FOUR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1916 EVENING EDITION COOS BAY TIMES . O'. MALONBV, Kdltor Jind Pub. DAN E. MALONEJT, News Editor Official OfffrUI I'npcr of 1'anor Citv Coos County of Mnrnliflold. KASTKIt, A IMIOMIHK KKI'T EASTKH la a promlso fulfilled. It RtandB pro-oinlnent n a sea son of renewed Iionc, ondowed wltli a stupendous alinilflcanco to a ! f'lirlnllnn tinnnln HVtnlinllzltiir nil niion V w ,..,..-,-., o ---- -. door to Immortality through which mankind catches glimpses of the llfo . ctQ nal. 1 ThroiighmBes of donht and ilolatry f tho pcoplp looked for a coming wa !$' vlpur tnd oven through tho agony iff of tho crucifixion, Jesus' promlso to ' Ills followers permeated tho dark ' ncss Illuminating' tho gloom with the liopo of Ills resurrection. Hackward through tho vistas of time; tho betrayal of Jesus. crucifixion. : AMONG THE SICK X Mrs. II. P. Shull, of Myrtlo Point, underwent a minor operation at tho Moiicy hospital yesterday. Slio Js getting along very well. Glen Kinney, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kinney, is recovering from n second had hrcak of tho right arm. Carl' 1'eterson, son of Mr. and .Airs. Olo Peterson, of Uastsldo, Is 111 of pneumonia. Dorothy IMcLaggon, daughter of Mr. and Mr. McLaggon, of Eastsldc, with the pneumonia. Pred Uarnard Is In from Powers to receive medical treatment. Tho daughter of Mr. nnd'OIrs. A. Sandon, of Flagstaff, is in lied, mir roring from the grippe. MTDfl TO SPEAK Coos Bayites in San Francisco aim: iio(mi:i poii coiwtv oka-' TOItlCAIi C()XTi:.ST KIMDAV I To llo StJgcI fa Ijocal High School Auditorium II Kntri's Piom ScIiooIh of County Not lloftf Vol. Though State puino Warden Carl Shoemaker has been Tho expected horo for tho last four or Darkness volla tho face nvo days ho has not yet put In an np- I." of tho earth. Tlio hurlnl of Jesus, pcarauco. Word from Kugone Is to TIio stono roiiou uacit rrom 1110 sop- tho offect that yestorday ho went tilchor. The resurrection. Angelic ncntlnols stand guard nt the desorted tomh of tho risen Lord. Mary Mag dalcno Keeking tho Lord. Christ's ndmonltlon and dlvluo assurance, "Pear not." Calvary Interpreted Doath iraiiBflgurcd. Llfo eternal. ClirlHt triumphnnt. Winter, with her chili und biting winds, throws off her dull gray inan Mo and unturo HUhstltuteM n brighter garb of vivid green and tho celebra tion of tho resurrection of our Lord Is ushorcd In by (ho jiIuiIiiphh of sprng. Joy, Joy, Joy; come, come, romo; rosouni) tho melodloiiH volco from tho fionorotiB church IioIIh. Tho hospitable church door stands Invitingly open to ndmlt tho motley throng, wending its way to tho wuieliinry, from whoso bedecked Intoi'lor tho iieenly Illy and stately palm nod u welcomo to oil. Tho atmosphere pulHates with rojuvonnted hope. The organ throbs with Joy and thundorH forth hor wolcomo to all In a glad anthem of triumph. The subtle perfiintu of flowers onvolnps all .in commemoration of ChrlHt's glorious resurrection while worship pors Join with tho celestial host In u triumphant choriis:"Chrlat Is risen! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Christ Is rlson.!" with a party up tw tho Poujade Btatc fish hntchory on tho McKonzIo river, out from Eugene. Prom this It Is Judged, however, that ho is gradually but surely edging his way toward the Coos Iftiy country. $ X ANNUAL AVERAGE J X RAIN ON COOS BAY X $ Thero has been a good deal of dispute and questions asked iu ub to what Is tho average nunuul rain fall for Coob Hay. Taking accur ate figures furnished by tho weath er bin can for tho basis the avorago for tho past fourteen years since rccord3 lutvo bocn kept the nuuunl average Is 0.1.0 C. Tho gieatoHt amount or rainfall any one year wns 78.7M Inches In 1007. i:ory year thero was a killing frost, generally late In tho season. Thom were sovoral years whon the rainfall for this locality wan not kept completely so years are not figured In roaching tho gonornl avorago. ' HACK KllOM CUHP.V II. S,' Murphy leturncd last ev- enli.g after two wooks spout In (laid Honrh iittcudlug to legal busliiesn. With tho oxcoptlon of tho Myrfle Point and Coos P.lver high schools all entries are In for tho county ora torical contest to bo held here Prlday evening in the high school nudltorl-jini. Thero arc two separate contouts, ono for the boys and one for tho girls. Should Julian Lcslio, of Cotiulllo, win this year, the McCormnc cup would become tho possession of his high school inasmuch as twlco In siicccd- tilon It has go no to tho county scat. A North Uend girl last year won tho County Association cup for tho yeir. Tho entries received follow: Prom Mnrshfleld: "What Camo of Slitvln" . . v H ti tli Dungan "Tribute to darflold" William McDonald Prom .Vorth ITond: ' "Tho Wild Ollvo WroaUi" Olive Philips "Tho Shadow of tho Cross" Carl llaub ('Yon! Coqulllo: "Her First Appcurnnro" Mini Ada Downs "John Drown" Julian Losllo Prom Ilandon: - "Ilr.lchnzrur'H I'Vast" .Hollo Chitpburn "Patrlek Henry" ...Harold Johnson Tlio Judges aro sunposed to bo tho various city school suporlntendontH though II is probablo that oi-o Judge will ho brought from somewhere In tho Willamette Vnlloy. Tho entire cost of tlio contest Is shouldered by tho local high school and a strong ro resontatlon Prlday evening i urged. i.ookixu aicthh Pit.'crirn Dr. J. T. McCormac Is looking af ter tho practice of Dr. 12. Mtngus whlio tho latter Is In Portland as a witness in tho caso of Oralian. against Spreeklcs and tho Southern Pacific. What are Tories? Torlc Lensss arc shaped like the bowl of a spoon with the deep concave surface towards the cornea of the eye, thus preventing reflections from the back and allowing a much wider angle of vision, besides bringing the lenses closer to the eyes without the lashes touching. 270 Front St. Come In And See Them TOWER'S (JOT HKIM.I.V I.KTTKH Charles McCloes. wan down from tho Hub storo nt Powers, returning homo last ovonlng. Ho wns tolling his friends of lottor from a friend In Berlin, stating tho boiler there Is that ICnglaud oxpocts to talto over tho United Steles Inter on. It Is nlso said that tho rood supply In (Jori'i'Miv I orv good. Burpee's 5-10-15 Store Rooms 50c up Per Day. Also Housekeeping Apartments. Special Rates by Week or Month 4 See our Easter goods before you buy. We have a fine line of Baskets and Novelties. TliGn Wn Will Imvo n cnnnhl fn r.nJ lMMn ..... I vii moui uuno nun ittuujj, many i patterns, all to go at 1 cant a yard. Come in and look at our big FAMILY HOTEL AND APART- MENTS free bus Meets all TRAINS The Lloyd bargains for little money. BURPEE'S 5-10-15 STORE HANSEN'S Transfer Co. A. HANSEN, PROPRIETOR L. V. Bridges, Proprietor Marshfield Oregon Riversby Asparagus Fresh daily via Wells Fargo from Eugene. Put up in No. You, too, can be comfortable You; who nre hard to fit For we have shoes for just such feet; and know how to fit them. Should your foot be thin through heel and instep the Nettleton Composite will solve your shoe problems. Made of soft, long - wearing Glazed Kid Skin Two sizes under through heel and instep. A handsome all-around shoe. $7.00 and Worth It rs5ii GORDON'S SHOO STORE YOU PULL FOR US and WE! WILL HAUL FOR YOU 1 Bunches, graded and sorted. Shoes of Merit Only. All Kinds of Hauling Transfer Work iCUT frnsli in tho nvnninn nnrl and (reaches you the next morning. Stand, Corner Front St. and Market Avenue Office Phone 1 61 X Residence Phone 49-R Marshfield. Oregon ITS? I I-'OK KKNT. J HOO.MB, noo to $1.00 Day; j $2 to $.t Wwkj Housokcep- I lug Apts., $H mo, up. IVeo j bath. Lloyd Hotel AptH. I V. J. HCAIFJU U A. 11. IIOIKJIWH WE are the sole agents for this , MnrchfioM l A,NT AND brand of asparagus for Marsh-! "q"1rl: DECORATING held. GRAPE FRUIT another shipment of the Cali fornia kind to arrive Thursday which. we are again selling for 8 for 25c, fancy apples $1.20, $1.50 a box. Warner'sGrocery CO k'Unmte Furui!ied t'honf I4H.U Mrifllci OrfM, B L HC 0 , The Public Service Hotel lias .Jiiot boon tliorounlily romnt !, ami tipoiifil to the public Mittvli J Iht, 11)1(1. Soino of (ho fonluros of tills oh hostelry MI0, froo oin-' plojment burtMii, fi-oo hOln room, Infoi matloii bulletin mill kluil treat icnt. Tho patndiaKo tho public li miIIiKimI. I Hiavco iiorrii SI27 Xorth I'nmt mhhi , 1'llOIU) lll-Ii. I (Uy Mall to Tlio Times. SAN FRANCISCO, April 10. Mrs. Leslie G, Johnson, formerly of Myrtlo Point nnil Marsliflohl, Is now In St. Luke's liospltnl In Sun Finnclsco where she lias ro Binned her former vocation iih n nurse. According to filentls horo, she and JJr. Joliiivon hmo nsroed to sever their marital lelntlons ,nild divorce piocoetlliiKS hao already boon Instituted. The nows .will probably come as a surprlsa t to their many Myrtlo Point ntul Coos Ray frlentl3. t Harry Skinner, formorly asont of the Steamer Alliance In Multifield, In now eugagod iu tlio real cstute Inisluoss In San Francisco. 'I , 'h lunilo jHtla A. 12. Polloxfen, who homo In Mnrsoflold a few years ago, Is now residing at Mill Valley nnil Is engaged iu tlio ronl estate nrss liere. Recently lie has been dolnt; qulto well. vlicro ho was callod by tho dcatli of a rolatle. and Clias. Merchant, son of Mr. Mrs. W. T. Mercliant of Mnrahflohl, Is dty sak'sinan for tlio lliake McFall Paper coinpany and Iu said to he doing well. Frtonds of Harry Reynold. for; nurly liursor on tlio Nanil Smith and well known In Mnrsliflold, hac nut ln'sril fiom him slnco his iul- Ic.i dlHappDaiunco a few inoiltha iK". Ho becunio Involved Jn his nrcountfj ulth tlio C. A, Smith com pany and a bank in Marshfield but this "us wtw promptly adl,,., T of ll- Tl. dlscTonaLrN K'cnt hut the contliiu. ' once of Mr n! n ZTih Bdmo of his friend,, J. ' li ""HIT. Beit McC'olliim. n i1M.t. M.'Go)lum or Nortll '"erM inoily iiur.n, on tho llrJu '"' ,0'- "tor on th, Wu8hinBton iB7,M Sun,m,Uhoau.!slltUvIn nd0tl(r '. Re had;ntBlnrr,J Uceil horo ., LS'.naW I'nru but 1,!. ..rT Anera Balil and In. losi m. "...r9i I'ujiuoa, mMnm'm Fred Wilson of Mnrshflold lias bcou visiting his motlior, Mrs. Wilson ofj Siiranor, who linn hoen roceUliiE mod-' Lowls Lewollyn, formerly of Myr- jcn troatment horo for-tho last few tlO Polllt, KOt llitt first bUllll) flOIll Inwinllm Ihi lc -ilun flffiirlnu mi mif.l lUManiiiK1 nn .uuu uonise tor ins tin- (leriaivius uiiHiiieoB in .Mnrsiiueiu Hill tllllnll linni tlila u-nnlr I let nnil ' his brother tried to enter the U. S. Navy but Lowls fulled to pass al though "Ills yoiingor brothor was ad mitted. Lowls Hocuied a good job In n iilcl:sllvor mine but nftor lie had hoen to work a abort tlmo, the walking delegate of tho Union ap pealed on tlio Fceiu. Lewis, not having a card, Is now minim a Job. J Victor Dlninilclt, formcily of Marshflold and u sou of County Treasuior T. M. Dliuinlck or Co inlllf, Is omphiyed a.i a cluii; In the Hmpnrlum. ono of San Fran- "Ikco'r big HtorH. : : Mrs. V. .1. Smith or Sun Francis, co in planning to spoud most or tho Htiiuiner as the guont of tier mon, Fiod smith, ut the Myrtle Arms. : C. A. Smith and wRo have been npondlng tho last row we"ki nt Fhw no, California. Mrs. Vernon A. Smith ami nnliy a-e now In MlnncupollH visiting hor jmrents nnd other rol:itles. " ilie cloaca the doal, ho oxpects It will kroach MorHhrlold In about two weeku R. A. (Iniham, hulldor of tlio Coos, liny Roesburg & Rastorn is stopping I at tho Fairmont hotel horo r.ud Is' in dnppor as over. Ho a oulil to biS in the employ of tho Allies to look after tho shipment of supplies anil i iiiiiiniiiiltlon from Snn Frtuu Isco. Mr. j Graham Is still fighting for about $;i0,-O()0 which ho claims Is duo him rh nmnHKor of tho Coos Raj. Ro.ip- Lurg & KiiRlcni and tills week busi bis I'lnlni oil trial in rodorul court Iu Poithiud. lie bases his claim on an axrunmmit Willi tho direclois of the load that ho was to tecolvu $10.-, 000 per j ear us munnxor of the com-1 irnny Mhon tho 'bonds of tho lino' wei'i old. Tho Southern I'mlfli , whlcti purcliHtied tho loml rrom the SpiorkolR ItiteiVHtM is riKbllng his c'nlm. 1 v I Paul Dlmmlck, liead or the North ' Pi'iiil Lumber company, lias Just u-1 tn nt (I hern rrom Cleveland, Oliio, Tmv www f 3 U '"'ft 3 Ji growing rfjj H m ."irarsiis Mi7 jl. wjpAdaany tJTOjfg rg;3EigffigmBaiffwrgTiagga "OJr rJii Womeiii inn Sonflthwestem Oregon. The Fashion's Pre-Eastcr EventsIn ladies rcadv to wear. ' Now the most wonderfully complete assortments In la dies coats, suits, dresses, sfcirls and waists. The smartest apparel at moderate prices in the historv of the Fashion Store. ' Friday and Saturday should be the days for clioosinq Easter apparel. You can't delay much later and rjet the proper fittings Astonishing values comhiand your appearance at the Fashion Store before you decide elsewhere. It is a supreme Pre-Eastcr event combining styles with economy. Come. Store MniUMiMiwnmnf JBBBBBJ3PBHHpjBBBBYTVjpr)I I ' AjSffjvfti The Fashion Where Smart Styles Meet Modsratc Prices 180 Central Ave. i assTxreRyrosxsrasw wn rManaivnorvi mmmmafflmmmM&mmmMsmmfflM&i ' . . O.. & A Design Your Own Suit fr'5. I.vJ'JiJ' hi cjaisv1 w :x i iOYt 't'MGvalJPiilirirfiii J v -n zL tjutivy- v. 9 dfigi AT7VV 'l i y . T wmm m HAT is your pleasure concerning that new Spring suit of yours? Do you want it ultra vogue-ish in cut or sedately conservative? Do you like long, narrow, peaked lapels? Or short and stocky ones? A snug,' close fitting waist-line? A soft, pliant, English coat-front? And as to fabric? Subdued and soft hues? Or bright, youth some colors? Stripes? Checks? Plaids? Plains? H'ard finish or soft? Domestic or imported? oint your own taste. You write your own -ticket when your suit is Royal Tailored-to-your-order. Select the woolen from the largest collection of fine custom tailpr fabrics to be found in America. Choose the fashion from 74 distinct style plates. Royal clothes are always made-to-order. But that' means, to the order of your preferences as well as to the dimensions of your body. $16 $20 $25 BeS MARSHFIELD NORTH BEND $3 T'llf ' ' ' " 4 PHONES 85,305 r-MawMitftihMn '..