father, llo linn I morning. been with tho dopartmont for bettor'. JUHOK OUOItGi: WATKIN3 wont to than a your. ! Canaille this moriilng on legal - business. ('nines for u llnnM'y. ChoBtor A.jV. (5. IHNDMAIIBH. division' ongl- Caioy Is down from Allegany today, peer, was n victor hero toih'y' from '.Modern rlvo.iiiiiin Iiimi- conilonsary will Icnvo on tho Ado- Kuiow on ,oth nnd Commercial lino this ovonlng lor a biiilnds- Btru0t8, f IS.C0 per mouth. Apply trip to 8an Francisco. noln & Harvey. MAAnK't, WHITMAN, of tho J. C. vuvittTliUuH iiuulo rnini old r Ponnoy Hibro.Jart Uiln morning for ,lc(8 Addresa Kluff Hug Co., IJii. HoHoburg', oxpiictlng to bo gone a gono, Oro. ,, . row days on lustnos. ' ,;'.,,' ', ,,,, ,,,.,.',,, Mil, AND Mlta..C, II. PIIR8TO.W ofl ....., ' , 'uJ "l'" T" , Pnrt iiinil. nil lit rml iuimIi t.f 1o ' , I'rank I). Cohan, left this morning for bur homo tiftor a short vl!st hero. WILLIAM M. KAISKIt of North Lnko was bore today looking aftor sonio bus'iiosa in connection with tlioj1'0'' WALK K.itliv fiiinlslilngM of Must sell barber shop In, Hunk er HIM, Marahriold on account of il"iUh. Oood proposition for good barber. Apply Fred Mlllor Marshfluld, Oregon, Itouto , Ilox i. JOHNSON & FOWLER continue to please in their great dancing act. T'e f.orlt romantic star cr to contluonts, "LOU TRLLKOKN ' a I'laiuuatlon or "THR BXPLOHKR." Into ( f a" ailv'HurouB youth who lod an exploration (mrty loveO "lral Afr,ua aml v;,' ?'skod liroand honor for tho woawui ho ondi'irui scones or nutlvo lUp, and customs. j Teller h0 f ln,0,os,t t0 r nany patrons to know Ihaj Lou "fiiM.!',1 lH the ,,HBbanI or Ainorlcu's gTontost srand opera stur ,cr '"' t,JrGs will i)o shown making it an all foaturo uroj-rrm. Iivfcr AlN'THONY;s ORCHlfSTRA I3VBBY NIOIIT Moor 15 ,CIltH , Hnirony 10 ccnt.s Chllilrt'iT 5 cents Aphv?.RR0W Wfl',Ti- Viola Allen fu "THI3 WHITB 8UTER " wu win enjoy. Admission Low3r Floor 15c Balcony 10c i Coming Saturday "The Sentimental Lady." Coming the sensational story of life's pitfalls "Wom an and Wine" with William Elliot. Tor tho purpovo or loading another donkey onglno tor his rathor's-logging oamp on north Coos river, Tbo are now logging on tho Dan SUilnoni place whero tlioro Is about 7fi0,n00 root or timber to ho tnkon off. I North Lakn. MRS. K. R. lUHlK Is In tho city from Drtniimrk, having nonm ovor on tlio morning train. " THOMAS DIXQN. lth (ho vMcAr thiir-I'erks conjpauy, onuie In from' Bugono Inst ovenlng. Mlchh' Coming Rack. Word from' L. W. JACOIIS want ovor to Coqiillli Portluud states that tho uovornmon! on tho morning train to attend to bar dredgo Colonel P. S. Mlclilo on Monday floated out or tho 'Portland drydock whero sho has been nudqrgo. w h-v J ii' Hl'X VOUH Hlt'VCLi: by a Smith Motor W) eol. attachod In low thun r mlnutos; makes 100 milos on 1 gal. gasoline. First halt dozwi bold on 10 days free trial, also guaranteed by factory, a trco tilal rldo, cat aloKiie, literature, prlcoa, etc. can be had or C A. Pendleton. Coqullle, Ore., Agent for Cooa county, "Order Olympic Flour- it makes good broudaud biscuits." Mother. A Vinnlnfftlv piann ntui mire, r wliolesomo auu nutritions rondo from bo- lectetl North- western wheat Insist upon Olympic "(licreUu'l May Jail sonio biiRJnoss niiitterj. HKRUURT LOCKIIART toft for Port- laud this morning, called as a wit ness in tho (Jrnhain caso. JUJHirc JOHN S. COKU roturnod on Inst ovonlng train fioni Coiiulllo whoro ho had boon on court biifll-liesH. fI)R. .M ARSON, r.r Myrllo Point, ro- turned homo on tho morning train ! nitor u short profesIoiml visit ' hero. 1 OR. MINORS wont to Portland to day to appear as a witness In tho (Jiiibam c.ittn bolng tried (horo tjilsl WfOlC. MARK II. SAVAOH. or tho Amorlcanj LaFranco ,Fro KiiijIiio r(""iyyjy.j ennm back from Myrtlo Point Inst, fvrn'ng. ,r()" V R FONTAIN3.nslfltniit iinginpcr if the Willaiuctto Pacific, cbwit In cnunrotlng of tho tunnols north or Coos Way, . , FRHD (5LOVIJR or P.ullman, Wash., loft on tho morning train for his homo aftor looking ovor sonio business prospoets In this locality. Ho may return In tho summer. IIIJRHHRT ARMSTRONG or tun jijojitljorn Oregon Company, wont ' over to Coqulllo nud Rundou. tills morning, visiting suvoral saw mills to eeo about disposing of some logs. 1CAPT. JOK JtKNDUH, who -has bejn hero as luspoctor at tho Kruno and Hunks shipyard or (lid two steam schooners building 'tlioro, expects to ionvo tonight on tho Adeline for u brief visit In Snn Francisco. X NEW TODAY J FOR KALI.' U hlnglo huggit'N. tho Anderson rooniliig-liouao, ulso restaiirout equipment; center of busluosa district. Wilt sell cheap for cash. Lenso given on building R desired. Mrs, Thos. Anderson. Daiulou, Orogon. I OR SALl'J (iooil grailo HolMteln yearling ho'fers; 1 roglatercd Hol stelu bull, G mo. old. II, W. pan fird, piiinnbr, Oro., Phono a 103. I'OU HALU Four row's, li lielfers, 1 hull; registered Ayorslilres; all , solected stock from Punna's Calif, and Wnsh.'s best herds; heavy .producers. Wrlto Ilox 80, Onrdl nor, Oro, FOR HAM-: Olio I'la.say teglstorcil Jersey bull calf, whoho dam inllkcd 11,. 1(1(1 poiimls In (en month. Also cows and hoi fern, nil registered stock. Wrlto to F. A. SACC1II, Mai'Mhflelil, Oregon. $10.00 oiid '1 25.00. sou, I'liono r. I-J, C, A John- WA.NTMI) Position by stmiograpbor. Phono r.27, City. ow. lenciil 118-J. Ilox KOOU" L ?utai3ju4 9IULCn M r I!-ii.vwwi; ivri.itN.vriowii FLl'll) DIP Tlio fi'mil Antiseptic ('eriiiicldo ami lllslufoi't ant, for Lho Stock, In tho pretention of ciui tnglon ami Infection, : r-r.' I'ORRHNT I'IimnI fiiinlhlicd apts. In Marshflold. Freo b.-'.t nud wntor. $2ii.r0 ui, Myrtlo Arms. $ HALM Shetland puny, bug gy and harnqjs, completo, and In good shape Pony Is pcr pctly gentle and city broke Will rldo pr drive. Prlno ror entlro outfit. $1 :.':.. oo. phono no in, Ul.idys Nichols, Kmplro, Ore. UANTi:i Uciici-ul lioiiscUci-plu by expcrloncod girl. Phone 425 R VI. ( KV At Onlloii WANTICR Scaudluulaii gill for gviural boarding houso woik Phono 388-J. FOR ItKXT om I'uiiiUheil Flat J22 CO month, or will sol) furniture on rcasoublo tonus, phono 435-R. AT YOUR GROCER'S Feaii-uiD fioukuo UituOo fuaiujiB.Oauuv H. W. PAINTER, Distributor for Southwestern li THE BUSY HORNER DRUG STORE Phono i.'l8 Wo Deliver inimmllaloly I'OU RUNT Modern tiiiijgaluw; steam beat, also apartment with .. .,. l.nn .....I .....,A .1,. - ... T iixii iiuivi unit ti(ui, i-iiuuu t(U, W. pVi)HBflU, i KHHBHHPHHHHHHE lOh! Ymil ; j - . m, x w. I Buyer I have you figured I how much you are pay- I ing for Hardware and Implements, Paints and I Oil? You will do well to I see us at once I Schroeder Qtb 1 HiKdenbraiid 1 Phono 77 I BICYCLE TIRES Huy Them From Us, W ClmrKo NothlHK to Put Tbwu on Your Wlwul MARSHFIEID-CYCLERY LlEHUqg PRiNJINS -IQ-IH5 QQQS BAY TIM!